Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 2 Oct 1896, p. 7

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T~~WM Ia# lainent. M a. are ou- M*Iouahha$ w st nearemoe asu~.:de~4tMu. Pnljmm:aftde. wrltimg yoê mmd beorayn aae mpm hty old la o mdne er tait lit-dwu eia md ILhîtea baelos rna~ md I rn m t ione remvo so il;. Lie bom binhWr=m -fe w "=t,*n-I osreai ih u * uo.btlyj;:foo the Y rV tb oles YPsto.Ta k& onDy M la Sadnyrf doant a kt bt eow' o bowt lok s b< her ome. 70your mea- lue ina rin jn oitin aol kiwo yu ftu1l a od.Inyr1wyu r7S1xê fo fr"Y- gngodt uc mg« me f Ae.ro0oiYm,. Gladness Cornes Ulith & botter nnderstanding oft h Vtmadment nature ofet> phys- 5mal Us whlch valh bafore proper et. btetageltie forts-pleusaUlt efforts- rigltly dlreced. Tlicre le comfort kn the kuowîedge that sw mmny forma ef iclamoa are ot due te su>' sctual dis- sas, but simply to a conutpated coudA. tien of the. syStexu, which the. ploasant fusmil>' laxative, Syraotfi, prompt. 3.>' reunoes. That lawlitlmteony osaedy wtimmillonsoffamille,, and us everywlero esteamed se highlyib y al *-ho value good healtb. Ita bemefticisi etece ara due te thc tact, that it la the oie - renudy whlolm promotes internai ékulee4nsia wtbot debultatlng rthe ovuso hichiîtacta. Itiotherefore alim;= itnt.laorder to pt lha bene- Scia oe t e mte n-hoyen ur Cham, thtyou bave the genuine a rti., which ta maiofaltured by the. Caliornia PI ymup cc. cml>', ad aold b>' ml rap- 'in l l jwmnt god hoalth, Md te leroguarthon luxa- tWI or ~ inemedles arenon eedetI. ,~ IN * lci -l *n' actual dise..., on. tyb10;1oM oddtethe mont akiIfl nvetu.but if lu esd of a laxative, whmuouabchd hit te .beu, mand *Ith -bým mn in tue mf.s. f..l.*~ 0-y..- other day.- "What bai'a Fou @truck uowTlm tsrd the othar. Who waevîdenti>' a Man. "Weil, 1 tell ion," nid thi. tout nmmm, -i aaw uomethrain lmà£dowmtoWin lunch- roomto-day wlch piutsd MeW very mcl. 1went shoppimi wli hMr wlfu and w. topped la one of ti. dry 800(18 storesto pt a£*bite, -Wbule wa wera waling for the. waltreMs te brlmg Our lunch a pretty womau cama ln wltb a lttia», mm-sa"#t dowa to our table. The littia faliow wmm ot over 8 yearil 014 and could jnst about tlk A few. wordm. 1Btbe carried on moetOf the. coversationl with nod&anmd shake. 0f hl& head. The WOMan wmm a thorOtlgh' Aimerican. Bbc at the boy on a chair and thetq bosa to tlk ta hlm. .Now, dear,' aie nild. 'what WlU YOU bava? Tem'or mlk or creamTr ",The Uttie -fellow odded MabIhemd wben hie ulther mnid mllk mnd eacthen' gaked il ha would bave bread olla or '- Cracera' whuapered 'lie littie fel. low. The mother then calleid the wlt- ramanad ordered a bowl Of mlilk* mmd crachera for the chlld and a Pot Of coffee and rolla for bersef. .When tie waltrema brought the or- der the wormmu broke the cvmkers luto manl place. and put thtim ln the bOwl of mllk mnd the child begmu toesot lîke a Ilttle a ILD Now thim shows you that Americans kuow Dow te bringup their cbilidren better thaft amy other nation- mit>'. if thii. ad been a Germa nn-o- man, for inatance, @be would have or- dered sommer gausage or dbeee mand Leer amd tIen ahe would have lianded It ovart0tiec hlld antI nidt10hlm: 'Dm, ces da.' If the eblld woulbave re- fased toesenthe i mtier would have iakem