Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 25 Dec 1896, p. 4

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GRAYsLAKE ~çk.l musse maler. Mr. silas Sherman, of Shermerville, visited a day with hie brother, E. B. Miss Drew, of Chcago, je speudlug the holidays vitit friends.1in sud about Oâ-tbe lgin Board of Trade Mon- ï bMaihr l ",Fev; oreriage, 7482 .Kr. and Mss. E. J. Rigley, and son, aa1qN 115040b at lac; 19,80M at.120;--f iRussell, vere theoos ao! relatives I~a 90 8,00Ibn ut 201c; 4,200 hors several days ilut veek. a~ M!». Butter one week &go soid vMr.::and Mrs. Shermani, of Shermer. Mile arrlved lest Friday sud are mak- e uOO;one your &go for 24j@25c. log their home with Ihir tinu, E. B. ________________ Sherman, for tlie present. 1mexebhuge mude a suggestion Tite Christmnas entertaiument i tli te church Thursdfty evening Wueu<a gwar UOur ez-presidenla whicit fine one, 1ev. Haris havlng fu«l IUG aueem te un h hlMy proper. It charge. 1Fu11 partiCLlars next week. W«I0eY shoild be made United A numhar,from bore atteuded te wkea *mro st large, for l1e. The funerai of Mr. DilIoi'a sou, of Volo, OMOM oz ould, be made simmly an las t Monday M>uch syuipatby for vithul ~ ThISthe parents han beau expsessed lu this iouemy one. vtotsiey hsgreat bereaveiliat. el9 kep Ihein deeply inlarealed Th, Ladies' Aid Society will ineet igpv«=unal Eaft and titeir wilh Mrs. Morse Wecluesday, Dec. 30. tko»,i ad IfluonCe would eertainly The three quillu litat ase sold at tbeir a of value Iu a terni of four r list meeting became lte property of Mrs. . B. Harvey sud Mrs. Eugene O Yeur&, & preaidenPt a-lmly geta Heudee who were te iuhlest bidders. ?en l flu haetebacie à govarumefit Mra. Sayles, o! Fox Lake, camue to -&48 e" It las0111Y bY town 10 do sone shopping haturdaey x%ý Mmd onstant service lu the. when ahovas tuken suddeuly 111 and taWi of', lote taI basmade sucit was taken 10 lthe home of Mr. Leu ga. haugit and could flot bc romoved iutil Wà in Elumk, Gladstone sud other Monday. $clae «111 lu ina serions 'inuel ulteumen of sucit value 10 condition. <legoverument -itich lhey repsesent. "Ivihtavery fermer lu te 'oomg1y %igod bave his naine paiuled1 ,on i. bert," remarked abusiness .<m ieoher day.'Nov 1 drove Ï boul elgitl'ies lu the country fuedyand*lo-day I traeed out the 70ul &»~d a f 1 Ipaed lte places of!i >hA a dozen mrondeansd oustomers1 wivho= 1 would like te itsve 1uopped sd spoken, but didn't kuow Wherà tlcey lved." The farier lu tuvS,onoers wiy te mnhe patron. ie aitd khus ov 0 el lu towu, con ,-"t ,p snd shake banda ln te coat.Paint your nffe ou your #WMsMd te vorid vili 0w more Dýr. 0. i. Move wiuh l uuderstood %ho$ berealter hi. b seaI Iis office bnvillbe ftom 1 I. to3 P-In, verrS8unday eu0f wf eatiter, iaPeSle r epted. Inlucae 't oue àïUb bl ed on any Sun- ho win e bis visit 10 _lui unil te folovîng Sun- »dpatio te May reach hum t oébdgtok by mail and recelve a pteulpt reply. t viou'autto10mAke a Christmnas :*I 1sbol! dozen o! those boui' -3<*OlotOI.Site hua tem from 85 ettIScus acit. The country la waiting wiib batcd breatit to hear from Rtobart G. Ingersol. Some yjas a«ao heremarkad ibid -heu Kentucky veut republican lha would become a chrigtiâu. It look@ like a ,îground hog case," to use a popîdar slang phrase. The election 0fof flers aithe Royal Neighbor Camp Tueaday evening re,- sullad lunte follo)wlng: Mrs. A. WV. Harvey, oracle; Mrs. Bîirge, V. Oracle; Mss. C. B. Hlarvey, Chan,; Miss