ON iwooGAPR4Y. 4s*a-6upa Wrltpii lu the gturual Lf-luit uée froam diUta ost.aniquc aermoas t eçl*le hau DOT", ,of .ag a hmérit Zasastes. hala -ué tlbéby nome roca voulé nt ha clapiW liii that pro- mu<b aaxiety te thua vth Professer Josepîh - btb"Diia Insttutioni, netCs asalé: "o Id y~ 'bariiliiheshape 1 ibleit l. iii haailigit. lie là»a9of saunépeniiaps MW amin ofm'y tins, end 1 sa.fer as thiat. Two audito- asmcme1 h exmctly alike and *uslsmay ha gsood sud lu Ume uasatusfactory otage lu *altbough many declare lbey itteoa iemaThare are vWh. gay they ca rend ciaracter tmg. It o salé thsl lbe val a* e later "Il' decîdes bis ego- 4e maésty, a"d te vay oas write ;,~ "(" éeeiées the iielght and ýa M Ms emohloas Itlah decianeda bauémensa m ramped nature, s»eas, Olag nthané s facile and s'bra pirt. But If there ha anythngInl *W Mw itera moil ha nome rules flot ' *Smei. for noeof lb. holdeat it*Agtassli*mca bave a delicate n i h illa omof te ailgul*ir nmres with the amil dhi and scope of the Dame qd Ibucock on the amuortai docu- - - DSonc of lie ci"net in person y$ toiagb presat their blotted andl S~Be ae. end some of the rougbesl u n immacuiate cirograpby. ' «WtOrdwhracter, haut tihe copy plate set b'eesa in our achoolboy day dccides 00agmrl %, ileaifaur haadwritiaz. So aa-thera la a fasiion laî,eamauîsbip. «M fer anc decdéethie lttent are ex- ~adstcé and la lie naît miaified, flow 4NsCê aud uow asîsut, Dow helvy end iM m.An autognaph album is alwys Q suhprise, and you End the. penianuip <etbiradlthelicharucter of the wnitcns. »Mt villa the chrography of lbe sartl te smomlan, our ble&seal Lord la otan text msmathe chirography iceleaial. Wiaen aléCaig the eventy disciples taindilî îifte.hlm, he salé, "liejoice hecaus- yeu caimes are wrtten la beaive." The Boaok orf Lue. 1f oourae the Bible, for the mont pari, vhs ape"king of the iaaveuiy vonld. igeaks liguraively ile talking about bok. and about trompeta,ad &bout Vbnge, *ad &bout gâtes,ad about golden PavUieets. sud about orchards vit' twelve cropa ai fruit--oms crop sach unmth-aind about the wito hors.. of liMeronscavmry. But vo do val to dogov out t lanpred mataphorsa nd uui i rose hem cournand aublime ex- eatUtu»adiconnoaion and vietory. l , toata la uthe iiesvnm i ur - - *i à U ibooak et lite. Penhajia tiare an SuBmy volumes la Il. WIaa va Mr vo ar.weme» & ai vIlen by t.eauthos .a that sabjeet.1 ecanemtelU oy largo tRam a mvoniy volumes are, mr til ogimadof ai hIr blmllmg, Dmothlisau. %M et Oai ar pagea, ot viietier they sri gistorilsialt sno xclllag aoemes a Pb worbl. 1 oly knovliait the wordc »vo mt beca lmprese by typa, bui vrW«tn et >y sams band. andéthal ai thoe vho. Uhile Usesvent>' disciples tI Vbeuu lh. tant va poken, repent s buiS lthe Lord for their aeril aalvatlcs autel>' have thiîr mîmes wrllten la beiv «IL It Mar ntmot heisane Daime ti& va, carricé an eath. W. mur, tirougl Ch. lemaaadratees of parents. hava baM. tut laUncouti, or that vas ater warMdIibamoreé hy oaa&fiter vion w, vrfleeda. ldoant kaowtlaat the sa 4h1etyriruasciaf tie.Daimaiof th. erave ty disciples correspond viti tiie racor ta the tgcealoglcatabla. It