Lu owpropodr4 With urne Md I viii finiyou a cuetomer st reBaèfable rates.. Amorq n umer0us eolce bar- gain, baveohefolouing: ram PmPerty-. For Sale M&M irelurool fim on ban" ofcf ag Imm .Prims 00 V« ris. parttash. bulaee long lima ntlot tuo a. f mres. i e miprovsi fa amnt -10uThird Llke.. Lb" erSama. me avueou Xgmulauea ied. boume. laig barnm. go" fecm, osgond voilago"d cta- taom. I21mai08 imber. PrimaOna peracre, part euhb. balameS on dime .8a per asat. M a maie, baffvarbetteen Warrantos Groru and <kmih* four minfiorth of IJbatirifl. Wall imporaunadir ge4d Mat i owuaiMt. Do vs.te lau&.gool atook or dalir faim, nverfalling apring and ficviagsliaai. Tutu libarm. Irnuro ra. ChoicesBaigmin. l acte .ad*aasnto a via centrai B. R. tation: ept * ro remalbe lainas. Four fuma nTron Tovimsblp. Sevataloieh" tanna ln Avon Townobip mcmi Grarslahe. LIbertyvilt a Cty PropOrty. sefaure lot vltb oigtroom modernoe gool mul. eiateru»&ansd fruit trenm.abeap for es..or on reaaonAbie brus. For "al. newv building =40 fet. choap for (Choioe, Loo 501160te,'t at frouti$» to SmO The Darby proi.ery-Inrge houqe, lot aad barn on Divieion Bt for saisor ont. Aiso Life Insurance and Subscription News Agent Publishers LOWEST PRICES, on ail Periodicals. If you want to Buy or Rent Lake or seil County REAL ESTATÊ, BeSure to Cali on, H. C. Paddock, Lîbertyville, - lllinoîs.1 For the next two (duil) months ve are wining to hedge a littie on ines. GOOCYWOOL SUITS TO ORDER $15. PANgTS" $3.50 Sanborn &C06, GETSFURNISIIERS., Libertyville FAILILBU RN. Pestai Marris la entertaia!ng bis mothor $ie veeh. Mima Curiei»Maer onteriaineil tha choir on satiaily qrening.t 1ma.Juea ater réturmi,10 Vauhe- Sagem a e tahavuataiom bare. Th jig4mosmbly buainess mecS- là t. iM it ima Jasi. Brang The aias' Ai 9001.7 eat Mia. (le.. BSli m sThuiuday of tat veMmd wvtoa eid. MsH.A. alam -sc retaruel -te ChiagoSatrda piaia Ivo montb'd rIIt12h4a4 puamphor. The luauuan pmo1 ev n tI atended bava ou Saiard*y sud tIba ialtéa realimai about # froux thair IlntbStiase "vuirveê,5gantleman. COc.aipaulon la ils toril toma, lys- raaèick hamdache, bilionsmas su Thon Mêle plm nover gipe. Smal plu sen P. outpila 6ilby F. B LOVMT,14b«tovi md .C.RBEBimrs HALF DAY Hirami Gleans.wuvmlu Chicago oae day liuI Weeh. Wmn. olas vent te Chicago ou bus!- nom Tealay. Mur. John Bock sud vife, of Wbeeling, vitol at C. C. Grbta BSnnay. ti. Hemry Emglebeiry made a bout- nos. trip 10 Chicago oae day luit wyd. Everybody aboud attead the pre ms.qnarade ballb. le own hall Fri- day avamlm«. Jas. I& M89. The 13ait Day sehool algo the Tîipp achool ara clooed-on aocoonnl of the meaiearaug lu Ibis vicinily. H. H. Poglov and men bave lunhed laylng lb. colir vali for the nov addi- lion 10o Ga. Buckinbaeb's bou»e. Neaiy erery family in Ibis vli iity la bmring or hmahbal the monalea. This la te in$ trlime thon hba boom sncb a nuimbor eea. Ou Dancing mhool la pîogieaaia nceiy, villa Prof. Y. A. Buachick, of