Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 29 Jan 1897, p. 2

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RI ELVAIi1 PURCEU. MALTINO COMPFANY LOSE A 111380»00 PLAN%. Vîema anilajps tunics. Woat bâr a earelly et Wates. tu the Vicie- st17-aai Sîts lea Empty Ws.lbh Cam . srniBpreie ,Rviiy. Ratli y Plame. levator A,eceuainig23,000 batelà 61tumat anti 10%,000 busbh et iarhey, &sBd te bitimat i beese, onsinlng 20,000 bashela of malt la prees.a et the Purcell ltlltns Cooapny, at 123d Street andthlb Benl Line tradra, cblcssil, vere destreyed gre erignatetilu a siln et empty Chi- espi and tisaera insitralvay freîght cas m iàb.d beun lefI standing under te loading shed theeont aide oethle ilevoles. Itla auppaucdtlaI tramtps ari- idd lru la the cars for lhe purpose et get- tlag vaia, andt hat the ire caugit lie vootivori et lt.e garaanti vas in ters pmuanleate te lie elevatos-. The tlima watciimes ou tuty, ientietib, Foreman Scott et tie matlsg deparment, whe sleepu le lin malthious., altempted te cecthie fianes,- but vere poweriea. Tbeytrue In lu analerte andth ine rtire tiepartunet fKensington respended, bel the.frmenvneianieappeui ovins le a cant suppl, Of valer, té« e iIg but on. Bey-lus àgaviabl. A »#1,= "à* ca- '-ncclto.addtete elevLtor b.'d becs rently ecoupleted t a scent of 85.- M.0:'TIbe luue la tully- covemeti b, lear- - ag4ai a lesat sixty differeet leaurase eomipcntesrepreasetied nChicage. The Pleut vil!b. luumedlatliy rebulît. URMENS ARC FOR PROTECTION. swoormiued Ie Keep FereiguersilOut Set nome mariees. t Ila money tiuovu aira, fer ocenWi mem me seeilng forelge markets te leati op lie Unitd Stales connsul ipamph- Sen anti circule»s anti prie, lista. Bome Uniallt BItes Coasul Bptiidooew, at Mayence, Germany, la a report ta lie ilale Departmeut, ha lie course oet min bu oies-s aisendviee e ulti-be lex- paters as te tic bul means ot gettlng tWoies hâte lic Germais markets. He éaae, irvver, liaItebhetier or net (Ger- eni iil permit lieu te boit uder triée. ons Il hehisaiti, In a serios ansu vital question, Ti«th le German i itiri @ail lesoetobtacles la lie vay thora hi sel:thli shuîssIqusties. Tiey mil com- mises li ralslng the tariRf, ant iIf Ibal doisnet sallici tmg vwiii atopt ottes. ftetitat. Isw t cessaI: "The (Germent -enc for Ges-masy, asti Oermaey la for Gerniais Protection, fer home produelu te tlir aitccivrd. 'Tis, Vapertectiy vl!liag te spreont uaIneery country la lb.hes-ol t vils efs pbodacte, but lies' vant acuers flbalthels- evu. -lTbey fiat ont tolair-clver er glti-but tity de net svaut uste bave &Dy 0 e iia" SHIR]ieAl WILL ACCEPT. Pute e t oet A11 toles et i, Wasiilgtoataa flt: Belator Ehermas bus once for ait @et ai rosI i egelp goetuateilon hm JlsItetion ef wttW win Meace=btý ôttheport- àdaofle a .ery ef titte In an Inter- vier trawa eut by lihe vihasale publi- galb, etf banelus sesallut reporta trous l ports et 'Ois, repreonles tth 11. tate b.tilvea vilS tactionali tepubli- clin quarrels, lie Jaates isIm a- glise,wviels vout@seen te loave se peit uns«eet: "My ~ su~tace ofthte porttolio of l.cseftary oetBate won vîti- out an, s'eurvatlon or conditions. Goyv. EnsiselI iiasabout siiroiee yet befere Il w L e nocsscrte appoint qsy sue- ceser tu thle.Benate. There seemllte be al generci tielre tbat Mr. Banna sioîtd b. selcietetfer lie seatasnd, wville 1 have ne assurance on liaI pint, 1 believe tiat Gov. Buulteell i vi appoint hin.'" Ses- ater Siierme's beltît liaI Mn. Banna vi cone te lie esale as iesuccesser luabaret ly 1neal, ail linRepbilican leaders lu Wa"xluten vie are tamtllir mihplitîcai conditions inthle Eaciey Blate.1 MACINE THAT MILES