., Chmicas,~ LOcal Itemo of Intereett -&,rotosSHiS. z , . 1 - pý ' Il .. * ~~ m 9. ..si I*saPreaoripim. msu st au hou»s. *ft ewfuIll ed. Only the Best. P<sey &n s. ôm ville, <UARE WRONG1 A large and varied line of Hardware, Pumps, MiIk cans and Cutlery. You find ta your advant- age to corne here wlth your JOB WORK. M,-9. EGER, Liberty Ville. NATONf OFMRFOR A SHORT TIME ONLY ffit CIiCAQO &NTER OCEAN AN D eMW COUNiTY INDPENINT ... 555< ~mmkole 0 ure ff'*bemoitbbed" or cralered altgutbe r 8" . mSlaeed6914 1 yamr ........ ... ... .. ... .. .. .. 4 74 ~mlq muerOoamm d Independout I ypeat...... ......O A Cod Bby Food. qilmlnbJ.mba P . V>lism m Iit vu mnt for0 14baie.m imooerd md orlel FodalMandFollets Jersey mlk Srm l oUath" coulalnover bave ralisil r polem.soaie. ngIodOlf ong lcIll l ier Iorde hoaffe »M' tuas'e -tb. "0 habmumealPleta selâtince. Ans" !eii nolva.mMd Inhalme. . 1064,msd l ied naBorIM'a Fécalmix-4 lbW clausle vernaculay 01ed. eqeal partie, vua the bueiie i id t pi«-$e, Pblipihaeessd el .'Alter a feu, moiisbacb e4laloemm d Ivocanft lrai roppea thebfood, flading that pureà aUufidan. lide ralamlkea<olnug. j1'mekvum gond ego hl. bhlm èi th rois Aurqr. i Atblfeat hine madjTan vTA41on your semper ladicmlga sçiled je &ho . Bath tim ne yotir bcriptiom axplvom ~ew Iboe lauler brisa la rebovlag ulimriptions od .npr.o Mhet *0 mal oeilgo poétoMoécêlllo il- rder s-8 tv 'Pour rW eh'oard -me hlmie"oPPIace, msade payable 10Jrmv k& te& mneeas ooDuÂn, dedoctlug amouent paies o<>l J>q~ivtg* for sneb order. JigrMe ad- Tua lrtgreieaw oIAa.o nt ll la Iso ore ipro. ' a-. leane a a"Woaa'à Mle t Week exorieco.WeÉtitl.Id Ndle, betrlng date of Apeil 3, 18Aj. The paper telSledl vIliat& 4êbioir tumami,àfiutord invompe,,andl Vw fq* && iet41, I h. follovlng fron acorrei "-«j !Ws.w1.IM lirte wvida boedalors printeil. rmis ~Ii~.blumbe~PuVevlâmt4 i l reme1. na mater of vi f5«< ~ tuIporlem nes air sex: --The bul 4 «'rupdg lcrou0p, 001de aind bronchitiae 14b.putlu eoempmli ~~.vebeeu able t10 Sud la Cbaqk. M>ýoo«b Reedy.borilîmeU J. , tL tourla«. - rm mMXesl; ýA Unolalm.d Latter@. Follovtne lma aIcf bItera avuing in tbe UjbetyvAAe. lu.. postnoke. Jeaugan 1.I. mnmlmlmed. Wben Mlag for marn mi "advu'tled." L W. Aies. O(h~ Burg. lir.&S.A.Coow.r. F. Hurly. Thom. lioG@rie. A. 0. Piles. D. Valuier. Mmliraerai, Wan.l Kmr Seile Wbtakr. 0. B. IScAz4ca.P. IL lira. Fred Croker vialleal iu Cblcago luti veek. Chat. Smith la conllneal in the boune vih an obstîmmie colal. A mmimli depoai of bemutifui anow but nDM anough for sablmg 1 Mima Ailesouror i Banna.vwtle ihO. P. C. ara"thebmor"l 0f1b.heek. Pita CrkSrll teln roms '.10. mach peines", vbieb Croker aYa nmie méba aimioltem. Iras. J. B. Allammn, Who hmbaumo mflurlng uth aevere attack of lb. grip la comvlaacing. Henry Caler la atteninfg a meeting 0f Sb. aim" lilord of Agrieulturseta