Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 6 Nov 1896, p. 2

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L1<XW ffA1~SED. I VI .M * WOOOAN. usah PUBLIC DEBT GROWS. UNCLE SAMS LIABILITIES AUG- MENTED S7195,726. Vftls lucre.. Was for Mentis of Ot- ber-AmsiumCnI of Methodit Bil' epaefor Conféen'ece Work -. BandIts Plold byClever Express Mesacager. rPublicelebt Shows an Increase. Tlh mntiîy comiparative alatemnent of tIc reciptsansd exiiendturca of lb. Uni- ted States abhsas the total receipta for tic aah, f October lu have been $25.282,- Mas compared with $27,901,748 for Otober, 1805-Tht' diabursementa dur- Iag h.e nî a ggregate $38.978.277, M.ving a deicit for Og;obem of $7,055,- 4MS as compared witb flac deficit of $6,- 1101,687 fer Octoiaer at rear. Tic e- celsi for the noatti are classified as fol- Iowa: .................------$11.105,493 Internai revenue------------ 13363156 Itscellanecua--------------- 1,814,180 As eoznpared with Ociober. 18905,he mtoms decreaed about $2,11.0, su ad tne Internai revenue increaseut about 8150,00. The total deficit siaice July 1, Iâ9#O lin$32,8W,577. N.etiodlet Eptscopal Bihepu te Malie Western Atspointmens Latere The Mehidst Episeepal Bishôlas as 4m officiai honni closed t hiir n-omi t ?lttabarg, Pa., Manaay aflernoon. They will meet nt Providence, R. I., next Aprii te maire appoiatmenls for the fali confler- em In luOhio, W~estern Pientnsyivaaiat, West Virginia, sud aiest of tic Mi.sis- lpI River. Tii. more importanat at- polutunts for siiriag couferetaces. muade et the board's sscasiotu, are: Bisniu Miade-Central Penylvania coafereuci'. to b. lald ah Ciearfleid. Miî 17; Troy conferene aht Scheueetacly. N. Y.. Aibril 14. Blabors Newmaaa-l'hiadelihiia von- ference aI Bethlelheaîm 'ari 17; Wi.i ISaton cofereuce at Antasioliq,.'Md., Marcla 10. Bisiop Mallaiet-Baatimoer eoaferenceah lBaltimore, .%Id., MNarti'3. Vîrginia counferetace antItonatoke Mareli IL. Bishop Waldcu Wilmiugtaîaa cnter- cace ah Ciestertoaniaald., Mare h 17; Ne.w York general cuti eretace t Broiok- lys April 7; East Germana confcrenee at BSrntou, Pa., Mi- 25. Bishop 'Mer- rIli-Neai'York cucafemýnce a nt iatg Siictg Apri 7; North Indcianai contcrc'vaicat Kokomu, lid., Mairela 17. Biaiiop M'ar- ,i.n-Northern Noew York coufc'renccî at Watertown. N. Y. April 14; Newa Jer ney confereuce at Trenton,.N. J., MaIirh 24. Bislaop Aadreav-Newark canter- euce.ah New-ark, N. J., April 7. Bishlu Granstou-Lexiaagton confereaice (cauored) et Springfield, Ohio, Apnil 1. BOLD UP A "IKATV" TRAIN. Ws'lgiteneid Off b>- the shirwdncaî of the Ileusecuer. Titree manked neca beld tap lie sotth- bound aaKaly" passenger No. 1 une mie iwath ef Alvarado. Te.xats, Monday aight about 7 o'alock. They eut thie express est luoe from lie passenger cars sud aide lie etgineer lpuiillIutn thie luIt mitera tiey foncec l ii ltunouaulethie engfinê aud mo)ve Off a atîsîsuce. GUhaagt Ic t" express car.,liaiy rdereci the înesc'u- Sar out. Aftt-r lae got ouItîiaey orcered hlm te gelt ia-k iaathet -ar sud banal out t"muoney. laasleaîdoutdoitag saihe hcrit'd eu thtic ight andt fasicateai the dion. 'T'e gienecr, reaiizing t laccsi tuant ian. liatlu-c tie thruft!e antd nain iaalca Graud Vie-ai îad' wlred Hilîsho)ro. 'flac raiLers he-aaie elsrmad aaiti itled w heu lae iuesi'agar Iput «uthl.igit s. Thte nbr' sianar. sri--ilee- au boys abiuti17 t10 20 i-ra cad. 'Tliey du Dnul gel an3ythiaag. - National Financesi. 'Fb. Oclei-r estcac-îu et 'UttIlue hi le d"t eiosathe dciii. li-'s vsi-n theala tiesant> on Oct. :11, lu have uîceca tUS7T 4Mjýan ihua-nusa- fuir ithe niocalaoft$7, Ii. ai. hichlms a- furcsc' tnhuas a r rteQnediug îile-recusii inte cash otal mc a. Tia deblaisreî-aîiiîaiated as falîri laterein besing cicbt . . .. $847,3(;4,41(bh labt un saliel i tieresr Las eassa iniace- nanhaaaiv - - 1,(.Culfl. Uebl bening nu inheeisI .3 2,00K,247 Totl.........--- $1,221,(071,717 PI'bs, huaiever. alaaîs nauulude $54,. 840.923lu cetiblasîrs andl lrtssaury anotes' ststandiug n-iich are offset uy an uatal imonul uf cashiniuatic trî'asîry. Tic a«alnlatlectreasur> is ciassiicti os fol- 4 .................... 1:,23 e-5 ... ... ... ..... ....15,15 4 Naisuishustnag ffiters' balances, eet............. 17tle11 1Total---------------- . . . 