Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 22 Jan 1897, p. 1

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RAYSLAKE IDEPENDENT. N.1.Grayslake, Lake CountyIII. Friday, January 22, 1897. $1.50, in Advance Pa6rGalw y. PY yugtlh o oLti ,but In ELECTRIC LIGHTS O.K. 4 EGG HATCHING. M S N VICTORIOUS. LAKE ZURICH. ovr Lovoll'aDrugstore ihesetlignes thereare iafly people who usiness MenPe*dWt h 3i~55CSii h ~ IEetdSntrt ce on J BtobaensaerT ndm. PROV 1 Tu 8 AND 6 C 8P. If. are ecolpeli d to rosi up bi 111ebig and Service. [@ '" 01LM. Palmer. W%td-Fewer vicions logs lu idwn. 1111e, as they go along tlhe rond Ofi every- The eletrie light service wi Ti mot fiuiiit yMe ville. - Illinois9 daylAile. There are days fil reckoning, iagrtdpenaety Wed sa i Th* eff0h0of Ibemefet 0f col e' Hon. William B. Magon at Doon H. DrghOrn Was il, town Mouday. -however.guid with Jaiuury comesNthe nlght and fultilils thetexpectations 0of hb ue osion of egge pu bliahd by the Weduentay wu clhose by the fortietl Woddllg belle are ringingîIn Zurich. t-bielpaydtyi)full.ittinNarrvedand parons, wioaseewell aued witiur M, 1generisiotasof ntblUy o!ate erlaassemof ofitse madenof Moipmm B viPiitingtlugnCChccgg. ilJ. L. TAYLOR. ciqpa " »fl. tiatriedadpern.,woar el iaedlVbo".d.àblelengtla twas Illinoi to oAuccqOd (in. John M. J. B. Forbes mae abusintess cuitat evrTlg alrs very onesihould strive te meet tala uew method of illumnation. While fm* ql ae agrne amrs olan oSeb acna *e rge&Tyol.Obligations, and square otas nearly ut) there sare but a. fçwii hîcrJO ti Ofrgerandsw uFllm s cIeaneil St BbsmonteM. auce.od'@tebos.a bu M.2i)4ad8 o l . t aea possible. Especially nhould lamps connected wth the Service ant ,Mahsd ji than during the. The moembors of the legislaturo et i.iadaeotfo teot OnBroadway pomtePark telittitsbilAle ie petit. iLittlIe vedtpressent, Mr. Loriitg bhmCotras" SE 0ftteJuî7àand A Cs lu .joit sesionofnth bous sudhe ewe.y k rtyville, Illinois. are great cojvneueg mometimCn, and fi.r wiring heverai runsidencos and It wu 400faod thst the eggs et ais s Olten Invoive rfinaanitisacrifices Ou buiness places aud ihesel o nl Ofllc- et wm iliberty batobed botter n'te at 12 clock sud formally Win. Popper'§ infant ehiid in on the the prt o!thons wbo arryou irdein ion wth lIe steot îgbtsvhlebunofisueà fowlwhiiherothef nd. ratiludtho nanimos deiufotoheth siuHlia. the artof h rY o tritetu ienwit th eteetligtswb-- - la i -ft villa &B inoubutor îî Wm' republicancanceus belid Tuesday nigbt. James Ovons vii lu town the tiret ~~~~~ r. . 