Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 25 Dec 1896, p. 8

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g~ ohciorand ebar- hoa-lot and &*Ior oeront ~ o1 l chK! are ~00 atii 17 N ceI 8»07 lt. 4uetin am L..go. Queni tommredU %ad lra. J. cet Cornrs i. Geo. Quem tè olden, o! Ouam vii be gatthe lus rwm&o ]m 0& i, îlemam Auctlon off mb#pm n Of 1vr SCo l'of t by Subscription News Agent Publishers LOWESTpRICES, on ail Periodicals. if you want to Buy or1 loger 0 $0 0 r es82l44 51 loin la 9 001a0é L010ifl 2tlOS806 à50 1lin GOWO SBOUTE as top onir on signaLl. am. a.m. amn. P.m. P.M. ILU Frit Lake Villa 1 34 i129 4 u9 06Il10 Lse. y 44 140 4567914 i1,40 .e lor î8r 04 i1150 608 9 22 125 b?=ar. i ewg#il 013 140 82) 12 02 520 1267 8 O 26 05la 102 1 44 550 11 chc o 1009 110 660104 ^round the County.. Kra Mr. Mr. Inhis urdàa Chas paid Th, Mr viali fora viei lteest - Rent Lake County Icr-EFE.n lSOCîrrEs. a,*4aM os Third ÇONGREGATIONAL Cburéh Sunday ser- rO REAL ESTATE, me"eus "089a.iM. and 7,80 p. m. Praver Yi rodmes. lreetingMWédnaday ovenines. Yt.S (.E hel bi *eng, good cia- meet sunday evenings at 5:45î. Junior C. E. dey eô or acre.Pore Be Sure to Cahl on, at 8o'ciook. tirgi iU4ht. IMN Camp No. 4124. M. W. A. mee(t Di = ' ' k fir'AOtNndtFd) tudy nngla ahW.1 owmiles north of!iLA itan hrdBtrdyee1nsofec voWd under îgood c'lPa doc , onth. D. GOairrris. Y. C. ron vastme land. go -- ,îe 1no 0~ . (). FN'.oi. ,met seeond and fout-th not mtnisa oiir&d L lv l - Ilnos. Tiursdayq )ffqth month '.Ti rfsligsvlnan I ...L,,~vW. C.s8T. N.C. glas ___________________________________________ ~0. <1. T. în>'t Thursday eveninge of eauh 11116 w"& k. LA uRA ftooLrr'rz. . T. Disi PALATN E. OHN . RAGAN Post 0. A. Bl. tuet ha fli biLtrIP t A merry Christmals. Stra niaht on or hefore fui monon. h t;y Mrs. lielbor leunuder the doctore cure. j. A. MAsON, Co),ndr. I %elpe Doage à Dr. Alard bas lieeu on the sick ilst O. E. CILURCHII.L. Àdjt. h«i mail grng solitii...... :04 a. M. 9:" P. M. wi The Maccabees eected new olilcors Maii goa norti,................ 10o3 s. 0M. the inpel sud Geo. Tbursday nlgbi. Mail over land iiy tag," arrives at10oL a. m p viaster during We are gorry to eay ihat Mr. Porep departs milun. tm. Lii le on the uci bost. W on bc ready for A dauce wil bc given la Hartlett's H. P. EWAING M. D. W id&ci a g0od 111151.hal Christmas evo. RLPeter Hartlett's father. ni WVoodstock, R ockefeller, Ili., and Henry Baker, la makiug gl aalong 'doit. Esdnea . .Iocms @y viiid at ibis Tihe Misses Porcp visited fricýtiim i Office 0 . Opposite Dopot. teo Plumb Grovo last Thursday. Rng O'ouur, The street lampe and posts e ccived Houra 9 A. M. 1i b 2 P. M. Âfter 6F. M. JTuay vih lMr. n res h oat of paint; ibis . _______ nib 41.Mrs. H. P. Bick is e lowly re- COERnSPONDENTS WAXTED: IVe are.) tl, ae a ud F -E.coverig frotu berrecent Iliness. deNirong of ecring correspondonts à e laut *eek. Miss Tva Bennet, of Dflndee, le in every town ln the county. If wi ou D5migay, lrs. visiing relatives bore ibis week. yoîîr vleinlty lR not represenied write agi ýfMichael Unden- Chale Lytie and vile bave returned fori ternie, or s so me frieud 10 dogo lent of tlisi place. frou visiting friends ini