Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 30 Oct 1896, p. 4

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bu ýtter on ll ba, Sales 36,6001 ýtbSê èIbn st 2me. Butter *Èél& for toc; Os yeat go fte Qutste cf i tepolit 4ninutir. Impression .éwaluWa.ulngton foe 'XLIo7lY vini vin, avo$e ase Mr. Apoley a'.311tIh. wlvivn.g1 '-"se des becoine hhatm j, u5k oft m a a mater of glutue nout of test tal Ceo th. Street and ashod 'touirt ,voulti le ehk vitout he.itatleu "Ml yasmmjoniOfetthese nu j»,»ya. Dung a poe Iv. wProsideullUl eiecbion@& *efnkaevu the opinion i 01, Oue of thein te li unAnims in luWasiingt<i perhIkpa, largely altribulÀ visItoetgo%eormore et the esaployes that licKiuley i it isnt ail changeable umy vbe thlnk Ibal Mc 'h ave alatet IL so fras the erk atilf ikaSud la eonoerned lbe csàipoig la over. There auiy bulâle arount i ethert * be MKley lieatiquate or sending ont CaMP&lgu Ob4et, ant ifit y votes art tween Ibis lime anti eleeti( galbe because nfmuythingi - tgo. Thellghtisuevt tb*4#ting preciucts. Wi lem Itysteria diaplayed as qflatters tIan vas On ta -ime demnoctataanti P c6 laming that Bryau viii elecleti by - a nll IJi eloleral cege andti I men viii eleet a imaJenit: 'mouie. At McKinley1 they an. actually jubi confidence thîl McKinley the 325 lectotai votes him by Vîce-ChairnuA] îwepubician Ceugrea.ionl qru more, aud that the -, SuReu members eftht sj» itort 0e! lb ýo ,lad the in! "un et educatien w,. te be edueÀ ji .Tise INDIC et teil& giare tei on ut ltequestion f al felrm et bell M#xd lu Ibis paves graplal sketch ofIlx h:.ave effered spac, >qlor. frein wlAîo îdpolnt. Coniti'i ae Mnay net be sii; nr*e ve bave pnrased. F uch we are sel Mu lb. course ve cel 1 jfamyene ban beccu weof rglve tbem sund pe sresty l e « MIay argument lns wamvruest friand *,da î mapapend il ln ufuture m lltâbh"lg the 't'"ui, mivmys op atetloon,ailvaya ti gý4Iy a4lng 1e uMM 01i»Y la Our own ou w. cm do. IV'I aul & alve ibail ener t Wa" ne more Item&II * K,,xevs.Fi motivas lthe tille et oe. Ilavis lait Oulm l40nitng. A Juryi las ai, d lu dUap j"an suextra bill ~bougit seau tak. te brick - a-i 'Mrii..sIp uf sud"CI wmima ln a mair previeilli, letton. Whun1 Id alt in~ 1873yen couiti not buy a' qxuch forRl ivoeoliver dllarsam syen could for a 1 wu On APP!&- iv. tdlir goiti plece ner for a long evel lime before that, il va. a slip of mY A. m"2mcmmmmpeu to. .ay before, ferrasanteaut er; 1the yZihuand a. te that particular lime et01 18, S5 the astement vas a mistaXe for r find a ualylag t . Copeland'a statement that Mus ibe et 19c; oliver vas et a alight preminin then G S lasit vee.k 0 b. correct. 'et me here thauk G )r M2. tUr. Copolaad fer hsvlug belpeti me a tuer 11111. andi havlng susered sBee Os -questions lu a positive, detinite way tical heand- vitout throvsng lu a lot beastilig j ha.u eenabout the abUlitY et eur euuU'to- mile money etotntofIou; adsud mite )r somle days. stand aloue" sud auch like chiidish- nemt by se nom. our governmeut at that lime CI d éaime, but bh" adepted a ratio betveen silver 1119 gewr.l bumandg901d 0t 16 te 1, andth ie amnst Son of # ouier prodmtced vas thalemal thst7 course,, a su!.! va. a 1111e meretIbm oeebis )l trantion; ouncoet ofiod, sud tire amount oet .d whe they ailvor lu a ilrer dollar va. veortb asi :ted reiie ttIe more than the amonnt ef goid 3 ete zeiw ima geM dollar, luit as li. Copeland da2 