3631.676MI2 Againtathsu lthttere trceutaunciliabili- <l»a uountuaag t l10,103,400, n-ut-b maves a cash balance otf323,572,761. Nationalt Banka' Crculation. Astaeasetat preicurculb>- lie Coinp- l a4kacofethle Clirrena->-showss bbe stuutit -M»tionatkstat ies lunîcircuation on dO g. *1 as 33.9715,au tacrease for 'b»emonttb et $1.345,527,.andtufr tic yea c~ ~ ~ lb OO049 Ti -rculatlon a ineul on 1OJmted States bocnds, aas $21q),510,014, mceue.for thei antiao! $1849,320, 'ýdfor the. year Th132,53 re rireu- seued l >ianfuît scutey amouanîca s deca-esse ftheli oatî »,603 andt fer lie yesr $5,2291624. *ganofetUnitedl'States egiahcrca -ou deposit ta set-une circîlatla vas $241108,3W, andt o secura deocls 15,003,00. ~~ediCarrier PIccon Pound. il rippie of axciteuinacua ai- s iacc I ,o, uver ai carrier pigeonî 'wan.R y lie> lier fout iah j' Kýponaose les n-as a ilven tutti 4he ther à goit! baud ]heariiaig lta 14,U6 c . il at!beau abol sut *Ui*Y4aI 3wVbctri. UMaes'oe fCiw-Wte. Met Defl akoutise Ucafowd. Juni Mannow, contes.ed mnrderer of Carey B. Blrcb, waa bsnged la lbhe clin- ty 4a11 at Chicago Frlday. iiurprise was pictured upon the face of Blieriff Peais. and bie legal assistants over lbe non- chalance clthtei doomed mnan as hé ap- proaclaed the scaffold. Il was feiretdut he would collapse. But lac walkedý upota the. tmp with a& firm stcp, bils banda not bouud by shacklea, at lis own reqîteat. No minister of tbe gospel accompanied the. comîanlen of Joseph Windratib Maianow ltîcked religion, but h. was net a physîcai coward. Hie farewil mes- sage, del-cred in low, fintu toues, w.- ln ke*<slng witla the lite lac had lad for sverai years. Aluacat exultaîaUy diiibc- refer te bhînself as % ccnfesacd murderer, aud, standing upon theinnk uf eternity, he nerved haimseit r:, trike back nI theî judicial haut! bsd igued te ordc'r for is execution. Mannow nmade lth- assertion thet Josteph Windratha, N0,0i was laauged norne tdm-! go for complicil.e In the murder, waa innocent, and tint i., Mannow, diii the fatal shooting. Dlt Windrat's attorney says :hat !rom ad- missions»nmade te bhla hy Witda&b tiere shouid b. no doubt of the lat-er's guilt. SPAIN'S CUP OF WO. Uprlslng la Porto Sico Witt Foliole Caban Cucceca.6 Spaln's ctap of n-oe null certaly be ililed lu uverfloning if, as some suspect is possible, a spart from Ctabau camphires bion-s Porte Ricu-ivard aud proves suffi- cicut tu starI tie flame ut ingurrection liere. Tii. Goveiument, far frotu fail- ing te realize tia situation, kitnon-s full wel thie inflammable nature efthie ma- teriai witb nhichi tladaaling andt car- ries ils precauhiona almoat lu te verge. of exaggeration. Ticre is ne liiielihood of any trouble, at ieaaî whili e i ug- gla la Cuba goes un. Tint bitter coteat si-n by té iasuitgents, Ibeir ends gaineu, lier.e au ha ne deuil liaItiahrewn-l b. an upriing la Porto Rico, but until tint lima comaes lb. Island! la nutl iiely te give Spain aay trouble tier Ilasu may b. made by contributions le lb. catis. o! Cuba tineugi lia junta lu New- Yorkt. BLAME FOR TUE COMPANY. Coroner Doesn'1 IBid St. Louis Train- men Atone Rcsaansable. Tîce ea)roner's jury liaI ini'eatignled tie Collision nt St. Louis Suualay, aihic-h ne- suiteut in aie detsî bas uareturaîed a ver- dict fiadiug hict il n-as due te tie came- lessicasa of George Atwsoodi, candiclon, sud 1. A. Dryden, englacer, in charge ot tLe n-ast-Lcaccid train, sud lb. tailure o! thie St. Louis and SanlFrancisco Rail- resnd Company lu this case taexCercisai îreper supervisioin over tic novement uf !ls trains. Another name-tie niat- miusl Le aidde-d lu lie liato I t iiu.Jhn Il. Dressing. n painien. aiho ssas i lic wreeck and wasainiteruaihy injura-d, Las Mormons Arc Killed. Mormnon ehiers have laean holding meet- lig" in Elitt Cotaty, Ky., ana liEt ms ond hus wiîole famiy jaiaed the ciacn. On Finuy nigil tire. youug mnen nanteut Sparks declareu thtint he3- ivoulut break up the 'MIommn business suit st3rtted for lia. meetinig. Ticy stoîaped et flic. bone of Tsanaandl demandeu aid- mittac. Tlaey %vare admihtced, but aiheu Isoui leasmueu their mission bc paut tiem, ont an d suit lie door. Tic young mea fircu hirecagi lie diiona sud windows. EUit Isoni a-s sat bnire i hle breast. .tud M. Iaom aias shot in lhe abdomen. Bthli oiuda 5riiortail. Tii. Spankses thea flut. jurer Aflt-r a Bribe. Alexanider Scinoculer airote lire fnes on a bisiaiaecis ard suit handetlifutIo At- toniey lMeagier in Jutige Freneman'us coulrt r.iom t Chicago Wednesday. As s e- sait hecaias enlenced ta lire manthas lu jalI. 