Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 30 Oct 1896, p. 7

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riý :» ',iah-am ÉaI..M relioolMd4peruSana.t -'fl byI t,, Ue Ioiiw7S fl ta 104»ey CompMWiola eU m 9ladessCornesI tue M 111 e h umis beforo pe ret- =led4Mthat so many forma of lrcedut lto an y solual die. Imuysaxative, syrup of FI4,prompt. e gmasves. That ila wh 'Il te eoniy weasd7 wamilioaaf ami as W>0 vaiaS heuiti s l 'Cbin M e to the fat thatlt la the auod mi promet..internei wthout debftn g tIse on irbici Iacta. tifIorer WlluPotust. la cader to gel lia bene- uaot irbon yon mmmânejymm ofgnu else o qat Ir0 0. luma aa e. ad hav"thse beo4 ut ad mi rmedev«7rymr1. cdpo Ig.tsd lMait" 17i amontgoaataoo pOR JHIN PEOPLE. usm ueti tWermel mte liP iA~gu UakUuoA emier teh VIII he AU Ie . OmsmpiiIe Loudon la Dowr erctIi a globe the k. oit whlch bus nehier been seon.. lt wil ha the largeut tearestral globe over conatrmcted. It mll ho one five han- dred-thousandlb as bs as tlie earth l- sef-that la, It wil!!l e elghty tour feet lu dIameler,'s surface wIli; beàhown about olght miles to tihe Inch. To fi.1 a clty or toir. on Ibis glant globe Wri b. as easy sa. ailing off a log. Evera7 geograplilcal tenture, every 'o f sa.mane as-5,00 Inhabtants can b. fotud. The surface of titis globe' wili contaIs 32,000 square feot, andi would, If developed i nto a band one fot bîgli, masure over fourtumiles la lengtb. The man who bas made the plans for tlii glant globe la F. Rutidiman John- dson,P. B. G.B.,FP.B. B. 0. . He han derelopeti plans by irbicli lb. globe eau b. constructe la les than tho years. The. globe .111 open for obser- vation parties, ibowilîlohave place on 9 gallery runnlng arount IL. To tbe up- 0UN~T CLOUE E 0<30N rîBIT IN LoxNsoy.I per endi ot this gýisler>' the spectators wilil le taken b>' an cievutor, andi as the globe la siowly revolveti cvery pur- tion outlisesurface ilil e made visi- bIe. Varions colora can b. empioyed lu Ihemusking of the ;lobmt. Rivera anti 1 lakes 'vili b. aliown la bloc and mouno talns lu their naturalkolor. The colora un ail thîe mountaiw ndis plains williac madeutu cuggest conditions ut tempseram- turc. As an aid tb stir ths globe mi! bu the greateat thing ever devised. On the oceans there la ample routa lu show curreuts. prevo illng 'vintis. lenîpeni- ture, salinity ofutIhe sea, the deptil and nature ut oceanu lids, pressure outhie almuapliere andi variation ofthtIe cons- pas, but on lbheanti, iougli the geog- raphlcal distribution ot plants anti anl- niais, and even otîser utatter, mu>' b. lodIcateil. It cbuîid not lie torgotten that th. globe la nul lutdedt lusuper- sede atlases anti refereoce books, but t0 encourage their use, sud that the geneuýtI public wtll visit it more for general Information than for scientifle researcli. Mr. Jolinston linse ad six sections ut tb. globe prepareti. 