0*lais É'sý mal it: et Çbarle- W~flN TOOLET. w before me 6fr Lb. br Muffr mDr. Willemie Medi "t y. Seectud:, N. Y. -Wlb h bicycle couUdeti witb the .,»Me héfdh U Aud refflagalnat the Iamè put. making hi* nom. bleed, »»w bios s teyez and bruising hlm- 'it up geermfly. A crowd gatbered 41ot -Mdmand smone eambedi: 'How 4dthlsA ccident happe»? He gathered bliselt up, wiped the blood from bis faCe. put bis bat on and looketi around frrhbi machine. *1 bav-en't lad any meeidenî he said. "<Wbet matie hlm et that wsyy' 'Tbey foMid out atterward that lie vas the premident of a rallroad coin- #BAVE SPIRIT BROKEN. HOW otten vwomen yak. up la the faosning cheerful and happy, doter- 'xjlaed to, do no much betas. tie day end&m»d y-t:- Ieforc the mora lait la very QI&, the &dretl UACKý Aduic oppuMrm4 "me tlbrvopi I«e*ter bo mpon ber.ý ib4Wud I sue, "egatobl.MTî Ail .mh pecamo eefroa aderangod uue. Trouble ilathe wosnb Mta cgttbelicgtoifthe sma at mdday ta *a vaut number of womem Bb advbMo<-do as mmm>' others have dont a"d are dolng-procure Lydis E. Pîlthama Vegetabi. Compouad ai iaee, and Commence withont dela>' ta Ym ~ u ta robot t la uratobrmngyon, Ueling mpspf -s IIIsIIL W~up~aQ~ aoeus XEETV DJ~Â~P1L One HuMlrdl I-MReport.t in thi e Isa«. ui *z. Huop 4theScie o..a te« of rAi8as -teeStorm. sn Os a ......... ....... PlmA emdPa ................... ladri, a................. 69YcawickGm ...................5 8« sdi.g, P..................... 0 Uapwa a loriGm..................il4 sa Iaa i ..................102 T.v.aalu Plouida................0 bmqt&n, lGa. ..................2 Alaxd .,......... .......$4>00000 GrestLakes ....*..'.......' 7500 Lancaster, Pa., and viciait>'. 1,000,000 Lebamian, Pa............ 00o Savannah. Ga. ....,..11000,000 11101 laaeds...... .0,0 SI*UiOI, Pa ...............35M.000 .Wahngton, D. 0 ............ 250,000 At Otli.r Places ............. 2, 00 It lta aconsersatise etimai. tasamy ual fltty people have bast their lises fron the VIanida hurricane, sud the. number May mun much higiier. News tram liat Portion of the State viiere the. stonn £irst struck la ver>' slow lu comins, for vire, are dava sud relîroada are impassa- bI. Tiie hnrtcane struek Florida et Ce- dar Keys, a sillage of 1,500 iuiabilants, and reporteshsow liat It passed lu ils path at destruction oser tventy lovas sud villages, sud that between thirt>' and tort>' persoashase'certaini>' Wen killcd. Coer Keys la about 100 miles southist Ot Jackaonville. Moviug nortlueateriy. the turm struck Williitovn, a $al town, viiere eleven hbnse were blovu dawn. One persan n'as killed and several no bnCi>' bort liat il au expectcd tiiey yull die. Near Jacksonville lu a large turpentine teai, viiere Stute Cauictis are employed. Tirent>' of these were huddled to.-etier la R Cabin. A beas>' tree was blowa acrosa the cablu anC six of the. canvicts ver. csebe tedeath. In Alachua Coun- tY the toercedid frigbîful vark. lu Gatae.villlthe Methodist churci and about tirent>' resid encea sud business bouses vr. Ce.troyed, sud vhile a nain- ber 91 people were hurtnaotatalities are rffort.d. At 14 Crse itteen buildings vere destroyed. Thce11e. W. A. Barr, MrIs.F. F. IMlntoeh aud her baby are rePorteti kilied. Near thore four laborers, via wer, in a cabin et a turpentine fata,'« ver. cruaiicd b>'falliug tre.. Newberry, In West Aluchua, le htaly vreked. 