Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 20 Nov 1896, p. 8

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THANKSOIVIN'G AT HOME. 0, t'a early ln the morula' tbat a taller must be naIln,' Thaaksgllfa' Day, 3k. Chrstmnas turne, lt odrappetîzin', Thaj pumkln pies are baklu' an' thaeider foi'frear. ' ~Thero's pilies an' plies ' cooklen, au' there's doaghnttilil you're dlsay, Ther' mounds a' mnaude of jelly. au' there's biscuits hrowne4l an' llght. Ail the mnorini' ln the kîtchen motber's beau mont awful busy, O, Yeu bat I'n iglhty tbnnkful that 1 owu Two lonely, soleai turkeys, soie survlvoi'5 of the Dock, Umm MAre a-struttin' round the yard wth a klnd ' auxions air. brilliits. The rnrticles tung hie face The sort o' sudden absence of their friands likae elfin erronsa. Hi@ tentures wcra la Qulte a abock, tneat ii.kl yaieohtat A' they're searchî' fer theîr late lament- teue and rbi cd. In9ebutiwihot d and,1 Witla apreadin' talle sud featbers fluffe i aitetît, mnddeniîîg pain. He passeti the their quest tiiey keep pursuin'. colored ti oau soe n 'opd Thay don't suspect thaîr fate wlll be the Rdvoe adren torabe ofd sppoti othors'gîooniy lot. u t on ircd tihe, ank.Ti m he ose but 0 igh They notice how w're fusain'a'tywo.prcdtenk.Tupolabthm der wbat w'ra doa'. seemcd shndows, the souud of their voices 0. yen bet lin righty thankful'tbflt a tur- legun wny. Dirnly ha remembereti a kay .1 &mneflt prescription for anuopinte bucliati tsetifor The foi they kan' arrivin' brîxornîn' o'er hftdaches like that. Fîîmbliug lu bis Bluff unclea shaka my bandutIl the boues tpoeh. oniteppradetrt begîn te crack. ethî.Ltore. e ubr fpwdr, Girl cousina shyiy kisa me-Jas' exactly what "aatrc b ibru odr, lin ater- ha said to the cierk. " don't wat to A' witb promptitude gt it hnfglk ohrgtigteBufn fe. i gsyly klesa'cmu back ohrgetn h'tufs tc. But one of theum, the faîret mai of ailtrny The clerk heatnted. fair relations., -e- "Nonsense," saiti the man. "I'm per- To steel îny heurt by wtchl' arts norne feetly îamiinr wîîb the use ot it. Giva how she doea contui va, Whie ln lier eye, reati a tale beyond rny me one of them now iith a glass of X xpectstioiis. wter."' , yDu bet I'm mlghty thanktul-ifigbtY Then he want into the struet agaiu witb thaukul-Ini sAve.the packet of powdcrs lu isp~ocket, *and alrendy the mre tnking of the drug had A COWARDb somewbnt soothet i hm. Ha taIt bushed; is mind aeemed te cler and liftit e TuANKu OI'u-IVIiN . iuto a curions, imprsonal attitude. As ho tiaiketi ho tound him@eît quite milling at hert B t t cotemplate caimly the sodtien pain nt Ha was nta adint m han t.Buhis heirt, the mttr hopelessnesa andi use-, the very qualities wich moveti somo peo- idential iwitb thosa ivhich matie other people consitier hle a bnd citizen, anti, wtb the usual ernphaais of People irbo take the downward viow, a vcry bati citizen. Wbe'i bis wito dieti hA seemeti to aiake witb % sudtien abock ta the issues of lite and the tact of death. lie bati loveti ber witb --l that marvelous dcpth of tender- 6 ausa, ihat inconsistent fervor wie.i umu- *~ turnes 'nderies the weakest naturesî. In the newmus of bis grief he toreswore i aid ways and babils. lHe knew hlm- - strength of rusîstanca lay along the rond of self-exile eo st'augo scenas andtin- familiar taces-that road ireil worn by h restle6a teet of thosa wba fly trointbe 5-". , -- battep within to vage an unequnl struggle ~ ?4" ,,- with the aills wlthout. ' ~ Ha lft i bsiftîle on, made doubîr dear .to hlm hy the sens. i obs, with ie wife's-e S cousin, gava te ber wbat rney hoc ould '4 spare for the cbld's support, promisudte 10. senti more ut regular Itervals, and de- i