lte 4a18q% stergne - séas tiut 0 ut ~tbê shu tters Iht by lt de- aivefflsibis ruete «,pzo-408éIdba taarmu beegme sussetbat ftet ver. aMp- H.turnedhlPak bSoes el~ t o ithe souad 82g @ian bleu# tloe tothé viii thé Igure S ésl tn't wvouan. 5h. carrisi -uje bani BC Uut ofthis 1i poeth te taula0f hauf a dosi "Mténoo," Id tihe Woman,,eDterlug gqtobt-,. shme- ser*~bi ye l bsagt éu % h. vhiapered hoansely, "anti as uogver yqu av. Are you Song te -hao «om aia tes, Mr. Tlmmonr isakoi tbte , man la a toue and manne? jt a wavkeneti Intereet. q "J0Iamrneft sxpectîng anuraon. 1I' !m »Oangte have teaaillby nyself.1i1W MM wy bsey mt now. i havé hati aw ýi@1wtoeida--a fé l'ours ag-"' o UW44l. wviapereti thé voman, cager- 0 "R" il.Hesbenta Milwaukee and 0à @rrsn ail They'll také évey bit *iiey qui »et and psy a goot ipt-tvlce se m g oul h. got otherwnls-from "FIne I Fine! Tou knov, bMr. Tim- t mens, boy bard ILtlh ta finti a bit nov, aid te ge t tIle for t as n-e have beén -, anuig la verr liat-netrt-breaklng. It t SbW U althé sprt out af Tom." b"Xqn! la Tom? la hé on thé drink?" Il hé laut.". -r ¶'batgs s ba sigi." %mie ànmarose aid lie handeti ler Smouéy. Thon iollovcti a long, awmmgéd dialogué in vhicb shé bot- :é4la moqand ho fily, but playfuily,k Wgéber. Thensthe vent avay, ant i Xe.t, Jlb Timmons vas bift once more Bé toutk up the basket, drev out thé moeom kéver blir h liiwuascloeéd,a mougt thé berrlîgs la a hiadle and tV a * bebWt hlm on the ritty earthéna l ee. o pened the bag that lar b.-a *M éeréd Inta IL Holding kh bsb aud upon bis uprahsedt iigh t btntbs lght baud lut. st and tutu- ~84 btbouadinas h eaonddovu to théter . Re vas an the poit at eitne og ot n-bei hé sutidely lssd ni ltemLed otialem mW% 5 btmt ii f," criéti Timmons,t )a a mifl dvoes.. Thea b. added:z I"b doma Ice é ant? More mobéy? Any. Vamed t round, caught up thé scat-j vlberas, tIruat thin lita thé bai It vith thé siever, anti thon X I tcsreleely on the hob etthe oid Wbm the nevcomér vas insie thé a"sesu the boit dravi one mare, Tim-1 la a àlov. angrT tone., "Well,1 ,vbat do Tou vaut? la a bar-i *Irai? Ton vére Dot ta came =__le ds"lgt, sud onl.y la thé dark1 to.Ia teaturvifelll v i yoeme1 Save for e anéu 1nce eut nvIfv are ta go en vork- r-um thé co-operative principie. What1 ~yo nanti" T* .lav-siaed, roind-ehoulderéd man, *àuéod la fustian aid vearig tva g olti O»on the Little inger of is l.ftbaudti 00 ga awnblaer: 'Ta'ré gsois touée thh cavye to-nlghtT' *àI lt n-lJ ladark thepr' *OWbt neya Tou tell us. It goierally ib dark et rndalght." ýAse jeu goins ta také mnch et thé pli«wth îon--fîch of thé r.d stif-of I- Timimu drev back a pae viti a start .ýni lowsd t Stamer supilousir. 4- Ur ré aucame ta gave me thé troublé, ËulIai liii.tetaie. t roursei? 7 Di yqucomehber* erob me? 1 te sIre fair. De»on aiat te *ïï «at S-Peraive princîple ý,4e% eesvinked quicklr, anti he 99WWCý a atou etaisorron- anti ré «X« kav ri square. Tell me han- o are going ta také vîth yau ýemy lMe ior 70n, Look l'ère, "M" bse hla »otf an honest mai, X ~~iu't la aur ca.operative ~pft nov. Suppou e héls't partie- uhod e 10v héaptgqldeta abit ai ~taislte tob nmer ý*«btr4 mWIne pet]ni ftr*M.»utiàabit Whr, béu net naucl v ou ueu ét sud bes a hunchback as SIe apeseti thé door for Stamer, n-ha, % o~>IU bee otithé heati, step- SIOti lIed, tbrohold andi vont üt -A Astanter êaunterd don-n the litot * imutterédti ta bmeeli, l'III ke Mr 4yé on this saak anyvay.", Whépk thé door *ai closetiTimmons tok op the Ii basket, flung away thé rd berringi àd snd time andi descéid tthe cellar. CHAPVTER XIt That samni evenina Dors anti John Han- b 7 ver.sîttinx close te ono another la the vindon- place n-bore Lelgh anti le bati fount bar «esrl. The long Joue day bati fatietiloto luminous nigbt; thé huinis bati nat been lowetéti, et thé lampe iu thé 'aam lit The long, sait, cool, bloc mid- nominer tvlllght n-as atili anti teliclous fot air People, but éspéclalir far lovera. ..WelL. Dors," hb. began., "this lbas he-én an excltlng dey,." ."theb saI(, softly, anti atitié, vitb tendier anrlety, "I hope rau l'ave quito récoveréti? 