Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 11 Dec 1896, p. 4

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the p .office at lAbertyltle. C&TIOti. ou the Elgin board of trade Vau lrM. offerings, 19,260 lute, 8,820 Ibo at 24c, 2,700 Ib M e 1790 lbe st 24je. Buitter last c Ua2slc; one year ago 26c. promnamed John Jkkin vas WMç.rom the Joliet penitentiary ~YsiI*g day mter ninteen years Msuaervitude for the crime o1 liai an. He was thirty wben lie "ed the walla under a lif e sentence murder and since bau seen nOtblng ae progresi of tbis century, bas aoë part in the onward march of Isn.l tact ho ban been dead to wold and ie isttle lazuly Who AX Xebraska. Âkin was a resideut («v Haven, Ili., thirty years ago boonsidered an bonest, upriglil ý. à plot vus laid for the asaina- of one August Steward, and tc i p j' i i p N h 'c GRAYE MRS BLÉAKE LOCAL NEWS. RS. 2. 8. SHBRrNAN. Local ito«. GRAYSAKE OCIEIES. W. Vice Chancellor; Dr. E. V. Harvey, GRAYLAK SOIETES. W. Recorder; Wnc. L. Doolittle, W. Rlhi5NG MUN Lodue No. 115 A. F. & A. M. Treasurer; Fanny Murgatroid, W. saolil regular c.omm unicattons sat urclai Chaplin; C. M. Doolittie, W. ConductOr; ercininu on or beforcc fuil meol. SW M Allen (i. mlirrie, Wi. Sentinel; Eddie A. TîioMPSOo. . SLrvLa.I Druce, W. Guard; S. P. Heise, J. B. rs ltOIS hatc-, U D.On-n satrDConverse andl Wiflis Gardinier. Board StrOSu-e rtatirtT . draty -vanof Managers. This is a new Insurance MaRS. A. BtAttaT. W. o crder, tint it pays ail deatb dlaims in MaRS. E-B. 811aRMAN; sc(!-ii fuill ancd also pays accident dlaims. 0RAYSLAKE Campt No. 1341M. W. A. muet Iuvestigcite and siot for yourselves. trsi and thiril SattirdicY aveninds of c.-acb moth. GonoxKArPi.F. . v. i. CorIoGt BsooKs, Clrk.1 No Hard Times If you buy a M IZPA H Camp No. 2s6 R. N. A. mat-t scccind gaad F armi in Ce ntral Wsconsin MRS.aW.HARVEY tbwle at $5, $10 o r $15 per acre. Mas. SiIEIimÂNn ec. G ood soul, water, roads, sehoals, ÇONGRUATIOAL Cbrci i ay er - churches and plenty of them. ces ie* . ý,1 ,in, and :*c) . payM. tt-t In W aaiY evunnas. P.!S Wood and Clark caunties are not Bunday ev-.nîngs aS6:45 P. m. « A. Sandy Desert." I will go with you, trip ta coat haif R.R. fare, Dr. E. V. HARVEY, 'no expense ta seecauntry while DENTIST. there and fare inakes part pay- L Crwn, ridý an Plte Wrkr meut on lanîd if you buy. I amn - OFFICE HOURS - agent for Lake Couuty. Cail or te 12 A. M. tc , u 8ic P. M. write for niaps, terme, time etc. -Grayslake - .Illinois.' John J. Longabaugh Brc tiuGrayslake Iliinois. thetroks 1 te a"si Akn -Miss Manda Tîsrnt-r spant ScnidLiy iii Wade drunk and put to lied with Antiocli.. FOX LAKE.E NWd wvho vas aoo druuck. Thce Mcrs. Gardinler bas bt-cn (,ilthi?'sick M. L. Gucigc-r wSas lC'hcagco visitor ls rept iu, in the nigbit when list the past week. - -ýTusay. Araéta rea, per. nl........... ..... .45 J li*o men were breathiîîg heavilY Andrew Flary wbo cailaebornie sick >1Lîl Browvn visiteil bis brother ait Mata Tes 2J ni ........... --. -1.4101, drunken stupor and plunged a few weeks aga is atcnost antireiY iveli. 