parteti westward. f More than a year later ha roused lmi- ~ * sef as If tha fingar of tata bati tonchati Imn. lHe rencmbered, with ananguished regret, that haobati falati agin; that for monthe *he hati drittet f rom place to place, bchisef scrcely 4new were or . . remittances for thc boy bad censoti. Ha saw limluaf broken lu strength, in beltb, itspirit. Ha feit snddenly overpowerad wth the consclouancesa of i owu weak- nasa, an4, as a drowvnlng mnan's arma reach %vildly out townrd any illusion of I cout i save hlm. miut racle e Il seemedt tahim that the lovae of him- vatlon hacama ta hlm possible, wharein a littia cldt, trong lu love anti innocence î i ~ - andi faith, sbould lif t th- tainting, fuiling mauhooti ot the min. A passionate ycamning salaud hlm 1te / folti again te bis heart the little tarm, to feal anout bis neck tha clingiug arma, te heas again tbe lispiug words which came te bis weakuned memory like distant éches lu a dreain. Anti thon ha remcem- hereti the day wben tiret the chiid vus laid ln bis arma; ha remembored "Uic thrifl. the wonder, the firat prida of fatlu- -erhood. Thon, ln brokin glimpies, as a lesnesa of bis ifa. With a mokig par» fair landacape la eane between blurs of ristunce the many resolve., ha h mati miat, there came te Mhl m uworiea lni swiftteb bimseit, the efforts te changet oleve succession, of the grawth, the incidents succeediug tailure surgeti upbtmeil of the chilt'. fesv yaars. anduti bli p cucietilu contompîmoa co "I muet go to hlm," whispareti lhe man of himacît. Neyer diti a man holti iself with a gaap, as hae liftetiehl heati from up te more mercilesas smtiuy, mo ln. Ise banda. Ilse face was flusheti, tears jutigmeut. 'steod i n is cyca. Hi& rasolution was abstraction ha nearly feîl ona carriati out wth feverlsh haste, and hao u tirecaichlia1o te tui'nad bis face ta the East. w aoticut h'daout rstaurn 5 5 5 5 C ~ win ow. Hlm vife'. relative ba I lttle excusa for A d sucb a windowl a liglit of met- hlm. Sha hati long cousidered hlne a low bus Il t n-ns deeketi mith hopelusa vagabond. go wheu ha appeareti holiday ns, Iu the veter, ou a plat- suddenly, as trou> the possible, ad, ini terspriggd wtb paraley, reposoti brown bar Opinion, bettar, dead, she vas@flt pre- and crlsp, a roastati pig, wth the retidest Parati la receive blniwth especlal cordial. of apples lu is moîtb. On eaeb aidea lty. The story vas oon tolti. The boy faim, ft turkey, dressati for the aven, lay bad diet mnhe before. Ha lept by is lu 5151. Lobstors, lu tbeir scarlet coult, mother. No on had kuown vhare to ad-. browu quilI with hbasts tuceat under dreas tbe father, vbo was suppoed te daim wlngs te sweflout tbe pitiful littIe bave forgotten le bad -a son, Sha vas breaus, and. divers ,otber resources and re'aly naît imah suaprisetialt the apathy scesqorlas of the cu!ln.mry art lent calor wth whlcb tha fadier filteneti. It vas and augtiveneze ta tha tableau. conistent vith ber estîmate of l@ scbar The 'fan slopped. A tuq feilow, aboui ace.SIe hati no mseans of kuowiag as large as hie ova boy would have beec, thatbs aute wr stunuei. Butth but.ragged aid lrty andti bvanlng, as by vua atoulshed'beyoad emue vbelin luGod's suercy lits own naval voulti ha. lft a ecaiafay, he Inolèteil upon glvlng ed a newspsw r Up toelim andi pipad lu ber money for the expense of Carn ocbrl 11 e is andi burylng the boy. "Buy- a peper, miter, ta help me gîta ibat qulte ail?'lhe kept asklug, sud t'suksglvin' dînuarl thea, abruptîr but quckly, ho saiti: "la Ibis Tbsnkaigiving?" sakudthîe man "Giood-by, Vin geins baek." vithIl. doit surprise. ]We knew that bis hfpe wa» dead;. he "Sure!" gpId the boy. "Don't y' seea dz 'e M the . oevtintof nov that uothiug lay-aut in de vindea'?" romuneti to hlm *telean upon. But ho The minuloakedal athe mdow. He >- theuul4 of othar mtsg. had net notice- It betore. Ha stared al 1.6,tynaL«U-1 t4h. ar prla U th. ehîdren.lqep mit hlm baud lu hie THANKoUaIVING SONNET. tatoes, anti p1oty of bruati anti butter, anti-ah, pickles-" To Gad gîva thauka! 