Id., ,â$ c"~ea apt t. $,kin&do i, ,*oeaudI hair Mattresa id Truisks knd Ma#ing i1Ùo» Bookoaae tand Center Tables dlotbesand a~4t lacks ,XPIlows and Comforters oh. amid Iammookg C duches and Chair. cet. ukinds i, utabea H* is this for a tls Rocker ONL~Y 42.85' tua ie tln 5<1 e W L se . oig omtbie Andi Sbowy. K4.k i thebanG OUontIbs iuk.. Wort*i4,00 My prices$2.85 Agent for THEE[IIGil QUAD r IUSEHOLD SEWIlNG MACINE. Undertàki' aSecialty. W#L L KNI'O E Rockefeller, Ill. uv~GooIs, Groceries, s1Iotan Sos Choice Oonfec*ionerys Cash Taiks at My Store- My Stock as Fuil and Complete as ever. My Prices dloser. My Profits ligliter. TIMES ARE HARD. Hence to show imy appreciatUon of these jacte, 1 will raaake closest prices to CASH I3uyero. Be convinced by cailing on ROKFLLH. LTC HFIELD, ROKEELER - - - - - ILLINOIS... TO F. A. Brown, ROCKEFELLER - - ILLINOIS. First Class Groceries and Low Prices.ý AFINE LUNE 0F CANDIES AND CIGARS ALWAYS ON HAND. WRIGHT& SON'S. Libertyville, Ill., IMTHE BESI PLACE P-q -IN LAKE £OT2XTY,- TO BUY Lumnber, Coal,,MiII-Feed-, ,Far Waons, Bugi, LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. We are always prepared Ito Supply your wants in .. Agricultural Implements, Grain, Seeds, Lime, Drain Tile, Etc. AIw4,y '9 get Our Estimate Before Buy'n Your Buildihg Material. WflIGHT'& SON'S. Libertyville, 111. MeM ATON .E'OFiFER FOR A SHORT TIM E ONLY THECHICACO INTER OCEAN-AND LAKE COUNTY I4,DEPENDENT ... he folowing remarkably 10w figure whe eu lbetl or îîrdened togesfiez 417j»3ter Oeeaus and Independýnt, 1 ycar..............190 S475 Sql47Inter Ocean eaîd Iudependeuuî 1 year .. ...... .6o o -Inter Ocean î"j. the Mgit Popular Republican NeS1. ~ B. Wntand mm ithe Largest ci ................... 556o6lu 1 » 045 4 X.M.e -90 18o S5ne27 4: sI -3 06 63Il29 41 GOIN0 BOUTS. eDaily e0e<2951 unday. ms top only 0o1 ienal., a-.. LU. a. M. P.Ms .u. a. 0 ~ Villa ;70724 1129 4 45 9 0F110 ne 710729 461 ,Iras', 714 7134 Il 40 447 9 14 1140 ioe. ee rî4774. 11 .-sf -22122M sitson 74 1» 12467 *01 is s 50 127 ! L, ', làa is uaaisgo s as 9 (» i1Io 6k0Io46 Argund the County. ROC KEFELLER. Lester Burdlck le spoufdung a few tisys la the clty witb finonds. The. higb grade Houaiehold se'wung machine aitihe funniture store. Mise Katie Gorman, of Grýayalake, visited in this place Monday last. John Roder and wt., of Chiego, visittd relatives lu Ibis pluS e .eetly. Frank Roney sbipped another Joad of hoga frmutiis plate Isat Tnesndiy. Mrs. lformuî Jigge and babe, o! Chicago, arc vîsîting et the home of Wiu. Kntgge. C. tlokemeyer aînd H. Schweriiîî;w. o! Lake Zurich, were lu town ol buuiness Tuesiday of luis week* Mrs. Barrus left Saturday lest for Dixon, where sue expects tb make hler future lhome. Mr. Bhernq ie nIIsoon follow. J. P. Wi'llams nu li e !ound working at bis tradte that ix digglug a Weil ou the lot necciitly purcba.4e<i livDr. Travis. On Tnesdîay of Ibis week Mlrs. S. Kramer sanîcîld for Iowa, whene se bas been eRlled toaessist iu carftg