Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 20 Nov 1896, p. 4

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110 Spilaa<BU rtnid dte -IlW i user ýla Confinuti te e boume vite ever snd ague. ~' *WoeAiffl. P.Uuuk.f. Dr. OcMîerdiag han gone to perfect himaeif n hie profession. os "a-00» .oeet lbus1yelO. lira. Reury Heise ,ee Badwinl IN O è0044lUine.- istwunglrieutis buire. Mima Aima scbierding visited, relia- ZA!US limBge Owu oit >PLit-tivua n Chicago tiis week. OÂftOU..James Baker came oui front Chicago Z ta vWbisbtparents 1atSunday. je" n t"h Elgin board of tee -ro. Nitmaunnvas n Palatine Fri- ~1 W ~ a ea actye offrings day ta arganîzu a dancing sebool. * l~auem2,90 im a lc- 3,780 John 8'wck has returti dto bis work 26,M Ibn forAn Cieveland, 0., tartiug Snnlday il il%'. ptter ilut veek nlght. eeye.1 go for 22o. There vere reportei sixtY cas4es ef ________________ measu3is n andi around Palatille re- i$ thle e1M n Poitien savellas cently.lsdlermlo) b ~ iua eu4elomjnnted, there Mien Lillie Schultz ceeile csc #~oo4be tIledoub a!terrl lelalainsdistrict No. 2, u a(cceuut o!fueasels -bète e oit orealn a nlgbeuu bilevek. lide1 s tlmootas »alo 01 onge lira. Warren, of Lîbertyvilie, le f%ý XM W*qld furniuh the Goveruluflt visliting at lirs. Hiastings and J. I. - ~ueedlacesoin revenue sudScblrdingas. '#eme tAule make an extra Dr. Black bits returned frons bisjtrip v '~eu o Cogres uMndt»umry, but to KaismazeooMch., and resuuniet hiAs te pey heirpar a~>:~;:<~duties as physîcanl. tAm ,bolbyhei Pat M su "'and Mlarthe, Landwer, oe! aiinigton, ~~~~i wt.oOogeavich the ternf vas vere at lire. Hastings thse l3th nsi. eXtýo élleo upon Or t&ikOti &bout, no- Miena Bertisa Horstuian reiurned bel! aspects$henWoifallitti put n Tburaday nigbt front a twu weueks visi theb eappearenco at the comjing no. among frlends and, relatives in the mjoi n d nobody ulpoce, althaugb Ciy. 4 Our uew pastar of thse M. E. church ueay hope againot their jutigument, Almfutt ngruiatîng biniseli Ato the "11abything snflcientlY aatlsfactOrY gondi gracus of bis littie hock, aud lut" e vy of ncremmng revenue tu settling bie !amllY in tibei naW boo. uiake lie l ngoa!an extra session lUicIe Adrichs Sutherlandi bas been cCongeà unnucesaary, ivill bc aco qute ick of laie and owing to bis lorrasos o!ther ~ extreme *ge bis recovery s doubtf ni. f, -oflmbed. HarunsfhirwR bas reachedth te good old age of 94 m.@ity, *off", aU af tbe sceMurO jeans. *vau an a esimaon ofCosigrusa. Dr. Wadhams, !ormerly of ibis place _________________ bas returneti andi resuned iis practice. War beveen United Statua and oviliibc friand t ti he Wilson hous Spai tano lnge a Mre er aa.Twhere bie bas bis office. Span lna angr ~ee fr aey Misses Emaansd Mnly Flury poouiility; t An a sirang Probablity- aitendedth ie wedditig et Miss Matha mm mntblnk a crtainty- of the near HennngtoChas. Binisoif ut lsarring- futue.. Mch Au tee opinion or the ton Weiesty lit tet. mnt oonmrvtlve mon vbo are passtellins. Sprngood Wvisenut te on the situation n Spai, for t An the Chicago to have anl j>ci>tiofl per- uiisilninbatauttran noeit~rformoil dieti frouithtIe effects. 'l'li sitatin l tht Cunryandnotelteyromains vill bc buried Sunday. tbeeý4. 