may mt b - aaas z»b> vhlch vs vers calîcé i arti, but lyUl b heianaaehy vhil llmanan vill ko us, ané ve viii have1 aaunuaccéta us as va panilandud viii knov Il no certaînly thut v. vilina bàave ta he a clîcétwlce by Il. as la th Sible times the Lord casé snoe peol twics by aome: "SinI, Saul!" "8amue Usmulr "Mathe., Martha !" Wham You comae uP and look for pou Marne la the mlgity tomieso tarnity an You-ara sa happy as t. limé Jil tiare, yo vIl noticea theti.pcamunaip1 C~rlt',sud tRai thl.lttera va,. vi temrWlth a lrenbling hamé--not tremblin vità OU lm Wa hoth ld oaly paseu tr daccav'hm »zpired. Il vianm du.,- Look aver ail the busiaesa ccuai gos hag* orte lttera you vrqte ai peag ig &sla d if joen ere orilari - efiSrMg-m val Ibea thera val no trami ilu tRaa- hlnograpy. .Why the. tremor1 tihlthtat vroha pour nmrn ahearsz * Oh. Ù1$ vas a comteseloa ai merntroubl t' h"iv« gv awta.Mayuna aIse, amdI&Uiq ebsettuslaasasmced for theru. 0hrz *1ageutre4yol. He lbal beaua -tuaolO i ii' vai r arPletiù km. gliêw lutss~, o rac teM pa.làt. Chu mia,!eLat M bLi~ ut hahadi Ob, ho wonas or tsi rcsaoa ha dle Manur Victime of eruel*io ivm<f -ayl star dry upon the rm%,btt4£&rl5t vas$" lu the court'room et 12 W.6<la* cf ma ý and he had explied et 9Z olc la tse' afternoon of tae s*suaday. dfluI.Sss.USq frocs the three. hout*-betweec1a* ai. oclock the tins taken ta travel ttoih court room te tae pise of exéetio, *pé the tisas that mot have been talcs la getting roady for taetracedi, tharaemid net bave been mueRa moe than t"4kiéffl lef t. Why édid Christ lire 0-ly tva bpwrs tapon the cross.,-when ters bal liraI forty-eigbt houre? Ah, h. vas vorget before ho got lierai .And Yeu val*Wi' oh, chilléof Ood, that, looklng bute 5h. volumes of hoaven for your uaimao,,,o find it vas wrttea wti a trembllia Da- mansip-trembliag vith cvery igt04W et yoîr camne, If It b. your earthiy musas, or trembling viti aven ltter of. gour kenvenlycaime, if that ha hier- eut aad more cuphontoas, TRat wili mt b h t rit tins Yeu suv the mark of a quivrfusmgpola, for dié yon mot, oh,4 main, years *go, sec yeur name ne written on the back of a ltter, and pou opeasé It. saying, "Why, bers la a ltter fron nother," or "Here ln a letter from father." aaim ster yen opeaed t pou found ail the worés becdne of nid age vers traced lrregulariy and uacertal. no that you coulé bardiy rend it at &Il? But aitar mneh study you maide it out-a ltter irom home teiiing yen boy mach they niss oen, and bow inuch tiey prayed for you, and how mucb tbay vaat- " d to eseeou, and If it migbt fnt ha on earth that no t mlght be in the vorid wlere there are no partiags. Yes, our came in written la heaven, if writtea at ail, witb trcmbliiag birograpby. Borne Autographe. A ramn, la axamnaaùcn of your cneafla ith:e bearea!y archives, if )OU iné It there a t ail, you ailI Band it written wth a bold bhaud. You have s>ea mauy a signature ethat because of sickness or old &ge hadl a atremor in It, yet la was as boid as the min e who wrots it. Many un order written on ethe battiefield and amid the thunéer of the cannuade bas had avidence of ex- a citement ia every word