teI i h e best medIsilme tek#sla wlseu tie ti tk«îmàtfur*âwu nibronehltleansd feveri iS ParISe?, kg-4à ffl, op- iaiPowU 2ý.ezpluoo f oedl.arygipww4l aien ddeu -that ,for %a tuolUUt ut oy f uthe gun around tii powdèr Wwp&" t bas to bold the bt volumze Of ow-gjuee»cd-dowa aniSer enormotu weffle natil the abat eau wake a obm ýtoge ont of the end of the 9"i ui»i epsowlo the gai. If. thefrfote. je*4r oald b., made te bora mofe n htIt woiild n4t«Il be 'i a ima the abot re2ched the. nuzle, the togim. would b. dltrhbuted *U lun tS ua. Mach powder was made firff InOersnany, but in spite of tihe fat tisat ,lis mtanufacitre was seeret other eoan- trie$ alyzcd t and wson-aude It bet. Gttsn<erMatiy. Cardinhl llezzofoi g poke 114 Ian' etz and uflê*cy thot he val 0misaken for a native of thei 9 l'irer. (bey were used. "RER HIAPP>Y DAY. A OMARMING STORY OF MEOICINE AND MARRIAGE. r»Ope n .UCtre em a Chcace cm -HBw Hap7tsiéeI camie temHe. Amnongtihe tens of thousanda 'oi Wonen who apply ta lMra Pinkhamn for Sévies andS arc cured, are many who vribh the mets in publie,butdo nol publisis their nkames for rcasontI aobvions a3 in tefollowing, anSno name i evr pubUished wltlot thet fath Wviel XmrPink.han mindaprue, ri j -1 yer we ge arita wtged 38 otns Jer aome twi tlilo mv foobtêla prf rui, ecuei 317aymtom ar * e.:"Y conaiiittOi~ d bant ta ahe u PioIlds'Piesa eip pcl tcine, O'niatt- sud 10 oenqiiakiy a cagcd 1amToti o a mer* skertonbronihtl i rlitc ooke 39 y emrto. Pnare00 - ec Ou w clgt daly buonahcl)tne tie rtt1' 4 csompegtat o npodd a lsttac fusnt liedin suetm. Ub.ckia offiin o t oesk thttgst'ey Chiecaot el th atiiy se ou Ld ut f0 Uile ouats ot - itOPîb 'et father ws'oud fot aloiiu j*. g"ll be marric',!ini septenibCi' acnd as v te Boston. wtt1 cail upon 5yO. IuW cal ,MeOvcMY grattude? 005 LU'CY E. M jut sucît cases onfthe above lttal mnt lswotnen'a ceircles, andS that la svh7tho oefildence 01 the women of America in bettowed upan Mm .ltiokhanm. lVhy are Dot phiysicinaas -0e candid vith vamnuwhen agerlng f rom suc aimnents? Womnen wisnt tise trnth, andS if 4hcy maoenot get it from tisei doutor, w't .eek it escwhere + e ta lote'ni-hbeîtae, af 1'reecpot laine cnfeaautSMM f J'idrméit, sugtOP- log S$9"0. 'The prinrîipit' urefei'feul CIrd- BRIKP COf~pII5A1ON ~ ILL. lors are the Ge'rmon Ban'- n a l hiles OFNienna. qbere. are s unter of u î' N018'<I<tWS' cereditors of ti. conce@rit'.chicl>'Jtiitîi ilinot.ttp, hift e sîtsautîut of itircliitîSii ,',uild îtiftlie leurneti,noui at trteuneuIl 10.51mnw. 1,>'te Rois a GaiCti a r0!oouofflue aselst. thotîliils-tir lttcr lire st- F.Ltatly Woud un ~Old %lu"- sud posi,'Ito le aîiî'lîîiiivi ,ueîili'u Ile tire- Esespe-g&d FatO 0utau Oid ChiCaste ferretl creIlit rhe 1itsnsliiî'adliedlcle GetlemenUO. estutbihsed tom îiiber îof y arst., Tis'o empuhîyes tof the lirai oftufonglcY, Ibe.perate Crimme et OsiCnua Tosv *,z Atc-nuder. lbut .Dd l