'rîiee sections, mihl lueintie Egypt. Elsglmnd. France, etc., are ah preseut 0on exhibition aI Mr. Johnsîonas establsent lu Lon- don. Current Condtnsationit. SouthlinAerîcoan nonke a are the 01k!>' ower animale thai eau recoguize the nicanlug of a picture. Skias of fruit sîsonit neyer le ie i, owlng tu the diangcr of microbes h:îv. lug pcuetrated thu'coverlîsg. There le a trem' ln Nevada su liiiniîîoor front exîtiiug phosphorescen iat tu11r that une eau reat b>' Its ligiît. The bralu n thie lairgest opes aver- ages ouI>' sIxtecu oounces; lu Ibe iowest type ut men Il la about thirty-uine ounces. A cali shapedi like a bullituli, ln ivhicli thme passenigers ether sit or re- dîine as if lu a brd, le lnu tse ln Berln. It lias litre. mvlees anti la propelled b>' a naplitha motor. It la prohîsîmi>'nul widt'l3-kîîowu that unI>' seven onut lImte seventti Ins- tlautiecacbies are lu use -ten hanvlng gîven ont trous vari-ons d'inses4 Emti- lsating the cost ot ach uîtmle iet $3,- 000.000, here lean Irrerbliîîmle invest- meut ut $30,00,000 sitel.,' tuilet le- neat thîe oceau Iona imîsh raligîng trous a few fathoms to over - hlm iles. A jeweler lu New York hns it uipon a novel acleme for attractlng notice ho bis wIndomi.Ilie bas put on exhiiion andi sale a watch malued at $90; andl over>' day lites $5 trous the prie. The second day il wius tffered t M 8, thth iîrd et $8, andi no ou. A car-t bearlng he dates endi daly slriking in price. Leplaeod bealde tbe watch. OCCURREN4CES DURING THE PAST WEEK. fisird Unitetoulsà Cloncis Soiety et Chicago Luèets Ia Bildinlg-Orne ad andItwo Iniured Ly Accident et Peorla. Cbleicaro Cioreh Bus ne. The. Third Inîýunariin ('hurcb nt Chii- engo burîîed iÇinday. lis addition to the lons o the. building the crgan, whichl n'as reeiitly punt ini at a large eZpCii8é; la a complote loto-. nui]thse astors l- brary ot 1.0<1) vaahihe boioks is probabiy more thon huit mmcud. Thoe losieai eatinxated by the triistî-ew ut abouit $20,- 000, uilliongîs the strucr,'îe oit much more thon that toi bailli. il crrred $13,- titI> inmuramue. Tite Third Vitrian So- ciety wax urguiiized two y cars before the big tire of 1871. Mire a Hall lor $1,323. Johin Bredin, s grucer fnt fI*l.S West 034 street, Englewood. nîvoke Suîidny moru- ing tu find hinstîf l,3ZI pourer than lie hall heen wlicn lié ent tu bl]dnth2 o&clock that moruing. He wa ii lo minus a $1,- (0) goid bond uf thé (Chicasgo Spring andi Steel ire ( - oihîaiy. oun nhiciheo ad advaîîeed $3W a s a hinî. A sufe blo'ver, with unîe or more im,feertes, entered thse store atter 2 m, litithe rnorning. and witlîî,t anncm.viiir, the ottirer on the tient or Mir. Bredin uîîîl hic fainily, who live over the store, saimnitifii'uly openeti the cheaîî ste ini wlii.'li the vaînables %vere keît îand remîmved thein. There was Borne évidlence oheîînuîat. Gibbions ind his delcîtfives l.egi mv.rk aos to how the robliers eîtered the store. lînt not lIse alight rit iioîlielftion il-; il)1mw thley gel ont 'vilth mir flunder iiiil"% sthey Iad dupli- ente Y'ale LP>S imu the fruint or reur on- trouve af tbe sad.