Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 25 Dec 1896, p. 1

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I~uuuk il. V. No.. Il. Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois, Friday, December 25, 1896. $1.50, in Advai >,Chartes Galloway. bfflosover Lovel I'a Drug Store omme uox 1 » 4 iTO 8 . m. ý.Ib.rtyvle. - Illinois ~Dr. J. L.TAYLOR. ftk.ove TrIgS Talor's. ~IIeCe n Dradwy oposie Park LibertyvIlle, llllnois6h Dr. E.,H. SMITH. DENTIST. Q:floeov.rLoveIl'a DrugStore SOUE»a leftMa.nd 1 tp.M. pAILY.- O~ r. A. L. TRAVIS. VII.L &S L N.1ITO 3 A»D 7TO 8 P. M. Sattention pald 10 th. oramnt of Ùhronie Rbenmatilsm. i--ubefeller. - Illinois. F. Butterfleld M. D. C. AIT SURGEONFIj» DE!4TIST. ~e Odi. Trlmg&TaylorBlk. miS" M. AUgCg DAVIS. S 1Amarioem Oonsav»Sor et CULTURE Smo HARMONY - UbertyvUl.. Illinos. PAUL MacCUFFIN, a4ttmotay sd Cossmelor at Law. LNOTARY PUBLIC atetalongiven collections aMd Oouvyancing. emei wsvu LAIE Ooum BN, M4ISS MARY ZIMMER. Çe md Trrrzo a BPEcuLTT. 14*un 1Ielght@t.Illinois. Christmas Exercises. How The Dfferent Sunday Sohoos WiII Observe Christmas. W. go to press 100 early to chronicle the exercisea beld in the varions Sun- day uchoola. This Frlday nlght the Universalisi Sunday school viii proient an appropriate program at the Union church. Santa Claus wiil be there and dispense good cheer and presents. A Christmnas lree viii I>e a teature that wiii delight the litIle folks. Reciations, Chrietmas carols and dialogues combine 10 present a programmof unuaual lnterest. At tbe Preebyterian church Tiiurs- day nlght occured the exerciges of that Sunday School. Exercimes constt Ing of songe and recltationvunder the tille -The Mesiab" were very 'coin- mendabiy presented. Eld Sauta Clauh was on hand tb delight the little nes. At the Methodist chureh Thursday night a Work Shop filledl with yonngulere in custumnes o! ie Brow ney variety captvated the audience. A Xmas tree loaded with presents for everybody and presided over by Santa Claus, with recitations and songe made up a program.that delighted the large gathering, A Desirable Plumn. Warren M. Heath je a candidate for posmaster o! Libertyvilie. Althongh Mir. Heath bas flot yet circuiated a pe-_ tition, he expecte 10 leter on, and lhlnks any effort ln that Une et this early datesai prematura. Warren lias inflaentWalfriende lo-oking alter bis intersasud vili secura a goodly n urn ber of indoreers among Libertyvilie people. Wanx to buy a Farm. I have a cash cusiomar for a good farm of 80 or 100 acres iu Vernon town - ship. Giva particulars and termas b H. C. PÂI>DocK, Real Estete and lient- ing Agent, Libertyville, 111. If you mulet oun comnitling matin- Mony,eaU ai Lthe IIWEPZNDKNT office and examine our elegauland complete Une of weddiag staldonery. Have jour xw11"n sae bills prmnted at it ihe IJwbzmù i 0010,11 çew Crockeryl FOR TUE IROLIDAYS Wh" ile boller for a CaRSmTUies CNET, tissu a nie Decorated Dinner Sett? $1.0 The Bank Suspende. The National Bank o! Illinois, oaa o! tise oldeat and best tnown institutions ln Chicago witis asets o! about $15,000, 000 closedlils doors Mondey. It la ID the bande o! tisa haut examiner. O! the sixteen beuts that cleared through ibis one, two ciomed thaîr doorsas a reenît of thea elosiig 0o!thbis National., Tbay ara E. S. Dreyer & Co., and Wamansdortff& Heinemann. Tise essaIs o! E. S. Dreyer & Co. are $1,600,j 000 with liabilities o! $1,200,000. ,Tisa tigures o! the allier are appnoxinat'ly. asets $650,0(X), liabiilities $450,00)0. Mis Amelle Flct, o! Weutegan, is vimiting lier parentr during the lbol i- <aye. The appla crop of 189.5 vas very almiidant lunauy par#pof lise country heiug estimat.ed et 70,f041,040 herrela, or