8. or Cuba, that viii bring Mr. Flber's son William bail hi, ver Af ver really camnes. Officala 0f le« broke tvice below lte knee -in t tisA Sgaerument vho vli talk Mt al on gaueo! foot bal hst liatitiy an lime ubleeot my that they dio not expeot wus talionto Ciicago for cre. 1s do wer~tthyvA5OklaWldgOthaibe Just step in and iweothle loe1 atdmiitation As taking every Preca«- thingi ai 'Ilitzutau lBis., and hov liS nkW be prepred for ver f tdoos nicely youn vishes viii be atteîudjet t cons. The situation lu Spain vbiob by Miss Minis, the lady elerk u icy oompe the Bpaniah Goverument presiding geninsh. toproake vr vib tuA counr Prof1. linyder, of Palatine, big] toprvok varwit tas contr laachoal, ilosea G. Suswyer uund Phiuip Il WV ol! u oW ur afliciala, anti maY bcMather vent tW Obampaigii, Satunda: omImarsdin a few vords. There ta vituess tise football garme bctweel 4f è *#lre. poUiUes!parties n Spin, Northwesierit antiIllinois U iiverNitiem sbeiteo w l hich tee regenla o! the lilasSolmou, O! PalUtinle, bas jui Uoy lngolonbeig thveateatlu sued a niew plue of ntie eutte Boy gbolngbeng he wkeatin'Battery 1)." Tise pleue is a grant jtusbamoendt e tva othersam el. march, dedicated tue iseAfatnyc -,md7dhcuasng the advimablltY o! thse United t taes. For sale at Mesiser' oeabtaiug snd dolng a tile blooti-let- drug store n Palatine. 11 ionmaking a e1ev uerais lu tài qf~uly o<ltheboy king and i n ihose Prosperity ~f i~ lviera ani gvinSpan anev Cornes Only tW thofe viho belli Gen dm1. Tadi. boandf ubvit in arei'selves. lie viso desirtus heailh. wealt -d"t ,egvThetce l 1 ua popbe vboare antihappinesmuatuelu adhal hî abnu*maimoue n blmming the U. 8. vo have led promiie-seeul tel àte& ubom rivoIuiOf. Tht la by about tW be realized, but ve mus a stand souldur te sioulder antiassun Oea. Weyior lannakng a. strong pur- ibeir permnncy. apumi effort Wo umb tee Cuban rebeil-, Good Crop8 -and Good Prues fi .,ton. i ho ils,u heA ioot certain wheat antiother feai productm wi W d, embrscf eeSpush Govurn- put the farmera n comfurtable cincui to 4 meber of he pastances anti enable thens te puy the mesi »W regard a deolereiAn 01 vax debie-if tbuy have any, buy grocerie *ý O.aiuaIthe U. 0. au tee oitiy vay ta clothing, bots ond shoes, furnitnr m sve theïr necksand e «gve ther sub- fuel, anti aubhe otiter it-cessanses auý laé. ego excuse for tee loua o! Cuba. iuxeries of-lhfe. ty<odm Thse Merckesi Will u odnmi ê i~er&ana a rule knowv utile a! the gooda andt botter gods, if tise furinq * W«09 tis country snd imagine neti sellas bis grain et a fir pnîce andi pu, oi1dai 11t» ver conid blnieOânudt t >bis blls pramptly. Cash iAu band e AnirIel waters, but 11mai they eould ables tite counntry menthausi te buy li o.~ 41 g va to termne by eptig Orord- varus more cbeaply from thte ity uS u~!gnorses-cosai ctie; or et tbe ber, anti penutus bhlm te seiA thein oiot»m, rtbey fil, they voulti anly bis austomers for lemts nouley tisau ev, tom. Cuba, andt tst they vouiti rather buto)rs. laiee 1%o the. U. 8. thasi t te liitsr- Thse Former lie da ThAe Key te tl e tIt te mitest t in bis know- counntry'& presperity. To hlmu we lei 1..Of theeitustioD R luîntban for the sasvation -if the reluiblic.1 eemilPreadet Clevelndl W continue titl lesaoeli, and,, vus the bellp o 1dm.