1 uanondo Sunday. ilutathe hceurt of Steward. Akin Aunabel Wbitmora visited in the Mr. .4. Ccrwin trancacted business Iu bè to is stupar to finit is city the past week with tbe iaiiily il i lcagtc Sitirdiy B oots ani ~. denchd wtb boodaniltheber brother Dr. Whitmnore. ý drestruc tio b isanda.he Mrs. Fenlon visiteil several tisyt(if .L Nrlîîbsnla dath aistue eu ofetrcio y bsad-leut sud this week witb bier daiigbtier,1to punh4kloedyaswe. li éh.adl regained bis normal Mrs. Chas. Wightman, of Chicago.11 Bert, the lad wlco bas beau living ~ ho , itlî Mr. D. VanlPattt-n, lait Sunday a u0ioently to realize the aw!ul- Abert Thomnson ls abla to lie ut ibis (tir parts unakîîowai. «! bia position lho -led and for place o! business again, iicb to the i ru iVlu actracIt blie yets ie voied rret 'gratitication of bis many friands18hi-e- ' -M rnkWlo a; ra(tt ~u yarshe aoidd areat royal serenadea ty hicyouug gentleman I&wib te lhe rsiRed a !amily abouts. May bis sbatltw grLw cst adilY friands Mccatay evaniuîg, Dec. 7. -IN as the sun vas begining to John Fiary. eltlest son of Mn. Fhsry rMieu daCc-in, fto lcne, anil *la. ias naturel brilliancy upon bail is wrist badly eut hv a hîlzz sa%% is' ci cie î hsplcwr c>utdlite hoevau discovered, thgt lie was usingad s u iIiîLblctt Atoiccl iîcmsiî tokTed pot bmk, convicted o! the crime work. lie ls wtb johin HertaIlur The Fox Lake Cauiatery Association aient tu prision for lite. His Freinent. ]ncet wtb Mrs. Jamies Atv.e11 Tbursoay Mu came Tbsnksgiving day, and There wil be a bail lictllattersb.ill's Dec. t1. Tuie naxt meeting wil ho held tole with white haïr~ and sunken hall this Friciay evaîciug gircli loy tw ci wtb Mrs. Jauies Baristabla Tbîiraday, a to replace the sturdy manbood of Gayslake young mica. IMcsie De(-. 17. Wh he om*wd On enteriug9 by Lîsk's Quartette orchestra cssistedti jTe xife- tf Mr. D. Riobinson, a M'il *âo yoa.s&go, hie vent book ta bis by a havp roui Cilcago. Evirybody prrtninan u îîmîîrmau of Hatwick, N. a' Crpat Slippers........~ .35 lu ln4ebrwdtswith a glail beurt, iavlted. Y., was sic-k witb rheumatism for ifs-e Ladies Carpet Slippertt-----------0 ~thaconsttution vrcedg Mrs. Katherine Vocsman nantiber alontls. in speakiug o! it, Mr. Joli Lot Shoas al kinils antI sizes > off Ïll Th:s o nxterablesnern youugest bon wili leave fon Iow.a very Riobinson gays -Chamberain', Pain 20%" Discount ou ail mensshtues. th-ia .The r unmst= s soon te make tiheir future bome. Miss Daim is the only tblng that gave ber 1. t h. num er o f jcr i e lstat re M ary Co BSman1 bas ot decided to auy rest ro i pain. For the relief o f ~lMe luhuenamo0f ustce. accompany tbemn. Ben Co8sman il r pain it canuiot lie bout." Maay very rent aud work the fura. bad cases o! rheumatlsm bave beson - VERETT. t viii interest the friands o! Mr. cureil by it. For sale i 50 cents pet ir, laee Doyle llted fnleucs hc Sc iiii- Riel, formerly of rayalaka, but now of bottle hy F. B. LovelI, Liberty ville sud Denver, Colo., to kuow thiat hae bas 0 . C. Rtoberts, Wuuconda. recently embarbeil in the grocery - iMpb B. Bedalond pcnt Bunncay lu oucrr business. He ase vritas that the I OLIS V. ~~~thermometer registered twvo dagneei RLIS .XD«ater, who has be.1n on thoc;1(3k belov zero in bis town ulst