COW,. Iowa'* Dais.y Rizt Buta TvooetThoms sud Wil1 Mur. te Texas. Hiram 0. Wiiee&er, vile va, Repubican neulset for Govenr et lova in 1Mi antdtifontet by Bornces oles, baus olci hi ri, at eer«W 0 Se a ta anatte ty &antill iemretiTexaL Ne has pur- chaset more tise 7,000 acres et landti ftfy salles nortieat of Gaivestes, snd peu- peu, te ctabisi the largeut dalry lu the wori. He bas purcaedt t ofre et i famous Cusiman làitlilg machines, Capa- fikng 200 cuirse cit, nt one liane, similar te linone imetuâliarsedonbils Iova farm tes. ovni a yonr and snnotancec - laI . hoi tellvnr ml ~te Galvesteni Pole aé proupljyI. n1f-thle daim vas localt oulY a milefrtsu be.elty. Ms. Wh.ilur bas miippeti a car et, m.ehlne-y tethel.n.v teai, anti expets te taie* 'ge %mnacharge et affaira at ence. Osim s. ClsiBle, - Tb* mot tilsatroeaoiamtilen lJg lim viited Pitladedpisla a revent yèen1 brek.eut abostr betore 7 'cloni Tueg. 4« vmeai nli e bocan ote iebase.- mt et lié 1>15gney store et Banicom Bres.., 117 iheaçl c1 , Santiretheri Ilmes vel unies ents.oi proeirty ammutlng la vlue te 82J,000 or more itatibosc iotroye&i -Ca$h. Becr- Naiehiet i(eial vrlî. asrp« th* paver, ibas iteen eppelnte Ioesue- c0" tlolaIe botii B. McCuilngb nas cd- lIer ofttlielit. Louis CloWeDeinecrt. Ni ehonge wilILecmatie la thIe poicy er style- et thse papes-. Loet Beyvoilier. Die. X»aelus thtisIter ageti talier Led li- e. poine vth suicidailatnt. Nellie lur- li, et Oe#lanti, CaL, veut te bcd aiîb- eout eleaMu 6,pij'aicep, tnd trove inithie mM a q g3$tis stlcoudhurt e findi .e tilt 'maeila delh. Aaetiterdraili !'ci4Ilito i0 liae ti s'b iio a e:tt.1tIen ut Stulilu hq. vi tis li lt-inrga ntI ni Zitict J:în>ý he ltacc.&l ail'ailule hotus. Thse mam e m is 1e lyncha l On fWllhlun, vite vo uua.t t nortiel -cd lji tise Mcl véescolereé& oi taica Jems. aoexdita thl.e.eumen et th oat vr Ulty eoft h. louruder oet l ov imtr te ettotipu famtly smu k- .oesas. -Thé trio et mOàrder, crw ai tmtrau thoi e i t "mte City tolleti or br fte mol. boetly atterevaril ilmi Port wa- . Celv-4tilat I lilarns Lad beet aged ta a big esi irse Lt front et Liti Ic làZien Chuaitnet tar traiu Amîte City,enc d tat th* moi vas ou Its vay te Tlitau v ils Johnnandi lainer, o Le voutil' o de uil meet a horrible fte. Johnson mati- a confession duriea lie day. li. îlot' et 0te slaugbter - tithe aeily v:no eeri. laIy brutal, liemad Ihat he Itil nIany" ilietithe Cotetoaaui,ant i veltinel bt ave bariedti leu igd Il set been ftuttte tact liaI i. v@a. blilet Iloe icit lhe bat tiens. ne armeti ileiel it tisai. seDo WUithle Intentiosn of ietting aey etftthe people lu tiie bouse, but tc, freventtî Iet eseapîngs bo b.d been tbld leasratcha adeet. The miurder. Johnson saiti, a-a apianneti iy Bud MllKnlgit, a-ho ws a asultor otflthe girl, Mande Muier. wvie etMother, lims.Cotton, ts'ippeti ler te' 0allwng Mcnigbt'a attentions. Tis vao 0th.enay motive bce mes for the crime. Ho «saiArcb boiner &hot Colles. the bond efthle boeseiiold. a-llb a eue senlthen tstruci Merven Stevens, lthes et Ms aAsnezS lteves, 'sth aa xxosthe tof iabod . kneekn in a hub c kon lie Led 8 1' 1IUng-blm Jeler linlied Ibemes anc tIen vent loto the romu vich teesoece- Pied iy Mra. Stevens, lIra. Cottes and Little Millet, mi Mande and several rceildren, andi killedth le tiiree voes 205d ANtD SlICA IuXONERATBD. sen.atleusl, CltugesoftCeasuifracy andi CempuicityPFullalt. Assistent Ch f tPele leaastindIn- speelor Jeohs D. Sbea, et Cicaigo, bavc becs cienred th e agir chargeasetfe-on- splnacy and cemphicit, u inithesale etftthn stoien Sebtage bonds. "Sîeepy" Burkt»c sesatillai -accusations bave talles Ilct tasdtihle civil service investigation us end- et, at-tes bavisg produceti eneegh liitsitle evideece te ard lie poie lauaceriminal prosecution oethle mes vie are marutei as tii. purulasers efthle ieltrage pluad-r. Tve motives ted te Investigation ot lie charges. The ciet one vas -rcît et- tal.ed, tlt t fclearleg lis poliu cff- cis.