Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 25 Dec 1896, p. 7

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MUELLIGENT WOMEN PREPARE »FOR THE TRYING ORDEAL n li» Whou Womes Ais B«Pible eb 't Msay Dr@"tDiseuss. t T'h anxlety fet by womnen sas the t, éange of Mie " draws near, la not t Olsut reason. 0 Wbeherusytemisainftaeranged P M&tion, or se la predispoeed to f apopiexy, or con- t gestion oi any or-b ~, gais. it is eIthisM become active and with a hot of nirrons- tios e Can-t fuch arnig syptom as en t palpitaion o!tru eot, parsbeor tise oye, Irregularities, constipation, _warlabi» appetite, %wcaicuess andi in- <nieotude, dizzineas, etc., are prçumptiy haeeded by intelligent wosunowio are ppochlng the pi-Ill iei-ere Wommansagrent change irry hees-pecteti. Thouaiands at tih critical tin: ciosult ,,ru. Pinkham. an(i] conluct thir habit., pearding to lier at!ie, 84with the V.ta ibs Compound go ýthrosagh Ibut dis- ~k. treasing time wsitis perfect safety and eoanfori.. lrs. W. J& Dav, of Bette- ville, Ohio, »ay$: IlWhcn 51 el». .fuUed, Lydia IL Pinkhaina Vegetable Conpouati anseti nY ife. .11 carsied me throu gisthe change ol lits ail right, anti1 arn now in, good bealth. It aiso cured my huaband o1 iney trouble." Gladness Cornes Wfth a btter understandiag of tise transient nsature o! thme nany plya- milis1 whieh vanisis before proer cf- b.¶- eutuieforts-pleanant efforts- .ireeti. Tîtere le corfort in loidethat no nspny formas of icenewu are not duo ta any actual dis- mm, but simply to a constipated coutil' iom of theo system, îe pleasant Iiiy laxative, Syrup of Fig-e-, prompt- lrmovc. Thut je why it is the only Imaedy wth nillousof famities. andin ~erwheo eteetii so ligiclyal éi;ov&aln grod healtis. Ia beneficii.l bifets are due to the fect, that t la the «»s romedy wlîlch promnotee internal loanlinoîts, without debilitatag thie oayny n vhch itacta. Itis tiretore uffmotat=nt, ia order 10 get i1h bene- Bical cfects, te note wlaen you pur- chase, thaty3ou have the genuine article, ,wl1h ismanulaetured by the Calitornia F'ig Syrup Ce. only, andi sold hy ail rep- sutable druggists. If lu theo cnjoymct co! good healtis, sdthse systcm in regmlar, thon laxa- iesother remedes are not needeti. ývfiitdith any netu-aI diuerae, one ~py b. commendeti to thae mont sk ilItul rousians, but if la neeti of a laxative, Rdbne ahoulti have thc bet, anti withs wtellU..luormeed everywhere, Syrup of u1g tands htghest andtinl most largeîy a~dgvemotgenral atiuiition. EAR---PoUR-Es A NE* pFAO. L~Â~ILI~LE IsII()PEFUL Le 1 liv br ed t1le th th olv PC fo ty bl w 10 ri ti Pl ci ei ti h e A New York t-at w-ars a taIse set o! Alump o! nirkel wsoigliiug 4,500) poulîdsa i wortlîh hlf as mauiy dollars. la llaly thtesaine of land is consici- *ered to lbc thirb3-four flunes the aunal rentaI. Conductors andi notorînen On the elctrlc rond running front Newark to uIrvitîgtots, New Jersey, are conspoleti 10 'as-ar white necktieS. 