one barreI, leapiug useatiure, for e'.ery man, wornan and ehild iii the country. The erop i4 eveu greater this year, and iusmîicîs capur, co Iliat it isdisp)laciig otîser fruiit. Tue apîsie le a ina article o! table diet. Il for- niisles dalnsants needed hy ltae diges- tiou, Ilia a wholesomle influence on the ,iecetions sud keeps up tie proper balance of ail parts of lte body, brain and nervous syslemi. Mauly People will prize tise fact Ibal apl'les properly eaile,, pnmote a good comnplexion. Blood and Nerves are very close. ]y relate(]. Kve.plte blood richt pure- and liealtli? , wiqli Iilood's Sarsapenrilla sud vonitvill have uo nervousuesa. Hood's PUIS ara basf efler-dinner pills,aid digestioni, prevent constipation Teacher's Meetingr. A teeciters meeting aml ha eld et Rockefeller Jsn. 2. beginning et 10 o'cl<'ck. The sulîjects for discussion are: Tise Slrawherry. The Applatrea, Tise Rose, Mr. Grovenor; The Pea aud its Triba. Tise Locuat Trea, The Evaning Primrose. Mir. Schroder; Tihe Ladys 3Eerdropsi, Sweel Ciceiy, Golden AleRsudars., Miss MNeBrîde; The lionce Ear Evalating, Tise Robins Plantain. The Javel Waed, Milss Condrey; Arbor Day Celebralion. Mr. Dacter; Tisa Dictionary sud his o uâue il; Mn. "011o. E. M. AVICILL, Secy. Dinner Setts! ill 1w i m liami i%. i 10 I tî , tt tr'ni up $5690UP $2-35 Ladies' Cloaks, Capes and Jacke ts! you want one? We don't want themn-any price wïil buy one--$2.50 upward: $15,00,Carment $7.75. ow-Milinery Department- 20 per cent discount on ail Millinery Goods f rom now until Christm'as. GROCERY DEPARTMENTI Lenoi Soap, 10 bars for..................................... $ .25 Santa Clans Soap, 10 bars for............................... .25 Gold Dust. 4 lb package ...................................... .18 25a. Golden Byrup, per gai .................................... .15 40c. Syrup (extra) ........................................... .25 UNDERWEAR DEPARTMENT! e. Ladies' All-wool, Union, 2.25 quality, a sulit..............$1. 50 Ladies' Blaek Bibbed, Wool, 1.50quality, a Garment ............... 1.00 Ladies' Black Tights, al'ways sold for 1.50, at.................... 1.00 We av jstBLANKETS AND BED COMFORTSI We hve ustreceived 160 pairs of Gray and Tan Cotton Blankets double, Iowest price ever given, 49c per pair. While they last we wIlli 2 pair. ta a customer for 75c. Just think 37.ý cts for a Spair of double Blankets. «ý,TWYNN'-SU an'd GIGANTIC SOHEME., Part of the LUne to Run Through Lake County. Recantly linltae recordar's office et Wamstegan a mortgage providlag for s bond iesse 0f $3,000,000) vas tled for an elacînlo railway company vils offices In Chicago, C. H. Crossalte beiug president ansd H. K. Galpin sacrelary, and the Chicago Tille& Trust Co., trustee. The cornpany mets forth limaI it wili mun a lIna tisroitgti Lake Coniitv sud buas alraady mrveyed 1ahUe Iliroli Grayelata and inorthward towards lte lakes. Ils mosl val îmssle pnic,.sslomi la a leasa o!flise tracta of tisa Chliago & Nortisern Paeitie Itailway Co., and tisa Étrat 20,0)o!flte bonds yl ha used to fix titis railroad imto an elevtrie lina. IL bas lu addition tracts laid in Cook Couuly and franchises lu Cook, DnPage and <an,, Cotnîlen, wbiech sitis Lake eounty, is the ofily terri- tory ILla isnlended tb cuver. Doubla tract huaes are 10 built ou Harrison streel frorn 481is streel Ibrougis Cicero and Harlem, unet- ing vils the Chicago, Harlem & Ba- tavia R. R.; elso isuotiser lina turougli Cook counly 10 connect vils lise Chicago &I Somtissesîern R. R. Tise Cicero braucis wiil pas.'