& As te tie olien, ealy partial suc- eun es at itheefforts. Secretmaaliy efthe Chyle Fetieratien vas stantped as indiletiet but bis truc motive lu gîvlng th. charges sci vde publieatieu vu nt disciaverei. lMt. Eassley, uben on the stand, atimitteti io bat bluntiered anti evasali i. hati ailedti tefuifili promises mati. te Chief Batienoch. la Pau Plane a Cabls. JamsnA. Ses-luseantiEtimondi U Bajulaus."botelb e u.. nn"cemîtte. en Intit'.tater anti Portion Cemem Inl the latereso teb.Pacifie Oabi. Company eNev Teck. Tit.y bath argueti upen the amittet thé Icrimmer 'bl lver the Bpeldlng bill et lbeNewe Jersecmpauy. M. Serimue«s.tatedti laIis company lenu,.iant eightS& . usett1h.- pa.ssigeoft he blWtu complots th. cablu te Havait antioe ear more te complotu 1h te lepa n e smmtithat In ce», et var viht UaiLsd cable ecOmmunIcation uli Engape fouit b. ont off.- Mt.-Pattuen et T.aUmu.s.sid Il b.d beeauebasiaci that (i. Icilem cempan, vU as usym- palby vîtit er b.d cos.ectlen vili Une- landi anti Englisi Intereuta. lMr. Scluaer smm ltaI, etcourse, is company veniti expeet, te de Englisi business anti M. Pattersnnsaidt lere shouit bc inserteti la the bih a provision tbat lbp cle.celu- peny sheulti net cou.e nes-British mIdu- suce. Mn. ertuses. seferredtte lte-, ment that Japan vasteti ne elier cable conneetion as rlilculeus. Ho saît!lia as- sertion et Mrt. Bvayue betore lhe cent- M.lttee te thaI effeel vas absutti. le aIse nid liaI China anti Japan telegrapl inies vers tippestient upon anti controlleti bI titi Ittisian lises. The Spaltilsg coin- pan eul ild ot eHateaiianti stop. Hie lin, te Jupon venJd Bave the. people et liat country more lias a million dollars in tous and til as-riieulops tter ay ia the Japanes. santednS eo eil,. "Tie bapasete," i. saIt, "are floceiiegt l. Bateaiinov. Tis countryls golng te bie a contest siîb lis Japasese or semee ether power la contrel HavaiL Itlas nec- essay te bave a oeils liere ai moon an possible." Tite discussion amont meu-. bers efthe comîtte. ti.veloped liaI lier. he rot a vite diffeenue etopinion os lie ujeet etftii, cable. "oea u Dent Building. Thelae"muZniesr etNavigation reports liaI Amertean vehls balt antdedcu- meateef tiaing thé.iret sixsethe« lie fiacal yeat nauber'1184 et IJU&M tS bna ceaspare it ili82$ t iS&M for titi Aut six ma@et t h. ve iuIWO Fmarli- dicalini the, largea anual outpatut ila the lmat turt.n Fe-% , scept liat et 189 asti IBL mism1"Mceileppe théestoage gcet auijus rou me tiss »oniaantid Karachlon aceunt w MI pians. Tiersarau vowever 11500eA* Denonsemploye e ath. râ h vrh% ut about 170.000 au rceIWinsg artajI., relief. E.1ph Crffls »do Dr.. Ad@" awalters halo* hem fe4U iili'> t utielfg ] E L L W h o e's s n s u n c i a imltcu kaki. a B&ton, A Coustaullnople tiuatei jsylite Bai- tan lirmly «resisaEaropean testrel et ,Turkig'a fuacec or adintistration. Tit. tinupteit aise, says Ensuia Jhaseretir tfrondai te obtatu lie au.oeta port on lb. Elaci Sem Migers LutT;z .Pacs Ose huedtiveiners baesarvlveti In Delgado la I)em&i te ri « teBan- 4loo o Hamn itssl io neroLose ai Chicago- Ment Bittes. Col inlaCncral Mt»a lisnsia la ?uîat,-avo reaire, A sio"Meut Slgand. Te Attornety lieues-aI as ttere t tl 0 an agreement a-Iththle erganîsaîlon 4committee, cf tLe Uionuasti Kassas Ps- 8cicerafiroati. b, mhiei lie Geverement -lu te jotu lie committe, ie teredcure pro- e.edngs. The emmitîs. gueantees le lie (levet'uent liaI at the toreeliosure sale it aalinrecelve a bit fet at eastthle crillal ameuint et, the bond, lent po,- Cimet;matib, b. heccmpssy le lie Cor- aersmdent, a-tI i ntereAnt aItiierate et 3%/ -pet cent perso nni. The agreement bas heen igned, anti aetive stepa viuliLe àtaken ila afestdeys. The tieverunete t il teceire 84,000,000. TWO BIG PIRES, ti Chicago Faeturiez nul s Puinthot r Reoid.uce testroyeti. 