4SMT . aialaotwork for a liiiïtedcdris- tinluno doutai nuit mutuabY the foM duab egg.wblcb worm repeatedly Theiimoediate aud mont important ofthe week. beaIT.tut. l'Dy ail detht if jaa>Nsbe llait PUY village, viii magure the promustors1 & Oleg d wmed hstcbed mucb bot- cause oflte olection o!Maou vis the Miss Xatio (ukuk visited wth ber , 4»V eover LoveIl'sDrugStors the lutile bila anyt.ay. paying Investissent. tu ihrX tboese wblcb ver. kext nt Aa masblng of the Cook county machine, Parents ibis Week. -- -The dynamo in placed ou a golid vsim issuporture %i. thet ime, In On. Thoasimons organîzation no longer H. Branding made a business trip t xbdîtolissaaa .an eI . DIAIL. IVANHOE. fosnaatlon liniichancks mil]iand the experimmaithe.eggs vers oled by ex- existe. Its§ members, men vhe have ChDro umesvsi hî ov u b ILibertyville, Illinois. loD o lW r. sui!.rs. I.ipanglea r ouasha abeeu partitioned off sud hons h bmair 1 hours dslly rmesvittstwnlge& ,daughter. lîîua igsatsabestos. Power and toed= .utheWIOpeid fincubation. ablmogt bl)OL'O m llonot only lu numburs of late. (Ictonliaarai-aaj.aaiaa a eW par isssbaiud foutthe~ eThis 15Uat retorded tbe penod of state but lu national ia0iiiles are once John Relier his sold his farin 1o Mr.Ct. iennl leubaiiga ewuenein forei fp tebare day9. 'Fb.e .-moru ously the dosprate Individuel Chicago parties. - .EV ING M. D. d.ays st home. Carlim. englue wvicah rune tue mais ce»quite cold, sud it roqnlred about bosnes of their respective yards or Milss RIdule Stefunilhas g.ùnet Ih nxiMianaaa! 'uesii >tlt'l Nac -làhoMitp brng thempo 14 dgrmeu preclucis. Thte power wviicithey Palatineo b vork. r-.~ockefeler. III.. M. Dean n.otit lbox bou edmoustratesi Y., the hupenture of fincubaticen, Ils wlelded by a'asou of bulng a unit <sons.W. Mmai antl ild 0110i -1 10r ~inSOUh "f rP. o. Uli a nqard la extl'-Lsnlg lirson -ssevctaalU.Lrn erst hi x "m18Otf16eghub'11pnsluPiinlidpat. em i rek (Iplste Depot. froara Iowa titis sseek.t evc aallr Lrurp~sat sezpp' ien 1.oThe ilieWmg s! .M onsl pltc eaidgattisbsWat adFkReadr our%. E. Soesty waxa epreselited ai cdiiDsould belte couniy buildings a mvetaiackn l his uJastorad kepi busy chopplng. 10. 1 .tale2MP. M. Afier 6P. Mte.lgally" ut Lbs'rtyt'ils. ithe po<r farmi ii luaIl11proball pmloi enue lhnstisiPALATIN E. bu 51 dtk ute surd -Mr, EIser Sisiîtil, mho vasxs aangaroum- bc wlred and lampepsut lu,asu il turesuiti. Dg' att ar nteMsurd Buterfel M.D.C. y 5<kforni logl iawly Wit'vrlng. rualiresvigilant cure to prevent i r re a *soeld experimett Itu lu- Franak Collier vlsituee Bt tiis place Bati et Fices Rall. Butr Tis- '.E. M. D. 'y 55 îl-etuI itt iseprset odmo lxgbtng tie frred that the graduel beating of the Tuesday. The medical frateritîy are kept MiT hr a E. slty la t La.ojacl<nted alousthe prsseniods. ihtn teeggswv asessentilias tepromu et Brt innuti, of larrington. was bore qut. buzy here of loie. .. A1Y s (kSA.i NIS fo IdJse Tetalrz îl)mas th Ptîis.sain.earmne oalnTet-lv g hckhdTedy L* 1JtI fur DNTI t. helîg.Tvetydvsixs vic lad uesay George Forcisasan sd Fred (ileshe [f1!LI LLIOK Orchret iashu-l iaidsa an li'liueiulctric ligitis are a suc ese. beamnlisi on very arandesyawere placd Bort G. Simith visiied Barringion,sucre calen tant Prtday. ofi eetingo coidtd'by 1ev. Mr. enal herelator the ecurent vili i h l baictor &Mdexposed tosair unlinliuuday. Y. ltoey ahippod some live stock to MiSS M.ALICE DAVIS. Spengler forate tus- et two weekn. turuc'd on ai daîsk andlfrointthonountil the lwbOedng celie. 