for e slck brother. Mr. Fàtrgo camne frouîî the clty the tiret o! the we-k to sîwon< a ton (Ilsys wtth hie faniîly wlio are Staying at 0. W. Mvriek'g. Mr. and( Mis. IhiW'nt Kreuicr. of Antioch, hlitdtheir bleut rclîd bhptized Silîudev lest et the houle o! W9 ti. uigge. The (Qencriy wvs perforuncd hy RÈN'. Cvten. o! Fairtitc Id. ini preseîice of eariuîber o! relaives. -ý"yS N lîl b boys- blut you vocot afford to lose any of thüm. Be reedy for thei green epplc seafion by h * u9 Dewittls Coie & holera Cure 1W liclý bouse; For sale bY F. B. Lo ehl, Libertyville andl G. C. Robets aVn- 1 evnu a. LONG GROVE. Miss Elle Rittiniller, o! Austin. is visitng fins bisere. Sain Soluer expeetgta 0niave on the Gos8willer place this fu. Carnie Gosesiller, ot Oak Park, is stayiug a lew seeks here. G-eorge Slîerlng sud ëi. M3teula went ta Palatine, Suuday. HasiBe ba@ returued froîîutfle city wlueru e ebIas been .tayihug a 1ew tisys.1 tins. George Keuihler sud daugitens. o! Palatine, umade lien uîother a short caîl reeenlly. Miaute Welfhing, aof Vheehiîg, stayed a e lesdîys w 11h hl i<oiisin, Miss Murha humer. Mifes Enuia hlolleîilueelm expéetfitet start soonu lin Rock lRiver te) stiey saIt ber 510f, tirs. Wejiskoli. Fred hauuer bl ieslarge unewfrî residenîei reaily for o.uuiiey.Ifis an orneamtit taïhe reet. Jolum lies an aumauily aile(,, ViII Bees and-wife andilH. (cil ofii(uno and Mise Louuis -s i~,aîii nbr r, of Gilnier i4peuît Siindîy et H. B-e.. The IDCE bsTlas Urraeged tfor a regtilar ca)rresîmaeoi(et ut Lonîg Grave. Lî.ave yaîur itemqi ut tîje po8t office and fhey wul reeeive duee atlen- tion. Tiare are aimrns pati.ies of cockle [airs, thistles âsud tier uloojoufi Wred8 aioigthie tghwayii o! Ela sud V@1ru1011 'twnshijps tint the commis- Siners slouid lave.atteîded fa quick. Iltin0esult malter much whetber sick beadache, billourànes, indigestion and constipation are ceuet by ueglect or by unavoidable cireumistaîîea; De.. Wit'& Littîle Early Risers will mpeediy cure lieu aIl. For suie liv F. B. Loveil, Libertyvilhî1 and 0. 0. Robert*, Waucouda. FUX LAKE. A. hirevsn sus a vt ilo elier on BSin- day lamI. Alexaner Tweed hums rctiuuned froui tbe sollî.rs reimaiou et St. Sauul. Jamues Birownl sd faUily vietteti relatives ln this plaee rec.etly. 1 A. Xprwiuî is doiuîg a rushing huit- ness. He punt lit a now soparator iset week nîmuiel]reron hau the nId ones. Mise., ielle and Ais Caine, o! Fox Lake nlteuded thie Stinday scbool conventiou t Vola Suuday afteriuoon. Misses May anti Anuite Galîger and Amnanda Tweedl enîlet on Mnis. A. Kerwîu and asou McKinley gSabday afternoon. Miss Mary Tweed ant iber arnut bave golleta Boseobel, Win. Mary willl remanluwlth ber aunt anti attend schoiîl Ibrough the. whnter. The Fox Lake Ceemelery association wlll meet vith Xts. George Wigner on Thursiiyp Septensper 24. Ail lhe ladies are 0urdilallY invibeci ta attend. The wiole sybem le draunoti anti untiermuncil by indolent ulcerm snd open gares. DeWtt'a Witch Bazek Slve lepeodilyhls; hem. It ia the beatliîe cure kuown.. For sole -b y Tr, B . -Vvell, Libertyville andi G. 0. Roberta, Wancontia. 