Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 16 Oct 1896, p. 3

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7bols Ce teuadina Armlos sud I. JaIs ~ D r . TaI- $0age tiItthiw i do fefl tef wa leveUitiu w eL it »-Ad b. gstbered1 th** teppiWl la s a4ce :aIed lu thse the ingw~ol Mntain tiat butM.d~i~tk». wel4 bât ivr wenu. ThereE.r4 Ougt -lb.eCauasulites; the Go ie Owàthse Muldats; tIser jo* b te 1 11W 'bsstihw Egytlias. W&o *eWt for wbaftl., snd 'M -et07 tet boq»rwesa uas tidw, r, e ii lot ig. forth fbenliWW - lae'lsth awordsa doshla iclile. ticat e, -M ibatlles, as eu 4 mil o»tW"Ibo eslls eauetlu- .igusat. ebeosee t th-# Poster nuahor et owâbàtustenugage& tise pester vie- Thse sisetdate of tiaIbattiue do not iîsow. go c aus$et ocalà lauaerlaltL It_ nia>. b. ln AsIa..-gurepe. Af ica or Amreicabut tic f&t dtIsaI suda battis W'inltais Pmaâ la asuetaitumas <is eter- bal bmtbf. Wheanet ts.e6. operlatlvo dogmes le. *goN go that çones oufilet. I & met guaget bat tiers bave bts vars eai e not'psndos eaIs.Ai wboi aetMotm icu, Mixides beegil omsbis Wsa4 mot- luins>mm at.ul but Ln fuon rua, aises tise 01 ~Perdsa and tise blaci r~band scattesed *ff an ti mieryiug: "Brlog Ire! Brins 'trer set lotofanete ie hofs thte lu- vsiors As wiscu Plasrv, ercsms Peru. As wis.u Pbiil.I trlsntbed erer Por- tu .AsgvIson th iseo. met tb. Goths- As vIsca30M ipartanssacrldiesi ihemý' suIves et Theroepylas As wbeu the Ortlsoginasus lok Aggmitau- As wisen Atezundr beade1 theMacedoian ftsinx. As wbcn Manlbai lnvsded f!â;,Ba ttle et Hastings! Battit et valmil Batil et Pultowaî Battie of- Arbelal Batiltof Topril BaIlle et Ber- odimol Battis et Lucknew' Battie et soferiseî Battis et Fontenoy. w ber. 106,000 wve oiaint Battle ef CitaIons, vIesa 30,000 er. mmscrdi Bîttle et Horst, wbere Gengiis Khsan destro>.ed .00,000lire.! Babtil, efNeishar, vîcre 1.747à,000 vnt dowa te alathl Oue mil- lion eigbt bualred and ulteen tbonsaud siain et Troy.! And Anierican battles, tee nem, ut nov te allow un te appreciate tislrawaful grandeur and sîgniictace, sieept yen vbe werethbeme, tacing the North -er faclug tise So'itlà! But ait the isttea 1 bave named pal togtiier wiUl mot egnal lu numbers ulstd or tierce- wu0 or grandeur or triumph or ret the eomtung Aruageddon contest. Wbetber ft shan b. foagt ist printer-s type or issu steel. vhshis.r b>. brua or muscle. viiether b>. peu or cabne, vhetbeî b>. beusbsg cenunen or thoders et Chrstians oequsuce,, Ido not iuasud miyeoa ms> tes vI samy as figurative or lIteraI. but taie as certaiu what et. John. lu bis vision ou the rois of -the Gredinu archi- paisse, la peased tla>cailAnmaodon AU et thse iFrei. M1.r mon Wifl trots t euon, th. mgi- Y ment liaI vil hobu gageal la thsa auooict, jihon 1WWUs>My setbing et lisêemusand- ers on "biasIdea, sud lIes up.ak et tise bat tsslf »Mand the. twmeudous Issues. BeigningvishthoeWho Wi ligIsîon th*swvuenoades, 1 fir51umentien tihe regi- monts diahlle. la tha rom>. chupter froan wiîchair>. toitla tabec wo are tbld ibat tIsa spirts o edvilWin, ho tbome. Hew usu>. mIions et tber one scm.tell, for tbe tatiies ofthlb. attanlcdominioisa haro nevrbesareported. sud the roll et tbt bot bas!nover ou ests beon called. but tronatlise airotul quai continental -and plonetar>. vomitise>.bave almead doee and tIse tact tIaI «era'.mn and vomsun and chil os -erth- bas s temper there munit ho atleos Iml ,00,0.000 ef evli spirits tauslllar vitisoui verli, Perbaps ne ma>. more are ougageal on capecial en- toi-prises ef abomniaon &amous tbe na- tions isd-empIres of tise«rtI. Beaides Ibal theme muet ho an laconcelvable numu- ber cf hebabtauta la eantspandemouiac, sta>-Iug lier. tlieep lb.eaval capitalset sinsiong fromag&e te age, Man>. e thern once lved lu bea.vea; but, èugaglug lu con- siracy t10 pat satan on the taroie, the>. wers isosied ont and demi, sud lb.>. are nov aoug lii vort thugs et lb. uni- verso. Ravlng beas, La tire. word- isoavea, oqti aud holl-tbs> have il tbe advaat'rgsof isaI exprlouce. Thehr power, tisir spesi, hhir-cnag. iboli isostîlitir.. vuderffi beyoud an Matternent. la tise Armaodea lb.