Cicago. goCT ooM~ *tum J f P. Mather, H. Sawyer and Hairry Rea S ODc. Z vtiied vih lMr. are home for the hollday vaLatioli. ntun oue day laal Bert Smith aud Chao. Grigwoid's Tua TAC. on your paper Indlcates bh luttle boys are ick ithl diîbtbenla. the turne your subscripion expires. Wý rue, of Wbeeing, The Athetie Club wiii give their In reie wing subscriptiofla aend express Barringion, vieil- next dance on Nov Year's evo, Dec. 31. or posioffice money order DIRECTrvo fie place one day imit Mr. Proctor, of Fairfleld, iS ViSitiilg THtIS OFFICR, Made payatble tO JUer taPa bis sisier, lira. Butchor, lu ibis place. WOODMAN, dedttctîug amount paidh e obeerved ai the We have ioarned of the death or hsi'torer *vith a treo On M@. Umdenstock Sunday ovening, frso:ore. 1 ,»k auigng and Dec. 20. - --h( ual distibutionl of . C. Eersting is taking lotsofo ROCKEFELLER. xurnipictresteeda. ddon io Mis. J. E. Hlocomb entertained am curmin. vo i aste wt ntsd sister from Peoria the pasi veek, tîl t. P. lIy vin Mu.ei h.heswetat lis. Smithi of (iaysae, made po it hin 290 pretietlitte boy in tue towii o! Rockofellor a short viil one day laat tion onDeceeber ve.L id Jsuuary 1, 197, Bey. Geibel, a former pastor o! St. Xiii Christophor, o! Elgin, lsa pend- h Igui.i np î<sad Paul'O churcl Io le iiting fiietîds in ing a few days wth bis sisier is. Dr. &. 180? at one sud a ]Palatinle. liii'1. Wmn. Filbert who lias been in tbe M.Ll ohmciehm r0 bospital for severai weeks ls expected Berlot, Wls., 1 caeu homelioiid hi S a»s. homle acon. vîithbis parents. Osca Beutier moved bis fmmily and Mr. John Knlgge and sister. o! C f il staiPublic houaehold goods to Jefferson Park River View, are ai present illiiug iii ta JtOkOie!elr, last Thursday. relatives in ibis place. tg seomber 28, 1896, Dresmaklng doncetai lre. Histiig 'B Mr. and lira. John Aynaley, of il P.c 21. . abarp, at the lovent possible prîtes and lirst- Diaxuond Lake, voeepleaaani caliers isres oon fr vcas ok. Give n e a , lib is pac lst unday. I at douible'haueaa, Wln. Hitzmaù la recovering from bis The Chriatian Endeavorereofo Rocks- 0 offe buggy, receni serions ilimons under the cUill- foller wIil give a "ýNul Social" aitlbh ohms, carpent-er's fui treatimofli of Dr. Muffat. Chapel, New Yea's eve. Befreghb-]b tWi~Yis cnl Bon-to Mr. and Mn. James lIeu, of monts 10 cents. We extend a cordial 'Il a4oleraricesWahngton, D. C., Wednesday Dec. 4, invitation te everyone. SOCIAL COU. t ,go, tivolutile nepublican votons. Gravling the sireets seeln to bc Ail UflS 0VF 10 lra. Preston, o! Oa Pari, and lins. thme main attraction ut preseni. The lb. a .gvl i Wright, of Gneentield, Mass., wene noad trom churcli to the DIimond s nie, esiu 6gueeie ol lira. R. H. Lytll laet Monday. Lake store la noarly completed. Great Misses Blancis aud Aima Sbierding odit ls direMie mon o! Dlamond B EAm)El, Prop. iline te enai'a Bail held lu Lake and Rockefeller for théir _____________the Mascnte Temple, Chicago, Tnesday persoverance and liard labor. e u ne nigbi. Tbo longth ci1111e may be lncmeaaed ~ ~ ,le I M@. Sophia Sturm died st lier home by lessening is dangers. The l )Ii lace Tliursday afiernoon of majority of peopie dis froibang 2y4Mr a pulminary consumpiion. leuneral mor- troubles. Vboee may bc avertod by vice lu St. Paule churcb Fiday. la- pnomptly using One Minute Cougis rnfortable tormient aL Long Grovo. Cure. F. B. Loveil, LibertyvIlle, and Frank Kenegge va. surprised by lita G. C. Robonts, Wauconda. >~le.young ichool frlende last Fiday night. opoug'too! Vhe Party dld net adjoura untill ivo FOX LAKE. i 'Vour Labor. aMm. Teyee iierialnedoly Merny Christmnas and A Happy Now SYi>u dofit? -tlem. Tear to Il.