y I Iâlivad AMUot, 1 hm bovit John nan- maed1m oady ay u fO l"p foraO i pR ima l ri 6à for bis «BIar van&s ;ik .aaddition t10 bis m~stvlng u iln Md 1mSi1. of ril =2W. un- doi Augum RIrs0W m" laever! Sun- 10Mudla tbhe ven- = M WnmI o « S olt u.ie7. m masclbSi OonuaaoudsmU hava, of Eloornington, film., i. ami lira La.moa. our OhUstIan Eadomraeis Bd the eonv.5iliCB aI ivanlice, aie lhm n md Jo.iel ,re atonang achool at nov da"anar miiucoroF' Md bd"a Da OMagh mmd W I no.. ' nsmd Mttt,*Ni 1' h ~dur11 W.N. Il Et :M:bsesnth MU[be arie Austin je vlmîilnc in, 1. 2. x UPêta day or ivo o1 I vde ç nOheg.- Mise 8 mi et oit, Wila., spent st~làt -.oTe bis Place. ML r.AilUM Md Mylirateo. Brooks, o1 Gajs Crneavwtild la Russe» Ibis 1fr. mmd Mia ailli, of Union Grove, Sai4 pfflluai vith the, fami&Y (if NMj«» Hna arvey vent lu Wauke- U&em, Monda, te attend the 1gb Msckooi u e blc.j Chs. Toniazbas moved hie famlly lie1the bonne beionging te Frank rhaherlet door tlte 1e atmarket. Pied lUylhasquit. voîk utth11e brick aMd 11e faclory and viii go 10 michgaate look up a location for! a future mAdes. Henry Wighit mtended tbe National G. A. IL ernesupmet aI et. Paul, 'Nia, and vii ulrelativeasunIo-a, - lb.e hoavard trip. 3&.,Titiu, of Reno"a, Wia.,' bas meG dhim famiiy lie 1Mr. Lultia' hom, eMaot fl traek and viii be a rolelo!01GFaYalake hereatter. 1fr. its Lot hlm band eaught iu a uaatueai t1e brick aud t11e faetory MMmaNonday cutting hlm badly. dimabUug hlm train vork for some Urne. à amiber of oui tovus people are augering fron bay fever. Samn Lltwller vas a.rloualy I i vii th1e pasi veek and a rooeat vnltlng lan.1111 suffering The Mimes Penion, of Summerdale, wko apet their summer vacation wlth theïr mmUnIr. Wayne Harvey and orm relatives herombouis, have re- tuns.4 le Ibeir home. sasse order, M tuw l liog "oeor. TblIi4 à ='rtr vii be 01os fraite meetig. The-115 lea .1.1. ver, as foliova: 1!ci. J. Gr&ba., Worthy CbancOeo. X. B- SherMM-n W. Vice ChanSUàelIoL -* . 8arýVeoY, «W. Reorder; Wm. DogItl% W. Treastire; unra Psnnle MurpIroi. W. (ihnglaa; A Q. Murrie, 'W. -eduotor. Bd Drue. W. 8entila C1*AOaTovwaeUd, W. Guard; S. P. 1t;4;;, John couverse, B. M. Coasma, Dirtohars Wondrffut afte mm cuesby Hood's B*arsapadila an4yet St la only becaus ash1e one true blood purl4erSt au" pare, nis, bealthy, llgltvlg blood. Hood's PIÎii' 111teiver sud bowels, act eaaPy, yet precptly. 230- EVERETT. Mfr. P. J. Knookenmnés épent Wed. neaday aftertloouataiIdea Park roa. Nert Suaday th1e Everetta vili play thse lîghiand Park base bail aine ai Clybourne Park. If you have ever scen a litile child la the agony of entamer coimplaint. you eau reallie 1the danger of 1the trouble and appreclate th1e value ai instautaneous relief alwaya afforded by DeWltt's Colle A Choiera Cure. For dysentery and diarrboea It le a rellabie remedy. We couid not afford to recommeud this as a cure unlesa It were a cure. For sale by F. B. Lovell, LibertYvillO and (G. C. Rfoberts, Vau- coulda. At the liefltc given by thse carpen- ter's union of, Lake Forest lait Monday ai ibis place tvo plcked base bal nines crosaed bat. for green goode honora snd a large purse. Gaie re- celpt5 iu reoeiver's banda until furtber