lipringalal the pteaeut veek. Aeme Cap No. 174 Id. W. A, la, arrisagng tu glvo a danse ai the Tovn Hall me latterpart oc f la ron1h. John Aatin. tir, ent.rtalmod hlm relatives in this vlcility NevwVera,4 as bem bean him enalean on that day for MT"ves~ era. The lAkealda Cemelery Asmaccatloa viii ment Frda, afternoon, Jaukuary S. vlth M. Aile. Davis* Au Pleame hp ta sand theMmeeting. U. J. Webb and vife ntertalned Ikbirfradata a clnchparty Thuraday nlghl, mmd l <oea vîthout aying the event vuam an aoyable one., Vou vili enjoy yourmeif inrnenmely ài the Prmabyterlau chrca Jannary 15, for "-Aunt Jeruaha," of Boaton, viii b. thora vltb ber album of old fmahlaiud portraits If pou II, jollity aud sorne'blug splcy rernamber tbat --A Love Tor a ISQnuet," a moral comedtté, la ou the programmo for January 15, al, the Prea- byterian chufth. Servmee.ilb reabyterlan cburcb nezi; lnuda& Me nuIW. Mornng, sublact, "Vorabippore Sueb am thm Fathir Seklh' venibg ubjafal, "Proer»aenaln.' The CoventoofCentral [ah. County Union of Chrin mEndeavor vbh vmwua 1b ave been belal sIt »e Prembyterlau chorth lemp Satardap afteraoon Mnd eveanu, vas pamipomeal ovimg 10ta M lme noy of tb. veather, 10 aturday, J.ian. . Ulmm A&a M. Geliage hm mered a peumamaipaitiosin a prhailIeec ai WdaelbM, 111. Mma tiaNne la a caref ni,ompetont compoMtot andl ure te pleame ber meveipOYUar. TRI Ordinanoeý'N. . An ordlammee mdlg aro aelon 1 c« ordinmala N. I, l 7et ocdqaalby the Pramîdenl andal Board et Iraateo0f the Village of Llbertpvllle, 11 SEC. 1.V- Tl, laI part aif section 1Il 80f airdimane.No.8l, -wlaleh !a.adas mfolloma: *AIS monaria derîveal faon cen _ ,dVa the Local 7cm? ondine àux à& 4q eud Nul it wludrd la 1h* Igqpio l, te aboaeraauea ou. 'defara 5100) are liereli'I placdia ud apia1ie tégeperal wmi oel st fMa,ho sud tlb.saine la b.reby reea. ~ppwved an.4, 1@97, ae* ian. 10097. Pubiabed ia. !W7las, C. 13. AvzmîhL, Ilea Atoal b. W. C. S84n30», Village Clark. a ~ RE AND THERE. to Libertyville Readers. 6". 4 444444. Il.----1 Clan. C. Voviar ham reatd hlmfa Nmu I>lamond lob. 1tu1Ottoagmoyer, of LOUS 0rove; The ?ollett obool enterteamzont vu pomtpôn.d 10 Maurda vealng, ion uary9. Gmneralamamloc 0. ia.J. W. Butin hboauhemn 1mendertag vlh pneumonie la zmportmd much bettea va go Su pros. The Voodmen have multEor'* Sanlfor a tom fet ar mars aMdlvi merp.. mm amndpet ln raed '-plat. forts for lb. principal oscele.. MienuI.m Morts la ai, Preat eVriting mach lmproved and the allemdlng phymlclan pronoucma ber ramovai7 0017à matter of a fou, veeks. pou SAL-10, 20, 40, 75 or 117 a««e of Sood improved laad, one ange vest et PrenaitCouter. For torna and perlcuaraddrem or ceton C. Lofiua. 