Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 1 Jan 1897, p. 8

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se*s teum*g Ame wumt làpe*éJSu,15ôU - - sUas~e~ia 00à".Os IrL IL.iato.a for ma.. ua=,=;z4 bav ou DlvwUon st for sel or tant. A^IsO Life insurance a nd 8S> b*crlptton News Agent I>tbi-lshers. LOWE9T PRICES, on ail Proias if you want to Buy or Rent L.akceor seilfCounty RJEAL ESTATEO se Sure to CaIi'on, * ~yu for patt patronage a ~ yp~aKpy and Illinois. P. . LItAtmarsunned leWaubegaa 1901ao 1o or et HM%,-vu bhos T»' lutely te1"i, Ti.. Engi' Un" 1900VW. a -w ..j. au A 7wl1*e eOur. Mis. ipu "d F. Wyikoop are 1% J R. rolu e tmlsd relatives mséeliy laImm e*. Mia, Vu.tébut»ou sdchildien are irmroemoiv vu on the srocte of Suis Wsdedayo<etaut ceel. IF. IL Oak%, etCicgomde Vasodas aboré VieilSu=dy let. amd beJnl. A. Meflgui2& ut MImaRel <aba, 0f obteeg la visAI. isg relailvessud fblonds la "litacemo. * Mi.sud Ms. A.Coo" viied mli. t*f là,n k aubegan Ibmetrot of the Aff.ésxd-Xmn.H. B. Burritt *pont lais eit Mrnsd lMn.. Joslyn. o! »Jet Delta Hanauoud la valilal IAM&eaisaIvemevtillu11., et préema Murea4Mi.Km .sudO&Ml.B01 Nada, so vieglla. Johaslot at ; ;ffl ue1I=u.lDUo!CbM. cgla W l» pa *cillaâber Parents, jRE. 0u »MiJ. S.-EmynOld sp*ont latus , I" thmtida.ghten Mia. A IiIagl le 144 Tîurdy pnrpose su i.Tboy cil tu tubosn be Tib*. . A.Pérratt Ieade,4j IL lieu u W oïeaq tw patontureti s Ibon s bous,=oab Md Falher ig rehm"a 0 y liecU sfBe. clPat LONG OROVE. À Bappy Ne* Tsar. Em a0 e osaisPmrdosouta l a'. Mim .J. EnofS .i..laon 1mme dilliii. L. Kouiisrr.,Cas a eciy visiter lait u»vau a Lake Zurich MIorbe eblme have re- Ut. e ma l. a" ahlman ane tb. bso sbmm , aevgirl. Mr. X.,J. ý- Wselmof Di-otd Labl v hee hll eek Tnriay j AIà1 SNbeSaof Valparaio.m,' vs qenooui BIset lait veàk aur- Yfflk sudMari West, of JohuSlsblW, of Paatine, tea pendlng a fe cosa vilîta reltIve athis place. Mr. sud Mra. Ueo. Umbdcxilock vlslted i e faber @4 Palatine on lest Badai. , ln the lentlbue lin sMary Baeenabould bave Ijeeu MiNa Mary Baker..-1 Mues...C. oihain sd Oco. Bardot, Sr., of Rockefeller, Wei" pleasant vitons kail eek., J,' Oemeilli Jr.. and fssanly, of l)lamotd Laki, tlsiled relatives t 1111. planscestuisunday. Mr. FP. Queulu.o! Park Bdge, vli~ ied ierelatives sud frlendu at tii plie on lat Tbunsday. à 1ev of oui youag people allended the donne si Prairie Vioc Christmas eve. AiU reportled a jolly gooduie. The old amobe .laek on the creamiery wu. remoyed-ltvsrek sud a nec utne put ihsne vhieh vWU iudeed very flescuary. The direclons are baving a nev coorbue r lnll h. tee bouse et the creaaoiy. They bollier.n keeplng lhinge cool. Il the people o0fs lmvinty could biudly drop Item&a of ec, la th. box aI ihe poslofie Il vouldl . bl gbly appreelatd by uns sud cuould tenait lu listing a gond Iliaio! neca froin t i plmame very ceek. MarnWet atlhe icaidence of Mn. Sahriggeou Chritmas, Mt. Honiy Couper. of Dismoud 14. and Mis. Anas 1Rocs. of Alla place, lu lths oersng tbey ce eiaodsd by te MatalUanalenoumay on snob occasions. HALP DAY A lippr SmevTuerle au. Xe. an *91 PArwbw M* _i u W lls. Vlgauo ogpwcm bmiy*otfiL Ms.i-M.Warka iu m sudlaludaer dsS o oa*. .5.<s Tip llifh.1dbt aed. tvarsud ied rludr cobs Sc sa nYbnpri1 oemq -t,ý li«"ýé ,4 1~~têql w. M. W~t0 11111 ~ah~ eet cok vthaie..Mte Z i" la ammtbatnrday sua LQbýQr e.