v.eek. Dcvgretlyneeverd. n Goveor l~ap~~lited 1m'M.A.lituson caileil ut iRolins Monda),. i»1Ogeter are about to uect a nu-w work several days of this week owing Th-- W. W. Edwards pilaca la not yit rented. ltn tb.lot adolnna t.Patlcks ccube. to a tal roni a cart while riding tou'E'-. c iat lu thuî-siocl houise i-i oceuried. ti lâlaseSoial Club bas begun a serles Mcilenry. Some say lie paid tcn .iv h lLrtcy. of Lake Villa, is-at Siay %%Kd parties. the proeeeds to be used for muctu attention to the girl anti not acnic- Snag Proof Bubber Boots, ArcLiesi qyob fo iner o! the enongh to Lice borse; but wa canniot, Ml.r. M. A.»tftrr-hik Wic stI.a ovîstor aud Feit overs We have the sole agen cy M Mames vill seiceve a valuable prze. voucb for the truth of tbis stateenat. hat '.u-ck. for this town, infringerii o! nanue tir tCGuth. auenterprisins Ch<iago barber. We voudareil what mode Vi. Mcr. audMrs.O'rl--y Hiiirar r -ou(clnàrtratle-mark yl ha procceetel. W apoedo a shop i the aelgbborbood oi Kapplo look so pleaîed snd gouod o, r tuicîri va] y! a nu-w bocy. lt Peul depot . Mr. !iutb is au exler- natured the other dîcy; but nptcu isses lca ah o1aAas !Sn lsd tmacesman. and vI«Igve satisfaction investigation Wonder no Ionger as itL ,Ieead otAMs fSn 'il patrons. Was aul onasceount o! the arrivai cif!' a lcke,. eau--ilon tbcir uuîct bercuMouday. iln r 1 ________________ fine boy et bis home lest Fridity. 'iVa Miv. Gaci. A. (iilhmcire and daughttýr APTAKISIC. congratulate Mr. aud lira. Kalplea înd - Oc-rgi esurevisItons ut Rolins Fniclac. wish that their brighitest bopea 4tiiY ~M. Ed. Katcille,0f Lakc- Vila, bas raatu-ch 3 e ai lsotc Ip. Geo. Weidner apent the llrst lie reallzed. is Wm. Crertinlaoie -and will intive lnae cn-ison 0 f t!heb veok lu Cicago. The Ladies' Aid Society will tacet liseici. be gravel tennis are again busy. with lirs. Lotus nexi Weduesday,' rs.Mn ,lîanl. f Cilui-ugci. liua-s bec-c oil Trimrnt-t Ilat4, 0-e6son bave our section lu tiret Dec. le, on whicb occasion the tibrac- tayîag wti icr scin is -ihe Ill tp linn Os mbape for traveling. quuita that were presc.ted to tîcta wrlthngc. Scps iaE 1~s B. Scbley, lira. Glas anti scciety by the Haineaville Ladies'iAli Mrlcs. Stýi.îiin Bîîych hîucamivil la t01r Matha, tnd Mrs. liieli nud Society vill be stîdli t acction to the W Mr'c an-iai-a.Ean dm. hr- Fctcr :i l vont to Chicago aasu tighest tilidder. Al comae aud put inua t h hirmte c-i ic- inor t dmswhat-r vtesea ..l lâffl Pmn ansd Englewood lately. bld for one or the other of ticesa %i 'The baud boys made up a srprselîeautifuu souvenirs aud lt the sance icst w.u-i-sd't cci-igD-c!. '. tic-r ity 11lkOt e Wy onMinckrbi' !lss. e elp a good ce. lcîgîîilh -igcil- ut the iclscat BlkOtrii goodontJeeThe Grayalmesbotel ucSt.tha p u hum-cif Jis-Ili Litwilen. Ificîj-ng Miss 'i s va-eî-1 te o! niieandlail ai odtime The 'Iysak bo mp gietsonl, hock Lairiis tlîict*--c-nthc hirlcda ancd wLr- royaliy teofte ais s uaddark, veek w... . .. .H. T sud .in R ck-ýltt-rtucîno-ch. )iiîîc-g wccc.ticu- i- nif c-~ uight. Tbey took their ford, Ill.; Arche P. Bohart andiie l1auc-t o!ftît- su-elica. ii-J'opii ccl- E ve ryth i ng aisa witb tbem sud