9 Jobs Williams, daysete-inas le lie afig factery building o et ienilce iras. & ,C., 225 tu 235 West 12tb nîrelt, Chiicago. efounti ta-opipea troze S tiznda>- uornins litu ra smailh oo ntallie rerf theii iraI loor. % LaIe in lie aflerseon Le tand bis ausist- Snet, tîce dcy fireuian, sîtrteâl tasv ewut 1 te pipes. Tbey pretaly succectird lit àdotng se, bultlIte lire thal foloised thler efforts laid tiecadrle bLir e ins. Tic ,jt starleti shotly aflen 7 &eI-oek in Ithe eeturctî,emen luaci lets - ->iinbA., se befere, anc Letîveen the ilipery atreels andt le 'roznslire b>'traît a te ceneigi- 1borboodth tilire deparminntul as se tic- layed Iniigeltingvalet oui lte blaze ILat lte farnes »presndIirougb tbe fie, Iltiorsi ef lie Loildiiag, ahd Ity 10 otitî,ck inIa conplee)y gittedth îe utrecttre. A ts. et betiseen $"0,tt(MJ snd $400l.0Mt as nustaleeti Iy ticetireesîe I-Bres. Comntuty asdth le Northi-esterî t Suve lcîeîr Works ,tîeo onere oe-ned by Itthtertt L. and Blnpi S. ireutie. DidcBI. Cars, enerai muanager ofthle (lreeuutt't Bra. Company', thîtugil Ilun thîe emelni et iusursece catried wsoulil rover tLe Ionss. The residence of C('mn,, J. Bearnes. 221$ Calumet avenue, Cicago, iras tttaIly de' ttoyeti by lire ni 2 e'clock M.iutlay it.uro Ing. HilIrirale libary,.onetlIit Ir-ut le thte UnitedStaBltes, andtleicet litontnf brie-a-brac, consu-blcba igh value in set, mer, destroyeti, anuth tlhebdarnage ler the building and tutnlshiicgs a-i inake lbe losi tnlhy 820,000. BUSiNESS iCIIÂI . Pricte, However, Are Lever Whiet, Ans.cihange ls Maode. E. G. Don & Co.'s Wecku>i Revtea- ef Trade aya: "Tiere ie more busiucnss, tieugh oct at Leter prices. lu ia inter- ettins titat ahnta il prives siieb cbange aIet . a-elover, anti yet business ta eou- questtonably larger. Tiiere I. larera pro- tiuction, but as yet netle asuchiluerease te cenaumplion, and Ibere ta larger boiy- St fmaterials, but aI preseel ouly Le- cause better pulces sre expecled In tie futurs. A feu, conspîcuocis taller, bave bat ne material Inlenece. The market fer secuIties ha ligti, n«ronger, amd yeî tItra -le verihîltIle doles. -the sumlx'r et bauds employeti, &Ui ndustries censlî- eretlaha siIgltly larger tins a -eck egoi. vllient adverse change late rt 3 vagis.AUi apprebienaiba etfforcigo dis- larbances et meney unciet» bas liesseti aY, but lier. ins mliigreat caution it makins leans. Il la c misînke ta reckce these as sYmpteus et dépression. Oe tie cestrary, in *Pite etftthe loîrer range et Price. le important- industries, te odi-1 tiens al hdicate lerger production atîtl s ceecumption Increasteg, nul as yet largely, but ateadily.'" WIDESPREAD COLI). Le.. Tpmperatnre Eisîerieced inAI- muet .very etlon. By liondny mrnring thti eer, cotît vuve exlende asa fr ancsI a lie OhIio Valey ast elaard te Texaus, -leret the teseperature fell front tet>- le toty tiegmeeuInte -ty-feur bouma. Il vas belois6rezing te Tenesesud nt Cei-t- tril Tex.,; ele. zeroeileOhioe, Indiana, Ilinisl anti Missouri, and 20 degrees it" les zero ever the l>aielas asti ille- noe. Tic Indicationas iere tisl lie cold oisvn soulti extendet satward and stenu' wasuti ver lthe Atantic antiGlfItcops. Tiie