Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 1 Jan 1897, p. 5

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hanlcnq4$Ur 'many customers, ,&thàr> patronage durlng 1890, I~a PPV wnaW veAR. Vours to please', Trivggu-* Taylci 111b1a00 8upoets, ooDoe Bras, anoy PIwMt ftuE lIES VeIndn mi roi4a'Preamptim s.arfully SCarfully Si.ect.d. Only the Besj Bst.yns JMENTS C. R. brtyvllle, 'OUARE WROG L Alargeand varied > Ue o .HardWare,., Mlkcans é,dCuoy You flnd to your advanit- age O corne here wNî you r JQff W9RK.l LibleiyvOte- . s s ~otdmrod togeil *..l t.m....-.-6 ...........s I 0ow d5w SlSëastala y U4.*neem..11t, f Glisago, sslui leàrr sbâls bdooe ober.. T. Our subotibeasomgsuami lwe extend petifga 01 the smatou. Uns. P. 0. Sntb lsolowlyrt.overing front ber roSsai seiaus iliums. John Wooirldg, Of Maaiu, la., i ln Liheu- ville-tié. prsenot eeli. John AUBUI0, Jr., enteriuied thte Austin IaMilY at dinne, Christmasa. liew. G, B. Spaligler, Of Ivauba,ce, vas a Libert"Iliie visitor Maoaay. Fred Crok«, snd facialy pent sun. der witb M. Edwards, la Girysiake. Jo 'Trlgg, of Elgi% .la vlsiting bis £"bher, Saiuel Trlggs, the present vwe.k. Kims Ellisi lluminer la spendlnir mie vssk vith ber aiter, Moir. Sert Aultin. Mrns.Poi. Antin and danglter Jessie, 0f Chicago, are vlaing vltli W. C. »auburn snd family. Toma CorIM and wlfe vlited Clhi. 0go snd Evauston triends the latter part cf lait week. 0e0. Styles, c1 Momence, lnI., epent Chrisinm iaseh b, léiter lira. il. C. Paddock sud fanaly. . oy CorlettinA working for Triggst AichisonàkCo., lori W. Adams lit., Chicago, utIl &fier the hofladys. Minm"' )àeenmk, _grand- danglter cf Soicaon l£elaey base re- turned to lier home lnSuthierlmnd, la. Mev. KeUlog& preached et the' Methodiei cburch liai unuday morning sud evening lnthie absence of peitor Lce. Dr. Ed. HuaSmih il rema.'e hi deuiiu&$ olice to a enIe o! rooma in J. W. Butleras building. Ed. viii have fine apartums. UmissLit. Morse lié sufferlug ual, pueumonla The docter reporta ber cms as erionssand Informe ua the î8 Inprovlng very aiowly. Miss Ada Bla#trwlck, of Rock valley, Iowa, saIter coflMr@. Fred Croker vili apend the wlnter vth Mr». Croker snd atudy muniie ba Chicago. Fiers Churchîi gave à birtliday psriy te her ybung friendîs Tueâ"iy afiernoon. Mis Flora la sevon year Of slle. Beftealimenta vere aerved. Service ai- the Proiobyteri&neh liUreli OuUday ai 10:30 a. mi. and 7:30 p. i. Subjeet lu the moraing -ThIiirrepar- able pet.,* la thie evenig *Pe ponniente.", Overcoats to suit and f it. CI oth i ng. You must wear Clothing, if you want to save rnoney on it, buy of us. Men's Suits $5.00 and i.p. IF You use Superlative Flour, You are Satisfied. Finely Deco rated Rubbersj to fit Lamps $I.25lEverybody'si to $3.00 M. B. COL.BY Feet. A WHappy Neýw Vear. And thank*t the public for their- patronage during the past. Wecarry the largest and best seleoted stock of general merchandise In central Lake county. Therefore we can suit you, fit you. please you better than you can We are invoiclng now ,and h 1ave reduced the price on rnanythings, so if you want bar- gains, cone to us. Shoes Ail Styles Ail Sizes *Ail Prices SSes our display of Shoes ln our -window. M..Bu Colby & C'ouf Dealers in It hasn't been very cold Iately, but the weather la llkeJy to change. 