. tisougis River- aIde, La Grange and Gr o8sdala. aud $50,000l per aile la lise bond limit for douisle rack constructimoisile $:io1,ooo je the bond l hat for single tract. Tise boude are lu denominations o! $1.000 are 10 rn twenly years,' bcar fiye pen cent. intereat, and principal amsd interast arc payable su gold. This ltis e nios likely project for au alacîrie lina tisrough the western part o! Laeecounty 3'et unade publiceud la more substanlial thian others have been oit accoumît of the '.ery vlueble terminal arrangenientmanaa lease o! tise Northemu Pacitic tracta and righl o! way. 1. 0. G. T. Convention. Last Saturday tae Lake couuty Goodj Templars held tir regular montbly1 convention aItishe Presbyteriauchiurcis. Delegates fromu Libertyvilla, Rocte-1 faller, Antioclsand Higflvood Lodgas1 b-are preacat. Diner and aupper1 wara served la tisa hasernent o! the1 cisurch. Tise afternoou vas devoled to business. Tise annuel eleclion o! oficers reasîîted as follows. Chie! Tensîlar, Mrn.(Gale, Higisvuod; P. C. T .. Mr. N'istera. Highwuod; V. T, Mliisa Brenton, Libertyville; Secy., Miss lXuittle, Rockefeller; A. S., Mir. ,bÀà*lî.1 ;Cîsaplain.Mi,, ScisalîtIer,1 frhi ,- 41 ile, Mtirslîtl, Mn. Clark,9 Lsbcert'.'.ilet; 1). M. tand S. .1. T., Miss1 l'eniîuîmnmanui, . Gmmam-, Mims Brui. iirt '111: Sentiinel, bMn.9 Mortitousat, Lilenýtyville. Tise opuen meeti"in lu ch ' t-img a 1as ""r'y Sac . h IT.-&ralin. 'ti. îi--,-~ iminsil. llmnt,n ad (lark iI'I-iiti. iMyrti, lioyi S.,...........rMal- Quart-. Solo .... . . .. .........M iss i, i m iîsmî .......... i - 'Ada M. (,'Bim g, Sol -.......Mai -Quart'tt. Miss Hardee was the oiy mucmber prepared for tise declamatmny contest, ansd wou tise uedal. But iser elocu- lsonary abiily la su wcll known tisaI uudombtadly aile s'. mîld have won in a large coutest. 1Tisasamali sparrow 1ev le agaim Inl force. IL camne lu vibb Decambar. IL gives legaiity 10 ahooting sperrows, and Ihen cal on theclant for two cen ts eplae for lise daconîposad heade o! tisese innocent birds. If the incoming lawmakers bavea emî insaity abouit the ties ey vili devisa soine othai' vay o! destruction tisan Ibat 0f a preminm on tIseliseeds of tisea iirds. Why nol go fartlser sud offar a sum for the kilt- imsg o! crowa? Tisese birds anaeumore destrusctive 1tiste farming community tham ilathea sparrow to tisa rasîdants o! towns or cillas. If the purpopa is to give employment vils remunaralion there araernany tisinge tisatcen lie sosîglit ont o! greatar importance and valua titan la titis oua. Tise law onghi neyer 1,. have been pesaad. It la the wruug kiud o!fclmcaioa for tlsî,ae vio do lisaw.ort. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. FilOU WAUKECSAN REISTEX. JaLmî!s B oht, anduhw ho Cimvo Traminiig e il 3 i hk 45 N aiI 1 Lake l off w d................$e.. 11-1. - -1- -...__.. .-. .... Fil okFor School Children. A cornmltlee of sixty represantative principale and teechars o! Chicago are et vont lipon plans for carrying on systernaiic field work lu connection vith nature study in the clty e chools. To aid lu tise developmcut andi execution of tbe seheme as outlined, mapin of Chicago and viclily area b be prapared wlijch vill ansist pipils and teacisers lan sncb sludy by locatlng points of iuterest that lie withiu a convanicat radius of th isedv.Lt eonnty la ineluded wltiusthelerritory t,, be representcd on the proposcd maps. Tise sub-comnsittea laving Ibis part of the work lu charge are desirous of obtaining information concerning pointe o! interest in tise county thal viii aaiselnl the prepjiretion o! such a mep. Places favorable for tise study of botany. geology, geogrephy, pbys ography. etc., are tobclie dicatud ou the map, and information and suggestions are to ble prinled lu a pamphlet to accompany the rns)p. Ail persons who cen locate ansd give information, 11111e or mucis, eouccrn- ing