Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 30 Oct 1896, p. 5

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______________________________________________ I question of * -o a GoId Standard, ls' not settled, but that !,i &Tao' S, ls the plàce h, town ta trade le a settied fact. An ythihig1ortable use cani be selected framn their mammoth stock. Quality Best, Prices Lawest. FLOUR GROCERIES FRESH FRUITS VEGETABLES CANNED GOODS FRESH and SALT MEATS DRIED FPRUITS T. & T's. POPULAR SAUSAGE Tiggrs and Taylor's LIBERTY VILLE, ILLINOIS. Of. our many BARGAI NS Mae ai 1 oy' CilPol.........$ .27jlleat-hed Sbeellng per yd.......0.5 boys' Feit Rate............. ....... .Duy Shoca....... ............... . 1>194k Ce ts ......I.-...... ..2,5 Sitecn <b close) per yt .......... .10 Fit Luouts.. ..................... .75 .Xprîuzu (hcîk (ingham per yd .05 Clildreti's anolssd (lapm............ys i' -Browuie" Overalia. . 2..5 CantonFlanouel lper yd ... .-05 Wi's Vrkiig Shirts . ....25 Teaulis Flaniel per 3) . lse' olShoffs sizeis 2 lu 12.. .90 A Complete LUne af Ladies', Cents' and Chiidren's Uuderwear, Claves and Mittens. Ladies' DresFiannels.Tennis Flaninels, and Cot- ton Flan nels. See Our *~CWASHERSI -F,:C SMITH & SON. SUBERTYVILLE, - LLINOIS. If Your->Eyes Trouble ;You; Save :money by calling 'on- me and haýve your sight tes»tecl. 1 have a varnplete outfit of optic-' ai lenses, and can Fit Your, Eyeps Withý'Glasses that will restore your.,Vision. Satisfactioh'Cuarariteed in every case. C.'R.-Shermian Libertyville, 111. A large..M vried line of. H zdware- Pumps,.MIIk'cans and Cutlery. -Puinp~se Oas Pipes,'Pline r"" UP HÉRE AND TEE ~Loeal Itemsof InteresttaLibertyvieRadrs. l C.M.& STP. W. R. TingTABLE.f TO CHICAGO. 1 Rîîll a.m. aLM. I a .m. P.M. P.m. R'te38 41.1&se &W "7 Wads§worth P:9 6-M 5:05 (lnrnffl* 9:10 4w &511 Warntn96 6i :0&14 Lx3arvnE-'5:30 7:18 12:30 4:55 liorpu 5:40 7:25 9-22 12:40 d'ln76:21 5: e49 7:8 9M12:46 445:2g l)elkld 5:52 7:44 9-36 12:52 9&31 5:34 ghernervillIe 5:386170 .40 1Mm38&655 &M Ohlesgoîiarrlve s.&50 8-66 .s1*25U 7:00 5:20 F11011CHICAGO. Lv.Un.Paas .M. F II. j fl 11.38 p.m. I :30 M &0 1:320 Lv. Iinzie St. 9:10 &180 tbermerviâeo 58MIW18 4:3849*11 7:23 95:18 UeIdl @:a 252 m5:0t517 7M179:21 Fr 8:4251* 6 OS 216 M :27 avet 8:42103 :12 , 5:07:408P.'as LINuDTrrLLE 20:46 5:4 :50 5:45e Watrnton 5r54 9:19 9u3 900. 6.28 9141 Rueil (rri ve) 9:18 MeLm ~jenotes dalir. s denotes SundaY ODlY. wnhere no mark asipears trns a re daily ex- cept Ouaday. SIJbDAY TRAINS. Lv.Llbertyvile. 4:&&P.m. Ar. Itodont 5:Op.m. Lv.Llbertyvligewio &.i.Ar.ChM a .mL L. thleago :5Li. Ar.ULbertyvmr545 ILOI. Lv.Chieago &»5 6p. im. Ar.Llbertyvillo &33 P.OI. No. s0 runas unei On] y. soin soulli. will Stop on signidlU o8 o 1$105%» 1Il12:07 m. Wdswrth12:17; êLurnee 12:27. Warren ~m.Waeworh 1238; Vetettl2:4 Deorfleld 12:48; Sherl 12:5lle r rIis in Ubicat 1:4 p. iM. No.64 eenlawey ni on froni D= , I th* I> .Leves fie eld M7:20 srnervtlIe -m Chien" &510 .wr m. fml 12:10 La.nM L ?TMe9,LOGZN. 