gor,' nsitni' At 4:u lbi,"îuk Thor3day nfiu'niiooltIWO factîlrers. naicuago, uut1.1 the kLeehter Or mnen entered t'bris Batier's isaloon" il -- 5" nlSatlsoe u iot'k r Sns sud 'rihir(isithein itialeteîi behoimo1) titprisola nt utpolic' iadiirtr.aste 1 »air bands..IJOsepb Bauî'dr, %%-ho %n'as irs'slilci a ouit t'rii tf alit-ge l Iicftî., êItsfge iof tiue bar, reisislcl- 011P of Illie jW;u1let eeant er 'i t*ltiiie "SitiS robliers strîîî'k Siu itutht e îl itl 1,1ae- m ie ,f tepiresn liiute eiit s volycr. and Ssa lie feuib e itler ireul, the mi . hi irîs , , 1- tg lteliet'î'slthgt sht takiîg î'ffegtt li isi tî'tf lreast, ove'îr il tt ltrenehi tes-ral Iliausatuil dollars. the heurt. fahaîls' wou(iliug hiu. 'The liais, * alec :and gSoe o îf the va:lie tof rabliers rttled fthe rash drawer asnd tien 1$.-4X) jot'ar luady lx-en re'nve-re-d St>th@t boatf sretirent. exi'hanging ashotA nilli a usute n:0îVirbfash accOtd'hanil Mores5. v elllns Pogge. They t'rossed fthc rivt'r T'fiumais Lcbmn, iut -year-old Cbieige ni mthe b didns tictin 0a skiff, atil lios'. %saas th ises'utim of a 1euliar asccidlent, avértakitîg a groi'ei'y dtlvî'ry 'wegqol ttivhce ctulteidinhîbis l atb. t-rîîointe tbmen'the dtiver frein Sis seulntl es- reir of flhe bonise banii onlîug ruileit- oy4te thet unnr>'. $sliriff lParker ttsciiel fa0 n pe, andt yuuug Leliumaut, and a pus.tie f .44)0 me'îneuf lit purstuit. ît. shows' lis boy'tlustru'ngth. utttemptCd >Therobberm. mhtlinili«e-riflhinateutl t <±veF>'tahaut i-Crnest lacetbui p iciIlleistvoid anc Ptic>'flut iii ISeir tight. Whetie l s tor'. 'The tiodle n'as *,td anil liroW à"d 100e seeernl iles tIseY atndtne@d uder the, stratn hefore Iacôtbq hllti be4 the hhorte atnd rail iito the ' ;'.-uats. Dark- lifted six feet. Ile felI t thue grtuou ili ýsean won î'oiing on gunithet 'pursuers escuipetiIniir>'. but- tht' îuiulei.', 'lliI coul ni 01fulun'. ballbeen Ipultf-41 bse fr,,uni1lis fafebfNig"' _________ trtick >'outuX Ls4lîuân on the uau, kilt- Dies lu a elteep W'alit. ig bilamiustntty. Ben-ajamin A. Criuher. oft irago. S91 .Ieiuiis î'arkt. a 1 cc îî gtlaitng xearo olu, whle w aSkng in tus leetu Sun- tram Marioin, Inul.. etaIiî in ale attire, day utnaruinoç, fei train a thirl-siory wn-ovaintketiliuo cliîsfuuy lt lîfflu-er 'ts- Sdo'. il.- dieti n fe'n'hiirâ lter. Frc- liane> ut ('air". Stu ' %',al,ieiîpnd -qutihly dturing ti nty ycarq tlittil n ilk- b>'a a , >a t thiic a'e %. o i~ ld J cd iunSis sieeît, buti lailnes i r ,ctu,r"' ui't au&pée t lier sca. 'Thle g'ut's titientss te>- wtitian as-iiîi-îeut. 31ic t 'i'ler %%oint iii ar.ted diriîtg lier eiluli .îd. bu-r ftiher bed 545tiriltuy uiglta ) itulî'stuu ul ir. cihttQirnuh.W:si-nice hevuiaîa *Al the au ler ,tnb-sof ili.. filluilY tsirt' 5iri,vit As su.' gru' ' îv ili' a sisteil MW ba inu t 1 uc lit sl ' ýilîiti'l ii s-s , .a i.ttie>' ut 'i'- i it*uii siti ,'d. open vuitidoii of uitbs rtiiîtfrui ut ih" siîurt iiue agi> he iettîiigii t of lier' treet onî fut] ,. t tîtt'tLu'1th iuiiii tî i-r îîu lit '-siri uu .iit.,-tuufirt, At 12A.