Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 20 Nov 1896, p. 2

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q~Tl&,1rIEJLd5~ 5 ~ ~. - - - ILLIIOII. [VE EL~~rON TK! p'FFE~ENT NA. ~ %~OMW~IlTTEES Pre tune tie mi dec hsi 4i*4O.O anmud jouies Wm*Je lOSiuiAniiCt i*4bti as jUflubjetsuMW Dryu-y bi pWgui lais uthor lUpon 914 W* York World saYs: "Ilie s'g- de «ietetoflexpeilses waSR dosetoafi, Ig te lect .UeKiniey, aniti here au t$5,OW) ieft ln the tre-tiury. ta lat filepeubflican fund ec»iun :]cat.New Yerk giviug iM.Ol,- ji tsdelphia $475.000, rlhrg W Sad Boston $11.A2,000. Oe or re -a WOrek ias Pald fdQr-tostftge' re or- lt.thireugh the alago bond- U . I The.Democratie national fend w LUIfflot~0,OO.'the lOve oliver- fi Sstates and"the minte ownpri cf owfurths of ai the mnoneY a, I~Jnsspet." ir LToERTUt;RD EX RO1BEERs% i 1jo te Extort Hidîie Place or IMau'O Wealth. ~hBMouday nlght Ihoe burg- "ae Into the heuce occupied by W41!a miser, ait 448 East Pros- C~beveiand. Mirka is'#'-'Yeard ~;vsaSioue andi lias geeeruiuiy iltedl with hsvixig large muinis of 0r 1, ameted ln bis house. Upon his Stu tel the Ihnrglars where i.e #, ,wa htdden lho was heaten iun af e ranner. This pinishinit fait-c Péethe Informationi frein theolodn Swcç bounti, gagged nnd a lanpg ' l ild te his fret entil the fiosh d Cteally cooked. The old mania à i agony, but protegted ho h artn, *Thefonds thon nppliod the fihnl sýi;rilignau's hands anud thon tri dy until lhe finaly saili nk ne u , whlch condition ho was foind t à the imorning. h Ilsbleved Itle1 ge got nthing. Thore la no clev; Ir identity.3 ILLION I1>LE MEtN. U D. Wrlght, Commnisilrgerot Labor. 3Mekee Report. alsloner of Luthor Carol -. i,»as made a ipeciai report on the lc. of occupation. The figures ore Ïes: "Theowore ,7i,<l per- 0 years of age and over oîigagorilu il occupation$ iii 1890. of Whuti 4>00 werc unîtes ccd :l3,14.571 fo- 0 f these 3,013,117 malffl anil IL tegaies, or a total of 3,5i2,730 a, irere empioyed ut their prinvilial quilons dnrng sorte part of the cou- mr ending May 31, 1890. Of the ; »oHber of porieneseuiieiniiioyed i9o were uzieuipioyed freuine olot MoutllB, 1,368418 freon four te six 4mad i136,447 froin osven te tweive This ls oquivaient, 1ro- te1139.6Î2 porsurnu unip)oîîeý or cupation~ for *the otire tweve 97AN WIlITING A BOO0K. MthiiiCeuSe or aBluntallieun. J.-Brya1n ig acietu,-eugegei tntiio f a n t îwork ho b luepubsllîe 4k,1. 'This aa'rk teli eusodxyt'a je dscussioni of tiîutaiisu1 i nr1 partance as ai l itho uenhie unuuii- of 19WC. '1. Bti'uuilias, o.thhirizuil = hemte alukliuuue iît o (uui-ba :aytIs receiceut fjrui thetuFilule of be *11 h uou bliun c nliibigthttu ~fbinoailsindîiig the nitXIfouî -Tiewrk vili aIse vutailîîhl. Je vews regamul iul ie restîts tub Mat Lnupaiget i btigrn;iit% it s - bis ttife, togetrit -bli slC"iuiitconi- Son:s fromeincinent poliuil leaiters Wr Speuiiîîfechii of et tc aurk n ut: -nterestîit cueuuîl cf Mr. Bryailtu Wd the eutbîiistiin tece7tios nu- Uleis te lîcuceil t. decipitun ofthue Unitedtut îeai'- ,Collrt uffiruinc the vlii1Y O f tlite il irrijzahiolt.îte bu (',tlfornrti bu e- -' la Utaih ailh uuisclu ststonet.I lis divided ille irrigation diativbtut *tUte. mluistuultiali' on, the sanie g* Cauitoniiin, iii' tle Wrighit lase strits being grnttlili'îiuae.rIlt Îe«ed thut uewa'lite vili ho giront &# deelsuon te he sa,rk etirrigatiobn 0i9e means ia the ditris htougb- NaWeiqbrn Gaine 1reserve 1q oup -rtsmnarc uegotitLitg for ÏWseetf 200.000 ucreso an inuil WI-. No %Peixlef) luiesîuîblish a big t(suve hintes l'aune, etif3'ich- amonuts hiittmir, i i te agent r1uojOOtt>t. The tract witi bei j,ýtb mire autij.î,tîhhimsas etfumag- tProportions recîci Iliereon. -J.mlah Coniventioni. 