Olivette MorrilI, Mar.; Mss. E. B. Shermsan, Rue.; Mss. Leopa flatershall, Rl.; Mrs. BOlca, 0. Seulluel; Mr&. H. Heudee, 1. Seu. Mss, Folon Manager- Whou mot ueeded it laoliot unaal for your family physican to bu üay fsom homse. Sncb iras the experiene of Mr. J. Y. Schenck, editor of the Oaddo, mnd. Tes., Banner, ishan bis 1111e girl, two jearso! age was threatened vîit a severe attack of croup.lne gays*. ,My vife inaisted thal i go for lte doctor, but as ons fauyphysician vas out of lowu I prIted a bottie of Chambrlalu's Congit Bemedy, whieit relieved ber immediately. 'I viii not ha vîthout il lu te future." 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by F. B. Lovell, Liberlyvifle sud G. C, Rtoberts, Waucouda. Dr. E. V. HARVEY, DENTIST. rown, Bridge sud Plate Work saiî"îhy - OFFICE HOURS - et.oiiA.M. Ito5aad7toOP.11. Grayslake - Illinois.' LOCAL NEWS. tIAN. Local limer. ROLLINS. Mrs. Cossmefl spahi MondaY lln Chicago- Jaco Me3Intoqh. of Chicago. la vlslting relatives bore. Mfr. aud Mrs. Bdt. Doolittle weni Chicago vb.itors Mondai'. H--nry Loe. o! Ivauboe. speut Mondsy liere visltling old friends. The danceata the MuiCredlo hoiel Wednu'ls- day eveuiflg proved a snu'eoaa. Several from liera attoudmed the Party at R. Muirrîr's wn.'a <d Lake liat Tuaday nigbt. MIss Nettie Drew. of Chiucago, ipent Tiiesday lit the home of Win. Doolîttle also vis,t.Ith-- s',hool ou théât day. A 91-191a load fsOM bore attendad the lalulig Party a Sthle home o! Migb Florenea ni-r Monaville last Fridai' avenlng. Foiiud-Bî,twoen the residenaces of Josleph Lltwller sud (C. RBatouaneaw patent leuither q«hue. Owner eau. have maimae hi ':clllîg St 1Mr. Lltwvlr's. PIAMONIJ LAKE. Mfr. Ji. W. Washburn. of Wassîlctan. brî.uîght au organ for thte Lltu'rary h3o'lety, on Thuirgs'lv.1 Mrs. L. H. lirva'uad tsullaîiglitu-r Mrs. H. Clu uuainliîýrluiu itiO'î t Mrm. H. N. Maxtas Tii irsî [y. lii' Lu".uI"lon Dlîemouî Laku. frl--nîls (pli Frlîluy. Mrs. liuî'muut retitrued from lier ('hrlstmnas shuujîpinluteliîago ouFrIday. r 'lrsM Brtet sd lIra. Chaerlf's TatIi 1 ar reI.trteoun'the lîk lst. A large'for' ut men vorklug iventi' teamis 4,' i3tIli grav<'int! the rond ltween Dlamuunî Lake sud Roiikefelier. On saturday evenlng a large Company' of fi-teuds gtered i tthe home o!f1Mr. Harvey Coon. It being thi' e tant of as surprIse parti' oai Miss J<'nlegli'eu by ber brotber WIII. The M. E. tjouiety wîI ls'le a eandy socIal at 1fr'. Haeîuah Darby's on Ttturaday. New ters <'vu. Ail arc' cordiallYi nviiad. The i'rary Soiuety' met as ligaiaon Fritiaî'ivu.. Miss Stela Maxhanu atlng as 1,residet. Ater thae nimehars Induiged lu a lIhthi' guod ustured '"rag chewina.- the regilar pnigrainvas callod. The question for ui'usu Resolved Tliat a Miser Doe.8 Mor' injury tohSoelet yThlau ahpeud Thrift." Wa., d<'I'l"udinlutîte negatîve. major C. T. Picton la manager o t Stete ilotel, aI Deuison, Texas, uhicit the traveling mensay la oue of lte hast butais luntaI section. In speak- iug of Chamberlaiu'% Colle. Cholera aud Dlarritoa Bemedy Major Piclon saya: iii have used il mysell sud lu my family for several yeara, sud take plessure lu saylug ltaI 1 cousider lt au iufallibla cure for diarrhoea sud dyaentery. I slvays recommend lt, aud have frequeully adminialered It110 mi' guesta a inte bolel, sud lu everi' case bau proveu Itseîf vorlthy o! nnqiialifled endossement. For ale by F. B. Loveli, Liberlyville sud G. C. Roberts, Wsncouda. oo1t te INOMPENDIENT for arllslic job prlnting. jwj n7U * *%W- 8 ...UGJAflIN Which accounts for us havingthe Largest Stock of Holiday Goods in Grayslak e. And Prices the Lowest. NOTICE THIS LIST 0F USE FUL PRESENTS I~. Boot and Shoe Dep't. ý 0< Phelpe, Dodge&Palmer $2.50 mshOeB at.