Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 22 Jan 1897, p. 4

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PaMAi, JAEà&talms. ,Km aQ WoOIWM imsu Et.d aS iothe tofseai lUbsitîviil muet.soa mnead.ei"mn te. àuamYET5Uo »Um U5 va» tIvQU ARLI- Butter vas qnoted at 191c ou the Elgin Board of Trade lionday. lee doslors sud consumera are sp- preblensive lest tere bc su tce famile. A few yoars ago iee tventy-fonr Iluea titiek vas ceut lunliarch. if tbe Free Homesteald bill, vbict vas tant week passei by te Senate, in killed In theu House Commtitee Ou publie lands, wbore il nov le, iii tionds viii blame >speaker Eeed, and accuse bila o! being in sympatby viSAi te easîtsrn opposition to te bill. when the bill vas originally reportedl frouete Honse commnittee On Public lands, it oniy pnuvidod for free borne- steads in Okaboma sud is roquined bard vork to get te favorable report, wvieih ladt ouly a majonlty of one in tbe èomnittee. The Houge passied the bill as il vas reported, but lhe Senate Illi added amendmnta ei- tending thte fre somsteada to ail lands acquired fromt ludians. Whtou tbe bill vent back to tbe Rouie, speaker Reed Metrred it Su the cou- mtes on public lands for conidera- lion of tbe Sonate amendmnta. Titere ls a vide difference of opinion la Congreas as to tihe viadoin o! cboosing Sentor Shterman to ho Secretsry ol State tînder thte coming administration. Mn. Shtermans@ Soux- peoament laSnsucit tat lis bas nover bee» and coutld ont ho a poplular mam, in teecoun acceltance o! the erin "ýpopuilar." W hile everybody a<tmii bis extenasive knowledge sud ex- perienoe, tiaure are many mon, eoN'O amung hît. party associâtes vito doubtt is asutess 1»inbaudllug our fureigu relations, wviict of iste yeana bave seemed b, grow maore compllcatedl antd lie hais nuy, say taS hobu a made a faluire as citairman of the Senate Comnu,.ttee on Foreign ISla- tions. sud Point onît ttat ooly te other day that Committee vas cr151- ciaed i, au executive session of tbe Sonate "aui almost unheard of Sig' for the mariner it liasit hndtod tbe Cghen (juotion. Tbe hello!, vtici tela genorai, thst Mr. Shterman vas virtu. ally foreed Iuto hecoming Socrotary of State by te exageucies Of Ohio iii ,aot add anythlug to bio prestige. Cougress,,.ol latenoit ia grueal.n l theo settiement of tite Pacilc liailroads question titan It was before teHuotne defeated tbe funding bill but 15 lit doubtful iter te conlicting opinions eau ho sunfciootly reconciled Su get snY Ilegiâlation. It ail depouda UPOn tbe Bouge. The Sonate coun- * lttee bas uuanimotîiy agroed to Senator Gears hbill providing for a commission o!funcuoers of te Cabine s Su settie the iindeltodueaa of te Pacifie ltntlroads snd deterujine boy It 8sha11hbcpaid vitb su amendint, ofiered by Senalor Miorganu, servlng to Congress the igits to reguuiate sud preseribo charges made hy those roads and ail otiten rigbts It bas undler eislug Idws. Titis billi bheeu reported 5 te Scuate. hbl oueffort vill ho made Su pushit 15uutti te Bougse ata upon a sialiar ill nov iu comlîtee. If thte bouse dol notiiug, the iniaSseviii ho bift for te eleentîve 1Ianeioth ie gôveral ment to deai vitit. Theo Attorney