Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 9 Oct 1896, p. 1

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sede Sou e - lat W r a S>w.ia LU. îtosandlnoi t rJiïï Ma.GD.FiN TriuM oalor i la M ihteaon gaven .,ialto 43- unyaaw. *Wr ARE COtSTY BANK~, IijULU M. 8. PBNNIMAN. if yx»ou by.I il&, GasaeIllino idne aiJ. . olmb's -- . op$15 iper er coÀun i tei. .fie re6il tbres cent ~lahoroablt hoe iiho e embred sM estlngz ie briser leuter, la unmylfing. Woeda canot express myaprcaono le thes sage advice whicie ntr ame t 1atndy. tirat 1 mer reaize thb. utIhc '14 the Msatemeut, th"ai1Ibad Myui mdin ucontravention to hi .In M Othibr lbter I oubSiale th. propast. hlmn, tirai the s4er dollar of fro@. coinage would flot ho au good as our present one, becaluse of the inability IL ottrnoerninent 10 guarantee the0 plt0fadeb.sed coin, viron the liue theroof in unhimltod. Inasmacir MSas n0whero lin is 6"reply- dose ihe gsbnsy thre Iruth r cftIis, itsaevident, I.thstlinbhieinvitation 10 me, 10 taesa _ mUrer dollar o!fto-day, and find how ,*mai1 cents I could get for il, ire employa the cart-hofore-tire-lorge logic BT. of free ilver advocScy. and do"s a standing ilgb jump ovetitia promises 0" and argument, and 1,1*. in by ii cars, bie poor forloraf- q»usiaued -conclusion. Ths habit: cf prepsrlug1 large doses of bold assertion, vithonS wby, or wberefore t Vab rthram down, and brandiug peoplesas fools for not swallowlng ttrem forthwlth, eau be ,qîred, uir by meaus of a tronst. 9Y meut colstiug of more self instruc- tion and a lesa prodl5al edlflcatlon 0f others. *'Wheu vs speal," aYs the gentleman, --of the amount 0f aliver itu circulation, or the amonut o! gold in circulation, we mcan the vainc of Itthe ainount lit dollars." t.Now this ln a truisa that 1 do not remember arayone as disputing, but l wil be recalled to mi.nd, &bat in hies letter of Sept. 18, be used tbis langu- 3.age. -And gold bas been for the lait lve or six years. sud in nov. belug ProWduc more rapily than ilver" I again pronotince ibis an unquàlUfledly Wituunding statement, bis palustaklng effort eàt tabulation, notwithstanding. What does bis table show? Simply n~the repOective refuSa of 1h. product, and noltlhe product itscli. Mouey is meamured by dollars, but comrnod- Mtes, 'inch as wbeo4, coel, silver, etc., S.are meaaured by busirela, tous and ulînces. If 1 abould .1ellyou tirai a certain country Sproduced igooo worth of corn, and Wou bil dno mema of deternrining tire prie. per buairel, you would ho as iguilaint of the actual product, as you vme before. If ogtg * vere worth 25 ceais Per busirel and C& wleut $1, would a mma lu possession Sof bis faculties, Whko had produced 104> busirels of oacI, Mr that because -bis m beat brougirl hlm 7rj cents more thaîn bi$ os, tirat ho ralsed or prOduced more vireat? The followtng correct table shows the actual e. prcadact in ounces: or i. M., N H OTEL. ENi - D4trîxois. L.AéS'$oTEL. [cgu, Md 4ire Laes Headquarters. adôNsa for traveiers. - - - Prop. linoiq. IME, l. T 12.20153.151.Tot lwOj .. 7.M0.781 .. 