-, ,"-1.-.kk ' i!-inl>fou.tilNi. i .t iturn.iio-ilt,-u -re i-i it',auU Ciler '.u-iuto. Iiiii' t'i ' it, u'io jilgita hitîî0w .Ai'ttI iti'ca h-i utas afiuîtiî'it.,!t ih.. lkt s er' ih- til ico t ltir 'ýIicrt iand rnt - i inii litr falleti, auî tit,%;i, îlr<'.'"'tI ,j i ii Wiu.o igitt lîîT î"s .ltîig uîls- ait Sl'ittu eloting I f3 . iv iw 'uu' istiuiius ctu ii ' li c sér %t î> ridiî ..i ifriiutt tctiis. fT viii in itusî ho iii%. .u' i e(.tt ss"u ikîn ou i' t ipuutî îft tirat),uî. h i îa i, i cru learnet ui ii 1uwiii ru'iut!. tit'dh -tlrrit-'il elu , uuu ~ ~ kii. SIu- su " 1itue hinu u.stur.A piisi'!:..iti is uu il%"t iii ii ltgofuit lîî'Siote - îf iu lî- li Ile fiip ,I'u>'i salatti'-ti oui l.'tit- wit. i 'rm isstt St. Narys ' ,icia~.S,,1ît but ,h-u t Jn-~ ii -r,'tutiljillti i iuis -,% uui' i -ttriti.1l t, " uc i' i .*î-t:ii-T thuiti fail. AI'i, .I. L Ci'riir iIi. IL,- su tt illit-er àwl .tii ,il! eîti'c ttci did notf r-gui i. uî'ii 'o.Mr.t'î o a t!i t ir f tut ihur r 'er4 r i ie i - i:iir' t ; ii. tii. t l în i.i'i - c1 tii un,'1'i1:1. Iuuît quiettiti ut.o-i- Ntri. i'u-îin o:"'i lj:treo'f buiig î't-ioii- h fi ttti" t thll quaie îu.i I-.lie uc" _I. iîii sucs otutti t - r t. blini :tlu!n the lt't patr rtiic tiiwiu :.î tt'e cria nt itu olii f las' ftric News Ii Brtcf. NI iy siiui isti> - ith ti io " i.t - lt n i,' Ilk'h I- . -i'e>- le tîî!uîî,î. fîî i i tiditý little , y i '-s k! h Y a ts t r,,uliî vaitr. t îo l i - Tu-.urfiic i ut.lî.tiias sttii ui the icqluts n l. 'l'o. 'I uîî.uu î,u '.h er lîu'r i-ut 'iiit te li 'u u-iti iltîîi uit la> n'aW i l irýiuii ii ' 1w nu .5.1. )t.tr onii ti,' u; ' i, ya i i eiii r iu it. tiid tut a )i 'slcisaik. hiii- ttuu-,-ir,'d tt t hlihiNo.d i tluuî.iratil'es uîî'i irli'g."i ultitîe iin star lh shi' satvts-iuir i i> t iut1s ii. ,î.i wlu1itiqi gthie'filncs wns a iur duiure tu, bri i Ml hui .', rtlit -,or 'i i i ut A i1uatrtu'r tiiuitis le iatter r it.i 'T ste-c.t the' hit iii 3 iii t iiAU t ' Y l"t t itir o,' r, ,iîuectiîin %% ili thit tir,' igli b r butai'. ii a ruts tvas s î,it, i. "luCie iI uI Eio.%itl I'îli- a it Icu i l -fk tic i ri atr t O.: îuri't'lueheit ford mt 'tuîiît 'f i'Lhuuaa. Hut, a lii iuiîu Sl dy. liil 1ui. si~i saloc charsrý'u lii %utiii ii tlio l bOn of Lo iipur, ttud Ired \Vogt.n' ;" sieary$.1ffl ia Ili.,' I.ut litt iTli .ljaitit. W>'. s'ýatt. u"fi4 h I. u vticii ( Turley fi,- rl> o I-k tf '-r liii! iil giii arý-l'a>. 1 ii;iu i itiuip iiiIl robl,"l i-Tty ilhii~ i> titl ~ itlt u-'i îr l.<iiiiî:îiîi w sl itL('a ti-ifiil I sr .i ttk1 pet itt ity i' arl it . 1ii eli sitilu' '! f or .î MrW>tt . i fîli)I - t oita of sni.iigli i g fr-m t thn2s.