1 hope roi do nat réel any bad effécta oof----of-n-at bappenedtiet ion, Jack?" Sue di not kuan- ban-th woolti take evén this solicitaus reférence te hie falntlug. "I feél qulte vel, tearést. Do not le-t as 151k ai that affair again."1 '-Tell me ail," eh-- sai. "t a 3 ioati 0' rau ta bring hlm hère. I felt1 qulte Prend aifraun-wheu 1 san yau coin-t lag vîti hlm. Manr imen voulti have been afraidtiet trust ce uncoutb a man itI go unploasant a secret loto tbis rooni oi a Thuraday."1 *'Thé tact la, Dara," saIt hé lu a tone of deliberation ant islsatisiaction, "I diti not brlng hlm l'ère ai my an-n f re wilL Indeeti, 1 do net kow on lon-yu could iImaginé 1 voulti invite sucb a man. 1faunt i hm contemplatlng a paragraph for thé papera, anti l'epromîseti hé voulti say nathlng abot n-at bati occurreti if 1naould introducé hlm ta Yeu. Hé seems te bave conceiveti a romantlc intéreit lu Yon. hécause af your likenesttaesaine one lié kuava." Latér this eveniug hé saulti tell hér ail about Ibis "sne one." "'I »ce," éhe nild, ber spirits tieclinlng. [t vas nat out of gaad nature et sénat- osity, but can-artice, moral conidice, Jack b'ai brougit Leigl'. "Oh, Jack, 1 amn o somrr "*Soriyl Uorry for n-bit?' hé criét. 9h. did »Mt peal!or a n-bile. Bbc vas loakring ont lite the tiark bine air ai thé street ShObe atifotmet il'gh Idéalai O n-bat h%, ber bero, oigbt ta hé , nearly n-as. But nov and thén, ai ten, l'etiti net réaci thé standard she lad ralséti. Sbe started vithoit turnlng l'or ores avay frein the bine tinsknéss ai the stréét, anti la a toue of vantéri ni tendérnéas anti satiness id: "I don't knon- exactly n-bat 1 n-as thluking of, Jack The évening Ia no freél' and stilli t la ne necéssry fat one ta tiink Angry iti rau, dear! Oh, no! Oh, -1! AnMryWitt Yen for -bat?" "About the. hamsia vrti I aIt aiLeigh. It seeme ta me your manner chýnged the moment I méntionet i hs Dame. Let us net speak ai hlm aur mare this even- lig.". "But n-hî shoolti n-e alspcak ai hlm, Jack?"' "BécaUsednar, n-e are hère together, anti n-e are MUch Mare lnteresting ta ana another lIai hé enhé ta olther."1 "TYes, dear, lu a n-aY mare îuîerestîug ta oie aoten than ail théen-arlt éaltie; but ln another vay ual nearly n0 internât. log as Ibis pour cdock naker," thbs sud savirl, lu a tiréani volee. "Weil." suid he, vlthdran-lng bis atmi frein ber n-aI anti taking a chair oppo- site ber ln the wiodon- placé. "I tion't see n-ut rau are driving at." "I cannot beIp thînklng ai th'e man anti pltylng hlm. Hé n-lu go luto hie grive iaving misseti nearîr everythiug lu the n-arld." "WhrV, thé mai las enougi concilta make a battalon h'appy. Hé ln a gretet mai lu bis on-n opinion than thé Prési- dent." ".Mtli are Dot affilîteti aus ha I. Ton sarh le hInterested la me beeause I ré- mmnd hlm aorsne oie. Hon- mont At h. wilI an ordunar human beart beat!ng ila sudh a bodyr? Woulti it mot h. bélIer for snch a mai ta h. bon blinti than te lad lPaIan-Atl'ena, as l'e cuis ber?' The ères ai the girl coulti net b. son lu -thé darknies aithé e roin; tleîers f ull ai tsars aid theré n-ère tears li ber volce. Hanbury starteti, hé couli fnet toll vhy. Bs exclalméti: "Goot heavens, Dorai