>.vhli.1Ideubt mlot, b. présent lu a Mlarma. Tise>. vil have mose reaeoe>tps but aNf- vii be at th. front1. Ohvat.'aa agtstlug Mo- ment, vimon lbo ags sabolo Moi. ap sud tlobe ir Place. Lo'confWith Ie mit. ose hlImarcb luto tise figit i- thle rogluseta ak-ceoIsec Tlsq «M'bo rmode apet tise bFewers' -,- oanjsaleà lathiler .oiiers and 1Illuor 4eleu aS tolléhsi a*"theIbm ndreda of loto tise tidu .rida VisaItisehéBibis cmlie tis."l>no<h*iruiur."And wbat a blosi *44M "W #âd blearedd blaît. ed sud Mmuetag-on aumeting beuti If noo- àmotisit adetlt, lnEn- gland1bte 41' 9%»0O qtis annuaiily h - froma 5h1eIa ý ii*0 maillutise Unitedt ODO deate &i mu*>troun strous drink, 1 ît s- armi>. et HlIugdma dse$thal lples, ýlug up frétou ic vole carth te taketbs1f. places l in »s at battit, es- ùÏ: h h lê iilbeagwîeqand the udihlous nov .'ulal!agodgoint h01> vay ma ia> hWjiutà b>.v iter illUIons oet me entoreemÏnMp, brigade a#Mr brigade. vili dmadrukx Wboi«edrummtlg on the bouda otbee.bart'l tIse.tImaiarcS et seuls rI n tsstbrgadier of, ai tbose egi- Meas otfe ho eios*u it e cf as- sault aien Chrtianty by writing: "Hap- ni pneausa ia dreani. and oui>. pâi lu nreal. 1 a have thougbt se fur eighilýtour yearis, and a' 1 know ne botter plan titan te resigu rny- n self te the inevitabie andi te reflect that li île are boe te be devoured b>. spidersv and man te bc censumed by care. 1 wish b 1 boat never been hein!" Oh. the (led- i torsaken regiments ef infidels, wbe, atter iq having speut their lived in anitagonizing thbonl cl.influence that could mankthe e earth better. gather, wth their low wit, and their vile muser. and their lesrued3 idocy, aud their horrible basaphemy, te taite part againat'God Pud rigbteousnesse lu the great A taeade Other regiamnts tvho wiIl march in on i the wrong aide iu the battie will lie thee regiments Meohammaedan. At the present1 time there are about 175,000000 Mon-1 lenms. Their plain mission la te kili Chrîs-3 lions, deiean womanboed aud take pos- session of the eartb in the interest oet Ignorance, superstition aud moral filth.à The massacre cf 50,000 Aruteujans in the à lait two or thtee years ta. nul> une chap- ter in their effert te devnatate the earth ef everything but tbernatives. So deter-0 ualned are they lu their bad work that1 ail lbe nations et lbe earth put togethert dare net sa>. le theut, -Stop, or we wiU aake you stopr' BMy hope la that longa hetore that lait battie of wbîch I àpenk the Turklib Goverumen, sud with it Mso- bammedanlsm, niay ble wiped eut et ex- i istence. The Turkish power for tbe laità 400 lents bas been the migbtiest hin-t dranca un eartb te religious liberty. sudE moral Improvemnt. Iler extermination la propbesied in the bo.jk otfllevelatiou in the figure et the drying up et the River Euphrates, and tbe is going rapidi>., tbank God! In 1820, b>. the Greek insur- rectIon, abc received the tiret de@fructive blew. luà 182= the Turkoman army of 30,000 n'as dcstreyed and the cause et liberty advanced. lu 1827 Englsud, lrane aud Ruissis, not se cautions au the>. bave. une. been, nt Navarino humil- lted the Tuîkisb fleets. sud Greere n'as free. Weaker aud weaker the Turkish power Las become, and il bas lest Algiers and Wallachln, a, morý than ail. duing the pnt decade. throogh ber cruelt>., bias let th, sympathy ofe evr> good mn uand< wcmati lu ailthe eartn The NHetbeaArmny. Tes, te show the magnitude of the forces en the wîong suIe. 1 have to tell yen that what in left of et thenism at that lime wiil msrch iuto the conflict. There ire 150000,000 fetish idolators. 280,000,000 Brahmins, 400,000.000 Budd- Mats. Tbrougb the subliment movement of this century, the mssionary move- ment, ail the time gathering in momen- tom. 1 helleve ail or acarly ail et that 770,000,000 ot beathendcm will be cou- verted te (led. But that wbich in not converted will cuae inte lte Armageddon on the ureng ide. (lIber regimeuts on that wreng ide wlll be madlh up et offenders et aIl sorte - the detrauders. tlhe liburTtines, the dyna- miters, the anarchise, the opprerssera aud the tees et sovciet>., the criininalset ail, nations, b>. whatcvem Dame they rare now alled or shall theai he called. The>. msy net betore that have openl>. takien %ides but then tliey wili lie cmpelled te take sides. Witb what renom, with a-bat violence, with srhat despera tien the>. will taîl into Ue nt the great Ar- mageddon! In It nt appaling, theze