Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 25 Dec 1896, p. 5

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- w __________________________________ _______________ _______ _______________________________ «ýIg yo 0f us Is sure to be uy 0f Superior Quality. Take a Peep' Atour window and see lesthe Flour we seil that mountain of canned And if the brand you are Corn. uslng doesn't suit try our "Big J O." Lots of people eat 1. Ils l Do You? Try Our Famous Buokwhest 12 pound sack...... . wc How is this Kirk. Cabinet Soap là bars.. Ktrks Good Deal 7 barn ........ Sugar Corn, per eau ..... sugar Corn, 4 cana........ Coffee, trom 20e te ... Graino (a ucw drink)>;)4r Il, Tees, frein 15 to..... ..... 7c .35 15 CIOî Trîggs-and Taylor's LIBERTY VILLE. ILLINOIS. Sâtab'e Presents! %ave a carefully selected stock of Run your eye down this ist. Special Holiday Goods. ~Footwear. GneFine shees ..... .40to 5.(9 GetaSipes .. ....1.00 te 1.35 siik biuifers .............. 25e toSl50 Candies and N uts. Bi1k H'd'k'f...... .......10e 10 1.00, We have a super fine stock Of Mixed Gents Neekwear .. ....... 10 o .60 Candies sud baie. LmU EmzoieFan Go odspr d..6 umg, Glove and H'd'k'f Mena and Bo's Rats... 25c 10 2.50 1 Boxes, Stationery Boxes, aud Teys bais ua'. Fine (love........50WC1Io 200 beau caret uly uelecied aud ia bure te Lades'KM loes.........1.00sunît. F.C. SMITH & SON. LIBERTY VILLE, ILLINOIS.1 C. R. Sherman Libertyville, 01 YOUi AREt cOpuNmG a h ki a C > epan1gta YOU ARE£RR- a ACORNon hbto.butitahoutng .HAS... A large and varied line of Hardware, Pumps, Milk cans and Cutlery. You finci to your advant- Wage to corne here with your JOB WORK. LISE WTYVILLE LOCALS. Me" yChratsta. Dr. A. H. Churchill spent Christmas day with bie parents. Ieri Wright is bomne froui Ileloit Cllege for the holidays. H. B. Eger has> two bard oa,.tveN for sale checip. They are b£%iua.s Linen siSiflled goodj% Y46eliq, Doylies, etc., cbeap at Mats. ITI's. Mr. aud Mrs. Ritzenthaler, of Rocke- feller, were seeni on our streets last Monday. Great reductions a.u Jinery, 25 per cent off on trîmmeýNias ai Mas. l'BtOTIN]9'8. Mr. and lira. Bert Austin are spend- îug Xnias with Mrs. tiin'm parentn ln Chicago. If you %,sot auy dr sx&ig.~~î go t%« us. ILS 14 c-v.J~~ew niake yen an aIl wool dreia for $2.J50. There wilIlibe a rennion of the lialkley tariy ut C. C. 1>îîlkley's Christmas. 1 wiii close oui wbhat it>fr1eOU band at halt priîe. a.I. S. H <RlLI. CTT. Mr.sud Airs. J. Ilecketâweil<-r, of Rocekefeller, were in towîî on business eue day lasi weck. R. D. Cook and faxnly, of Gilmer, speut Christmnas wth bis father r E. Cook, of this Iplace. Christmas gooda, Boow M'lers, Haudkerchiefs, Albums eN.