'The contents ofthle curd aicre a Iîaîd bld for a bribe. The attornuey gave thêý cmd ta Jucige Freeunan. If exri:ed judih-l uil nigunat tlion. 'flae aaîcaci aias pactnslîmct ta hit thle offeunseAnuilledtc- caintîrn1nlegicl solivlat1ionofaitaibribie anay aw-it Scinuicier waicuathe- gals of )ic.ei s' t na-l Iigise hn iba t an>- thîe üxjI)iratiaa of is inst sentencer. Mtunaced b>- n Icluae. At I outra-ati illias hiiiî-caapubatilc t Lut faim sonite ait'ks bie iargc-r utftufliii a-ity eservoirs ouaflitcîciatahî las beca iaa a diangeous c Icafui al hhajila 18,'. tt.0>galons utfavaler anal expertms aay tint if a taeaîk slicatld oecur thuiaioe Ciy wai cl be Ivaau'aed awiata-.'lThe gos- imacrs utfM- Unlivers i taly icive ai eaica- iilila'd tlic City tht Itlice>- ail Ihîaldh]i - spacsihte fur $,auj00daiasgc's i rosi' oft aocideunt. Denlh in the Storum. A terriieraiatatorci iited Oktaihouas WcajiîelsY niglit. bcig i ticay places a1 perfect avatersîiaict, andccldciacng a greaci n uccuili! fdanaage hlia- shcaliq, eaurr3- off c-machs eti'. 1wcnty miles ctch t,-n Gcurie a cytlone devastated a secthon utfaouutiumy100yards ai-he and aceer. Milies long, leaving destruction an uclmin lu ils wake. Tic dead numuber four. Esti saste of Crcps. Estinatea o! caopsaslong lia. lin,'ofutlite Chicago, Bualingon aut Qiiacy ltailru:-1î for liis yenm giva corn l.'>8a.609,00 baîthels, en mneuse utftaure than160,- (M.000 bisieha over 1895), sud for n-bout, 105.5W.,0<00 buuiiels, au lurease of ab-uit 1-6,000,000 itasielg. Herole Act of LitleuAvail. Tmyiug ta gave thie Ilef. ober 3-yen -oid grandchild, Alvin Sluuldt. Mns. Emma Peterina aias intautiy tilicu by sut Eritailmosul expni(sa train ucar Han-- athortie, N. J. Alviit'iiskatll n-sa trac- rturcul avd ho la net expeeteu tal live. aTisey ]Plant More Wheat, The London Times' agric'ullumsi e- l, urne show flitI278,076 acres have heen i-aude t ua.he ritish %vient ares this d yea. Ncverthlesa, lie ires is 3el oaly a 1,734,118 acrmc,thiesanlcat u record cxý rt-lit ilu 1895. d Breaks ls Expert Record. Tic exports f rom -NeswOrleans ta En- rope %Ve'dierday îsure lie langeat on record. iueluiiug 60),0<10haies o! Cotton. 338000 Lclua-ils of grain and euough mis- d ceilaaiacîcs freigil ta fllii igit lange Leiera Lacs p-ad. 'ilere ai-i-e only ii-e maen in tie lepet coton>- on Norh Brothers Islanad. Two duft hetusacre (liuaimeu, Long Dong sud Samu Lee. They esçaîseu Wedneaday iglit. -Londton ai Cabhca" on às S$lcqN a > p umat tg àa',redolt" saîiam DEATH GRINNEO AT THREE HUNDREO PASSENGER& Encinaensd Tender Go lato tha RIver, Wbil th. TraianRanus Enspendet! Over thse Edpg-Gen. Torrcncib. of (hiéano, la1ecul. Checked on iRiver'. Edge. The llockport express, on tic Eastern division cf the Boston and! Main. Rail- roa,iad a narrow escape Fridsy frein tîeing preclpitated ilito Saguglis Iiver, at Lynn, Mass, hhroaîgh tic failtare O! lie air brakes lu work. As il ivas, thae en- in, of lbe trau i-nt into tie river, whie the. tender sud firsl pasaf-ager car bang uver tie edge, within a few feet of the rishiug watcr. The draw ivas openaut to shlow a ceai barge lu pas throtagb, and waias partially closet! wien lta.Rock- port express catue in iglt. As usiasi thie train siaclteaeut ap.ed as it apiaaci- eu th ticraw, but inteadou t sopping at lie signal il puahed on lu spite ut every effort on ibe part o! lie engiateer ho aPPlY tie brakes andt bring il lu 'nalotndatîli. Engiateer Dohertv tien. whistIed for the baud braites, sud the train banda. by qiicit work, nanaged t stoip thie train. Engineer 1)oberty anîd liremau .lampuae.n were resciaed from i e river somevhst hu- jurcd. There aicre ueariY 300 passengems ou lie train. CHICAGO'S LOSi'. Generat josepb T. Torreuce Dieu After Two Year'l Ille.. Gen. Joseph T. Terri-uc. tied S.alornay nigit et bis home. 88 I3elle' act.aa Chicago. Although h. badlbeen <etnileil te bis bcd for ouly tsio si-ekaý, be lad beau suffering taie years n-hiBnigilt diseuse. tien. Terretace n-as boru Marci 15, 1M4, lun3iereer Cottnty. Penneyiva- nia. Befere lie biad reat-iculis leena Le sel ontitathe wenld lu make bis tuain wny. Ilus tiraI t Piploymeaat siasigin lthe bulet furunees utf 'catsylvsanit. Tht're lic leurmuthlie blîa-isuilti t racle, a ad It %vais net lonîg utihl Leaivas poic t a'ibt lia foreuiaaship ot the titratc'a. caa. 