Geueral lau ow vorkiug on te papens titat viii ho nosded lu te proceedings' for forealosture of te goverumont mortgsge. VEGETABLES UNDER GLASS. -A Iyuh.b1 et ngv.u0.15.,, MMWa1 Zbs The ibmoyo tgls adsu vov Toimè eMwluM l i u "o-à 17luamu.d. mai M"a * W II *Md fI viule elihar fer b. beoi ef Itia ovul alqor for tho homo Market Thoeakmiloe.inuacoumupoliplace. telaumey omptýb-ceosy a bIfflbu& 0 fot vitdeeoo4 Se Otilieade br &pà boop*LTIO »o aauret ioma- obm& buttbSe meDo mai b. cultivatai by behoo c-ven& 0foote M"u a eny ld &Oum" hv»lýAlys 4 foot vide ar 6àoit »m toi e l.bsmua Th-ma n ' ido.plsad. m&vele saeebelugpor- .1*101d. 'lbIMil ef tho frauute a oy rlob sud wefldraiiO, usud I l ai vocase mofelSié te taoprb, aiS len aa depti ftvao Stet a ches, b. remoyed sud - amach un Au lîlmbsSidu. iqaclducel fuon Drues aboob."veelsa" Under Glam6*' ahaa mr his'baie" lock vbou et .r.- ilà. wvila lhe glaei cff dur- Tealkler4 tet vide. i. plauleul vîi sadishea. eilo the bose. lhemaj ecisin àa aumer crop of ciley Th pinterr, shows Jow onlly lha.a buste may hm vorkel by itosepover. Au ftao an an@ crop ncmme.ont aotber la staried. ie of tl- oel fisiaerotatin., pradice by Philadelphie ariet gps. enirsa, are.te oives lu t6e useul manuel alsealy quoted. Sp soya about Sept. 16, ont ntaiat rad- lmbus, sovn luFebrmar, pulliai in Apil; bub beang. eoWn lua pollî c malaad ovnaout Sept. 15, cu lu Apsil sud May, folloved by bone;naotume, movu aouS Sept. l. ont le Apil sud May, follovel by beana; silaci, .ovn about Sept. 16, ont et Oiitmst; lethmc (planta from, Sie mml bel or soud) lu Fobr« ol oloved by teasu. Betsa ne fleuouiy ovu inlu Velary. 0f vinter markeS garden c the.Si tollovlug mai be grovu vititout boaS: Spinsot, uprlng cabitiaplant@, 0m ni aI, endivo.eun, Ialsy, peny, vio- let. With test: Tomst% coucumber, clifiover, bhm-, nmelon. uatnaroou polto Groaabholvays: LoiSue radit, paroloey, buta, vater crs@%, car- rota, rtubarb, nperafua, mint. 'lieecond cnt, slo ,reproduoed tram Drues book, lu a plicure o! s simple forcing tonu. made ity Planina te moi- ahIe a trn.'liis ploinre vu tmkou lu smm e d aboy" t. consirom ofiiS lmclia bonne. sncb a boumse ma às ats> iteeoldbrne aud icliel, for l proities iOte sud permits lie introdnction of luide ota by moins of mlosin or bot vater, lu Suas houmeUn glas roof ecu b. vholly re- imoie&. lh. posa:or higiteet pari of!the vont iabout six test aboie tesmrface of the mIlîle bol, while te permanent alm aides. are ta.o fet lh. he 'lii. i. are ni. direcll! upon te groul, sep-ý Few ùiarsiter enîticisaaagainst sarsiol by muien wiisi. indivîdunilhavte appeared lu, a report f rom sa Cougrenslonal Commlttee titan K N fmm~ext.masuis, tati t report made by te Senate T'lite n ano deiylng te tact liaS th. Naval Conmîtoe sevoral deys ago, future socoas. of Sie averae northvoat- 1eru farta lepeni on ibm manutre Pile. ou te c'st o! mniing arnion plate, sudtho Minuvito propomta sucemel Thiis reports ays: "Thte evit con. ibu gaita a ilee1,aaoh soquenee likely to nealst frouia, llov- Stock sud Houe, uthoniy for the lng Na'ry rottera tW he lýtresed in Sollowlng: Onie of the iorX but ays pateutg, o'r eu»îloyed b>' the nners 1ta aIlm&terlalY