-, ',ýpe i. atrAluMdIoey *in# 4 wo ch àmd cumd eto eàis ve lag, - 1>. dAy sud Moaday It' .a.9 miei la r RUti t d*y for là çcAsh Xie. J. cF.ohiacoow. jhSý0 Libereailatièe l ts. urs lroan KnIgg et $hIslluek u. 4.. Elsi hs Ur, tacheWo.tala spsnd on ae dýys clut MrJo ra xpse, su. d Ms. pebtwro. Ko dg o Movsi. J.hF. narhow, Waller ao Who pouI* vr ~si clleraome tieist la on one.nain B4aa 1 Si ey. IL . B.,l Cikle faldfo e or1 theil li e sUsca l uTr on Snday plait Mr. h K« ud adis. ecl ver nt10 Loug Grove au" but ela relsi on the ulis of D@ie BuInledeA ry Ptehth £ousreaaÂleseis. P. - vBAed ibe puiliand 0. 0.plame aud WauQie. Wool*iNT. n GDol nlEi.. Mrs. Hiratu Knox la lslllng inonds ln Chîcago..1-i Mi. Aulho#y Kelly, o! Chicigo. la vialting relativez bers. miss maud Bermodi, of Mount tuaroll. 111.,- la vilthag fienda ber. ti i eek, Muais.Spore sud Annaron ,of Veaukogali, viailed friende la ibis viciaity lait vek. Mr. sMd MrIe. ilIla Aiu'dof VesSera UnMonje. berai s i Spoi sud BIJOU are 111e vW"c vords 99 sg e m utaMi"uleCongl Cure eds poul, ifeisuduMu alies, Aluit, brouebt#% «"W"s Md coM ae uedb-il Mr muby y. 9. LoveR, Dlbeityvimsd 0. C. Boberts, Vaumada M. .A"*"nie Bisl died iler hom et I11m Place S riy, Deo9, aged .mixy-fe e ems. She laes a husbasud nd$"o claljik. L a chowvih hefuu eodicaa -o.i w Palaivl lwem-hi WI.l.. guneral vau bhd 7=aay""10"oi cves hId ai the ho ansd te Intenumia tuAnOskvood ceunetery Waukegan. BARRINGTON. Born te Mr. and Mma F. Pomeroy, a girl. Annie Kahn in borne making a short visi. Itet. Iagerman la enjoylng a. vaca- tion tlatu ceek. Dan Catlow, of Iowa, apenl ithe lat- week ctIthig mother. Prof. Y. E. Smithla As pendiug liAs vaetion villa relatives in igla. Misses Florence and Cornelia Smitlh,, of Cary, speni flday wit.h Mytile Bunyn. Chau. Mansfield, of lieloit colloge opent Xcrnassat h.elbone, 01H. A. 11artiden. apecltmeeting at th. M. R. adurcI Ibis ceek sud aIl of next condncled by 1ev. Vatailorn. Mia Co1100, Of EIgn, la mpeading al foc days vllh ber daugitter Mia. 1ev. .1E. Beau. Thseeila tob. a New Vearà social catch ameting n a iîtIpefoenage Thuradsy evenicg. Chrlimas exenoles cere 1e4 Ana &H the cbutcbos Chriatmas eve and niglai. IThe cantate ai the M. E. chnicb cwu consideied veny fdue. MiLLBURN. Mis. liainia itasbeen spondit a a fo deys ai Unayalakuý. SMine Luit Tbla speut ber vairaiion et ber Ibon* bars. Meuera Fi. E.asd B. 0. Trotter snd Mise Usais sqpent Emu 04aare.s. BerI F7111o=e sd sIMlercors VI~le aImuf camw Ceacths lt ors f 11e Afflaur Saord sMd miters, usio Lucy 0"ud aisaspent a lev dffl Ja aicmgo hua ceek. . lins.. Cheomrelilred,10te t omse i4jeideGflsatter a siourn dl bea in D-iose 1Mnd John BAliob. s Ios r"a Boheater foS , errré i1 dnug utlnf Mlliu l u. M.t1« losi! Ti X; 0'ý n 41-li Asisa I l~dI 'Of lis, dwur0& b bisMnà et thé *Uv e. Sci laWa mi gt' 04 Mi, itei Mason giro0 le.. 'Fe MIa1« thre sahy prmop ullgOeMlieOu Tht aeyabel glhu son euaily suto og oi s kuplu eool seeit vo.- u g vacl Do ta. ri ed to avebo sre aof thiees*mlleotle arnbav boîte.