5.0.4 Wa.i . ... 9.M2.125 .. 174.796.1 This graduel Inûreeo! murer, shows iliat eltirougirtiey complaU o! having no markek, 701 thcy find it profitablt t10 produo ISfor the present 1ow price.1 Tire gentleman sitesl, that for eigirty years before the so-catledl dlemouetlsatlon, pszr t I16 10 1 vas maalntaiued. 1I asirm boy b. reconciies iis. 118t isassertion1 a silver doljs« vas vortb 11.04 bl'ore the --crlmi" Ç.Wls by the vay, nu, incorrect, titî gahilfigure being $1.004.> Il muet ho a sorry kind o! s parity, tiraI holis iltâ at a premlnm. Athonigir ietua eumcluslvely dis- proves bis Oo te=iet, 1 viii 01er a uitile hiàioryut lite subject lu hîîuestiun. Thé. "vies precedeut" of the fouifders o! eny-gov.rnmenh, Upon %,'bieb ire beses -sutmucb af bis verhiage, vas thbailu 17929 hhey vent ipon the 9mait Otheb. Orld, (they did not accopt any ratio tirati happened to -proMeul ltmelfî sud diseuvered the oouiorclal ratio to, ho 15 to i. Accodin«?j they etabllsited a bimetallie symstOt 01 15 10 1. But betweeu 1792 iod<lB37 gold ranged at about ti per àem jwemium. As a natural con aus wb ans old sma bullon, sudra=,W iras tire sole ourrent coin. 1bW15? Ire ratio vus c'haaged tg 1.90 li f,(ealod 16 to 11.) Silver, irovevlev 187 sd lffl averagedret anitsd 15.92 lo1. Silver lin rolm promuptly t - -ria0,I eau tbws be tduh tia time, tire - rtoa vartauce,10 sud o'no uprettie --U pre oo MAX KEIHLE FOUÏb 4nry am Sin a V*0d%mfu frem l4atura5 Ut.We, At 5:30 oclock MoaIByr Joyc. found Muax Klhl ýpm ant the corner of St, o ,*&ter &troc". Kie bad not be,» summ d&y. n.evasliving Rupshsn boués, ait the abovo addroms4 som ocupyjuf th.eow Uvedo there wbile replh bonne belonging bc i., 4 Urereemty, snd iuledsd ,0 Lmtvffl %sOO1.My&1Ie 141 movlug about lmaie b*had B on suhlm .iuoe uu(ho rad golie tomsenhbu LIbetyvIlee ver Sunda. W di »mtrtur Mondey, Mm"' »MhlY, sud iMondaImfhg j"40706 ta. bgo up aimu.M* .vee$iringva» ail right. Jop tO Mmsaying ou the loor onu wltir une mioe off, de.d. The inauestui ashsldTumd ~mdto- Oc'ey e ~~~ud*U the Y ha aebe Stirase teI P&4d approved.' 'Ahowu thdïbe receipts had ubot 14,5Oà% théeexpenses bsoo «Mail bis are 9UMêfing. *Md tu that citent Anse ehowiup tireprofits of the ýîil be reduoed. This balance Arem the society bought six d land for $1,000 sud laid ont j4,000 la buiMiago, track and hapovrasls. moat Of whlcb mido neoeuury ou accotint of Moneus hIàc 'destroyed every Kg on the ol idppds. A very «1. fair bath u Iudsbtedneno of ýbonowed money, and the so- Isots wss g eu, indorsed by 16 Waldo, Dtle J, Eedmond and ý,Xar1y tïbw8 a MisaBill- lîed à Judgât*bt galU4 theb Fo $ùr00 lfor lajurlessustained ththe Curslessus of an cîbibit- tbat wheu thre tti opened laut 't' a prospectl for a raiuy lng. he Juy broghl t aoe vas very Utile encourage- desii fris nturi casea.litire directors to go ou. In- Tehs fuonrsi vashes.d is lavasdeeided tu carry out ~aoon fro theau m ain or ahine, If possle afoi urc, omth2,ol ei' und$ of resson, sud probably termeno t akwood-Wskoa..sln hb bstorirofcoutity Bq<AIOY. ~a gocd-aaturod crowd, sucir Juattendauce the l"asiday, ne- -c. 9. Coneeqtleti good raciag la a drlv cg Tirhe ml-mnnns eamvs.Usm ai The aaclehyooild bave Christian Endesvor Bote ey byr declaug ths races off county vill bc hold ah Hlgb" Ire peopleeviro iad pald Presbyterlsu church irsàayOu ioaud Ire irorsemen vWho 180. The followingpragram M b1 .Istxavy spense 10 o eou arrsugsd. but lt kept lfailliwili Ire public nonsm. . .