'fim retire rem-cined siihtlae last fiarnue -s unhil lie hreokitîg o-tut ofLepivsil ir. n-eie ceaaiisied a a ris ate ii iaîCopaaay A, Ou, lluadret antalFifty-iatitahl- meut, Olaio Volauter lafiairy. S' cia afher lis eaalishtaaeaahbcLe tailîaî- s ta a in the srmy Lec %avas .uitadeii aeriocasiy four liniais.Aftetc- hie si-ar lieai it ic, Newctastle. ina iisnai a -cSt ile. iv hire la wns rc-eugaga-d in the wacmk u of on iag fîcruaccs. Ian5112Mr. Torrea.e tan ho lilcîcis aaibtaiiccae-cand as iWtta I0la, Chiicago ImiIro aut îaaîny ait Bn t .-;iirt - Fis-e cars la ter hie ias .î taîsîl aitt-d veIiiaal o! tLe sec ocad Itginacit it oft hie Ihiics NationalGuaril. nlic ; GIbv. Shelb: .N. Cualituproaiot-d lainitaco braga char gi-la - eral, jucst sailirt I icie licfaire thelii i is-ait 1,477. Tihenahiorities attailtetinu ai-Isuc rc' plaaiug (.en. 'orreacce ic alascicîtIe caiii aaaaidi of tLe city dcicuclice niats. DEFiCILNT IN AFF.AlES. Novai Dateuse Olfrei b> an Ex- Preaictir outhle.G,@eJc. Somethiitg cîaireiy aaiw- i tic' -y ut defease aias sut tlug irida>- in bhihaîf di Rtobert Cin>tuu Ile-sl0 la! ubis accnti. Hlugi O. Peticost. ici th,' New vl'rt Court ut Sîsetin Seciaai.Tieîieteud- al aas auacia-ul la>NW. C. Voa Aiitis ýrtc supernhtendcent ut aunhîîsîuaae voialiy. aith haring icatd 313.511». noIi c'lcaa polit-y. Tue plteSai-as tint Le sl astnc- bled as 1h "i-la'ngymaeua 'a aiiil.' le wac" formerly acilergym-uant i eLluii ouin here, s ad lacs accac h anv inug eau t,'mclai plitse!ofgcilî>, acged tiact his lite au il *trainincg laal iadae lina iîacîcauall> dli- ient ha kciiia'lge (f w tnit 3 ia t. s jîustic-e-lIiii' aislcsaialIla- doaiitc-il if :î113- lhininagI a îi terga- allaais rinniuiialamadis- pausa-d Ii'i o 'theai' altnacla atia la f claîr folks',îroîîrtî3, Lut seti'l a aatsn To 'ctIlaHia Liataahtems Esite. Sa%%. 'n, (iait vae-tiiu, %%ila-agraîîîîî -îi u ers of cc'hîiiaisrati ,thccl eli'e.,t:l a' if lis dauîglaîa, -r. nncîtSac s cr Whiate', ws died lun uhat it a-la n euravec L.9agi. Si-ai a tcs Sa ai3c'm stata-l tL a Iisdaucghaten dica i itasîaceleiaî-icîg nailcsiealaistauci %o urthîîabloutt li~ uuer sua vivii ig latin ieiîg linîi-lf aund lacr lusiaaîd ha a Guson Whitelif tu83 ra-asî-. IBar Our Glucose. Ucîtlîcu t ates hon-acil iluraini.auPro gae. reporits tcîiLh- Stati cDciii rînacuat ih li;tte Auscau Gauvirtnacu t is sacut lt mutrbe the datta--oncigîiaose lai c'iTctcaal>bar mitc lt.ici-Item a ad clîtauaaamticlle frucinAin er- hra. Withia ulise iunîalîs bt ' imca-c staitems cIaijacld -l.*K i ita ctsoaitchi-t comtaiodity iualu Ausînia, tuai a odcty ut $2.W0 for ecr>-220 poucads. ItIrp. Ricaner Mix Gu'cn anIDivorce. The District (CourtntahDeanver groalte ndivorce tcu Nrm. Eleaînair Nliua frai Chanles Milx, ut Albany, N. Y., ontahle grounulout esentihuaianti aonaappaimt. Tic thic amosa seon, sa-iu shie met anti mer- iaut Mfia ln18N4. Frank bMsyo's Widovw luadu. Mra. 1"ank.Ittyo, aiidos ot th'e famocua aeter, n-ho pasacti a nun a shont tins. ago, dieul very studuteul>-Frida>- cvcning. Mrs. Moyo haut a ceuntr>- bouse near Can- ton. Pa., lun which abe lasie s ti !iug inceber iusbaada dsath. Eniperor Willlim n Drmutit. Tic Berlin Zukuutt annoneaes liaI Emperur William lsaimriting natîama lu claoration sitb a yeîîng peet i-ho a-s Ititroducau tohins by Herm Hutiizen, tie lalcuadent of te Theater Royal at Wies- baden. Accidetlly Killeit. Altin Itidovngl. n-bile iuntiug nt Win- uns. M1%ina., ahol imaesoithtrouagiltej body, dyitag iin n fen- momentsl. H. T. Ketinen, au ulul resident anti aiell-tuon citizen cf itnnekai, Kan., n-sa lustunti>- tilleul hy tise accidentai disciarge et a suolgun. Rusais an Easy Crelitor. Il launiemeu thlai Rusis, in vicu- of T;tmtey'5 iasaucisi troubles, ai ili redore 'he'yesnly installtaient outhteiTurtiai nar itademuit> uf 1.000,000 rmLles le hatif n million ruiles. 