and aven! letter, d and in the speed wlth wnicb it vas foided ýtand handed tii the officar as he put his 1foot in the swift gtirrupa. iind yet that ,commander, notwithstaiudint bis tram- aibliag baud. givea a boiduess of order that oshows tseii ln avery word writtea. You dio t ueed te ha toid tia t a trembftns *h.Ind docs net lwnys men a cowardly ,v ban.It was witb a very trembliag bond i Charlet(Carroll of Carrolton signed bis Il naine te the Declaratiota of American In- p dapendeace. bt ne aigu"r bad more cour- , age. And wben morne one said, "There aà a. mainy Charle Carrolîs. sud it wil moet a be kaown wblcb oae it in." bc resumed tic a pan and wn,te Charles Carroll of Carrol ýton. Tremblug baud no aigu of timiéltY! ie The darias aa dediance seen la the wny your nome 4 wrltten ia bearen are a challenge to al sarth and bell te coma t.or. if tey eau ta deesat pour raiaomed seul. tThe way pour naaelas witten there la ass uch as to .17:111 hiSYS neéaald hM. I dlsé for hlm. 1 an glugta Scroauand mtirons hlm. Nothiug abal anaevr haPPea dOn 'nlathat worM vwharf 1) hs nov lives te defet smy etecmlmUatm t, tu kacp hlm, t stu,ew filua,10 tO .hiM. Y ByMr *Ahmhty trace I au seing ta ~fetcbhmnberm.nea ar sip am" ailea Y.but hh an gflotta oSahur ed I pOam- n1mptatmI god, by t. cambin.4Sé stgMg Sandl doiins, iy lb. 2UM 0aalots af or teLord Almwgy, 1 am nt t mg ec hl- tethrougb." Dolé haadwultwagt It la the ke he'deSt thlng aver uvittasa'tu wrta My anan* thase&s"é eur mnutcr.. He re knmeov a' vakncmmcsand bail puoeai. of tic. haettar ta.an ekuov thon ourWove& se He k.sovs ail the.APOllyomic honte thal Ut arc svorn te lav upIf thcysun.He i kitoviail the temptatIoma that-viil mua tu us betveem s»Wsa" ta momet Oi our mid lait pulsation ai the heurt, muté et ho on dires ta *rtc ou"casme thora. D eal. ,v Notng et aragoma or Chiins or Mar- et athon as Thmapylsa 10 qual 15. Noti- Ch iug la the. mca* ogapo-der wvicitope a Engliai sabler caivicé umetae bRlai Fr artliiey or the 3Mohamedama sud ies rse~ tif, tegrae of Dcliii.Cao y»u naS se. Uit r-bolduc»in lathe penmanmhlP tht bas ai n~ready vnltten ont mimes thers? Apoatia ,r Pater, vit do j'ona tink of i? And hi b« anuveas "Kept by tiie power of Gai ont tiiraugb fItiunto complete aalvatlouiL je O)h. blàsseé Christ, vlaaldoit thon meli , i by IlAnd ha univers: "Tey "a ,M navet parbLah.Nether shhu Ry ma ot pluck thon ont of MY hoad.- 'YouI las manies are written la haireu." ple mtarnai Volume., Sl, Agqln, if, aecordlng taute promise ai tie text, you ar e prmittal ta look lat ,r the voums of tegatY uMd "&UD s Ln your cme thora, pou vii lid l vrlttet ,u la Unces, la vards, la ltters uaMlst0bab ha Home peupla have comte to comaler lli it- tile uc ad aiait unreadabla peum nbh lut a tmark of gaiauné "l00th«a>affet ee Because aen ryparagrapi Sal Thae" :o (;IaImm a nd Deau tanleY u&é^Le0 th- Byron und RuiusCMotand 0*00otho i ,tu tait noa vraie liona pe-nlý.lulùt 30 maka thaIt pe"immniiP A »usiai ily sudre Dm» Mr&a tut p4anm maab dur la tba bravaS et iie&pactr. Th-a tRa la in are some. *ho, hhrough ehU1~ la e? upon lt4o emeglsand,&aib a lis tIme, lase the. Ca