it over ber kuce andI givon hlm a wgood thrahmig. There would have been a lot or neige, the chiltI would lr'e cried and ererybedY in the plac-e woîld be out of humeor. Non-, laut the Aimrlcu n-ny better'.," And the fat uan relapsad lto dep tlîougbt. Afier That'lily OltI Rat. Io tliere a aîy old ratinlu vur cella! tihut you would lke te catch! If there lp. try the old-fa@blon figure 4 truup on hlma. VouIl sec iutsiliw lt's made- froro the b)cure and ail the tools you iili ueed to do thie mvrk laî a sharp kiit. Youd be suriîrised te sec bon- FIGREo'a 4 rELAr.j qutci>' ty he h' lan o0atnefahîs donn heuthe haIt stick la touefied. lIait the tnap fer rats witb a bit et mciii or f15h andI for abblts or squirreis -li n a lece et aplîle or a nîubbiniof* corn. Iuistpad oethue plouk, w-hu kills the anitnIa nhen It fails, yeu can hiave a box andI catch the pre>' olIve If yr-tudesire te. A Dlernand for Confeie tMoney. Tiiere arc $5i0 Ceufeder:itê bUis cIr- culalI-ln uNoi r k. A 'Mount Kisco fermer ac'cept-d eue, aindthue n-ifeeot a n-orkiugman aceepted another. Encb found ditffcult>' lu pasîflE thielugatuî. Neluluer tbe farmer uer the remaun-as faumiliar ivith thec oîqearnce et a b11 of that d-emluatlou. Net Infrc<luent- 1>' theae bis are palmed off for genultue ou immuîigrants, andI the demaud for tht-m la stead>'. Several barber sops lu New -York bave laken a-lrautage ot thc tact te Issue au I.,iitatîbu ot a Con- federute bill as au advLntlsiug circulur. These reproductions ar-o (rude, ot course, aud lie>' are not counterfelts lu the eyes et the Ian- becuse tht-y are net Imitations et uuytbiug that la nec- Oguizod as mono>'. Wblen he>' are r-ollcd up, hon-eror, It requm es more than a careleas gimnce te detet the tact that they arc net hbis ot the UnitedI States. Make a true cousecrallen of all jour finest faculitele Ihe service et your telion--men In the spirit et Christ, andI lite 1hus transtormed luto service ilh MI1 the homos and heurts eft lIose about you with fragrance, as Blary's offerîifWtled the sopper reom ln Both- an>' wltb pertume that lingers stilîl- phillp Moxom. No oee nas over the wn-eafon giving. 1-F;. F. Moutreger. The Pili that Wil. ..Tii. Pm»tint will." tmp».. lth. pille liaI Wpn't.Thoir name la logion. Thu.namuetf "ho pii bs$ vi»" mje.yr's cathartio PW. 1h lu a V* ta erelyon.- -Properiy usd it vil!ouro con- 'ep1Obllonmees aloihoadache. mand the, otbg," th lat resuit from torpid Ilvor. 1>'.?. p 4 ot aldemlgned ta upur the ilVer bt aa m~,.luw7aotil'ity. eaving 1h In yot more twaqO. ondition after the. immediat. effeot c ~ They arecocmpounded with -tic Pl=- Pl1w *ngl up:-he outiro nysteun, removingr ~biiol~g coditionsa" miputtlng the lu$oproprulationa 'ith tihe roatof tho jorýM&tmlýOç-opration. Thie reord of" 0 ommabm *mushrget mud .Oft9A SýpgSom iNl 1fvrimoOL v.m UŽ0 ga mut à pd~i sV (l..D~TWS. he .w rlbitut Àdeeut Judgumti mmd sow he et.b. domeerud by I tha othar powcrs. TIWliI*g linfur Stoppags et Arme- 1Mr. Gladqtone aigu sald: We bave a e icutt titl. toi threatem Turkey wtb coer à UMlMOtsge-BltaiaShOmld Teacli clou that dues flot ln ltaelf mciii wmr, and tb*u Amm.a.Tm lai. 0 @U 1i thial that the tiret stop ahould b. the Ajre Citiclaed. recaliof our amnhamador. And il ahould - b. ftillouved b>' the dismiasal of the Turk- Civîîzatom's»tag'mèe shabambassador frora London. Sncb a Euthalmtlccroda f popi mmem-courge l frequent and would flot Siva bled lutie ro a of ele ourano- the rigbt of çoîuîplint to anybody. Wheu blda onn lerol te vlcimtî .boeuTlra diplomatic relations'rare auspended, Eu- CINOcuaa. i uos to posb loto es .bffl- gland ahoul hform the Sultan that Wba 14 and hier thl eageiIy.