0. J. Bastiu, mra Nancy Maou, Frank Olatead aud David Joncs vere killed. At Ulgii Springs, Meilsa Harden, Jane Mrri.sud Salle Nobles, colored n'orn, are reportcd to have been kilie. At this place a number of people look refusé lu abox car. wbieh wass intie patb of thc yclone. 1h 'sas bitasong the track. sud then off it a distance oft Afty feet,and ever>' Person n l Itva" botil>' injired. Steve kananisd Oso. Johnsoo-a have %Ince died. At Gracy, a sii place, tvelt-e bouses wereblowndo*tt; a vouin wnas kilieCbut a babe at bo' breast n'as unhurt, altiiongi Il had ieeu'carried soute distance by the force ofthie vind. At Lake Butler, Brad- tord Count>', Mr. C. HL Harkey, lits. J. M. Futcb anC ber infant ver. fatali>' hurt, lin>'buildings n'er,*blown down, At thus place the. nind bIen' ta pieces two cars loaded vti bricks, and a negro, Heur>' Sullivsan, n'bo vas 300 yards awa', n'as kilied b>' beings truck b>' ane et tbe flying bricks. AtLise Oak the. destruction is complet., but no lois af lite le reported. Near Welboru lhe houqe of Amas White n'as destroyet! sud tn'a o! hîs cildren were killed. At Lake City egit buiness honses sud thirteen reaidencea ver. destrayed. lits. Sarah Fletcher and two boys ver. kllled sud Dora J.uuiugs, Samuel Hudson aud Jonas Ilabre>' ver. fatailly injured. Six persans are rî'portcd kllled ah Fort White, lu Columbia Count>'. The hurricane passet! over Duval Coun- t>', strîkiug the, edges of Jackson ville, but doing ver>' littIe Canage. Jusi north, hawver, lu Nassau tounty, consîderable destruction la repartet!. Fise chiudren ver. killed Iu the n'reck of a schaolhiou.e. Mesa Stewart, the teacher. bmd her arn bauken. Lila Rails, a 12-year-old girl, vras kIlled atilier home, ber mother uens fatal)>' Iujured. Mars>' JQiinsan as aise kle&î ,At lllllymrds, snotheVebcoolhhuse vas i'reked aud four children vere kil!- i. At Klngs Ferry, Ândy Johnson. Mous. Laiter, Simon Hendersan, May' Jouas sund a chld veto killed. Mra. Ftiher n'aa aurslng a .îck cild audtlie Infant ied as th iase teil. Tiie mth- or n'as huit, but yull recaser. Thre allrsvere kWiled an schooners liat ver. loadlng lomb e t Kluge Ferry. Thon. i lan w>' ho estimahe lthe prop- crI>' loru laFlorida. Tii. lasse.s a seem heavier nov thsn tic>' viii Whou cgr. closel>' eiailned. but tak with la- surabee meu le tiat FViada lbases 'viii foot up $2,0w,000. Ttis secins, bowver, An excessive ctirste, Stormi niaisQuérais. *Acrosa thelima ile Georgia the. devse.. lation n'as coitnwd. At Folketam, ' vlifch le ear thé, Okeflnokee swamp, the sebuoolieuqe vas, wrecked. sud tour fi ~,*to0. 1%oa sam b", eso.g dia lamet 0cm- 1 stSouthA Oarme"oiabaumsu a rap- tweao t the, tom cf 1lem 4bu0a1 ico t'm i çaii * - uLb. w* « Lb.aLo s a 4spibttr~c "us 4*&pud pe -bam m n US.i- isS n am otk 'vb« t kl la'W llsdiL will go vr10 Biavs la ,Penume"f. 'T" cent houa" Otft&a.TeMOU i. Uis% et Temple Station, are mile.m bnRad- lUI& P14, vas blovu dowà b>' ih.e vin And *u lari adomea vonbuiee vem igi la, the ruina. Two woars kllqd.