Kinley," anda siya, about tIre. cents more. Well, Gn aea vere for It'have learnetioee act trorn lit. j Ad corlug Copelaud, but virile iuvestlgatiflg fu a or inyseift totstbigstatemnut Ai 4Dne bée1found Borne other tacts vbicb et the reult anein te jar wtb some ether state- * no neaniy meut@ ot hls. be ou. This l1, Iu 1873 the world't3 production of Lu teteslver vas 63,267,000 ounces, and the j table te matket prie vas $1.298 per ounuce. tu, e goverurnentlu[n1874 the production vam 55,300,000 i will vin, but ounces sud lte prie $1.278 per te Ibat, a. ounce. Iu 1875 the production v»62,262,000 ounces, prîce $1.248; ln 1876 let eKinley wl 11te prodtionle 67,753,000 -ounces aud Ho ounce; lu 1878 th. production vas Hg 73,V76,000 sud the prie. $1.152 per C. ounce, sud frein ltaI lime on, vith ai the Wuaing. lire exception eft1he yesr 1881, the Preldeltl so nnail vend'. production et silver en la ne îliegr steadlly increaseduntil- in 15154il al the rya orreachedth ie amount et 167,753,000 bE lb.Brsu >~onced, aud at lhe saine Ulime theprice gg re. Th1e Vork oailveraîrneatuasteadity declineti ut- a literature l in ilua1894 Il dropped bota bout 64Jcents echaugeti be- pa ounce. Nov, et course, as ,,eu dey il iii vice ef silver feU lhe profita of these o 'ho id slver teseilf, that ln thlb 1 doneinWa.h. evuer et cUver mines, decrtfased andtIn transrredtot thon ve board about the great vrong r 'hile there la et 1873 sud lte gdshonor due te silver; 9( t Brsu had.andiln ortier te heip these poor silver tt rya bod-mine evuera, Congres a 1878 passied w Wp leat wesk, the Blaud c, and reqnlred theW populist are Covrument te spenti, out of lhe SI 1certainly bb monieys raIsed by the taxation efthlIe p koi 0f tire vhole peeiple, frein $2,000,000 te jotty 4,00,000 pet menlh in the purcbasei, tIthe iliver et the produel ef the ilver mines. ýy ofet l it ilI the market prîce ef sîlver 1.11 as heaiquarters, 1the tellewlng tables shows:b iuat in their l][8lm tihie vas Sien1152por oz. vili recelve 1850.. .......11 sclamned for 516~ kpaley, 0ethlie e al coimttee, 180 " " .64 e H1iflb et o l«'Ie <.9782 lie next Roua. 13l..... ....1.r:' e 224 claimeanti11la 1890W, ln muther desperate effortV te Ielp Ibese por silver minte ewsserse lhe Sherman Act passed, whichl requiredth ie Seeretaey ofthle Trea8ury r very gladthlito lu y 4,50.000ounuces putruonlhà 6 end. il lia anti .1111Congresa vith Ibis lavish i grvtduel of une et the peopieanioney bas neta gelbeen able te keep up the Ivricêofeti libard feelug what these silver-mine Ovners haîve te t Dneral eruplion seil, but that priec bas. insisi,'d tpanà ýalen. It bas aUlng even more after thse tiri etectim ne 01bein aet the laot nameti act when in 1890 f se t êlg thLe price veut np a litIle, as lier te those vbo îolleving table shovs: ated vithont lIn 180te Prie waa$1.04w3 i' r oz. :.891 ..........0.M8 )present bellt 55............7ff o ita rentiers. 1e.........005t àparties bas What sah vi e de udxt? Ifthte prie. rsa. vel ana oetsilver bas net talleti on aecoenulOe ,oth candidates. se greal increase lu production, let m [e ssk vbetber l la denieti that the e te aIl con- fait lu the price of vicat lae tuletbe ever pelitîcal immense incrnaset production? Il wn do more? tibs la denietin uthoen the lsv uhat sijed i vth the price la goverueti by tb. supply snd demauti tinieti in tloe(Mri. Eiter, 1Il lier. are ia toto ls a latin expression, but an ýry. We bave esier One thnie n ia ai is ansd Sudered right perbaps Mrt. Copelauti vili know visaI ne angry vihIt itieans,) o:laeilver not sisject te the ain law tht goeraother àtbey viii find teoàmstles. lie asks -If silver la )preomut Iheir ebeaper on accoant et Increageti i uture as thal production vhy lin5>01 golid <'ielper s. bm'a urfer lte saie. reasou?" Nobetiy but la. hafsOur ir. Cepeland bas deuiedt latIit la d ve-gihll -hev ebeaper. 