4r uouteuton ot the Nmtoutil w milh aoanu begun ivîtk G. Seioono chair. Aidressos of ~memaie hy muni' promInuent oed by à1rs. Soenton in *uthe objectsand umînr- -, .Wi- for Pysauu. n ['rii etfIllinois teelsteel eppoîntnut te the gp.rmmlsoner et Internai tee- . ong ha %-'llibolIt I s un- tisCrje Seaste mai' net contiinu »Ikuleans In Tsrouble. ýte700 Physiciaien ofCiero- - 1ued te consl' Witt r.lurahithena teo o. a tomthe Utate MIleat #tslr412.1B.The IN]4 qDIAN SERVI[C ESETIMATE- Departmint CaIs feur an. Appropria- tI[on cf 01,290,000. The estîxuetes for the eultIre muian sev- vice for the fiscal year enuiing mune W., 1907, t b le Suhmittod te Cougreas ut tb. opn]iafg et hsession, Cali for un appre- -pi.ulîinoetof$7,.210000 ln round ttilllieri This lu $100,000 mtore than the appropria- tion ton theda. rentfiscal i'ear. The un- mcent attoplvd ut the lest Session ut Cou- gross te graducli' abelsh iceutruet Il!- dieu sehools antdlplace ailIt luiursehoois ahsoianbeiytior governuccut centrol- One-haîf oethIe nutuner Oet hutuian puPils are noir cblcudbug ceutrîtet sebiruts, but nliar ste tqîirod ho ho in reguitar goerm- mont gehoels withiu tn-eive nuhbs front te oui o!thie present fut-ni roor. ThL aduiionat otpenitire 1is utîîrhinefeerO- tated tri'the bucreneofet1.000 nuiPils s yean. as estimatcu1llu!the Iîîritanuhîreaul. 0f the totaul esttlfts the dutaileri itemls ot u'xpens sfor the suppiort oet selOtiS anud for the tuiililmeut et treuil' stiîîuibuî tions nwith vutions tribeâ muna oUPt$, 000,000. _ Werk for Financiers W'ashtitgton dtapatunh: During thue latsi ssboiu etCougmisa tcbumreaoiliiE 1-Htsutvoe, o! Minîtesota, itroduced il rosiol ltiou îîroairlini for a liol-i-urlisur O eurr.i(y commuissiont. hi,'ils ternius the 1'rosmittsheul "aponttt ue ciIli. emntinont bu traite, peitical êectnlci'andî baukiug, hotett witithe Conutrloito f Cîirrouîcy" as a commissîiaonî ot experts te effur renîîoudatiîriiîfer nede changea lut *onturîrsuut iiaeiqulte hrui kiug utî cuirreuli' ssei" uand to eourt is recoin- monda) ions te Congrous. Thuila r'solution. il is sai. loua ho 1itssed dîîiiîîg te i'ombug sesionutf ('iugrusu. osPpc-iiliti'bi a'btîa- ethIe fuitI thuît ronsiileniule rhiscuus- Siton u iîs hoîi ouendrd aetuiih urreicy tegipaibon iiithue next Congrs. It it kuosenthtth ie taukiutg and Crrrcnvy Coriuitbee oft he Honte, le whirrthel lI et svule nsotuti outvar~u efottot, asi ont faotüb!3 ipurssed s'iltiiil.,hctîsu th ho ruuîitiee hs'ituvuut tslei t r;llt taeooie lu satfgetlity eurrenu'3 eot As col liug was iictc'iufpisil ii inte tast Sssin, il is con posolet but a urt,îucy ruîntnubsturuî uunîi'heolrokoi lîpon n-ith tacot. eeerctaly authue prospetof o! tI-i ile fluancict leghilalion ta soîcetebal e- moto. wVill Denai u ffragle. Vtie K-i_ ula 81-kitai Suffrage Auoiia- iin anuorrueaihut lthe iîrliitel of K mi' uils htave grosen tir,,d o!ftegguuug tiuî-i or tuit iolitteîttotgnîzctiiin for faVi , uîuuut fiat I iey piroposte tae hcoîlur' ut ic -!-.-fuie- uoritnl KÇaisnu poufies. Tb ass.nat uas adopte louttueotuit boit luivii tcin ts hhu-ünec.ftbh, ave iteeruil tmîust b- ixpi.tit. unt fer ail true îuîffrcgis andcur cvcry sif- frage association 1,Ilil aetablo ail iiin her powseorteadu faI oser' cauri.i lte fr iffico aiWho î-efugses tearieciame iîîtafopleu- y un niîerstly un tacetot ofthe ofll u suffhrage taeoven rydiit citizcuenfthlui ne- public, ivitherît regard te aux." Rececptie. t 10 rynut. Vh it dîuurls rtf Denveer cuitof Cotrado. c-ii onu epri sut-hlu aroi-ut ion t ta'ibliuîîu Ju'uiuîgs Bnytti Nov. 24 as tins iuîcu u.iiuatýin buhe Ire 'ut inly t3 he lue tutîrka- Irte ulioiit mratiennut thle ni untoftSita- ion Hl. 