uotice. The contesting aInes vere Lake Forest auci Everett. Conway pitched a good gaine and many of 1the Sand pushera dropped their bats dis- gusted after three desperate efforts to strike the baU. Kerrigau pitched au admirable gamne, but falled in de- ceiving thse practical and experleneed eyeà o! our boys. i3attery: Everet- Conway and Redmond; Lake Fores- Kerr igan snd ichards. Score: Lake Forest, 1; Evereti, 4. Lasi Suaday thse Evereit base ball aiue played a plcked Norths Chicago and Bluff itCty teami on th1e Everet ground. Norths Chi cago won by a score o!13 to 8. The visi1tiug aine was made up of four North CChicago8, three Bluff .Ciles aud a Chicago batter!. backed. (EIJRN'I 4veMolley B 3 BY uy.n Thesu OF El B. Shierman, GRAYSLAKER The Libertyville Photographer, Wili b. prepared to take Photos on the Fair Grounds'du ring the Fair at Prices f rom $1.00 to $3.00 per Doz. --Don't fail to visit the Studio. Real Estate, Renting and re> gai goo for Ca IR h-ets --«m.,- - -- .~ .auUli. Austin, bvng discoutlnned his up by a bosi o! bowling freaksandau( aOM»ue mr 11eb m feqtuen trpo th1e lakes bas dia- pugullailo aspirant.-latUhe fournis lu- omund« àwmby. pensaitod h services of iei baker, niag as diaturbanee arose among semne bai r~aing Tun)mi". r >'zî. But ilaspite of o! tise spectators ain regard te the re- %al se u Mad oke «"Ibi Mr. Austin .1111 keepsa stirai spective abillty of tis ecoaiestilg bcl PlM" evening ohm abkery vith treah bread stufi ulases, and visen atitli beigisi, a large, aboum et thefve s-a1U75 on baud. burly, greimy-faced NotsCiicageu Lt «Yeregoenmd bave Arthur Rtta vho, pnrcbsaed Mr. ntshied int sud mnnifeNied a desire tu lot Touées Mosat Maket took possesion down a ev peaeeful on-lookers. But1 a»iJOUIR Wb iganodmaad bas moved bie tamlly laio linding tlîey cotild not bce devouned La a Seft V091s alt" It" beppur noomm 0ci1the building. 1fr. sud vere nOt lt fer sprinters, h11e ca. VillAsmd HIeke lutte, viniil n a rutclama muat beata s sy retreat,w~onderiug isai b blomg% a Jean teUmarbet, diapmniug strictly !resh meut his nexi bluff ougisite obe. Excepi te a" MxS", in. mteasm bleprices .for a tes' errera tise gainsewas lonely reNig sdY tI Ch*& -Love, of Bping Valley, Min.,plsyed by lotis aines. Tise Everetta e' us., 1Mse ak eotI .. v»Ibls atsIhis childhood day. in 11111 Play the> saine teaus tai ny lime1 Mt t tâe te ."q= ofltnevral aysof hisfor aasy purse desirable. Batteries:. O 4»p<tr . in Qimk la0" k"0 ith biseaut, Mrs. Evereti 'iuppir sud Moran, Heim [L dIwo"laP l~~(oa eqgidc"*k. Bis smny rieudsw~iîj adndlsg; Noth Chicago-McDoinaid s bruili cuselie plaise4 10 kaov lta"hie father, %ho eand Hayes. a plyeois.1wbt l ll v semany yeara la botter. Dec McGovÂn. f ,E Il d; Sita A toma of horso. beiongiug te 1Mr. Ours viiiSiva, t W Vii Wilson, of Long Lake, broe 0e Open for Business. sl>5$wOliidrOB. Il 15loosfrom a pot infront of Kebker's L. C. itty & Son have opeaed s IlseI UaoiJ 84M anmd dahed dovu the street. seat market ai Grayslake. Tisey have uti *1 à " P Fer G 0 W . they Sutte.0111ecorner of Lake t ,cenmrecryago LibUyvllemmdG. . a-iPumer streets lhey turned tise aul,8ansssktcrr g OflS5 to100qiiekiy,, tbroving oue stock. Tiseir pricea are sîgisi. 