tentperature feli tb sear zero fron Virginla nortisard, anti fteezittg veali' et extended @seuhbardto tehIe Uulf anti Menti Atantie caos,. In tweety-fivtt yeara Chictage bait experiencecni e c eversecolt. Suntay rneriing lie tc' cur, vas 17 befote zeroe andite Moer, day lier, vasa varation of but 4 degrees. Monta, mornlug the temperatune vas 19) belou sire. The sufferlng la the cil, vas Indescriably terrible, Tv. Neffsees Lynche&i At beerseavlle, CsL, lie Jai vasbriti- on opus ait Ultingtby a moi et manint laen andt to negrees, Wilialm WiIle ani- :tarie. fermytie, Impliilca th. Mor-. fe e MIS. touland aItAMans Park io.tales out anti bangidt thte linOi. etf a trs. anti -litadin etsriid trhLbel- riate et the stemulletI pool. -At a Pittzburg meeting oethle sIca! billt pol l v1lb. ticcieti- vetiter t viii b. adtisable taecontinu, or abandon thé organisation. Vtil sunloitéifoo, Dcstlnies aris, Il ls bélleredtbtieIt nuation ha net favorialer higier prIe& seletr Peffer-j Cuccems.. W. A. Barris vas nonateti b7 tbe PPpulia ca-nsla Topée for United State. Seuster, te suceet W. A. Peffer. Tho nomainatiou la equtysieut ta an fiec- tin. Mr. Harris vas a Contederate sel- tller, Derlngon lie staff et "Btonealal" Jacksons. Ne Lîquos. for . The esale Commlitte. on Incitas Af- faita authouiseti a favorable report on the. bli pt -llhg of.0i et tilns Iqurs e 1~ns asAt as attervit lepetitite enatIbvlienator Pelîl- Ti dba *atypasaed lie Duel tte Deuils.. ib2 is DadlniBeun Dvyuac, rivais fer he ufachioja oS a cuty boe!, touglta idne~gl~ rèvly~nlearcynliaa, Ky., «an *o M pr 'illeti.The tuei vas ,,oeithé .prsMesefthle s-I. lb"s L I. a~w II Tb. e h = r'hu ame 8 TiM"veud l jane -haliqïï dodosg irat 1w reporteti te b.ha.thé V~ ostorm .ft te vînte.. *b4 van firaI eew n the outer bar about 4"oiloek by a patroiman trous the. Quoge lIe-seIna setation. About 8 o'cloek the vossi began te break op, Porls et bar coudesg asioesudnt lu Imsm tiha tour bourg trous tb. time miii struek s a-nl te plec. lh. ma-,tains into the ses, catrylsg the cree, teho vere elluglng te lieu, aient. Beteve the. schooner braire np six mes vere meet cllag t tfore mnt rlgglsg and tht,. otiets on tb. jlb- boom, buet owlng le the, bevy sort end tiie stresg wlnd lthe Iite-snving crew a-as un- able te lbchehitteboat te tender as- siatance. Tiie naine et the nfhooner iras leamned freint pleces etftereekage whicb were w4aaied uee lbe beach. Thé Na. bain Ciaple, CaptaIs Arey, sailed trots Hampton Itoade Jan. 17 for Boston. Sb@e ivus a thrte-ntastd scicoset. bult el llocklaud, Mle., in 1882. Captais Arey lenves n widow and Ibree cbildrea, resld- log le Malden. Mat. Davis and Second Ilote Mladdock lenve a 'self, and one cblld mach. The cargo vins raltied nt $3.400; the scîcooner Snt $15,000. Dclii were par- tially iltsurd. AI.-Ont 10 rer Cent. Feut fions RusaIt la Thisnentle 1. Wthl".. Mach of the wool wiicb la rxported la large qunnîlîte frein Itessia tr i te Unît. ecI States. hriiiciîtsly nt New- York anti Phi î labiutg largely situlîcrateti a-itlt '&stlr a-ol" gathered (rani lb, clip. Isingu i' sheeclis m ode loto r'kttbing. .Tst :suîr ioil"acoordisg tue'Unitedi Steten Consul Henua.eaIOdessa, la nenr- ly %vorîblesa le onr manutacturer. in nîiti-itmitîe c f lthe taking etfsfoutfrein tir, tri-e liat large îlîantities are Leing Lîtrried tote U~i'elStalbtes, and Ibis colite tes fr-,ruIt0 ln 12 petr cent ofthlb id laitio . of , emw ii-lt our nuatnutact orms ar,' ignoti tI but wLii'li outd readily lie dic':eed ' lthe ciltIe bIonne inspectera. Invitation@ tu antreu Sote liftrntlarge lanîd ce-sers in ILe rippier l$ucruîonnti, Valley are lîressog te( a- btîetutit: g i,1liiatien nelteine. [t In the intention t leput 2 nüt10ares et lantd ititu anîs,îidl'y ergaitigittg n joint .tock coipllîO;y anîd iiicigs abs s5intro- ptortion tii tLe altiernimndevuaine cithlanmd Iteolcti Thee antI Ltnquestion ls aituated ort bilL sides iftl ite S'acramtento river ie t;tit.Ti-llia, (ouSa.icramnto sscd Butte Cooîîîiîs. 