'Fb. tomperaturs Win. Svyer vus a gnusto! bis steions Chicago market tiis vek. ,d*dkCoerviels h W C . .bed hlisu milet-t.. ive oiock the littie hulbs vii uvi.stissaibe 0e9 vere varmeet uP for a few days. lira. Win. Poppernwu tbe gunuof we.i. lg aili laira. Peler Paysie. They are fîtruls <contant andl brîlliani lgiti id 10 104 dsgromu i to or tbree houri. Lou. Slp sud Mr. ('lifford vern iaMui. R. apkm tisli eek. followiug a cousre of mailaing ai prebseut This tompengalore wu maintaiued unotil Palatinue Buuday. Mr. Mitchell sud fsalily are uceoly ""~Cu» or ofate gravois o!f Ur. Ackertusi aaronîud paVrt)a4 sOftise ,4sctrsc lgisi company. M ohate d. The chickespiemced Miss Grtie Lytie viniteel frionals lu locaied Ithielr ovuhome. VOlOR CULTURE AND HAAMONY the sorlal. -the ém", but they woreme w eak that Barrlngton uday. *Atinlanot a minnon tLi aisues ibat UJborttrvllle. lîlînos. WAUCONDA. the dié hfanm leavinithe egi. Mu. Thnmntilivisit iug friendo iu loud repori but Rtay a cncker. -EVERETT. Mr'. A. Coosk vigiia-d the (ounty Paru t " v foigndlthat the eumupon whlch Chicago ibis veok. Wms. Popper, o! Wisconsin, wva Dr. A. L. TRA VIS. tir. anal]tirs. Me.till SI,-Ilaly spelaI-ra dit liagWL. cr lnu. sn ecodotail Of ti.saame Hermoan Porep lis vibitlpng hissister guest o! relative& here tiisveek. fo fau Sbbth n heciy. arie wre lsin ouWacodat«M-Oümthns po te uisiie Mrs. Fasher lu Elgn. John Dickoson, visehba homo iokfe mligtm leb Sa. t.1a7lit th 7 rolmP. M bale Tnesdaty. lflg eq>tan tholls vbich le inshiste. 1Louis9Shroedervisiied Lake Zurich somse tinge la able %o Ill about agga, ýf aI A .iT S)tt . BSeule O! lsur i s.usag foiks aMe-nt tas on business Wednesdiay. Beveral trou hors e ieddth. IbemiaIattention pai ethetis e ishoisp ai iasl Day lasai Iria.> saîgiai W*. S. icCiain lasa beela ou theseDUK AR AH D.trT.eaadvfo iledos-due ailoiud anra veig ~ tmeineu o!Chrnis lteumiis. asalrs'sart agaasaltîru. iaiils pai fme aye. tves ai Ivauboe Monday. Misa Reka Wlmdeka, Of! ROuY Lake, Mrini. ak-nilins.1'. 1. DoratisauaiMiha Born eti r. andl Mia. P. <iexeler one lt lia. Pnitable ITh" Cichýesie BnWiaabsbsbuelnse A iilgbrusm i.R iIm ockfelee, - Doayle, Of 1bis-aga,vsrue t aot'uiag laai "ach, a son. Market unpeues.andtaliimovo aturday. Thaioncion mie o! C. Kol'vas - '~guesînrof tMr. adlIra. tileN nwaaay Win. Ciorîgit sold soute ino pork te Dock gnamilng, msa acorrespondent of iiev. J. C. Bnicher's &ister returned Weil patronimea, uit, ou accouni aofhuAI 'PAUL MacGUFFIN. tilis we. the couuty feans lent ve. The Rural Nov Tonker, le somebing te Chicago alter a short