19 The grenadiers, a body o!fl'ail, strong -soldieres Who llrew bombs or grenades Int the enemYss anks, were establisb. ed sin France la 1667, ta Englant inl 1685. The Blue and the Gray. Both mon a.nd womnen are aPt tb feel a littIO bine. wheu thse gray haire begin toashow, ItIa a Try zatul feeling, la th. normal condition or tbinas gray haire belong to ad-vanood eue.. They have no business whiiteriing thse head of man or woman. who has not begun to go down thse slope ocf lfts. As a matter of faOts thse bair turne gray regardiesa of age, or of lfl m sasons ; sômetimes ft le whitened by sioknese, buTr more otten from lack of care. When 1h. hair fades or turne gray there's no, need to yeeort to hair dyes. Tise normal color of the hair in reetorod..and rtained by tise use of Ayrs Hair Vigor. a it araictit lt îcîiil-- S ait l ta '.iitig iMi i tîtititi. (tutltu,t t-a la s be tt.-.t ii ehile l le lt car it-a ltIoLetiai '- ude ilt n L a f W e' thelictrrtulii t Ile ecn w-a mtionîanîd becssiis a j1)jscncr. 't' tound tise pour fetîttîs wo, inabit speak altos-e a sîhistier, anti bc w-a sveak that isee cutli act raise is ai He lotuketi soueîhing ike ltip Van N- Secrelury OlaeY luas re('Iived a ct grm ar nîtneing tisat Brazil lias ac( ed ftae rulcu ftir the treseahtil ut Ilsions at men, fraiuieulat tht naian contercore held ant Washingtcon. chiefmariimntations o! tise is-crît hase, gis-en their assemît 10 tiselutE tionai rulet' andt hey sylhi go mb i on tIhe lot o! JuI next yer. A s'tnmt»b le iitsl'tV in thse bts &*don W .u H ave ?akela te the __ Breediiig ofPet Miels. LondonL fashlonable aociety bas takell SECRETARY REVIEWS NATIONAL pa new anti somewhat novet fati-the FINANCES. reedtag of mice-nnd clubs are foru- t for thie purpose of disptnying the lit- Depte a Deficl of $23,203,245 nt ýe rodents andi exchangtng nutm au to Prntad L g- liceie teir proper came and ns 10 whntar Probable in 1897 anud 1898, He Tatoe e bient breeds. Soute of thle ice wned by the arlstocracy bave long a Cheerfutl Vew. adigrees, coverlng a perioti ut tlree or Our years, w9icbl comprises frinO twen- Talica o! Money. yto thirty genenations. These btue- The antiat report ofthtie Semretamy of loodeti mîce fetchi as much i; ns$50, the Treasury, as trnusîuitted tu t'on- 'hile $25 I. qulte an ondiary price to gress, ileais extenRively and ini detail my fr arodnt f th "mtchng"va-with the financiai situtictn. Nr. ('artiste aytes fo oeto macii"v-aumaiamizc's the conditîionîuf thie reuirj, lettes.and after resie%%s ig bis forumer rccom- Mouse clubs have exIsted for somens enaiîinq for eamiy antd effective legis- lue ta Whitcbape!, Popian andthie lation to provide for the retireenlt of Ioorer districts of London. But the tneastmry nuotes. goes on to t-ny: ut bias aow b'en adopteti by tIhe West *'The maintenafnce ot a poiicy which nd, anti fot merely flic titted belles neccîsamily iicses ipoli the gcisrnmeni if Mayfaln but dîso fanionas clubmen the burden of fumiiishing golt at the puub- ne cnthusiastlc breeders of fancy aice. tlie Cx9Cfl5 to aii l wh amy dermnîd it for uae or hotrding at holuce, or for exporm National mouse shows have alrendytar other countrics. caîuot blui