2.F. & A- M- BeUWOOMUnMio»2 &-kth gaturdare of oaci month. VWUtng brethern aordIsIY welcomed. W .Hâr.WN L . B.REOWN. sec. Thlnk before vou vote. Alfredi leson, o! Highland Park, waa in town Monday. Umisa Mile andi Albert Lyon vialted 1 relatives in Chicago several days lant week. Triggs et Taylor opel!ate bheir esusage machine by borne power. Tliat'a easier for Ell. Mesdames Warren aud Pelton are vibiting lft%. N. E. Hatings anid other cild frientis at Palatine. A large nuluber trom the Y. P. S. C E. attended thle coiiuty convention at Highlandi Park laet Saturday. Miae Noa Batterfielti returneti Saturday frein a two veeka' vieit wlth ber sister. Mrs. Bndolph at Highland Park, Tbere are eiglit million pennies in circulation in th15 country andi the milk men andi Sunday achools receive most of them. Mrs. Clara GeRituge returneti Tues- day from a two we'ks' visit b lier daugliter, Mrs. W. 0. Millizer, at Waukegan. 1. J. Hoyt anti daugliter May are viîlug Prof. Jamison and family at Stilîman Valley. They drove througli a distance of &ighty miles. tipet luen ballots are posted np about town. Tlie ballot for national, stato and oonnty oficers measures 1!)x24 Inclios andti he womeus ballot for school ofllcerit-4x1 9 inches. If falthf nI practice tends to instire good music the band boys will. dis- pense that article lu a few weeks te) appreciative listeners. Libertyrlle people wanft a bandi andi want il bati. The règular inonthly 1. 0. G. T. convention -Ill be held ti aRockefeller Saturday, Oct. 31. A large delegatlon from Libertyville lodge will attend. A general Invitation ls extendeti to the open meeting In the oveuing. Chaunceyý Depew lias bit suine- thing better Ilian the preaidency. He tsoon tb wed a young lady wortli three million dollars. Chauncy inaa great lawyer, but thats the largest flep lie ever obtainet Inl any suit. Somebody once wrote a song t10 *'Lorena" lu which lie or elle regretteti "that the years creep slowly by."' We shoti like to have llved in soule peroli of timo 'wlen -,the years creep alowly by," for at ibis preseut ege the years kick dtaoff11beir heels at such a llvely gate that onte lardly gels acquainied with a date lino until itlal time to change lb 10 the next year. Mise Wlntwrlnger, State Superiui- tendent of Loyal Tomperance Legion -work of Illinois, gave two lnterestlng chalk taike 10 ithe boys and girls of Libertyville at the M. E. zhurcli Mon- ~day atternoon andi oveiing. Miss Wutwrlnger nover- fails to interest tlie children lualier talka. She willl holdimetingasta Ivanlioe, Waueondo,1 Grayaltke, Wankegau andi (urnee durEng the week, and inl accompanied by Miss Dora Diver, Sîîperiutendent of Waukegan L. T. L. Clara È. Miller starteti for San Diego, Cal., Monday noon. She left 'icegiî Siongday eveujing over the Seute Fe route, anti goes Ibrough 10 ler destination, a distance of twenity.fonqi huitdrinilires wthout ehaitigig car>%. lbt takes four da4-a andi ulgil4to ien Ilk the, tip. - a'rit*'iller. ff e s.. Tuesday tells the tale. bMiss Mas Gridley, of Chilcago, mpen Sunday wilh Miss Lydia Siiiith. Mrs. Protlle ji' 1154 sOli tliin g iv in ii wlnter nilliinî.ry, jitlst r,»uîivi1 IIIUIs week. Mrs. Ida Strliîg. ef Lake llil, visiteil Lilwrtyville Irieipi.4 WtVî*lies.