You do Dot mean te tell me that yau féol >sérloionîrcaneernet iIn the love aRaire, If theré are suci tl'inga, ai tlh isu?'r "Jack," the cofan(et, "I n-lit aot try te -t ilagulse ut, I Bm lutenséir interest ah -tbis Pour clockmaier, this mati vishanar. if yau préfet tae aU hlm Ibhat." r Thi s Dtat Btail thé kîui i ofaeef iHanbnry vantedtiet.thé comuuaunlptlon hé liai taenake to ber. Be;ltléd1@0- certeti, lunys, pétulant -1 bave beea se unifortuateas ta Intradue. thé tanse af ail thia ansiety te o rau. I n-ani v bean better for évery make, If 1 ha&d not gaieutback sud met thé mai thé aecond lUie, macihétter tIbm ta cut a rldîculous fligure héfare ail thé tanato-marronr' Hien-as gron-ing nm as bis aPoech vent an.Hh nn n-rds verelinamins it blé mmnd ir the Implioation of bis *h Si. lceti ber hanti gentir oubis, andii mulI lai ewoachful t'aie., - t Lieuth. aa~ »0e~u.. 1 xii as uLu-t," 'Jao*. tàt le the mostt inst thing FOU couli Pésébly ws a éme. la sarins It t om u té e yards rocu incy j vouid 1*0 e tausé, cuir 1amn not lbrave "I 1100w Fou are brave enough for air- thlng. 1 knovJt la 1 vbo amn the oov- ard." 'Jackl Oh, Jaclr "You tolti me au rourseif to-day. Ton cabnnat suY îa puttlng that word- int4 your motI." lHe wuataking tire. "Haveyrou noenîercy for me, Jack' "Yon tolti me vlth your owb lips 1 bad lie thought but ftnml misérable asela1 thé misrable thlng that liappené<L" *"Jae?4 have Ion go pft>r She sesel lits à waE itb both her own. "I b#oughlt that in ber. as the priés et bis sllmuté, you-knowing the chIcke"s- ered créature 1 am--abloutely a" binhl to came neit veek. To coreme 'twhée5 lh presence lu to cure me of my eovsrdloe or accustom me to thé periliof ridicule whlch yodl kuon- Ibat. vorsé than deathIt':--P.*-was-buazing now.ý.- -GSdtinight."- "Atier tbis, ho * cmi 1 bc mure thet roi may liot consider It saîutary ta bettay me ronselr' He wnas mai. "Goati-bre. Jack. My l'eart ls braken." "I tell roc-,' He turucd round. Ho n-as alane. ot ut la te re to faBi ndaiNaine Canidastus<osPin-i dont ad'Vc-Preaient-Cbowea om rsi DBallot. Palméer for Prosldemt John M. Palmer, Unitedi States Senatar ftem Illinois, vas noinatet fer Pruel- dent of the. United States by thé anti-sil- ve Demacrats attIntilanapolis, and Gen. & a. Buckuér, of Kentucky, vas nain- listai for Vice Président. Thé nom"a- tien of Sentor Palmer. wbo receivédl 757%~ voteon thé oniy ballot cant vas matie unaimouson the motion ai Gen. IL.ELBrgag, ai Wiscol?, bisi only coin- petaý',Who reeived 124% votes. Gen. Bîsckbor vas nomînateti for Vice Pré,!- dent b! sclamation. for no otlr- candi- daté vagp Iaced beléoetheé conention. The isominatlng snd geconding ppeechée voe numerous,,anti entbustasm rau higl tram the momet dtsé tealliz Clark bagran ta cali the, rail af tàe State until the Obalrnan duir annéelâcedtbat thé con- vention n-as at au ndt. The Gold Democrâtlc national conven- tion gt Inianapolis vas called ta order br Benator Palmer of Illinois at 12» o dlock Wednésdy aitérnoon. Blahap 194n Hsén White, ai thé dioceof la- "no tonounce<l an invocation anti ex- Cangreesmmn Outhwalte ai Ohio rend the ciii under n-hich thé convention vas sseérbiéd. Ex-Goy. Rosweli P. Flan-er of New York va ntr0tlucé4fs telipa ary chairman and matie a lang au.