jstifieil op- takea piace, lIme coîpetitton among the on any grotuidif eptiic or souîîî xhibitons bcing veny keen. Amonit financalioiînIales, andioeîî if thei te mont succeseful of pize wincrs periodicai andc freiîîetutly rechirnitug de- have been Lady .lnue (Iniîlston. daugb- mandé tir goil did ti 1)0 sseakth ie fouit- ter f te Erl o V(riiam; Dick- dations of itur craire currci-uty ut ein, enonf Ibeceanof hei'rlaoin desbiss thugîs iîii:unriiug ctftîî-aîîi îidelressing mson nice f lIe Eni f Lodosor-business, il t utti nîstilieleîus bc the dltY if utail wtitiarte (1tiarge-îîl ny de- j grec tof ri'jiouiiîity fur Itict- t(Itititn of I -~~~ I îi ruic--flua ru iii nue? h ilit iîutlt ipi: the returmu i i f ti r tisonc thiulsub eit aIthe' tarit-.t î~lacy. "T~he issue nit nî.îýit.tiiiîîof circu- tati .gntes i - i tiî-r tu ici io ! lbt tr-asutry deitartci cu. or if tiî tthîr de- - s ~~partinîct if t;lui isiîiliît.'Wh ie lii gîserutt-c ia io 5urti o ir tciioney, ih l. ictt l i t yîîv t i-it. :utic iga a ililttr iîrrîîi. f,,r -t c t- îrtic tlîîîîof bltiticsi .ir Li !tuj iee cîusîchu itîccil isîler, i ii iii ii 'i, lt icîiIku' il si lu leg lii tn r i i ti t t;i ii iv fîii Ild lit-r it fr1 l tii-t- I c tli iaî 0, tilît eu liI aluth,-ii l! i t îtI. t o b surp-llsîlu tii'e ta c r.îi i t - ie.ll t the future i"q . î - rit s itt ri' .lt-h Illeitt 1 ( thut- ieîit i ai 'i t îit ir, t tcrcsiuer, in nIattr ti uitnfor , o i I et it r -affecoli lietî!( uitllus VTkxý)n . n1tid1 ni roîs ta E ! stt e s t'lv tIan i iitu. iith t--.i- 0 A(lieeriva ss-ihli a iîiarriesl ncrmliua fet oiatr of its t giriau lulriatiesit et weck agocrihîd tic a snsaion a Iurru'îuî ui raliticcliand.tlttc ut:ts ir.EL Engiat dt, andW. Max3', wboThei5 etosblctr-îîItietIstiliitu f is? ol '~tJeeni theeha ulîtn Iltouse o te îu titu of eîrtar tifie Tre ccry Ain ec w' hi al cirmi ow ni oua e o feuinus pyaill er îtitt t ii tx>-e i'tii t the nitîd Kngulsîtiant is-nnero! u stcknî -1for uuîc it - oi' rn i ter week ngocrettedstic a enunion a utiles, a tit bi t gaw tsiit ir.-s vliai Tu $100 chîrlteand c1,.Mxe lo ws iuh aulrýto is tJ rua~f lîjI t i'tti Uilted lhi 1tuisn r1ia sai abe atP a mca isuefrntt ii te as thetUlited -Zlgo tOtIland inro the o thi o ni.tclt iii and ut t goot i sze, iwltlî long, cden hod, flot public nîlîcî otci'sîttîji- t. tocu fine or plolnted cil the nase, the e.sos M. bCarlisle nîtîs lt' rttullet large and boldthe ea' ars big, wide apani, lions tîîr s-ilu iui t-ît' 0wt ttiiutti t i i>liS aiutîti andilcai mied crec?. Tli.c FI t hanukintuela,% >et,- i-î it i r il i i litt body1' îmust lie longc anti elitu, a trifle o fis ct's it litlcte-i.hi.lîi archleut iver te lui n rtnil 'rti-3-" In ap- ru u littc t,- l ii l t b,- lttî- fotiîlul piearanoic. Tht- tait litleýt be long, tli k 1 pt-r t ei t. p-r a tnti. t id ti:it i t hc nt thue mot mandaipeing Ilikeeaw'hiplash iîv lubc gis ec i i -tai I lrui ulil to a fie endl. telengiîn beling cqîai 10foth ictrani tIi .ttf iic i hîttta tf îiv titat outhle niouse. 