> . '. and. . N, t t l' 'i h " iiîi fOu ttisitc iiliglt ilIr-l - i . %% iî ti Il 1, j t Wa i tir, .i îl i t'iv ints opî, tl i fo tilat thiig iîîî :111t. 9î1l .uii ' ii ifs l' ,lt k f l i ,J crut'. l 'h t i îuîîii tlu'r-.i'-uit ,ars :li-go iti lti' r-l 1) T. u i' i, nir st, NIr f.ir al ia a. I'i i i if i, ri .4 ii -iî. t Ato rattita i-i' v l- w utîit'.ult iihr îriitittill i*'.tku, tit, litc- >à l tiiiiluc il r iiii i. ', ,t N. I ttrl nw il l s . l ý Diti ttitit ii' u'tt t~Ii.it:iit I ." i.'-d i*t t t e î.¾ , itt . t'it I itI l jî, tîo II t o uI lit ti 'îui t î li n if.i.. ad Iitu ".îthek îiuv %:ý1 a - and l e r i e'i' ltl iNi i ll iiii \ au Aii ut .unt, liichlîaii fi at te> NIti ici ti,, lii, 'k> i l ' 1'i \-. lIt' l11. uftrd f r iit c 'm ,e tr il-f tiliii tti tt ..1 ii ti. t :d' I \V j t"i tu ii cii.',bihtut îîlait.gi.rîtic tu t. as !te' Ise n' on. tuf LI., th mitb 'Ud Sgo Ln I ~BIla ess heatl I- Buiub ly with CT fter -~ muîië*l mtl i l :1 ici-ut talau uit .t i I th. uuau' t uti u iiitilii u t lit i, f -iua us ut. t 1uu'.-l> î lt-l"it jtr-l ali -i s llitl u 'i- i uitit -i.' tutu,' i' the u iiicot-itu.,tiici foriti i u'iît , v-s"ilr îuuti- uaîîitT i thu'ta. ktii 'uihor l 'p' oA o"t)il ti iii s u gieutii huettiiitg tnt ilw 'I.c\iutill 1-ittl. NIit.llig.lltïa vtitoi. îîl.2 i" Cll-ioa (users ii'ire Iuid iifui' jli iei- liarriet ',t'Is Ilitiler -- the i,'iîî"îu freoi. T'l'lueiis'trutut tion-s l'Y lDnt ('il"lu Stroiîg. thuiuuîeuh ilî,' oi iugtu,5 resq. Tht' utibenfutrijual auliIrcemuý- inttr.1 uii îîere muade' lu>'Miss Siftiff. NI lrinutlI iI ilettiliotie(, W'illint ttA. iOî i'iit,nud alra rie S1tiiffout rettt. -"'Flic tta'iîu ir-nI sis th ie o uf Cnlhu li:ài iluNI' (tiu"ti t tk. uîiittii.ttshew SfuI its. ,'d lu> ou, tht ' "lkaulielir iiils btl U nd* au jauie AIlIuats ' .î Ii'l-,liun i i il it sî'tliîtuillfu'ir. " l'ino silot su uni' n du-iil ii lu-v LT. DIll'Il t Iii t1h1 Pf- ferkoîcî. ;aloi' ltuli I ii'. u>iinuent t rs -l itii A rtlîr lituntiti W. St.s i'iii tt ti, uît'l iin hi-i'tîg I lci tu'I u'ii.t'g't'e ,u1r u-etu>'. liai'lie,'ta-isii in lý'ajigît. N. D. Ktil S'iîr.,iuîiel ' Ileîu nIîuw N. 1-'uiiî.u i, t. otf 'ltethgît Jt i t bousi' s ervia unt s filitiud demi i %il bautuh t tqi inL tSese uali iut n!l he etsbe SU W~i4a ~ dy~ it('nOOl' eeWurg stiurte t'i ut12':30 *is>*k il~SitIis >0AtStho ht cf Wlsi Il le 'y i," hax ouj- îloT! i,îtT i'l auin iiiiluiut S f , iii'.iu-u' ut 'uttîl' la iit'tu' t iT l ,îîîe ot'o i I l tsu î~ 'i ' uu i> tt h uy s ii- îc ,ut ii - t.i'. tu.h > :i'. l its tt îî 11lus ti of u t iuuitut' ili' mii. iilelati. otulzlttii i,)lqci'iii tutu]ut iiiS are tîti-Tt > -lhtioi :I l iiuuthe people ti' ss.ill I veuui':t1t, tunt oft> tu -irreutiiig aiiliiiiistriui uitst in(,diulfi'LC5nie viîiltiit iutirfî'riîui isill the,'gc'lut'mci ai rui' are oft the foutli'tîîu at isM, i le> t-tit i u luuît teihuilck'iigetuuitndr,-ju'î't ait>' thuatt ihre titut iiiiiiit. iTie suttfjeut ihouliil lie t hurîuugiutY îic-ssd iii the pubilic p urso utillu iii"local elulis. t iîîîîîululîtu