visit. veather. qAnd Cotainelior et Law. R .J Ilartie-. ,Of Owatona, sa.Milan. M lsn rc Hill 11lxtviaitlng fricuda ait thaï; 9Wsntailat very 100 tannions kuav Miss Emma Scbvitzer, o! Chicago, Mine Belle Diekson, vito vas hidly NOTARY PUBLIC viasabasnenss-atise glas-nitsfhanssu itar iclmisere ut lreft vitiug, 1111]. about. Many of ibem hsvm a fev vinito liber motiler over Bsuday. scalded receutly yuL Lot vater, in - ti~ra. Martin tta-iady foratihe ltesttIare-a- fls reporied titat Selh Turner h b nis ansco pdde docks thagtelonOt & Ms e1o a uPlaieWdaa-vlaau inontias Meill a-ave ftat'is home Friase rcà dte Claucy rptyUa.Blow@inPaieWeesvitalD ssailoMn givon Col'cttsim nsagt. .ptctaepmen caot living on ubal h cin euplots P day viaitiag tg i1. R. iciierdiug's. The drainage question lu Zurich bas Md osavyeymng. Th" is'e- naiaale i SIX B. M. bavis pnrcbusd the old hotel ottmie thnown tu lhe eblekens, Rimer Roberison entetineile a belon plaeed lupon the programme nuWviLis Csv l'm5 araa 'riasgv-bssbro isarn lalit iSatDa'day. Coualderation $35. vhicihftehi Ilay b abondant. la ci frienal frout Chicago over Suuaiay. (adme. u iitLKr opssvB4s lrlaar s arai isave s- tet ftir. is-n Tvagentlemen faoim Aringto snocb s knd sud lu sach a condition &btai ECPio o!Lhtvll iaohaAltatenBpIssc rtyvllle. Illinois. (MaîaAy'sa Mlstia e cts'isg wis.b als eicgit4'. re sala Ourstrea-.9th ti lu-atta!he poor docksaimentuetarveaid pion' vMm. E. . P oofLbry, ll i icatelisothâg er ard ld Zesuch - ~grs'c a irs', is star walýTh..îa-mt i ts'asa.ty. lu six uponiba they an.matsont dmar- tale aou.iaiînaibuveh Party Msal i la ait lo's. .lait iiasaî1 tN M.C 'M. lirie-y, s! Iowa, ila tisesket. If nal bigoenouh or fat onoagh, Mra. MD. Brown Je entertaiulug ber Po.Frac sls drpr W. H. MILLER, Masia 1exaîg .'els mi l arc' gueat f Mr.a'.ndsatr. Win. Milltsi a ieymsroelyaldaanugh. 1fthe rlgbt m&e lbobrfrsortm. arge increme of cholarthip ai ibe TUNSIitilA. AIIIST, alidy llti. sstealali>. bn.uaof ducksawuraised and le! ontbe IHermon orep ande-btasters visltod schôô,LOs ToSRAr -'rt'sa---sl isy lias- tisa artlits-ilv 'le lias- aaiilsents givenisY tise proper fooal. the proiis over bruiaiensd ra.u ~ lakss l iu rv hsSome ofouryounugpeople attended ý*1har ecat eail on 'IiI- ta-.y a'allv rîa<sl Ctl atlsa-. atl iaar c ira' e-ysii nit-sudel. sunamer i oisi yonng Pekin duchs l u tr aetfA'îsta eg tn, urday evenIug. (~0i! surs m asa as. -tasaneta i cns trhenl.av initeil)lis siamgbier ira. Forgier, R. OBhetvnuan ha taiton part Inter- BRANDS 0 P' il'a i lliaFred %ytkoas as a. osrmtl k hit maret eti1ncentsupreniund Ji"rfii'ieud. ..-.fmaaas 5. ' ' l[..'