~ ired Ire honorable dealingF; 160- ......................lJonasv q lave chracteised Il for the 1:S. .....1. 1......vdua0 10:*> . ....................t..r..autborlzed tbe psy- .........o iBUsoil daim, 1800, inter- .Tle C. IL Prayer eth.IL. i*& debbteduess, $110, sud Mo00on .....Juaior C. IL Wëqà. th atp.Thre associatin now 12:0-.......... ..... ..TBRON C . L 411.4 1balance of cash ou baud 1:49. ........................... Md, M - AI j W ly a7 ppolflted grounds ms' 1I0-ddreu.................Bi*a £udIt. USlZtosiher with a splendid, reputa- 2:as&-Addftlâ.**What a LsaWOOlaY(baD mL U tlqudebtedneates11,500, vhicir for Cbrîstian Cilzenebisa.,*à go vI1" neit season viii easily ti-5e........Baabaliucr'vieo tymavelfecîprondof thre 8:40Udras......She, a u~os. egaulipaoved aEtirhe fair tis yenr, .Quspbae. sh~epls have proven a disposi. ....... ...C. IE. ams1oe ficm£tluo4opbyovery obligation, sud asa@-Addrm ............... a". N 0 . IL- bom pllmcal £LICE F.B Sri. Preak"at . hie' viancauj Played sail. 01 Tire Everett snd Diainod LIM~ bail ines crossed bafts ou ibie fiR OU vroue1s Saturclay reautling lat a or ct 18*0: in lufavor of EveroilO. , eu &"i«=»uesvsq.mail sud tireE!Afet testa vo honora eaaly. Thii. UAt gh'eê Iveretta tireciapchg i amotlaei jear, tirey baylnq w«ý, ehpr ~ oI *esarranged by thore àls&i Teachera Meeting. A Sucirera'meeting viii ho hbeM 04. 17 at Ecekefeller. Tire progzàe90 for tireday vailulude tire Brut masàt' voex 0 per outîue lu WoôdSa BO*aY sud Klnga scirool fIneroel.m D4isa.Tiresubseatu are: Bcéta-?hc oypd 7m Ju. sis. Ai alogsuie arinvfted. flegltration Day. not as yet rolso'htiede do av,04 rour USUIwableei" ive tilla. . r*. 4 s e. *1 busi sny county ln tis or M. We bespeair for the fair eoedented aucees, sud con- tire association for its cf- Oagemeut under advrersc cir- SMaoOUffln Leaves. four years pastorate lu le, 1. B. MacOuiffin wiii tale ti& lua ànov field sud lier. 01o Evanston, bas b)een ,8 Iris charge. Mr. Mac- 00 te Humbolt Park M. E. $a Cicago. Duriug bis - nintry bereire hbas bloisef tb the memnirrs of iwanl on the respect o! iStiveIy eugaged lu ciurcb Uis quiet, consistent christian mud ablhi. mltry of the 3UMn wvU move t10 iisnev "b veek, preachlng irbstiret ate uesI lnday su" Bey. ,>6 vitir the Ibértyrile ýO GROVE. '46àMoad&y Oct. .. pJà buliding au, a4dlftiou 4»« er ppeets ho upove te the O"*tg. Kd, f mdcWiU *Ire a short cau <tue er sud couelp., of te, O o! Palalu, î-lav,. Mrs. Pred ZO5 UO. 140t bars l->ndxi QbAr*Bras1v lb AruI,#, WcLaughll ns. lattie Axe PIugT eIbe ROIied Oats ' .