1rom every bill andl "Ah-b, pickles!" ruppntudtihte chiltirun.1 plain "Anti pie--shail It houminc pîe or nppie Theafruits ofautumu coiru the dylug year- J Lc Tha ghost cf llwery aunîîuem hovera near Pie?"lia Bke, As If egrttul for hem shorlteneil relgîî. This question requimeti poutieriîî-, and The barraist of thie yeAr rai-cIres agan- a otfuI Alexantier."ut the G,)riu Thea ie cf lite la luntha atimosphere aynt For titose ta vborn iealîli boldo ber ebalice kuot by saying: "Le'm have bote." <lear, "*HeM, home," sali the man to n boy Andi beallng cornes froin breath of ripenati Who acrambieti for lb. seat nt big right Nom u'er tbe gayiy decorateil tind baud. "When lhere's 6îiiy ane admy in The granarles are flleti tram hase te brin; the carnpsny tha sent of Ionar shoulti ho- Tb« ,i-otit-s3wetl strews tha lesves on averylogtbe" lu comnbat mîlli the ubeamas' raplera dirn, The mnan tonchuti ber hanti renssîîringiy Ant ilicarm thcoîîghoUt cart's acenas or anti turnuatet bis lcft, w'iere ont the littla beamtygrn Th. rtfl alr chant their harvest uamvsboy. Long and ti stuatiieh lookuti hymn. luto the child's face. *'Ha, ton, baadbine eye3ý," bu murîmmup, buils lic kuci mas thuce. Ho remumnberot ithi a catch of the breatb as, for a bripf npproximstuly the ainount. Brushing instaut liseaira eyclids eiosua ant ieh bit past the pieading chili at bl$ fel, ha is hp,) irent nbruply into the r-!stanrqat. Atter At lat, wlcdi eawhcejiti bail cat»n (vo a bni interview wimuatl-e manager ha e- places of pie, oven ta the ai crumb, tbe tured,to the door. man rosle to hlm teet, clùthing at bisechair "Who irquta a Thatnks.-riug diuurr' for support. Ho brmbed ie baud acros ho ïashetTira or thcco voies saiti Me"his eyea. Strange ligbts tianq-util betore cxpiosîvely, but for the rest au incredu- him. crinsoiimaud galti;'lhe air mas popu- loua stare alone respouduti, utîtil ane boy lons mtb nnknowu aliapua, wenviuig iii saiti, oWiy anti reproacbtully: "Ah-b, Blom maxes: aott melotiies sang lu bie Pars g'u-ay! toti're gir l' us guff!" as tro'i Infiuite distances. thciliiîg, unuer- For answor the man ulienedth îe door,1 andte haelidren, mithoile marc ado, cinin-g sily shuffleti past him- AIl aya one, a girl wil an accardion lung tram hem shoulder and the black locks of ltaly straying froin under the ced kerchiaf ou ber heati. She panard mnlh s look of in- quiry. "Doas tde girl coitle?"asakati s boy. "Sbae's a purly gooti tller-for a girl." P"Yes, corne aloug," saidthelb.n, mIlh au affectation of cheerfnlness. "luaa lima lik. Ual. female suffr'age goas." They mare lad hy a grinuing malter ta aprivata dining-rooum mera a long tabla stoti broutieti as mil new-allea ua; anti whla tbe chiltiren ver. taken ta wnsb Ibeir bandes anti faces, the man, vhose headt îrobbed stresl as lae cama in froin thei uter air, tbah lu a glansaifbrandy two of tle poirders tram dia package iu lis pomkel. "Briug usnmu reai ahi Thsnksglvlug din- uer," liaisaldt lathe vamler '"anti plenty af 1, wihtbtoc,00mauy trille. Soma saup anti--saoine lukey--" He panard anti lookeil scchly ait tle chiltiren, vIa canaIt tb. spirit of lis glanes sud aboutati: "Yen, yezi'" "l-es, soe turkay milh crauharry sanuce- '- The i iny uaosboy hmiggcd blmmtif aud Murmimet: "Cramb'rY siuce!" "'And nosa e alopeti oytr," coulin'- mmd theminu, slopping atter