1I daim liatitIlis. Itlal as in. lire putl, proed et atois cost sud a inua i rightI #o ' etr mo et itfor a days labor than an~ ~ t=pîlcmb cut tnty or .tveuty-Ilve yeara pen o çiUc M go. 'And ns eh.mays ve motmahe sady tu fOrgive rigbî. the vroag doue lu 1873 sud me extensioncf rtomette ilver, anti nuderlahes te' rsn. This in show hobe li iiidouble lb. amount. et our money lu Ibis vay, te-vit: We vo car. tu de eutoff hait ef our meney vheu vwe WY toi do. W. <jamotimgisi uver, se Il ve temenetlze ayosme. nov ve vifi double our ameuna. "iVety eauily .nsvered"'lo bha sure but ~1îereansver tlai ml&istateineut nover. a -case befoite i. @monetiug oetclilver leaveuni. urday nglernoon -witb oaiiy about hait as mneb .a. va rua caledt utu h al eter Doosbs *IRIOI1G tu my Mnaing juolle., an put tato circulation up te *4at 1 ùt -coste. W.,b«me va. vitbdravn frein cireuillon? brick et Gens Leaving us uvitir eniy abeut bair, thon vIould lmpy that, but It il vas net IIRS...U. m. mi w.-w.c .~v ~ -. BiSai. GRASI.IÇKSOC IETI98. 3fu-o Jegbr. tabu 118ING MUN Loâge No. in5 A. Y. & A. IL their homes,, vinA Piemmd vith the held reaular oImm« IOUoUsB StIrday day'aeuefali ead the hol nlngB. Lrwwuua.L W.M. POOPIO disperued Thoa» Who vlait.d& Tuoursoq. Secy, tromWiOonda vere MeadameaB. IL bOROSIS Chapter. U. D. Order Eastrn BIcha, umerson Cook, Berthajerika, >Star moet firât and third Fsaee J . £Bragd, QiMra mlth. Annagtoien. s. ~ ~ ~ ATC E.W B umÂ; Lt  W. Hettle Goding,-Anna odliIg, Enon er, Wynkoop.jl S. <hangar. May Brocha, RAY8LAKE Camp No. ISSI. W. A. mfet Addle Wrlght JIMne RiJly, Lucy ffirst and third Baturday ovenlngu of euh olough, NMe leOlynehx Reehel Ors,4 onth. 1 5050e cKÂPPLE. Ir. C. WDL Claàrk, and iu Emlly, Bate; frein ionos BReexs, ClJrk.Wauhsgan ver. Meàdames Lii». Book, IZPAII Camp No. neaR. N.-A. meet second Carrie BrIstol, Mary Jilmon, Rose Iand tourth liiesaY evelngs eab moU Rohan, Fanni.. Ferrer, Flmrece Bair- MXa. W. HA. VET. Orsle. mto, Carne Heyd.cker, Emma Bab- ts. SalsuxÂN, Bec. slow, Emma Marvin, Mary Doolittie #ONGREGATIONAL Cburch Sunday ser- and Lovina Ou*ry.. ovices o:w an.mjrYrme _________________ ig Wedneaday evenings. P .mn uday evenngsaet &MP. l. WARREN.? Mir. Gaines, et Cicago, vitwt vitir sa slster, lits. Shaffer, Mondmy. John Jeffers returuedti rem in aee- intWetuesday vili a load ti uttIle. lira. Wllbur speut Bunday and Mon- ly with ber aister, àtra. WiIb un, aI unrne. J. K. Orvia, nemhaîe for litatea Uteruey apent Bundsy lu Ormysahe vih bis vite. F. W. Clow returieti frein lte ucrtb lnaiteek vlth two car Ioats et stock. W. S. Prie., anti Joe. Clphai n sd Aile. (Iophain voe eChicage visitera Ibis veehi., At GrangeHall nex Frlday evenlng a Democrat raly speker frein Chicago ia expecleti. lirm W. 6. Prie. bas been entertsin- ing Iter brother anti lamily the past A number ot youug people frorn "" tai C '"m . . ire Attended the social et Lewis The Prohibilloil meeting at Grange i 1ýus's Tudayevenng.Rall Wa&addressed by James Shaw, usk' Tusdayevelng. hair.