pilaces aveilable for field vort are respect! nJly requested to communnicaete with cosuty supeinlenldent M. W. liervin, who bas been a8ked lu collect and forwerd such matpnial aisneay ba bad. Those wbo do not care to write, rnay cousult vils the teacitars or advanccd pupils of Ibeir bomne scisools, ail o! wbom hbave been requested in a circlear letter, to assiat lu gathering tise items weuîed. Especially in il demired tisat al vwho are iuterested in the slîmdy of envy brancis of naturel science, and all who observe sud sludy naturel olilecla and pisenomiena. natures owu boot,aBhal selp lu Ibis vort. Any suggestions oir aid froin any oue viii he titentfully received by Superintendeut Marvin. Tise rap in 10 ha saclional andl vili show wagon ronds, reilroeds, stations, etc., and points of interest sliould ha locaed hy section and quarter-section 'where possible. To ha avaliabla, information sisould ha forwardad by the middle o! Jauuery. By wey o! suggestions fila following items are mentionad ai being lnclnded intae Ibli. t ofdeairabie matenial for thonse engsged in msking tisa map and compiliag tise syllabi: Indicate points of geologicali internat sncbase glacial deposita., stratification developed in culs and drif ts, Pecu- liarilies of rocks, sutereali îg for or collections o! atone. fomsi , Inidien moundd, minerai deposi ts. useteoric remailus, largeý rocks; points iii îtraiig physiographly, a.4 the foi ati mii or lilling oflakes4, old lakte sitoreý.s.anmd dunes, beach i olnisation aMi i' action, ravine tonnationam, 1-9-s or hedp. san pa, minerîil springs. e tc. .Alb',demireble fclio or botanicmil resiearcli anid lecea '.shere rare or pe suliar plant Ille i i ond lu meadow, woo<l or natcr; localIties visere the faune o! tise coollrY mev bu eatcînic(, iceta t tnd, waîtcr or air, birs fIies and otlier animal 11fe. Those who engage in Ibis wvork will ffud mucis tiat ia interesting and wortisy o! study lu unr osvu colunty. Wistever la doue uiselbIcedone froisi a love o! tise vonk and a desire to aid a worlby ceus4e. An association of more tisa etbonsand Clilcago teachclrs ara intere>sted lu tiis vork. At their owu expense tisey are publishisng Ibis map and xuuch <thon eipil materli, are orgauizing and conductlng exploring axpaditions for fihec 8tdy o! nature, and ara doiug mucis more 10 mate il possible for tLiousa'sd of pupils wbo hava neyer beau ont o! clty streeta 10 v'slt the couutry aud gel sonne iutalflgeut idea o!f tae things tlsey rend about iii boots. Yon are asteli lu kindly belp tiseni by telling o! the Ibings lu be noted and studled la your own localitY. Wu vio live lu the country litIle reelîze lthe pressing uaed for sucis work lu the clty acisools. In e recent latter 10 superîntendant Marvin, Prof. Cutter, cheirma ulthe mep commlttee writes as folilow: ,Tvelve years in e Chicago Higi s chool bave beau enough bo show oaa the uller lact o! ideai about nature emongý city children. What la the use o! cramming text boots visan the pupil doue nol realîze wbkt tise author in taling about? There le no way for us hue but to go oni and ses vbet you ana selug every day. Tell us whet rnay ho seanl and found lu your county. W4% om Chicago îîeed anchea mep and uaad it ,ad ly. LusWAUCNDA 1 Lous Hrris vsa 'Jhflo Ma lest week. J. McCormick, of Libertyvufl., uý here lant Monday. P. H. liaimen returnued from waus gan lionday last. Mr. Wright, of Mclenry, waà on < streets lest week. L. C. Fric. was a city vieltor T~~ day of last week. Louis Grovenor ln spending a le*". dlays ln this place. J. Golding was on the streets et Nunda lati waek. Dr. liowa pald Waiconda a vimit the first of the week. Dr. L. Hughes, of Dixon, wlll spend Xmas in this place. Claucie