'aifirnia. Tee thtu- îaitd atcres ar, tu e. tiviiled lutte torty, sixt3 sand oe u iidrednere trac-ts for farmna. 01Oitftly or sixty ofthlie f arine fi-unit' dît llitîguti tiabre ill lieereet- Pd and agenuwsili Le ment oteInduce farniersin lthe IMississippilanîdtOhioa rai- leyg, andti iretîgilKansas, Nebraska and the I)Ukotns, te coton out and gellie. Wbcîi lbe people trom theiiEasItlaite up lb, taris tus lIrgitimucte setlers lbey a-Iil Le gives lhe land nt rery loir prices on long-terni contracta at s reasoflable rate et interest. Thererîseti ronds a-IliLe aaked te gir, hbein eeap rates. The re- ceipîs tfinaltheLsale oethle nsait forms, Principal and ituterest. seuli Le nplieti for divîdencls on the stock. Tlhe ,xpense et Plîtting the, dliipaery on a proper footing ill le between $100.000 aud $130,000. lipload cf Grain for india. 1 Teligranus Lave been senil by the Sani Franctisce ritI7ens' cocnmittee to the Car. 1 eroort ot Orcgq, . Wasiton, Kansar,r Nebraska a nd Iowa, asking lbe people ot (base $tatlclIouitle ith Caliteraitn l 1 sendtitg a ahblload et grain te lb, starvtng people et ladin. Crew ensd Vcsel Sunk. Thie hritiolu atenaer lSlisbury, trou Port IHeath lu Newsport, bas been tn Col- lioirlîb h n tiekeoiu &traîner about fur nuiles rt mlfracitbe, Devonshire. Tii, latter in snptiened le Lare souk ssiti a crese et about twenity mcn. EcIcci. Ctôry Ir, lec. Il in stcti'd on autiîhorily tiat lt- a tic trulli lu itrIe lmblislied reptîrîs ît 11 ýr. Ecutela. lIe ('uniîtroller oethe (<2urreiîr>', %Oooid acceit lie îîresridcecy. if sa 1'blueago trust cotn~tuy noir lu proceso otf forîcta- tion.1 llnsPectinit _the Ilarbors. f The HDivers andIlarbors Cometittreeoft the flouse les te minte Iaviklilte oMobilIe, New' Orleans, Sabine Pas, Houston, (;ci- restes and Cialtî;o11g t o.exatpirle tiia (iovctrnuen't- oks nt these pointso. rorelgn atoeY la Chemper. Tire Ilauk e ofgnutlrate etiurit ha, Leen rcduccd frent 4 te 13% pet cent. i M-ARKET <.UOTATIONS.a Chieago-Catile, commen te primte,n 83.50 le $5.75; iiogs, sblPping grades, ri 83.00 le $3.75; oieep, fuir te choie, $2.0f i te $4.00; Whent, Ne. 2 ted, 77e te 71),-;! corn. NO.,2Z 21C te 23c; enta. Ne. 2. 15<4 te 16C*; rye, No. 2, M1e te 37c; buîter. chice creauery, l111e te 20c; eggs, treuil. 1301te 14c. potatees,lpertrele], 2Uclu tri 80e; bruonai ern, commun greson lelin, brusi, 2%e cte 514e. Indianapolta-.Catt, shlpplog, $3.00 tea Ç525; 1 0g8, Ciues ligit, 83.00 te 83.75;v sheeptond taechelce, 82.00te 83.75; il shaNo- 2, 87e tl e;c;rt, No. Ï2r, vil,20e te 23e. oata1 No. 2 Wile, 20e Il te 22e. , t Leels-Cattl, 8M.00 ta 85.25; ber., $3.001t0 $3I75; tebeat, No. y,SOM te Die. «w&uNo. 2 yellev, M9 te 21e; cale, No. .2White, 16Cte 17c; rye. No. 2. Mete35e. Cisclnnal--cittle, $2.50 lea86.0; boser 1 $3.00 te $3.75, sbeep, 82.50 le $4.00- eeat No. 2. iI2c ta hl3e; corn, No. 2 matret, 22e le 23c; eats, Ne. 2 tnized, I& r le 20c; mye, No. 2i 3me te 37e. I Dotreit-Catîl, 82.30 le 85.00; bogs, e M300 te 83.75; sitecit. 