the mention ofe-ý eadîellcacy 10 wa'.c11 tle chiltim, wihe shiv@redt wlth eageruess anti punctu- ateti eaeb pause mith approving notis anti mummuring uchoea, "and'noeasieet po- %#a---da tain, riîiug anti falling as wilb tle amell1 ut au invisible sca, "Chiltircu," hin owu value oontid etc- mole anti diaseverati troin bis, "gooti- ulgît. Have you lad a goat ininec?" The vocifarans assaut racalleti bis atmay- iug tancdem. Ha sav bi* guests mulli- plieti am lu s room vallati vith micrors, Belngoai nuceremonians habi4t, tby sbooti not upon tle acter of Ileir goiug anudsoon mare gone. As tle little nena- boy ali dawn tram bis chair tle minulaid s baud ou tle child'a tauglati heat anti h is face widi a lok oi yearung teudemnesa, TIe boy lookati startleti sud hurrleti amay. "Il was a great auccegs," sadth îe min ta' the awalter a'be laid n bill ou lha cash- iar's tcny. Ha ulleret ieiaNvords wyul les- ltallng precision. "'It -- la - lb. - only-goat-thng-I- aver-fdd-iu---my-llfe," andti deu le laugletl aloud. The mater sinileti eompiaisautly; the tup mas larga enaugb la cavaI many ecen- tInduies. Nparly su boni Ilam lia cautlously opan- ed tle dotr anti peepeA inlu "Diti you ring, mir?" ha asketi diplomal.1 lcslly. Theevas no raspousa, anti le vaut awiftly ta thé averteti clair, Ou tle table the cigare ver. uuaoucheti; an. glssireai braudy blid bean takou tram lhe hottl.; everal Bina. vitle pal;er 'wrap- pers lay an tle cltI beiddi.the eptled glas@. Iu the clair, vltl lis banýdeastîlI holding the paper sud !ile heati agaluat the h1gb leasîer biick, mat the.min-but lia spirit bati gone too far on a long quest to ha tralati. ODE TO A GOBBLER. Ail lînll ail hall! oh. rare andi antique bird Tliatisteiy on the venerable trep., ftoiied lit a bail of stepp, the chili winB15 board Moaulag ln mourui linut*-tliinsclegyl No muore the etun will glld they ed cravat. Or chyple on thbv iîîl; For tirna hâth caucLht îiktý* eveli ns the rat Catches the gamy and agile whiskered rat; 'Al u 1W tiîy pruiso ire sing. Gathered i ugon the board. siercne and gaX, Upon Ti iankffgivlug >aY. mi TLY chaste, Idsb drunisticlîs astîiknlg la' t ho air; Tie m-Inas lu sireqat pence fohieti, and., slack lmumcensa eor thy attuBaC. gpungent, race, t-lIling ccc moulaâ -il' ev nly neidy. The ile vîlli fork sud knlte Tliy'Iark nIet anti tY hyIvbuemmIlt ontiiy vo Suffuse woith gmily lu aur revelrY. Andti len, ultlî picastire rilt-, EaI~il dalinorse.ll ieatly t lui ay Ui),ui Tha îkeglivIg Day. vf r'-sil 41. r*cliiÉ- The locully aliamîlilâo rthe 0rtolanl r tiny utitar îiîslcei liaI .fla --.7 Fromnt 'ruwnlooma ta t'alIma -MNary Aîîu. -.," - ,opticed wavlh tbae thae'oudcoeila amers D aeitison-a l lua lal; ite limltud pjlover n,'r eau te thy peer. é,lilde thee a thle elîli'uc sud »met-c The prairie lien ila anil; Thoui art the bird ef f radOni, anyva!. t',pon Thanàksglvlng Day. 'I4ANKSOIVING DAY tIN EUROPE, lakeri Brunîs, Glace', sud "Vronkifi S jFIe s l'AflCicaiflC." A tew y cars 0a0Oane 01 tbp diplomatie ucrpa lu Parîis coipîlimentetil roui" mer- 'au oisit,)ms b3- giviiîg a Tbaîîskgili.g iller. lie msîadtaille alaboralo me- aearuhîes mcgardiiiîg omr namtionial e'1tîtmâ as apmliedta lthebuday anîld ihihil f bis het affure-i amn lalier thimîgs bakuti enus, n-cil thisinue t i- i î'mîrii an d ruzen. The croirninit gl'cry of the fest cvis a pnmmkin Pie. lits eruiat ras ahing- ,y puif paste fîmlly nu iiil tIilk. The î,îuîlukilà mas nies-ey an iimy KIuZO mpon lie pastu. mtil a ialy-iike coli-itcucY baqt made itcling ta thleatter's teh. IThéie û must have imparltid lit,- serret .a tLe inational Pieu, at h ast lu limt', ta ,:î-aoft Lis':ait, toc na litll ;î- i-c-i îown re-tmmateur