-. Huas> "*bhout*s-are rporteti oe the, Paumy vamHimd csa f lIunieo. Tb* liffltets ingl magola thatoethUePaw- sYlvatnia Railroad bridge *armathe.Sua- 91uebaa At iClmlnob~balL et fitbut Uic piers, the trou upajo la the Midde aud the. frit @pan At «eth c-«& The bridge vas a umile and a quartes long, and 'wa. said ho bW thi bosai ovrsd bridge inutheie ved. It taeoprted Usai tWO mnu eut down vith the beidgei but nO trace of them eu can ifaun& - T"c bridge cash about $1,000,000. Columbla apearu ta bave suffered more tbmn amy other secion of the count>'. Tii. dam- âge i licthe6erougb ts'eshimated et #»0,- 00(). The, storn destroyt-d Uic coul breat- et nt Xatallé. hlonging to the. Poma>'! vastis Anthracite Cosi Company'.SMx temement bouses beioaging totth. camp ver. detroyed b>'lire, and six ebuireai, lninateo, lait tbeir livre. The lire orig- lnated roin a stase overturning lu ont or thc aumuier kitchena [roui tii he akng b>' thc wind. Tii. damage ai Sbamokim viii raclk,$350,000. The. Paterson break- er in almost a total wreck, but the debrta n'as smed (roui the.fiames by the dovu- Pour Oftnain thnt foliowe<i tii widL. SuPerintendeut Vincent places the. dam. âge t htccollier>' at $40,00. Fourteets of the. dn'eiing houses sud twenty board 8haunties OccuPied b>' the mine-workers %'ev aliO biown down, and Ove oft tii former ver. con@umed by fiames. Twa of the. tenants were killcd, seseral inu- ed sud eleren catti, vere crushed ta deatii benealli thc dismntld ba. Th ii.ivmdalorm, though furious In New York City' sud vieinity, as elsieviere hi the, Eit. did but ittle damage asiate, and thug fat n disisters ou the Long Island, New' Jersey or New' Engimnd cosat bave been reporled. The greatest damnage uustained is b>' the promtration Of telegraph and telepiion. vires, Tii. atorm vus severe tltroughout New Jer- sey. In Buffalo the. mind raged aitmg veloci>' Of tfty-eight miles an bout, and st Syracuse thouEands ut dollars' vorth Of damag. vas donc. Tiie big grand, stand at Kirk Driviug Park vas com- Pilel>' demolisbed. The Yates Hatel wn badiy dauisged b>' a falling cornice and the. immense pst tglass Windows forced Outward by the. suchion of thie ai,. Storm. Arznai iWashington. Reports recesed tram the. suburban towns about Washington, D. C., show that great damag.en'as don. thraughouh th. surronnding country by ithe storm. On tie Outskirts of the i>' f.n' iocalities eacapet!. In Washington the, Papal le- iStiOn n'as unroated and the. Chines. fllgation vas dRmaget! about $1,50(). com- munict-ioan b>'telegraph and telephoneI witb the outaide world was absolutely stOPPed. The, White House n'as lightly injured by the stormn, a portion Of th, copper roflng being stripped onf and Other damàge donc.* The ml Aagstaff, tram n'iich the signal is given ta the clhy that the. Preaident in In lown, dlsappeared coPietely. lu tIcb0autitul groundsasur- rounding the. houge twenty-live of the splondid trees, eli, sycainores, n'aiat sud magnolias, sne of great age sud Of historical associations, %vero compipte- ly leveled, while fnlly fAfty of the. survis- iug trees snffered lhe logs of thi.! tops sud, Principal branche., and are perme- nently detac&d. The. saRt Pile occuPied b>' the.Stat., War sud'Navy Departinents vas toUcbed on the southeru ide b>' the atortu, and lait POrtiOnsat ils roofiug aud man>' olntes, while a structure' erected b>' the signal service for the study of cloudm n'an