thet'tiu'itiutlîotftîîht1itaufi- ilait,-foîr the I iinura t andniui îîîl îîîîr .,t til.d tuutuiii t oices 1h ilis s îaiii nirel), iuirh îutrîtitiii uî nîca sute, aut utî l tts le 1 tii l l lu' ie uous(.0111 s uitb,tht i litiv nil tnit'. .As flic i si' its1- tuv iu. izl, suore of <tuf,' t, as t itt>st t(rin'u-s itith i îltuî- îtliî Inuj oftui ler- hllis ".tilu li iinui ii' -iiuuaig fna imesitt uitlien part ofthel,'Stitc '1hru' uijienil- mient.,'i.t. l,'uuiiglu .at ut i itliu.L t lu i 't ii ii A tIylugtt«iti.sfy tuul ýaWeil Iiilt uuîai o,eu ,ilite sutistitit' ut l)tiOk Plrth le ,îhuc.,y. NMorni ihtisuiistis the lui Iis uiiit audiiiut55aiuitoile tui rici tut SdeI i nvebop<'tiultii-tiiil iOa îk iPark- Lke Ile atpcarailt'to!ft hi'uliuandttitook hlà beorGu -s jugt1ce, te tvhoW thse beg'. That JoYu FeelIng. iutt Ille exibilating sens-. Of t-'- oD'ti'd buait andS strcrigthu t11111l luteui:tîl clealiliuess. nhici flots,Ilut' utu' tu 5>-nuI of IlgS s I IrokuOit1 ' t t .cv tibiahave net prnagi'essîcuii ülucyttIllie ti- tjll Iltc td ici,1ues utl tullio clite, ittu st i- ft t i-s sauit-inies offer'i' uit ie ea u ct-jitu'd b>- fle s -i ufcîc 'Wa it Sie liter Bc Qucen? Thecfi.ri taOtfWalestlt'las "()%%.s It1ll ber titi" juiist oser tliicty-uljicu'e >-îr a îuu'iodl tîili lbias live exVecîi'i u onl>' orie tflier 1redecessoý.Aitguil. theu'dlttugItel' Of iit'iigc IlI.ss'iiiu s ofeî tiitctly-ltsua vears Pfiiicess uif NWalici. A Ilousehold 'accesslty. t'aseanets, Caud>' Cailuartic, the 'mol' w cuierfuil mcîiciealdiscover>' of flic sge. plen'aat autdtr,'trcsbing l ta Ilsie. ai-to gi-titisand piisiiivu-ly onriliduneys. ice atal Iovls. clenhe lite ore s3'steiiu. uiopùls tolulo, cures beutlacle, fever. lu- lit tutti constipiationi anud biiiousness. 1'ietisi biîy andt try us box of C. C. C. to-day: Il). ticents. Soid and guarsuotecul ta cuore baco Sgist.i ~nocYa Lite AiVo>. If >'ouî isant ho quit tobacco uinie ta'ilY gnd foi-cicr, regaitn osf nu11111110ul, li0 made w cl, 'stroog, magnet!c, fuhl etfneit' ite anîds g in, take No-T(.-Bac, tlic solî- der-workî'rft a ke,.%n'eak men stnolug. Mqan>' gain ten tounda in ten days. Oser 400,000 cured. Bit>' No-'lo-Bac fronu yoitr onin drîuggist. ss'o trili goarautee a cutre. Booklet and samplle free. Adilrcss Ster- ing Renueul>'G).i. Cliicago or New' York. Os.cr 5M0 fossil elepharit teef b bas-e been dredged froîxi the' sea ntf Moleta' es, aol fle Coasat O!fluheMedterraneau. @Ince180 ts taken Internalty. racle 75 cents. ,man beltcx'es ltaiself always; grcatt'r than lie 18. and laIsetccmuidles&ttatan be Is wortb. The lover m ites sonnets to the f.fu:r graceoro! is a.tored one u'bo han bern maile e.tringly beantiful b>' the world- rellowned Glenni Suiphur Soap. Ile n ho f wi ls o-vn dlciencloq 1%11libe a charitaible mon fur bis ocn I!f ficed nituieli ap diseassa, ilir faltiug ouf, and 1teituire balIutncu'. do flot ise grease, or aiu'oloic