- ho delivered on.e ofbis forcibie taiha JobJ Sherman, ef Chicago, veste' te au appreciative audience. mrned te hie home, alter neveral wea Vlait vîlh hie uncle, B. B. Sherman. W. uuderatand that lMr. Kraft has purchased the Mark Boe tarinâ ad Win. Brandotetter lu building su fviiimenu move hie tamly and hous- [e bouse beblnd hlm place of business. hold ellecté te their nev home. Harr Wheeiock and Orlando Richard- The Whîîtier Pleaure Club held a eon are doing the vork. business meeting the other eveaing 1W1~g -z %-WMorili and Aima snd decided -ter me wbat'Lbey could do Hende, verflelgatea te b Y. P. 8. te make "soinfetthe people ihappy thia E. . co6vntin of Lake oxty held vinter. t Highland Park lat Saturday. J. MutilaIsaving a nev gasoilue APTAICISIC. engine pu6 ln bis feed and grit ml, Mies Kate Rartanan visited Chicago alter which he viii ho prepared te do lant veek. better verk thon ever beltre. J. Mur. Miss C. Fltupatrick, of Chicago, gatroid la dolng tae verk. came home for a veek's vacation. Those frein Grayalake vhoeatteuded George Phiater and famlly, et Deer. he Suaday achool convention aU Llb- field, vlslted at M. Weiad's lent Sun. ertyvli. vere Mesdames C. B. and day Rob Harvey, Rigey, Mead and liber. y man, aud Miss Buste Whitehead. They The home et Mat Wlckershcim ia report au excellent meeting and a gladnened by the preseuce of a baby good lime. boy. Charlie Herschberger came home Guestsa u Grayalake hetel th. peut Menday eveniug, alter a week's visit te week vere: J. K. Orvis snd vile ef Joliet. Waukegan; Arnoldi Welter. Chase. Schniber, W. T. Wbiflu And T. R. Fran.k andi Rob Weland madie a trip Phinney, Chicago; B. A. Smith, J. te Chicago lent Suuday, returning the Kirwin, Waucenda; L. R. Lyls., Spring- saine day. field, Mo.; and A. A. Walbridg e eo , Mr. Dan Herscbberger, a prominent Win. business man et Joliet, and vite, have Tuesday. Oct. 27, vas a day long te been vlsiting bie brother and aister bc remembereti by the Royal Neigh. bers. boe et Grayslake, and n ntot ly by Our baud beys played i th credil at them, but alse by the B. N. ot Wau- tw rlersiiiAt Wheeling and Hait Day, c.ouda and Waukegan, for on that day anti expect te play at Highland Park the Neiglibers et the lait Ivo naineunt Menday night. That's rlght Camps ver. the guenla of the former, boys, @tep by step yqu'll get te the top T nse day vas beaulul andi the teof et b ladder. ail that confîd b. deaireti, jusl snob a 'Ts olast. the Iatest aîppie iay as voulti voo the ladies te a long Lerthanuina on the bougb: ride lu the open air; coequently A]hrlvl opnof Wanceuda l"des te the number et Are resdIovyeideraniow eigblee and Waukegau lsdies tAeî.ose theede nw number et eleven beteok themnelves No apple ot ber kindred. te f4il place te spenti au atterneon No Blaldwin nov Is nigh. vilh their. Neigbbora. Thsy vent Te refleut back her biu«hiws. tiret te the hall, where the. Waucoukda Or ulve sigh ter, sg. aud Grayslake Camps veut through lIl cot lbave tiee. thou lone oue., the vork ef the Ortier vilh credit te To tine on the st*.m, theranive. and ploasure te eacb other. l'Il jmai shake dovu and esu yen. A pleasant feature efth11e afternoonl And glepend on th-" ceilar thon. were the remarks made by the Neigh--- _____ boe ofet différent Camps, snd a Many lives etneetuines. have