5Peoial Notioe. Al Woodmen of lie Diamond,, Ute Camp, No. 41214,,are reqeutatemeut et the 044 TellcleiHaBl Iurdax. uni. -»g 3tlat. k SatüUi ~yaft« a .two weeks vivitinl Kansa an a rrouudinàt latea. Misa BIlle 'puerel Who wu vioe ing ber, socle, Il. M. Yueratln retureti t1o ber homn D hloago lut Snnday..- B. T. iýUblon, master car bulider for the Boit llailros14 cuid ion our car latspector, C. Y. Nuits luit Thurs. day.- . Our sehool aer«ta ont wlth a gooti abtendauee ant hechjIdren are very MUcuh plesauti !ith Ibuirtucher, Misa Almaistaernia. 0. J. Travis, auperanteuntlof mainýtenande of way fur the E. J. à E. passed through here lest Baturday' on bis steam velociptide. Trafic on thie B. J. &aE. la greatly improveti. Two extra trains bave Iueeîa put tutu service las week te relleve the big rush o! business now donue un tisat xosd. Miss Efie Battentleld vis1o bai been spendig tUo tonthu in,4folorado andi Montana for ber iealth ffturnud home là,31; Saturday. Rer ipany friends vill be glat euer that e bas retunneti. A little dispute belveen Our agent aud Borne cycliste lu regard tue llek- lng oi jilcyclcs took P lace hure liat 8u dy morning. Cyclistta es notice tatbe baeyour wheels oheckuti il f t tiig polits. f The olhelis of the Bell Bailway were bere slariuug test week witb a view o! putfiug in two trucks ettfis station owing to the rush a! busi- neoses iw doue Bt this point. They elaîuu that Leittîton la one oil the noat iportant pintifs for traficleon that mystein. Poison Ivy, inseot biles, braises, scaîls, burîîs, are quickl., cureti by JJeWitt's wilcli Hazel salve, the. pui plie cure. Flir sale by F. B. L<uvell, Libertyviffe sud G. C.lItolberle, Wan- couda. DEERFIELD. Scliool luis legîsu. Julia Zehu le mteachitig tie W'ilmot school. Will io Maywî,odl, as lu In Suiuduy. Mr. andl trs. Cîurletl, 4-f Lilientyvîlle, k;jielît Sunday hene. Mtr. BSlleîzer, utf('hicago, speut Stinday iu Deertield. Mebel Miller bas just retearned lrom a weeke Visit iniChicago. Mn. aud ti. Oeo. Rebum, o! Chicago, client Suuday at tico. Millerst. Mrs. Smeltzer, of Chicago, la xpend.. ing several days anîong lier relatives liere. Mn. Gilmnore Me teachuîng tie upper roouii bere and Miss Simupson tie liîwerrom. Mr. anîd irui. Chas. Galloway, o! Chilcago, called on their aihter, tirs. Todd, Suuday. Misses Jessie Hale aud Mayose V cIter and Sin Fnitci are atteudlng echoýol a Vusîparaiso, Ind. Mrs. Tilotaon wbo bai been sAck for smre lime, bas beeu "ien to a bospitai lu tie city, shere ah. 5111 have a tumor rernôvei. On last Suuday nlght sevenal young muen from 1th. Y. M. C. A., of Wankegau, helti a very interestlng meeting lu lie Presbytenlan icburch- SA great mauy front Ibis place wili attendl tie fuir next week. Don't be alreid t0 go ou wbeels Ibis year, tolks, a-4 tiene will be a place to check them. We are auxious bo do a liie good