________ Ths e %labe ha har atKr. Smcithneaja sud mis godelaep vliing àvoo iMn.Woldmsu ChbrIistabu -vuisi Mid. TJ. thé, c5rllmes tgo. Mml 0f lb. yoPu ep. .. hv Thlsahou# 0 vb.,hl Satha et c*mondmev4 e.t ans suecI ood i. w@ya nNe rotisâtvs . Oui 'me uetteaare deovioi s.u l ie artlare isei Thâe fotouudpo of yuhoeho a bnu aliV ofdoUeif Betty Qtbe o s it"mrda Venlug e mIsars ebé. lins liudv *6gueis r "dc otivld " aeviiet arge code mplace*fuitsujr opue mm pool boy , ccantvCd i lb clre Y.. Lovell, Lhbertyvlle, m"d G. C. VOLO. The namssud chcoylug congh art Prevaballa 11VerVisichool dinériei. ClmaleyEmugl, vile sud daughier SeUfl, idWaubgu pu Sna villa hmt perli. la tlaplame, renn. fag te Waukagau Mmiaey. Th1ereVivaerviest" hichla laid tlpasl he Véo am. E. obureh ibu bearcli iiiueamd. Seveai cou. versiom s lam Busia vouiag, egbl uutag «vila thée elprob.. Tht usai. k M u ela d iv ins lflalyrupvasoomuIm him ehae MAtch SisimdSave.1l a et p»Meu suearus ur o us mua IV alvala srtle.F .Lvf, Libertyfflle, sud G. C. Boberis, This comunaily vmsgr.aIly abooked t0 b«el othe sUdden deslh of Arhibu DIflon,viteo daibounday moina Die. 26, ab ihé homeof Dr. Figera lan MOROary. Bis deali asa.unepeel. md go his parente asi tvas sete nelgbers. Very 1ev busoS btis troubléavth ie s Irosimsd lung. lie attnded idbool in Vauconda. lie Isaves s thther, motilmi and brotheir and a hast or frinsda 1 mrhlis srly detnlse. lHe cau evenleen years .,Id December 4. The fainily bave the sympatby o!faiL DIAMOND LAKE. Miss Ediit Tocuer h«i cloeed ber sebool for a ceek.1 Mis. Ueo. Ont ententained a party ai diniser Orisitas Eve. ai. Abert Barber lm pendiug the 1tolidmaye cltb hilsparntas. The nexl meeting o1 th. Litersry soclycll boJan. @, 1897. Mi. H. Bloc, entertainsd s psnty .of friande Obialma. niglit. Mis. S. Batllait beaiaalarge alber. lng Chistmasa 10 .Tu*e» diner. Mn. sud lmia.ehul,, oetlago, spent Chiiaisa aIDituosd labo., Mn. Sablna brotlei sud a frleud from Wii. vislted hlm one daW lutI vomk Mis. Henry <lai sud .Mn.. EnnemI locs alleud dMchubtih I Eeketellef Ouaday. amn..9. Ont bltvtatione ou$ t'a a Vsç aeri ntdm son a Nec leua dinuer. Mr. sud Mma. led <oiollleî ua isundsy soi Wilh Mn. sui Mva oua. TaIller. Mi. UA Uni. Erusal Blocs bat, ne- tuu" heai Chiempo whc her by ave bmioss q ua a vk..'i RBAOqbsIWr habffen pavbsd'8la 0<oatspeoed. Let the goci voi tsv* e firnoola utsmmt-NWWsd te tht puaIri 4I e Isai lisvek lu "0 tSea çesi t ive ritud gasi saaAiva lsa c*edIs5shal O lo e w111 emm g ood thin t. ?* itow, i oià We $hancontin4e fù Most goxds for tbe leau oneyP 'tWe-ycosllMconine to, our largo s'tock 1t'ô kebPup w1th th W. Sain tinu. glviu with every. 50c cashC purcus..- Ô redoemable iln CrOckery. wer do flot anticipé 0 buinessno'calWn"1.o ocher our 4 boeiow cost or at, Aiition-den'tdetjà~ goodam-but wo wilI *reat, eV0bdl. S4utre, so It wIil be safe and p~roflat to do business with us. V. SAUER & BROBLo FODDEA SHREDDeEM IAjKgU Hummer SiýIcyPl' sa,the Bbas, Any Boy can handlb them. Bradley Plows. Deere Plo*i FIsh Bro's.5 Wagons and Trucks. Sta ver and Abbôtt Buggies andurrile Combination and thrae*spring Wagon*. Drain Tii,, Lime and Ceff Lumber. Lath and Shingies. mile frouaQnuirm V il à ileill um'0C Mll. AatlreuJ. IL SI .FUIR14ITr Clock Sholves, Wall pockets, Paper holdmîs, Book coases, Cenwertable.s, Etusion tab'si, chairs, Rockers, Couches, Lounges, Chamber Ihuite. Boom uligWtnt. sIsoa Painas, 1 jgool hair CIiScatI m "851'ý M tdo h,Iw Vanuhe, venigoau Mlai iiM-u Pull>', I O 40 Bru8hes, 15 Uois o oa Mi'rronWinter s .â Cots, Sprngs Héa Etc., Etc. Orma,tu h Ao »'AT.. ISAAC mHEATH & s4PNS Libertyville. Illinois. Ur MunI. as smicek af CHAÉLEI go alec domi rag.Mi mbiltfla l liard Times; 00 Noir-KEKP From carrying the flhiest st6ci I c. e fin t.ake County.. n extra fine lineof When yy UGOIES, FuiiI ou tii eI~ àr . ,- K.~~O1: .1 il 1 tt n 9 -i -Law

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