Chicago, in charge. Tventy.nne voe preaca lt aIBM"uday igbl and il in thought thaie viii ha forty naît Bat- niday uighl. Louis Scbler omployaI$vo men vilo sem obe cà=npima apod laiig, hmvnbaula oiled a 0f vool 4a distanceoafllarea mIdpidlieh aima duriug Imyligls AuCtiOn Satan. Bavlns renlel My fitm fSr a terni of yums, mmd bag aii te quit laimi, I vil . Do ba i uction. ou. t e migné, "La atovm -et LIboityvile, Si miles nortbveai of Libeulyvglavililage, mmlj maile ont of Henbamuh patoiiTuaa. J. an. 19, 1097, eomdmnoiug etI9 oo*a.ini. sharptlb. ouoim ojmy to-vit: aavy tamni vIt i S earu aol wuigbl SMOOb,vork tearn,16 sitoata, Uale. ecota. 10 mcv nihikers villa caives by thair iles, balanoc omlmg lan eca; bomî 40 wlou lcby baylu bain, 0le um"b oa ua aquamtby cern#tt;Ïllr sna ck, SM00bumaauai moru. 25 bambli potateen. trWWa ecru grindor, lumber wagon, top ba.. tb refrigwagon ronam al suh. umhvtaî, bay ra!h,, Prairie Cyapaior, mer,%anlhy plov idDiamomd 0th ~iiiegwnmark«i. 26 mlS esus, Wou i towob, *11neh-aine 2 -stg domo ioane. ondracla, forh and pbbwIa, MtS duphoardsanmal pavol ~a o mIn:$10 . g*. Ni ama ovor $10 a rat $11 ba givan an ospldvilb. * DAPia.Pip. Illinois.1 PALATINE. Mis. Gua Arpa la on tbe Kick linI. Mr. llrockvay la on thie Kick lot. Mis. B. C. P.Itod ri4ted frienIs baie Tbumlday. Mr. anI ie. T. Deama are gesata of mis.Vannain.1 Mima Elizmbeh Frenchlsi 8111uniter ltae lcor'a cure. Wm. Hitzman and vîfe vit4icd lf rienda in Chicago Buaday. lirainPorep bai retiruéd from hi. extonded trip to Iova. A Mmqeiade Dance viii Le giveln ii HartIelPas Hall Jan. 1à. Mima Bertha Hoituan bas retiîrmîcc fponibar lut# le Aurois. Geo. Bogeil, of Elgin, riilrClrd- tivea In Plaline Tueaday. Mr. Portar id Kt aIle iesid& ii (Y .ri Ui. Convenu maged 8 erg M.~ ?I:Tliovle. vlited at Mra. 'mlgaBaurday eveniag. Bom-To Fiel Smith and wife ln Evnaon, Jan. 3, 1897, a sou. MimsAnMnie Matlher apent a fow days vith friendas lu Chicago thua week.. Min. Lydia Bichna la speading a fevdysaherbrothe'sin Long Gove. Mima lda lialdvin ieluraed trom vimlllng fîleads in Calvin lPaik hali lay. The Conectt tob e girsa iy Piof. Sherman, of Chicago, waii tahe iluve Jan. 21. Mima Caria Glade a 1. loming diess- making, caltiug aud fittimg at Mis, Hlastings. A lle son urrilved Kt the borne of Mr. mmnl Mis. J. W. VogtISnaday. lDue. 27, 181. MiaasesJâme, Julilsuand Mldred Bicha viaited ah Fred SBilhba, of Evaua2 ton Saurday. Franka Collier i1 gainfree he iavlag the indicumeal q=abe. It la imposai. bis to heap hlm ilajoai. Prof. A. L. WiI1IJ.mi, instructor la mathomatica at CoînllUnlver.ity. lu Iova, viailed Mis. H. P. William, liaI- tarlay. inas Taylor, vin ha. hsei viaitiug rebtivas n thisTicliity, for lhepat loy montha tarlel for ber home lu Bradfaid, Ps., Tueaday. Mise Nellie Caimpbell acoiupanyiag bar s. far au Chicago. Chicora, P..., Heîall:" Richard Vea- sel reporte One Minute Cqugh Cure the greatest enocea aimelicai