u counted regimenoutlie heartb. teulie joined b>. the racounted regimenta trom perdition? Can an>. poier cope witb theni? Eàpeciaily wben I tell you wbe tbpirmnandý?r ae, fer se mucb in ail wams depends upen the ciliijIlý, Their leader wii flt lhe a p4iticai accident or a military "happen s." B>. talent sud adroitnessand courage and nnceasing ini- dustries bi bas corne te the badl eminence. He disputed the thron et beaven witb lb. Âlighty, but ne ene ban @ver dis- puted te tbroneofeteternal nigbt witb this monareb. who will in the lait hattie take the field in prson. But I guesIbis old warrier et psndemonium will Dlot have an undiiputed field. I guess there will be au army te dispute with bis forces. 1 bave mentioned the suipontacy oet Iis werid. I guesa euî. troepài iîl ot bave te mun wben on the day mneitioned in my teit al the Infernal boitteles shah 1wc uniimbemed. We bave been meiewing the troupe diabolic. We bave been measuriug the calibers et their gens. We have been examluing tbeir atamuaitlon wagons. Non'T let us look aitbte forces te be mar- shaled lu the Ârmageddon ou the rigbt aide. Anile MBmu FinI t fail, 1 mentlIn lbe egiments 1angelc. Alas, that the oubjeoet fdmmou- oleogy seema better uudersteod than the .subject of angeiology. But tb. glorious rspirits areuud the tbrone aud ail the bright immortals that 61) the gaileries and levels Gf lbe universo ar te take part in tbat lait great flgbt, sud lhe regiments eangelie are tbe oui>. regiments capable et r meeting the regimemi eplulonic. To show ryen sometlilng of an anigel's power, I aoit .yen le cosilder that fuit ene et them t slow 185,000 oet ieunacherib's bosto ilaa 1nigbt. and It In net a tbt*àh arithuteticai tquestion te noive, If oe angel can mIn>. -185,000 troop I(n a nigbt, bow man>. con > 000,0,lOO0 oft tem si.y? The eld hook Dsys that "*the>. sic.! in slrengtb." It ia net a colestlal mob, but a discipllued boat, )and t Mr know their rank. Cberubim, erapli, tbroues, prlnciplties and pon'- @rat Aad'tbo leader of 4hoe regiments la r Michael the Arehangel. David saw just foee gùoapf angeis sweep paît, and the>. iwero 2OW ~>cbaaotsd. Paul, -wbo lin the iGvo OamaI~sIlego bad bis faculties se Y defl~rdsvelop.<l, confesses bis in- caPaclt>. te count thions b>. sylni, "Ye are lcomin to Mouat Mon trna an Innumerable eat CIssistendoai. Younse.é by tIsaît tlml au athelIt or an Infidel will ho a curlosit>., ind ho n'll ho looked at as we look at a man wîtb, long bair teachlng beow bis ehoulders and long flî.ger isails that are never el utad a &tare lu lbe eyes indicat- ng incipient luuacy-not te he amgued with, but te bc pitied; while It willuelt ec an>. uniauial lbing te sue men as mnch ievoted te their religion as Francis Xav- ier n'as deroted te bis religion. when hie ivent thnougli the stneetq asking all tu corne te hear bis faill i epounded, lu ten years planting the gospel in llfty nations sud balîtizifiz over1,000 seuls. And :be grcat bosta et 1wli2vers will lI the earth, mîakiug the 2,317,000 "onabatants bhat Xenxes rericsrcd a corporal's guard n cemparisen. I sec thein. the, regimeuts ecclesiastie. auoviug loto that lait battle. The Lutherans heaihcd b>. some great 'Martian Luther >-el te 1w hem. The Mlethodiats beaded b>' some George Wltefieid yel te come. The Presbyte- rions beaded b>. nome John Knox yel te arise. The Epîscopaiians beaded byý neme Blslîop Charneck yet te boeurobed. The Baptiste headed b>. nome Miasionar>. Cane>. yel te blens the worid. The Con- gregalional church beahed b>. soute Dr. Kirk et poeestal power yet te taks tongue of lire. 1 iee thein movîng Ie othe rauki, carrying a standard itriped sud starred; striped as su.