Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 18 Dec 1896, p. 6

The following text may have been generated by Optical Character Recognition, with varying degrees of accuracy. Reader beware! -alIttie un Whs told o« tho l LL vrepk's remnqte that uhie had glveir the lcvers-nevft dreausîng that theY weuld -à 4j ~' take advantage of lier trust lu tileul te cut the Gordian kuot lu this discreditable OCCI wa.There was a momnet's pause when %A4i she hid finisbed. "This ls ail yen kno*!" sald Alan, ln - I tbe dry, bard voice which souuded go lit- Dee tic like is own. tdon «'And It did not strike yon that your o - * lirst duty ln the matter was to me -tbat Chic 1 ougbt te have been tol<l at once?" "am very sorry," muirmored Stella. CI "You have no more to say at prescut, The I suppose? Thiere are otlier thingas to be Issue. totiebed on lter-just Dow Molly's affaire dftion mist couic first." cd abc Stella welît witbh hm to Kingscott'S pareil rooi lu the tower. ltalpb ivas inlibd, dredn evidently suffering mnucli pain. but quitte touri disposcd Io give his version of the story ivere1 nt any length that night be required. the ce Bertie was also preseut. lHe lookcd white Lowr Jiand dist.regsed, anîd did flot venture to ait cauise( ,down until is fatiier cîirtly told buîîi te lion i take a chair. Anîd then Italpb was re- the go quested 10 state v. ickî thl He gave liii accot nucbii as bielhadt fly la v. given it beforc, but uot witbout interrup- Grecn *. ~'tion. At one or two points Burtie horst Morgs Ç) forth indignantly: "I knew notbiîîg: I sac,1 ' ~- was not lu leagiie wilî Molly. It ivas îîot wiute 1 v I wo fired the revolver." And last of ail:. parc.l n v'(..~. "Tbcîî wbat wcre you doing ini my fatb- as r.l '~ ' r's study it one ocloeL--jost hefore culti V Molly iveilt -way'." State - iugscott shook lus biead pityiîîgly. "It wbeî l a lpty tbat you shnîîld try to affix 305,(M lamie on me, dear lbey," bue suid. "The was ~~-' ~ ~ only excuse I eau mnake for you is that yleld yoîi are sniffering frein ielîtiions caloscd tory by au over-exrited brain." avera _______"Pruy, what were you dtouîg to lie out cents CHAPTEII XVI- Continucd. "0f Bertie, of course. lsn't his revol- cf your roeii at that hour of the niight!" U0»jy for five minutes, ai present!" sht, ver anywbcrc.about? Huebot me, I tell sid 'loncrieffhte, hi., sou. you, whetBertie accidertdobnotl1iîan bi9 own 10 ad& 6Von may bave beard au ld story yoo, wbutbcr by accident cf flot, I can "tau uncle of mine who made au Say. I think I knocked hii doonu in re- I tory; but it wIIS Casy tii sec that M.\on- Jn aormous fortune lu America mauYy ars turn. "I'm afraid that Mo y-Molly bas crief didi fot lu the least bulieve it. le Svr sig. There was a lawsuit about is eloped witb Hannington. Tfh y were steal- Jbelieved lu Kngscott apq'ir.iitly. and inev money; It has been going on for sorne îng ont hy the door in the tcwcr lwNhen h iînohody chisc. Neitlier îvould lie cred set tiele, and noue oftus tboigt that we camne upoo thein. .civbd a hag; sha Berîlcas staîcuicut that lie knew very butd obould ever benefit by wlîat bie left. Wc was in ber cloak and bat. Bertie uas little about 'Mollys ieut:i1gs witlî Joîhn moluri have gained the case. h suppose tbat h with Ilium-perbaps lbe ment to go tOO: ihîanangton. Matters lîceaiuie worsc w heu at niffllf abal 5000 he a miiîonaircss, lf I ca't say. I Yusbed forîvard st op1 Bertie. in li:isSiati'. self viication, h thereil sucb a word. Wbat do you thluk NMoiiy-and