science. ile 1011 us tbat il camaI bis thole almly af terrible coughm mand collsatmtai ll other eu, calleI eures bad lailel. Mr. Vansel mail it aaefl hiaebchldidm tbroagli a vry balt aeofaimeimies. one Miantecougde Oua maheaexpec- toration vry eaay mud rapil. Bolby F._B. Lov=.x, Libaityvill anmd G. C. Ioana, Waoada ýW1ÀRREN. Byron Coiby veut t10 Chicago Fil1- dey. IMi.C. Baaol Mmd Utile son have MineLuela MU '4 f0TEzan2ton, la viitlg ber brother Everott. NiU aftOolby VistadfIeMnda tu Chiaigo Mai Evanto m ai vaah. Min. P. Douabm be n mtariaMning ber alat an md mepbev froin Chicago. A deballng maciely haboom foîmed et the Saagatuck achoollhounne. AI] are welcome, à velluthe garden eau be eaaiiy destioyed theu il LaIie ut. (n- samptlon es* ha nippel im Ihbbalby On. Minuta Cougb Cure. 8011 hy F. B. LoVELL Libertyvllle and c6. C. longUTR Wmauconla. Thae papils nf the Wright achool lamael by the BUgfatuc el nol vili àgive su entertainmeet t l owright à Sb" bouma, Tbuimtay svaning Jan. t21. Au admissionfteetof10tcts.vilt ho 1chaigel sud afler lbe proprans thera vil ho ma " of lunch bamhats. Tba pnocada areto purobi-a. lbiar gS thesbooL, - %Ma. . .. ..9 W eelln 108 n 8il 10 ,aoi 0:18ma2 etc O ele e 2 aBsi 0 - U 810 es0 12kt oiaOS86 3wBaau il M 00130 BOUTE. *>nilyexoSpt Sunday. à stop ou yonsini aR. Mm. ?.LP.rn. V.r. &m. LaeVla734 1129 0 98 05 I1le0 7 44 Ille4" 8191U 1140 =891 sot il ié. B-*s2n12S1 !~i1 44 B lit1 VDSO 10405 110 60100tg CORBEESPONDENvO WAITu: W.emm dteirous of accuing correapondenta ill every tovu la th. conuny. if your vielnity in mot repr.aautod- vrile for termo, or aso me frianid 10do en. JITIT à WooDUKà.t Around the County. ROCKEFELLER SOGITIES. fCdNGREGATIONÂL Obuuob undai m- __vice. 1:ona. M, and 7:80 ip:oi.Piarer meeting Wedneedai eveninge. Y. P. 8. (C. E. meut Suiday eveninâge si 6:4&. Junior 0. E. D MODCamp No. 4124. M. W. Areet month. D. Girrru. V. C. 0.0 . 15. meet aeoond, ad Iourtb T 5r&o'l each montb. BC sr .0 H. a. Bu xaoi, seoy. 0. G. T. meet Thursdai evenings of eauh week. LAai. DooLiixLu C. T. JO"N G. RAGAN Pont G. A. B. meet saturday Dight on or before flil monn. J. A. Mison. CAM*&l. 0. E. CUUEcILI. Adît. mail golng South ......:0à a. M. 9:» P.rM. Mail going northt.....1.......... 10:06 a. M. Mail ovpr'Iand by stage arrive. Bt 10 a. m. departa ai ta. m. Dr.4,A. L. TRAVIS. nouaa Tu.L a .I 1vo S A»P Y vo a P. 39. Speciai attention pold t10 the treatmenl of Chronlcommeastimn. t Rockefeller. - Illinois.V ROCKEFELLER. Born 10 Mr. and Mie. H. Boise. m son Jani. Il. Mlay Beasley leqibe sick at present witb a sciera, col. Mr. Geo. Bealey spieut Sunay wtb hie famul, lu tisaplace. 