.ai.sta. latisa r sass irt ast i F ms alact ve-k. f11-!a-tpe-cia tasgui voighu Tbey wveu9 veelcu oldan sd 'Ui aqeaehl tBtetaest iu tLe Lake'@Corners Croamnery. Mis s lna i tie-use.ob i i s 7conto n. Theua laibobroume'.lutceutly 1K. ..4 aaalt aiieîtas isans., -ra't , Ml-gnovGazette t ise liantheys-r icents pr poaigdîttne chichi bing thor a rkeTsusde r eparawiore tago At tsn o a e u lt paliailne a rt -sî0asa1 i î î itheig otte lira (Ut. ool ni b aisg o ndtio d n -9 veKIdbieks (110 n otl . O ak Ir l Ase aia y An Zu lYe uAv Rii un rlght, Prkhurst& Co. git ls hi i-saga.4 l aiv lot is' laresoent vriting.dut legbd s.meb s. thne ichi t ar liuy rprs.M Rc o sud chido ria !u.nvypr udlr n Li 1yotsaR iofe masli of ty aitatare lot. Qaîte s number frout Natnda, Grayas- and sld for g centsancre per pons. Of ere guesus of Bd.liteises ai Baaring- lgnue. t viiiarrive lidue seson. Libertyyxlle Illanois gne ess i uis sis -eat n lalke analLaku Zurich attondut tise course iLe obiokoonsue lI ood.acilbut ton Sauuday. lumsfoangrtgûtars- paassacI tis e eiiîaAgn ntaa,'ltise -aîa as fuýiisanaernde lu (iaklandlHall tant the moniaality Isgreater and ibm 15t0r Misses Mariha andl Minute brader, nlug lu fullbMost. Formerlebring thi-r sic'eîîdirag gs-teretiass. Evea'y Bai tîa'dsy everaaug. lu keeping ahesd of lias, vermssin sud o! DesPlaines. visiteal their sont lin. &long yonr situ vbwh eu soirhearVi issues Interest-Beariflg stak aadi tfle-sc'ters-Miss a sassant l'lise e-uetanmenîIra lbs-gît-en lu d1mans amang ihem lan mucbgaruer. If A. Schwitezr Suuday. histle. of ravlry lsy xighi" aise-u -e-r the tise Oeklandi Hall, Jan. 22, lis noer tise thssu in suy otherfowi or animai rsiaod A nuimnisr 9f frionds surpni sia Jeu Foau BALE CatrAP-1have au extra 5m Cerifiats Fayble lparies nuaend. Sissulal a 1pasr ay auspices o! tise Waucondst Cath, lice<suuhe fam tha tilhooun ttue m Kitson and wvUe Sunday uveoulg, h '7 C. A. i3 Camera yuL outlit complote on-Demnand. glaniniai st tisa ie-ry crsswd M tisai achîtrulsinateralrf te Finmout. We amusant of flash ountesmneqnanttby cf biug is bithlay. wvitch 1 bave no uns for. Appiy te AL. longîin o tull i OKsos bill'hast ta , iawere vrongy inforutea. - food n the sme lime, 1 ha"eball o Mrli. anal lir. Benry Thios enter- IL. FIcut. - 2ý ý tîteir mitiifoar uSry OneaCseeisis-sitas G. W. Prut inmaking arrangement. and l. iaiued about !oty-ive frieuds et their Thte nous o! Abert Bnlgg'deatbvas siajsy Lie piesastre-'. aite. iChagesira enSilit levenisbirda ait te poniiryhoeMaayvulgrclestnuomWeoa.oba >: IEX u ~~~~~~~crme Loagiaind cuataitiy a chîange lahmats' a wiîcia i.tes bu given n luChicago The Poulit' HaImmla WInls?. hm odyeeig eie eermWuodk ehi a"dd0 qflYudo ne-eil taa-n plac tis mn tier. A ntsiety bas fluxi wee-k. Mn. Pratt hansmomma lue nlte imevnter rour olr la corn., The AsthllAc Club bloid a --Btag bheon lupoOr eilth funomettitm. Th. lueu farmscalea-itiss'f.saiiî-sSocial brî rdvi o~Put7Parity' Au the ciraisrouonis aiurday intenutent bock place ai Wanconda iiIs'4r. D~s.L~+ Sacl-.eari asiis tsss nsnd wa' no o! tcapture* a peilualtuobc aslrdo beitor intacts of the ighl viticla ihey eujoyed. BuLuday ai tue P. M. vvîîe.. l'~lias-y lvs- tise pOpeneahetme, and you aboulsi moto u itiat teIdoMissesBertha anal Dora Porep are It appeau to the scribe tbat achantge Fur Lap Robes. daissofatliter' eautif ilsi hne waxasl ns. Misa L. Tidmarsnh retianuesi irapoliry bouge i putin proper condition, agliendg afev deys ut ibeir h'thors lu tte posi-oIUcicnluta o cmade, since m. . 