you sec -the resuit." ituirued upon bis oncle and d aselhim 'f tIho ef that. Master Jack? Oh, Jack, l'in 50 Stella sprnng up witb a cry. "Oh. .1 tresu-hery. lce uno su sgtLaYclin' t bc! it ca't bel" suc cxcliaimcd, bas- "There is one tbiîug that 1 bave kept an 8h.strtced ntbet be bndatetening to ber bushanda side. The gray to the ast," said Mîeiîf.wlien Bertie ju bilmi. There vas the loveliest look of joY change in bis face alarmcd ber. "Alan, t was alent. ic spoke uelherately. but and tenderneslu ber eyes. Hanniug- ca't be tru." the tigbtcning of the huies about hi%et( tas betd ber bands. but made no otbcr Slie put bier baud on bis ami, but bie moutb told their own history cf pain. bel1i si li e was groîiing white about the rcpulsed bier, speaking barshly in bis "Do auy of you know this rinug."'.zi 14ML grief. "Was this your secret," lbe said. He held ni> a litile gold ring. witii a al. 'Doye sc.Jak? se en o. I "Wcre you helping my daugbter to briug1 red tone set lu 'brilliants in the center. Wois hopiflg that this would cre truc; disgrace upoo my namne?" *'el's"cciiîd 1-il.'iinh a" 1I &d fnot uînt yon te tbrow yourself "Alano, do't say sncb a crueltbing. I1 acda Knsot i~bddeîy U i iawmy on a child lke NlollY Moncricf fer knew that NIr. Hannin.-ton had net bier- a usdmh. ti~ the ke ef ber trumpery lutile fort une.", I wns îryiug tl uîot au end te it "ov.i'saIbel'oeIfil, i i -Vhy didn't you îîarn me! Wbv ne ides that Moliy ever thouglit cf leav- îockcd dawer in niy stuily." said bis dhint y elltc me tlis bef,rc?" said Jack. ing lis iu this way! Oh, canuot wc stop father, gravcly. "I sipp,.ýe t s easyt vsiaging her bands wu.Idlv lu bis own bier? Catnuot we briug lber 1bauk! sectI.IMoly mut have bt-en ther-. To wthout thinking wbst lbe did- "Oh. Val, "Toe laie." said Alan, grirnly. "If I vou threc ami te ..u î.îlyill 1 telli* bat v if 1 had but kaownr' rouId. h1îvîuld îlot 110w. Moly in no long- bias occurred. Moliv, it sveeni, wiIvl îot "But wbat difference dwes li make?" er a cbild of mine. I bave donc witb ber leave the bouse %ituhout posýegsing ber- Cc,ý. si Lady Val. witb wide-open, unaus- forever. And if Rentie bas belped bier self of bier mother's jewcîs. They woîild (11 pionsees. "I could uot tell you then to dilsgrace berseit in this wa-h have heen bers lu dite course; I hardly pa'" eeause I ws net sure-indeed, 1 did uot will-" blame bier for that. But this s flot ail. %,r kno tlt vihintb lsI ewday. 00 "No, Alan. don't say anything just Sbe bas taken papers, representlng lîrep- 111i know, of course, that NMolly ivo't be able now" SteIlîspea d as she basteued erty te a coasiderable anionut; nd and te toîscb a fartbing cf ber money outil tuo Bertie' sde for the lad's eyes un- money." E eu greîv tiick, and bis% whi( alle la twenty-one, if she marries withont cloýsed vitb abwildere-3 air. bead sank asli spli. "he nê t as ber father'as cousent. As slie la harely "bt1-t? Wbat does it mcm?" selivas safe-ibat shle îîight keep ber a il *ighteen aow, il would hardly suit you to murmured Bertie.. il-gotten gains. But I-1 i votuld soonur e rnrry ber and ivait tbree years lu pover- "Dcn't talk yet" saad Stella, genîly. bave tain lunrny grave Ilan heen olîged sude ty, would it'?" "Do yen feci any pain.? We muet have ta acknewledge that my daughter-my nle(. She ivas startled by the ejaculation that yo taken to yeur roumi wben yon are oly daughter ivas a thief." tell frous Hannington's lips. able te move, aud the doctor ivilI he here (To be continueul.) i "I have ruiîied iaYself for uOtbing-, direclly." G, thea!" bie exclairncd. "I'mi not bort," saitd Bertie, lu a strong- JOAN 0F ARC BEFORE THE KING. uîiî She looked at bis pale face and froîvo- er velue. "'Only a little dazed, I tbink. ___ ingbrossuda ain sspiio beante What was my fatber saying about me? Her Pslth lanlFer Mission Overcomne rai, ereep loto ber mnd. 1 did nt understand--" AUt Obtacles. ri "I neyer kuew tilt to-day that you cared .,yolibadt better bold ycur longue, le OvCl9ia s togta a -for me, Val," lbe said. "If h had knoîn- B il scett, from Ibe concb on wblub ittiie eh, how different lit e would bave been for bs asit lngt, fb mtue a'uderednbarsb gained the eynpatby of the poor about te bth of us! Kiseeume, darliit-iust once; presumnaily by pain. "Yon ean do noZ ber. To tee humble beings, for îvbem a kisa me and tel! me that you love nme, h goed by talking." evcrytblng la dltlulty aud lmposibtl- b'i bav lvc yoî Ilthee eas, ndtred Stella ivas sorry te sec that the lad lty In life, lmaglîsatloen opensl a lhb t bard toi figt it doîvo. Von are the only eowered wben these words werc spoken field wbcre ail dreamis scem credible. thi woman iu the world, as i have often told as tbougb tbcy uontaiued a tbreat. She Tbey belleved the dreani of Jean, and th, yon, that I ever loved!" redouhled ber attentions to hlm, and was lent thelr nid te, -the accounplish.îunemt in She was not-trigbtened hy the boarsely rcwarded prcsently hy finding that, ai- spokea werds, by the rougb enibrace, or tbougb till sick and falot, bie was able ber uriracle. This beip and cofupUIcity lit the man's passion of love and grief-pas- te iv vthofifcut;te, hu-e the peuple sbe was 10 ind evcry- sien sucb as she hadl neyer tbougbit hbu l. that she could he o! no use at tires- wbere on ber rond. The kIng nand tbheii capable of before. .Sbe lifted ber face cnt t10 Kingscott, she uent away frour nobles îa.ceeiled lier bucause suc served thi and aflowed hlmi to press bis ipis to bers the toiver le make inquirica about Molly, their purpose; the pîeuple be.ievcd I lu for one moment cf ringled blissanau and te give any orders thal might be re- lier and lenrt ber strenglbh. 'Iliîs f ronit agoni. Th8u she drew ber face aisay. quircd. tetrtse i iru(etiji-le h "There!" abe sald. "Yes, I love you. Afler a uoîsiderahlc searcb, Stellath rastp!beîndtukgbe ti Jack, witb ailtnîy beart. and h alîîays foîînd a letter addresscd te berseif lu situation ivas cioarl3-, wls theVISi bave loved yoii, sud I have alîvays doue Miolly's reoni. il was short, but cîcar te ho te the cmdoi e artyrtdoii. TheIL mj best, as far as I kut'îvit, for Yoor enougb. poor people gave f roin their poverty tu velfare. I las becatise h love you that1 "As yeu are se determined to prevent buy ber a horse and vestinecuts of ivar, dtat y m r ay live lu regret Sote! marriage 'iîith Jack," wrote Molly, and a aqulre, Jean de Mtz, weii by E' puaîniyowata l is mo egret."8 e me "wc baie tbougbt it hetter te takre mat- te popular euthuslasîii, ciTc'redtu au- "hit means, Val," groauc Hniut ters loto our ou-n bauds,. Jack la iai-ceiîlauy lier wvitlu uîfeîv ulun. Tbey set beavUy, "tbt-allhougb I loycd yo-1iîî org c iba a0aeinterend. ouI for Châtuon, îîhec e ecourt wa mariedbioly lonrief tis orung.We shal net go te Dunkeld or te Perth, oeirl hellMe la onre i Ibis moigo seyoîî ned not look for us there. NWte u5mld mm tatsh l hreinGlsgw îiîb shaîl bc married to-morrew monning. and The way î'a long andi 1uset wilhiIv _______then