*utlulpated md- wouid conalder the mensof enforclag dcens iwblph Wlam B. OGimtoiîuhmd her' lait and hume demande. I do mt aumouncad ie wlllligue Mte make b.- -belleve1 that Europie wifl maka n-ar to lu- fore the meeting celleà by the Itforti ute the coutiiiiauce of mîasacres mom Club to-proteat against thei. cent mase terrible thon ever reeorded lu the d>s cras of Armenimma' et Coumntntlople and mal, deplorable butor>' of human crime.» elsterbere ln Turkey., Alter the usuel formaltîca of opeann GENTRY FIXES A NEW MARK. such a meeting lad been coaclnded. the Ha Pucesaà mile Wtthln Bait a secoud trot resoltion proposed W' a -Comseva-ofT ihue tive and aecouiled b> a Liberal, wal lpu~t ii ofdIwpain reod tadsm It read: "ThrV thia meeting deires to The world'aJohng r.ectrd sla ngs st expresailis Indignation at and abhorrence 2i4»V.Park, JorndGetryuradming.l& of ii.crul rcttmet o nhlc ~ the face of the light breeze, ho mad the1 Armenians are bcung aubjected b, their mark that la destinea to forever maire! Turklah rulera mand of the 01m»sacras hlm nuume fmmoua amog horsemen. There whlch bave recezty occorred at Constan- vras oniy a fair-mized crond lu attend- tinople whicb are a disgracé tute i.lviii- mmc", for the air was bitlng cold and a sation of the nlneteenth cenuturY." This ortbweateriy breeze blew up the borne. résolution n-a adepted b>' acclamationl. tretcb. When Gentry n-as drîven on the Au Ovation làt h. peekai. 1 track b>' W. B. Andrews the crowd ap- When Mfr. Gladatone rose to, apeak be plaadad voclforously, for It was knowm Ioked veli and iîerty.for amammmof hbe that Andrews lniended te .end his pacer yearm of bard work. Ha bowed repeated- for ail he n-ns worth, snd n-as bent on ly la response te the outburst of cheer- lowering the 2:01%>~ mark n-hich he made las whlch greated hlm. Whan b. wml at Giens Faits, N. Y.. Sept. S. in i race %hi. te maIe- imacit beard Mfr. Glad- wltb Star Poin*r. Audrewa gave Gem- atone, alter a fen- preliminar>' remnarks. try two narmîig-np miles, and n-ben the moved the foliening resoution, whlch sua began to bide itaelf bebiud the Lile Wl. received nitb thunders ef applause, ha came don-n the track for the word, A during whieh ever>' permon present ws roulni horse was at Geuiry's bead. The îupon bis or ber feet wildly waviug bats, "break" iras good. ani Andrcwrs uodded handkcercbiets, sticks or umbreilas: to Starter Cuibertion for the word. On "That this meeting trusta diat ber Ma- the pacer sped, the crowd cheeriug on jesty's minstera, realiing te dhe fulleat bearlug thc about "Go." Huodreda of extent the terrible condition ln wbich watchea were out for thp start, aud mot their felion- Chrstians are placed, will oue differodinltse time taken. do everything possible to obtain for themâ The runncr's nose wns n-thln tweo tet ful securit>' and protection; mnd tdii of Gentr>". nmp astiuey