à thisStoryl Sooihiug, and net irrîtating, The Fort Hll churcli ha. been etrengtiseuing, sud, Dot voakeulpg, lmproved by puttlng lunov sieoves. t'm ual» but effetve-such are lhe The infant daughier o!flMr. and Mrs. 111e. cirof DeWt's LiMte Early Hans Golden, o! Lake Villa, va. burie Rie ile tlimons litile plns. Y. B. ls Sundisy. tieLove»l, Liber7ville and . C. Roberts, J .Kel o hcg, made hie Wauconda. mothon lirs. M. Knoll, à short viil ICI ltl . Herman Berlin, o!, Palaine, va. liai Wednenday. mon uearlykiied vhule ÉAsalitg*is The many Inonda of Misses Florence thoir broiher-ln-law In ahelilug eon bouis i mi Laura Olcot reaied thein to- 0a &!ý ~t farn lu Lake Zurich.' lu StOPPiRE surprise luft Friday evening.. 1 over tlie *umbllng rod lis a1a Mr. snd lMr@. T. J. Holoman, of t 84 'in g o auglâi and lie vs. irovu 50 la IDFort Hill, are ontentainimg tisa latter'. alively manner, eclinu asmotter, lire. T. A. Emmone, b! Ant1ocàs. injuries. z______ - --_______Thore viii bca aChristass res lu APTAKSIC.the Biig Hollov achool bonne and *se ~" T hobaud bopi ibave lasi ibeir leader. Clinintua. ove. SJohn Meyer la alUng lIée1Y witli' LIis Hughes, o! Laie Villa, amused bronchites. and enterlained theocshool chldrei.. > 0 e Vred liensliberger, Dr., lmalsneta afI ibis place lat Friday afternoon vithb zý visit Long Grave blionds, hie phonograpli. "0 telmu d '1=0ty bave roturned Eider T. J., Bolloman yull proach at. frointieu.h* Oecgo 4iiiihe Fart Hillchurch every Suisday IIMet t? »a W.tu d O»q>iterlr .r INinad evenng. Biblecaa B3roumof B gWtai oigUbdal 4OU the every Wednoady. U~tI~> 4WThe Fox Laie Cemetory Assocaton .0w -~ !Xf pun.aiGog iii taie dinifer vith Mys. Willla4u WEINV#. Ou* l Mdgt lre vsiBernatable, Of ARIioCI' un Wednoadai cep >" . i ee r-t 1 4 U - Iay eub sctâGorg Dec. 80, iflishe veeiber permts. i Ic lt torsp that day coule Thursday. Ail grvoïm.v a Di peod amnd ttyare tise vatçi w vord of tise age., UneMh .om 4k». -! ~ - Cure actaeedi if . oe1qg auedol a hi ala. Aats ____ëlt. a- à er19101M__ enteWi eowou t0, tài a ffiuireporta 3bing goflie bbw veaiolovu. x& . O Shd4le hWa bêa e peidtag sek ils Kaj&& lmcet.Leitlto. ýr. a"&Mbams Vin Md dauugte ma art vlaWegrelave a aluima * Skmnerhrn il!dorepairlng 4a hop at Prairie View every Sat- r. P. Dickinson recenily pur- sed a Scotch Collle for which là4 d1170.1 'hg excellent condition uf the roade nade a&l branches of buss good »u place. tri. J. A. Ma«oua returned from ttiijma .