'Ied moua. Tuee a-'s'tsg mîts Vaîptrinaao lat stundauy. Site vau, mye arut Nova. Put ou thewhitvah Fred Porep at Pîut(nove. putiluuns are ont. Tbe preout location I-Ieavy Fur Coats repiorted s adeigtflon. hegreatly aissppoiated, ainet geiting utermayer it vili itiek-walls, roof, lira. J. H. chierdiug ansd Mra. ts the boat la iovuvit compoet er- or soythila nutheUne of islolnn manisiorn. Nia- iensw mla;redtaamatke attshmIaa ise uael ise ond coudii S fe. th IIausp ehes m tives icaoarevstu ndiendanal ros- vnta malale &oremai.fAUthioeB orStit.Yeu should not fanl thse veung psilaas îa is î-tsydnatas ia imni a ra nod~dliatit and MiibarPdUO5,tiveaidicaeeanars.aMisa. ecelvng malIareaeareoa Ibs. n gnis Ib toh gdisisinresi hi ..iesieveny posibanleeinu is sof ,eDtt-r-de-ai as!valiable ime by fieaviag naits 'or auyibing ibat migbt InJou The Epwonîh Loague wiii open tsein A. Fiche lu the only chbice sboulai any îaîr.mna. 3.<sîitlsiest wax uxhaisiîa-aI sciosaiaiaet befareexaminatiîn ad the fOwl. Have your perches Il on the cour"e of vinter otertigainte oto citange ho matie. ,,GHARLES KAISER. as iuny et! tise club are gootl i igî-sneirt ieing ailesi ernm. uie level 10 avoisi covding aI lb. top. Titursday nigDistatscoucèrt. Rarry Madison m cat ig onit at the sand asî sniste. The Ibîrd ans given ut OBITU'rAnv. Don't have Ibet on bigt. Ou. aud 5a lins. Ovens anal littie daugbton Zurich Bouse enclt day 10 take orders. d eaicn nti.pomiti ins. aa' ea iaenîs ecîg lls(eti ei ia nasybai! or two font la aitficient. Whene starteal Wealeeaaay for Nov York City Ho .ropresouis îthe Notbvest.rrn ,oUr.Moa'anmhmesofdacn sMensrut e. Davisar daed gFsii perches are toc bigla fovia. espeeiiay iravisAitraid fienls sanal atives, Foatter ltenovating Co. Ttsy are Ile- e7c rMAnnlffes. tisran usnkiaig tise-malvea vent o! thia place agesi iweualy years te langer vanloties. ars spt tteijure Miss May Baker la condurtiug a cateal ai Barringiou In the Coihy agres-alie te uvenyrana. Mms. M. J.tara mont hs, tgeesdays. Ste leaves 'a thementve ludlyiug up on dovu. Se. indergairdon achool et bon honte building. We eau "eeefutly recoin- ý. MCouway i. the nuit ira stfols bea'armte îovîng laitier and Miates-nansi lwa thai theonuaiboxes sa l rght,moly et amsinea by Miss Grace Better. moud their vorh. They do aust&bey 1,4E anaIextensi ublieandtalrstisa'public lu broîhers toira rasbier usas. 'Tias'acocesand cdean, vilb gondl resh ltt'aV The second rooolatute public agrese. ýh FI N E L s a à,hearty isaccome t it anl ans cstedeceasodua iaembor raf the Wsmara'e ntem ocaiouslly. 