î,aa.The . 'ut iras trmtm'îî jliuwlmtitthle use of ex- plm v -mnI mihe m'îk ithit of an esitrt. 'i .m ulx Wi a'. ilaweli- kiî',w i nik mii i.'i ii,' lîrîle br noit suffljiiiifoi- tlii'iit'î!im iomf a scirrmv thîril d%%li il. 'r i Iltmlecîî ressure le- loi n ,uîrmglt t..t, ir. truke tii' vat-irî,u WIgl.î ýi i ti t îl'î. iiil il lp-rmit- tell th " r1'. % iig mrîIn vase. %Vork of ths' K. of P. Grant1 Loduc. At Rom klai--dt l,ri.m mi selevtedl'Is na'xt eaî- i',iiml lsiiîitiiig for the Kuiglits u if* Pi tisii. f ll sp'. ring- the 40;7 i,' Th'le p.mlmmrm f I itmgIr i i t!jjluîe- l<,. J . iîivi. mi u h.l ai $2.455> for the lm:î î a'. ii mai of the 'Keepmr ut W' qdm alial %mismila mdîm 245fur the .ii> îiiiir î4r. ll' , niî.imî (imnaitî- tee itii.ui l i4 iri ii im, lit,- rn eiltr t .liii 1,il 5 luS. leî. rxîenii toires~2S.Tî. limss.m'i re $5i115. Thl-u' (,iiiiiiiitl e mii .iilpi iîaiy reîiirtodila prîimell tml ge ri111(iitiiii lit tii tiilv a i f car. llîi iai tl andt i thiilii ffeit uf %viim I lish rtu iako iml limvtu ti mîmf.'r ail li lim.îit t roif in milgi ti mtu i*u mttîrr inlu tidiîmniî tiois. 1riviiddibh aplialit kiLei'q' limes îmî mlu ithItige scîitim e. tif Ille- Grand 1l4îlge (-ai serve. ou1 itS îiîiuîtîaud l1h.r.' niii hi' a deimitti grandit lîciallir ftir e:îi h lomitri iii the istait.insi.ti ail f fioi' hçmiiiîtV. Gri>. K. litim.'if Lima . mi-i'!m'ti t*U tee fri.iro pars Peormaloq Chni.per of Accidents. Friiamî n mai, Li-ri i ii aud zill lmimii-, -.m - rlemi.r.'liikmm. As a resîjît on, vOmîai j'. ibid.A "I,se- riotisl3 ' ijiv ml a1iviiy faiiuIl3 hîîît. -1 boit,.. i msivhmsaii l,.1îsîîil fîmrser lmiiili gai.îlimii Mi... a. . IX 'iliil %%'nis fritlit' a trmv tmîirt. afrit te i. l Tho'le mii expiouie'i. throinn ii tiilt- 'ryliîil ail over ti'iiîîthe iai. iî iiî.iTe lîoui'.e eatîgltttirv.:. 1 aim l iîiiia t t lji-ili ima, tlhe trvet. frigmimim'imiit thi'e ma miitîina rail î a iv.tlîrîmmiiiig itheIciiir.Nen tîîî li ltl-timl. a farniîmi-. itu mmIne mimi l. l. sutîmiumiilsert isiiimti-rimil iiijmiiesa mliili niay plin mii t' A 11-1 . A t t iy he rIela iii rai mur livmiijmtniimi' li. gr 5 3 ar:. uandl liiîlofmit ale;.nii' irî,keim. Stv.e News in Birief. The lomiimgtiaii smm m "iiia iti hamee ieii uaii sîm -m-î i t .inu -- mier, r.u'ihim- i ini, m li m fm1iJmf100 meni. lime i'rtleiiinmii m.uil i " rm'tZmiîi- saloonitmtmuarnd imlum 11ml 'ChiagoSmumm m(Ely mm-cinmii. rni dIlmitlis ti11r ietmm aimmm capme. AI!hmimgli atl'iamiiahmumtiu iii seulnt i otil>a mo thim lltemnI lus leleait u ' ot thie rolte-ts thu'3' mliu'ui theu'Imilime amuI Sitle m'Ieu-ril idiot V'.l1,, sigliumd tIii nanie ut limînimmit IIIilimmiimI am otC anti threim himitiithle ivierlit i nmimmliia. saa3iug lie b u mn ii lh inimamI t, -atîdit'.