par- tialI>' duolishd. The. new naval oh. servalor>' building snffered lun,the.aâme fashian, ta the calent of aibout $1,200. At the Washington nar>' yard the. big sbly bouse vas partiali>' unroored, and th. gui, shops vere darnagedslgiti>' b>' the OtriPPIlng Of the. roof. A special bulletin issued b>' the. watber bureau states liai for'one minute the wind reached eighhy mile" an hour. Tic storm's damage in estimated ta rutram $250,000 ta $5M0, 000. Tiie ncather bureau gives thus oafili bigtor>' of tue atorm: "The storin vilci passed over Wash- Ington lait nigiit was reported on Sept. 20 as a tropli cyclone mavinr narti- West tram the. Carubbean Ses, Il Weiag tiin sotheait of Cuba. Durtng tue 27tii It passed uortiiwestward lt thei soutieatcra part of tee, Gulf of Mexico, aund on thie 2Sth moved uorthn'srd West of FlIanda. On tle uiorulng ofthetii 1h fi: vas central oser Southera Georgie, and b>' 8 P. M. ot the. 20th bad advanced to Southiwestern Viruanin. Tii. conter pa*sed oser Washington about 11:30 Tucuda>' nigit, the loweat baranueter tuit-. in 29»3. Durins the, rst tire. days tii, Starfi apPeared ta have ver>' littie cnerj:y, bat on the 201h developed forces rapidt>' as it mov.d northward.1' Cres r avaws et Milwaukee. Tii. barge Sumatra, consort of the. B. W. ÂrnOld, bound don'n tram Chicago, fuudered off the Goverument pier at Mlvauke.. Four sailors were drowned. The. captaiu, mate aud coak n'ere rescusti b>'te lb. lleamslug rewy. Tii.Sumatra My Wb# «km dpamilsoen t nît ab plielete sktmiag cf ber easý Angtse comppilmeattuema SU IV à Spislto cary a 1~ otbe0*>47 4dbf Je -ne lis Tc mior, baitagsli u'ed lin missie, stood igamltags1m *1 edwmratlinupen, the. faceo e tii.M* *w4be rwm ver>' beautiful ý We% air good man," said! mue. tmtc W*tdé YOD watt? TIere là Do au- ý41ldy.» the maIlor returncd with bhtn- ld *- defereuce. "I would like te iO yurngM." "Dld yog net ot it on the letterr "Pardon, lady, 1 never learmied tu remd. Mine ha been a bard, -rougi "For wbmt rensmon, my good mm, woulti you k1now my namer "Because," axmwered tii. old tir, bon- catI>'. lookIng up, "iu a torm aet, "14 with danger of deàth store me 1 w@Ulw like ta recul! the Dme of the. brigbtest tblnx lildever acen lai Itfe. Tbere'4 W sunshlne ln It, even la the tblck daxik- nom." Steam Power and mes, Power. At the great worke of Herr Krupip 4a Essen lito lie seen a hammer weigblmg eigbty tons, and tbis ln turu la plaeed on an anvil block weighing anc bon- dred and twenty tons.. Swlue, caiÇ lut bimcit Prof. achumann, wbo bas devoted much of bla Il1e ta trainlng flem. at Berne, la Uwitzerlmnd, recent- 1>' vimitei Essen and loaketi upon the mighty laminer. Un bis returfl to Berne hie began a model of &Pe great hammer, but on aucb a tin>' seule that, It cauld Wi worked b>' fiea power la-' steati ofthte mlghty engin. whlch op- erates the one lnaFismen.In lits coin- pleted state tuls marvelous miniature etemm hanimer, pulle>', anvil, block and al. weighm but hait a grain. The hammer and anvil are of îolid gold, the puilers German silver and thie frame- work of platInum. A tiea, traineti b> Mr. Schumann wilil, at the word af eommand, hoist ttif. bammer ta the top 0f tii. ramie. Ther, tI auatomnaticall>' mset frec, descendlng ln precisely tte' saine