55hle te cot must CCC, i %al t s l. ve,, iipit: t-ti" f i lie IcPettti siuootb, giossy anti sieek ciNtiluk'O'. gi .'tI r ntttitti- 10 the ihtc, andi it i ,.- .?ti~Itcttl The nî'suihs Most priztl lu Molise shîclîl it i. nu iiti, wi(S l ttri'uihg ar n tost li%-Iii tiof attali- cîeîl r to ;li îîul.~ l i gcuii) metuu. Tor*to!ue stîcils, for instance, amiv tirs, lt in ii i-sug;î-nýItil ti flic arest; a good sieinen would ci iete i -if tliIi tI iiii* ,:.,. tri: aituost irieech's. liack inti tans mal- try ititt- , liTit o itIliitltt uî'xt aitoong ftue rarîlies. leicase îî l 1,)%\rit.i.t tlîiiti it su uticut utgutbltti iili lce liliik iroi ittt- ;i i t tit 1t'.t t ntti erl.c sa dtflultta et ll("l wth he dn n iir, îîrtuu:îîîî ct 11,Vt- f -Iiriicl of a gooil cutior, A luIre rrîvcu blaek. trîf-:t- 1es-on tlruugluut là oîly atlaliii aoîiong theue -r3 arislocracy oft bit STARVEO IN A CAR. ,iMolise wsorid. Ainoog tihe eleganies of lit(, îottse wo-onuiîtîîst lie riiikc-tl lice A Treuil, WNh-i',%a- 'eIm tnts Wit saless'a hici are rcuicliy ecariiing lua1out F.aoutor Dir îk. colonA laiit-i.N. J.. ltiîi The camuse or ubeuRmatiom B orne 1owu withtulrivmtttes, <idhfs tbg t Thi e use of nbeumatlsm la lactic Agi finds t, *Brest sote@ ln the benignant g.ewps BIalggîha WM dt*, Bdefi the blood. To tht. acid are due tente aid afforded by flostetter's Stomaeh once. Go to yod!' dfngget.1 the aches sud Pains, the swoIîeu jointii, Bitters. wbich counteraets rbeninîti and IL sample bottie fre. Bo la the bar , a onizng win es. h insiaarat tendences, relieres growitn tlle- cent ieotties. Go at oce; afhct thrp ego izn l i e arm e n tivity of the kIId n . d la te finest rem- dangerous. inatsm ffets he 1mb. ans, actek ey extant for dfisorders of the stomîeb. end htpq, caustng miscry day and ntght; liver an boweis. Nervounmless. too. wittti What madé'yoti go long bUYintg stiffnegssofthie jont%, îamieta't sw,11- wbIcii oid people ire very apt te tie afficted, spoto bed""bIbdt ings, agony. Riîuniatisin clinO ho Curd unti1 some shop indices got oniy by purifying the tblond. Do net A Curious Cow. telling ecdi ther wbat they waste xnoney and time on liniments or A thoreuglibred Jersey cow belong¶ng last night."-Clitcago Record. ether applications. Do flot dally withte J. L. EnglIsh, of IHartford, Conu., anknown miedtcines. Cure rheuinatIsni bas attracted notortety thts senson by lit once, surety, safety, proinptiy, per- giving b:rth t0 two calves, flot twtus, tmnnitty, by purifying the blond witli but liernaft an Interval of more thanu Iloods Earsaparlla. Thîosands of tliree wepksapart. The cow is regIster- 1cures of tbis and otliir blond diseases cd as Ona's Grinneli. The firit o! the cconciur.iveiy prove tlnt Hood's Sarsap- two calves was born June L'O. It is il aritia lias wonde?rul curative power. heifer. nut ibas every mark of a Ilol. itchanotre teu r ftý The great mnert of 11-o"s Sorsajîar;ila stein. 