ý poiiy a! absolu* netraltty, kînul Providence, produces-ibe resui ~ againthle suntiment a! Cangresa. a which, vhen coined luit> nseney, fur - jýt of uoA!aour pople andti s mority jolisempleyment te coisntless wag 09 Ma 0VDonuCabinet, HRu18As mAt Wbciearnurs throungliet tise Nation. Ih 666tatarel liaIfA theru la ver, Spain bis money vblch supports al cluss absE b repxosibms for i. of people, ricis anti pon, anti grea> theevheels o! commerce ail over tl WIuo to Put Vour AdVertiulng. voriti. Au tee holiday samon approachea 1etd Thie Dollars as they coen ~uerhen. my epee cela ramtheyour possession. "A nimble sixpeul 'meebate ay xPct all frm te asbtter ihan a eow shilling." Xc * adverlling fakir. The holiday aumon the money ln.circttlutiou. Thon the a laibA bervet ure. Hoela progie n 'vli bue no "tighti mouey", no bank fa Sabeies ~ ~urea, no manufactonies lylng idie,i »ob m t rae i alarge proportion trusts, tna monopolies,- nethîug,1 09 th le business vhicb bloaga W the deeti, but the tdruinig over of an hon( nevapapeatheb. nly legitimni dollar for the purpose etfnukAi sdvertiing. medium. Busneess men anoiber bonest daller as a returimu the OrgnlInAveaient. vie adenue u nevpaper kuov le ie h e Rrlroadd otéesonally -ýý JUMat ma they are dotag. Thuy bave ar ofioner--anti visiyeur nelgiheori ali aImaitte assurance liai their an- tovua anti aicb tise business metho, nounemeia re ivunW aceraino!youn friands asti quaintances. iR Ïýr cireaets, whie f ua p tatrneup againsi the unlIghtened people etrolatonwhie i thy ptroizetheepertati anti ieurn taappreuiate t olisru dotgera, etc., ihuy bave no progressive spiri of the prescrit ai W=m tAtteea huebot or poter Xou cen leerii something noveverydi * eelefivo b untreti or even ave sometbAug o! bonefit te joursel!, yc famil tu yor ascates, and it v peaple. Indeedil; lAt he rule vlth fml ujnssc coat mucb money tnacsquint the luif 1em. "lovea W pint barely enougb o! matian. Ilboir publicmaons ta prescrit smang Asti, liieUr, if jeu eau ninee a .the merchants vba rpatronlzes thtein o!your relationsatu visiyenu t Thau S W~a w . s.. -. . j t AIRS. H. B. SIIRRIIAN. Local dfleq. ~ e 14 ILI Il t ri t t e J. S. marnie got bis nov gaslinelI eusgine siaried Mloutiey. It ii a beauty anti e marvel. We hope Mir. Murrie evory suecesn bis nuv ventura. l'aster Harris sulueunces the fsdlow- ilig for nexi Suîsday-servides. Menu- ilig proaching on .'Seaking a Sign Lukeý 11-29. Evening services -Haume Lie sud Duties" 1 Cointhians 7-24. Mrm. harriis will go te Dîxon, Ill, iii uay Fridaji te spendth ie vinter wthbehanmethar. lira. Jeunette. ishe Spsnut a ek lu Wankasha receniiy vitene Mn. BarrusA s ai vork. Amoug tise Chicago visItons the paet wecit vu noticeti lis. Douglas Waitu, mrs. John 'Wasbuiru, lise Mauti Turner anti Meus. Compton, fleungrti, Converse andthie businges men vha nsske ifa veekly trip. GRAVSLAKE SOCIETIES. cvening on or before full moon. A. THowiPaOt..W.MC . SOBOSIS Cha ter, . i D, Order Eastern sJltar meet tiret and third Tuesday even' Mas. A. KAcUGr.T