rendered a Genoa, Je. Wis.; F. N. Gaggi, W.,c-n.or.andy and teaucias wune sarved durlicuà * mélootiouai ine style conideriug Scberf suit Ira Slmcîus, of Atitioceb. tiv- i-c-iitu. lcushce hu i tîcoutitîfi maclar Must Go! ffivo-thlrd of the vliole baud vere H. Carpeuter. Milwaukee; C T. Lcring, thoiî %,Lsvr-adcccc. Tipeaw-rei iaiiy tie-iit ud moau te get there. J. Bond, Rl. J. Tlionipson Flaia r nhut ___________Conversie, L. Hl. Eickboif, J. Ai Auces, , ix tLc-.. Manmit ank's utu», b.- acali ta LN RV.Chicago; J. R. Lawrence, G. W. Jouues,: Mn. i.itwiucr tfor tht lk-.ssit ens.-niug ticat lv Our LON GR VE.W. J. Allen, L. E. Mallory antd W. I as s1ccit. ,WUUOili Saner made a business.sud Bernhardt,. Wankegaa; Jocit Mi. ruwi 09sligre trip to to the city reeentiy, Coriiîiek, Artbur Lt-a anti Ge'. Ciîund, rSeul Vcrilitii,1.i ti helîî.ac. cbapîîîdYo I kingr anred a two ilsys vacation lbe-Liîîertyvilla. lîtcis cî, uit 1hics. . .At,.hiiliics cs.saids. î-ghe bui.y holiday season hegins. h îpec cutu îuni utl icris are iiiiiily uitreit ly leiiAL t.m àSrnisO party at George Wlck- session i t attershall' bal last Thlirs- 'i thearli azai Stis i-. pilsaisudacit *01 11'a Bunday evenlug vas an en- day eseiug sud eiected the fol ()% "1g9aliîaýs ienre tiietul. F. B. Lcvii, ( r k as ffaîr. A large crowd spent offiucers for the aîîsuing 3rar. E. B. ic't ii- ud (.C tîmrs ir<vclg in playlng iterestiug Sherman, W. Chancellor; T.J. Grahnc ii la i1G .Rbrs 0s sud liatelîinq ho the munsic fu1r-Srct~ Wh" by atsekTtaklic Baud._________ -*b. Long Grove <reaieryila lian- »ng 15,000lb o!mllk dally. Bothb lt- t Md cbeme are made in thisa factory, E R E PS 04 iewuytihng ln running n good or- 9mu m »rThe only fanît the patrons cin F. D ama *8si thai the psy days are toc, ey peurs . J.tabl aud Joe Schmidt Me bfflg anewglit miii et thia 1W, Tbey are putiing lu e tventy- MIose poer boiler and a large en- Prices onl Holiday Necessities. *0 A~tch sud ii soon ho reedy >oie. Bruxug ou your grain antd i'i»* ad iil,àÎdthe wil gindW HAT W ILI ; ýïWïandïlI, Somd tl ie viignk e o s..................d8d z *uisrprlse la duo to the resnaio! '-Ieet election, buti bere are Cranberries.................... -.071 qt k Us THi vho doubî the reiiabilUty of Ail Stick Candy....................0s cts lb I 1 usHsSc t a. B ibt as it may amil-a d ..............08oklefli iliHs-ah tS G0roveis sometbing that wuas ok n1Cny......... 8cSl jEiT o long ego, anud must surety Baking PoWder............. 10 cts PIS-,TiFl a Sacco". ea o vc aJaaCofe c b f bîldrei s set knieun îd fork andl - »P»BÇ a suboxceasllie Crack Jv ofe............. 1cper lbapoon aiven piatc.c2 thi ie poat-office near geoerai Package Coffee................... 18c per lb Sle iti poahtvl ta voinrv l your relofaive 50 lb of Best Flour................ $115 foraver satLof ý doz--------i.f1 là 8104golug svay or Who i u rce ndscs( ree b1lends Just drop a memoran- 6ut rciks ..... p......t.....-... ,lbe 6"neya"box. vriting VE H V UL IN Forange peetera si ftblig e m e'Ivl do the rest. W A EA F L I EO - ~ sotais, etc. viii hie andunovel) clik...... *kel. -Grove items. Ail Watch Cases Sc t" ihêvy of nova ; andtJ â,favor vbereitems H OaLILsMY LJ JII .ad 'in~ I@ Our ropre. 