I ivilI write again. I have iritten danger, but Joan uphîeld thue courage of pu CHAPTEI IIi. te my father, and 1 hope that bie will lot bier .oilipaulia. "l'ear netiliug","aie 41 The houscboid at Torrearnuir bad been bc angry îvth us. Iudeed, 1 wonld nul said; "the Lord God lins eiuseil îîîy f aroused ai dead of îigbt hy noises wbîcb bave taken Iis îvay if yen biadtflot drivun route; îssy brotîters lu par:idis<' guide lu0 were as alarmiîîg as tbey ivere mle- me into il hy trying te coene etivecsme nme ou the îvay;" aîîd lu safcty lbey an-si rions. A cry, n scuffie. sud a pistol abat, and Jack. I an sorny for my father'a followed (as some of the servants de- sake, but not for anytbiug cise. because rlved ai Chinon. Tbcre ueî obstacles go clared) by the sonnd ef bastily retreat- I love Jack better tban aoybody lu th, arone; It waa dlfficult to-obtalu auecesasbi ing fooatepa and carniage wbeels along wuorld." te tic king, jealous§ly guardcd f rom ait 'i * the road, catised rnnch exciternent, and 51e liait algned bier full naine aItbe otlîde Influence by lts favorite Ia th Sil as geoeaiiy Ibougt that the place ed-Mar'y Helen Mlonrief."Trmle.Btasiaflytlcdoa had been enlercd hy bunglars, wlio bad Stella.wasscultoeIte hearthy one sen- were 4peliid, ivails fell befone ber beau disturbed ai their work. This tbeory tne Iwudfo aetkeiIi vrmagie, and one evcnlng the yenng peas- b oras ai irai crnoborated hy the faut that if youliadt not driven me lote Il by tryiug Mr. Moncrief!, on praceding te the 10w- ta corne belveen me and Jack." ant eatered the greal hall wbere, amoll.,t er, fonnd the dooras open, and bis sen Mont she show ber busband tiîs letter, the couriers, dlsgidesed lu a medest in and broiher-in-law lyiug incapactatelo n lwîhiub that accusing sentence serned costumse, etood the king, whem she had i the oo! Kingacot'. ittîng-rosu. Ber- te stand eut witb sncb terrible distinct- neyer seen. Wlthout heoltaîlon se tie vas quite uncousclous; bie seemefi te ness.? Site îvloued et Ils latter uord- waiked etralght 10 -the king, sud, fali- bave been stnnned by a severe how on"tryiag te ceusle betiveen me and Jack." îng onulier kuee, proffered bier requetP the head; sud Kiugacott's lefrm va What wold Alan tbink o! that? Site bond o ha roke, sudavenaatered. - dared net coqs'der; ah.' Ibruat the letter lbs muhgae udaorba i b>' aabete foromie r ndevvr ic, utb'rpcerlinte shw t 0 h.pilea VIT- wae moved, s INOI STÀTÈNWS cb d"art, of cbjeago, toda M OI SIATE NEW afoot trous the roadsvay o! tbe Milwvaukee avenue cable cars. A gnip s'eut arouud flithecurve. G(lart idly ivatcheul il. Sud' DURRENCES OURINO THE denly aneiuig bard batigedili ou the PAST EEK. ose anti lie fei. lu fa t, is 00e ad PAS W EK iluîest bcen nuoved to nme sie o! luis2 __________fuice. le us îited l m ai a fIun itle i-ai' CSSCimeinthe Vhcat Areu-PrrutiflT ""ilnt!smsh thic uait iliat baillubit blusu, tnt 4 bysta iîiers uoivivu'i iît ha t iils the' Ina for Tanner'e Inauuguratbionl euîtsîîkîgiag l tjiUultift(!'gril) cuir thar lnz Woman Horsewhlips a Brutal Jlus.! tlsaged luis inasaul uiulîr:iu.s. lcage Expreauan. The Kiiox Cuity f3Boardl tf Suijervia- ors tiliiaiUtuuiihy fuuvrv'ultIhe' plani of luav- 'ondition of Illinois Vheat. ig îîîî ts reluari' siîuuu'fir rondis.If le Slate iBoardl otAgricutuireliasthis Il it'fotu u't-i'l'. lecluiîuull cil a croi. buleut iin sluiîiuîg thlicon-ihi -ieffto'rt- lii si!.eviut hieî"îtii ry li of Ilinoutis w ulu t 't'he areLa sev'! uuîei'uuhVrs fa'-ii-iing t hon.i -'lh.'restuiitiuu eusf a uti'îreti--etf S i- u-uvent. i-oîî- iti',1tihe' uron,iiîlli-tei-l î lîîît uitibr i with 1 49-5. OueI' tiihiiî ci-i-u hum liiithlu' ut conivîuicVt I:llcîl'sistiOt. n- aîî.l !orty-tiuie thluiisiul iii!iiiitt iii'(J 'l'lets î (uutir-'f theu tociiîJiiei acres ,v-erv'soîîî. ltf tlîlli 58.117 uit' uîau itiî-ustigal iîu'..aloi l irîutl tluîm. Pin the' murthern liî-isi-iui.74,6'47 un if thvu'i tundiilthei'rîîîîli.kiu iihuplan !,'i cntIrai and 1916.3.m)xit tiithlu,'sîîîtieni. lii't. iiisuhlîirt iml t'iai!lhoiioi'uibis ,prit-t', ilelreiituuu atu'i illi-l ui gs LuIca i-i iit ,'t-îu re'lilsalu io in. ed ti, l'-eus.The' iresi'lt cînît- t it-irge 'i. l. Crisî mift'k. uilmal icrrier at ha a 00> lier venuut.- ave'ragze cmiii- il uta t ionIl. (lul-t %' ics retclfor enuthîru uîand ucentraul andîlo4iîl'ercent. seealiîig limiers, île 1îîî1liîtii! tueî'ime,] te uienthîîrti divisui. 'T'he'Ihessail as liftu -sqi'Iiituuîi1illii-sivti sumî'i'e !,iîndi la reîorted l hithefiulloiîVltlg oultiC:jelut is cîiilliti g whii'ii lic uîasarresti'd. Qo, hLogani, SIi'îa mii- SMontguomeîry. lie ul' ivl us4al it t t lit iî'us Iry- tan, Svtiut, ('liiion. i-liugliuii.Mas- iug li siiire uu ulhulii ii-îtls aîuî'rli' ltîiîdeiîh andîl W'hite'. 'T'he uurî-uîofîtetndenîi tofi lit, statouiliî'îuud ii'le'i muuuîi'y cmr ryc i4 ruuiiiu'u'ul hieruvent. vonti- te,litliti'i'l;s fli ;u-îuîs%%ho bl.îits i ls Pdîvhth 181)5. "Tevocrop oui f 18964, aspiiraiouns. 'l'lui iiuui'. iuthlî,ut i rported lte)t'e Stite louri! uftAgri- uîiîiiii.I îi'.tu-il f 5tv'ahiiug liirs lmt une, luas the' 1.1rgust cicr nus"'1 iii tilueluis.i%'lu n !î'î-ur; îuu,'u .lie' iîiuk thluîîfront te wi-th a single sex-ep.tlin-itî 1S79, a uiotlir carieir lit urde ilîr ,tlirîiuî suiîl- an tbe tuotalhyie-il uf tlt' Stitti' u s t-lin,,i ii oi., tImit. M h.5) îiilsI. !le iSISi tht' , lîld 'lu'i -t t tiftlu animal Stite cî-îîiuî- 2!.'1,ill,) liuiu f ll' suveraîge dtl, ite Ililuîîlî ltaitCratugi', Patroîns A lper aire uu ut he 'laigi'st ii lithe buts- ouit I>Iîllitiltry. c,,uu u-uu-luit S1îriul.gflî id. c f thle Siate.fe,uriv fui-i lîîi'-ll. l'h" la-.t Masier "uuiî'îl.ot .liît. ii rage price tliniui he icstale id s 18 u;ili!i-tth L Ml.îllîîl, irgiuîg is î-feat s hier btishei. iii t'Coigr(-is. %%*Qrtliy Siasir W'liho, li Ba 5ere te ett lil is aiituiil r-Isr, La.ii'îîate'ld iourli ,ou JaeroneiiltheStuut' e re, graii' hutrs. rural r, e aýI livry ail îîîisJai-'uii. t î-îuuî . t.o ul lueru liutuînii ruiuteiurile]uiuusiiiisuou s uit ici frîmn thIillinoîisu Situii' iu iiairy ftui rs. 5--t'f'Kiuly rt'îîîrtî'l a gain (il 11, 189)7, afft-r llia ug Su'rI'th t Ventuto 935 îîîî'îîlluîrs fior thlu, cia n. Tie grange bei- -n ît'ut s aind! cuî ii iii'ii ths. lie w-as w iî a sk 1 c-'uîTauinnter tifsappouin t a toi uitni fuir lufe Jhî'i. e1, 1G. frtiir îî,-r, nmeiml,<'m uiof theî'granitge as a menuerîu ofî'rifcu Cii lîhis sellii-tih, li olî'în cîuiiittt. uTeStuiiatîiBordltetllailî>ault)i W arehouse flei du(lr \vaiei, î-î iiîtt,.,u ii a fluru i tti"e îiîusi cmîrie. î humn iort if mlii' S;ia'. i-igli îmile's luh etof li on.luk.iî ireu A t (':lie) lifs Aruie G. l'i'ge'în bas ta:'i t arnui of D>av ll-uuîiidand ou atil 'ila suif initu',4Circuit ('ourît îgii-t w-i uîuiig turlii i ii I iI-îîj.lilluiîi itatu IPr.iJh t.,uunh,ii fin $lt41t uiuliesfor 0f1 i fis i vh a tuti fuil uu f-. l tii i. îu er- r li'iih of hi ll-1. r ; I telm~l ie l ,a t th t rt u ril le o t e r o f tef t .h ut'v t k u ,i up !i s ilia n '. i lit he to i iî. tee :111.1i's i-iuuilik.,--aatelheil)i f .11 u' lit lu)--%it'ui lr- n. lRaîivs.ail]tii Ilouni cf i'î'li'iiii Exineurm. a yoiig a .1.1 Demeuui.y faumich-i ltil iilîît i, r iiii ly iipl aCi iifavuorit'. t ive ha kllhiti-i -lis 'i-Igîi-tu s îrli iglit"n f hairi slu ut. S. i l e a . u- iav~-. in Itkei kîii m Itil -ah-r. Site alit-ges thua!tthe 1,'i el I t 1 l ý o t li ; ii i i ,- t e- 1 : 1 i N ,,u i i b r a t ' - i , î s a l i t io - y îv e r t, n i neillit uuî i iri uit tIi-. lii -I ' t.