W. Mas. . B. Suavnu. Secy. rGRAYSLAKE Camp No. 1341M. W. A. meet '- irai. aud thîrd tiaturday eveinga of each munth. floRam KAPPLIE. Y. 0. OccotnBacnoo,.Clerk. MtIZPAICamp No. 2Ul. N. sond Iand ourth luesday eveningaeaOhmoni4 as.. W. HÂnRvET. Orauoe Mies. gSzubMAix. fee.t CONGREUATIONAL Church Sunday er- cvices 1*30 s. M. and V7 . ma r armet- ,na W sdiay eveninga. . P. M. . B. meet Siundty eveings at 6:46 P. M. 1 A. D. Buel was in the city Mdnday. E. A. Hlarria visiteti Chicago lent1 Tbiurday.1 Tbompson Bros. receiveti a large1 consignaient of goodu Monday. W. Strows bats put an electii alartu in bis store. Nuw let us have liglits. Little Bessie Strows han been quite ili the peut week but lasbotter et the present wrting. There ls a greut demand for corn hiifkers. Every fermer vanta help. la titis MtcKnley prosperity? * lrs. Chaz. Gaiioway, of Chicago, s thse giteat of ber brother, Wll- Higley. Mr. Oalloway also apent Sunday bere. Mise Elda Gilinore haa again re- tnrnod to Chicago snd ber former position wlieje abcexepecta to romain tiss vnter. M. Wooloy lias soid bis feramtolir. E.Converse, a brother of John Coniverse Who wili taire possession soon. Mesdamies lligiey and Sherrean vent 0 tiste city to the chrysanthemiii .0 shoàw lat week andi report At sote- Sthing grand<. is r. and Mlra. Warren Hook returneti a fron their wedding trip Saturdsy andi d are vi..iting vitis Mr. Hook's relatives u- t Gurnue eat lresent writing. The ladies of tise aid SocietY Wbu, mut ai lira. Feulons lest Tuesday VerY mnuch enjoyedth ie visit. Duing the afte r on tie H enevillu L edies A d vhich vent out o! existence several yeearsa ga anti afvblh ibtere are but a veny ev meutbers lafi preseniedtihe Grayalako Ladies Aid vith ibrue hanti- soune quiits for vblch the nciplenta axitetie a bearty vote e! tisauks. The quilts viii bu dimpoedo!faistoute future entenisiumeut. The.neit meet- ing vili bu boit Dec. 2, aethie bomte e! lins. Leonarti. C REAT SALES Prove tise great maerk aof ood'a Sarsaparila. Hood'a Srsaparius sella becansui sceompl$laasGREAT CURES. Have jour auctonu sale biAlis pnluted at tise IsND.PZNDENT office. These Prices are Stunners. liha Duck Coata forutallj$1.25 ..92 Men's Overale !formallj 50e ....35 Meu's $1.00)anti $1.25 11usd «loves. 50 Meu'ashabes formily$.51.....$100 Mottam $1.010 kui Faits .......65 Ladies' 32.00 3 buokie anctica .$1.50 Ladies' 31 .05 Alsakam .............55 Siiks anti Satina (ail colora anti goti) cbeap ai 50 cents, wilii sel! for a fuv dajsatai............ 3 Luota o! 5c PriPis ai ............ . 3 Chiids' Leggings vertS 300..... ...15 Loi o!fliens Wooi (versblnts vonth $1.50 ai ..... ....- $1.90 The above sacrifice to get room and money for Xmas Goods. F. H. Kuebker's, Brick Store. GRAYSLAKE, iLLINOIS. REAL ESTATE TRAN'SFEYS. PIROM vAUKEOAN DEITUL F N Tomlinson et a] te Cliisapher C 1lW 6 ai n sd 7 blk a3 8 Waukegamt w d.............................a ets H. Tsm baU Fisuand wvie Mattiîu D Jaîuieaots44 3ù finAttS us w % ib t146 il Fn-il1 Il Harper trttus Ao da Svltpter pt i9 bik 53 i9 Waukpgsn w d ............ 