- qlîesting tîmt tIli, mml ler, N Aiîgust Schmid t. oft'2(7 E;. st ltmm mltîhmtlni-i, Chicago.,lbe notiieil. louîuiny ut Cimiemug faileti to revemîl amii cli'i. The demîmmalt iii a sîmi îîmr sutit mî.u filed t h'IMoNlît gioiny Cuitat y Circuiit Coîrt aI l1llsmuro ty FaitIer A. 1y.3 ui. lIse pniali priet nt Nuikouis, agmiîut Arthuîr Nonaglii, uone ut lii pnrsismîm- ers, Itue daînuges eued formnbeimg$04 Father Lyoîis aleges Ibat'hle mas givitîi satisfactionu inihi.. lrinîal n'urk anti re- ceiving therefur $.0 a yemr wn' the deendaîut inm nouenous c,'i-verulitmhms iitli varionsc ctizens faimeIy samit: "Futhien Lyoîms divîîîgemtsecrets ut the eou'es- simmal." andtiFaliuer iyonsi ha apour ex- cuse!iiithbe cotufessittmml andilemitle aece atruidt 10go aîud m'mmfessfor tsarhl ienl tell tbeiî'.3ing to othersý." andmimny ottuer 11km mtaitîamielul. Tthis the ' evvm IA tati- tir alirîus lbas menti îîmî iima oje<t ot stîs- picion aîuong luismeople and lbas greati>' diminlushetih uhi i-unce andu illfue. Tlue casege i robamlyl mithtuît a remelent lu judicial history ut Illinîois. &mmîî lie reeîlt iilil be vathees mitb great intmerest. A social sen'stion ivas cîsmsemîat De- calur wheimo l as Iemînîeul <al Dr. J. F. Frible>', a dtilsh, îînstMiss 'irgimia Kranff, ouly tatglher ot '. A. Krmîuff. treasurer ut the Decu-ir Lutobsi Comn- pany', halli becîm marrict ini St. Louis. Il iras an elopemeot. 9oty Aent Oleen, Who liaa charge thse Iaw au. of ILsbert ltedfield, in the Unity Building, Chicago, Tuesday. 8h. h adl been a limtoI tiwier ledfic.ld la e [breacli of promise soit for $25,000 whilih -be bronglit agaiaat IH. W. Aylss'urth, en eiîgineer on the Northwestenu Road. A verdictuf $5,000 bal been uuarded Ii.r on the firet trial, but on the second thse verdict mwa onl $250. Suie atilt loved thse mîanî, mandîîis réfiial tii manry lier waà the cauice of lier ueeti. At Fainîtutînt thee Mîîyor, acting lb aceordunce 'vitîx the ativice of tue Board of Ho-allh, îînoeluined dipltlîeria lu be e- isting in au epidernile furin. aind 'arneti parenlte tu keep Ilîcir elildreu off the streets. f4eveinal rallies huit wene lu have taken plalce 'ver,' drîhurri off, aînd the People trous the stîrnotndiîîg country ire îvarned to stay awny. A îitmher of detiels have occnrred andi several new cases bave bceer reporteti. The %choute have ticen dismiieaed, nd peuple are great- ]y alaruned. The second's Session of tbeflfty- second ianîimal geurai convention of the Béîîtist Assgociâtion ut Illinois, ia Ur- bana, Ollenit Wemhedny morniîîg with lucrensed intert anid altentiance. The muruing 'vas