î ,i' mîlînu i-. A ft'uc uîi.Cu ciiii,. tier hie. î u lf. l-'u i MsAw . the vit it i-:i-t, m% ivure lie %vas cf)t e . n'1t lule%, i-ti.of <un,. -ailt hey aiel îIliie.itui I ail if the-thle i-i nlIle.1 i -l se -r î--îî i, clhiiiwud., ît .Il- Il h lictf!îl.i-Ai--i iis tîuu v l. vi lt tii I lle'ii' fin ti-ali lý,IiA-Iif , n. ils,..f tIi,' llili,.is State o 'ii c'.tii i ameî. iiiuiif-nirJ . liii' mut'-rI i-ui- fis ai.'l dis- iui.ilîtnlmoul fiiifi tîlli..Ilv ' .-lf s 1 ,,ats i i'ilf îui tt2,i3 sine.î'cs ii cile t.>) î.iir aiii . l iii I î til tli' Seit. i. thi liu,'tif t li u-t n-poin, te i ivict f-,r îîîî-n -.îý-iity -,iln i l u-, a 419)12; îî,h-liuilml .1 , i . $391,720.414. tii. i'ariuiil Cci iraItradvi--. lt no f Nov.2-ite sa% lug -i at tggr.-g lite.lit IliI li'a l it-i-i HI)il îusî il nik~uuis tj 2lii0 I:4 tii ilitiai liiilt.48u2 i bis eln stu , ' v.--i-î'ih. Il.- lias lit, rt'l li7. The'i-uu:il C .k 'if teulu. !iîks Ï li i-es living. 'Tht- .1 uuîigî. îles A î 4 tir 1.1 il'G(w) sclntiisfoind,!.$7,7314811): u- Ci -y. ('ltrk îil -iglit tfli'(- ~b- h I. jryniilutt. vi '. 1,l.157.1110îu ter lie dis iiiietst fitueiflirs ol'îuutrecu lllmki.. $6.4r2- l2,iteîî" uuw-'n ct-. i h ututht' Il"'. arc ed.tiI Stit--.botinds t.thüitohuîn ui ijeail.'uuuîh fi-ks.$10 .037i,559'; c'sh lit liiiiil. Tonner'& iaîuiain iT2-c:l) iil reusîîuî-s, $1216,956.iu,- Si Preî.unuiuus fîîr itiheiinauurtiofin oit b13. -viv îuîriiiui'r antheîli'îliur lG'ullii hc igt-- i-l tutu uilhi tIie' 5,-retary (ut italt' uhh irse i'î-ilin' cii.finis ztril Stalit us n uifuirî'îiiitiig thei'si,;,- A- tilfly nt sp1iigti-i . .,i li. ' luihs ti-lu-,'cf llIihur-lui l i,. n ; t. 'n oîîeîît'l lii tti' ('iittet fAnr Vi ul-. -imas liu i-t.'! ii)1,"7, intheî' (ir h1, îgemîuu ts. îî li-h i4 u-arrs iiig n i i iie- -cilt 'otint ,of t( riiiiily Uiiuity. o! lieiiig t:- ve v-irrî"uîuiludî'i' o 1vih tluiie i tuinu'l itiit,ie renlî'r ot i-;xlresis4Meï-- nu take liant.- Mlii o'f thlei'lt a il- hi luit' titi ýu r Nlt 'oh gg Nui Tl h "e ( verioir of yi't lît'il lefI ulsltii.buut .ioIîI'Ij huas say- "itîtîcuks case' it is sluiiîn îy the tt vii-utuîisettiîîî tel iii ý t titinthl tr!-i i tts ti aloipiniai ut .lild à' iluatîgturu cen'îiiiui's suieh' lîltn milith- iis,.iiîir fiunsli' i i lii' he uut;i t teîanul lirgi'ly i .uh'l. iriuu'ttifor lilt:rîtil a livr and 1'.siufft'miigivilli a pt ii g.'iiuruhl piitlîut lias t,î'î'îî rutii'l1-iof1îuîuti isv uasc's frîîmn si u-bb,. J t' parade vusili tii-itir liete- iii. niIiiiu uî îîîfii tsibih3rt-i- i r. andiualu ac, in, :uuigiratioii !riitir aitî11-:1.tllu.1thi' Pol.- hi' -a: ivu.e long. Tht' î'uidiiue agalus: hi Cru'i-uli liilit tht ' 'u', lîg. 'l'u-ii si ' loi- iiiiulias 'iiti ily c'iri-unflstiiitfial. »5h(1 as55 theî ituîr set ftir eiiij)araiI. ua(]uiîtt ihe lias ilahiu3s îintiniaîl bis Liîcei iîî-liusioii tut. Tuu 111,r tuiii hi' tiruiuly Lilî'rî' a re, a ii~ îulîu'r t mîI hi'i h ltlmu-isl bit., uîlltîî' iii licol.lutte' i Citi ii,,,sus; ain liiui ii!ilIis dt lii. i coinl- J; il ut iti' cs:tî'Ii î:-î. 