'i. T'rttroun the Su. Loisu cil- velIliot. It ta tîreioseriteainie ilil.ii o! national roprîhation anud staniniig. ani te lînut ilbutDoîenveuticoîttoeeetî iit wil sotît hcailvon forces eh uork tor the canipaigu etf1I00. Pions of Fol Snmith Ruassell. Sol Suith hiaulnose ptuîyng su on- gagorîri-tt t Cincinnaiti, îmaude the cli- îioiîuiîolt WMonesiiii' et Iis intetioneu te piit on tue hourda noxt soason "The hlivîrîs, hievilîg fluat tile publie la ready te gel uts c'franittuohe rse ini elepitent phîae et drantatie rejîteseuta- tien. ____ Suiow Troubles the Fsrarr% Farinera ef Nehraska are euuuptaiuling Jitt tihe hoavi' suîîav ill serleîinty iuter- îv1e ilb tohe usking et corn andtiluuci irbout tbasliîtg wtehhabit eoitdelaye( ln Noebraska. This cao cppibes le Senti Dakolta. Northrn Kansuasanti easberi Colorade, taierethbe ano sa'laquile beevi' FinecI fer Inuutinu Carlisle. rJames I!cgiu, oeefethe niembors et ti Covîngîtun. î>:y., cliuîe aWhoe lunp.d ini sittiulîctu lte heiet ofSirtbry Cîar ie, ashvnie narnsod a Itolibibiai meet ing Ibere reeîît2i' nus icci $20 uni caste. 1lis offensewns thue throsviîgo a iighled cigar lu the Secr'etary's face.' Blie» pof Cortacenu. Bugenie Bîil, bishop ot Cataugena, i!2u Nov. 8 lu Barrumîîluullq, Colomini. wher lie bai-gene ta lui' bhe corner sfolie et Deir chureli. Bisbop Bidi hbaibeu ll ie for twienti'-five yeaes. lHo Orst meut t that countr' as a alsienati' Ihinti yeai Il c t: uî o PRIS»ONERS L.E"£ A PENITEN- 'rIARY Wfl14 REGRET. tl"Uenut eorLUval Toudm*.' IWashingtoni correspondent s&yi: esident Cievelaiid la cOnniderlig the agneliportionîs et hie anul message Congrea. He oibaheen Inuensnultt- in witb Secretaty Carlile and Post- iaster General Wilson regardin.g the ,ç-pective revenues and expenses et the ;overnmlent, asuireil as the reformes tiie re neeesaiIy te the present monletarY steu, and bis lest annual message te 1ngres ill diacus thoso natters in ltail. &hePresideut mili, as heretc- re, recommnted the retireeutitOf the egsi tender notes Of fthe Governineot, go tto take the (jeverninent 'ont ot the înlng business and inike it IinPossibl' lr specuiters te drain the trensury ot .oId? by means ot an endie.s Chalin Of "eobacis sud Sbermi. notes.,irhicli nuut be 'reissued as fautas they are re- leeiuod. la order te aveld any contulie- on ot the currency it la part ot the eX.ininiatretlen plan te have this redoinP- on ot legal tenders accompiinied by mendînents te the banidng lairs, 10 as to enablo the hanks te Issue a larger vol- ume of.carrency vwblhcb tbey mill hocoin- ouled te redeci lu gold on demand. Whletber the President ili make anY recommendatiens reganding inceaiged revenues le uncertain, but ho w'ili thor- rughb' discus the revenue _qituation andi will deubticas teke occasion te Peint Out thmt theo principal tenson for the falinre of tbe present tariff lair te preduce suffi- *lent revenue lu that it lias been lui ePe- ratloi, durlng a perilod ot great businesi lepressien, when the cotiîtry mais undei tho constant tbreat of a depreciitted Caut Remo Cent shît arkuble filouy Whleh Couacs froua Iuerong Our 55,000,000 BattIe- >p Tema*. E C 3 a c EX-Mayor FPmrt,2s Election we lndlnitely Po*tPOeed. Junst heo elt ition ex-Mlayer. Swart et Sirurîx 'il'. hissa, egrced ltsur- At Ilirtitolru îiîli uunîcî r iii bttht' ca-r otf m it îll* efu'uuh. t! Bri'îu chute-- hoe eletted Soutrt. tailsu re cove tire ver driirai.. N"Ich'tien MKiiuey's t-bott t-ruses.quired ileîo idt-i lteiliuii's friu'u utautei-t ta touuîiind hýl1 of tuia Puit011 S s-nrt. uni iehuetiuucuihured, but tii uîh tvanatier1tuso aveu-lslu guI huit isel f in te rl iîîg. TV ite ebultut agrued. utnri tegulul s- iuug reurve eis ù,rla tirlie Cului 1 rt fuigirhb ovor, mln t bis Oîîîîuîuuîrt I arrl cuin îniînl ta i ie [i irg:liiuio ufr th -brîiii's hbitt tsrtt t ofhbs wastr iii il CO[il to.ý -.O oîuiiitii us titastiot (.x(itin!eit mst hi-t shetghb teiut- cIriloiltiliiS trt erttireri fur ir thiu croutlts' uaîr. ti'aor ES virly .,is ieuth li siîlla, lu nid t.eNe at ffutr istaoff 1 snems n iaitiui _Tne electriî-ni î.Rxt"rtslinehuiso hebf %iiuag totuios 0 u1 t h lrîruuruls tl:n lui tli rîsue il Ntagaraisipowarut luiBruffi unît a fes'Jmintti-5pc-r t irtiglit Sandi I. . IL Ediondsl, eui lut cuinleet o! G onoet F lou-rI rtc Uuuropciy, thirtea saiîî-huin iepoac-er-boise it Niai whls.ntir-ur seil liii le-tr-cir umul î 11.0130 vilti lig h iiig ug nidur i-(kl %ve u u!tY-SÇceolit