12.11. fed Croker ln Iooking about for ddirablm barD rooni for bis bone. Ile elpécma àcouple of *'bcerd.rm', 1 oNlMe Ciy, Ma nal aomtemplatlng atartinfi a Wh samble, Belnt oytinlavery rnuch lrnproved and ou$ of danger. Hie nurneroilo telends viiilb. plaimeel 10 learu of bie faproreal condition, fter.5 sertoui an Uarshai #restiua bail a ana, plow aMdlturne stilover 10 John Dolmen "hlm umk, Who Witt hersafii«keep tbe Waism tre trucs mnow hould there bappon 1teb.oamy. tuaden à Peil. of Wankegan, tekn te aouce "thaumbeta8671 48 aMd 16112 rempectively draw the Floride, Si. Paul andl Mcaib Chicego excuralons they have beet mdverlietng. Do you bbold mither of 1he lucky numberw? lu an article relative &0 tbe buring of lire. Clement realdence inlue1ma wéek'm lasse.W*almated Mr@. Clernuta carrled 81(10 lumurane on lier boume aMd 590conlbar furnîture. The amout mhould bave beau 1500 and 5100 re- mpoctlvely. Dr. 0. B. Boy. vyltea that lha vma unable 10 fuailltappolutmentm la LIbMrtvIle Sunday but hopieé 10 b. at his olce nazi Sandmy. The airnot Impassible condition of the romala anite Il bard for the doctor 10 reach lbortyvlle etUme«. Thoe a ilie b.an entertalunment given ai the Preabytera Cburoh, lrdày qvening, imuary16. An.uuaually - oil pammehma beau prepareal, dbleiot3w iK moue., racitatloa, dIa Dr. BalghItuatami0 put pluie glace fr'90lWmhfao stores on Mlwvaukee Ave. aima« tu 1heé. lu 1h. Kenby andl Butti bulingsanmd vîiiarrange tbm eilrancon iml,,Iary. Tbe Improve. men Mi iadd gpeatly 10 the appear. mac. of hlm builinugs and tiat portion of liliauke. Avenue. -Alderman Oalovay pickeal up a mmaaAd âhm Ilianhbeever aapired to b. in Chicago receutly andl brougbi hien onttedo chorea about ibhefSam. Sema&big heart mveU*d vlih pty es ho rnoilceal beont usapparel of hie "belp.0 Ho aooordlngly bouillt a pair of Smllb'm ebomi foit bouts, aBoent, cap, initient, etc., and nov ha la vonderlng vbere ibey are --at." Hie mam stayealover nigbl. A campalguagflant Sunday fuarais l n abi en aged wvit alonalderabla m uceem inmaies of tbe cîiie ma". Tý@a nnal nervou draini on clegû.rnu canamal by their ordlnaryluttce*of Sunday, la more thanme of &hemn bave bealth1gom"ad. Sunday burlals luvolve, aima, a groa& demi of labor on tbe port of rmny people. The. retorrn la" epresiko la niln bodway. It as e lende 1t thematter of dolnS avay viti the ordlaary longtb 01 service a& the grave, whlcb, -lu lu- Clament veather, la reponalble fur rnuch meriona, If flot fatal llluome. Raffe for a Painting. C. Orgeard, of Freoiot Conter, hms finlaea a large oUl painting 0f 'Ibm Prement Canter Catllo e arcb, sabool boume, parmouage andal cer$q vbloh b .,pbpoeu tu rafle. The r rerodu.toabe@peake metît andl Bgem l luaieb- ertist anal te voriby o9 Pnamy ooupilmeutm. Mev. Father à £étde, peaslme of the churcb has toke Ba groatlusnermat,ln th. vork 0ftlIt. Oyead anal la laudlng hie amntionetu t poure a sitabla remuneratlon for B teartist. Grocerdes. Try Our Teas and Coffees. Flour. We