'l'itut- r. il!lîtis iîîute ui.iitv i!iînu. i. ' tulllit Il lu' tu-in 7 T he r-i.8 Ni ii. u s-i Iitîi'uîîh u II ii-fîloî - î. ~-~Ti-i,îin-uiis t'tii t <.i i thuliiini'teti -t o eiigll le,. tîl l i iliil ! ý9 .' m. . î;iui .1 ilas - u iue'lii l:rti t i'rta tnluerh nSitul l1iilnttiii eigifiiu 9.Gn.5'7 iuîuildri-'i lie ctiieli t tliti iii g.l i. ti- lo'N- ry fr".iti'îl lî, stri i dltiitg m'i o t fîhrire , t ih i~icia u is iiihl lii'tt tti f- t l 2lI. î:; haveli ac. uit îhuelt r îmnt lui'lig liiiia tll iîn.: i îî lî ' i nst .liitu tii-ils . se litit i iail il oi'eI l i rtifaii Diverss1%iLgilid. S11',1î.. Iî1t.1aîi'.h44 l iiti,iîsl I:îvesliv et iIl- Au usil NoIatilî-r-uiuiis 11Wuîî u-p ii ii, io'ii1h i trify liiitîtîtt ibrii'dr'ies, .1lk ,aulenul u.i usali.Itu .ils iIlu'îîîînt ilt tui.t1.t01 iniab,î-iilic haoved i uc-ut' faiitslt - i-tî' i - ii . Mh,' . irîsîs x î'î i itihtelft:"Il-mi-di4>hve li l i cr t 41e nvil -Iu tih i.uu. tîîîf iiaiiil, -te 1vit-iiniifir-cfin luyt, hiils rulite uThe L1 to litnger't'euit' îuaîî îîî- Siil -.'. f-;iiîg iv ,rtittest if uuti.u 3 i'liitluu froui euutofthue t-rowvît tijfii il i;I i~il yil o~~hi - î ..îte.nclt. 'Tle culitg ia îîîuaîî, li-r î-Iieks tltî.lîî-îl --lu1I titlil iiîiiiiî-r utf t-o.ililts iii-î'stigat-iI lier î'yus liaziiig î-ifi lic'lii 'i-i." .iiitihe leu i ir.,is ci >e.t4s ig- lii' calîcîl,liuti,'iiiî-i-iig lui ri-ulu i ihi'i- iivs bli'ig4.7414. lus agaiii4t l818iitt oela îvip. Uli a'Id îl,)ai'teit ion i-,vlui-, tli'e fmi i i iay 1, i1SSOi. liiAlunI30,' 1S87. but contiiîîîed bis ot wihipiug if il tutu holt - T'l't tet."5ilf t hue I-ii emsihyi.!of 11- T'ben Ibie girl, c tiig iiiiithle h ut t 'if 4oî;s ic-îii-eu! thiei'eli-iri cof a suiccial ,'oin- flue front iw-agontl hiel. i-Iî-î'lle miiitee hu,'retîufîîe appiiiitteu te investi- î'hiîî fniiosthe driîî'r' s lbantitidliihi l a ie theu lie 'îîlltite sandîl belonî gi uga of the îsb sI mnrc-k hiîuî a l iin-ns, i' tlii a i Culhue o!fl'bysiciii s sud Sun- îitîuîlî!ers. "leu'udt.yoit liki,,liiit, - iil gi'ous. adiiut t 0as plimalesiy deceldii brute ?" itle u îîîunî'îî. Six un st'iil i u'c i iuux tIiat intliuiotl'î t tht' 1University the Issu ithafides-cîuîicu i iii A ,,iiun--nu' o f Ill1inois. Thec'fintusi lspousât o!fbh' sae and sbeîîiliers. u.iuiu bystiaîuleuu :ui uîliatter usas pmît over te thse iîext muetinîg a polîiceman interfered. et theu'lîuard ul iti ur'i. A large ilelega- Etaie News bu Brief, tionifladIuies represeuibing the State hied A pnivate letter confime;îstihelieu s lituaI raiou tf W'oiuiei's Clubs caîie h efone Pea ce At ins noflý'ai4t ii,%vt l I ' il the, tris 'es iit bbe interest of young goete Cuîbaî i joi lte raîuks of thue 'l- useuueuti sInînts and asked for uucreased ý ugntws ild.i ugt aet'onuiiodat ions fuir thiteî. Tietrustees9 sergntsw-askilld leAnglat.tleternuiiueîl 10 necomeund te tue Legisia' Generuit Juan RnIs RIvcon iti;tl ii i Ihuis lIicema. vbo hais, lu apliuli iti'.l t'. su ic-,i'i ( nenat .. .mit lui NI au 't i litt'e i-uinuul of tlhêc l a h I f u r iai h.. l e l .n iii l - - otf P i n ar 1 o, b ii oi'. .il-c.'! il u l t iî y rc î ta t l rî'i'I t' . tlu t i aut ut lii ae c i 1. lie i. il ui-i'rzun o!fît'ley7 eeîj v i S .tiu't--îh,!'d a d ee e. 4î;i r i lIs ir. s as horo Iu 184 1U ,, NIas utl4uz. i'o to iuu'.. ii f tbS.