80 If yàuneed Underwear corne Ito us. Pocket Knives. Your cholce of 25 kinds, Jat 25e each. National Bert iioyi ja very i;enti i r tvVIi~~ T pîuwla I e.'tiry ý' i îe * p"HWes.' ~z.H 9Cyclopedias, Unabrfted Ueeek. At prcM.-ut hi, N.3[Volumesi$2.5 aou.eaîîet îupraaeîî. G.Dictionarles, V lu e S2 0 Iiforarition sii ,,taîi Irpar sot.l--ý bsor May Ibc ('tuiaiiated,tlj &hW, locatiaon ofai,ýtor. t . 11 ,1i ty ville la eit ha I t., 't.itea i batik- aubs5e'lptîi. 1 e Is a q s. iO ('lei iiiStBuiness Locale.LA E àrs A 1 li 1 k , k lafi of,fi4 ai'. lbell iacir L K t-irlla lin.11 o.11 . A1i, a!hîa.. ;1aa,,t Narti Linen stampeti gooda, Tout-la, COJNI*Y t>aitalc i ahnd î'A,. oaa jii : ' .f ' Aai'I iîVIiUcî, etc., cbieaP et Unis. 1PiiOTi. B NK..C. t trc e nudai the ..i i,*" IIl'ave. o amt' vcry ale thîngs lu ~U V . sud tIr.. ýittarli.1 et He' a,,. ai.j.. . ia iait îrce tacloue ontui& the 'It. t'aItWright, Parkhurst & Co. AutleFrace l'pt.eciet utulijr'o.r:aiena , ta. aî]idst-o hatliavqw. Mas. PuOrTIua. Lbi~is lo ntrul ra. 8.. iop, ii C aigepT, a' tt , u cb.,,aro , L, I'bythe Fon Re.';-Parm of 40 acres. Mile â tnoMiis dled et their homue Nia -.,dj %%.est! . Thiota Npiaaty sîl (,cenutialatoui-s cDsicd0-- ,h iLake. Address or apply We 6ec. C. Ise Monroe treet SatUriiay iornioîg. îît'.Jan'f,aaal ,a.aï" ttia'.irigî,Vouler. 12-tî afuesltrouv-Blulg 26, oi conatimptian. iunt'ral Crs iece i Foi, S.AL-î0, 20, 40, 75tor 117 acres Certificate Payable were beld nt the (Iàicegto realieiice TImely Suaigeationa. o god imrodlad, Fon erslle, au on Dernad Suuclay atternoon, the romuains bitig lai fariaiiig La.w resolutaios for thc pa r ur Coner.or tor.tts.dý."l bronght to Llbertyvllhe for luierment c0îllaag Yeatr, wîhîii every persaîau1"i. s Monday. Deceased usa tnuiity-seveu uiuraiiy tfoeiithte liowiug lacta Great reductînsna la1m11-Sey, 2 [6 ~ ~ I ua~ yeara of &gt'. sboulal iat tbc io.t sight of. per cent of ni! rtiiiied baa s u. T elufm...... .H w Th Fllttseo. wllgie he TbuaIlite iii eserionus huilunemi. Pao'rîNs'a. s en Fothir seaien ofl gi -,i b'at tiie once gant' i..gone For Sle Chep-A bigb grade iNi. Whou evervf bumeroua utbaipila l <cd foilion er endoai teir utrtes tif ol ar eeruii. ev Appily aiC. C. Copeisuda farts, Own a Cornfortable District 4, Baturday eveniig, Jeu. 2, Thet cvii thoîights Injure onea Libetyvi11i9. '97. Among ailier feutures ut their 'lîaraeter irreaieliy. LesT-A for glove. Sulteble reuard Home. attractve progfran i lil bc e 'cînre- Thai evîl deedu etlarge the bmm oni inOnder. Wu. NAnN& at Iay. 't Or us, oo tMous, dialogues aud a mokuekîisuit, oviil ia this world andi make it harderPR RIVIWPa fo tb V ur..b . cnleraosewith ligo pnd mac. ti That ont binlueuce ou othera caunot J* W.- WeUs 01ci bic@go, pnt a iew IXcvvil Fon do ti Mmsono frod o uî îvlbplin a recalled by remarie or penîtence. tiys et home. o Amaaonrc tasehoiera of the a Clarence Well s taiied fnr Tenuces.. Listen to thîs $t ryr scioni. Ail others lu cents. Doora. ey more thutu the trbgger can torce Mouday, prespeotlng. Peophsebo iod i aahsa m euis open ai 7 o'ciock pog a a7:30. back the' bullet bta the' muzzie tramUMssuMacGregor, cf Chibego, @peutmeto~ uFt 1 Thie Youug Peprle rs c twb"Ihit hba gant fîrth. x-,1aieaiJ. S. Oridisys. smi P oa Peobes('uncl e 'liat 'liionccannai heip iormuîîg Bert Wileor ste dinnex euth M. am..167bao e 0i.6511011' iiieîr business meeting eiected tht' an opinion o!ftuiotiter. for the' expies- yards ilamlly, of liliton, Ciristasve