-der Vinegar pddrgai kichor Sweet Chocol Uerman SweetGhocgl igai New Orleans Mot gai Honey Drips Syri 1#,ound CooDers Baki COUNCIL PROCLEDINGS.f Lno'au8 tFii uOCT. 5, 189g.llu s ami P effl Ich chair. DuBota preViotis meeting read o M anu D fUB<ithen came Ilu recoiw.0*5Ae te puymeuto01 re teai foilowlug bille. and o motion of 'i aliowe4 amui viats ordoed drawu d front th& W»uspe tauefods: ~ :~l WrIic Z W»an P. C.Blum 6 24 tl H'.. osaii.t &..................... .....5vso Il.~~ ~ los.....................~b D. SIAsui............6.00 tot C. Have............. ......75 fisiS C. Hyon....................... E . D a v i a . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 t , , i D. M cOoruk.. ... ......... ........ 1i.2. jw ttln.t A. P..1.00 li eau L WOUb................... .4.-00,trtt'IbY. T. Fincutter ........................... 6 O lie- f roni JL r" ........ 1....... 0.(» ~.Ist N. Kueber....................nlà i e ii The . village Iresuner's report for sq,,h 5tdew selitemaber vas r"ea sudshotwed au pîîî'¶îî w> follows: AMoUM,,mo hand let report olt.1frc $1 132 ecolviM$smo. 83.75.,inaiking ruPli total of $ L poi ont (durlug frSiint Septemsber IM3Sît. Balance on baud lo, owuert iv. k tkmg On motion 01 Gall.ovty and I t>H i tmîna treaslurer's réport vas aoceiti ýaiiîlilif liaued on file. sat.' Movoi by Gallovay sud Dnl3ois that tho ecoat0o malter of ropâtilg crosatuga lie "nI "Il rr referred 10 at;ss conxlss.louer, vitir th" i' ll power 10 act. Oained., îarm'1q .0 1 Ordînancé sotunitiee aubntttetl. e.,t .> le orcllnauces No. 86sud 86. Moved by tlwý.ef lu Galloway snd Calby tirat ordInauces"S".5 No. 85 and 86 be paased, &Ul votlug ar e llst. o! on roll caîl. Vlllag" ,. Moved by Oalbovay and Shermananpm tirat the nmrhef uolify J. W. Bulier 10 known1 cover bis building'uaed as a hariaaseahf Khop, vithiroiro ,iumodiatefy. Carrted. bmfo Moved by G*iloway and DuBols bat letk, at Joc Beirm sud StoeoTaylor b. 'rL or"à given permission to ilUltu atreet ln offinuo front . of!thbeir property, unuderBric. il. supervision of! bleé Commissioner. i tLroti Carried. Teha2%1111 Cinhltice on bades, appolnted to tWii Syl aeccire appropniate badges for Presi- list t d dent and board of! iasi.. reported as of lend or1 Dot bavtng Yet recelved bed«ps. ùo&MN; 1 Moved by Gallovay &ad DuJýpbthtia anuîî,a] J. Lockte be notilled -by t"reeiak 1 makln iirdi present bill to tire tboaultW $2.33, the7 pastiffl amoutit o! tax ovenped. Cmàr rfld. U so Moved by DalleisandêGmUIoViy warab that l'resideut of tho board be »Mèk- to thre staaîding coinnpqtteet. <Jaited. Moved by (iallovqlMd Ço0b# Ilitat e ,laa clerk the iusruc tdo 061 Oouýnn- a front J. W. Miller adA ~~iao hf respecti vely, for vark dom o#Ito0ltrtXII Ave. Carrled. Moveil by Oalloway 'ua4 IoGxqgor that street oommission,« bb., aotfied tg put lu the tUle cross4 c.e Stewart Ave. Orrled. Moved tirat nee111 mùo. aarried. .. as W. C. BSmonn, rm*ge Oj* APTAKIIt Mrs. Sophie Eièbm ila#p week in Oiri*s*o.1 oeo. Weidnuer made 1 bm to Chicago tire firat o1 the mris. P. l5mftIr md Joka soigJr., mli4 At iris ulble' *eSoý4a411, boys»seem $0 tJs»yrie

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