1 Franak Ronoy shîpped a car-load ofe stock from bore Tueaday. lNimn Anna Cronhhlte viited fîiend,, in Chicago a 1ev laya recety. lr.J E. omb Il V-n Wm. Mngge l nov bBy geting a new lune of furnitue for the spring trade. Mis. Geo. Broy, of Wîiikegan. vas the guest oi ber on amd family the laI- ter part of lb. veek. The blgb grade asving machine at W. Kigge'a on Gmuy paymamla. Do nol fait 10 gel one il yon mako np youri mimd to bny a machine. Mise CarIa, of Wisconsin. cama bora lait Priday for lhe' purpae of mamug1 ber home liesê villi lir brother. Tbiey wiul occupy tie roma oser tihe store1 Mr. Carie novboai possession of. 1 Mis. Lizzie Wataon islninad 10 bar home in Maniailte ek aler apani.- in g the pai ev veeka vitb Mr. Me.1 Bride and tamlly. Abewva. oompans- icd by her anvalir. BîrmIlon, vboalao, viîlted in tibjo place.t The Rtockefeller 1. O. 0. T. 'vlU g;Te an oyser supper et Ilie Chapal Tuéa. day eveing Jan. 19, 1897. AUlpeiuoem attending wvU receive a fine o oureai entilled ï"Toi Nigia aBar-room" cornne anai and bava a goodlie Supper, 25 cents.. LQNG L.AKE. Mr. M. Laîkin la visitimg relative@ la Chicago. Mis. Julia White reagmed hem achool dltes Monday afler a veenhavacation. Rlobert O'Boyle and T. J. Graham transacled busineasin laiysiake Fil- day. Mr. aud is. P. J. Grahamn, of Chica- go. vited thei parentsa"anirelative* roceally. 9uatn blissea Mllie suttlàad Lîllimu Graham visited their friand Misa Fji 1 D. Ililchell We underatandIbal J. B. ald E. J. Graham have gona mbt the poultry business. Amy oas vlehiug tb pucha.. yl do veli 10 visit Shah ponltry-yaid. 'Mr. Joe MeMoil loch part lu mn enterlalament at Richmonddtlait Mon- day evening given by Rev. Ftei Moehan, o01Mcfenry. A good Urne wax reporied. Mr.. gMml i. Id. (Grahamoeitatned a few of thair friends Fiidy ovaaimg the chief amnâgememî bolng card play. Ing. LadIes' Ouirepri»in. a.*on5 Mra. Robait OBoyle, 1diae cmoWa lion pris by Mine £U&a D. Mt4olL Mr. Haminmond, of Chicago, va. avarI- aI tiret gentleman'& priseanmaiT. J. Grahani gel hle booby prima. Misa Anu» amI LilliaGrihani gare an aiternoo te%, Tbpralainlaborner of Iheir alalar, Mm g obeit O'Bcybo, of Chicago. Miss LililIn recetym ait. anc. fro21 Misae ale VaPafttesmIà Miss Eila D. Mitelfl. The atUoe0s vW" plemaaty "~t m lai tam ta servel ail -depatel teiarr es denlaring il bmd bea-u o f $ho mot pleasal oveuts of tlaglen. The Saut Alter Dinner PI. llood'a Pilaledgsti&"onprovaent lba feeinug 02ffuluetasiishal Mdu getl p.$, i ailu the aimifi&on ami ltoa ci et . & 1They do moacpipa an ààgà Malebydo Iating gcml. T syloa liv u a lou Pir esb peulveetmi à"i bay Ubanalad lme ibkisk hl N'.Wu 410- ea "gut dthe W. C. T. V. Ttimmy 2;;;:g, 1 M . V.- Yeaug, o of .ma iel a esDr. Tug mi~. John Peteiau m d b~.Uau a Ur. and-Mig. Hnr uI e rentaI th. Johnson bouam amn vmi ore lua a George Dalmolun wluded - asverl t agrlca.da o1 binacorn n d cOa.i at&t rarelauaomaI" tnt. J. B. Glasagabu dacîded Bot to a agag lalnthé vila budfaimtu Chicma. c go and viii ta n e. ý Latentri f rom T. C. trench aI la mach bofteraind wvlU probobly reeler. Tihe Chriatin Bsdvor aociety hafl1 heui regujar moutbiy business meet.( ng villa Mr. éaim. JOb" Moeorva a lat Weduaaday eVmaimg.