41M) utile c Buta andS w to ChaikluY J iIaulîhkt wa W 34 and s Iln uv - slwtM343w d.................... 42,6 F M Tonilinsous t ai ta John C la lots 3o te wls 51 aSenths Waukegau W d... 16 Cots R Leonarî and h ta Ediger B Sirwan Pt h te0bik i1(iraysiake vWtd 1250> Caroline Simit ansi h te Adelaid Innýan i ju b1>k àHighand Park wvd6........7005 Lor,tta A Avs'ry sd h ta F W Ganse et ai i hi ta bk su otii Wsukegsn v d.... 23e Fdwin Uilciîudg sud w ta Christeusa Elofsau lt 14 bik 2 Huons Park aubd lI u 680w d........... Win H Pope et aiteChlinitias A XMoil îouiun4llwd................... 5) Wm E Moss autd w ta Carolne E Little lot tû bk 121 go Waukogsu v d.... 155 Sarahs E Lenox tii Mtilîev .J Bebuuera lot 25 bik 5 Imox ubd n 3345 t w d, sti Jemffl (Mhiard te Davidi (illiierd ndti h of I t 8 bh4uiglan Prk d..1750 alarriagu Lioiits. Chnios asfu;ï ............2 Tisera yl buan oystem aupper ai tbe 1Ivanhoea ourcb Thankagiving evening. A good program lae beiug prepareti anti e cordial invitation is extended te al We coma anti enjoy a pleamant even- Iug. Supper 25 cents. Auctlon sales. The underigued viU oeil ai pubilic auçtian et Louis Schuler'a, eos the olti Taicot arm, iu the village of Hait Day, Bturdhjy, Navember 21, 1896, columienutiug et onu o elock sharp, 28 cholococavaMinunesota cava, milkerb aut apringersaiase, several yenng buils. TisslAupasiively our 1*51 sale tii sessoti. Tgmue op SÀL:-SAx mouise urne ont goati henkable notes beariug 7 pur coul Interenl. No stock remnoveti until setilati' fer. MuLuua & H.ANTITPisîpa,.. W. H. APPLEy, Auctioneer. Kytone Crn Hukers. Io a gr aalteiou. Lergely mnr e ,e vaiue a! coma arop. -Tltrea i a es r Baors -Paver or Enginae. Founteen »"tal um la Lake cootj, givîng per- Because We, know You are one. of the people who buy where their money wiII go the. farthest. We offer for cash: S25 lus. Buckwheat Flour....... ....... 5 gaWi Suow white oul.............. Lamnons per dozon...................... SAIle Grease per box .................... 4 Quamts Craubernies .................. Grey and Black Prints per yard.......... Abrunk Mitts par pair ................. . Judging from lthe many ahlpments made hore Orsyiaku la quite a ahpp> lpoit. There venu aI lest film meloar ofa o!50k ahlppeti oui o! tovn l"a week. A oy goond show- ng for a ovn of Iisaise. J. J. Longahaume&gain vent We Wisconsin utiweu&Ioe elne of tisa fr rafor vbich ho iq agentMesure. Biset.elWsner leoft Tuuudy vith aU! theirbjgouengste m@ke, theAr homea on tee ferme teey purobaseti o! Mir. LongabanUgsoau tinfea&go. The olti vsy o! deUvaering messages by post boy. cozwpared vith thse modem tuiephane, isinuttates the old tetiaoxmethals OS i«braaking' coltis compared, vAIb ter a3momi instantan- eana cure by One Minute Cough Cure. F. B. Loveil, Libertyvillu, sudtfi. C. Rtoberts, Wsuouda The Starligbt brau baud gat ant vlth tbeir instrumentsansdttorob lighta Tuuody nigm tsu renadeti the oititens. Thay are te be ceux- plinientel on the mapid Amprovement tee are makinàg aven nov as tbey are retgrdeti An ibeir prognusu by se many changes asuong tee plejers. We noiouti Bd Rowiing again among them after bis long absence. Davidi Trumbuil. whanasmatie his home vAth John Converse for a number of yeasr, taok bis luaino! mules anti vagon anti utatti ý:ovurlanti