devoted to missionary iork, iuany atidresses andi reports of work be- iag give-n. ltev. W. 1'. Tbrogrnorton. ut Duqînoin, ileliv'cred au atidresa uon "The Religions. Neetis of Ounr hite anti How to Meet Tiîi" 1ev. )W. l. Geisîeit ut alelîing illiered an atidrese. ami the prograîn for Thursdmamu niglît included interesting mddresseî hy 1ev. E. IRogers. Of Springfieldl,and 1ev. C. Perren, of Chiicaîgo. The un.'ic of the ce'sîii'vils tinder the lir.-i,'tmof î ex-('oîgressrn OwvenîScotti, ot Blooniiigton. Tile trial oft (erînuimia Lotige. K. P.. No. 2. ut Uhiigl, aht'ock Island, for thé use ot theiî' i niaii lîmgîage in lotige work resutleil Wvdedusdmîy iu the exîml- SionofutheIi' imilge friainthte order, but up- ou applicatio om,tlxv incmbera thechar- ter 'vas rii,'mî'dmii the oid nane ré- tained. Thlis L.îtllislics a n iîrcedenh. Tii. foIlIn %iig -ofim-ens men. elected: ( rmî îîl ('Cbu ii lîmîr. .liiiiî D. Bouiei t, Pliuîîille; randilVive..tChlancello, A. G. Yervos,î. lin", aia: (; riîit Master-ah- armîm. E . .1. I lnim, Iurîb'.no Crand llamm. A. J. Coîîîiiîmg. Rokford; G rand ml n ii' ri- maia î. .iics E. Jeweti, ShellWiilli. : siamîmimitertîn < mard, C. Il. ('umhiizm. tli-mmm iîîlMaster ot Ex- Cleîii' h la rima Ymiii miimi. Irepîrt; Giumlmiiran .'tflm, d ad Seul, Il. P. Caldwel li, tim mii g. ~Vjliiiiii'!iimk. lIo m%%i, shiîmiat Chi- cago, 13 miivg N ii,, r' , Mi k Iond1ay evti h- ing wî hum'amîiui'iîmiimg t-m noll NMichael 3Nia. hlîmk lima'tr,-;i,iinr r4 a l'.li8li soiiîiy, (lied îmlnivmiia i ithe ('miii îî y I lispjiaI. Malliîlnik. Nmi li 52 theuicrmîeilts ut a dillme . ii I lm ail l'y ii mmthte l'olislî si.m'et3. %mil.- 1-iiimImmgtrîmîîthe attfir n itlîNI. anrdmi-m. ml vIim mt liskmaid tipriaiger sH'1i ti la-s i m.'sîmppeîl ty sevetî nseii. 1Th.,ni ilîlmr.'. ilîiadî'ld t ho ilimmumi mi li,-h 'Mahlmium%% i;'.arring, .anîd wev te lig it gn i\a i frmuî iii wlieuNI mi romnski leirdi mmii itle irio i. The bullet s!t nu k.îm mi mii i i.groinm. Lawirence Siiavik.i lbrotlmer mi tîmimmiimmeil ian. mias ,tru.i k inm thle luiail n iiil cluhmb dmriîîg the iglt iii l IligiiltI i% îili.J1ohna Braaiiik. ,ii've Rliui-ki aIaimm Lii'.nun Spaiviii; i-ire a rrest mml mu thile tilnmiii atîm m-ii-mI îimhialmig imllmauî-l iii ltme nb- bery. A mymt-irimîi aimil ililivun' tîîk lium I IijýI ijti ii i himiiim 'l'liins(hmm3' iiglit. mv i cImlî:lii mmm-m'oaîmmîtnm Imi-Ilt inilgna~tionm aîjmti -mmmaiiî'mt am i i îihit'iil ii l, l îmmî-l. lii mîmi îiî mi l s(ima.lai. I )I ijt' 1;im1g V iti lm'l i -iluh i lm tzll jil a tiimme ltmlmii I l iikpiui'et i am!ii"'mtl'hi lipm a.mrY mi1, a i II ij i i l iise v- vr ;içs%Niilîma u l-,î' u-h1mv. Ii . jat "u rk ins i-rî mid î3 i'iluiiiimi i l U Car'yn'e-'ml abt.h i1.1mi m l"iii gghi Iluat mNit Ilim p'miiiî in. iiijliî tim- iog nms in- ilîrim-a. Fri ik MNl lemr. %%mm lii vm'îjt llii %i immsa lmîîg.'