beeu reciatien by gr&. Hicks, Oracle et cul short by neieot te break up -an Waucouda Camp, va. very good. At ordiuary coldL Pueumonla, brouchîlis about 4 oock they Ail repairet te and even consumption eau bc averte. Relel Austin, whe»e a beuntitul aup- by the prompt use ot One Minute piy for the muer -an wvaswaalting Cough Cure. For sale by F. B. LoveUl, thein. About n1aely people Oat dovu Liberty ville and G. C. Robert, te the rlchly ladeu tables, lacln'Jingj Waucentia. Hits Bargain Seekers hard and their pocketbooks Iightly'. For eue wcek, commencing Mouîday, October 26th, I will give on ail She sales of geeods listed below a 10 peur cent dÎSecouft, Avail yourself of this opportunlty. Men's everyday Boots .................. $1.45 Ladies' Coodyear Welt Patent Tips..... 1.25 Ladia' Hawd- SewRd Double Seam . .... 1.90 Ladies' ,Oit Grain Shoos .................'.85 Chllren's Sho'>es size 2 to 5 ............. i19 Bo y ' C o n r s s . .... . . . . . . . . . . . 7 5 an&g-Pr'oof Ribber oots ............. 3.00 Ladtes PO:inttd Too Rubbers bizes 3 ta 7 .25 Fi,ý.'. ebker s, Brick Store.. GRAYLAKE, jLLIN OIS. BY Buying Thein OF " "flan, GRA YSLA KE, Another Important Cap la tiraI of Mr. R., L. Bray aSsor virose pastoe atitrsu lu. Woo4»le*. T~ ml. -Mr. BrieyhatibeeM VI b7 hê1a 'Iteumati.m ,fer ias mW M& ï,d ne use et hie limbe. Wuas eot Ssi.' >liAAU 'G Dr. 0. B. Rovea ooff eou thé Obh dm of July lait sud undter sk=fa ni O"BêUU naslerly treatment emiployat by tire SEi iiii4sm>ïeo Doecr, lit. Bray vas eoaupletOiry irb 0551<éa eured lu ta e% 4 antiuliam vonei péerté»J mAis, ___ tard on lb. farsu ever ibbtIO* 1 stinos. Tismoulecure lucosleoi Md remarmable baving beenascoplael riiqildWh ss i te socu. ffloZ N. 9. AUl cases reporteded, by Dr. 0. B. Kove lulabti.somlmua w'*nitd4viblotPéï iby 4aeet >17mB. 11105e people living vithin easureCh 1O18 0 gia1 ...d sud te any person ,vieodoullie D U M Enugu* Y5l correctuesa of sny report vhiob hasNO 9Ï91,--7' ý or shall appuar la tire.coum"s Dr.' roi Hove makes a standing offer of $10OIàn UU8,OeUhiE.y revard te any person vho viiishow li 50. ~oof 1hà1 suy Casm laureporftai talaè' NUa4lS îor eiebeior oer dramt i< ay'l, partieul . 0O. B ove, M. D>., vi"ia~t, Libertyville ,evary SUnD&W. Ses b'u uv UqSS buiness card lu anoller ecinuna. X-RAY APPAË*Tus. A tanetlnlditor gels off thre toilov- Dr. IcHr on'. e ohS deis ing; --The editer mat ou bis golden OUMit e.iidb SugM 01, __0d Ibrone, as etiters generally de; JU bist OÉi O M"" e ladogmdij su tuoooe Das- geld vateh ticket anti iis diamonda s ai~ shene, fountatonsperfumed lte abr vîltToriýx ae& sausom PsS o amo oologue,,mnd Met lb. ediler vas bine, À» ).O EAlUfi ud maiiii ths se bine. O, vhy va. lb. editur bineuetil aagmom~ooh a * » iN- Because bies ubenibero, ai a 1ev, credlg.seta3ionam bat forgollen teaette heïr bals wbea theiraeolIiBmsbIhm ii due; and he pendereti se teeply, hov 4 «r« avfu nilieir ipt, vIten they th blâch V teoteA ymlu Rates vouiti sisl. se bot;l; 11h m la ammm <p ams).ursa a ion a terrible stev--a slev; meouv. = 11 'epéral la nmM"1a4sOr ineetv; vhoo! boc!r-Eî. ausi 031bombuen YamooOME zpermoneaUX y red b7 a Tixe Darlinu, Wls., Journai «my% nov nueotht etitorlaliy of a pepular péaent meti. » 8U esretà»viti. Clue. "We knev fr055exvpere» tiraI iLoAI uuua bi Chamberlins Cetle, Choiera antidd. n Diarrirosa EenmdZ là a»ltâtât la dim- et for