-gesting hlm by wbose stripes ive are liealed, and îtarred as witb the promise thi-t those wbo tomu inan> te rigbteeusness bhlii hine as the star, terever sud terever. Imb that battle on our aide waili -GII Ibese mightY englues et power, the printiug presses ot Chriâtendem. Inte that hattle will aise move the micbtiest telescopes. tht sahol hring the stars in their courses le flght for oui &od. Elemental ]Relglsents. Again, the regiments elementai wili come ne m that battle ounIlie rigbt aide. The 'vinds! (led alowei wbat lie couhd do wanti lhem wbeu îLe splintered tire- bers ot the slips ot the Spanis i rmada 'aere streivu on tie rocks et Scotlaud, Nbrway, sudthe Hebrides. The wntersl Ife showed what he could do ývitb them wben hc put the whole carth under thein. leasing il subaqueous 150 dus-s. The earth'juakes! Hie sbowLd 'arat lie couîd do wîýhtem wticu he iet Cauracas drep litoe o pen anouil et hornor.and the isianda ot the ses went auto entembmeut. The liglitninga! Ife showed wlial h. cold, do with thean sheu be wrapped Mount Sinai in dames, and we have ail sm-eu their thashîing lanterus meviug willi the chariots ot the midoigit hurricane. Ail the n-ciments cIa-mental will ceme lu on ouri sde lu the great Arrnageddon. ('ome and let us muienut anid ride along the liue and revien' the-tre' ps af it manuel and find that the regiments terrestrial and celeatial that corne int that battie ou the riglit aide are ns cernpared witli those cin the wrong side t-q tIcone, a tua- dred te one, a thousnd tai eue. But who la thc commatnder-lu chiet ou Ibis aide? Sjlend.d armies bave beau ruined, caughtitnl traps, flung ever preci- pices sud annibilated Ilirougli the incom- petduce or tri acier>. ot their general. Who commanda ou unr side? Jehorali- Jireli. se î-ullcd lu one place. "Calitain et Salration,"' se called lu anotier place. King et kîngs. Lord et lords. Con- queror et cenquerors. Hja cye omnis- cient. His srm omnipotent. He s'aill take tLe h-ad. lie 'asili drasvthe s'asîid. lHe 'asii give the command. And n-heu be plants bis foot for the combat, the teund.ations et the earîl will quake and wbcu hc shahl give lte battre shoot, ail the gates et bell will tremble. The, Conflact. But do net let us shoot util after we bave seen the two arnaies elasl in'tie lent itruggle. Oh, an> seul! The battle et ail time and all <ternit>. opens. "Ferward"' 'Forward!" is the commîand on both sides giren. The long hunes et hotb armica waver aud swing te sud tro. Swords et truth againît englues infernal. Black herse cavaîr>. et perdition against white herse cavairy of et ea. The redemption efthIis worid and the houer et the tbrone et GA te vindicate-icow tremendous la the battle! The srmy ot rigbteeusnesa seema giving 'a>., but ne! It la oui>. a tart ofthtle uaneuver et the inflaîlte figîl. Il la a detile> ot the host celestini. What s me-ting lu Ibis field et splindon aud wiath, et the augelie afld et the diabolie, et hosanna sud blasiîhcîy, of soug aud corse, efthlie divine anîd the satanic. The tbunderbolts et tb. Almiglit>. barsansd blaze upon the tee. Boom, boom! By the torches et ligbtulng Iliat illumine tbe scene I see that the criais of the Armsged- don fbas corne, Ii latle turning point of Ibis last battle. The oeil moment w'ili discide aIl. A>.e, the forces et Apollyon are breaking rauka. Se. ue! Tic>.ily. Some ofou t. eine ou wiug, th-y l>. Back erer the batlemants et perdition Ibe>. go down with inbinite crash, all the regianents diabolit-! Back te tbe moe- tains and cuves the armî.d bosts ot earth, cr>.iag as theyv etreal te the rocks and meuntains, "Faîl ou us aud bide ius troan the face et bim that sitteth upen tbe tbroue sud fmom the wrath ot the Lambl, tom tht great day ef bis wratb bas corne, sud wbe shah hoe able te stantd?" And wbile Apollyou, the prisouler ot waar, is being drlgged in chais te bis dusageon, aud our Conueîor la remotint- lug bis throne, 1 look off upen the baIlle- ifield aud amoiîg the alair. t flnd the car- casses ot Mebammedanlsm, and pagan- luin, and. atheim, and arfldellt>., aud dis- ipatalon. and traud, sud nioltitudinous wreng, itrewing the plain, aud I bear lbe angel that standetb lu the su. cing, in the wordset ofRvélation, te ail the fowls tbat BfI>.naithe niidsl et bearen-the eagles, sud the voItures, sud lbe bawks, sud lte albatrosaenu-"Come sud galber yourselves together unte the suppen et the great God, that >.e ma7 est the flesb et ILLINOIS INCIDENTS. SOBER OR STARTLING, FAITH- FULLY RECORDED. MIaions Finîish lheir Work-Women'a Christian Temperilnus Union lit Mlne-pct-Gun Kils . Chicage Chicken Thief-Cheap Traelcîte Vote. Rdnced liatcw faîr Votera. f,., a-ra hriilen tn-ii-at tChicaago Illie (i-itril t'iiasî-îga-r Iii i tpeten-liiied tii Illali- a raite-if oiiei- irue.for thc routnd ilit tits ai- il ii îitie.