pty UiIgh.p lof lt.lllgbblé, itué mach fAvrlni 'it thia var Ié aldslhbM . i ex- mmc Isc nsé. and ltslrebar th . h* ,ma lion. Va do noSvanSt.být "OMMe ana Rats.?: ý hisliaiS 1StW la: thi .bot»01 s a .saMOUSU, 041,68 boié Sa* a s the tha5 t u aùbh-ta bave taken iras h. b»K*$QvesIi vubIs ulidî liat le ot reihi' 1ourii ad h bAks. If you bai sous crafWWy en- gala, Foun voalêbas bandé- Ikat eh. Mmnevas ot Joueret 214 ail, Una Nov, Mo"g ont. vbiz 1 I mpO 1,-h what vre*choduflattaie u-10 1 la baavsaly t=W«luta b a'Ovmw ta turu Four bsck on amUc.IBtf bavintgJblaedtuah e I et tPm u to.ba forced, ta qit It 4rnti.U~t ha-ring lsupelour Ieos-lalit ru l ltavsaly.. eambrace ta bar.*.s'*4ip raioub Wàit auni yal b a la aouRaa' goad-bx ta heaVa1u l iur h ta Ue4 on blah.t bat our sanmesviiibas arcehagl @hall écutait tfer;Ïii,»*UM for 500> steraitles, If lie», vai rs îfor la may. Tic oldet bIshihutet bnlv- en ca rend It, andtae chilI Cht lait Ie natheaeai ap lnt aigRt lh haIrec Csua rend Il. You vilI nol Just lokat«Four Daime and closethaok, but pou viii stand and soliloquine -a" MY: "19 il ot woadenful that m ame aisla liez. at alI? IIow mach It cout Mry Loré tea gat il there! Unwartlyaymn1Ihota lve Il la4 lie same book vith tha e ns anééaugh- teri of mirtyréon aad wvih lie chie spirits ai aIl lime. But the»a Itlàl, and, no plaainte voté amd la plainaiRUtse letterr' And you viii tura forwaré ad hiek- yard tchelaves ianéasecother "memc tiers, perbapi Four iathe anme, mué Four mther'a Dame, and Four broteras mime, and Four imer' aa, andl Four vifa'. fDlme, and apostolie nanes, and a': I Iamnot surprlsé liaI liame mimes are heri recoréod. TRat ers lit et- ter tian 1 avenva. But istonluhameai ovenwhibming, liaInay Daims la la thls bookr' And turaiag hack ta the.igte On ich la Inscibe yourDame, Fou vii standdand look il I, u.at.l sealng tiat ethers ire waitiag ho examine thereord@ with refereute ta the!; ovunDanas, You step back halo the tanks of lhe radeemacé, vith thten ta tal aven tic vaundernaent. lndeitbiy Wrlttem Âgila, if you are se hippy as ta iné your nana lu the volumes of eteralty, Fou viii flué bI writtep lndalibly. Go op ta tie 81,10 DapartmantIlath!is national capital and ses the old treatiai agneé iy lh ier mIof forelgu ations bust hafors or mal mifter the hsgling of-this cea- tury, and 700viii land that nome ofté documents are se fadaI out Utat you ea rendoniy barsand thers a Word. Flan the paper yeiiow viti g, or tha parai- meut aarolheé hafore you. limehba et- faccé lineafmter lina. Yoa hava ta guau aI tic Dmanmd penhaps tu-ess vrouby Olé Tua. la tepresaated au cantylng a scythe, vIithviilch ha cula lovA t* gezactatiomu, but ha carrieszmia"cetalcals vlt vwilciha cals outvhole Patatftphe iromn important documoutis. wé,ta*~ about lsalbsn.butS tiere la ne0 tlwaslm9dllblelak- It inonly a q lion etainbm, te complete.,obliteratian o« mil aathir signatures a"ii ngrosaacts, ButFournDame put la tuaeltearealy ra- or&, ail lii..milleinnai lainait sunaI lim't Ml.Atar pou lire beau su, long ln e lorr Sht dFouenot pqaseqaluparlah- aabe mer,,Fou vanlé hav4 toÏgg.It lie day af your entrance., porrnaMeoo