'to Criteu. » i. 5tWe Are. IrE Il'eut $3ilOa YIcr for 3Ment.. I îriana-s ou *a picicatr Sarti-a au- i via a ja-cwalt-m. iS uicad - IleIi.a fias h le la':c cf tli ai'('ifcarîtiai .Tc'caa-lm>- C.auauaiy, anda sciitticha c iea i%vas dis orc'ad fraîn is %a fi'. Iclelait ivtiiexuragacîliy ah -rt la-i rastat crtais. avi ilera- ii exaenîi- t Iris arcecaid ltubaa' i-,x-efetd $,0000 a yes9r. IFs istaîte iii relcuaa-d lu bai si-cîhi total Minera KIltcd. A terril cia' ixphlauic i cf gos cia-immcl lu Nac. :,îilne <utthse Lc'iglianaad Wilkes- biarrai (',ai C(halcaidaii îSoucth Wilkea- liaire a-.t.. 'ficrsciaa-aifi ruiaiua. Six mea ami' kwmu c a a 'tu eduad ad tsio ij creut. It sq naî t c'kioîs i La, aiaaay mecn-cErs ini ilie acne at tahai' iof ite explosion. but t i a-ai sa-arc rapaurnt ac i nlîg a nd il l bLctved ahi utfl av ne larisheti. Took Awsfut V-en-eauca. Tho :; daim ahi soun ot Oscr'Narshanll, n Niarth it[talfatrit-er, %a ismiarulereut ucar Cîl s ii, ys a>- ired imau itaaicedal aîar. iaIr-hiallIadthîe man licd ai c ilirra'i aid lic gc't ueaci il la un ell~iloye 1' îaîr la-Azthelie llia'oyL'a>-l lIti larmiaadI cliiaratli> rcisa-d is slaci lNitah ail O\. W ,Iîaui hoanby lhizhn-a> nc.. <'iiarlt'- 1accirJr. aadl ii-i ife Ecmua. whiiîlcv siag ag I îa-1c mmd aiar l -Ill, I'Y Mdugia ca ia' irs. K'auser - a aS îI ' Ihîrcicglathc lia-ic u ai lîtli aîy kiltl cccd i., n hushad au ai ai-aauded. 'The robbers cs-aa-afed. J-nions of te 1Bke. Nini. lhcô'e o New- Y'ork, ilrat uta a bail îeutfeta rbali j'aitid eaiîse lie r usbaaia .icsa'tii fiond ic ofu u ii- c>( aiag aincd oftc-a iegl cldi er forbils a% hceh. lier lite is de-siiired of. AMeican (oiaitlanTrouble. Per> Bac nI laoiai thudf liit cd St ates nîîîcscch acf Niayeîice, lc- iaaîa.anlehag pro-ecitc l fiar ai-i rc 1ly iii niaag an hnn McaiI te f i i laccîît- lc> iicg iiina uthe 1lead w a th aaac's ci s an Chiveago-Catle coasmon te prime, $30tas$5.25; iogs, liîcîa)ig grades, $3,00 t-a $375; sL"cîu, fair lai cicice. $0 ho $3ý25; wLeat, No. 2 rmcc, 70e te 72e; a-ur, No. 2. 23e le 24e; onha, Nao. '-, 17e ho ISi-: uve, No. 2, 35c le 36c; baitthr, choice ercanien>, 18e e l 19e gga. fresi, 17erte 10c; ptatocs, per sasel, 18e ho 30c; ;rismn coma, ceimiienot Io c-Lire duvrfn, $35 te $140lier ton. luîliauaçc.!i-Cattle, aiipptng, $3.00 tal 350;legs, choice.ligit, $300 o li 375; sbeep. commen to prime, $2.00 hoea$3.23: sîheail. No. 2, 613 te 71c; corn, Nus. 2 si-lite, 25e tW 27c; oes, Nu. 2 n-ite, iSe te '-,O. St. Loucal--Catlie. $3.00 te $5-00; hoga, $3.00 tg $33.75; n-icat, No. 2, 72,! ho 74e; corn, No. 2 yeIIew. 22e ho 23v'; enta, No.,2 waitie, 16e ho 18c; yc, No. 2, 33e lu 34c. Cininnati-Cottle, 32.50 te 3475 bga. $3.10 le $3.75; sieep. $25Y0 te $3.25; shalet, No. 2, 77e te M9e; crn, No. 2 mixeti, 25e le 26e; oats, No. 2 mixeat, iSe he 20e; r>-., No. 2, 36c te 38c. .Detroit-Cattle, 32.50 tho$3.00;litogs, $3.00 le 3.75; slaccp, $200 teV3.25; n-Lest, No. 2 md, 77e ta 78c; corn, No. 2 ycloîv, 25e lu 27c; unis, No. 2 wsilte, 20e ho 22c; r>-., 361e le *;Se. 'foledo-Whe. No. 2 mcd. 7iSce leOc; coma.No2 mixeu, 25e ho 27c; oats, No., 2 n-ite, 17e te 19e; rye, No. 2, 36c te 37e; dloyen secul, ".W5 ho $5.05. bilwaukee-Wheat, No. 2 sprnug, 66e te 613c; cern, Ne. 3, Me le 25c; Oase No. 2 witLe, 19e ho 20e: barley, No. 2, 30e te 3k; rye, Nu. 1, 35C te 37c. pont, mess, $6.75 lu $7.25. Buffalo-Cattle, $2.50 te $4.75; hôga. $3.00 ho $425; shccp, 32.00 le $8.50; ws'est, No. 2 eu, Sic o e; e:cern, No. 2 yeiiow,ý 29e le 31c. cals, No. 2 sihile, 23e le 24tC. New Xork-<3altl% u3.01 5q te as British WUI N. i e othe AM.* Cce Csat. Great Britaln wliU bave lu Aierleme waters by adI enamer two fleets, foiS- lng together by fart he mont powerful naval force ah. bas ever sent acrosa tbe Atlantic. One ileet will guard Newtound- land and the Atlantic const of Canada; the other, with headfquarters nt Bermuu- da, wîil look aftcr the West Indian Pos- session and South Ainerica. The division of ttae station means two British admirais on Ibis aide of the ocean. One wlll b. Sir John Fisher. Whon will be the other la flot yet known. 