19 ila sgond gides, ahool vas eismiioal Tuesday aller- Constipation ilii vorshforme, dys- greto nc vih sa-e- aali. hiRetlief Corps iic steletorah a groat to place ue.i boxles Iu the dafksnst part Doon Miss Baruelibelug t UItt enot.-pepasis, uiek oadachm, balloumiammale O F circie as uformdte replenin thtie- luierei. The f unal servie-es vitre ofte bause, as h ln a bous&nature te lis Minule SueRoens lanakIng an *deraugenent 01 *e livur are reeadily - -chureli vhlch vasbn sauaa, vutisa-e bell frousthek M. E. chtrcb Slunaay ido ber ti, and uhe mon."nonou enaded vingt uiib ben aiger', lins. coudaly DeWi's LittleRarly Bisera * ne-a'a-nary art~ies. Evea'y oeepays consuced by 1ev. ClIfforal. A large yncngv e u h abbut.e Dionuanal lins. Rorman lusho, lu Th-soiittlm pll eeor grille. 5sma ~IID~uim ~ theise- sLa t o!twe-aty-flve canss ais ocu ~cnoul na ta-ibouaynagieoaib a Palatine.pUt, sll, pût, boat pit. Bolal hy P. B. vy?~NU~ U~5 a.s ns -tue-r nirî re- requelc t e rabitag v' ~o en " " py ttilut oapcg botter elle ilke IL .Aither iportiant Lovzii, Libertyviile and .C.RoBtura ,.,U R I U R . mebliruaiakso a' duilln.Th oua Teomansrthe.1et Pictus e Fra eit tif'isevs ndda-iign hifaeliannt.eiLIue l. Crpa aalG. A ýfealurebat muniet tb. overfookos in a Miss Mary Putuani entontaluesi Waucouds. Piit i oFrgnfunIllalhe lurea abolghtft reian.dmTe11box. This iLàulie band numbaier of ber sesooilaevitha_______ seiThe croval la guaarally a lange and.alTise neute, as uera nrad. tse dount man'h. ba th i oiscauoy pull ilut Fiday. The young IMo. fthelves, IlooTI ple-satl ae. Evs'rylsaey la velcaîme cemetery. Tue imauy fniena entend cf venmin, etc.. and al a s aiy' i55- pol r uoyu twevs LuSN A as every body eu go ad no invitatieon ibeir - hennifasit sympathyte ratise liai te tbe hadof th0f wii, $bult ieyvnter. olc cuttiug appeara lauthe dim dis- WaJJ poclLets, igîtnts, i. necsea-y. -'Anal if I nitoulailive a horeavasalfamiiy. con have ames o n~ oe ihelten.d .put Barprie m a s t e hu l mno a tian..P.W ayo iatd apetifhlders, is, iiîsnraiyaasl e-vAas forge-. ________îhere they eau crbh lutte dry carL. eveing. The &sflair vsa got ton op hy Mn. R. Cnepiey' on laiurday laut. tl f ases, irilet Card oe Thanks. htw un..t sorr s ie.. bi sbooi frieîmdsndal as a siecilell M.Jh Cibvsta teBd PeýoR hoae roibe wti iii- Waneeutcfllofgattue eLake Iacol one afternoon lest ve.k. Petaîaa'itiae risse-iail isl Wu hataflirf rtiial u France, vlthanamoofmO4i47qum O M. anal tra. A. L. ilmih entextain- Misses rono anal Latie Ames lent a 1er aisils, Glsa~ugetstionsl mlii1as-interelte Iin tihe xper- rttrsr sAuceras ihanka ira îhe ins f b lebui98460 an. cpble io tia', 'îty i'D' 5fWi. H. Ituan, s-lia-f t'Iark lskf a noassu ebr ts ile-stO V e* prosi-emît>- for passtp? ast iliunrosi- fe

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