iles of vire hi, ourartul î f itie BIiituîl, IRuit r--rtt- paiy abire te îîos or ait ho rsi i rin tue steel cars. oranges ltaiscd lit ArIcauusv. Amiorulalge rmusc-il n te ft lu r f S uet Kelleit-rt ru iuiletsth ultif oE1-il Springs. Arl.. oui exhibition iit i grîî ghurie, is îît ru-r ri iug eu uiitoruii' uà! tieul. I t ts îf utvu'age tize, tut iv t uîtuutandiii041 al 1 i:i tîaor te Illut'Iç ancot or a Cnlifoiiîiiui navet. clii bjiseu eli t 1-himastSpîrings bin ber. statm erriea riniud iii Itue rule l a wk. te sîeîi trop O! titi. aîîpiu' s hlaItgrossitanJdle-rs ire bu bluoin. ____ On of the Eieet ors foir BrYen Tlîe 'ittetal coîllît ot Keitlîîcki"5 shtows eeiofthe ileol ors ailIlue c I ocrat. Cash.thue first eetobo n ticket fer MeKituto! uni Hoibart, 2,04voles. Suiti, the uugttu- the Bry'un and Sesecît eiecbecs, lins 79G1. sund defeets Itheaveat II eteelor. NMcKtiiloe Piînaliti' is 258, icg thet tne ighost Voles. LIte PosItIon fou- Mu. Herbert Il lit uniturstoed that Justice Ce 1 theSîîpreune Court ot the Districbtun i uuuic, isaholit te relirenaud tut i ri'r Herhert wil ho givoii theo juîstice Cea reroitli'roclîie the ai 80 yenrs, uni tidr te tan'is otitl retire on lUYai'ut uY tiruo. Iss H Iomard Maurlied. A cahîogiBUlinuneutteeos tuut 111 ie ikleoaantiras muctried lalUL 1Tîtorsuini' o Walter liirtt. Site f Ibhe ulitiiici brideletfMai'orCarton risodn, et Chicuago, mlien hole s s5 dettu hi' the assassin Preitiergast. 1Catsght Ina uStore.' eOne burgiar tees shot to e uleîlu aoailer %vus moundout and captnto.l 0 ocock Tbursday morniug In Elba, eseg (douity, N. Y., while Ilici' .r isnga.rr's ggcser- esl0r. W.- ý Convîcta Who Have a Gee Ti Iua. A Noir York dlspatch gays: The Kixge COUîtty Peuiteittiari', lu whleb muni' VetesFelraI prisoneri are i'ncareer- tti tttnug e neputatieli as a mot1- eonince u club. The prisoners conati- oIte tie meucberiship oet he club, and ho keepersattend le sncb mattets as clb attendants usuaiiy do. Convicts are tllioed to receive food frein friends. L'bei' cutuhave cii stores mltb wihltl irepere the tood, sud eau sing a lit Il. iong le theunselves wile cooklng. As a resuit, M88conviets bure a banquet OTOli' lai', and they unake th. air hum mits onelodi' ibile preptarlig il. The dri breai tutu isbed by the prison la used te staff ducks and turkei'5 sud the mrater te ucake bot cotice. it nsed te ho lbe mile prisenerli CeUidn't taikte t eacb ether, but nom lbey tlk back te their keopers. If a econvict, for, inatance, doesu't iiks an oer onho anys te bis keepet: "Go seak yotut beai." The black celi bas been aboiabed. Pîunishmnultgs om inflicted hi' inildrehukes and occaionailustanlce@ etsitr1cofuuet If a prisoner la caught lu the set efthrewing semnethilil af a keeper hei' old unover te do If agaîn. The keeperi are expecting au oLder 5001 thut outaido iudeis and doors must 1> left open fÔr ptirposeq et ventilation- WAR SgHjp - TXA8 A FAILIURE, InveabtgtitonflShow$ tist tise LevwIs tissu la Net ScaworîthY. t Thse inquiri' whieb bs preeteding & t Nom XYork nuvi' yard behhi dciosed ddeet tube the eireîintances unuler mhich th, Texas sank et hem dock recentI', if is ta porteul ut Washingtont, bits hroîîgbt t, tigit a tîîrlber shamhliuîg structîtu avoc noss lu the ship. it n-as noted waitb sui prW tohat bbe boiogtciutii7 repertsaofthi siuikbng ofthue Tcexas shuiouted ie oîgit rooru fitti-ul hrouugh the n-uter-bighf deou cloies tus off front the crtjobntug engin( u'oun. Titis led te investigationt, unii bas been foîînd Ibet the bîuikboada 50se cruting the slibp bîto sîî1î;)esed wtel tigit ceupatne iluts are s.) tigbt tb, sptiug nit hire îrî e o! a ibottii canse gi-oct tecgks. Aiîbuîr~gh the ie mu Zinc in separchuîd fronuthIeeîgu tîr hi' a ceutirmutîs buulktruaut sejhout a do( opeioubg, il tuiassooîiti111Mhi' the matf aahicb rulîtaroiund the odgesandiii Irouu the sînuaoft he moet. A novai exp- isa cithorty for tue stctcient Ibat if tl Texas' or-c valve hart