prépuarations, but atu>1>'HaIl's flair ifi'eever. W'baeser bas a bail babit bas a uInas- ter. SWluen tilions or coafive est a Cancismet. cankdz cathortic; cure goarateed; 10, 25c. l -P'.M9 000, ou w at. . b ft been e With a sharp stick you can turn up the dtrt an, get ground ready 7for p11,fting-tntit w'hat a clumsy, Slow, labori- ous, tneff ectiv'c -way' of goilug to work! Not mtîch miore so, thotîgh, than the old- h ~ fashioned w'ay of w'ashing. Think 'of it! Grinding the clothes up and down on a wvash.board., ith nothing but soap ) and main strength to get out the (irt. Iheiî -soing bow imleg rndcsi arir thain hosimle nd eaisy 5ealnes a Voti need Pearline for al yoiur washing and cleanin.. You neeci something better than '.- soap or a sharp stick ,\,iuen yoti're dealing uîth dirt. ne TUTTt - ,end tnf utr piisC tIt 76 Cai t.. fp'W Y 212 PMslt. SUSS "Ile that Works Easily Works'Si cessfully. f 'Tis Very Easy tç Olean HouseWith, 1 SeiPRISE HI"tYSCtélAN' fsm <edMr-t frm theTCbulolttbeKy-aot, sud en er'h. i n Oit permaýinti [beaitbfîi e à KV and 1 nuloit[iit u u lhave hbMlli - bpçha ta1l5gilàso î,erastently nî oet(] îsîafî'l8a0p agit ioet e is tn 0 i lroIaiig the userits of Dr. M tiliauss' tiiâIos a utisry *ru inf ti' aro Puk Pilla foîr i'5e iecpale. 1 4 ,e. ostètr's Siouehli lter sf sa' 10the tires or lest ?,hurch 1 cuti ch ef of thlege. DYspe'Pu.4a itsae fàb tritlful3' an>' thaI for tvritty years 1Iai st.e earai'ier, la à,blut.rtted by t. J bil b,,fiereul ait lite 0agoifts of ail infernit,J .,VIl denih wiîîld have et times Iteet a The %vorst îpenalty Grf ciiidoing lq 10 wloiintitsitor. 1 batsi unîuîlar rbeiî' gî 9PW lmb hhkctuessit ibth the hll*,for signe inilis rnîo'.tvivionts tarin. tppleulent- pesil bman's souul chîtutge. ucordliig to 9ai"-Ït Il~ Uî wllutut fli cto,,rs ,.îlled iuberî'îi'5 tenlîoo cls. oi beic' r jclm RP]xmq). a ofîltie boue's. l5 st'tîalint mleigiittthi aueo i ees o e ro 'ulder lth' treatinviit of a pi y iîiitati for wors.-Plaii). s5~tAcoîs'utltruble Iaýrtiaii ut nîuy tinie s Wo the hosl:itaI. In, 1SIE! 1 sîtelc t iree Cascirets stimitlate liver. ki(lopys end amiantes in f'aat instil': .,.îIv,'re 1iitider' boniels. Neyer sjlipit. weaketu or gripe. wént severie suigiiot i,ecatiieis for relief. u u ----- Almota uithie moite>' 1 î'oîid raise fraon No du- wsver aopre usent for inudieiies in sss Wrl or.i i lt isier.ns oc ~ cule WB y or unoîbear. I1uould iry Beandî reckea iUST saS ssabx t. e 111i1r.1a@wbIU vtr rmedv itît n'as sîîggtsed fillconrltnleî that the dou'tîuri nere-l right hi n nig ibere vrai no cure for s-1îîchmu -lat a icaste nes mine. Nlvt riglit Ieg bei'anuc rtIgid and siff, the joints reftusing tu, ler- foe'm their funiicions ln any îlegree. At les1soth lie paiuig nttucked my> left Ieg lto. end if wax as t hecomins as bail as tfla ther. I alise wsfferéd lun(lhe bonil- déïs ansd arme, thougla no'e badly as in the liser linîlus. "About