and Mine Nina Pratt return.4 frornibe city leni week. Mrs. A. J. Raymond, of Volo, vas on otir streete lait Saturday. Revival meetings are belng held I& the M. E. church this vcek. Mr. and Lee MeCOlan started last week for their home In Iowa. V,. L. Mayas, of McHenry, la clerkIng for Fler & Sherman In iheir store. A number from tbis place attendod the skating rink at Nunda lent Battur- day evenfng. Mrs. R. Harrison and son EarlY returned lest weak from their vietIlnl Paenusylvania. The home of lMr. and lMrs, W. 1. Bangs wa8 brlghtened by the. arrivai of a baby boy la8t Mondty. T. V. Slocum la husking corn for A. J. Raymond ibis weoit. Thse slireddier doeb the vont in good shape. Rev. Shutto, pastor of the Baptiat cburcb vas tendared a receptlon. at the home of Mr. and Mre. C. B. W.U last Saturday evening. The pupils of Prof. Kents room atteuded the funerel of Iheir olasa. mate Arthur Dillon Tuesdasy ai Volo. Hils many friande exiend theIr heurt.. f elt syrnpethy to the bereaved parents. On Thursday evenlng 0f lait verni the Wauconda Lodga A. F. and A. M. insballed its naw oficers. Alter thse meeting the members preseni repal to the home of Dr. C. B. Wells, W. M., alect, wbere tbey were lreaied to au excellent oyster aupper. Lest Thursday eveaing th. people of this place had an opportuniiy tu, iestea to an entertalument given la the M. E. chiurcit by the Harmonie Quartette, o1 Lake Geneva, Wle. The prograni vaa one of!thlb bt thai bam been given la Ibis place, but on ai'aouni of the veather 1he atienda»ce se not large. "-Excus§e me," observedi he man ln spectacles, "but 1 arn a surgeon, snd thalle flot vhere the liver le." "'Neyer j'o n mwher e ilver le," retorfle 1haûther. -I-il v as ln hie big toe or car DeWitt'a Littl eRIY ouid rescb it and shako il fo* hWTnthet you eau bet jour gig- tempe." F. B. Loveil, Libertyville, and G. C. Rtoberts, Waucoada. LE ITHTON. Miss Mati LlLI was lu Chicago lasi Saturday. Mrs. Win. Davison Wae ln Chieago laet Monday. lirs. Geo. Mitchell was a Chiefgo visitor lest Monday. lire. Wm. Einsmann vislted lier siater Miss Lena Bock in Chicago lait Mondey and Tuesday. Living on love la vail enongh before merriege, but after marrîqie Il viii require roat beef and otber lhlnie for sustenence. Mir. C. Jobnson, car lnspector at Joliet cerne dovn lest Tuesday te, relieve lMr. Nulte vho ii laklng a months vacation. Mir. C. F. Nulta unr joint Oar inspector loft for bis bore ne aJackson. ville, Ilii., lait Wedaesdey 10 spend xrnes with bis parents. Anothar change ln lime on t.ho Central. The 5:'27 train vili arrive nov at 5.,8 and the 5:13 trainata 5 O'ciock whlch still affords poor accommodation for people et tbis place. A surprise party va onferred upon Mr. and lire. Harvey Coon snd daugitter Jannie. A large number 0f friands e e.pre8eni vho dîd ample' justice 10 refreshmenta aerved. A splendid lime waS had. Thera will be a Candy Social at the borna of ira. Thomas Derby$ lu Diarnond Lake, New Year's eve, TJsuma day Dec. 31. Ail are cordlallY Invitèl. Admission et the emsll surn01,,10 cents. Absolutely pure, perfectly harmises, and invariably reliable are th* qualltitles of one Minute CoUgisCe. Il neyer feuls in cOldB, croup anAlsm troubles. Chlldrea 1ke il beoauenaý la pleaeani 10 lite aud It heipa F. B. Loveli, LIbertyvIlle, and G. 0-I Roberts, Wauoanda. Rasidences are in great an Our uittle burg. P.rgoae gronnd li aLeihion voad ise inl' iIf ibey vould bulld a fev and attractive coilagee for reaJ. thiat il vonld pay lte ownee the Menea o f furnlshia % o . homes and siar& Our 111t4 goîug. Bemember thero$. of rai iroad MOU locaffl _ number vWho are attendl» - AT WYNN'S

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