-1 The questi ou 0etameitagvb iu n tila SOtE bus bera iaomaaa1 recenUy bymm nd t h 901".oC reschaI favorable $0 the iuaprovauault and voik commanced lu 1h. summar. Loir -A deari le tild vbq ma" homne happy by Iîle m..A" 10 bitnk, ltmight have .av. bal the parenla only hopt in the boum Onu Miute Congh Oua, the lnainabla romedy for croup. El by F. B. Loy. ELL, Libartyvifl and 0. C. RoUaiS, Wauconda. IVANHOE. Bamrry Payne% Ifmnly hava boom on tb. aica liai. The feal ml la Weil pationi»ad l boIng une vork. George Marsball andl bis bride are nov living in H. Svan*e bous. The yonng aple haro bave returnel te their ool datiez. Luat teek va thea ve l 'fprayer ad vauobaarved. lu our cburcb. Ourolecter, Ur. Y. l)olpb, vii woon ho cmlIag on me ail for taxes. Mms.J. Dykéa liaaif ber cov, 10 Mi. A. Wirt M md han a fine lot of corn fodder ln ahock 1g oUi. Tbe Nev Yeaia party ast r. H. Vanpiov's vwa mot volu attended on accouai of bal vathar. The banquet beld Bt Mr.' Hemry Grabba's on Nv eur'a ae vu enjoy. able affafr aome returalbhorne about tou o'clcck la the morulng. A boepid livrimmua a boit comptez. ion, bad bremtb, Indigenticnansd fia. quent boamoho. To avoid; saab coni. panionsulaits aWltt'a Litélae arly ie- ara, tbe fumnseuttle pille. Hotd by Y. B. LOVELLà, Libortynille and 0. C. BonEBTn Wanconda. RUir. John NeClor> calt.d on frIand» bere Snnlay. UmaG racoBradley vimited in the City ou saturdmy. Mna. F. Hathavay vimlted frienda ln Cbîcugo on Tiiday. We are aoury 10baImn of thea bath of so many of Ur. J. Ohuicb boga. Mim Kittie iloren vs. the guont of ber cousin Minute, oa Sunday laut. 11ev. Father Kemruey said mma on Baiday for the Oral lime aluce bis lune». Mis. P. W. Sydnor bas inlnined te the city ateri pending a fev veeka riffit vit buberfolle. WiIl Altrldge and John O'Conneli tare the guesla of the Mise@ Morsa on gatiorday evening. Mis. J. H. BradiY vho bai beon vary 11l alioviY reàoveiing, under the cara of Dr. Galloway. Soothing for hum.n, acalda, chappal bande Md lpa. Reallng foi cula and mores. Instmnt relief foi piles, atopa palm at once Theom Lie lbe virîtuea of DeWitra Witch Hamel Save. BSim by P. B. Lovuxz,, Libert,lyieanad G. C. Bouxais, Wanconda. WARRENTON CIROVE. 1Mr. Michael Ryman . laiting frlends lu Chicago. lrman Sehurnacher speut a lev day. ln Chicago 1maI veek. Ur. and Mia: C. Palmuer bave relurn. ed te their borne at Waukaaba. Mim Maul lReynolds haa returned te ber borne at ieNutCr~lX Mr. John Mc0aitbhy, à abeen qufle lu l, nov alovly ieésoveiug. îA yoimg boardor iacemiffy arrivaI 1e gladdeu tih. homo of M i. and MUn. Audrev Pbalpa. Mine Mamie Ryan tho bai beau apondimg ber- Obrialmai aolidaya in Chicago bam talumlàhq~ Ui. J. Lomaaiau dugU'Ann@, and family vho hale been vWUqàmg bim a fev veeka bave ieturièd tlhoir bome. la Cbicago. ý 7 bUlm Mamie C Lrpli basteturned te ori achool lntie in W **n.viai &ho la attaadlog bigbhoo1, Bter apouding ber vaation a4b ma The Gaugainca Lterar Soety yull Iaold