for Tennume liai veak. There ho bas s nic. furia on vbich bu viii make bts future home. Hi. many More that ha l& tboiAntvisbhlhm sucoeas ln bis nov home anti trust that the mutd cimats a! Tenu., may havesa henetcle e1teci an bis hueltis. .Theoal u nInnovation in tovu lu shape a! a Obapel car, su ordinsry rail- vay car An vbicb services are being huIt every eveung by Mn. Ruai as- miaI dby 11ev. Harris. lieuday aven- Ang 1ev. S. A. HarrAs a&IBtatie saue bvery convinclug reunarILs on tise s ubjeci af salvetion. Ibis car nsay bu the source o! a great del of good InA our communiiy; at the preauni writlug <Weduesday) s numbur havlng de- claredti ieir intention of seekAug Christ. May the gooti vork go On. E. B. Sherman, GRAYSLA KE, 111 -More About Mrs. Cowlin. Dr. O. B. Howe since somte people bave exprssii>"d u Tutasiut 1ai nt n~f loubi of the coracineso e! tie' trelats ett iaya ndoveti me tio toutimonlals 0of soute a! Dr.Ilîve's u>Yte as proilmaW patients vbie bhave appeereti ln these Clinii eoliuuns anti especiellj those o!flins. lu ofuE- iitise lug, bari, t"oï W. H, CuivAin ansd Miss Pella Stratitu utuise, 8t)atulffl. ,lAver, kitinoeu, bowliu of Woodstock, visene Dr. Hovu, resides. vinais, alti Se-xueal organe. sie States turtiser ibsi Lesth o! SaIs ,isuA eczunsa. eh >lg LisesC ladies bâti Seen «Aven Upit>y saltrseiuii, uss-ald beati, Sl several able physicies as eîtirel i3iasinass apstis, psoriasis e7eoMi btspoleîis invalîide fer many jours <il s(rb huis> ring worm', bn prier taelieginntug ineamemut wvuszosien, aud ail formue a! cuimude iu and tisai under bis manage- aupetmi uothuba a t i msent tiîoy are both nov ansi. e i n mnh bave beeuu for mue taibusa jean MaLM iAND> HupE5FILOV5 N»I lu perfect lsîaith. Tise !ollovAng As cliipi- rnutoed vithjout pain by eio.etid pei framntithe Waaconu Leadier,i vbicb i Cuire goaraniscîl. editonili ii rov sente lgîtoui tIse! DisEAsES Ci' Tum NaavoVr «0 ctase ant i sng Ironstishe Edion Mr. 1Neurnienia, IO0OotOrfitaA Wl F. L. Carn lis beyonti question: gressi ve paralysAs, Iseatiache, nuuriW ..We huard a pariy hene meuntion sesatica Insomulat, OeplpY. oureti I whth a sbatlev o! doubi the ive cures German meihod amnd electroiyuis., ativertiseti iii the Libertyville papen of RiEC5ATISM senIte, articuler, MUe lins. Cov lin sud lia striattot, of Ian, inflarmatcory anti nisaumhe go. Woodstock. We vaut te atate for the pqssîively icurtd by a nev nan mocc beneihio! such ihat vu are îensonalIj fui lînusei. Cure guaranteo& acquiied ithA iMm. anti Mmn. Wm. XR YA P R T Covin ant i vtb tise laher of Musa -A P A A U . Stnatito tanittisai ithin s >uenth Mn. Dr. libye bas a comploteclcii Cevîlu toit ilmacrnth more e! tbe treat- entAit inctuding the cel&bg* ment andi cuire o! bii vile by Dr. licyrolitz Regen ARaj Apparat» .fg Heve iia,s1lameniusediA in he ua'diogrusi.iiY anti Fluanascopie ».luem INDPENI'T. Mr. Covîtu Asesud sud istraien. soldien, wuo, a pnisoner n luAnstenon- TOPLOIt STATIC MACHLINE F0U&M ville anitx aiutcitizen wviose vend la as AND > OLA NISS!C tisvIM zaanti&ai* gooti as tuai (!fuj mnan lu titis or auj Of diagnostic andi opoastive 11M othen coîîuîtv, andti t Ii!Dr. Heve bat meui o te sisi hlm An arrvingla a tout o! guultito olftun .be coîtui net blre! corr-ct <iagntîsis aI anj tisg",a& Élire te nuake uj statensent ni ibeir muecsifiiutreatiieut bothit4i absolutely tu-use,.