talte Praluci Of ma- toereof, ara' Weil iiuusitrated b1.theSitero ~abousttihe stable.sud farujard Ai !aces viîciappeatre to te commwiSSee. hauc'linuck trou sou. Iried silcgit concernug Coamnda'r W»,. or arli, or. lun6th al&uce of sui, lai ('iefo!ilu ilinesu trousou. loy bollav crra loy place lu Frlger. LeC Sifteflteote vood lai. Titis riait muaki viidry Orrllnuter, Névy 'DePattntutandL bis ogi ilaàa"5edys and i o f *STe vry eouaueetiiaifrtont Iegioiaaiig tua end ibc"mwMtatiiScma bauseo ta tal viit vi t l iowkîa mmastlae Rarvey>'p snd'hold t6e liqil manure. ItIm pnoeesa'Er latr iardeuiuîg arma? for h lmplY about the yard te b. Naval Vesmes,i. uadthte vurinm spatetsgeiiel Sae l. 0.1intlu lb. m r nit lsuîed ttr't,.'Tht- report reclea mai b. m r uutatly nas y dryýiug the meiaile gieilIt sud placiluaab 11*51. of in luhe a$ain ttc a.a'taa,'e vet Sie fatey dùîly. Company 'l'y AFoIger l is i mets capactY. andi esys n luapt),, onda ttat F5551 la Coid pramae% ht vas gisela ta) ReS te lulcttivt, Psuey in oel tramas, loba kepbano- employaentfroua te piuî, OeaeUlly titrougit ~Os vinter, mouai bave Folger ù lldmintce ite rosil '$lite il licsculy veili ankaI op theNav. t hm aaoaronnd ib.trnt% or proitably hait rat- Site avy.Lt bts aso or ei.. sud munre ould e telse. instances aof Firher'sit avi In Wîit crenitregards oaaîenngte euti private enila *y vit l l NtvY. viit lutlei, lat hay. or anytbbng 4~ lt74 lte vent lu Eutrap,' auit gent, bsndy, 10 isep cultfron.t tis viii sm- for te Gattfilîag (.uan Conapsuny, sud iver the purpome....ot calore gilU< air trea a silaiy sSnucbfor rtva yî'ara. oeiy pldble chance. We grov in oel 1,*We wevasempiuyed b> te lmuîîàds t5uU nmrly aIlour ppsnslyfar viuiter Laobtnee, bei Sot litauporpoe maoul eilb uouey sud stock l iOpat kOMI mm i l. oAmies.te Md, atOr arde by thej~.a CIRAYLMItE LOCJt;LNEW". - Lt..UUUAIn 1 m GAreat Removal Sale! On acemint of building opetations I wishi to redute mny stock, and yul, for the îîext !X) - days, allow a Discount of Ten Per Cent. li Addition To LOW PRICES PBF.VAILING, ON ALL KINI>S OF DRY GOODS, NOTIONS and CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, ARCTICS, And al Muinds of FoutS Wear. In The Grocery LUne. 1 w iii toutietSo nea d lu Low Prie,,,, quali ty coimlde,,di Yotirm truly, Brick Store. F. H. Kuebker, GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS. A Complete LI F Watches, Clocks9 and' Jewelry, Can always be found at the store of man, IGRAYSLAKE, ILUNOIS. ~voe can save you mn 15 Ibs. Rotied Oats 25 lb. sack Buckwheat - 25c 10OBars Len-nox Soap - -25c 6 lbs. Ginger Snaps - - -25c 5 Qte. Cranberries àa&if 26c I Peck hand picked Navy Beans 25c Pair ClIub Skates - - -25c Arbu'ckles Coffee per lb. 1 7c Lion Coffee per l. - - -17c ÇOUR TERMS: '"CL F. D. BATTERSHALL. Dr. . V. HARVEY@' communion soudel, vheuà ho Vini DENTS?.adminhuier the Lord'. aupper teaIl _qçvi. Bridge snd Pie Work a OleiI hi. oîo1 prile - OFFICE rn>uSa - At te meeting of Soroala Chapter ato lA. E. ltoganditosP.I. 0. B. 8. lait Tuembay evoang Sam Graysiake - Illinois. Litwilo, Worsbilful Musteo f uang 'r. Bun Lodge, wvu givon te degros.' GIRAVOLANESCTh re Saes of Hoodà SersadalIla fIfIoffS UN Lodion No. 115 A. Y. A A. 19.5aretite largOit là te@ vont! bocaMa M tentios urday the cures by Hood'a Ssnmparlp ana B.LîxTWIUaILW. M. wenderful, perfect, PerDiaiiOLt A. Tuoaraos boy.Hood'a Pille amre iibost fsiily 5g~81Scba tsr. Or NI ru catitartie snd limedicine. 