'lle second calf, wtîichl s a pure terri wten tbe b;oodien t.hdàfis has given tt the first place among miedi- Jersey huit, wag boru Juty 23, tliire cines. it t. the reason for lis worider- weeks and two days after the first. fu i c u re s . i.t i. th e e x p la tta tto fi o f its i o s C r f o r o n t m i n l e u o y tenormnous salesl. Ilood's Sarsaparilla Pi'sCrfoCoumtni orol I- ands flot oniy lupon ltM record1 of cures medicine for cougs and colts-Mmlr.i C. at iog hssueqaîd Bis 3 t v..DneclS r a a it t by ay othe mediene, bt t Io to-day 19.s r a a 1t Icunlng thousnnds of cases o! catarrtî, The pike, says Bacon, 1is tue onty TeOe reBln urfe.Ai e. oula r'beumatlsm, serofiala, dyrpepata. and fish that lias 1>uen known te tive over Ho' pf an the tet nany other blondl disenses. It Is to-day 200 vearq. pi;add~i1S th1e niedieii hi lic hepeople talle tu TI ereisno vs-ue In dbing riglit gis-e thelu hcntth, strength, pure blood, Sl pi3 t eise I hve to0 9good appetite and digestive power. Why Ed.tor. Sgay 11we." THE MAIN MUSCULAR SUPPORTS 0F TIf! The editor of a leading daity, discus SBODY WEAKEN AND LET CO UNDER asing tht. question, recentiy reîuarked - Editors do flot alntwys Say e'bt generally do so for a good renlson. A B K AH newspaper Ilînt is %orm ils malt, lu OR LUMBACO. TO RESTORE, STRENCTHEN, commientitig on publiv niaiters, îloî's, not --------------u ,USE nierely express lit(' opinion of Iielle ____________ ___________________ ______________________________________ vidua 1 wîit er of thle dit . bu t more tri- quentiy the aveirage opiniont of 11 i ùil ýg ter lie11 pe aiso pi r ito ,n d tlr - menu crs of the. staiff of the lic îr 'Talle axvin ig oriing iîaper inluA1 a tîg igîty to-day. It woutld be found 'fon iiinulrvhuat ont! riter rites on one asnitjecft. aiuctier on atiotiier subcicet, hwnvddy otathatic asI cenofCascambe niuit o un, t, ciglut, ten, tw vis eý, or tif-% ad Cthrcls enig Çu rb i n. a vt u. itise1111ier naypri-1isinlt h ielaen hnefrsc c ta. iii' udis iptia w rer on anv iiillti inula t e orporate iarly iergisof 1 ifaches in the mrnng. Y ou at theni lkecandy, C~~~~~~ lIl,-e'opoat tirnte u te r and th ry eavyour brcath sweet and fragat uni, a ndl more or tesslia rni niz1, h i..: gani- 8(I vif wi tis generil tient or jroulîs% îy. Better send out for a box right now, 10c., 254. "Iti coîisequeutly, mcore correct, as 'i'50r-, any drugstore, or ia&ld for price. Writej it is fouîd more cons culent, that n writen should say 'we' and Dot .1',' be- for bookizt anid free sampfr. i.4 .4 is c A- cause he is giviug utterance te the CLDDYÉ U5 3 11opinion of more iî:n one person. STII EEYOP S"M'ben, tiierefore, any palier editori- ATHARTIC OrnoAO; if a Ily uses 'I' lu Its leadinDg articles, lu- Gure inmtratlon. MONTREA, 0A4.; 3 setend of sve,' It may be taliei for grant-NEYOK glý cd tlîat tiiere Is oniy one %writer on thîe >u paper, or one tvriter %vile wishes teo ---z; strut about lu borrowed plumes. fl b ii a "If there la only one writer, the paper te and comparatively valuctess; If tiiere m prlat N o i e l-more thon one writer the editorial ' Je i. as egotistie as lhIoi.misteadlng."Th onyg une" ae'Ch olt, We Yon Want a Farm. celebratcd for more than a century as a de- he ave, fifty racles West 0of Houston. et t" adfehfri~bvr