--- -o 4à ehwab 13.00oo i M a......... ..... .......2.00 W,< oBrook Bro. $2.50&$1.75 ahoes ut ........... 1.00 àw Wet Weather sboeE, double sole et .....1.50 MWd Cork Sl ho................ 2.001 1" Buff Shoe» ................ ............. 1.00 PP 4 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 5 Rubbers Perfection Duck Brand.......... 151 Two Buekle ltit Top Overs .... . 1.... 01. éÂtem ... .................. 9 ......lio ............................. 1.11 Boots Auu............ .................28 sew erý............ ý......4 Thmeeucke Aroces..................12 dmud ulbR*Eubbera ................. 2 b"*tya1t et Bo"a Perfoftion of .Caudee&Myersansd 06", tbmaouttl 5.50perpi. Ini the Grocery Dep't ............... ...................... $1.00 1pow4oýer a c..u........... ............. .09 lP1Iarsfr..............2 dgP b......................... .10 oýSpërqt............. .07 weype b............ .. O i*mlypS -0 ........................... . 04 [4aUues pring...-.-.............1 ........................... . M pl --... ....................... 1 lii Our Dry Goods Dep't InioBlue par e yd .................... . $. FancŽy Strlpûd l)ein pe <~r y ........ ... 1 Hair Clolb per ....... .. - .. I Gras@ Clotb per yd ....................... ..... .0 Plaid Dres Ont da per yd ...... .. Crochet 1131k lier «pool......0 satin per yd ...... ... ........................ 2 Your 75e hlik pcryd .... ......... G No 2 S11k Milfrn per ~yd ...................... . . . .4 4i i.. ................ $ee this list of Bargain s' Featheu ansd Tips par blincb..............2 'Wooflen'Bbbit ............ ... .... ..........2y Ott A Go6d Overcoât......................... ...... 3.00 $10 Overeoat .............. ................... 80 121 Par Overcoat......... ... ..... 17.50 $10 Pur Overcoal ....... ...................... 8.00 Meus' Black Woollen Sweater .... .................. .1 Mlusas uit Jackets........................... .... .25 Misses Leggl-ng...................... ......... .15 Men'Black Woollen Sweater...................... .6 " discount o! 16,% on all Gloves aud Mittaus. "Alot o! caps ......... ... ............ ......... .1 UtIle Eockiug Chair ....... ..................... .19 811k Raudkercitiefs. .... ........................2. àgM«otarom26c to $1.00 snd $1.40. Ladies .Mu..e.............................2 White. Haudkarhia!...............8 mens' .4 " ........... ..68 VbIel Lauudried Shirts. Fancy Dosea...40e te 49a Btory Books !rom 5e Up. Olovetandud kW'! Boxes Cellulod ot .. 60o Plusit.,el............. 1.m1 1 lot t Neckvear wort ................... Ue AttIse CHRISTMAS-ANNOUNCNT Santa Claus, after arriving at Grayelake and lookîng over our varied and extensive stock of Christmas Goods, has concluded to make his headquarters at our store. Useful Presents: Toys, Games, Books, Plush and Celluloid Novel- ties, Japanese Goode, Decorated China and Glass'ware. We also 'wish to announce that we shall also immediately iii on onr annual reduction sale, previous to taking acconnt of stock on January Tht. Groceries. 221b3raulaed ugar.........31.00' 241bLigh C. ugar..... .....00.o' 25tb Buckheal Flour.......... .49 Sugar Drsp Table Syrnp, par gai .25. Extra Rislins, per i... ......... . Obolce. Mxed Candi', per lb......0 In Ouf Grockery. Department. Choice. Mied Nl.per- ,... Lamp CuBunai, auy 515e . .4 6fll~4~spCefee............ .10 Lauleru Globe .............. Tabitar Laîîaru ................31 Meakin 's lrnportedi Stone Chlnaware. Breakfast Plates, per dos ........ .701 liaudlad Cusansd Saucera, per met A4V Iecoralcd Breakfamt Plates, par doz X9 Daeýoralted Cnpu and Saucera per selt5. Artal Tes, per lb ............... .45 Haîîd Lampa Complote No. 1 Buruesiti4 AutsTe 2~Il............1<0'Berry Set 1 large and 6 mal DlsheFi.2; Boots and Shoes. OUT IN THE COLD AND WET Jor fueli isuire ooutffCitabe pro- tetleoe.'ruerez «noSa' a tbe worid m Roud as 1 WOOL BOOM- Tbf. lime as durable smai' feh, bouti maie-pUoi'IW ,-M<AP-1e Waich for lb. Rvade-mark -9&11 Band-lared. Alothens .1e ltiuoms. Paeted Ma'a Carpel SUppers ...........5 Ladies Carpet glippars .......... .30 Job LotgSioas al hindsa su aes off 20-,, Discount niuaIl meu'as hoos. Snag Proof Rubber" Boôu rt sud Felt overs We have Iesl gni for titis tovu, lufringers o! name or trade-niark vili ha prosecutefi.1 FoRAU amIe "a Ubywwko b Mur aaa i uWo ot il Wihaaesdyala itclual BoPeft ion. pae Goyar pair overs.. Perfetion M en's Arcticu per 1) air. ,.-------77 Me's Felt Overs per pair ........ .9 Meua Felt Boots per pair. 3 Men's Shank-Bocks per piair. - Dry Goods. Standard Priaits par yd. ý....... $ .04. j2hc quality Tennis Flanuel ....1 variety Patterns Fust Red Table Damiask. per yd..............2 Hcavy Cotton Flaunel, per yd. Coate's Thytead. per dozs ponts - a- 4 pair Rockiord Bocks ...........2 Good Feather Pliows, per pair.. l Celulold Colliera ail styles and izes -11- CuiTs, per pair.............. . A Millinery Department. 83j Per cent discolnut ou Tiînmed Ilats, Shapes, Tipuu, Etc, Feathtirs eacî. le Blaek Ostric'I Tipi e-ch. 2 JEverything Must Go! ' Our Corset Departmnent You wlll always find complete. OUR TERMS. Strictly Cash. Accounts we do .not care for. F. D.-BATTERSHALL. Grayslake - - - - - Illinois. ÀLI F ~ fW HAT WILL ST. NICK BRING -Us THIs YEAR? If He Fille Hie Sack at Sliermans w'e're all right, ehl? PREaUNTS FOR YOus'o AND) OLai. Cbildreu'a set (kauisansd fork sud hilver plateul saIs sud ppers spoon) silver patad........ ý.$ 25 warrauted good, ench ......... 25 Oliver plated apoons ltaI il Wear Opera glassea frmà $1.75 to...2 2.5 forever set of j doz......... 1 0 Weddiug ring 8oidT bypýen i4aiglÈt Mul cracker sud pichu (1 cracher 8-daycocks $3.75 10 .............. 4 50 6 plehu .......................0 Alan dcocks ............. 0 Ornepealers (sonetinlg nov Carving sets $21.00 to....... 3 2, sugd icovel) eaeh .............. 401 Ail Watch Cases SoId by me warranted 15 and 25 Years. '40W an, Eînbleue inOlilver Tea Sets, Eiabeuc urBerry 1lWmcs,'M M amraç B , , -:iu by thce latent -ppzoveda DîiÂrnios 0f the Baga eutf non%~ stomacit, liver, kidu eyb wouib, snd sexuel organea. $KINI< ISBASEsaeczema. shlml sltriteuni, scald hesd, 4~g paorlasis capitis, peoriad s (barbers' ltch) ring worm, zoster, aud a&H foriM"s of cle s eruption, blotches, blaek heamdi, cured in one monlt.- MOLES ANI) SUPERFULOUS *4 ,reînoved withou t pain by elûci-.~ Cure guaranteed. 