tba pue awilljlov as vivldbr as on the. Ilmatft l as Iracc tiers hitse luger aio d rantrelAhaner. a Thm wiii ha no mcv geaieratioma conm- j lus jua .heaven, ada> hhousamé peaus rf rom uj. ran1h15or ran other pla- ae, ioula mmp enter I0 Maurnyasia»M Irasiécuce, ué.tougi y- aur me va,. - anc plalaly on lie. bools, suppse Il - soulé fade out? Boy coulé pOU Prove te the lii uconets liait t hué avrbeau v rilttien . e tah li? Ileliblal hatapa- r bic of bhalaSncMeleélEtprnlly as ielp- ~ am ma ima la sur attempt ah emmurai 1. What a re-enforelag, upiitagU tougihlr a O)tiar records la hamneanmai giva out ,e ad vil gins out. Thareanar records d tere Ila vila tae racordli ng al vaiea I»dowa aur alas, but 1hlha abook fl a9 a braIs,snotat macth oi tic vrllng tiers a cananot harasd or avea guessed *t- Thé, a recofébgaungel lié thie vrltlmg bt utrn tr garlot put la liaeblots, for éim hu mot promn.Is I I ll blat ont thelr trasra- siosr And if nmonesla heaveat uhaulal ,f remaimber soeaof our aarthly lalqultiai ta a" ask Ual abdut t tn lerd LovévWd »Y *,i: où. I iorgor hhemi -I complatel> t ogo thons glas, for 1pruised, 'Thala d aimnsd tar lmlqultlau vii 1I rammbea aue mor.' lantha ires liai bur up oua loeil iiantae saisIt' deoata, -mué aIlthi ~tte des, an &l the alle ofiorO an>& -thille librarles viidiaupper, worme rd Ïibm he vie ta20OO0 vobmun d aI ta . 0 700.000m»amusetps ai lb. AlcuamIi'i M ary vamt éowmudirthlia bnci et x- Or a"mlot a lest or word viii ascapié OU -i.Sslinbtat hletconàafmrtion. vbIi tbChaI viii ho vilacssé lby ohe, plan- «% , hbacslahabtants vili exelulm: mtcoîl Tiers inavworid oulime" But * m Cl w vi ho oaîy ana conliagratlon la o andlt viii Mt deshroy, jat vu.ktditii. mninthie Conflagratilauof eçmd a~ dt tt blase on tue taomsuand uW.ad tamples and hhrouc4a, mu SrilWan d dîmmode valls la te 11gb et tuaea@DUiait Dmensets. hadeuwbel mare Lghti Tb" lqle nrt ouiCris ut..Taoul h 0 DOMR.eter t.bavimaAtoo-sueLt by Pwer ar b fr he h. Voran 'Wbta .é5lM' e Sa creatîve *pottd-llêg -*te* for. :haae Who fluet, Plài 'taimsa i lmb Mutls io glOTkoq"umWsahln Goal -.-PORT l-i sut and a&*= Ive lliae *07 - andbl laquitp tb style ho lirsI of NovaSka, go you S -catch your 09 lonable vouut*. mena h;ck iaýtlu bornidéfieforas l- other ma9 h. Sbootlng là n"v on, and dîiWo~ îiay have becs Stoc busy fibuf Sswlmaming and dancIng lu Augnut ad., é-~ and Saptembai' ho> hoîhe; about ay gaine except mina, vbo a aiva ys la ieasona for Ibeir giW4i ty Sephamber and Octobar al l$eit ltqrasts change. The inîka vii. ara oblfged 10 go back ho tovu for sotdiI moaey reaaod's, or bacausa Illa broth- er bais ho go 10 ichool, or somehblitg of the sort, are ail cleared ont. The partlcular. allîcieé main nemains. ar course,ad out of Miss ilana'a truait corne dresses not touchad Ailmas"l ill nov. They are otuning t0g1, and If seollag ha ber especial excus for apendlng the. autumu -it the noua- Imbuns, ibe' vîli -havea at leamaIIo ,Of then. One gela- val or solleà sud ha- suit£ voisA «Mme 0or itiLL'a-ETi5. mkilesIt lua ica ho niaIs a naw effect t ance, or tvice a veeL 0 A pntty talion tbg 'a put la tlii fraIt pidIlire. Il