ciaodhome= olueicn. ioilowlXig 0oficera: Prealdent, Wertieu aluan oftht i ln iehointa4tabcieheld Eliner Esaton. of Dovuer'. (trovs, Stop and Thlnk. WeIla; Vice Preideni, ltay ilubtard: acconuâtable. cslled on iondalier. the rsi c6i1sthé slhise i~kCej Secretary, Guasi. Blachoiff:Trtae, That one alwaya dh.covt'ra more' a7à f5 l om* r.4seIbI Abeet Baibour Lbbrrrinu, Fne w teiut ! tir hn l o eeng the Chicago vistors koudayaoskomtpryny Colsit; Aasiant Librarlau . W iri own and that silence cotncernîug theni and Mausn Coiby. Now Just Suposlng Sciermerhoru. The treanrer reported inl golden iud charlty devine. Mir.suddNMu. Chas. Shadelle ate Imae Boai s surplus ut over MO0. Thi money. Thet if yon are'inclint'd tu bc severe dînner iii heuir dan~ r Mis viii ail bc devcWtotetho purclisa. af sud pitieîa in regard ta ather petîpie's NIchais, of Palatins. books. Th. poseent iibrary couteas faulia ethil proof tUiit et heurt you are Oeo. BizenaiWer sud bride î.turnsd nees Yfu olumes, Thee books mmmi ienlty yourow.ii anti necdto ota Naperville alter a brbef vieil; w» tma seveat.icurrelativesansd friendi. are ires te ihs cooneil, but any out- madie o ver. Warrtn sud fRatel Darby, Lydis idai Mau have the privîlege of -their That iîîck noyer camnes te those siho Lswrence sud Ben Davis ste Xmabdln- nu by Ïayig au.annail f.cofni fty trust ta It, sud tuiai the man ofai I ek le net viti C. N. Wldx suddfamiiy. cents. Bokckoa be kepi oui tua ever tht' man aitliard work. B. F., 2. P. sud M"y Grily came weeks sud roeetid for ivo veeka That the' populîr man i.. cicr ho' up tramt the city te atteud ithe famuly . mor. 1K«PUg 0ok Moe tan worennion ehicli wuibeld ibis opui more' Kepig bcksmor ihn i o îithioka niait about dnlng kinduiesslMu. sud Mrs. 3.. S.Grhde Y Won laes truit ba ut reaewing or more than t,, otîtera, andto last ai reccivîîg ivers day. fou w-'sstu disleura ty àfilue of anti attention iiimat.lf. Aslii ipietyhrusa ene cent pe- dey. Thai k.tnd vorda, uynuaitiizitig anAti luvslabij et. re n le af - aI tenutipi, watciuiues alut SIllec i ut o urs. $5. to 810. por acre. I. woiiuding nns u mîjvnesar tnebleriaiinl1isSI bp m Teu bacc yom s&s parlag toc muet isst y to T a k e tititig e tîn t u ttl le , îLot the' poo i' l a ple s n t e telle sd ut h lp s liasa. y - 3it $0 msauva, W b 6« 1 ,i « o ok ffl to Op rat i vlue n toyinaite np piî(tt,.iiy IRobot". wauconda. Fortune Smiles ln sy to operate ;~II e hapluthi tht-y etenptcaieaa . B.dLveli Librtvsouksud .MC.Alod e.0 a iisut Pluoswu. Mm" l n ci1whppus bswirt .z,îîî ute.a tehowsia~r~ bw 4- . -'*'»'manChrimas gouds, Books, Mulera, liibesmess c* ion o,*SbsaD".lsit Hwe Kepi 1114 aPPointmnut Loge Jiandkeicbiefs, Albums$e., ea itea. Y lrCar't Belleve Itl hé&1uoiday anti tsjoyed s good pàtrôn- Puiainrs. Vè IMRh go Tht' doctirattends to hie own 7________ bmsest ad re afll àad busiaessandCu Bnver neglert té hJrks Mtubla becomlnglent, ln Chllg, na mitterwIt4 nîay ho tht' wetier. llh ieieib u~. f ii ~ s i Ï i I iîasecash eiîcstoiner for n goud Libertyvile akilppers being "iffl off.,, YouWri te - Sirai 0 )tr10a -res Ilai Ycrtîan -ca h! fpoyl eoiqnul loe't" ,s~.'~ U908~~a4*et*0t alip. GAve partlt'uîitrms"(1terme te n u s ýH- e. Pàu)O, RealMouBslýte sud Met. iU5b5l. 100 Ibn vu the produlAdi lMS ~i~~.AAItbuftUauas~ i ng Agsal, Liperty ville, lit. bàai*4sdMoty, ~ ~ 'ai Feet. W-

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