-- .jl t-lu s litheir I rintîiry tfor a il 1éI l stii) ay desi ru te rî-tina ii .)tIi-r irîiî-îfin llîî- p)IrPw).St- et votiig. Tis ra te-, NNt'a-ithle exeir iucî et thos,- îmade -t iitoi ilîi.'slihilumouie -ases lira- hardts i "vi r -ia- aifncent ai mille, 1.iîî'a'a -n iiia îî aiî) nmade hy these Ibis iar. tlle ustinaI - -sil being onae aindl ii,--thir, rît t is frti ha-s'onîîd trip. lu orhai ié, I-es ci i e ofthtebutickets b>. s-alîîer'ait s'a s iijleiil thi t iranusporta- tionmifor ditatî-î-s îîaîîtr 2(x) toile5sbould ho sîîlîhoti Nov. 3 01al;. l'on îislances os ir 29) imiles tii- v s'%% i:esoîltNov. 2 fiii il3. Tiis w 'as-hiil îhî- pinsiatetri yul froni oneî- -îîl if the -a-iiiilt-sterrtiry t te ot ht r a nd Ila-i brllai n t imuictevote. l'iatIiruni iî îiirsiiîls nîîhîing lieue tiîk- at ils îth n-si-h t thé ii f-ýr piassaîge b<'tort niiihitt fNov. 4. 'Tle te'rnitoiy ait- fe-icýl bte oer i-t--tainiitiheFUnitedl States iioîrtîîof the 0- ; Iti. tsr andl lc- t'ase I-i-n lie r-niitu,- -f inage anîd Pitta- hirg. 'lh.- tîu-îîîlins-s iîiiuittei'. gar- irning li- til-riti-l ýl-iig i-ast ofthte iîîîridi.iii if I'ittlra:rg aliîiheNtinding to, thi At'a:rtîi,,at. ssill iîîiibtdly talle liki' -t ii. Vissa-îr.,lali ts-,- ra-tuscî t-, inka-lt l icalii al proposî'itioniioe thei saniii- iharaîter liii hig hi-au 'aeed îhii ~ ~ me ivt.iii'-- u,î tholia-iini-s îde- ila im-il ii ia-aeole iii. 'as itrais m-Ivnaty tnasa tiaî tîn arî ho-ane if luis rata-s are made. Chiaiecief Trama icltina Ille%. n'as s-b- 't.; i- 'vi l'n iiin-I a 3* iini iig bW a trap gi:i si-t f uiir l mht lilavs m-litîthe >îîr-l ofî1lté. 1i;hlliltiaî. i-ilnimbilshoe' Sattîr i ii rnv î Cro5Iroriî McM- IIv \%ui- iiois-eliinîîh iii :l it t haId. as a n(-ýi-iti-tis4 t 'I. illhiiiial -asý hi-l tir îlei hi-aoil Iiiry*: ;îact-in. J. %aV. Gii;l:i. % 1. i rich1i l'eui irr"apias nsei- 1<-ni i. :îIl lie hd-rim iie iatilec îhîîkCus mie-t lit -î- iiiig-lt-- li.tinî- Thiirs-I.ay tu-ghi .1l- -î-p( i--s iiail tria-iltri effiat an vliirali. vi1!lii tIhe-(c'î1. îI-ss:t thlîe and i linI ,iiv-;ti siîils nt tbin ians tiiey rai i 'sa iTie hi- sid Il(h- riutiid ilijl a gi i,Ilir -ip >o thlut 'ai lîii tIie (col) di, ,r n; i- it %isirild l hi iuh'-hargedî Pta Ip 4- '1 :7.1 - éi--bu iimi i h ia- lli t. lie n i' s-vf ii îîiliit iesig uiiil. theiii 'a-ii iMir. iffiill;iît ie k the ustandirh. t bii lîîied l t un i iiIhiii luh-a«Itaté-ioitî iié. tj. t-îr . iio. sli i-lsi-,5 'a inteil.- Thé- jurii ha uittî,lt isîhi)rt t iii, Tihe titra lits,-futheii l-al iaiwsiie preîsî-tit t t hec lnqui: ci tid l ispîriYi-I os ici grie-f. N1a1sons Anniionut Grand Ofileers.ý Wiithatue i un,.iilaiti o f the offiaers a- polit-, ih t-- hea- u-.iiiuigug>ar t Gruand Mlasta-r Su tt lia- irjiiid lge ouit IiuiiIs clos- i ls it-mt liug fieunt hi cia ralt'Ventrai ?.Iualirl il . 4 'lui-sa .îThe t 'aan at tem-s ou u:ai'I-ulluuges ail Aptacalsanaid G ries- vi-ars sulîuî t hacurenaprts. as diii the grandl i-auiniars. 4mnud NM-aster Scott iui îu uiiuu-ceuttice alita-rs np- polunteul b>. hiu ras folIîu'av: Grand Chap- lahu, ticelIav. lDn, Il. WaN. Bolten, Chi- sfge: (Granid (>nîon. tIi- iter. Dr. W. Il. M ihhuanrn '.1 ai hsln villt- (,rnud 'uirsua h s-sot, C' . J.auutiuiiiy. Greeniriîh; (-rnda Standard Benu-s-r. Waesley-.'Watsons, Mout Vernona; (trniu u i-urr i earer. IL. " Spencer. il i-lioais; Gtranau-hSeunrG(ran îd Deut-in, E. C' i. AsIley;: tranul Ju- nier Grndîilie ra. t .îE. AIlleu, tGireenas- burg; itrâtiol Stewsaards. W. 1. Johnisonu, Wha'eatuau; Wa. 'NV. Brui-e.t'ai-e> : Grandui Stew-ands. Adais i t-ts<-i-a('nhicago; J. S. Mec'la -IIiah Iecntiirra nd Tyler, I. R. Stevens,. tuaai. Womk ef thc Yer la Reiewcd. Fr~iii' iy*sissil lu'a' u)undus( atIi' busine-s of thue ts'a ýiiitv-t hird 11111ia1.91 con ve'ntionu et thleillllisiia\Vunaiifm Christian Taîuu- perance 't iiounri Mhiuiî-. NlsuPaioi hMa L'. Nînali . of Lexiluirt n. s'aas î.lacim-u StaI e 'Y' S-cr-ta rs. Aius nîs- ii iii t n-es aiiîlotia sikinîg C('iisty3 I'nc'iihi-ts ex-atlii-io ii-iulurs otf' ie Stute couves - lionu. 