- day. Mr. anti Mr.. Tlios. IPlîiji, of cChiesa- go, are viiiiuîîg IMr. and Mrs. sbiljas Wrighît. Mat Pester ispretty near sliýk,hnit not qilte. Generally 'doDeue p" luthe COmlpaint. mrs. Protine will elose out a 'certain Une 0o ashok at $2, fu)rierprie $.5o. Next week only. Be sure and cone tb the (laince November 6. Rernenber thie ladies dont hîy the ticket tbis ljime. F. C. Sujlil M iiat iray-slaki- the preseut week, where lie j8 bîiildilig ait addition to, btheman ou bis fanaî. John B .Ay res ua.4 uarri.-ýl tiiMs Miunie Cokiughani, if liviiig Park, Wednesday. Heres our bf-st wishes, John. Soino thiugs men know by inistinct, others by Invention, bnt the dance at the town hall, Noveniber 6, îieeds your personal attention, The social 10 ho given by the 1. . G. T. at Mrs. lenry Kern's thits Friday evoning lias beeu pohlponed indcllnlîc. lY, owng 10 the Repu1blhunr rally to-night. F. Balrt-so-:, thue Waîkegan noýni- ment dealer, erected a beautif nI Montello granlite mnumîent for Ilie Colby fauiily iu Lakeside ecîetcry 11115 week. Mrs. Pruime nishes te sec ail the ladies of Libertyville aud vcilujî neît week. Corne in and set whut msue cati show yen iu hats, capes, <InuIts, sliawls sud ladies furnishingm. Queeu Esther 15 lu 1w repeu[ed in the near future by the sanie talent' participating in the last production.1 Tbey hope lu put it on lu abontI thieet- weeks. The snbject eit tut Prcsbyteriuîni cliurch next Suuday moernîg "Thîe Salvabilily o! the Heethen World." Subject for eveulng service, -,The Sinlessness o! Jesus.' Next Suntisys offerlngs ill be for foreigo issiionm. Dr. 0. ilowe wilcd upen a goodI5 number of ptieuts ut hi. office hi-ru last Suuday. stime of whtem i<in fron Waukegan, flual Day aînd oui, r neighboriug towns niîili' Lilterlyville andi vieiuity nam wu ll reîreselnted. Dr. Howe is bu> ing îurkuv ,ced s Wlien you ueul a ceî,k steve, r mig' or a beater for eutîmi rocaI or %vouleu s'il)filnd it ti i ir advi atugto iiCal I on P. Protine. le lois aî lit. tof gu(Ils excelleti by tnuefil thie collity, and siella tliem et lr1ceb t hait il) iiliiiiuli yOU. Him goodtiscorue frei the inI popular manufactitrrimn thecouniitry, sud are fully guaranteed. SVe are iu reccîpl uf 4 'tiallti lion eriticising a pulie 4uultit:l.Noe siguattîre is sfilxed, lit-tu i. ne dio et publiai sanie. A Il Coiuinu iua.Llimn muet be signed by urilur. untîlîerv no requeetid o will williuld signasture. Ouîr columna are open to ail wn-ho have a reasonable grievance, huit île jusist un knowing wbo the wrilcr iti, for our ,>nn Protection. jilst ais we go lii pris. w n-Iîri that e leîutrutlurully n ilI bu hilil u;t tlie tuui hall, baîrday ttîug Lawrence M. Enuis anid Joliti .1. <'obumu, Aittorne,*ti n <h o'ir îil14 Chitago ud a Mis.sWMiker will aduIr, the meetinig. Mesurs Eiiiîls ii (:çlburu are iîrulirs of slîtlity andii i iouîb wil l raw a large atteniîuve. Everybody invitetl. Ladites urgul tii atend. Coic ont antI heur Iieim. If yair tlî are subject tg) îreîupl Aatelifoîrthie fiitI yulptinîi i tlIe dlseas-hoursuess.If lîitrl au Cougl intcîîicdylagiveii uss otînasmlthe chilti hec'omSs hoarse ilt Il preveut the -attaek. $Eveu aller thie croupîy cougli lan appeared the altatk eau alwaye bo prcveuted by giving Ibis remedy. Itliso luvaluable foi'eullds aud whoopiug cough. For sule by 1'. B. Lovell, Libertyville and G. C. Rloberts, Wauconda. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. FEOIS WAUKEOAN liKOISTER. Louis 3tiurLîg al ýI%%-tula, iu (ols IL 20i)lI ik 1JMSIli al l t S li subd wdi ............................... s5 It S Fiurgiusîîri ali.1w tl, Ai ' lu% ,t -lu soli part s5'n tî. -!ew & ., un b 34 461 wul......................... *«cim Jiaui Nm-Iy a,î %vt', p4i aS "yîu.t Fraînklin P. Dyziuii tadil)tAuii Taylor Ils Sanul lI 1 isWi -Iit*,t wilîitiiLiberty dli" w i----------------... Marriage'Licenses. Constipation (Cnmmfnlly hll tho .ckneaa ln lb. workLd.It veUàm 5the. dlgested food too long la tebwl Md g<Od»U sbUiou3-mS, terpidIte. - You can't get Along without Because eating is a habit you acquired at an early age and clings to you stili. It is a good habit if properly controlled, and supplied with good fooe. WÂSH"BU RN 'S SUPERLATIVE FLOUR, Is the best made. Everyone who has once tried it, wili use no otti because it m akes the most and best bread. Have you tried a Package of Grandma's Self Risi Pancake Flour, or Kîng's Quick Rising Buckwheam 2 lb. Packages 10c. Baking Powder CAMEO COLBY'S DIAMOND ROYAL CHICAGO YEAST POWI>. COOPER PHONOGRAPI- DR. PRICES SNOW BALL 2 1-2 lbs Delaware Baking Pawder 25c., Try a sack of the celebrated MAUSTON Buckwheat Flour,. COTTOLENE 3 lb Paîl ..... 25cqL 5 lb Pail....... 40c 1OlbPail .... 70c Wheat Manna is made from cho Pacific Coast wheat. Have yautri it? 2lb Package is the Favc jte Breakfast Food. Wlîw-îîyuu waîît a Table Sait thiat is a Salt, Try the Worcester. M.B.COLBY&Co., "Dealers in Everything." ~~-LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. I Q H & N s WRIGHT & SON'S, Libertyville, Ill., THE BESI PLACE -N LAKE COUNTY,- TO BUY Lumber, Coal, MiII-Feed Farm Wagons, Buggies LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. We are always prepared ta supply your wants in .. Agricultural Implements1 Grain, Seeds, Lime, Drain Tule. Etc. Always get Our Estimate Before Buying Your Building Material. WRIGHT & SON'S, !..ibertyville, MI. Real Estate, Renting and Life Insurance Agn, 'List your property with me and 1 will finit you a customer at reasoîiable rates. Amonug flmerous ehoie lîbtr- gauli, have the followiig: LIbertyvîlle City Properby. IleIfit ar'- lot wîthi t.Ighf reuln im Iaholi's r orai.u on reasouable trias. nur -al'.f.w blit1ilng 22x4i1 feit, hu-aj> fjr (iuu! u lus aialfen-t t fru, SSt." 15sai 'li buluylru uîurty-Iukr4,. iout n' i t aui tuari n niiîsu St for sai.,'Surr-uaLt Farmn Propertv. For Sale lfii jit tlu at 1u'w rJ'l i ijteîu .ui Lfiku'. Iîrlturtts. 15v sures on Mîîwuakeu rouIv, lu l"", . r.' &~0sratiiber.Pris %ber 3 otss ps Aiso Solicitor and Subscription NewS Ageg Publishers 'à- LOWEST-PRICSs-A an ail Periodicals. - Ifyou wan t téf4 RentLakeCu i ý 1 - 19J4 Groceries.

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