'The Royal Arthur will b. tihe flsgahip of the Britisha North Amer- ican division, w hile the ltenown will b. the fiagshlp of!the West Indian division. Il la stateil that liera will he an ex- chnngo of sîtips of the two divisiona ev- ery cighteen mentbe, the abips in Cana- dieu waters coing t the West Indieo, and vice versa. The Royal Arthuor laa twin-acrew cruiser ot the irgt class, reg- iatering ô,700 tons and csrrying 13 tua. Hler englues are 12,000 horse-power un- der forced draniglit. The Iteuown la a modern aranored battleship of 12,3*0 ton$. carrying 14 gunsansd Iaviug 12,000 boisae- power englues. Apple$a by the Billion. Throughiout the Mtules of chief comn- mercial lirodgction, incluacing New EiL- gland antd New-î York, the crop ot winter ittijles is large. uecording tolihe speciali report in the New England Hlornaetesd, svhiclî places the aggregate yield et a shade unaîer 59tgtM arrels for ail of thec United States, againal O(e,-00,000 tbar- rets iii 1895 and -,7,(X)ooo bar- relsstwo years aigu. Thisaîthority sany ilitat the trop in New Englaud, New York, 3iivigan anad parts ut a few otiier States is pliaenouîaeîaul. New iEn.laîcd and New yurklhave ov-er 1.<lO0barreis, againt little more Ilitai700,0 a year igo. %%hile Mivhigatu is lîarvesting tbe grenîcial(,rop)(if fine fruit ever aecured la thut t ate. The report ùovering 'lthecen- trai n est, however. ashows tati ln any ins.tanc-es the trop ini insulicient to auPPlY bommi quireane:aits. The iCsa'lda croix i2 m(iag the largest ou record. Exports froai tîe Atlantic iciast are already t.( ),) arri-N -a third more than al of la il 5'a1so - a nd thLe f, reign markets have a iac yfor atscbn furtiier vabt 4 laaitit(les befcre àcura ug. KilicOlustjnd anad Fon. Irs. .J. W. ofliatMarvsville, Mont., shot aîand (l(n(t.auVl i i er 10t-year- od 50ij ani fa ta lly sîcot lher la usband. Ile %va s %n h iiîui ug i!(t)le Ly anad slac inter- fîred,%i, ai lie lctarned on lier. She took :î î-l-allai ot aittin>i. Lut klîrd the chiid 1.v aircilent. She iion cshot hilan athe. liîca. île aaaav die. Shua' s crazed with gr;ef. Briblilai Prosecutor Intitulâtes a Bellet H. Hclptesl Steui thc Gouda. At il luc îî-iccng f Illte It laawe-Iias- ilcaîts. laaîaii'ia, icdaiy *'aaa-Vaa i t aicîlialia Il-a iiiii., .iîutlin ccio Itille aandîIicr% toia aca- ofu tNir. aiuîl iMrs. NNhi ,r Ni. C(titi. af il ut 1-Waiai aiho ar i ita rgea-al ic t.-alinag -- s frîcua saaiiît iia .icaa-a.i 'lia it aiolia mce[il icc- iîaail i'ci.uia-ai lit - Ille ialii-ai uacuIle fai ts lii]nu itaffî-r frouaoi ii uair> ici ti~sf a r-îîus. -a-ilt for Ilhie p.-iaionof thei,' crliv Ca.I aîî ia a- iag, thet cIliraaustauci-l tait itai ust ca-catiunstitie aitl isi luihai i lii' snm taîgel hem, bactI aaca-uiîc i si l t ha'll tabac. Sîili, I. lia-fcilaîr ss- î-l tatre sans tviaiiuie ai lc cia laIe hi' -cclai ia-i iaiatm tiîaat ta-me a ajoint p'si- oaîicf the artid-es, ant ielu' xpîrc-sî-ilIti- oinuiona that it iras a pimaiar case ftrmiicas ist igat tin b>- a comncioaitjuilty, am,. asli Ii iît-ac-il i ot one, sail t haeatit c haigr-ces t-rt' ailîîl- lifting. NUGGETS ON THY SURFACE. Report ttat the 1relw Metat la Plasul>in lukottn District. W'uilisa<)gil vea- a landci ual îti-c-ar au-o la ia tic Yukona dielrniat inia auau-iaaait tic aitimit aLiin ofc1tii'Alac-kat hi tada y. ia matIe s repart taa tue i aiadiati NMin- ister of lte ainirrslaiiaaglait aigraat golal lnfast lit-rua illd ilt' Btluk aza I reek, arliciaflou a i ntlicur il iRiver att f.tic maile's frcuuua lort I cau dzh. NIMr. Ogil- aey caîld tuait 2(M) -laimaîs ]have hiceui alien up ancdi lacru-is r' -unfiorI 1. uttare. If properî>- îroscti'l tht-ru' s vurk tain 200(X)men. Onea'gia Ici îaa cccl iaunt ic$12 was uic-ted i p o1liai' ni ruait-, auntiill ialu lîoara tiuca re naeaîlcucuL-)at $75. 'The ai-îatmlmeaat saltsen ui it-ali--r ticei' about tLe i lauluas 1lýi-ildglai(d ont pIi lct'I su as toa ioiaicîca! ic. lhPalo Crcas ru Short. Thei point-a rcala 'tin la btaudi ay. Tic ofcctt'nao! t hie Ac.nicllcraai Di-lainti cunt do loI coasiden t lis q luta i -"lie îaaerabi ictuai tfracla cf!lai 51 ea r aamtat' ll- bais «ar m-ata- i-ail-c ladigga ddg.Thie ast-r- ttg l imie fc'li las 26tcats iiîiaible. Il Iaaid acrer laienî so aua acl ia te irair. Mhore tlaa27>Oic.M>licsit sa,-e r-i dclinahueUt' n-cli t laanucit vomiut- icag thiî aitof austiis letfl)laithe grnîcîui.Thae icaîi-îlicaca'tare' iciitthéa' li- lai y-iel ilis a- caur usiI ccit axa-ci-il250,- («0,0M) biushle'. Evrua lis coclîlbLethie langeat crnap c-sa-nraicaad in liis cocuntry, exelt iug the lac icetoiacaticIeraîpo! Inst yvar. a%-iena u'rb-ody plùiîtad pataloes. More