< aijMas. Mir. and lira. James W'udmau are the prond parents et a baby girl, bore Weduesday moruîug. Mr. Bergborn and son Arthiir, ut Rockefeller, vere in Lîibertyville oni busginess laitMOMula Skating is gool oit lter laki. aguini andI levers ut that spotriare' takiug advantilge oft hec ujportuuiity. Miss Lilliari Payne, o utl,e, speut the' holidays with ber p)arenth. Mish Payne attends HBigli School ut Belit. Dont forge& the lance ai the Town Hall New Year'éï ave under manage- nente h oyTo vrbd Invited. Howard Beach sud John aud James Vsnplew, et Ivanhoe,who are atieuding collage ai Beloit, Wis., spent the hoUl- days vuSh their parents. Mir. John Crouk, ut Osborne, Kans., who bas been visiting old friends in ibis cennty the past ihree weeks returned te his home Monda>.. Iu the case ef Dr. 0. B. Howe, V. S. 0. E. Pelton ai Barrington, the doctor obtained a verdict, for two huudred dollars for Profesiiîal services. There wiii be a 'ýiuh sud nmlk" sociable ai Eger's Hall New Years Eve, under the auspices ef the 1. 0. G. T. A good prograra i8 being prepared. Admission locents. Mir. sud lira. Gilbert Luice are rejoleîug uver the arrivai ot a baby girl, boi Wednue8aay morui iig lUioot a Xnas gift. lir..tJames, u Lake Forest, is iiu attendawe. The ~ Cen<itrai linifLaki' Coii lut' C liîtian Endejvruir, o tiIlotî -t a rîlly ut tht' l'ricsli iteri Liii h orfiutLit ar tv- ville on Stidvat'îîîiaii cu - lrîg, Jani. 2, i>,7. l'rogî alii will lie pulshi'd îext neî'k. The' hoiselîold î'ff,t, ofl Chas. Loriug îuanager uf thie'LIItî'tyN-iltc Electrlc Lighit Compîjany irrivid the irai <of the '>'eek. Mr. L'iriîg lias iired lirs. S tri, i g'shi) i i(î onîcli mcl street frîîui toi) to t),.ttîîicî anti will hav e bits lhomie Iighlted tlii ii gîiiiut y eI ectric'i v. Lew Hantîy t'>i 'itingç inSodii.s, ~Nayuc C-, N. Yc. It liss been ittmate(l Lew lias aàîmatrimconital bee ini lus bat, whîch bat n iI tic reuîuved from his bald craniaili 'i ithoiit regard t eo me î(îences, whicîe ut Sodîis. He is a ioait tilicertain qnantity, liowever, aunou,îe may sîifely voitîti for the vera,4ity ut this rilunîr. M. B. Colby & Ce., wio',e generons advertia3ing deriote'> tîcir progresisive up ici date biusiness mî'i(,thodsi have ar- ranged the second fluor uftiheir store lu a muai artîstic ilianuer for the dlsplay ef holiday gouda. Tables sud ahelvea are leaded dowcî with uspfut snd preity gîftst. Books are always ieccp- table. especlally stich as this firm have selected for the hioliday trade. At iheir aunual eleciionetfofflicerai lasi Friday eveuiug. D9ç. 18, John G. Ragan Post No. 742 G. A. R. elecied the followiug ofllcera: Commander, I. S. Gleason; Sir. Vice Commander, C. M. Fosket; Jr. Vice Commander,_. Peter Jacoby; Quarter Master, A. A. Payne; Officer of the Day, J. E. Ballard; Officer of the Guard, Geo. E. Harden; Surgeon, Dr. Bt. N. Elckey; Chaplatu, L. H. Bry- sut. lustallatiln 'ill coccur ai the nexi siated meeting, Jan. 15, 1897. Livr MMl tEk bllussas dsppua.beadchu, coSU.t pafion, mur sioumh, indlpestior a- prouptl aured by Ilood's Pilla. They do tir orko 4 .- Me B. COLBY& CO. lira. S. C. Bond ta recevering frem a -,erlus illiisa. Mrn id lra. fico. Wagnîer, ot Ivan- boe, were tii iuwn at Monîiay. Thaèt dyniamo lbas net arrived a.'> yet. 'ce're waitiîîg witlî batcd breatlh. Mr. Petercotiri, of Dianiouid Laike, wam wsen on our trecils t ',IMonday. Data Clis did nluit iii'ieed in geiting an iectriv plant ic the Liberty- ville stocking. If hae iad vislted tiil bnrg a week laie r ift iiglitt lliV(î. Vllt diiTerenit. .1. B. Cook anîd W. M. ltt'atil arte e plîsitors in the Illinoîis Nationral ltîuik, of Chieago. ithidli faillet Mouay. They are rît worried. ho)N e'.