munner am the monster atter whIeli it is m2odeled. Pence an Eartb. This launemore enio>md b>' therheu- matie wlse eDougI to couhteract thefr pro- reul%~e maiady uwith Hotettera itomach itters. No testixaany la stronger than Ithat whiCb indietten it au a source of relief ila tbis cotupaint. itla seeminetl cffec- ilveas ateamtfrkiduey tobldys- Pation. Uei hperaistene.forte Quee r elliom Ssci. jTii. Muggletonlanm werc a religionm met that arome ln Engiadinl the mid. dl. of tbo .eventeentb century, bWlug no deéliniii1ateil froin their leader, Ludovic ]Mnggletoa, -a journeyman taliorn wio, witb another Impostor, named' Reevez, aaerted tb&t tiie> were the twoô lait wltuncmeu iof <iad thnt sbould appear befare the. end of the world. 1, cienuatl le. Tih ouo as a.Put on a faut fl>'er fer Indianapolis and Cincinnati The. train leaves, Chicago, Dearbora Station, at 11:.50 a. mn., reaches Indisnapolis at 4:37 and Cincinnati at 7:45 p. m.; thusmamking the. rua, Chicago ta Indianapolis, ilu tour hauts aad forty-seven minutes, sud Cin- cannati!ln seveu houri and fifty-five min- utes. This i tfautest time made be- tween Chicago and Indianapoliîsand Cin- cinnati b>' any lin.. Tii. "Cincininaui Plyer" lua quippeti with eiegan; day coaches, the, Motion celebrateti high-iiack- ed sente, parlor çtr anîd dinlng car. City Ticket Olne., 232 Clark street, Chicago, Ilii. N ational Floyers. National flowers have been ndopted lu varient; countries as tollows: Greece, violets; Canada, nager maple; Egypt, lotus; England, rose; France, fleur-de- Ilis; German>', coru-tbower; Ireiand, shamrock; Ital>', lily; Prusala, linden; Saxon>', mîguonette; Scotlaud. thlstieý Spain, pomegranate; Wales, leek. Don't Tobacco Spit anmm Sine. our Lit. Away, If Fou want ta Quit tabacco uslng easiiy and. forever, regain lait manhood, ho made wRell, strong, mutuene,-full of new lite and vîgor, tako No-Ta-Bac, the won- der-worker that makeés weak'men straug. Many gain ten ponundain te» days. Oser 400,000 ured. BtîyàNoa-To-Iiacfromy our own'drosgist, who %vili guarantes a cure. Bookiet aud sampie free. Address Ster- ling Remet!> On., Chicago or New York. Trajan, tihe great Roman emperor, bat! a sumuler palace wWh was coin- pietel>' covered b>' the waters et Lake NemI. Ih was 510 tcet long, ef70 wide aud W0 (cet 11gb. A llousebold Nièes.aty. Cascrete, Csndy CatbsaMi, tii. mont wonderful uihdicai discovery of the. as., picasant and refreslaing,ýo the teste, acte tentli>' sud poiFitvly an kidncys, liver and bowais, cleausing tih. catira mj'temn, dilapels colds, cures beadache, terer, ha- bituai constipation and biiiousnass: Pieuse bu>' andl try a box af C. C. C. tQ-dal .10, 25, 50) conts. Sold auj guarauteed ta cur b- .- lrA__ ta ttu": Moi lob, la 1'1CS do">1Iam eiudsu a vise maibo melradoctsolsr ' Boguet Dg,, pbldtl Znst ir>' a 100 boa r (W sut lilvse md bowrcg* Shar te the conditifte t peutbké&d At 1 cas i mpecllar peuh. assali the 'ayt@W .There ame mdd.gcbs.s.la tUn- peratur.;, toge and damipsdu, cblll migita, lavering cloudà, drmwJdng ràig Thème sudd«uchanges bring um olS fori, 1>OOUMO14, bveuMtilasud -dieué "aulmtaK.P the.blood pumreuib m fu!et sitalît>' ad 70e vil ew vol, JIood's Plus . 0 "BattieJ Iowbepfflca (1;V that wil But il of wash There's withi th~ YbL