25c. Vas. IL B. SEaNANi; SCi- G ATBLÂKE Camn No. ÎsuîM. W. A. ment t*s--- 19k@1 GL51 and third Salurday evoines of eunh 1Isud o et hé habit et faimèrs tu Gomon AsKPPLM, y. kllunlarguaI terus afo MWr M sd Guas .Bnoois. Cerk. umye for bnsdlngmz. cf M lste audouthes&yeeý&maemotd 'lT@Idu, wu " wvitigoal SSII sud Kim affam m as. UtW.-HduvBy. Oracle. mmthons woaid lau byqIbn Nu..Suaasa. f0. ic thm ale oulj lli e aaooS4 su (ConeREATI0I4AL Chureb udai bihgt Mr- e 51 owih ~vIismu m suad 7:30u. .PMUyer m. wi'es- aryteï o w- lu Wedussd I vnn. Y. P. b.8. muet the holdaa Dut this Mlawselà@lio... &odie etia 1: à à sp. iM. 1 iTe ]te trjo . UI et ai ilasm eOURT 0F HONOR roue"s llrst and tîjird beoo«tuntol .Md »o~ atahm Au %ouradsrs uofeh mouth. daie 1wvald if batoadovwio,. uel. lut ei bes bama»Miesd stut Mis Mabol Mau,oPrairie View, torieya srom cum "lhm&I. a».ePé- Gr IvlslSlug vîit bher sont Mis. Dauby. rieod lurksy 1n1e1.1 kmeP brlau- atretfowl. for taoediticsud ralsin b.. Mir. sud Mrs. Badwin bave gono tu ti are 9 .Yo lul . le d Volo to engage iu the service of Mrr. bo:btm.cier , taeysane abouler Peter foyerâ; bot In the ,h0uffl . and eud 1lable -té lie off vile y . on te fanS. The you« Ofte trkey - - dab p. lira. Fred Wlbur vas very 111teetaithe b" t 3 viipsy St uiets! ly not pas week but vo are giad 50.57 .iabc, la roubArde ua bave stWaurod gd» ma.Dr. sMd ti tmiui.Aurcu01 he, lmproved at preseut vritlng. v<o.out rejoictng aven te birtit of s baby Tbe old vay of dellveîlng inessages ,cm daugitteX. Tbelr many tends rejoue by Pont boys compured vh heit vitt Semsndezendmay godmodern Sle itone, IUlustrates the oidPr viit e for d Site utur aof o lid Iodions mot'Ioda of! broaklng" Comdaoe winhs fr th fuure f te litlecoinpared vith t heir aluosi inatant&u- cl olive buancit. eoum cure by One Minute Cougit Cure. B. . Lltu lii prcbsedIbofarP.~ B. Loveli, Liberlyfllo, sud 0. C.Po o! Mr. Bîsdvsy and wiii probably' Ourla move thereon In te sprlng. We are go glad tu kuow that Mn. Loftus sud No Hard Times If you buy aB famiiy viiiremain vitb os. good Farmn in Central Wisconsin he Thte Ladies' Aid Society will met'at $ 5. $10 or 0$15 per acre. snd vii, lira. Everett Neville Wednegday, Good soit, watel-, ronds, sehools, quet Jan. 27. lire. Richasrdson entertsined'churchies and plenty of them. la l tem lent Wednesdsy. Wood and Clark counities are not Mi Tbe eotortalnment of lthe Y. P. S. -- A Sandy Desert." 1 will go witli bh,, C. E. lait ltîiday ovenlog vasto ry dton, othatRB.fn good indeed. Theo debate vas bandled Y>' tipt> Cetliit(15fes In a very credilable mauner sud te no expense to se country vhile ollier exorciser, wve equally good. there and feresm"es part psy- oft Lots bave more o! tbem. ment on land if you buy. I amr'n-r We vore ail glad to seo1RevHrle agent for Lake County. Cali or mi in bis accuatomod place In th. pulpitI write for mapes, termes, time etc. i- s Sunday and altitougi