mode the tiret WILLIAM E. GLADSTONE. Englinda' C rond Cifi Man," vhu oputes the. cause oft uuitering ClirstlansIn aTuriey. meeting assuresalber Mjesty's ministers turn, anîd the paeer n-ont along as grace- that theym my rely upon the cordial sup- tuily aud teaduily as a locomotive ai higli. port ot the citizens of Liverpool in n-bat- speed. The firet qularter n-as passed in ever steps tbey may teed are necessar>' te '-n)4 seconds, and wlien et the liait the take far that tourueose. jîdgcs gare the lime as 5iIi, seconds ail When the nppinuise bail lera calmed the oid horsenien began te look for a tn-- don-n b>' the outstretehed band of the minute pare. 'rhe driver ef the nunuung aged %tatesman, Mr. Gladstone declared herse appiied the wbip, and thus b>' a bis adhesion te the principles coatained greot effort s-,ceeded lu keeping at the ln the resolutions, andI said ha came whlîel of Gentry's sulky. Trhe thîrd there net ciaiuing any authoriti except quarter n-as re"lod off lu 80%v. Don-n the that ot a citizen ot Liverpool. But, ho home-siretch Gentry came like a n-irl- addcd, the national platformn upon which ivintI. At the tum hoieget the breeze the nieeting n-as based gave greater au- rght in bis teeih, andI Andrews sheuted thorit>' for sentiments universaily enter- eucouragingi> at hlm. n-hile the crowd tained througbeout the length and hremdth tain>' hon-led. Nerved te a aupreme et- of the landand urged that lu this mtter tort, Gentry matIe the lmnt quarter lm part>' sympathies abonid ho reuouncod. even fastor tires than tIhe third quarter, Contiuuing, Mr. Giedmtone saId: "I doing it ln 301/ seconds, and a be came enlertain the livel>' hope aud strong he- under the nire lu 2-001h~ the euuhusiasm lot that the prescot depierahie situation et the apectators kuen- no hamada. la mt due te the cl ot defmult ot the___________ Goyrmmeut oft ibs ceuntry. "The prese4t moeomeut," ho added, "la CUMBERLAND VETERANS. based ou tle brod grouadsetfbumanit>' Their Hoid Their Annmal Remnion ut m"tIli net directed againat the Mohammo- Rcfr,11 dans, but giust the Tarkîsh officais, foko~,Xi evidence of n-bose barbaritios reat ka The annuel reunion et the Arm>'oe the credilie ofliehîl reports. Cuîmberland n-as bield at Rockford, Ill., "Non-, as lu 1876, tu the gult eofmssa- Wednesdm>' and Thuirsda>', Gen. Jas. cre la ndded the impudence of denlal Bamucît prQsidieg in the absence et Gen. whlcb nil) continue juit ae long as Eu- W. S. Rosecnans, n-ho n-as in Californie rope la content te listen." for bis health. "mong thugs preseutt Mrn. Gladstone then oxprceaed the cPim- veme: Mai. Gen. David S. Stanley,. gev- Ion that the purpese et the gatherng croreroe the soîdiers' home at Arlingten, n-a defensive aud prospective, sayiog Washiington, D. C.: Coi. T. G. Lan-lor, that no eue couid hoid ont the hope tlot ex-cotamandem-ii-chief et the Grand tiie massacres trere ended, althouighlho Army; ex-t2ougressiutu Smith D. Atkina, ventored te anticipate that the words Gen. Il. B. Boynton ot Washington, Don îpe*ken et the meeting n-ouid find their Caries Baeil, Mai. Gen. McCook, Lieut. n-ay te the palace et Constantinople. Gen. John M. Schedielt and Gcen. James .Mr. Gladstone thon anid: --l doulbt if T. Morgàmn. The atteudauce n-ma mt so It