11 DISEASES Or THE SERVOUS Q"èi Neuriathenla, locomotor staxiae gresulve paralyos, Iteadache, nn écialica insomnia, epilepusy, ou~ Germaan melhod and electrolydgie BIF.UMÂTISU Sote, aricular, bi 1er, lnfiammtory sud rheumttcl' positively cured by a nov and uo tu]I proces. Cure guaranteed. X-RAY APPARATt0 Dr.lfit lnclualîoglte e0l etrtviz Rocign tayeApciel Budiographi' ten iuRycpi sraiogn.yadFio(ml atatoni uATI W<IEW Top «Lvi AC' iià'r InNfa us»k AN! liALguoV Stlc sud operati sUg mP fauts tii assnsih e luarrivlnm coecmt daguos iisnsuy ises. thair aucceasfl treatmeut liolli mdl and aurgical. CLIIh FRET straigitteit( by surgi operatiiin (Tesiotomy.) HzîgoîuaiiPIDES (Piles) Ùenrecéd to pinuful oheratl«n lit miohsl cssP5 delai' frin bloiiem. V'AhI< OCELE l)esnut'utly c'ured by à nev uiethî,d. HvuuosuE E AND BRNIA Cnred Wijý out o)e.rstlOU or dfilay froinbuiu MALIN<îAiT TV MORS sud ail ab grovilîs, forelgu bodiSt. en boue, ete., removed by s operatiiîi. DEroit'uir'Es corrccted and bii< Fi HAN)OON 01iru 1 i tu 'us& TAYLRoE BrîLnrel fil' ' ' j uîuii cnl3' Il a.ini. te 3 8 ini . t 1 '4ti*l> for tii-dity %il) eq. itswuî :g .11.) (Addremss week dy N.If r. 111,%e solieltu Only ta patronaeaof tliose Who haro aougbs cure Plsî.e huere withont sucem MY does lui'! 'ijiat those vito are dodlW iwell ia the iacîdh o! otiter physlelm tî cHal ou hlmu for relief. M lisi'.iPetero!busNest aos u M i! o j<nlici.ih<Ire.Woo s ow lU, bf uieî',ty ltlc10Wdtt ritunabd fcîu rotI tttl fît vc'srs, lu ul a io for i ailltur' ain mot 0ho.1 lime uio b ly aMithal hostofdM hiel ltelfS92 td la been cousteatg hluler Chu cari' ofudpbasîncu vitb obethieinurei'fpermnen rief. Rt oas itugt uy eraentereief. 1 say us t l aspeuffg ured uta dollary eds lurmeci trealmee1 da rs for medi clhabgn tree t ti aviîfot Dr. ilovalshoMay sud nov is'sr. .aIlothes ayfiletd am rheumatism t iikuow ltaI undor b 2shîlhfil trtatmient ha vas complet jw curait lit six veeksansd ln novï 1 perfeet healtb. Everybody iu Wc stocka kaiiuwi,31r. Nestor and *11 ab&4 10 bis linexîcs acad final cuire, by ID Howeunduist i nany otiteso! a 10 charactes whom ho bu cnred 0ta mani' others hava faiied 10 aile relief. '.r. Fred Grifbn, s carpenter traule atiti ah (>1(1 re,ideut of Wom éitxçk, MI., suferted a mroke paralysîs four yvars ago whjch afen the e Wff mde of bis body m bas ever. silice rendercit hlm belpi0 until six tti<tullîs ugo when ho p*s himself uutuuer the' cuare of Dr. 0.1 Howc u 1) v îuîatin of the $lnncoyd inacbiiai, loch the 'doctor han tg many i îr, viiloyedlin the Ireati»l of paraN -îi, uce lu lieffeetuag COMuIi <<areNIT. GrUlfn wh* w t.otally 'Iisalltfi prîîîr to beginni this îmode of lr#e&elmut for four y.s bas.wilth bis oeillaunds erected a bai for is brother- George GiiLn Woodstoî'k, IM,..since placilEig catie In the lnds of Dr. Howe ai sayg lie Is 110w gond for any demi.U Gritrins c ase is we[lknown te hnui of the best citizeus of Woodalock SI Dr. Mmue liasthie <redit of hi@ cure. Dr. Howe' eucjîyed a large pa&renà. <t his oflle< liit hîîfday, many c"i froni a d<i,tai'îv..The doctor bhm b iiI.<vi faileil to keep) his appointuM licre wsvh %lu il aide 10 the liait conditionu of the' roads. 8h01 t Lieruùidal)s e b)1 oek ad ed by snow id Siiunday dotriîug the winter, il would, iîiiposilie f['r Dr. Howe to gel b ats be drivei over front Woodstoek, U nevî'rtiîî'iîss the goiog mut bel hjau for <thers, to stop hlm in j profeusel îîe work. The doobor', doing sonie good work in lte fid mnedieine fi nduurgery. F.BAIRSTO Ilaunflacturer of Marbie and àLon uî me nxf i of EVERY DESCiIIPTÉQ Coieoue 4only a partial list of the-numberless bargainis At --i .1 L 1 pp.r pair over8 $2.50 1

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