- s a 1î.usi it . rThe son ivAS * t1,-mit iii tIie'iiiîî t rsity ni Batrceloggs itu thle I tr-t " I i îa r coiinit'nced l ',5i. Altluitigli lieu 244 vu-ans old, lie gava )is ti li ii i n i-c sahled oi tuli, uu u- r" li'nui li'! iams d- ,î' fr-.1tieiiti-irgu'ttle:tî!'s ad lwM-, jtl i i ah i 'l: - i f hur'ftiu rai ( otG ' M. .Xft r ii rh lu,' u ss auipuiued a t.tii ti hu) ic.h ti iu and latt , as of 1 i - ii îîî î u t hb ' d eîia r tm e at « ttu' eiutt )Vhu,-iti'. %var suas endeal e-u lu ste-I fnmuils ith Ni i-nIl a S ýfjzIlt i- ut- ily of'i the eoit cht us îrî' u luI> siy n-jut ile ilparte lm,' ~tuu lu -titril .hi--it-aIsile o b'l ie a p t.liiii r. 0 h é ih e br skiug o t e le tîýnt .'nn i r lie t i e1,f t bis hoBW, ctoruhultu to 'u a sn-I hicadi-t au peJu ,)n int te lu.- îîut I ,-n lant tutflthe isa d. s ai.'.'li-imu i-. 's'ly t- iitni - el -ith t ws l.tiii el ,iief. lie l a a soulier oft gt 'sS FEDERATION 0F LA130F- xtceeth Anaiconvention BOI*ý in ii<nt n al l t . I T h e su xf .'u m u i t iî n isi î.i v i 'ul i u o f th s , ýnu,-iî'atî F-,lirai oii f b on wa s co ffls 4, îhur inii -i u-iutal iai 1 s. n . - MO ty 'r'suheîîi S:iuîiîu hGmipers. Aho ~)delegats %sucre prlni- t and th re e nny vitns. Mairin Fox, Preul d orth it Aîîîcnî-, ladit aeleeted he lasum.u organizaiiti of CinuinnttÎI -livîr lteé ailuîmhsso! welon e. O w0 ýtle uleaih et a relative lin. Fox wa nu. liit auuîî lis utudress-as remd bf -. lje ni y . l a il te , î e lco o n g m d - ont' ehluýt iii' ai nufuir ltee gh-be iv attI utthierrn,fuuniiusih'e re ruoniU .. u'uii gn,-ctimugs weî'e extcfld hîhu lts luîî it-Ielwistls andiiilob tiEii'ti-gilid a hloi L ,uiis «igtir0uz l -< ir. lu i tai!] A-'-istiuut Stem eta r'>' M e»! 1' rcule-u t t >ii uiens. in ni-pondung li bue addiru'ss tuf s.i-u îu refenred te ai lu- ku ii Ii'te rgliii.uliili Iueeuuise hvai n -tv t u' l dî-î-îît i- i i l miii o a n 'ire CO M ai-t uuîlIi. i. îtil tutu'the fulîci9 4copi, su 05 gi-i t hiluiidiitiiiil opnlf titI ig htu i n u. t he,' A i ni u-i a.i ed era tls of hlir iiiiithiuis milt afilittiOn o! dld i- lu i,, ) r u timiilutti;i %a poibts leO.~ Mle' g,- Ii- i-ýilu- j lie natuîîealed -ustlli' t effou-, t rt s foîr thle cultiu.ation uuîulu- ilihu as %sil ts fer fave r î'gish iti îi iî! fîi r t e m o t ea nest opusrO i uu tii il Iabîir crgail.itioii. - UN'CLE StM'S CASH.- Coine'! a Great Il'eut ilnce Coum iîi. usiness- Thte total vaille of ail coins ast te te ised'u as iusi'io yand Iised frol. mints l'y thîls gi,'(ruuieuut since the - int utflte tlrstnasre of mut lion, as uhuuuuii 10 n'ec,nl pobtlicatioiX fficai siunies. ilman (et, doubtle5p the rî'uuuit cu-uuîagn discussions Otl' "urine uit 1873,' la stgtcd te bave hu euuonmuus totel e! $2,4h7,îO8,11 w vl-h aîîîuîîut, (as a unenuset fr excluanges. ila. et cournse but a part of-- cireiulatiitg nuedieusu'itb svbich the- tmy is provided. The icilla are pnepontioned ameng. several metais as folleiva: GOud, $1,~7 813,703; siver, $tjSS,023,TO1.90; coins, $26,9Wi,71 1.35.'- à Marthl L.,Stevaus, o! Brokyn, a D é Ineuit K4lgi Of IPyties, la deula, agudj HeîîryFel Pense, Lberal meushefu Panliamient o!flthé Clevcland divlslOJî* lte nortitriiding 'o! York, la dead, j. B. 1,aboutisse, ex-pneitlekît- New Orleeans Cotton Excbangee.' 8$ kuuowsn lu evens cobbon rmarket la cotunty, bt'gao congbiug aîd itbfl bcurs cxpined treni itedrt falnre, bru..~ on by.ibe violent exeu4tion. Cardinal Ghitbpts bas recelved from1 Pope an offliaI negiatened letiejr, lan ing lbinaIbat bis Holinese basu» l Rcv, Thoas J. CeunI>', Of Wo Mass., neulor of the Cathle Un1VoM Washigton, tei sucueed Rt. R.U Keap~e. Mrs. Faue Reddlng ded 6 hb oua, of ber daghte bi -

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