és dellning thé views of the goid Democrats. Pramptly atil1a'clock the doors leading te Tomlisan Hall n-ère apeneti, but ad- mission n-as confineti under strict ordets te 'ticket halders. They arriveti rather slovly Bt first A band vas lacatéti la thé upper galléry t the rear af the hall. Tamllntou Hall, ln n-hidi thé convention vas belti, la situattil at hMarket aid Delaw-are streets, ln thé conter ai the clty, within easy reacli ai ail thé hateis. It ha CHAPTER XIV.J John Hanbory bardir knéw l'on- hégtro l'aie, bis mind vas sohen-lderedtiiou hie Interview wn-th Dora. lRe pulled i hm- Vele ta tler an ieérunngfroin serypit that laIsr aa'ther vlshéà Io speaktaIohlm. A fen- minutes later hé entere t bs ron Hé led lier gently ta a chair andi took one tu front ai ber by the side ai the din- ing table. Ho toak ber thin, n-bIte l'anti lu bath l'isan-n anti Idiketi into ber calm, beautîful face, ratilant vlth that tranquil light oi maternai love justifieti anti fui- Bihd. "Tan have something ta tell me, niath- er? Something pleasant, I bape, about yourseli." 111 have, my sou. It does nal conceru me, or If it does, but indireetly. Indeeti, 1 tio nat kuon-. It l'as ta do n-ith you, leser." "Wlth me, mother? Andi lon-?" "I do not kuon- exactîr. John. Tour father gave me lu trust for rau, as Yau knav, a paper, n-hidi I1n-es not ta cive ta, you except et éunae great crisis af your lits. If no harin of aur particular ma- rnent threatened you until yau n-ère thir- ty, rau vere neyer to eee this pape-r." "Anti rau never reati the papér?" "No. Nor have I the ieest clen- ta Ita contenta. I onlly kuon- that raur father vas a sensible man, and attacheti gréa: Importance ta it." She handcd hlm thé piper oai-'ch ah. hati spoken. lHé saiti goati-night ta ber anti entereti his own nroomn. Aiter John Haiabury hati cioseti and locked thé dloor ai his an-n raom l'e pull- éd dan-n thé blinti. turnet up thé ligl'tu over the mautel, andi standing vith l'h back ta thé chininer piece, exained thé packet lu hie l'anti. Il n-as a large envelope, tied in a very elahorateniainner, anti thé string vas se-élet la Ibrée places et thé back. On the iront hé read i hs onnDame lu bis father'. n-ell-knon-n large legible vriting. Hé ent thé string anti thé envelope, snd dren- out oi thé letter a long narran- pax- Me. This hé openéd, andi faundti ta onaist ai balf a doien sheets ai brief paper close- ly covereti on bath aides vltl' théen-rît- lig. He san- et B glance thet the docu- ment took the fan aif a lctter to hhn. It began, "My dear anti anir Son, John,". andi finisheti vith, "Vaour maut affection- ate anti anxiaus father, William Han- bury.". At lat hé came ta thé final Une, ta is iather's ïignature. He reati ail anti tien alIan-ing thé manuscript ta fall iroin bis l'antis ant is harme to drap ta bis aide, net in the chair uaotianIess, stiring lita vacancy. For an hour hé remaînedti tIs. Beyonef thé béavingoa i bs cest anti bIs calva, regalar respiration, hécn-as pérfectir stiIL At lengtbhé a igl'od prafoundir, Dat freua satineas, but deep musing, sbook hiseli, abutideréti, looketi round hlm as tbougi l'e hatijuat vakeneti frein sleeping lu.* strange place. Hé rose an-Iry anti going ta thé wnton- trén- up the blinti. No ligbts n-ère nov ta hé séen in the reaio any ai thé bouses, anti complété silence filleti thé vintilésa air. "Hon- peacef ut,"bc l'enispered, "hav calin. Gracetiieu lu Wisconsin? I seena ta have hourd of that place héforé, but 1 cinnat recalleet n-bon or n-ber.."- Butidenîr ho struc iehthigb n-Itl bis clencieti flot, calling out lu a n-bisPer: "Of course, 1 non- reméinher n-l're 1 héarti of Gracedléu. What a stupiti fool1 blavé béen nat ta récaîllIt at once! It'a the place $bat beautiful girl théetinari Itra. dficét me ta cames froml My boati muet hé duli nat breminhébr that! His Pillas' Athéna, anti 1-" He lurneti ont the Iighto anti hégan untirsing la thé tintn-lwlighl; there vers airéatiy faint bIné prémonitions ai dan-n upon the blinti. 