brokieulas il il Oul a t son tir e osit s-oîiid au trti' 1ni toundîreit, osa uigtol the faibture eft]t buikîtecus andl doots. BRUIN 700 sLEI'y TO VRUSTL e y is 'y le it e. s t 'y ý h fi ig MI 'h ýIn Y. le a- r ýt- id of :d 're a Ce to ma 1 -- Ldfroiu n Os uq u4 eWIM Haraniguse lik~Cien*. Whill.Luey Parsens gai sppIoAlibtUSATU E-U NSFlOM^t.CO NTf a climax la ui nlncendiaty s àechati , CGINNATI PA8TM O !ARAT! REURN IrON LLOO WITi West ewecittb Street Turner Halil, Oki-45PFO 3OT.EOETC O cage, mhere thoeuiltb sonnai counnem@! atlen etffthe annlversmry ot the banglal t i otegto lw oa erii hne rnsteCtéaiel et the anarchists . as heid Wednes01ay 01 l eiegteiDglt e-IgCagafoafu ar night, she was led frein the stage by Spiritual Emmem-Vemt Au-Id Te@tItO inlu Chcg, EcKinimi's PluvmlIt7 Capt. Wheeler et the Maxwell streot 1po- la thse West DueLtud bY a Supriuo inl",44067. Wlai1o eeeer' teatat lice station. Elh. bad just been cauilo Court Decalens. - Mches 5»5,641 and M Plutlglr Gary, Grinneil, and Oglesby nurdereri 1878 irben ahe fet iC(apt. Veeier's stteuli grasp. Pullilig sw ' freon hlmsae ai Poster W.eds Ont 1Hlm Plocis. jnst about te continu, but waspshi The Lincoln Park Betist engrezatioui Balot la mDetaiL forcibly frein the tage sud later took b ai just meveti mbo the fiuest Below mlii be fonnd the officiai votd~ sont lu tbe andience.. The large crw church ledifices luiCncnnati.l.its Pastet Illunois for [treshdent and (jovetiior at presenitiras enraged nt the liter iltle R it[o. G. R. Robblns, irbe mnuouutced the recent election, wltb the exception et et the police, sud witb cries eo fe* r'-'MOndai' that 119 ueubers et bis ldock Cook <outy, irbere theévote et tilte et wîd'started f6 make a umet. toWsrd bsd mast been drepped freim the cburch wrltlug watt net "ciiuvaased. Barring ?e stage, but ne eue wanted te tak. e Oroie. Previeus te this action the co- whatever changes may homde la the Initiative and the exciternet Socin snh- gregation-1i1hered 791 member5. Dr. rosait of the canvansain C8014 thé eau-ý sided. L. Oliver, et Maysvood, maà the Roblns In speaking et the uatter, asad. mary et the vote la as foliows: irat speaker on the pregrana. Ha m- Orueinbersbipînee rnn cliy...........0.1 lsied the dead anarchists. Parinsailes, down. There were differeuit rexses for Drya ......................... I» Engel, and- Fischer. Herr Most, tbe our action. SoetefethIe members hed terrer of Now Yerk, wau te bave spokela beceme tee worldly, tilers more net ex- Mc1<lntlyo pluralty........ .14.0 actl th chrehmemersthe shuldTanner ........................ "ý4 neit, but bis train had b*en deleyed, mand atyfi hrl oceate hu Altgeld . ............... ........ ïg Mms Parsons' effort iras welcomed ta bave brn. W/e bave Dem gel the meul- 811l the gap. Most srrived aebout il hersbip daien te a spiritua4 basis." Tanner'@ pluralfty .............. 11,188 ro'cieck and spoke unutl miduiglit, hnt Foilowlug is the detailed ebowiiig fer iras unnsually moderato in bis utterances. WRIGHIT LAW 10 VALID. eacb ot the 1(r2 ceenlies lu the State: *Mani' plaîn-clothes detectîves more in tho -Prçoidet.- -Gobretief.-- h ail, constantly on the alert. but witb the Ceutttonailtfy of thse Irrigatlin lle- A e exception et the Parsons incident neo @tite la Uphold. Conntos. KinIer. Bra.T ane.At Id grak xîeot rseesd The Unitcd States Sutîreute Court roui- Adents.-.:8,414 1.%5 8.31 M grea exctemnt ws aruse]. Aexader 2ý74 1770 74 t 1784 n dered an opinion sutainlng the cousti- Bond ... 1.902 1,6633 1.09 .Lm d fflk Thrieadsaun Aid te Crime. tutiouality oftIhe Wright Irrigatlin lair Baelano . 8,110 682 8.018 41 S William P. Haten, chiot et the secret et California and ovîrruiing the deo-ision ittomu .... 1.0W0 2,(W.3 1.034 2.03 iâ service. treasuri' dopartînont. lu hie an- oethIe U nitod States Circuit Court for theBuralhu ... 