2.00 te$3.0 tnbeal, No. 2'ted, 00e te tf2e;-ceru, No. 2 rellote, 22e le 23e-cle, No. 2 witelue ta -le; rye, 37e to1#èl1uI Toledb-WVienî, X. 2 ted, 1Die tg 93C. corn, Nô. 2 lizei, 2le tea2=e; unta, Ne. 2 whbite, 17e te 19c, vye, No. Z, 37C te 38c; v elever s..d, 85.20 te 85.23.F Mtlvabkee-Wleat, No. 2 spu-lug, rieF te i; corn, Ne. 8, 20e te 21c; ote, ?so. 2 vile, 180 le 20e; balrley, No. 2, Z0e te Me., r,,, No. 1. abc e le311; pori, mess, P $7.50 ta $8.00. P Buffalo--Cattie, 82.50 te $5.00; ber. ,t 13.0te ta 8430;sieep, 82.00 tir,$400; g IN it te 2 el CATiTLU7THÉ BE8T. ua,1usd Ch att LihAl Sei A ew.e Overi, IloliguaMor Mo Htton at fletter Piciat tauw. BD.& - % nernina 90laet Bief, Tii..ehef e b.burgm etanimal in- ulnîtry oethe .Asrlculteraî Depgrtment in ln recelph ef a circuler trous a commis- aies agtut 0Lendon glvtng the ttl nuimber et coIleanti aieep recetyp tia Deptterd, Englanti, turing lthe year 1896, anti"ai e eaverage pnlces realise t lers. for. The. total antacer et calti. tecelvet frOn theb.tht.. sectielu representet ver, as folotes. vîti average pricelenpennies e ou i : C A TT L E . Coustre Total. Av. prie, United lStaies . 14.... 65 l 5.134 Seuh Anterica ...42,702 4.26 Canada............. 26,873 4.74 Totna&............210(M 811EEP. Ceuntren. Total. Av. prie United lStates....-: 19,597 f.21 South Amerlen ... r4(28 5.3 Canada ..............361,M 5 . L Talais ............. 289,880 Cestineoey tirongieut the year Unît. ed $itâtescaille have contiaded lie lgint Prlces. The dîfferenee ieta-esn the caille oethe United lStaIe, anti Seuh America, too, bas beenueifonmly greal tu faveofetaeutovsanîntals. Tic Cana. duas.-catle allaineti a parily of pujeqwt caitie trouthe 'Usited States aiW 1881 derlsg lthe year. On cne occasion, Aug. 13, liey belti theii, ralplace.. Duristie grenier Part et the yenr the lever prIe recelveti for coIlle tramt tie United StItes eîceeded lie prie-es for caIlle front eltier Canada et Monti Aunerii-a. Iii(ecd, ns eompared vîi South Anterican ,coIlle, lie lowest prees receirei for caIlle trou lie United lStaIes, a-e, oensderaby higb- er tien tie igiesl priefer Menti Amer- ican. lue 15e casetofsieep, the firât place ls ield bY South America, wie animals fron theb United Statesand Canada rus about eren, il a sligit dîfference lu tarer et lb, tormer. 18 SPRIIAD LIKE CHbLERA. Surgeon Genesat wy.s.aT.lkgortthe Plasue of jadi. Dr. WalltrWYmao.-Oergmro neral1 ot lbe Uehttd States matine bopitai set. vice, bas beeni mailing a speelal aludy et lhe black deati, or b)uboicPlagen, now taglng in linthbe deadlient scees-ge that ever afflteted tie eartii. Il ba altedy1 beeti ireegil by hnteeted seausc te Maer-1 seilies, France. lan nt nerview e emate:1 'In greneral th. dtease le spread lenlt.e Borne masnet as choiera, except thithle1 chilera serra met enter the Istestinali tract, teile the germ et lhplagiue goy1 attaci an, part oethe muceus tmembrane,i or Le attestiec by even tiie minuleel aira-9 sion et the sie. IViie ibis gerni inse1 virile antinosecasl, takeslut*e i* yo- tem. it sn one efthe ment eastly kiLleci by1 dlslnfectles. Ie tie experimento. sete -1 log ca-rrledeonIslaite laborâîory oethle heapital Service Il bas been fent thal but une paliogenie omganlsm is n enaiîy desttoyed by formaidehyci goas antle plaue bucihlus, nantely, the staphyhe cee- eus pyogee aureus. One per cent et quickîlme wili aise destroy Il. Tiet, are keea-n toe Le a-efortes oftihe dises». Ose Islathe felmieaîisg toraicalleti pestest major,' tensehici torm lie dtseas, acta very qeiciuy and ls very ftal;the etiier 'Pesotesmuiser,' le vici lie symptonta are t mhldthe i patient net Leisg cosllsed le tic Led; heece tuis clans are called amn- bulant cases. The period fer isceluation for the adule cases sppears te Le pretl, a-cIl lixec etunder tPe daya, wvile iteIl ambultîlcaKs.tii, apparent period et Incubatioe may Le rery machi longer. leu other words, ambulant cases mn, Le afie-ed foi aperiod