îl iml i hviii 1ris'.iibn theii i f mmi-i;mt li-k îîil ii i ml re'.ismmîm miti 'iîier. Fiiayim.tiiiiîijg %mienmiliv ii'mii m'li -a r iaili foi'tiiCa'., mitiiiim mm m;m- folmuiI mta Iluhe (.(.Iimaizi iad î o_ ipmm i' taiit- îvas a iptIm iw hm'itti iii ujimimk ai iii'Imm1,'îImItimm. ni-m mii-i iii-ml mmii lii'saiijliiimm .ttiii htIfi hm. l.iigiiu'r. 'iIrs. lirmim l~immi iih.i' I m 1- m a i . lmiai m mmm si-m.lh3 , almm mmi kîil. NI i.Il-. aimm- moih mil ltu (i-mmi h.irii iirlrigei. amnI ilii .iimim tloIm limiim'l iti.. m the- itI.m mi liu fmîmiil iiîbamiitm' ia.Iims mimm mlimma ii lii ed i i c.NIr.mîI lia. Fjamî t h'. mimmmiimt'tl oin tii-igi ii il liiimt fi mmmiI 'i .E, miumîi. i mri ler mmi-ml' i Nr.Irsa Geomima,- lolummmm. '.til mm' l idmcl. Nin. I l41)îî Ilmmmîî il alam.rlily i:'.I.u - it l. ti' hi e rihlil'ilamiiiI lis' \%if fi' mls vi-it'rý, 1m jrmt.srziiiî'l. Nr. Fmiji- \%rt %%usl mialit 20 fîmumi dm1. mltliiighi '.tim !lmts tm'utvt i.mrmiuad tour vearmi. Sliv m\tam IortiatEmi iiiiî iiiu idrt-'ii îi'dliii' mimi'mi- liîiion l mtut i ligli amliiil. 811e n as a îrm'tly girl ~ iii hl l mmi3 ma diireîram on, t lii Yoiunig metn of Eî si muimîi iet y. Iller Ilisimimut is lim eaclsumun of lihe I. nsco Sîamte Batik. tem'. E. Y. Sîîill, mof Freediîu 'Town- siî, Carroll CuitiiiY, liasislj fa îsîi tIhat b)ru'muks thlmetcod fmr mvotes. The mropb of big fat ii 13'Vote's limas tee'uilamrge, but ltev.NMr. hnith'ii limlmule (oUlmetiOns wiilIltron'ia buiîehutf oites inttuthle box tuat nill leave Netiraikima, Inidianaum. andl Ohio, l tlîe neur. NMr. Sitimhbas a vite lmiiimsu'l , go lu is emidiouthi,. ime saits. Th<îî lie limas a roi.tiuluzm'ugru îinsoîîc,mu'ithh Immo smîi-av.TuaI imili make a fuml score ot moles. The I'mliitmt u'iu o nui lis Itie bai-e Ia mi l ly sureaul influience. l'reu'mlini Tm.iýii mshilbumu recormd is tlimem by the famio f M'utNrm. Nlmmgmrt Tatle Va- pies, îfO()ai Park. Tlîi adlîi3'uas hmety votes sol(]iii lier fmiamily. Tlise mtes teîmng lii lien sosi', gr'jidmsimus lti mlsous- la-lami'. A l thime'vuilrs motfttic Whalaîes ta mu>'. exIuept it lu.irne risiditi ut 11h-. naisltu addit iohn luitheii't meiil3male m'mters Ibis faii 13lias oelhtee fm tîîle mtena. The WVm'tern Ct aithli U ni' ioiiO et mnt Qîuiou3 ii ttituki il covientionm_ -l'resiîIPIt MuInuioIg's mnessmage shimuiel that St. Pal- riek'i lirmctueli t AIIîun inatigiveitu np its charter, ibat tlumîth lslîeiixîes lînuljoilieti olher ordene. Durimîg lime year tIsere n-as paidto ta he lîirs uf deceamed îiemn- bers thse si of $63,000. Beareral new bwl~be woe o~issedla lbe $tâte, vu. .8 ttr1,ulà Cit@1 .ver. V14 ndt t l% ýý rible. 