SeUl Washburn's Superlative We invite your patronage for 1897. it 19 Our aim to gîve Our customers the very beat qoods at the v.ery, low- est price. Cail at once for Bargains. Me Bu Colby &-Cous Dealerse ln Ev*eWrthn. OUR CLUBBING LIST. Reduoed PrIoe onPaiodcale ln Combliation with the Endaependent. By peclnlarrangmnent viii Ibm patbliasve are abl. 10 ma"e tha foi- lovlng prio on vMallnn publics- 'home ln comblantion vith the. ln- pannas, l Ie Oral columu viii be foumaltheapublbeerapriee o! the vationa pericalo4 aanal la the.final columu the combinatlon Prione vitb th. INnaIgpEXTiN: Publls'a<OrPrie Piles for iloti sW Cbcsoa,-Oo-ean..... W la8 1W.......lad ............. W 17. 2 0@ Am@aci mterPoo h.. nBmo........48 luW guterick neatr Y:: 1..g ' ou asur.iÏEauS lS 2U~foo. Lemf 2"lia 1W mI8.lan ý lirl. . Wile 3 r o0p o j. . . . . : 4 l 00 Ca alei c ........m n a0e lyorldChy.aayo .n". N.Y.............. ............ à an2 W0 qulre. enon, ........ W lis 1 w '.ry auo ,.n.t ............l a W0 ven, Wble. olîn ..... W0 FmmadrdelpufllO XNl1b 1Wg armera Ll la , .... io W at oN . o.... ...........i 5 00 L.k lAa1ie8p Mîî,î 2 405 aes odylaazar. N. ........0 4W60 rnr lie N y &W ,W 00mj Y.s N. Ya.... ait 1 Wu mim, earan. Et tïb.l mW on ~ ...gWC es 809, ptt, 'mia 2 1~ n n.mi ilo'e l em ont a1 'oaaYeh sie ......tLoImA * 001 l.eW .......... 100 .... d 100 Tri W 2eta Ille .oiJ WeI28 1 aYYnaBmu lkO5~.IW iii mouth Campalon (o ily fain.... ...... ... ......w 8ses We S a alecfumna erly any pub- lîcation la the wcrlia a tduced prîca, vîtholtprofit 10 Iun, but mas an accommodatIon 10 our uberlbers. lui la LO 0 lawlthe u - Mboud Pvo~, i NS*LTH. LAM U 1Wright Ppj'khuret & Co. Llboetyvll., Miois. Issues Inter.st-Blearing Certificates Pay*i%.e on Demand. The Time is Mèec Wben ewrry farmer cm Own a Comfortable Home. Pay for it by Vour Labor. llow milI you do lIi Listen to this, Storyl PPlue ho ai emîme faine btu l-po~iaeee.oaal anIo &PUi fOr a omchi»bocf l&o«s. Stop and Thlvîk. IlThe "ad bolde f ea iLae OMgP Pn> Now Just Supposing $5. ta $10. per acre. You mcv yonu ae patIna1b0 nué reami Yo,, vet t. move. Wba' dom'< Fe« omà aoitd? Fortune Smiies A"ne mt bave moSe Cm. Fou 09W Ycu Can't Beileve It? "T'helal mmmi ai te abl" fhi. MniaieeiemI atcb h"v 8381110111mai8. You Write the Lette.'! a"i vs viiido lie tmg Adrmammleuuamiim t. gU v, .ATr M. B. COLSY &CO'8. Our Clearlng Sale of Winter Goode continuas. Overcoats at redùced.prices. Suits lower than ever.. Pants neyer were cheiaper. Underwear: now's the ti me to buy. GLOVES and MITTENS: Extra value 25c and 50c WARM CAPS at ait priées. DRESS GOObS: Yau can't'do as wlil elsewhere BIED BLANKETS: a few paires tacloe, out. LADIES' SHOES: Latest styles; aima morne not , n style at big redluction. MEN'S 8HOES; ln-style and out. MEN'S FUR COATS: to eloe atwhai.rnai. pricea. lai L »I