îr. lîiiig fath lu the ability aioîdispoîîsitioîn uf offIiaIs uft that î'olccrn i li pa olîc hnudred cents ou the' dollar. Il. J. Cater, Vice Preîîiuîerit frîm t'11 Cougressional district ut the Sii Board ut Agrictilttri. utllîils i4 iigo to Springfield ftier the holtdays lu at- tend a meeting oi utilcers eftbtat am- socIation Lu straighteiu np lamt yearh business îand arrange for the State Fait ot 189l7. The tfteeuth auuiversary et AunaI sud Fred M. Sedam, vas celebrated ai their borne ou the eventng ot the 2lsi. The guesis asembled toecougratulate ihem upon the years ot wedlock pust, aud vish good fortune for ihose to corne, were: Messrs. aud Mesdames John Sedam, Robert Grumnitt, Leroy J. Webb, A. P. Siaplem, Ed. Well,,, R. W. Bulkley, H. J. Lawrence. John Lawreuce wysa the vlctii ota paint l nisd what almosi resulted lu being a fatal accident early Tutesday afiernoon. Mr. Lawrence was operatiug a cern shredder, when Inaffine manuer a place e! btuding iwIue became entangled lu the machine, cai-chiug bis lefti band lu a loop and draviug it iu. Lawrence succeeded linlihrow-1 tug the machine out et gear witb bis elbew but net until bis baud was terribly maugled. Wheu assistance arrived 'h vas uecessary Lu reverse thre shreddcr be coqilà reruove hi'> band. Dr. Taylor dreffaed the lninreil meurber, but did net amputate apy eftihe ingera. Owlng tg) iheir crushad dondil ion it maty prove ubicsuaay 10remove the Index linger tb* 80o u Sweeth earts and Wives.. <(~ IloIId Are especially invited to inspect thelune of Neckwear - Silk Mufflers - G loves - Mittens Fancy Shirts - Handkerchiefs - Caps etc, at Sagborn & Croker's,- ~~ENTS FURNISHIER.. Libertyville I lIinot~. C IRISTMAS bRESENTSI Albulms formerly $3.00........... Si 75 Braos Lamp Stands, Genuiue Onyx Top) worth $6.00 ..... ........ 3 8 Perfumerlea 25e to ..............1 (K Toilet Botties worth 25e.......... 10 French Plate Hand Mirror. _____ wrth 50c ................... 1 S5.00Violin ............. .......9218 35.-00 Accordians .......... ...... 3O00 * Ioy Carts worth 15e.............. 07 Tollet Soaps Worth 10o........... 06 Best Quality Cellnloid per sheet 18 Crepe Tisane paper per roll... 20 Ladies' and Gent'a Pôokeibooke Worth 350e....................925 This lu only a partial liet ot the many bar- gains in Hfoliday Goods to be found st At Lovell's Drug StorFe, iberty triggs & Tayor' e augaged puttiug bot a d /d mater fixtures tb the office L'r. O. B. Heve. 'When completed he dector vil bave aâc<'nveuluni an office as anvous iu BuslwjsU Locals. Fox SALE-A few .104e. I o- the coDt'i For Sae Obe*p-A- 'Lteiyvllenev. AppIya&#â.<2 At the Une of the i Librtyville ryf,. lire" sianipm te the amount of about $75 ver burned. Ams aIl recordm s o IhaY.d Sm* us .burned it was impossible te iletermine s 8E 13 the exact lou.Lest 8at idayMr. use'ws Schanok's cdaim fo tiaaul's l.m Mu 30wbioh la Oqà ë4st ýW

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