'Thia-Suitta "Y"tuaîaîr ws'a uline- si-ut cd tusIi-sNI . .Br'ehuit tusaf ne e-ti-iiiui frnahh niu'*Y'"'Vieî Irut s-ian s ss-urk. auis suanisa riu-lvd I Recordt, Sea-nata r>-iI iatu alalkcr n. li riailthei organiilit i oiot fi fl>-ua lue ueo ul tiiiius. t'sut iiie ngnlz PL. 12() au xlialsry soiui us, ciglîteci disrit and connty <-eu -a-t; lli'mua l lucuta 7 aeîhsa I cenîcsts, tînca- heiuîg b>.coloani-l clildrnu. TIi lau-al unuins hase' ni isîd forn hoaa wonk $Mt4.422.10I. an iîu ds l(077 businiess anald 04 publie meetings durng thie Chartes E. Lenmrd D'es lu Detroit. C'harles, E. Luojuard, of Chicaigo.,tMtller of Li1lian Itaassml, 'as-ie 'aas strii'ken 'aith panaralyiseus Aug. 25, wlallc visitiag ni-lui tires li Detroui, NicI., died aethîe bonte etfbiselrothen hn thal m-ay, aged 047 yelana. 31n. Leoiard laid liveal in('hicago sive ISan sd durnug ail titis tiue le nas nA promuineant figître lIii putbiabhng cies. lHe n'as bhem hnBuiffalo. N. Y.. about 130, nad learned the prnuter's trade ho tle offie efthîee ltI Buaffalo Commsercialh. Thene le mnrnied Musa Cynuthia Viiiua Naine, lu 187)q; ic meved n-ih lis fans- il>. teChiatons, Iowa, anal establlshcd lis- self in butsineas. l"our >entraInter le 'as-nt te Chicago attilorganuizeai tIhîniut- lug firuai oft orIon & L.ernard, 'ashîhl vas locateal ap ote ctinte o el ire ot 1871 ut Nos. 1061 sud 108 htaudolh etreet. StaSe Newa lu Brief. Thomas lRobinson. a el-h-knoanîRoîck- tend citizen, commiitt-ul suicide Suuaîdsîy moînng b>. angiîmg. IiisîsoadeuicY oear the deash etflisw3itiiandI s t fbis tome ndter morîgage n'as tte cause. Joseph Simon, 361 yeans oîd. îesiding lu pose., lire miles sentit ef Carlyle, disitp- peariojtromu bis home. lHe 'asnii cIoted sud n'itbout coveriso for bis fet. Teusporar>. insinit>. caîtged b>.ever lu tIse case asigneal. Il a caselnt the Cbsampalga Crciend Court, brogît l bLltaie trustees et thé (ahIld ellhiws odge at Sadorus individ- nali>. iatîli' ,nia iiroinnlEor>-note, 'arich tliey hi' iligmeud as sticb trnstees. Judge F. M. Wrighît nanîte( a riliaug that 'ailI leas c ai It hei'bîtordhiiatu lodges et that î,rdeîr ii thei-Stati-. hr;i- iiizi-d since 1872. 'ai thii ît aiiY î-îrpîîrate. ,xislî-nv-î. An ap- jwlIll l".h-t.îh,îîîîtui thi-- Supireiiîe Court. WVhil ti-îgagtî-l ini îrilliiîg a i-oniity in thie Sîsecoh Itagineîiî Arnaîrv ..ntVaîsh- iîigtli fîles aril anît i rtis streiýts.(Chi- ingo, Lji-ut. l'arker r Faeui, ,tf1254hVan luren î,îrîi-tsuîihli-:ly îimîppeîd il-ail. A iih.vsiî-îii a wb 'avas ciliîl protione- tiiart hi-a4' -liq ii- (i iii..- if ihiathi. Li'nt. sîi)ii'. ii-'m-ti, i,>ii albii giiii-ith. aîi s%%tien tIhe iailai:caii - tri aîlhait ILit. ltr,,-.% iis tfi,-(i 'as s l iislva nd î llie ,-om- hlîinv-,toft is hi-art. lie renina rki-ilthat lie vo î,l nist tfîr a wivhlic. anil sta rteil for a i-ha ir. Suihîinlv hi- reel-ilail teIl. Ses elial ni-nihiers oftht-iCompany 'an-ut te tis nid, liibu heu 'ani illît aieskiug again. Brown viîaa 22 yars old naud hsd bpen inthte Second ltegirnent for soen Muilerets' non' lu the Cosok Cont>. jail contai'tei nt oue tunile ir-- men waro stood heiîeut t 1h ~s'-of Gt gatlon's. Two efth lb- ýe us-re Irisah. tise (irinisand oiii' an Italiiîîîî The .tir.'s-ais .JliitsMan- nous. Vie ihmiot'sclu.dîener et Carey. mmiii nhi-nir is îînileir Feneiît-lce te hanîg (lut. 23. SilvIa-rie ltîîri Ii.ith,- ita lia iîrondic- il ofet lcniurdî nîfîr et Irii ,hk Parenti ln 1Nî)l anr,]s-ttuiî-i 'o grcsv- iug iî.-voiîs agaiî.n .-hSîlreuse Court, îîow inlasp..isi, ' 4 iili-ltiitake up his i-a-e asîd fedehils fte. Borplli bas beiin iijail siiiie iiei-. I lNu4. Nic Mar- zeni. 5 lie %Nas.,îlîl sita-if tthe mutruer et F rtz Il-llii-ten, iil.o lias nu appîeal Iieniain litii- Suprinîi - ('ourt.IDanil ('arroihl l'athe.t- ai i înîlhiîi 'aoin cap- itail pini'hiiil-nt bis be-j iiassed for tbe mîînder ot Jameîîs loîvau. TIc SuaI- Boirilof Eitializatiou Wa-d- nesa. -aiiei tei leporhait et the General lhiîihiiatîui 'îinnlitutt- The sanme 'ah i ý To tal sai'selvaiiiiioîn lun('ook ('îiiiity. 2itlAj: eqîîallzed value, 125,14Mt21 . Atitiiit liaddeîd te C'ok <'ouî'y t 1slil ioii-rty. $7,3Zi8,110LI; aiioiit adlieil tui ('ie . 'ouuty, $45,213,- s ie p soî propenty aiiiire Stl- 114Sil:landls, $320,- 474.124: lits, $279.3047,1li. Equalizcd value sainic, persiiiah.$20285;lanids, .SI(îîi4453:lits. $2W,93hlt2,178. IRail- rndîîpiroeirty- iîsseiî U *5rvlucailai5so, pel-oial. 4 l5ands, $4-0,7z-l; lots, $875.752. El2:iz-d svaluei sainietperson- 030,.449. Grandîîl otit aqsi-ssi'î s-alhie eo- lire i:ii,$7ttl.2r.