noS entirely Dn grati!yiug malner. Nei Sunday la Bri ,Store. Oraysiake Illinois. D)u - - - - - Illinois . -7"F- ?BEST WAY. s ix mnuta tu, Coue lu nouoai contract, viSA i la; jet uiîany 0 doubt put ut! au luIotnded tsit la 1. oveCbecau ue y anrelunitopea iii disesseviilinluS"ue vear Issoîf S or pernapatSiey dounoS bselleve ail ky bea ut0fliise mineut pitysitlaus SIn n ring obstinste and dillicuit wms Dr. Huoe h«adbeed ltaSite luacîpie wviica i. ertaiuly çorn- audatory, riz.:iover Su exageraété or ver drav auj Case pubahied l itelle humais and bis SesSinontala are f rm Copie residing in titis vicinlly vitos ord caua ho relied upoai and msnY Mr vicb b,,ebhm accompUistedar )i Mylte louaS quite romaîkable eloy appear Ste nansd addren. a 1ev oftSthe munt notable cases viticit as hmCured a! ten otitors b.d given up il abandoned ait bopes of a cure: WX. Hi. COLNLt. W.ootnS.i. l5 tnni ,inilti». Duraltion o ,ithirty tris. i etter titan aI any tIm 'ne moIjin,.ss .t lu id gaiuing eoutstantiy. hie. EuIAzsCuWu.ra. Wfos*o. Ill.. on Ordiwaus v..» y,'srs. Can, ,ei. imnd foly Iia. In veigitt. lasm. H. iicusDi.x. Wý.ost..fil.,anc lthe ireant. Dumalm of iivs-thme,, usm. Has hati notwitti,te.,u,f .4 Iso-n- fr vr s y-!ar. lis5 EnIril ISTUAÂrON. W-,odmta.S.ll., irnie hr.o,,tii.asd n. nvous puatrstion. Urtion 0f9. d.'as'. , , ti lm i.,ov lut erfaat heaith. las. DELLA C,)LC. W, li.'r'n uration o ietetwenty r".arg;vrn ire body. Had Ira atedoti wlSh ty..V.-" iforent ui,'al.iaîtsandtbi it lon, titan me ituuidred tlar. for uat'nt 'lin. ltout relief. Ctiartihylit r. boy.- lit titre oSak. Hait.t nuial.eti i.r1o'.tiy Ul aal fre., um the disase utv for' tier a yltar. W&a CHÂiLEY PRAT 7, on tof Jt. Pratt. .ut Wau. ,aida. BL. . oau. i.uratltn o!diaaoua.. cr. ('urc-d sandi nmains u.' weIil Ciad .,f Mr. sand Mr.. J. ltmiable a «it m.ath..4.1l Ia.a glv'.at ua l'y 41,r tacun, ais landthlt.- ehltîliof Mr. patta». ro'v î,r.,itiî yanti .anraeei.y. MR. J. A. D)UPiIL. Wood.t,aS.III., abitis analdaUttat,' iratvun ut dises se. years. U'ntaih't.1y .,aid gslniring vowight. Mas. EKOuruElît;.eaga if,, af Car'taln lt'.. MRs. J. 8111i.1.- EiL. tLlm,ilto. Iii. .'lru,,tl e yl'are. t'urc o,,raa.'t- Ma. HErax MENaais &raat-aa III. emirrlaitis (j,11,tt utur,)-Durai ian af tetis'ix Yalam. cutre, ',tu.' 31s. CHiARLES 511IRISH, katina iiis Daaralti,ao! llao ti ara 'tx'a.utI.' M».ai <IE. ie.y .l.ilrrtylib, Ill., ast,îa.a.ila, aIt',d urrealItl ln th nili(- la05til of tr itaiw!w,)rSsiavSte 'alt î» tl,' r'-atown'a t. H, ,don. witiol 'itasfar iat'y, ar alitlm I..tlait!, wIl. lu'cangt ar sYlituaus)of"aunuatIm,c 11(t.' lta.fotirti, iatattils tra'atnatt'ul. nus. J. t. LOVE, .uit,. l...taav,.aî., lad b,-aei'ul iv.,, nu' .aý ,tu'esfrra Yrani; a. boa-n Ira, frouetiail synaat,,nig !.,ona- anittlou for4,%,-r ta yt'5r aIittstreauaaent it lDr. boy,. HuIaia alluduttittotabi,, tu valS for tle u,,,ctls vlSit ut îatits.L m,,t. Ural lit 1,f, itaîy.4. w worrs itarti'vo,, y tiay afaituaundilutiatiti u fpuloayc acoafSta fortas À ,r niutattis. J. F. CAsEy. Atiornlcytut Law, Wooasoct, Ilnervous prostratiout unids.,i'ro.ilail! olr. Dtaiatfisxd ylasa. thtred tartia.,t.t on" vitt ci Sn -W CLi doe dist titi lnm