Âiiiia eynolds. of Grays- y. Grovonor ha. clused his achool a tva veek's vgaction, Md gone hie home ln Wauconda. rh people of Prairie Vlev and nity have been graveling the road nt of thse irack, which ia a great im- Ivemêfli. rernon Camp 1335 M. W. A. wili holô eir anuai election oo flfluatur- ynight, Dec. 26. Ail monbers are ged to be present. Dr. Thorpe ba. opened an oftice At D. Baller., RaU Day. We Bee no mon wby a good physîcian shouid ,t ucceed ln Vernon. lic DiaMond Lake Literary Society apaaedl the resolution that al l ia mbera aud speakers muai resido in strici No.?7, and muat bave a Pau rd sud key. Ve think thia Quito 'd on the neilbborliig towns. Smly eruptions on the boni, chapped &de sud lips, outs, bruise, acald, is are quîckiy cured by DeWitt's ith Hazel Salve. It h at prenant o, article most ueed for piles, and it ways cures them. F. B. Loveil, [5ertyvllle, and (. C. Rioberts, Holiday greiugs ta al]. John Vttiluoer made a business trip Chicago luti vomi Tbnrsday. F. Thomnaand D. L. Amen mnade a usinons;trip ta Chicago luti Friday. Anmon Wbeeler and ftmîly vlnitod iLibertyvîlle lest voeeUWeduesday. Miartin Morse wbo lin boom soine- t indispoaed la able toaito arotud guin. Misa illie Hutchinson, o! Lake trlch, vlsiied villi Miss Ennice Amen wo or tbree days lent veoi. il you are un ueed o! a fino full loodod Cooley Sbephemd pup cati on Uibur F. Morse, Gilmer, Ili. Mrt. and lir. H. Itàgerty, O! Spnlng- ld,1 111», ae viiiig lrs. H gerty's laonts Mir. andlira. Peter Nlmakey. Mir. Knox, our leacher, le!t hore for les home in Waukegan lui Monday )n hi. bicycle, vhere ho vlU spemd hie oliday vacation. Herman Sobverinan tock a lot of Iremed turkeya la Laie Forent La ,arkei lait Saturday. We underaiood îat ho got lic per lb for ihem. WUI Umdeusioe 1, of Long Grave, 'as viaitung athi.sster's lirs. Fred Leonkerlaliaitweei. Dnriug biesetay ho baggod conaldemabie gaine. Fred (iran iook advantage o! the Ée veathon lait veei andfilnished bia fait pioving. Ho alaocul dovu nd bumued a long Une of badge fence. wilbnr R. Morse sud bies slo Clara attended the closing exorcises of the Pricn achool ai the home o! the. teschor Mien Eunice Amn]estlii atufrl day eveising. Our popular mercliant A. G. Sebver- man ham beon no rusbed with business of laIe ihsi ho bas been oblige ta hure adcemi. Wiliie Steffen la the boy and ho linalies around like a mati of busi- 'ne". Mr. Sclivemn bas oveny- thing iu the holiday good Une frotu a wax doilto a citent of tools. Olve .lim Our school elued 1tait Friday for a îvwo yogis vacation. Thaue vene exorcises in the aflennn Mb'useting ai spasing, siugiiigand spelllmg dovu. Mauter Franki Ullricl va. te champion @allon. eadher and seholams report a mont successaml tertu uolvilbslauding frequont abbencos causa by meulies. MnriKnox viii &ac teaclithe vinten tenm vbich vill begîn the lirai Monday lu Januamy. Laistatunday evening btheachmer and pupils oftheboPrice school held Ihi cioslmg exerolees o! the fali iarm, al tue homeofo!the teacher, Misa Eunice Ames. The patrons of the achool snd a !ow friands ontide vere invIied. snd higlily euiertained duriug the oveniug Tise pinces voro ail vol reudored and aliowed cne! i propation snd refloeot mach crodit upon the teaeher The program closed by the presenta tion af a bemutiful rociing chair lc the leaciser by ber pupla. Afer thq exerciaesýesohà»esa ere servoc and thon ajolly good -lime vaeisadbi aul at plais sMd social converse. Afti a two yogi'. vacaon lise lntor tara viii