'a lMR symptoma. %Oàrt h, datule ;M.aem,.ad tos oet 1ebsand vigor. su ad constlpatlod frequently se. ny [t. These. beaiiied malarial, tic- du~dey ce plalntd, are aise douable viÉ the Bitters. A dondon postinun, wlth hils ten a live of wbom are In the postoffie tee, made ou@ aide lu a recent Cri, mateh on-Thoraton Heath, anti1 their oppouientit. Pn't Tobaceo Spit 0and1 8uoke y Life Away. If you want'to quit tobaceconansges and forever, regain ]oti nanhood, mdeWeil, *trous, magnetic, full of1 lfle and viser, take io-Tç-Bac, theu der-worker thut mukes weak men air( Many gain ten Pound&ain ten days.C &00,000 cured. Buy ?o-To-Bac from y *wn drsggfit, Wwl vii uarantee a c Blooklet and tample f ree. AddresS Uns; Reîaey Co., Clicngo or New Y, mest try a 10o box of Cascareta, the est Ilver'and boirel reguistor ever mý if thebair la falling out andtot Eray, the glande of the skin need st' ongand color-food. and the best ren andi stimulant la HallVa Hait Renewe Wbeat bilions or costîve esl a Casnes eaody cathartic; cure guaranneed; 10, Theos WLas u ijlulns' Btrie rom , la..d Maur susse fû 5fet-R aves iLCr do atgui6"asd ai #-ap dolthe WrkEUt tri o Jooutmonda, J.rL: MM . iala QIVsoluXa.SIT trCL teehis mtes l. £asisbsos a tu.s~ Io thie Bet-In ftet.tiOne Tm Ise Elèod . Hiod's PUIS IfLYUS5Y te ka"i iam~h ~*m~ Ml Rone hundred and fifteen years Walter Baker & Co. have made Cocoa and Choc- odate, ai: nd the dend for it ireas every year. Tr it aid you. wMl se why.1 Walter Bake & Go.1 Ltd. Dordiester, Mass. - Chicago Ne' '«leanliness Is NaePride, Dfr Honesty." Com mon '.eàse-- mE E E E E pi E 41 uam Blgger tItan the Biggea Btter Lisauthe .Buat s What a chewer wants fiat 'la a good tobaccot, then he tbinlcs about the size cf the plug., He flida both goodness and bigness ln6" Battie Ax." He "ld a 5 cent plece almosttas large as a 10 cent piece of other big grade brands. No wonder, milloo chew " Battle Ax." ACougher's Gffers mmy not bi no tifl as ho wishes, but if ho la vise ho vill sogloot hie caffers avhile and atteùd Wo is couah. A manis coffera piay b. so »6=e that no cp.ýcm a e thora away frora hlm. . Bt, a U1111 oough han takon many a mmu- mwar from hie caffera. The "'abliht oough5' in .omewhat like th. ma' pebblo laiaî lien -on the mouatala aide, and appears utterly iaai4zMflant. A d*ntteribg bird, perhaps, arte the pebble roflinu, mand th. rollins pebble begeta mn avalanche that bure a town. IMany fatal dieae begiu with à aliglt cough. But any oougb taken lattIm.oan b. oured by the us. of me-b dla Vu Cae w la Trheu cLapjo.1ue helaiI ser- Â mntalu tt mapaUc r' C3i: elacoNverd iD Lpn, d. miyCaterrh esnhot b. cared by local SHood*s Sars.iparilla, which, wwelsw> vrthrough the blood, eradirates the hmp. l'our t whicb ceoses and promotes the di cure. ente, and 8000 effecta a permanent eu.& York. At the me tixne [lojd'a Sarcapadli or.bolida op the whole system, and makel f in. rou feel.renewed in etrength._

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