-Wuuieasla Lenier, atisud rgical. CLUBI FEET sinalghtenod by aurgia ________________operatius (Tenoitmy.) DR. 0. B. HOWE BzusoanoIDES (Piles) tureavitmo lias isado a slandingeffenol$iouhtonru aifunI uperatAon i muet ee, Pereu v ise ii show proof tIsai u delay fron bîlsneas. tesimanial publisheti by bAtre in ibese VAuICaCELE permanenily cured I couimîmuslAsuntiue te the letier, A! auj ucv metiset. case repnrteti. on vhlcb saj bu An tise HYDROt-EIEANI) HEENA cureti Wi future ibrougiàt ibis papen la lu tise eut openaion or tiel&y from bU@isb leRei exagenateti or over dtinuthere I SALIOsIANT TUMOBSand151a b80%g wiAA be an opportiunlty for stuie grevihe, forelgu badies, uceno sceptic ta malte a raise of $1001 Au an bouet etc., memovet by aux*U easy vay, but don't jeu forget Dr. oipenation. - Have eau ptublîis ut vbole lutoifu! DEFaRMTisIES correctet andi bill remankable testimonialeansd bave utnltii remaveti by eiacirolymis. tbem all iruse and uniunpeachabie. Hf ju CONSULTATION Fa"S,à»D>CC,*8 bave been a loîng time sick and vaut DEaTuAL. Ail medicinea, fnrnuisý te gui veil cuill on titis eminerit paients. spucialat. A! joliunjey belug an îOFICEAîIeL a B TATLon Bvxlim AnvalitI siay avaiy, Iut stop rnniiertag Hauaa Sunda oni ls .l n p th g A A u y b ît i ct n l n th . C a l! e a rly fo r to -d ay -vIII ne goti.dawu ega us.> (Addtres veel Murphy Block, WolMSk, in. AUCTION ISALE. N. IB, Dr. Hav. e lABly51 Theise sftdrsig ed aving qnitîîPatronage O!fibm se Who have sauw 4 ) lrmig wll.ellet uble aleton cure elaehere ithout auca b lsrin wilsaI i ubieaucteuon doua net expeelth1ose vho "6 te L. C. Bitta, tarit, mile veat tof vifn hfadsa lterpyi Sveusebuilboue ad'3uthc Weiilo eu anhl banrdelifoef. - o! GrayelîkIt An tAietevu n3oFerernont, -e 3111O imfrreif Wuduesslay, Novenîbur 25, 18926, cous- uuecin ai10 clok s. ns. iIumntis lieciiug u 0lese"Dprpei "'oh F. A R r c3 coýl(wiu, sribeg roer miltynua il. B 13eterCas,,5 Npiijeirsvmhort., uns,,t jeas 6<1,mar 8 ean oli, usit, git colt, brootimure 7 jears elti, 5 mlittsu, 8 dozen chiiees, Iluckeje dilul, Osisorie self bii ter, Champion iutowir, flig diteltutan sulky plow, sullky cultivators, balf intereusi il i dat pusiveni zen, Iigbi sping wagu, tIâmsunftt ilieltvator, ipair tof lbobs, net, jof.#rags, power jimck, cuiter, lumber vagen,' pair iruckm, cannaàge nenrIÉ new, Smuiiiy feeticuntier, feuil gninder. iQulsle andîl sigla bLneuss, 13 milk cane. 1800 bsslslwhvite onis, 963 busibela ryo, 50 bnisselis hunganian, 10 issus hlugimtusliasj, 10 tous tiinobly bay, 10 acres cern n sabock. 60 Istusisî polaines, marbla top Conteur tabsle, extenion table, imauy etlIen articles tue nuunerotia W mention. 'TUEBS 0, Cazx--4lAi ul $ ! 10 sud Marbie sud EVF I Men's Overcoats $4.98 up Boys' Overcoats 2.48 up Ladies' Jackets 2.98 up Alil Goods up to date in StYle.,iîo F. D. BATTERSHALL. Grayslake - - - - - IInI For High' ,Grade BrICYCLES AND JEW ELRY*", BY Bu yhIig 'lhui - mm ?ë

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