flie firgt of Marc eltet, 1 rend dit article on Pink Pilla, aud n'bule rer3' îdl*)!ons as to the resquis, 1 eoncludmIitto e ehem a t"i. Itael on box witout ïc-ling an>' benefite sa 1 cotil sec, sud Wh about f0 abandon lteau wbeii. at the . . û r-.t'silittnof i, v~îife. I coueciudeld t.tonOe morc box uliovw. Retire the geëond box n'as oued us; 1thugi 1culid O eaxerience sorteC. liglît littprovenlent in soi condition. Like à drowîtiiîg iat' i I I peedil>' graspied nt ltus, one strass' of i bOise. 1 ordered other lioses Rad coiiiiî- ncd the siysternatic ise of the pilla' u direfted. ta>'iinirovewetit, front th(, bte- gianing uf the thirulbox. ISieng tanstiiitrk-- c d anti rsruiî. Th'e rigiility sud stilliit. -sonon begau'lto dieuppeiir f rom ni>' lest. the rexerrneiaifig painsa licuane graditullv les. es>' droouiiug spirits res Lied rinder the' ex- 1 bitiatiiig prospect of getitir n-cil. atul befica gruat usile t1nuaaletàe là)-it *Wok. 1tbhai* îs#Dye(-t us ilt illie- " ' pilla. 1 have jîlsi orereti th,; aiiih l1,. r wih1 Ith:ik sill 1lie he Irst. I1',l iCiî"at 'I aise niite 10 this extrtîordintar3' îicul, t arution. for 1 dont sec liuv. 1coufllhiave'~~ I~ tr lived utdec i lie a inifoistiui tiiiiortuîîîe I~ .~'""> ' I . c 1 wtaeîîîlîiritt. I t i o i., ,urauue. tîiîîl tish e uitsfli"i, lt 1 i ouîlîi j, t' opporti tittu i tell i%- >'frietiîi,, ali,î ii il' reineilianta u tir..tioti aIl aftlicteil .9 1 n'as ig e il a trio]l. (i Signeiji ."A ,J. N CilI)ION,'"T e di' y Sub% ribedandl sîot 'u10bforà' me hsT eN w W m n" le 2Srli day if Maty. IS!iSL J. PE'T -S. Notair>' L'i>!!' Thse rllvulin n lii tttendt'd Mr. Nieh oison i br. Ja. S 'lîenoîiuttiî,O. iti Broadtway'. The dotor reit»iiliet"'l ilh .e case iind i-occuboi-ntcl su iîtMrNI . ih son Kil in regard t,î tlie laitlu-",iî'in c sale coul iti îîaa nd l abutthe iî"pcrat ii pi'- l oiura n limtai theiii'ltipitai. 'ifcil le for a-iiti uraiprisd ta, h-iit at là; 1 forme'r patienît sa-vas ni:iiîiat ut lirIy 'eil. siiiî'e lie iiud i t teiute v luciî Là s Ve tast asiçiu.î fl' lh,- citild yet r bli n i si Dr. Williani4' Pitili Itils e Intaiin »Il ilie L ofeleinetiitecrs'îy oi gis.' ai-tt lite aiil M riehos To the bIsod ,,iidrteiuce uiittteid 'tcntsraboxcTiixey .gf)r$25).adT'he " new'woman " f avors economy, -r M l'e auioe ,CuLu N and she al ays buys " Baffle Ax"'for t-. ay Schenttiy, N. Y. her sweethat She knows that a 5-=et %l Apples GCool lfor Dyspepsia. ateA isn rl wi s Dg sin; tlivy ttire oîs t111'iia ge as a 1tO-=et piece of te Yâ4 t' ii dgsiii(it citt tt i.jig* r i oandl nd )u t v o l e , c o r r e c t î t 'e e l d î t y ot f t h t ' s t i n -1it i4 u1 I C4 î1 lit- ali, ire satuable lu rîtcunmaîism. lun-' uy 4Bat&e A s. -ùàh" a pôpuar leIl1omnia. anti livtroblcîîîes.An aplefavorite Ailov a the Uitite4 Saes 1,-conia i ns as li uch utriminat as a uth' fltri a leàsuautcr and amone n oleuoie fcîrnm ==ZN ý-M