111 vonter," hé mutterét Inuthé tn-lligbt "n-li bis figures ai tîme inclutie Caphetua andtihIe Boggar MltThat aid 'ti rY 1 reand this nigit n-as nal unliké Cophetu anti the Beggar Mai." (Ta h. coutiîned.> orné 115h BatIsses Hlm. The business men at the South Endi n-buée familles are summcntng at Mon- ument, Onsét anti athér resorts via viti each ather In telllng tales ai their j giîla hangllng .aiter théen-arr créa- tires ai théeirir deep. One n-eU- mon-n gentleman disdauîs flshig f9r 0Cati anti micketel. They are fot large enougi prey for bhlm. He vanta sharki or nothîne. Thîsis li ten-ar lie catches thoin: linab a book matie ei ateel about of- téen liche long, ton-s Out n-ler. thé >vatér ln iarty orfty itettdeep, balta tthe book vîti a pièce a ofPri n-elghlng tefi pounGs, tie eue endi ai the Une to thé stéem ai the Gary aid sunksis hait Then hi eita anti siokés tiR thé ahathé gatber, and bhé natch'qs. thein astlieY play nli théhehait. ito4i aie blgfeflav- lé surs ta grab It ,Tien thé Patlétt e nçiérman talée il ar. anti»1en-11l4 towltWg his pr« WbeA. la étb te glve tie oecers anti thé dlstiueguiseti etWsnanti guetta n-l'aocupléti thé plat- fin viti thain a canspîcuans positiop for Oblgrvition. Thé iront ai the @tagýe* batidseolI orianenteti nitb p~a JORN IL PALIMMR tfiâON E.a 7VEïn ti b egate Brennan ai Wisconsin, <hairlian af thé Committee an Crédenials, reporteti 824 tielegates présent, repteseutlng iartr- one Stites anti thréé Territories, n-hic' n-ras greeted i vth ringing chelems Pend- Ing permanent organizatIon, Dr. Everétt ai Massachusetts, son ai Edward Everett, matie a brief speech. Delegate Roberts ai Missouri then ré- porteti thit thé Commîttéeean Permanent Organization hati decidéti on Senator Cai- frer ai Lauisiana for chairman. I l am, recomméndéd that thé national cotmlttffl bé etupoveredti t cail future conventions. Thé adoption of Ibis latter portion of thé report loaglng toaa permîanent partrin-as accampiniéti lirdeaiening applause ('airey Madeé Chaînmais. iu assuming the chair Senator Caffrer matie a speech outlining thé policy anti purpasé ai thé "National Démacrats." Ab.Pua allier things hé nid: "wieu air people recovér f ram the de- bauc% ai papuilsinanil anarcir they vilI tigascatithé menl'a ho ave led théir argy. If n-e go ta McKinley those meun-ill h. thé recogrnized éxponeutl pfid mOcracy. Wl'éî the ifaiesi em U- - are dis- sipatéti anti soliéf reason résumes her sa-a, aur fbock n-i luru tan-art lis falt oniy ta finti iltiestrorét. - We - terefore stand fait We @oued a bugle eaUl tbtonghant Il'e laid for ail Dunacrts ta rally forth ta support af Goverfimeut anti Ian-, farthe hanar ai tl'élr country anti for thé maintenance anti preservallan ai théir creei, lsinemotiés anti its glaties." John P. Irish. af Callfotla, n-ha has qulte a reputatli as an orator, ur yJusti- fied It vllh'a brief speech prloatoadat- jaui'nmeut ai thé convention ta Il a'ciOck Thurétiar mornlng. Chaîrmau Cafferr cailéti lie convention ta irtiet et 1138 Thuradar mornlng. Thé ]plMtforM Cominmttee n-as not readtirt report. so thé cron-ti îet an Cal, W. C. P. breckinrtdgeIor a speech. Hé vas es- cogtéti for-afa mîidmingiéti blses anti chéers, anti matie a litief atidresa. Mr. Ocbs, of Pennsylvanie, affereti a résOlu- >Btint the national convention express- "f eré t the ntimel deati of Willis m U. usell. dd ~lT, De Wtt * T a u oféofi aI héoa vooslia. A moti4on t 5garcs i; ordered. Carroîl of Kentucky, witl'drev, Wattersons naine, andi a telegrain was r.