-NS; granit total equalized svaliie ectire Staite. $733,G17i,260O. Dasvi Goiuilîstiînc. ,f Lincoln, wlom Crie. Aatgu-Iih painiuud hast 1-Xbnoar>., l lu troe aîc gaiuî. lis listory isha asraingu. oue. TIs a furuitnespectahble parents, 'ati n tfsin cdi satiion ndalgo id uppotinities, Dave I r-c nie tîe leade - aot a gang ait cri iiii i u.' s'aho t ernaertzeal Cent ralIhllnoils. As aisn-îu of'a' t$1,0(X) to Logan Couan- 13 lie 'avas finiully aouvietl etofbunghar>. aujd gis-n anaeigit->eum n tence in 1894. 'rsveuit>-four housaiter is coufederates iilteilted 10 blos' p - i- cont>. jaul to secune his relense and taileil cami> throîîgh nu accidenit. Afttr senvuuîg lno >ears et lia ternaicin-uts pardoneib>. Gev. Ait- gelat, and in les han thirty days n'as nter trreotat et ihs-a-noee, charged n'ti iel. .alihiiugh acquitteil et lbe charge ater. Mouida>. ho nas arresled at Lin- coin ou lie change etfuteallug biruesa trom Rlobe'rt iaecof Narea. He vas laken te Macon Cont>. fer trial. C'racl b>.ovenaluyan> sd lîl-heatth P'rof. Richlardil 51<er, et 12 Blcden pince, Ciiigrcommitteil suicide Nedueids>. in Lincolan Park b>. aleuting tlanselt lu tle nihil temple. ThIc man lad but receutî>. returaidulfrrEu irepe. 'arere te bad been studyiq gart, uand it ha lielieveil te ieame nuaa'taIly da-rauaged by aversvork. At 7 o'clocis ii thi msurniuug Park Otficer Boniis 'aas stýrIùnhtd 1i- bcinua a piatol shot tn the vi uuity f etbVlster nd iiîNorth Pank avmiii-8.Ilhasteîîing itu tînt place, te fîuvaal Shouern 3hioan tIe ground in a pouol outblod, 'aitha airevolver clutcbeu ii lis :-îgbt baud ani a hullet bole lu lis li-nipI-. He 'asusdeuil n-len tic officen neehc hu-irui. O'aiuîg te the esTî> leur thon' ivere no 'aituepsses ote cdecil, sud 011<-en IBurns 'vas lie fin-t lierno teeach ilie nii:-i. TIc (olloving letten n-as foundl li a ofke te I deftd mas cent: "Iu tui tning limne. I ciunuut think; my nenîca are sîuat Ireul troua sleiu-phsstiess t husanit>. stan-a ie in thue fau-a. 0(o d! 0 my luirea it, forcis c this u Thu' lils n-as nil tuuît s'aas tounud abuout tIhelied>. n-ieh cava' .11Y exîilaîatuaafte- bisiantt. He ladt nitirncil tram Paris abuhiut six sreeks ago anud siu:ce thoncuiîl liecu suffering trom ili lialtl andl nennotissiess. He 'aas a socia ethle ni. Shoha-r et tic lithogrnpbing brumaot Siober & Curquievilîe. Thec uîost disstrouus fir. for Peoria in moare tîsas a year resutlc in the partial destruîctionifaet tc od w'as--ale < or>.Ws neada>. muîning. Il nwis the propeit>.0 Mna. Lydia Bradley, n-i occnpIcd b>.lteN F. P'. Ide Bicycle ('ompany. sud the Par- sons' [4-'- .-irasInatitute. Thte ire n'as discos-ernt 4. o'eluck n. m., tbuugb Il n-as crident tI:at It lad bec urnrhg tor nuore tha n ura betaine belng uiscov- ened. X geucral altiru broogît the entire deisitrnmst, lut il 'aas bnmpered for sonie tihae bo- leet etofaater, and the mains biuihding n'as entirel>. gutteil, whUce botit n'hngs n'ere more or les damaged b>. fire sud 'asater. TIe fine lu if mysterlous oni- gin, and started in an tnutaed staircase thet lad been waîled in. The total lois la estiuisted aI $75.000, distributeul as tel- Iowas: Building, $20.000l- Pansons' Homo- legical Institote. '0.J0 Ide Bicycle Comnpany, $35,000. The stock et the bi- cycle aompsny included machiner>. sud infinisied bicy>cles. The n-onk et ne- building will cummnence imimediateîs. sud il lo theught t lfire nl hasteui lie erec- tiun eofo etfIhe biidinrs ot lb. Bradley. Polyteclinic Insititut.. avlach Mns. Brad- hi-> ha-I iuteimded erectitig ncxt yeam. Sic 'ailil pncitull>.Put up oaa.ofuthttcbuildings thi ycnr, lai enter ttn' it ma e>.liused by the horaologicaîlustitute The insurance la ampleî. TIc Mehiuîe Cil>. Couat-il passeil s car- feu- erainance. It luc!uales ai] eblidren udcr 15 3-curs ofait tZ<Raildsets lbe heur nI t9 p. ui. for tbe ammmc i nontbeansd S p.m. tor tbe wluter -nhbu. Tise new St. RoseCatholie ChureJa et Mtrwulta vas iletaiWedÏM W, 'ITE SNÂ THOUGI4TS WORTI4Yi REFLECTION. A Pleasant, Inleresttalg,a Ive Lessois> sud Whore Fonund-A L2anucalanad viuw of the saust, 1a-son faîr Ucaobcr a xuI kowir, bat tlhe), lIatdesph 0 bie hsghty ise.nel-Samt,- S-litaiî- 'aîalth sud W* siihija-it ort iuileasen, wbicb li: 1. Kiîîg'. 