la an exaggerfltien te say that Il n-as lu large as iin mreieus yema, man>' members tiie Sultau'b palace andt here ouI>' tînt oetIhé orgauizatleu being ougagod lu the the inspiration lad been stipplied andI tha political campaigu. The usual enjoyable poliey deuised ofthue wiiie merle ot mas- pnognuni ot spreuches n-as obeerved. Ce- sancres. Whîen the Sultan carnies massa- huchebs n-as chosen as the place of ne- cre into his unacapitalunuder lb. oyes union next rear. The ne ilcpns elect- et the inîhassadors 'ae appears te haro cil are: Presîdeut, W. S. Ilosocraus, ganed the ver>' arme etfn-bat il ia possible CrrespontIing. Secretar>', Gem. H. V. for hlm te do." Boyutoo; Recording Secretar>', Col. J. W. "B thei speaker turther smui, "thé Stiel; Treasumer, Cen. Fullerten. n-e.9kesset diplomar>', I trust, la about Theve are vice preidents frein each to ho aîrengdueued b>' the echo ot thîs State. Col. T. G. Lanlei bolug mmcd nation's voîce." for Illinois. The rester shows 11560W Mr. Gladstone thon nlded te the glu- survrirora et the Army efthte Cumber- iîueos ofethlie ambassadorset the pow-- land. ers nt Constantinople antI amld: *The concert ot Europe ia an itugust andI use- Mtar lHrti Their Coal for Fuel. ful Instrument, but Il basot usualy faoc- In Uie hope et clrcunuventiug the ceai coecdtd in dealing n-tb the Eatean quos- truat man>' (armera lu -the >nortiiera part tIen n-hlch lba arrlred at n perlod n uof Iowa are agitatlng the. expedieucy of, It la necessar>' to stretîgthen the. baudseoftiminug cern for fuel during the comiug tha Goverumi[ mu expression of na- witer. The'ehoie. la etweeu coau at ticol oinIo t.I' Wllve that th. e allai- aomtln ii1k. $10 a ton and comu t le 00 ï*,*" f te ým1>s"r M ou.or 12 cemtti uhuili t Is la eleeu tbt ~~# ~ î,eseuladaptiosof tbe ]man bt.m Sugar was firet cultlvated la Madira tu 1420. The Mômes bas put ou a faut lyer li Indanapolis *Bd inuaitL The.train leaves ChlcagoiDearboraSttonMa 11:50la. m., reachea Indiaapolis at:47 s sm&GInclaatk t t 4A p. m., tutu maklfl tb.taSnChicago to ImdlmnaPqlIa la fsgg loUis and forty-sevum lauteuo mi Ciiow in atl k oye, ori mnd 8f*-ve umi.. T~.his la the fasteat tlnp.mide be.- Chic btago and ?ndiàamitpol and Clu- cimmati hi amy lUne. heTb cumt Plyer" ia equlpped wfth elogant day ceiches, the Monoa celebrated hlgh-back- e4 acate, parlor car and dlulng carCt Ticket Office,232 Clark street. Chicago, Hal'e Catarrh Cure. ta OUiitttimli c rs. ?lc75 cuuX, he largeat apple orcbar4j In the woniil envers 1.537 acres in Fa.rmont, Kan. Fa folli as Imota 1 mdbeneictal a apulng medicine. for at thia lemmon there le great danger to healtb laithe varjlng temperqture, cold etorma, malarlal germe and prevaience of fevers and other dis- eae. Danger may b. avolded by taklng Savrsaparilla IHMIULe.Si11 the bot-lu tact, the On. Tram Blond Puriier. N.. _________PUS__________= "a___d____ wrtlge Aé porus. .4 2 ens kowuaeà Woe the other dear chaynit am The dpet and wet the pt=t mtigyedtints art Mo manufctd iod Bu&t1eAa, 1attr how m- ,, you p much ààsmaller P=eeof any od goeê bran anaebol dew. than" Axt! Fj5 cents get a ".Batte Aie* ahmiot as q other fdiW's 1O'oent piece oneCu "lThoughtless Fls1 Work, -but-~ '1 c.

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