4 TAKISIC. base la the.diteli and badly smaasinug rrA isi. ta. ping vagon. The herse, vert> NSki Cois borne quit. ulib1111urt. Oîanoue silence. Thomo trainoui et tovu vise regisiter- «The 1amy voman," Id tise cosler- ganImmi, 0f Barril»o%, .4Mth11e Grayalae hoeltiese vative bourder, "lu mootly talk.'" L vqok voie: J. Gibson, Springfield, "Tan 1 amn te understandý," Mid the. bhigam I isav us agae fif'R. à. ranu, ilmetie, Ili.; Win. eherful Idiot, -tb&t .1e does nouidiffer 3oornagon lvla, Rocktord; E. P'. Dodge, mueraiy rom tise old style of vo- toux tri ibarn; l amidlira@lBreoks, Walter a, eh?" = T. Warren, Ur and 1fra John oliiey, The bachbelor boarder adimtted tise ber &t-UMvern. Jr., Mi and Mrs Theu. Elmer, Mr and trath o! tb. contention, but the marrled sly OOewOunthle tailer- Unr Jas. Grande, 1fr and Mrs Walter boardor saad nothisng.-Iudiaaapolla dinger, *10 h01 ebl,,. Oison,aMd Chm. Bis, o! Chicago. ua& trouble Sizée of5A0. Peter Arndt, Edgewaier,j Sisen0f ir. Mte J. J. Longabaugh accompasied by nIiUehod Repartre. bas rturue If> e oars. Mufllaore vent lait week te The lady vas makiiig nome neuark unsoaalerif vitteg lok over the Wsconsin laid for about tise kind of clothes nmre otiser Istai boe md inla"11 wheh 1fr. Longabaugb han tise Lake ladies at cisusrg had on, whvberusenl- eoaMyagency. The gsntlemen namned bond remarked: 8 i » o Ion laOeMaMYw eeao vWOUpleaaed wvus tise lasd "Tb* ineet germent a voman can abesme,labo la inl isaIt hee. purcbased elgbiy acres ver la the mande of cbarity."' -eieqo Lamber Co., e te604and viii go oui nont aprlng te !o * ~ ~ ~ l' bu mvlya: 441 bave 1mI uitOM lti. NU. Lonabaisgh breugisi Yiýl b nppd 'n I' bu asitin. sci e mybacivithhlm ornefinespecîntne b.ouly one nmre buabanda vaut tiseir kg iii, .o=Ulsth", 1 Mmlanmd vegetables raised on the vives to vear.»'-TIt-BIts. bob"i mue 10 bli 05"" Hd'tHveBbut emi ta eldfri reu.Nlr, oyal Nighbors of Mizpai casmp She ane.<Baie su ptliemsy. $moi t 1 o he aubeè of ninuteen, Bail ladaiblii lesly tvo e! Mm. Gardinier'. btb at 1 should have married ap 4owM ~'f5 maI eaday md leaving the Hall al ul Sam pui MtbW I 4iabout 28 P. m., batook themaelvea go eucwened beneatis ber angry ed Q. 0. A*teWa- 0 auonda te visit AliceCamp, X. frown. N. A. They veeauin t gleeful spirite, i ' Wbiydldn't your father teaeh yen *ad ahougli the driver teck them a 1ev te Cook lntead 0f lettiug yoq frit- *AN? WHY? round about vay dslmyiug ibelr vîsit tan q.vlm your Uime aet*the planr n04ve1.90by gon manboum or Ivo, ne complaintis vers, l~u vWgfra el h M "" tibud1 1< na teldie mln la agood, gr~ b.~ er bat sud tartsd for a ras- M M ma" UVj foke. Whbn bohy 1mai17arivedet0 i &,y e-seting vbee, V and thsy veresieceived by the tamf»t-New York WorMd. ad a commun a105 ise ladies o Aice. Camp l in Uelghbor. ~q.uess pt fot os sIo. Tise Oracle lmmedla$ely Rteatiusd by Prida. 