5,4T4 102 72.3W 1,.138 9 nual report expresses the epînidn that California district, mhich iras .guiiist ltue Carroll .f04 1,490 8,381 1.4S0 ithe distinctive paper lu une for monci' le law's validiti'. The case luin bieh tbhe 'ss . 1946 2.462 1,913 2.M2 ian aid te the erminel ratlier thmans pro- opinion jças reîîdered ir-as that etflbhe 6.790e4,5W 0.7U04,50 ea tectien te the pubhi>b the tact 8'ail Brook Irrigation Couapani'vs. Maria Claut ....» 2.W 0 .18 8.116 that a note prlnted open ipbper King Bradiy. -f t bas etlriieted wide- Csy2,130 2.23 2.107 2.22.1 ing silk thrends (as a iumîner of the besl spread inlereatthIreuglieut the Ifocky Cinaton.: 1861 2.354 1.866 2.5n1 C o l @ &s . . . 4.5 19 3 't4 1 4 .4 9 0 9 1 1 ceunterfeits and ail et the raiset notes Ileuntailimsaîd Pacifie coasi reglons ho- Cook ...219.003 148,918 204.716 102.22k are)lais eepted A a ntajôrity et lu- ceuise ot lis Importance te the materlal lu- (rawfrd. I2.1 2.2342 2175 2.=2 et stances irithent hesiluition. eîvlug te the tercesofe the entire ui helt, sud ila the Cu'hiherianid 1.83 2.(Xia 1.6114 2.002 erroneous impression that the paper usod central Weost and East the suit gained DeKsIb . 2,587110 13808 2.5411 .8 lu hi the goverutuent la nianutacturetl hy a prouulueure through the tact that ex- Douglas ...2,00 2.0113 2,6W0 2.037 resecret procesand canuot ho c.ouater-Ireien ario fmse counsel who DitPage ... 4,121 J.176 4.013 1.571 lefeted. IHo has aise hocoine conviutred argued lte case betoro the Sîtpreiue Edgards. 84 L 1.08 ZStO .07 l-that te introducetion ci siik ie lpaper Cenrt, avbeae decisien huis been awited iingh... 1.81113 2 .943 1.85C2.2,M1 te ens telulsseit !tg wearing qualitti'andI for muntlinîhauviiig been jreiîliîg a *coa- Fayiette ..27W0 36160 . 788,-.73 la thereore respousihie te a degre. for sidorabte jpart of the proeediug, teofetFordikiu .2.70 1 f 2. 32 1 .180 r- il hr to ____the court. Justice 1'ockharn dliîvered Fulton ... .1-A 5.942 o.183 5ff C tizads * u~ Greene . :: 1 = ,a100 2.3r2 3»T11 Le- The frtdâhin aKnssbizad the tiquai cuistoîlilofc 1, rundv ..3.*238 2:42117 31,227 2,038 est rssal ds et * frnt bizzargd hedii lit renad the oîiiî ieiîotwthibh te Hnniblîra. .711 2.44r- 1.741s 2.390 ue n the Colorade bottier, whero the body cot hased ilscitîiî, but sInîîîiv ai- Hauok. 4.241 4,570 4.277 4,49W0 it cf.1. N Murn n asfonou ut asueir teiue it lbail deebîtdIenttiu lî aîlt 7>14.) Sm> -..0 Lw i tofJ.N. Moal ws fuld ilIl no- o pho hHdier. 1.756 1 929 1. lff40 'p drift.le liaiti eideutl llist lis w n 'l a-. Tire implortanuce of thi eirstuîn hi nry . 67 2.903 0,090 2.1110 Ir' tihe îight cnd btormi, ajît. titally, lîruîng 1net eoliftttil te lte state oftC(' Her tioura. ,2) 1ria 521 3. ZA 'y oo c Iiehores so gr ,but affecté; the irrigation iterests o! the Jcl'*" - -- - .879 8.1.> .015 8542 th waogoin hîsobox. h shirrbehind 1 r suljasur ... 1.87 2.-824 .).a 2.w22 id th sagni tiro î.ui-tiiiregioui, mnn of t he je ter.o... 251ê .U59 2,5t* .34 rit-_______Senti-fi of! li h aveo ui1ted the latî. Jersey .a.. l1i;37 2.345 .1Jl 2.341 as "Btlaniche"Kennedy 8het. The case ill>é, juvoivoîl te.îrnd coi-.ti- Jo 3vis .!>e.44 2.*;eblt 3. -MC 2.=2 "B an h " en e ya e l*i Joh nson ... . 023 1,418 2,029 1.406 or Bnei'lcrti. vi-îowsn man tutiroîtaiqulertioun ofîthe iiigt of taxautin Ballt.. . .17,0 4,616 10.750 6.200 ter nt "-liba ns rtî,t tu-iee îiîd rotlîcet su ad tib0 akiîig of privctue îrorînîwitb- Ksî,ikeer. . r 4 1 2,.5 414 2.319 gh $18111 I' cash nauit siîîte arti tiable diami ns cuut due Iiruirers of la s. Nlt.o! the eire-iýý-eKta . .57 .70 2:1= .743 -Ilitthie douir of bis ali;rtirientu l-rilny 1liuonuut lare iir -x3 u...1..0 4, 170 it, nîomniuig. lci itlfil.bt1, Ien- suaes n hi1.h areafforied tii'the ec îrrun La 34,11e. .li 7. 8.11_i11344 8.124 algeroîisly' hart. Kenntedytid iiinolt boldi ,Lairt ne .3.1 1.143 1.9ow1 1.924 I iishnsneqikiuhad theblos W .T 1. AI'TIIUTHE TUi4K. Lee. - . 7 2.46A4,4717 2.40 vebshiusu 1îc iog he aos .viugtoc5r,436 4,445 5.411 8.97* ho W~ftit-u. _____ Mssge rutte ieclscI- WntLogant .... 