on la-ianifaaîalintutfncaling rostes frotuuearly eeenyctcion oetttic aountry, bol particîalaly fromtheti Nesw Englunt! andt Enstern States. Try tle ttaniCofflu Hudie.. Au sîtempt aias saut llouticmamuse- leus of J. M. Foaler ha St. Louis C(2ome- torylatIxlouisviiIe. No motive ciii L assigncud for lie dccci savP rohaben>-. ine. tic ra'aiuaitlave reéted inîthtfoînt for six yvars; thue only counjectuîre la Iha t he robluer nisheu te ain-airai -thc ight golut bautiles of lime caskt. - Floue Golatn Up. Floun la geiug up lu price uillî n-ent, JusI lx-fore tic recent Pcdvanc, lias'leat, fleur a-s sellinag as folleais: listent, $31.05; extras fiaîey. $270; fant->, $2,25), anîd choice, $1 n. iese gradIes anc non- seliag toem $4.05s, $3, $3.15 nnd $2.11. To OniapresasNewa of suicides, Owaing lte ierquaeacy et suicides lu Chtie, te daily aicisatiems outVaîpanaai- sud Santtiago pîropoase ho suspîendaltle publ- lication ot ail atct5ils resîacc'tiaag sîtai crimes, Il a ishpdiit lait hi tny exer- cice moinîe inflcuaeace towacrd nedîariug tic nuaiber ot suchides. Largeas Amemicati Flng Mode. Tic langesI Ameriniitalsg ci-cmmade lu lte coutîry-sias avcîag li tii.vact hall efthîe penision office lit ýVasnCuIii otFmi- day attemîauota. Ihi8la ixI> feet long b>- tbity feet aide. - Tîreti er Life. William Sutherlandi, a nell-tnown di' lian of NapQieon, Ôhio, eupmited sui- àca& by l b. Mar-' VPunee l !FFIOAOY dF AUTOMATIO CAR COUPLIER8 AND BRAKES. Flod Pavor Anaeng ]Ra:lwB7 Offciais- Parther flOvelopouente lu the Catia Cane ai London-1)antaige to the Potato Crois. Protcct the Pulilc- guminaries lu the adrane aheets ot the Interstate Commerce Cdmmisatoui's satinaa report are deailîeci to show tb. extelît te wiicla raiiway eqaniptuetit la lit- ted with attomiatie couler% eud trainq brakes. The commiesion believes ils de- tailed statenaeats are Jtîstiiieil tiy the1 taniversanl interest whieb attaches te the gubject uta accoint of the law requiring the adopition cof safetY ucvives hy Jan- uary, 1ll8t. A comparative tsfunnaory Of lhe equîpment fittecl with automaitie couitiers aud train Lrakes follow>s: Train Atubotustie Yer- lraîke. iller.colipler. 1mler. 18XI . 190742,158 :122,2:18 77901 1892 -..2*186 6,;-37 244,L34 75,21X) 1891 .. 188.,M2 30.505 1691,03M 5M,716 1800 .148,W27 2.18153934,80« Sm .2s,15i) 01 . gpginming witi lie yi-ar 1889 the total equiptueut for the îeriod coî-ered lu the saminary was: 1P«.).,98,10; 190 1,190,S)7; 18Mt. 1.221,81: 892,1.248.- 228; 189, 1.308,7:34; 1894, 1,313,570; 1115, 1,1M,2610. The repocrt of lie coin- ,missilon saya: "Tic iunamary, which shows the total Pqtaiptmeîat, as Weil as the equititeut ittcd witb train brakea and autouiatac c-,îîplers for caca of the' years front i1881 tai185,inclsve, pre- seuls a comprelteniuive statvenit of the. case. aud gives detinite answer ho th. question aihic-i attrally arims srespsect- ing tie law retcrred 10. Mnt uf a total ut 1,306,2W)t, oaiY :3(r2414 loomoth-es and eciaras %en' itlt-cl i tr ain brakell, anad 4t4,$51 ;wil h attoiaa th c-inlleris. The incre.9ce l in eiiaiiýttnttiî1 wih train braîkes ituriaag the ycar i-cvreîl bY t he repoîrt wia n:î 5,.aind te ii-reame in cqcriplivcht titteit w iii afftîcttatic Coli- plant s %ais 511. Wiiiî* ttie figulreq are i-otsiciî-rab titi iiesi-n.tlteY tds naît icîil arattc-Jcfian.iv-iitcatîh'it-l ailu aa à t- c'tWalth tacdtîms utfté la%%. OlUT FOR '51H. CASTL1. NOW. SE.N TOR JU STIN aSMITH t10 1111.1.T.. IlStî7 bhe si a.snace Sa-uatom t' aucîeed Liaka- L. ii.aln lieptaliraansd iaus r- ine edla172. 1878, 18S4 anti isiSiý. ln 1.50 Siaalr Ncumili was made s racua t tuf thlac S1t a acîîiai asitution, sud laiasi lî'd tliaI itioaii ci-r ince. Sel- lcuîliassur Sîaa le au Ligla>-la oocr(A' iec "f lt-hcasns iVernat liais Mml. NIon- c i. Fr-hrt m 3c-arn li Ls laîtua a Setn- acu ar, 'tni if lc -an u tes ails »ta ' enî i au aletlit-se ali furuaer records tor heigt i af streir. ARIZONA WANTS STATEI4000. Governor FranklinuSuboilhîsi-I.An- uatai Report le Serrar>- Franci«ý Tise peoplle of Arizon are a unit, ln faoer tof stateilooti, anyis (mv. Benjamin Franakli ihs ananal relian tehoSecmelary Fr'ancisi. The repent is nate oftifhe moat voluiauuia'îs uatnutucicsla--illtatec e- eivecl for yeaara ut tic dtaamrttaacut. 