in thîls world sud eau lhluk of no pleasanter or better way to do il Iluin by recouîîuendiug on. Minute Cough Cure as a preventîve of pneumonla, cousmuption and other serious Jung lroîibles liaIt ollow neglected coltis. For sale by F. B. LoveIl, Libertyville, 0. C. Bobents§, Wauconda. .GAGES LAKE. Miss Shemant, of Wisconsin, te vldfttng Win. Sherman sud farnlly. The Lidie's Aid society wilI meet witb tMrs. Benj. James on Tnesday of nexb week. Misei Elvis Gillniore returpted bo Câicago Monday eveutug aiter apend- iug a seek et home. tirs. Coui*,hard ise en ieemocCleary, ot Monîreuaits vielting ber prna tir. anti trs. me ClearY. Quarterly meeting sill b. belti neit SnUday moauung uathle ebuncb. Presiding Eider Jackson stl preich. Miss Lott. Cbard, Who bas been lfinding the past Iso veek's uI ber home here retnnrned to lhe city Fnl- day. tire. Butler anti family, who bave been stayung viii tira. Thon. James have neturnedti 10 Ieir borne la Chicago. Miss Adua Manchester, sho has been lipendiug ber summrer vacation with ber parnuts lier. retnnned tu ber dulles as teac4er Iu tise publie sehools o! Chiçago an Monday evenlng. Sîiaîl six. .but great lu resultsi. DeWitt't's Little Early Rîsera act geubly but tboroughly, curtug In- digestion, dyspepsia and constipation. fimali piles, sale piil. best plil. Fur sale liy F. B. Lovell, Libertyvîlle, anti G. C. Rhoberts, Waucouda. ROLLINS. Long Grove, - - - ilhin CHERRY RIPE, ROYAL CABINET, GOLDEN FIZZ, EGG PHOSPHATE. TRI?££ AND MANI OTHEIR DELICI0Us.SIý, . RINKS.. AT THE FOUNTAIN OF LOVELL THE DRUGGIST, Libertyville --Illinois. Sanborn & Croker, TAI LORSqaw...ý ~~ENTS FURNI.SHI-IS. Libertyville Illinois. pFoe p aComplete stock 'of Timothy, Alfalfa and Medium Clover Seeds. WE CAgXY IN STOCK AT ALL TI MES OF .FUR- IURE. lhe celebrabted Ees Sleepy Eye Mils, Clock shelves, CREAM and PILLSBURY Wall poekets, >CXXX BEST FLOU R. 'Paper holdere, A trial orthtie ibove viii convine-you Book cases, thal vIsaI se ay in Irise. Center tables. OUI PRICESOUAEANTEED TO SUIT Extension tab's, *CHAS. STEMPEL, Diring chairs, Long Grove, Lake CO., Ill. Rckrs Or Corresondeuce Bohlitet. Cuhs W. H. MILLER, Lounges, TONSORIAL A1ITIST, Chamber suita. Wien you vaut a dlean $have or a gond hair cut call on 'ýBII.' CHOieSE 5ANDS OP CIGASI. M AC HÉi Nei door to W. C. Tlrlggs Sbod Store on = d St-ShOP OPen ee" day betv eve '1s Senîlay moniiin4s Lbrt Picture Framea Room mouling Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Putty. ' Brushes, Minorn, Mattresses, Cota, Springs Etc., Etc. A T.. ýTH & SONS KEYSTONE-CORN HUSÇE1RS AND - FODIBER SHREDDER, MAKES CornMy j ummer Sulky Plows-are the Best, HAny Boy can handie therm Bradley Plows. . Deere Plows. Fish Bfo's., Wagons and Trucks. - St ave r and Abbott Buggies andSurries., VC-ombnation and three spring Wagons. - Drain Tite, Lime and Cernent. Lumbet, L.ath and Shiigles. FOR ALE'A FINE LINE m - - --- -1 - - - -- -- Eureka Susponders"", Becaus. ýth'f Cali on us for' vu SAULI