4- mis b e bo very Gol Penu, Eniblent PP 111le tu lthe contente. Thhnihias, Eniui erlobltog iun x.Cuff Buttons, Embiei C: collât Buttons, Stick Pins, -~ F.- .,à CHRISTMAS ANIN Santa Claus., after arriving at Gi varied and extensive stock of Christma bis headduarters at our store. Useful Presents: Toys, Games, Boal ties, Japanese Gooda, Decraoted Chuut We also wish to announce that we s -on our annual reduction sale, previoui January st. 22lraoces 221raulaedsugar .......$1.q 24ibLigbt C. Sugar........10 251b Buckwbeat Flour .._.. i Sugar Drp Table Syrtup, per gai.. .25. Extra Raisins, per lb... ......... .05 Choice Mixed Candy, per tlb...0e Choice Mixed Nuts,. per 1)........ .10 Li SlbBastCoue.............i.00Li T, lermafls tv're ail ruglct, e'i 2 w saruilit-c gicci. cuit-hl Opeara gua-sc-vs romcc $1.7.7, to.. 'c ddiicg rincg sîiu l cy puu .i ti i Il-dav iAc-lkc- , $3.75, tic - iAiarriclectls ... . Cirviuig Icfst5$2.0o itii, old by me warranted 15 25 Years. -ings, bhar ma. --rs -- 2 - 22.7 thut I 11f t- Banc-y DWcst Berry Spflouîu, Piclei Dhes;. Granite NI0u l i l a tfs. oh DIESCR'IPTION Treato saeBt illesuy sMd sucoe.fuUy by the laMent approved metlioda a&B IO0UNCEMIENTI Dix4 .iof the lunge, heart, throat, ...........__ .....______ ue sbowels Irayslako and lookîng ovar aur SKIiN DXsEAg4s3 eczena. shin gles, ls Goods, has concluded to make caltrhtiuma, scald bead, tetters, pitor lsit capitis, psoriasis uycomis, (hari, -i ltclc) ring wormn, herpes zoster, and ait brinsof cutaneous oks, Plush and Celluloid Novei- 73ruption, blotches, binck haadm, etc., a and Glassware. cured in one month. MOLES AND MPIFUON HAIR siall also imnmediatcly sta 1't i remioved withornt pain by eItxt: -jIylsi s ta tnking account of stock on Cure guarantectd. l)tNEAFi4OF TUF. NEIIt01714 i'TEM Neuristiecnia, loeomotor ataxia, pro. greicive paralyhcc, badach, neurilglma' ticiatica jusfomnia, epiiepsy, cured by In O urGtr'nian niethod andi ulectriysiÀ. 1 oiieycîred by a new and succeefis C rockery. fu roes Cure guarantoed. Departmnent. XIZY APARTUI ampChrn yau ci.' îc'îttit iiîîclcîcliig the eiebruted Mleyrov. hz 1Rcc-tgc.îii Ray Apîcaratmfor anterla Globe ... ...................Radiograpiy iîi icîcsoi c 1>emcn- uhîciuar Laîît<-rrî...... ............P stratiiî. Toi-LOlICSi IIf 'A4iillE FOiiADIC Meaki's o (t igijotiv ad >oprativ(. inâtru- mported Stone ChinawarO. lew tstaa"imt lm luinarrîviug aut a eccrrct duccgicscs iof any dîseaice and Breaîkfacst lûtesc, per ctcoz.......... . 7(jt iîaîr -ucc--,.sfuIi treatiaîît hotlu indical icàniadCîîp ani Salcas. 1fr i-tIl 1 1-' J:T straightt ilc-i hysuriraîci )aeCoratt-d Breakfast Plates, per doc'tX0.foc;craticcîî ('17-nctollny. I)ag.orccted c vps anîd Sancrs lier met . H ii,iiclcE1ýýS <iisiî-îr-d aout Bandi Lain ps Comîpita eN.,. 1 iri rer.11 i n cinfi î icccth l illost casas, or 1 c-iufrîc cuao î-- B ry Se age and t;,macilli Dic...o'.25 tiI Ii i L i: i :it'iciiti.v lirici ley a ii ctj itAI lSAN[, c-irc.i wtb. id Shoes. loit nor dc. iay fro>n i, 1~ 5 OUT IN THE COLD groutils, tircigri bodicc. i--re AND hcfW, i-.,removed y urgieal n-ci.., fui~.