a] Di. brot al heu lie a"d ut'ý N . s1t bu. it ritc ni. cii, 'i . i, fve lt Dr. O. B. Howe Trt-ats tiaustltaully mand suesfu hy te iaStt'a. uppiroved ie uthu.ds ail ciartarcaie DISF.Ahos titf ti htings, heurt. titroot, noéie, statijuacl, liter, kidueyx, bowiel vomhi. anal a,xîiI aiti. SUiNu îîa e-su t-zema. a.buuglea, Ntutrlauin, 5i ai low., etters. p.tortttia nt ..Pt aniaîsSYCOaSI,. th)arbens Iltit u-riung vuria,, ierpes zaater, andad il foirma o! liaieuour t-raptiatu. hlata'i, blauck iteuls, etc., icurod lui bue iuaaat. iSOLffl AND) SI'tFiL Rs lAI1u ýn.ruavad astùliît ltat ialy oki AS yâla (i aire gltraniteari. - S>I.'tEAI,Es OF 'taJi B!tliJuO'S ,I-STL ieuristitenia. h #oaaltaaia, pro- grossite=nlss badacime, aa.urslit, 5c1ti< lsoinia, lalcîus,. curaI by Geruamnioattod and alectrolydis.1 ltmmxLrAtasa1te, articulai, unuae- lar, lnumatoryand rtenumaie goul, X-RAY APPAAtATuS.. Dr. libye hba ecoploe .aelebld,, cotlincinlg tAie elbeq cuntrivauces lt.e docior i emtle lel explore th" innermot roc et 4" bumu rgaulumnd seac vigt me Daaterai oju. vitat eore remanol itidden or 'tIpeure. TopLon WsTIV le UCaX* vOIAsnC no GoÂLVAfN l AlrTEia uid &a i bI of ýdlaàgnitc sud operative limasus meut»t u amst it lu arriiar et à correct diaguoisia of auj iuosie aMd teir sceauitreaSment bot Me0i80011 sud ourgical. Carià paur atralghtoued - by aurgiesl uporstiou (Tenutoiuy.j lizuiouaijaxsPU«e) eured vithffl painful operation ln muet cames, oit delay froin business. VA»icocExLs permsnently curai iîy a nov uetod. HYIRDaOcLlut AXNP NEXIA ciroWvt& ont oporation or delay frou, buliMea, MAauosAsT Ttioai and aU sacenal a vh, fonelgu bodis, naer.§ ne, e., neuuved by surgil, operation. DRWuiXuITIP qconrectod sda" rf marks remoyed hy eloclrolyalaA CouuscLTAvuuauFXCis AU!>COul DEU*TIAL. Alilmedicinea furitie patients. 0. B. HOWE. M. D.9 Office at Hotel. Woodetook, Woodstock, Ilinois Suite 29 and 29. Hours: 10Oto 12 s m.i i1 to3 05>1 o a P. m. W'll mako rb- alonal vIlulItsn oountrY .1~so. ssaloou ilà oter qaai($d phoei esast andrgeonn. -BRANCH OFFICES:- Llbeýrville, Trigp à Taylor 1114M.. Iur uudyaonly 12 S1& p. M. " Wauconn llRest Cottae Houri SaturJa,, and Sundk; v.,,- Inaga. from 7 tb P. sm. Corrospontlee by mail i'romPtIF amre. enmauS feo larha.ny ehil aa,ooo. Tui a Incuos lh m maplo and beel. butlila foui ha - Ili niad ltaSat a6Utthe"1111111 Wmiugoo bave ueo gaummm the subject cifufomaietA htj Ai Uge.ed by The SAisi Heu' Torier Shat farnesbave lta e sudt allia., aMncamé acdha.. gapet" e letter bondssud envo1 e h" i buS effective vsy e tsuIWa , In ment of the ImPortant MMa M& triota lte rat. of yieldase uaeuet. la dieuppolnting. Il ireportel that 80 par Scet, âli licresaS ln exporta 09 Aamo ui staufa lefouuid Stsotie posta i B&ltlmonrsNorolkaI, Nevw Olsuu Md - GslvetS. A unma.ftuer ani. th" te liee lime for kiiing vomu la oaie selon villa igit barueter. Ai db.,1111M about mI oui del ottrqsale oeutlly Sltritéti od et ael ee bute te proient ammu Oeta arenDov cksp comams WMi alter graina. Temtmony Pota tlansuinaoom 11011 s0 o wh0 it e Ia F. BAI§RTpw, Mand -NFo n u man nt WORK, EVERY ES mIe, 61 1 - irayslake

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