Cliestervi.te, the best tract li Texas . Iîîgb îcious, nutritious, adfehfrigbevr tu prairie, vueii dr;Iined ibundant matali, age, is put up in Blue Wrappers and Vel- ut tre n noraina Iepeer ow Labels. Be sure that the YeIloW he sions a ire, tire. Address SOT1iE!t7<el TEXAS COLON IZATION Co., John Linder- Label and our Trade-MNark are on every a oira, Mgr., 110 itiaitu Bîitding, Chicago. pcae a A True Characterlstie. u le ruh akteSdsoy Yu RMM t) To is nged parents ln far-eff Irelanti WALTER BAKER & CO. Ltd, Do'ceser, Ms. (If poor Son, Pat," tbey satd, "al"s: he was -_______- ______-______-______-______-__ or- captureti hy cannibais and boiied kei alilse." l'That was just like Pat," sob- Ili- bed tise leartbroken mother, "lie was r- atways a tîrohh of abo! io Not 111f -o NI îcim. ti Agatha Chartey s i. bled wlth bis iinew luoStaciei?.s't he? S Marie-Yes, but <with a shy hitushi not bai! so înueli ns 1 arn.-Ciairinont ( N. Y.) National Eagie. li' Ieafiesm Cannot De Curea ii l'ocil applicatios. as tltey cannot reacli the l, '~eoe pnton of the Par. There ilsont), one wa 1 ur iafes loithait Is by contth0l.. .. -.1 iirexal '. iit Il iC nitai tgi t he a Etisachlaa Tilte. Whea 1Vi1ls utte c-î't, lanieîl iu ti havC a ruîîibitig Foitî or ImI ierf a ttr-4 ag, and wien il I-c eîiirite l-cled )eafnesiii th ' te resoit. andî tile,-.theinlamaatîaioni eau ho laken c ou ni tii- tue re-torei 1 it normala conition, i. urinas minli ti' esrtiieui forever; siue cases ont tif tellilare caîlseti tîy eatarrti. %as whiih Is nolllng btut a laumed condîii oo ll, thie mlii s ltC iîtfaîe,. ih e tcwlli gv i le 1elititdreti holtars for sriy ,it case of i>ea faess (cati)eut bvcatirinli) that cailant -v ce ured btu liait. Catoiril Cure. Sund for cîr- tuIe 'lr, re F. J. CIIENEY &CO., Toedo, 0. OWSoid by tiriîggLths, 75c. -T Around thse Worid In Forty Days. 11ýq When the Siherian raiiway is coin- pieted the journey around Uihetvorld wll occupy flot more than forty days, and the cost of transportation wilI fnot An Itligent mataron, a resident of Ihan ,N. Y.,malles ît var la exceeti $400. toamli ber aeighborm that sahe ti aks th arce i o medic i lîke Lanes lamity Medicine Moves the bowels each day. la or-a s T b l s der toehie healthy this la necessary. Actegnyo hie liver anti kidneys. f ps T b le ' 8ianderSIe believas Iliat hey aed tbe if. o! hr so, a boy of telve.t, ol Balaway-Jagso1ila vcry loose in bis been takten sick with what the doctors !ahiad liver trouble andi catllrk Ci habits isathiethe siornach. Sisesamys thoa ater treatiig him a y-ear, etiiot doiug hl hai - Wh len a hml~any gond, thse doctorqavelîii m p tu, de..About that timI ine vs alght bce waz very tigbt.-Wnslaington done hlm rnuch geood for cataffh of lb. aiomseb, insisted taIt bis nequVw Times. sbotld try titei. After t~ bad been liban two menthe. according la Idirectionis, the boy was a 'beytgo ta, admootmand four cm- tbéafmitr e. J O No. 81h he ohnA. aizr Sedbign talinn them ha raplied ta an iiquiry: " Wby, 1 am jie; e sswd1

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