~înfr~a~e iciol\; livo îrreected land bjrth r cirýmcab lu Pr"' m rkc r ;:,,u- dloy elc.ic rîlysis. ui-I ci.ccc .'(f"I S9 . t1 i 1ON 11RF AND> ONFi- VI iiiicjlles fitrilibheil MOI. MOTS. iZ' Thea inicc c.îw.i.s~yfS IU, i, 1 v . i, lv 1 In . iltcc2P. ,...cccLg îWiih Pcl f u.i . ri lr t dcy y neyer ati h1. r h t r *dnr 55 i i tiVc-8-11 iiir.i,~ . days. t5.ind inh.iI Ail otbei n ' lck.Xîcc tcki -a. b o5onth MHWK OLUM&C4ii., iiiiii.. 9 -4N l 1r i w sîclicitts uith pu lle cf tbîcsc mv.l havif s ta Fo 'r sale by loe, -1r a ttliiiif- vbinare doing Ilishawaka ali Kiiit \f cil Boot ic t l h w il Il, tIc ci i i of ut h c-r îchy cieaa W aies Goofdyar 151 îjnlt lîIc.rf..ct ici m O jl n hii fr r. tif. 1wir pair ovars... Mr. Peter Nestor lien'sAreties lier 1) air .... oft~ i.icc i>iilim-i s v î t i Men's lFlt (iv rs par pair ..........., of pullib1 r,.Woci.<lit, I li.,.liasc MeriS Foit Boots per fpair .:". I:i. Il gîi Iitlciiitb rliaurnatignm bes hi Scctks fiar pair 5l ti.. iat .t or Y, ai., filtat haliebati cii s I. ¶a!Îtvctc-drncst of tbe tillu cnit l-j5 ieuL a could nu& w pliii i î Il .id ci lii., caan via nst tly D ry oud . ith. r ili iiic i,"f IitJiiMltbolit Stanîdard Prints fpar ycl .. . ... u' i 't l assiiecirit l2 ;e quality Tennis Fliiaui. -l. -i-i-js,-rý i ..î'e-. jilfiu ccîredso!o variety latterîicFast tl ic-ltîclî- i:i ,,~r utiItri-atint ticno Danalsk. par yd .......u2- ic % Ilebha l gntieating ilîstMur ud now ho Heavy Ccctt cu Fliciuci, pcer d . . ., c li,,cll(Allers cufitedIWith iCoate's Thr cil. per dîczccii . fI r iiLii t., ik Wtitiat urcler bis r4 pair h.îkfidSueki. .............2; ikilifi.I trci mîiiît lc n as Ciflîpletely rGood Feather PIl lccws, licr ipair. fc ~îr l II i\ Sic I alci lis Dow in Uahulic Cilir ti -t~lec îicts M I tski: 'lr. Nastcir ac! ail about Ctis mpiur pair .......Iilim 11111.- ciii I huai cure lîy Dr. lii', .lIl- il. iuiv cubera cof a]l, D e p a rt 11 tr iîii hi. amc rd after I nt i *r illi i î.arlceitter by. tricdi.Curf i ýII -siet fdo ,t,)(-k, Ill.-, ct arîcI a tricke of îuuInaI--s i' mr i-c-ansagc v.lîch affecied th. Ii,' i,. lu it sjiî i ! ofliii. body andl ilr -,. s 'r~ icr i-iîlc-c. flanulbeilpleffl illitit ,'.ic!li~.igîc wbin lie îilace hcu i.c' -v ie,f !the- Siiiflcoytai 11p i-lîîc x l b tIi c1()Ct"îr bac, for I ii ccrs -. r- .iiii i -ila lbc- treatmn t icîci . . uc-c -c l u ffeetitîg a I c .ccci-*- Mr.c S r ifiniî vho v..a ticicl'. Ls.I.liluir tic bc-ginulng 1 tiiIiciii., iii i, uti i citl I cî fr fouir yeara bas mitti 1i1- ýitV.iaudfs crc-ted a lcarà for lsI ci ilic4-r (c-ccrge Griffin, or 1c11-,iîk, II. ,Imiii-a îl.acing bis c-s, cit i- ads ut Dr. Howe-asd 1u sic a îuî gîîcctlfoîr uîîy (a ai. Mr. Corset Department iuIic u-, \c,Ilikîsn tohcclredis 1I1 ai ways fi nd comripi ete. ii lti it hai rettitwut is -ie )UR TERMS. yCash. Accounts we doý not care for, eu bisir isrnd ucted for là *u remotiefrnc i.shuintorl. Scicd m.dIîcJ, d,.wîng or plucto., Witb I ~~i an. d'we a n -icce, Paien tbi rmt ise T E S A L .chare.ocir tee iiotdue tili t i. e A P SPLcI lowto Pateau., r ~-I l l i n o i s . e t r - r OPP PATTt-r 01,10,WSSNiISO'5U0. LST NCKBRNO F. BAIRSTOW. Marble

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