aîmilmnîim'cd on i litii'placard et ll is cllisbînpiii: 'B n Inlle a la Aiilt-rlcaliic-." lmi Bliim (Lte irawelî-miiill ii, if bla thureli imi S'oiilcr. aiîîi, o Iu llei.. miin, of sofune paincs * tmf ee- mm-at. Ilîc iddlition Is lan orishing nnnumîu!tulent tlu Aniurictlns Iniemiin pîmuia, lc e;i-s, îm iI<î'b tii" unit r iNil I mu falimir sy ire for tle Aiicri--au '*I)mîii mî.Itt a i-b îili r'senmbic Itlic oricil., I ii' imnitteias lime umisel reî.ublces ti.' rame. I orm'igm rui amîranis ;.iîlîtl,iil-wlvus m;jý) mii mni ucig ta Amî"rm-ni <-mier -s' testes, l,îî t Ilir'IransL&i-mm *c cero Ining fi mwoîmrki out firmmml rlmi ith.- mliv- tmia nry. <Ona Bei-h lihc u1sPut ~ - lîmol thu menu, *'Falbe' iair sIevu m-m ner- j ican ta.chlon," Il r,-qîîics s.îl,r-lelmta- tien ta diseoaer-lta t diisof ut s-îured hum-t knoi'n taus as mach raîm11bît 46* mat. A iîmminn of mcallh anti position liv- iug gaîlmcl ncî'îmmnte knowir-îde of la- dinu cocu anti thueirnys il shîiihi le r- rd goule yenmrs ago, inviltd.oome Eiitilesh afii Anieican tcim'îds ta mîlînur andi.atter n littlo prelinminary lainuI of the mcns bis garuiner blidmatie iii ,-miivaling the vegelable, pres'ntel is gueula mii liîîy immature acols auinc'h anti a hait i->ng, boiledti 111teader andid wrved like amîPara- guis' lips îvith a rich creatu druss§ing. An Aincrican preseult onai ilt iffilcuIt lta malîmînin a eIrcumspectgravitY n-heu ihc 't hostelse naked i hm If il as treilo t ai n A-nierica this cocunmai alwAYm sensa Iill thl ilngera, tor lu vicir of Ile mrippiog oacaslie n-astisintily lifting, une at a lime. upon lhem tork, lho hadti a il4inre lber- that'she n-as eathil; it lu time ouly pruper innuer. The Crowniun of tha Veeur: Tm"is is the festival whiwh thei Pilgrim ftllîrs innuguratlu', n-licb Ne-w nglouti bas aninually celebrateti for toi cctmuri-iu,- andi wiiu-lt(honationi has adîptei uni danclioneti as n day of publiec tlmank8sriv- Ing lu Goti. Il exalla the 11011Wî anîl streng'thenslils simured mii tendler ts Il brightcns (bu shaduirs mbiclh have gatheceti il dignilies lmcospî-cily. Il prompts men 1e reacli ont blptul banda ta Ibeir les% ftinate nuiglîbors. Il roumintis usntfesh from wirbnce every gooti gift cornes. if Il seemeil gîod ta oîmr fadhera lu thu midat ofthte hardships of Ibis uuw mociti ta glva public (batiks ta God for blessinga, bow nmch more cunson have me ta folion' their exemple? C Ahmmîdauceof foaodanti clothiug, happy homnes, a trea country nt Pence with aIl fe nationm anti exteuting ils iuieue" throngmont thea oriti, midi marvelously mullipliati applnces for use anti pleas- lire vbicb surpaissthe mildesl droninst of thosa vima first mere_ mored ta set4 spart a day of public llauksgiving anti [praise, are oura s. Wat shaîll1 rentier n- ta tle Lord fraIl Hia banefite tonard me? I wiii taire dia cup af salvatian, anti caîl upon the Dame oi the Lord. Tioklotooth Puddaamt. "TlifIletooth pudding" mas the usiae fai, the Thanksgivlng Pudding of aId coilonial - - days. lit WL. only a manmory of lbe graat progeaitor of that usia m hcI ltheplU. grims lad l.ft at basme lu aId, EngI i TIere vara no'tan pound s al 1 lie tveuty luscious ejrgs, -rle afse i- Dur vas it dampueti wlth c 0e bad uad boma-brewevati e. 'eut Itv. rl---t lahly more eaally digestêd. - Every Day. - > Eveo day la a dsy of thalksglvls for Cîrîsisuas. Tley do nIvrait unlil the crteps hva beau gatbreéd bëfore retrning -- 1thank, for they are lbanktul for every tday's blessiug. 8111il l sa acomnedable t uatain for a nation lu ufficially recognisa tman's dependencre, aud ta ask liq people 10 niulelu a contintbaukslvlng. 1 . dreý

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