la of amnoth broya cloth, a q1aly wve anmaé osoit thal Il somei upra ike sarde leatiier tija - cla*ti. anal lie braeha lealior colonel.' T»e jackat 'la big valated, its close ad buttons aili taeva>' lova vIi- bush a show ofai non colia ndmi, or. piqua guimpe ah th. mock. A bretella 0" or aiganuine leathor, la a lonely sit goldeais, nakas a collar et- tact amd a looe-cégol! panel davia tha iateme ockets ara ho match. A littho le&Um r rlor cap la vouaI about juil aboya the vison viti a suarf 0f tue dress nbtea.no athat thora la fiasuut- gestion ai yachtsmaamhbp about Il. Ljaitier gal ters teaci t he skirt, vblch cons. beiovthie kaco. la tii uha la asIn iménddenura' ax cun be7 Itl a ush Uts sort of a rlg ho wear for long lays ln thilbs, and 'aveu If asedoeau't hit anything vihi tae S"i, taeboy sud arrov ure to ba about caaaaohSise hibr mark. But when thora la a rogulan 'meet," wben ta viole p#aty la gobng, whau lie a5her *"hl"la ho ho thers, Ico, vhom pour boast friand la aise luitel, thea ba taetins ion a really stunlng nlg. This the secod pîcturo shows. 138s jacitat la huater's green, of tie "iaath- an lotti" sé mach favrel tor out-doot nu, whlch has tâe texture anmé soi t- meaet ffilathut îan& lbhesupanrIý1 bygiaitie quille of lti. A pique guimpit surmouatal by a ligi linon cohir luaS h he liroat and the nereat thremi0f aàgourlet hie. A close flîtligt ourliet loather Vest shows unaentae omat, but hla reaaily shuanîng part of Um rglea i rt. Thisila anaall- ciieck z#lxd chaiot, ocrlet bannae§ -" - "feI 14, "ie -W A ritof tom, a glcl of broase M ayée bine as co. à hrltbg t ed.Tl- a"-. arrov awoul'- s 9But the Ocobergi btat shoot and ib'ah vonli tbc have mare4 AniMS ear tha pretl worlé for tennis? Il A OUNVItE CLIMBIE. tha acîrlet of the trait baves - lb m m c »M .W « *jsýFl IAPle. It vas maide vtth mucii reduced and wllh theZol4ii boit tuât aida thi e valut -affèet. .A row or lsp tucku la put aboet ti.he to of - tho kirt, a trick thait helps, get:M of stIffeung and yet miot b. reéuesâ à .o ellmpoineza ant the anitles. AÀam*a$M r0w of tifèks or a close arry of braid- ýnag loi wl crlsp the foot of a .kIrt almoOt Uà as well ah a wiIre Improval'. BHm d lu mned blouse are white s11k, and tha . anlior bat wvl Its side lift 0f rthbMW in aU White. 1At This la saown la the tblrd sketchà, 0a4m à ah! but It bringa out thje bronze ofber-'thi siD. wblle the scariet of the dre.ets um the biood evera more brightly aider .t#e a hrovn at the cheeka. It la as MA 2t». "h other girls are mostly Sono baek to town. t hey-lOuld have no chance At aIl A rJ.g of thîs sort serves fa:t b bammock, toq, Qhi t'Me Anuàam u lapttabe gil d fot oxhainst the'U bammock, by saby means. Thte M'ae 'the dmyg of the fildledcon, ané potu rmats, whea the hammock la làD- ' f ln the cirele of the varm Aeg Sm a$ sirtatlons, ail la a lend of eolê psc » llght and warmn rosat, gIl.Us-7- and the. corn a'ctiance te c.-~~ to a erlap smetianam-inste Mâw* ad of taebig lire.Whtmaêr then t aisC ab~ pettiçqata ontc h sa4m&I tj cca h&f# i ieiIs vilS uhiavbeM yla a2saucer Of.1 pali an Otoef, rI? o". seau ah ai T ma ti*t In» la mach i,