3423 8, 8,430 3.387 lit %-ur fre. Mssgeorrt e Cevlad -Wat icl)eur igh 4.M36 3.678 4,«M25 3,5(0 Crazed hy n Faith1ee . wj~ Fatiiofstien for Ifarpruoet Outrages. McHenry... 5.07 .b13 4,W12 1.9161 John F1-r, a n i-to-rie fariner living h . .TDuiiait:icuîOi6it'La . 994 0232 9.824 6.232 eit 'ruîîiiu. u-tr Siiuutiiisîi, . Wnuh., ut St. Louius. basînt tie fuliringiîmgte- Macon .1.21 474d 6.171 4.611 %vi,," mné ws b tté-élscver sgetu 1Vresiiieut Cle-velaund;: The 'W.t- Macoipl... 4.970 45..574 4.08 _35.511 wluut ~iiîtses releutb: hlî uu-rie)_sgeMadisoîn.. 7.40 0.210 7.872 6188 er of lis wif's builityi'. trriet bis bouge muta' hristian Trîîîperanre inulîîl.buMarie(,..t.. 2.78 8.835 2.8181 .771 nt dcroniiiuld is >.ou1110-utthiitl. 'The natiboînl t i! 'Cîseiu ot îund rep. lMarahall. . .. 2.21)3 1.1418 2.1810 1.86 z, Nvoia 1(ukthetw, roi-lnn hlre (--itii rcuwain lv . iMea. 2,1011)2.407 2.12S 2,30,11 flct uîui eîure trlit îg:1sl MalAieui 100.15hsine . 2,046 Suit) 2.0..3 83.4 lie a u iuvilli ber ilover. Indiignanlut lit te ouutages coCiittoil by MIenard.1.0 Lé41 2.508 1.11.13 2.00 euit the Turkish sortitirs andu ltrlouîonifleéen t Moter. Ilui.10 2.319 3, 10f) 2.2» [ a o irfa lof a Nes. York ',%Tan. oet ur hé.noretdtAiîniic u fell-%.. citizent» Monroe. . 1.44 1 61,51 1.471j 1.61 5 Montgomtery 3.4322 4.117 8..-An 4,07T >i- Wall sut uet ;a s suritriruori anit r.bucked ut H t ii, itse boue utociitit riîerti', Morýtre,. 4. 18 4.276 4.351 4179 uin Fitiîy as-liu it ihieard liunir itîituard V. D. le Ibo extenlt r!of have b. eet r. I plenin-u lotie ..1.711 2.0738 1.731 2.049 îdls NNî4oui nuis wn utu.d iii'I~tedit ilti,. Mhanr- dutu nd iii t..r-iyer. e ltirtt t tgiiiM 0gb 5.210 2.1i:>4 5:198 2.046 s 'éortna ... 10.41.0 110.015 1.8>5 1 I2» is ii sais ou thlcre .ofuilOl i:pi. li ng the dietîui' tliii hs îîluu ue-ututîrre tha n a Perry ... 2.342 2,. 23 i 2.1613 2.3» lieu ut luast $411 ,0<51 TheC exac iti urinuit bun oui r té)essilisuîjthuit euiriuîg ani'iii- Plait .... 2gý.53 i1. 2.5W L 131. ile ilii 1ku'o uî,ie0stîntoiplaces t as ite:111lity vfir t ti,, outra ge.,or tlir(.tuuish- lIlle ..... 1.1115. 32! 1.147 5.=3 ;eit- bigle as $1.50.018). aitent rof .113of thie giilt3 liarlies, t lnd lve asti.... . i.2 1041:1.473 (b5 li ltse'aRsrlaFee ih. ffcieseî u lkx ntc- Pu1îe.î..2 1,151 2.03 1151 MisuiRvei9eoenT t. re.tirîttrîiy îonze tut iutoie-rluuitenaîd;Putnait. 70l 47-t 6918 4415 At (he effec-rtivel, . D.. lietuuu'.uîuiy t 4.îaéAt, ite ittiti3.024 3.074 3013 3,011 Aurit uiamberlinS.iuiD.b-. ni ue ; .Rchltid. 1. 1361 2.057 1, 7(JO 2.Wlt tr fridtho 'risiiiRvean itirs- righît Anrrn iieluttRîre.Sock lilaad 7.= 23 4.403 7.08 483 tuhc i .theaire rriug tîtruui fi r t ha hVo tfuîther urge I~tuthe pr o of ,,nr Saline... 2.6.1 2.2s , 2610 226S .iie Ocr.uii ftikaiwultai ovrim eSchuvier....Uu48 2.3t25 1.1135 2.288 * hi is~ th <-rli"tsientithie river ics tue tO r r luuro ilii i.r.uitiiugluau ti 1.I258 î5L, "1 a1,80 13 etosci lirere fur iflc<-iînor tus coîy yeara. eî b uiu u iîîdlc i urg îely.... 171S." 10 ,OS4 4.(o tiéli inbuTurkoy, whit-iiilasa uigraio ejand a Stark .... 1.6 1 1.0'.» 1.0r21 i) "là till Coin Tler Osso tney. eati f urcnnin-ivlz . St. Clair .. ué. 4)0 8.325 8S851 8.374 Ttî iI u ,.iilO G vrî o utluî î *Stepheiitrun. 4.727 3.767 4.723 8.621 Th lies.ii.l eiiuî l t i eri iursfredW iigTazeet 3. . 703 3.736 8.B15150 3.717 rlurrîte latipeil Fgue et ..Union .... 1.842 2.110le 1,84 2.9741 fin i i inu u\hî Vio.Uitil ir w iti the mjor The l>oitorruic t umiuît tee îlo, hait Vernuilion. . 8.767 3.737 8,732 51(.2 fn partilo f tbhe liuil ticoilluige liais beuitrxe- complloeo îiutiu -it rutu ruts frot aiii -.iiîu * Wababb..i.. t1,;'-) 1124 1:412 1,T714 raloi W arrelgn . t 2l,714 2 . 111 1 ,02.34 tii,. Eugtaiiui. bug thr'follîrwiliut sote:i-urt-- le -ié'-Wayne. .sr 014 2.1m03 8.078 1 e Th ov i547. Deunocrutie i11..I .1115 t 6,0L) .1 9,042 i0.sa41 liounI 14.rIiii. NNtiih lis justl loren moire, 1 Mart,; in î, ).S73: (u.il7.