begln vlt .h ltasAfies âaga i charge. A surprise pryltai va. a aurprisi va. given toe re. A. G. Boliverman iho bor friands Thersa"y ovoning of lua w»qk. Eanly tin tise eveing i Schirn took bis vif, oui a. ah tisoughl ta spend the évenlng. Whise about410 louve ihe ihrev bis pocie book on thse caiee table and vis1 ihey arri#ed at Iheïr dedtination Mi Schwermau remsriked tha" hse iad tel hi. packs$ book on the tabla viii a cousiderable &Mount o! mouey In 1 aMi they vonld ho obligod to relura s once. Upois roiuraing lira. Scisveî man found that about thtriy-fliva< ber triends bed gathared ansd taie possession of ber houa.. Thon ah ramemberod thai Is -v» ber blihda3 'Afier a mcmi enjoy,ble eveniug bE Mrenid dpariked vibii iheir histet uamy ihappy roturils o! ber nataldaý TU$ e va f oUM. D. Robinson, romnuili laberuno!fHaêvic, 1 , vr i vvéM is wrboizatlam tôm"5', U0" is0 14i g ! i , X p 67: 'OasheLaIs5Pal bi a he onky jj. lb U ý ave bg Are now ln order, auýd they are Vewl grood things If properly formned and aidherd.6 to. We shall continue furnishing ttI-" most goods, for the Ieast money possible, goc4 quality considered. We shail continue addingnew go<ôdS. to our large stock ta keep up with the times. We shail continue glving coupofls with every 50c cash purchase. Coupônfà redeem'abie in Crockery. We do not anticipate going out of buslness,nor "claim" to offer our entire stoèkl beiow cost or at Auction-don't deaT n auctt, goods-btkt we wlll treat everybody fair a,~ square, so it wili be safe and profitable fdr til1 to do business with us. V. SAUER & BRO., Long Grove KEYSTONE CORN HUSKERS AND* FODDER SHREDDER. MAKES -Corn Hay -Hummer Sulky Plows are the Best, ~ Any Boy can handie them. Bradley Plows. Fish Bro's., Wagons and Trucks. Staver and Abbott Buggies andSurrles. CombftIation and three spring Wagons. Drain Tiue, Lime and Cernent. Lumber, Lath and Shingles. G.H.Schanck & Son, LIBERTYVI LLE, I LLI NOUS. ~444444*44444444Q444444~.....qq~~I FARII Fol: SILE OU Buiv-193 aoeoà A FINE UNE OF .FURNITURE. Clock Shelves, Wall pockete, Waper hold'ere, Book cases, Conter tables, Extension talp's, Pixiing chaire, Rockers, C ouches, Lounges, -Chamber tuits. Boom mouldmng Painte, Oils, Vanisiies, Glass, Putty, Bruslieg, Mirrorh, Mattrc'sses, Cote, Spîings Etc., Etc. ..AT.. ISAAC HEATH& SONS .Libertyville, hhinois. I mile iroin Quentins corners. .OM biiildings. water and 161ft. g.ared wifl miii. ýAddress J.Hf. HUýLa% U, Ivu View, 111. W. H. MILLER, TONSOIIIAL ABTI8T, W beil Yol want a cie*A %bave Or a good hair ent eall on -Bill." cHIOICE BBEAN Or FCIOAUS. N'xt d,,r t-, W. C. Trigscun oe Stoe on Sî.raaue St. Olîop oPgn everY "IF .~enn'nISindai mortlIIlg -and of ticare trou do need) Winter Blankets, Fur Lap Robes," Heavy Fur Coate he'or ynint. o hoel o a tom he Oil ne stock disbad bY CHARLES KAISER. go aiso do@& rePaitinE neYUigiyW MWYan Merry Christmas TO ALL Wright & Son,. LIBERTY VILLEt . . IL I> , , Food Mill. UNION HO1 We will du cugtom grlndimg Vues- daysg, Tburndayns md SaBat yé. we W [EELING -,ILLI hava a larenovCorns ul lmOeb m1111 ST CL th"a gnds Very ! a.t. FeTCAS. - . . cEve kSONt. Naîtwa>' No Deere Plows..

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