4: _1534. Solomuen fa"teîl the srisdoau tor nbicb b. Pd li the lreans described la the lesson. Ile also became ni-aise wi-alth. thruilà tbh-o sourcesoet ils kingdous, wboe maiqtbai-e been linge. Thse scribes lis weilth sud wi slirpasael, thet t fan>other H.2 "Jodtai. aind lsra-h:" Ot course sage %vo5as'a ritten affler tIse di kingiloni. i'ahi-b trsnk place la time.--"evrn mati ouder bie, imiter hisls; trt-e:" A pnaîver- iîîdiaating peac4 and inaividu i-e Mlic.. 4: 4. is, Isa., 36:1la 3: 10. "I-'roau PDin esa'n te1 Dan,. onithla i-ta'a-ens et tha nul tan sioti et Moiiul }I-1 Bt-cr4hii-ha. tîrty-tuiles soutbneet liron,'ven- tice îîrthern sud é limita aithte land et (aucun. Ses L 3: týt, IL. Sans.. 24i 15, etc. "Fort>. thieusanih staeli efbeoo Chrun., '.): 25 gises 4,tX)0, wblch thse a-rreclt fg ire. "Theicprliuuineni--c icas-giren te tj ions for the royal hiusehold la la ana-e 'ati î-steru ideus of tweelt. . N'rhiuighi-i," it wai hoe te4 hîxîiiauafeasta are aln'ays at- pRIiinlent o e a1athi. INmerousB 'ai-inis are iicurird on the Eg>.ptma, "I)Dnuicdarieao: rcriscd edition,q t-is'The mvord o oeeur uIn séï 10, 1-1, for sîsift horses; prohabl>. i ,alI hree-i. 'Luirgi nesof bmart:" Net vu mî-r.îî hle îphrase. hut atheelý îi iiihn ss, 5igor rf<it îelect. "Thic ahilrni uofethle cuit coutm saagsoaftthe desert. 'aniose srerks cîîîo!i'avdon, til îacrhsis als et tlaahii." hîe w'alô lio lt' Egypmi.hidail arige wIg lterauire. A faniliur example lirs erlîs et Ptalî hilottî,iiblhch ha*' traisînteal inte Eiiglist front a pend thie Berlin mîîaeiism. aýViaer tiuaI al ment than Etbs Ezralite," eci: %n ho these irise s la net knosvn. The naines, hoivelv11 gest tIc tact. olivisîts but etten tord thînt tIchuportion et Ilebrew 1lit" 'ashlch w. have u inte (Id Tes"an euh>. aifragment et tic national 11101 There n'ere xvithîout dbîbl may, mny sages, mauy htorians, uAiq pliets, whosc 'aonka bave perlubod . "Thrce tieîîsaîîd prererbît" cnl>.. tion oft tesc aine preserved ln euxl I'roverbs.-'"hlis senga ver. a Ib* and fis-':" nettee et these are Pme uless l it e nome et the Peaj1:l book calîldthe "Song etfbalouto%1! "Song of Sangs," la thougbt b>.y beloug te a Iter age. Il dos lude n'îtb the court ut Selomon, bat 4lts position eau hardI>. ho attribate&l king. The atihahip, boweverf, -d on tIe lulerprelation etflte bockl in adopteul. "He spskeofttreeu .... cf beaest sud ef tosl" etc.;t probahi>. titt a close knosvledge et the sppeart* habits efthtIe vegetable sud animal doms. Tradition bas eîa«7gerlou Juta a knewledge ofthte language *t efthtt- magical propertieseoet'W plants, etc.. nhicb appears lu tIse 4 romances that custer about SOlaMIO position lu tlat egendar>. itemat"f sort ut "master ut the nagiciaour né cempared te the pecifliar reve1ýe@ n-ti-h the poet Virgil n'as beld unb Midldle ageas. Natuarally. these trPi must lave hlaaitebig!s ut tact, g île>. afferd a c oufirmntion efthtie 1 reconal. a.1lipre came et ahi people teli waisîloi et a8ilou." Among f Qîmeeni o1 Shiela (10: 1-13). Snc visita 'aere But inusaa. Teaellin-r HuIs. - Tice veaitha asandiaiaut e of o. net an especiaily fnittulsubjeclt 5 ah listnition. The <aeer of Seloffi 'vIde ahoîîld lie tanilian te aud tb. Bible, but 'ai-len sîîrcad ont i lestons, comsiahcng tieîpropomto reseuîtatien alhiined otbunr Inportom actera lu tIse lessen îystem t in l i ranch shace. -Ha%%wve~ .4S ibave te' iake t ethe t Il. i It( suyiuig îlot thc Lord gavé bis nealth. it is net iutplied thÉtý quired l nithot exertien. Un* le matuageul dhrendl>. tie reveu* kiugdom analIistisade the beStM gsplendid inheritauce. TheI tdusîr>. snd perseverance as succes s>. libe iroughttlisbeh , an Ignoble ambitiota te desîro- pow'er. Tic tact that l Gd on somp et bis serrants uiio w- le notbing littinsicall>. cvi tWeaîtb givea its pessesr ua portonities tor doimg good,~ bringa great reiponalbilitles, - Ilt ýanuot be rigbtl> usi stlesing otf(led. As moen a gan te torget ('edÙlut,, crs. Wealtb dufeS not .grent oppertunitles etfssie' 1ever>. lite. Ift Ibereela .acbieving esmhhi>. uCMcesaý 1the posaibilit>. cf hayîsg p beaven." Thoe lreauffl W 1lected, wheîâ once h. e entablished ilu bi

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