4epwMd larger l = thle camp to order and diopaseG Magtiate - W ruthU*1e charge unMY betI .th le;business of the m!erneou., 5umjpt tislemais? Jobs ambneTbore Seing no candidates te Initl ee OGlE-Botinis vie, y700 vue- Ii «Write for foaishcamp vont îbieugh vits pari et sbW#î but bre'. a stateneltfront hie J. P. WauAms. t"evagi for mutuel beneli. The 'thlsaiho ddlnt hurt lier ____________ vrs ers then al MttmteWy at Mah bre te tes. ino1Manlercun here tisey poeson? _ Gale.. greMed by s banquttable IUtee-Ssdos' li e enelt ticees nbnig re tudmolisp Falc in <b «miadaDo a gurofts enlorlanthe My ejffleod- ncelotro olumeTi-tLnonhIs ahip buleéen 11e voamps 1 prove : _______jeVolume noho tabosu nmy tis 'cley sue muilto SapetCf for. thu. Thompa e r uvouoitle TeTn QueDea idme. ou e sud m, ay trmi, ia1S F. gIov a I ~o., 1dm. »0dee, W etIhaS~~I~U~*f Life Insurànfce Agency. List your property 'with me and Also Solicitor and wiIl find you a customer at asonable rates. Among numerous choice bar- Subscription News Agent aie, 1 have the following: LibertyvillO City Proporty. Haif ae lot with elgbt room mod.-rn hou^~i Pubi ishers und well. csI.ttern.shsàde aud fruit treemcb.-ai )r cakh. or un reasonable terms. For sFrtucwew building 214o foet. cheal fir LOW EST PR ICES, Cholee Lotm 5icyl5g, fet at trom tio tu lau Wchý on ail Periodicals. [Tle Darby £rperty-large housê', lut sud arn ou 11h jeton 8t for sale or relit. 1Farm Proporty. For Sale lo> acre fin proved tarm on banks of Oagc-m dwký. Prbs' $e) per acre. part csh.,lalaiïee If you wa nt to Buy or [nu tînt.-at low rate of luterest. 140 aeres lxnproved ferm adjacent to Third Rent Lake County ,k.-. Lîbe-ral ters-s. msacreson Milwaukee rotaI, bouse, lrg REAL ESTATE, mrnt?,oo goed[neq>. 2 gond s'eU. goud cet,- ru. 2o acres timber. Pries tu pe-r aerm. par t mh. balane- on time St 6 ver cent. B,PSure to Cail. ,on, inj acres, hait s'ay bo-tveen Warr-ntoun rove aud (irayalae four nill.s north oi date ot cultîvatien. ne vaste land. good nock or dairy fan. neyer lailing ,vrlng andLbery le, - I Rowug stream. Terms liberaL1 ib ry leI )ck, Ilinois. -CITY Or- LOi.J--' Belveen Chiýo md 54 S. 1sal Mmd bouton UroM~sSm. da 0 sga aumr al rgla te 48 aRvait sv., 100! WVADUAyAV. . H. G4aemPros, F. BAIRYSTaOW. Nauaft a itrre marble Grant. )à on u we ni.. CEMETERY of EVERY DECRIPTION. Harveat Exoursil. In order 10 give evsiyone a opporiuaiy 10500 lIegraeropa la thse Wetern slat« mad mable th. liendiug aMU@tIli oeurs a borne, the Chicago, MiwaLko e St PaulY. bas arranged to raa esor tes ! o excursion& te Bouth Mmd illi hDakO6a, and tu other slalomtlavos ot Ob@m4 and toutis-weni on the foivagte: Juiy 21. Agust 4and l, S-a-,1. rate of ivo dollas moe tm tssorne*» for the round trip. TAcheta vi»b. goal for retura on a"5n7 7oady or Frlday vitisin lveatY.010dayffotmi dat.etf mie. For rates, lime c ai na and taniser detailm apily te 58"Yticke agent o! the Chicafo, - WvUk e t. Paul Ry. U-M. N USYST*EMAT-ICALLY 1 amn çesirous of making the LAKE COUNTY PAIR The best Co'unty Fair in'Illinois. Therefore 1 m(pI go to great trouble and expense this fail to '-UNSYSTEMATICALLY exhibit Machinery and Carrnages, such as single and doudle Carriagps and Surries, Farmn, Road and Truck Wago ns, Windrmilis, Pumps, Cutters and Grinders, Corn Huskers, Fodder Shredders, Plows Etc. The.Machinery is expected toQ move by STEAM AND WIIO Therefore this departmeënt alone wiII be worth your timne and money, to visit the Great YourslQwî I 0 1 umiý ý Il ýl