1% shaossaluat tise totlianing otut o-thefb tu'miîcry fiar tLe yensuo $13,978,2113. Of thîha amocant gaul aggregaited $5200,- 000 eclusive ut aboutI 110,000 ltaeit by tIhe pnespcctors autd placer mnîera anti liaeltotal la a yen's ineni-ase ot 3940.000. The totnalîrodîul t fgolti, ai-ansd cop- per in Arizonafuthle tn-enty yeans endi- log Juue 130 last. nggnegaba'd $127.1660016. Tii.caillie ahipmtstfreinlte territur>- froin Jan. 1, 189-4, ho-Juna 30, 1893, ecla- .d 595,373 bond. Tii. territorial board molumnaq shows lia value o!fluaile prep-. emly bans gainet! a bal! million dollasa dur- iag lie yenr, nd conservaliva men daim lb. actual vluation houlac 390,000,000. Woa'k ofthtisa liii Thea N ortbn-,stmu Miller reporte lhe foeur output la barreis at ivecit atfour ceuters, ai-ha compariseus. as followoa: Oct. 24,, Oct. 19, oct. 20, 189, 1l0. 18m. Minneapolis -..312,9W0 321,300 -«'M;375 Suiacnior-Dta. lutti---------07,0"0, 8M,270 10W.000 'Milwauakee .. ..41,230 41,510 49,5S< Si. Louis..-.80,000 86,000 76,6»O Total% ..531,180 517,080 501,015 Prevs tt wetk........448,M40 3le49Q Alexanider- ie Donald, o! Viýgin1a, Uel led Stales Nilliter te Persia, n-be arr-eut ut Southamnpton fromtlita Unitedi States un board lie American Linoastëamhitp New York,n-ais daugereusli> wivhi brouchitis during tIie voyage, aud lanovm lyiag at tie Sottli-ern Bottai ndas lie came of s physicien. Ecvad tutss basi* atctlltnfra4, The batt"ebp IlUROi)s wl ew etîSte nomme. lt wllbeouniryqu*h lW ies mâster shipa, tbe Alabama aq4 *0 Wlacolz, wblcb mlii b. subait ntgsiW$ coiastucted on the saine fine&~ Thea"*,. Illinoisls far superlef tu tb modal battl.ahlp .aflnoWi cxhflited st lb. World's Fair as thal admlrably.dt4 algned .vesuel was tprior te thee .14 everi, as they are now lermed.-tbe Vlarlmtoe, tbe Ban Francisco and lb. Baltimor-although tbey ln their liane were beaalded a as lis.oa*oruof the a.w aayy. In navy departunat parlance, the~ baltleublp Ilinlois vas kuown unail he ether day as iiBattlebip No. V'* Il wiii bav, a di 'splaceinent of 11,52S tons, angines (twjo scrcws) ot 10,0O00 lotne power, a spa.d of alxteen kaota aa hour and a battery calculatedto te nis any ship afloal. The Illianoi viii carry tour 1l-lacb gun, th ment desdiy naval - wiapon eî-er yet forged, witb a range of- elgIt or aine mites, Iveo o thesrauau forward adt! tr f1; sie willl bave a broadalde battery of tan 5-loch gana, ive on egaaIde, and twe more of the samm* formidable icapons lan wbat ara callué' superposed turrets. Besidea this te vii bave twe large sacendary batteries. cou- elstlng of on. aud six pouder gtlns, snd a aumber of Miachins gua&s. Bbc iii cao.bave mlitary mai, witb machine Sanas la lte tops. The armer platlng lo to le of th. ment approved Harveyload plate. Tlae battlealalp will carry 00> offi- cars sand meand u a marine guard et ai%- ty mé4l, double the proportion carried byl thlb. U11lne battleships. TIhe Illnois wn-tIie b ltIth e New- Port News Yards, alonguide tbe batlla- abîpa KXearjarge sud Kentucky, and blar construction viii bring loto play soma, of lb. finest modern inventions lanlte We7 of autonsatle maclalaery for naval construction. Nearly every portion et bier trame n-Ilb.iebrougil loto tie yard sund almol put lu place wihieut being touchai by lanaan banda. Wben completed the vessel viii reprasent an expeoditure 4d f ully $5,000.000. SENATOR MORRIL.L Agal Vermenter Who Une Beeau]Re- turned tet lb- ieur Houad. Senator JuinhuSualîl Morrili, n-ho bas mast been ra.elevted Si-aoIr f reiner mnat, lias aipeut Mocal of bis lite il ag~sb- iugonu as ('ctgresiqman or Senator. lie la tritay a Senstor, for '.%r. Mirrili is in bis 87îi car. Aared as hoe is is mind in stil1 viuronsansd lbe in a iatermaf calls- hile, il; tlae opinion ofthîe peuple sud the Legisiatotre tif ertatout. ut represcnting that St!at' IaaIZnhîclie Olci and Was ancmata Wa'tý.iiugtoun. le aias baîrna tlStlrafford, Vt., init tilt trbin lias heen, sud ta Dnom, lis iucaîe. Ile mot iis early eIucation ln the c,niaiiou 't-iciatsand iai ilItapon tint fuctuciation ltaI uc ac-adeuîy. tLit never n-t lt iacllgi.lie teganalitea s atuaer- chcaut. liat ;refk-rrrd agrisilitune, te wlaicb lie d-voied soiute vi-atra. Lie was elècteit to the Tiirty-!csurtb ('uugnena sud vas

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