lt, a. ou Ivo ocasons ué abcpped operatiOse., ramovedby ouroia excruelating pins atipd ally opera".aiam înc us freindman grlel ave. We vould arkva suovet lsy eîeblyaia net test easyovr idgirt vithout Il ooggu... Mm A» eu lu the bouasY TItisremady u-it- u Ail motielos 111=*w doubtetiy m"vos more poln aud mg«o- ptient,. Ing tItst auy other micine ithelb.Oî,mTiuous a TÂrnz vBuntffl venld. Every tamily siroulti heep M i rL .1711. lu lhbonsm, for 1"@mue te b.etit HV Suia ay t.m 0, . souet etrlaer. For a.1 bj Y.iB. m'OMn yip for tIlm. se, 3 P.v Loveli, Llbeniyvliie anti0. C. obrtday..uI <4I kd', Wauonda.IMrè* D Hevyenosaain 11.00byetlng N. B. Dr. Hove .031.11. esly 00 WADOST IIWHow pyorceag st Ilio90.00. ave a.ught ure elîevhefe vitbfout sucê ssma au oIt anti experlonceti handto du do sapent ame dctug yonr vork: MiAnce I mati, my lm * vela thae lanta et eter physiciana improvesuent ou my re-aetlug heei, Jtu mil!on hl for relie.ý 1lviii dig -anti brick .a cmmon ise . weii Brut 40 ni. 75 ceta petfootn-eit l0UIt.$1.00, and for deeper ati lar«ger velle at my usuai price, asid1bearti y- sel ou jobs near home. Jobs number up tô 387 at preient. Prespectlng wlth a 2 or 3 insch auget ne charges un Leu the ovuer stops me frein dlggfug -deeper. For ciemnIng eut et tepaiinsg voila 50 cents~pet heur and lurnish my ova lelp. To those vbe cannot ocavenieutly board tb. ieip 1 i vIlatitiSU80per foot for lb. tirat 40 teetu a veli4 foet tudimeber sud the difference on suy amount, more or leu a aoerding te uy nouaal pritves. Ail veth doue lungpoi Shape inuit ho selied fer by cash or due bil. Alilletters ansaveri est short notice. Write fer fis» partJoulara. J. P. Grand Bail. Under tle auspices oethIe «DeC&po Club," a parly wiU be given nt lhe Towu Ral,' on Fridai evelkuug Neveinhar 6, 189. A cordial invita- tion lis extetitet te Ail. MMS y, Fletler'a Cbicago Orchestra. TItis la net #à leip yemr pstty but a party aile we usai te baie la daya ýgesis iry. Evorybotiy cone. il Troubied witts SeUMatigat wat This. Anuspolia, Md., Apnil 16, 1894, bave.usetiCbaaibnIaun' Pain 8"l fer rhumsatim ndlosind'iltô ir 'ae liat lu es.imod lot Il. I bellge lbta lie beat ptepalloc o Ihuuta anti deep matedtieuapbsotIt tc thepublie lu bootrs, sho ë t,04» ian'st. F. BA*5WTOW. Moaibi. ,M onu mounts. CEKETMET WOIIK mi.- fts~ -1 soit à #»W o. matie ~ de hlc o! nh ~ celssa«e &Dy treer titan *vtl vosiw *tire thex tiIthiae ptopomitiou mua Wuosda bave woui4 main g la Il ahtabe upporWd Iif'Mr. Copeblt e' ""- vhiob la mnov exprtled, andti laI make goti bis charge that vo are 10v SigCattiqnda. wirohgamy ceth11e toreiga conntries afelring Item -taI grea" vtong. il tJ. W. MIlet vl fl msi a car 1w migbtil&aod-Wboe t tbave ont ail b.caunol avwey, then perbapa he IcaIlle aI rseOnàtatlnta a 1v " powqrftnl stap peUl pon Il. cannôt prove hi. sateinent 1h51 sler 1 1,A Hi ilrauggegls a question viricir va. tisenebised "ouiy te please Wel(lI. bit irt lattaera*W. augested, at ndBgisati"ant'i "itireut the kuoetge "" iti as -ba s~biè go'rt ef but lIv. orsix me«." Bodtibreati *o'.o ward. whicir ho hs o a'lieil nvr ltset tiey eauri e Fr urm't >t1.3ta mud 'reWn &b a'W sIbaaqa -tittbut snmetof nsvaut a triai b SM J4, e* Ç#ftmi atabd #ti*îU.ore il n, rCoplastd'm Wortlard biecyle.-Oamofl bWat, $.ti lbt oobsn tèmr, md- .w»ei16._himite Long Orb-.' LýWl# V lo Ili 1

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