- ceived froin Presldent Clevelandi annouar; cing has positive declination. .Peases '.Nane Preeeuted. Paliner'. naine v-as presentedl by the Michigan delegatian. as l'ehbai reinsed te allowvthe Illinolii delegates ta put him la nomination. Hlia naine was greéted vltkL an outburst of cheers that caused i hm txb retire to a lobby ln confusion. John EL Hartrldge af Loulsiana, aiter regretting the refusai of Président Cleveland toala- Ian- hie naine to l'e presenteti, seconded Gen. Paltners nomination. Geargia di thé saine. Then the Statue, ane aftew another, fell into line. Senator Palm vas naminated an the first ballot, andi the chalce vas et ance made unanirnou ou motion oi Gen. Braigg. The nomination aofthe Vice Prenldsu n-a% then taken up, and the structei the réadlng clerkt. That young man too& l ver. the naînes of thé varions S1tss aof lati to tééoib qi thé Unlan, arnamented ilth asà a d tsl4ut; hé heO»b sr flagu, making -a very'haodsomé 'abpmr- leusui ad I.p*r te aacé. Thececlllng vas trimmeti wlth ted, agates t #. ôssto aiI m vl'lteand bIné tating la canopr saanae. M uIIçiilq the 1lu calling the convention ta ordeténs- o*4 lmob'sfsutoiertthestot tor Paliner sttuck a rempqove ébord. tscloitlb tbgt delégatés to Thé çallng af the ral vas a&W aaegm- al cnntncautmpit p*nleti li groat enthuslasin as pirty I«d- dates of thé Chicago convention Mr ert a"sered for their ras ve States. hounti by Îte sets, lIberaipele Idae, evaa, e 'baad solg.t p4qals 4 ,ngd ip>ded; sud,- thé o*ely tatis vheaines ps~un- co6 L w==dn ntoh ovrut anen-pre& O f the Terrltories Arizona, International arbitration, aabua Oklaboma and Indien Terrltory bad no pention pÔller are favoreti; ail efforte ta tieletites présent. tond' the Supreme Court are eondesuai5 Teiuporary organisation vaà thon ef- san Ithe gold standard ha approve& né1 fectéd, vîti ex-oy. Itoswell P. Ployer platior nm oss Mo"ollU« te iras ésé of Nev York as d'airmai anti John IL unlimitéti coînage oa illUer. and conpul. Wilson of Indiana as secrtary. Mr.t. ory purchase at hailon; denounces tis& Flanet vas laudly cheoreti as ho taok thé prmset* gytés 4 paper nrpy e gavei irain Bénator Palmer, and in a constant source ef ijury, sitheesl speech -hlch n-as llberally applaudéti currency réforin, anti commendes thée MeS. throughout hé addtresseti the convention. ity, patriatiun andi courage of CioelaCo Ater thé ral ai Stateà lait been called adinistratian. for the membérs af the commttees on tes- The piatiorin vas atiopteti unaulmouls olutions andi crédentile national commit- ly. A moation ta take àa ocméswu s nIa teémon and vie présidents a rueat for dtivu. recklnritige ai Kentucky mfoye tva l'aurs vas taken at 2 o'clock. te nominate a candidate on the platfeeu., When thecocnvention reassembiéti Del- The motion carrieti and a raol eIl wè@ capable af seating comfortably about 4,000 people, and la admirably adapteti for the. purpase oi a large public meeting. The Interlor andi exterior af thé building n-ère haudaomnly draped nith bunting in tho national colora, lnterspersed witb thé stars and stripes and other patriotic and appropriate devices. Thé rear of the stage n-as ornnmented with life-uiseti por- traits of Jefferson, Jackson and Joseph McDonald on the one ide, and Clevelandi, Tilden andi Hendricks ou the other. In the cénter and over the beati ai the chair- min n-as a large eagle with shielti and fiags. Thé renr of the stage n-as cur- taineti aff wth rei, n-hite and biue bount- Ing. Ta the rght andi leit of thé stage buiiting vas arrange t t represent a sun- burat vith curtains madie of immense na- tional banners. Fan-shapeti curtaîns af the saine naterlal extcndvd frain the rlght tu the left af the stage overheati. The stage itzélf vas ralsetisnoe faur feet &bove the generai level of the floor a as