Wtamnezt méing iàIMth Saugamuck sobmboas.TEal* voa- Ing, lax. le. Querniion .!oafldTbe United StatuaAna« Cobat APTýrAK118i r 0eo. Welunei's ch are ou lhe gilet liât. mis. P. Buecb, aofArlin1n lail, pal a riait te Aplaai, »aeday 1"a veeh. Nia. J. Blrn su d o r«-41'en nt a Ifev layeof lau* .vaek vbtbai parants Jach ob Bog, oOhC ut formml~ of Lake lentda, staivid Hagubbarga r, 'iEa »amibuted as B favil . leu i. Dim .m bei h«aide a iaTI pVi o io'l bm tnt. The ma 44* à hS..hmb W. 'l'Me lm m4. »Ma m à-m-anM»s 0. viaaim asa -the wvery other Fnide egvulu g 8 B-ot f ihme Svilb a melas on. inet. Looka oui fer our baud ant«ahtaiU t Tbe*M ieau a ra aï tooma off ea*bomi ix voka. Par- laSs 15 ll ua1"S w - lat ier. Irubla Wi t beil The âml bragmme hcMdl bsket M sa se"iwu va affgrtBoocm". I ioqbSwmé 4 aba sl ver qI5.0O. ebormo Mir. John Mener bm soid bis faiM t1 b*U sa~ oaommm vbolteumda titta i ase os n owdlemiagbulan iraa pof n m i, Ilvard Quentin siedlBlium 0117t tamatWoatof Chgo, Mmd. a pies&~ bat « et te laithWSuaday. Minuta nm lihehoara thes laa afy*t.Taa Ua et staheCrup Ive otba t mm e eté a" Imm ugig iSa MiauleCeag.-Curagir.. iuas 'aflai mua ls rreoay.VThecatr FVO A a-lb, W, O46.l i rl hmanrommly it"piouca lina- *et sudimpmool laId, o0» Bd Umise rasit., Solby P. B. Lovurm, ot7r»ust Cesnt&. Par Ma Elberlyi lie sud 0. C. Rommav, wa- pulincimallýras reU eC fKEYSTONE CORN HUBKEI r ~ FODER SHRfýtDOE s Sq M a. IWAIES -O' orn 14. H u i; m lr Selky"Plos'art thé. Bet. Any Boy can handie them. Bradley Plows. Deor. Plows. s, Fish Bro's., Wagons and Trucks. Staver and Abbott Buggies andSurriell. Combination and thoree spring-Wagons. Drain TII., Lime and Cernent. Lumber, Lath and Shingles. LBtYVLNE,îeromLumMceOem. Min. eaJ. il. Uu&mýtv. Vlev, li. FURNiTrURE., W. H. MILLER, guets, Notaire FraumeaoNOEA.sB!t Clock Bhlveil, Room moulding Weny,,. *ata ou O?. orea Wsil pokets, Pants, £ood baircas cmiion "11111 Paper holders, Ofis, enin RXf0 u OS onet agus iiW. e o m beT Book cases, Varnishes, o un auma 1 Cnter tables. ilam Extension tab's, Putty, lLXQMJiEMfLa. Dinung Chairs, Brushes, M e m y eue Rockrs, miffrsWlnter Blanksts9 Couches, mattresses, Fur Lap Robsoe Lounges, Cota,,Springa Heavy Pur Coats Chamber suite. Eftc., Etc. emsagseai. ,AT.. taa.mushilat cIMARLr.S KA IML isAAC kHEATrH &soNS Libertyyille. Illinois. au,.U tmu~ ARC YOU u THINKINC OF1"B8 ildRin5 IF YOU ARlE lON? hFAlL TO CALL ON e~WRIGBHT'& SON For their estimates. Close figuresg on and extra fine lumber. We have P Vs. ,inpiî5aI UUJiti ssaaa.rSm 8uIIMUS505nanaeM ar4cAn supply your wtiit1 at Îany tim< Wêcarry a fullline' of buÏld.r:'s eheIr4a Were. -Our stock of nailis s tue bestas- sorted anci cheap. ~r ~ W. ii .e MII.UNION HO* Wel 0cnatom ggTuea- dayo, Tbnfflya md =Ag". w. eUG-~ have a largemevCoin and Cob Mill IbiS griimla Vei at.FRT LS G.H. SCEAUCU & soit. ..H e rad MliiNotleioiBtesCas TU.IISSSouna~of «Maë« mml iiliu~cen md cla.Thara9& , 9»*0ý -Id 1 %