*Wtltlear n. 3,'u27 2.567 8.41. 2.33W ira , 1i455The (oiuiiittep 'as rurçti i-ifrentWb-u)ago. .224 2,440 8.010 2.154 iOf Iýoigîàt tireI:1i cls, lbu us ii î'lioit uof rer 1-% é-%ý0Wo d A7 243 240 2U t ,oçaîl,WeO lmark, ntii-hiiflbhave te be lwcaepr1is eLiglu îu t3,1. Wotun..241 .5 .4 . 'u re -c i3tu inrruur.TheusegIve the Itryau titî,rs 9 ii Ptalus ... 6M,8174597W0 55,041 4t1.858 tl lu Ituruit fruu- iilia cryfa i' tr i,în Big Laundry liPItafor MabrInes. cr i uit 4uPrairie. ini Dauie hr Wur.\is. It ivas ristiîver, W'sliîîigtoîî tîi IDertng Stan VcqinsiscsFotpae. 'J'ieo cxîirinieut n ilib irotried witb four theue N -riîiitriulabuprying 14)ouella oau'h A ictue an mut-teunitvanquishied two carriersr the-i . fur havnr g the totvela of tiereltineocorps Chicago leigtîîen3mmii iu the act et geing 311 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h pu-_______ -ur."i riee istiully1uiîtidfr thia ihroîîgii c vietims poukel 1riday ight w,.rri is-1 unrd.Te ievryr-Charles Fleur, o!f15 llee Islandl ave- i'ors~ icago-..-Caitîe, ulIridiii liee iiiriîd niae d uitssi nh'uie, wbies atoplir Jlrvtirtoe net green 1 lu- inx-Cate co>sîmon te prime, Seer-tryiHeirbeîrt f Ihouri J. hVylie, coul Coîtiresa strectq et 7:20 o'clock. A luir $250 le $550; hogs, shîiçrng giades, chiot rterk of lte quîurtralctrs de- revole icor s thrîîst iito bis face, und bis ®riri1' 93.10te $,5 h-up>atti huc, 20 att o te tmlarinle cerus, possessions avieeit lon the ruai ta, ri,$ te $3.,75; \Irliedt, No. LI red, 70v-e te 14)c; etemnai Séparation nhcîi the roscliarallé- )tI-e,î.N.2 3 e2k;et.N.2 8 Football Gatesc Are Stopped. îienreul. The indivirinal n-as James P'. ot ti O.e r-,, 25c te26e; 3t> le o.0e;.hue, Chancelieor Kbrkiaiud aàtéoltnced te the Watson. e! 92 (Cuilgress Street. Lasti uie chou-e omîciteri', 18c te 20t; eggs, ttesb, Vanîderbilt College studerets ut Naslitilie Fetîruari' Watson, n ita ta a short, aturdye- lU tit0ut.2 ; o a o s, le b s e , 0 o that tiremo ouli ho ce m ore footbal Scot elîman . n-sa bo iel hi'six foopad s. WIe; troîîîacocrn, commn r ed tip te fine gantes on the camtupus unulthte uisordenli' Ho thrasbed lbouî ail, aiid oscored i tres ¶îrusIi, 3cte lec pler Irounui. îroceiings ot Salurdai' ireoinvesti- et thein te thie Dpsplciiitec s treet Station. 1. Indianaipolis- CaIlle, alijîpiDg,30 te gated and the guitti parties punisheul. Since thon he bas alavitys carri a re- vote $.0 uscbl gt 30 e $373;volvot, acd 05013 suspicionls' gneup et Dent 00; hi, onst inuithie.,$0 $7; china BiylezAmerîcan Rails. mnI h tethstnegn i ivz Onu- tiîop coîtnonlelIrlio.$2.013 te $3.313; Li Hug Chang bas sent Andrcw Car- mni h telto îîogn t îvs i th wnti, No. 2, 86c lt, 88e; ecarte No 2 negle au enter for 10,000 ions ot steel tigation. Fridayi uight hoe started te beip b as si-ite, 24e 10 26c; eats, No. 2 ite, _2e rails. Tht% compani' uiîse tecelveta bigrotf Fient fr0111 bu prediccnioîut, und tbe t (if te 23e. o ruc mJalian. llaro , tn bhort fic. Watson gave chose, and,, 217,- St. Lotl-Cattlo, $3,00te $7).23; boga, ofr is, e r e tebciser in levet thebandits hattriami opened r. on: itley $3.013 te $375; irboul, No. 2, 90c te 92e. ceunr districts for igbî trcffic. . Watson dii net hesitnte, hbut rabl leîîk- corn, No. 2 yeleav, 22e te 24c; cals: ____aimost Iltaothe crins of lb. fig*itlves, and No. 2 ut-ite, 17e te 19c; rye, No. 2, 33e Ansie a faAsk Trealy Changes. then fired point blaîîk et the nelîrest mcan. ce 35c. The London Chronicie'. Rente corre- The teiiom mas oveninorno svlh terrer nu& t. Cincinnat-Cattlo, $250 te $47é; bogie, spondent in assumeut that as a resuit of sank te the ahdeavalk. wbiie bis comte- )X, ot $3.003 te $375; sboep. $2.503 te $3.7à; the Bismarckien disesutes Austria wili Ions disappeered In aun niey. The shoot- e ce-- vtoait, No. 2., 89e te 91c; cern, No. 2 roope a newaaciuse te thte dreihîud tlng atlracted Officer Patrick Lyoua, sud 1

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