ofetles or tbirty dtis Lefore lie syntms a ve developedi wiL cali attention te tic dispase. The t actte torm oethle infectiosn ia!cause i milul altacin. tehite ce lb, oiber hbond lie t aniltîtîst cuises May ceuse theadetet- t teks. Thc ambulast cases, itrefore, are lie mont 10 Le dreadrd." WAIlOHHIP FOR ARGENTINA. Govesement Negot atilg hhe5h. Armitbnesfor- 10000-T0n uhî P. TIt' Argentine Goveremeet la segetinl. iug siil h cte Armtngs, tie Engliai shlp builders, ton tie pure-a e ofc lO,000lou t armotred arsbip. The vesn ta sowirnle -olîr.,u- et construction. Tic Argentine1 mittisrr ln Chili and lie ciiet et lbe de- tturî'aiie costietence have approvel plans r-tie teen, and bave decided tole ît'giui i ori aIt once. f Ilirete 10Ceeait Merdier.b Ettare Fontasorlia Tyruleas, a-as ar- resled in Cincinnati fer nturdering Mary Perpiana, an Ilaltan, asti rebbieg ber et 81,»0, sybici-repeeseete th te savineaof torty yeste frontlte proceecis <utfruit t vendîng. Il la sowir ne t laI EnrIco t de Bism. an Italien, laid the plans for lt,p robbery and i hîeti lortautorl for 8 te break open lie elid weman'a eheal. Connumptivre utICarr> .Capudees. The action oethe New Yerk Bead oet01 Ileai la ising consumptîen as an in.-01 lectîeus tisease ibasareusedthelb. 0eve- anti beali aetlorltles te a dîseusalde etf lhe malter. Boxée for holding lie lu- I feciees cntuntof patients vii lle car- 21 -led stoust i consemptives l in ht clly, Pl tf lbe plans et Dr. D. B. Stinler, coman-0e cilmion trou t iret distuiet, mattriallre. a ,package o e er laIsmisslng. i A package esnlaung 83,850onseaîn- U sng front a saci et reglaterefi mail sylich i irriveti lu Denver trent San Francisco. V Thue nebbery muaiIhbetaies place @set. b ebere on thse Union Pacifie Letven liashb Francisco ced Cheyenn,or' et the lias e Francisce poatofilce. SI William Bell Futahs. Hurt, William Bell, the milîtonaire crgcn andi piano manuftacturer etfCGuelph, oet., iresp, probably faally leJureti ss'ile nelutng yi A Compseiiumive DiNest et tOhe i ceiugala thI.OWB&t.ichute. lion.. et Waeklugtou-Ktt.a.. the* Coucel'il the Peopl. IAewmaker. at Labos. Thi euleidon oftiihe naI. FrIda de. veioped thre, distinct sensantIong. AmuOII tes. wu& the prementatt.. b1y lM. liber man et a lettar tromu I~lUer Rodffli4 the represeutalve eOftthe Ureater Rpu- "ic Ot Centratl America (laclédîickNicara-, tua), ln effect pretesting agaînst the cie. cellesof et iNenraguan canalpoje by the Unîited States under tii etouea. ion freier]le 1887 ta the Nlcaoragui» Cainal CompasY. Au the bill for tbls purt-ý POs" wna about lbe voted on 1lytle lèe. a«e. the appenance oftheb letter crealesi Poesterriuieîî asiong il% triendu. M. liorgas, Its chiet sepporter, et once de- clared tualt theletter veaui Inspirer! Ia> tiret Brîtl, siti mught tb drive lb. United States trom the Itîbuiebynlamig the. Central Anieries as a catapaw. H&e asaerted tIbatIliutter Rinireguez b.d crne liera le exceute mach a plan, n*inl tirat Il wasaneope" tirent afstaaAms«. teOn cuoi of the casal. Th. debate, wax verY enarat le ad the letter mande a Profound impression on lhe Mentieen. ator Vîlas declnrcd tint it sîruck a dltl ilot te h canal project prepoiald by the pefidteg bill. Ecrlier ile dur the lb. ' ate enexPecledly toeed Itzeif dismud.l> lire new Aeglo-Amerleun treaty. Th8 ci- presions woetep, aed full troulkurs.. Shertuan, tirer, taloen, IlLilig. Heuacu* ih'.The atatemntsof tbes. Benatüv> teere îîettormly favoirable ta the bIga princlîîle oeth.etreaty. Tire Senae conlnceit seit sttctly ta busines S atnrîly. pagoi,,g n large nin.u ber Ot hitta, ittliigthut.e for ea ritre of ntsli'± Llcoe et ty.btrg. l'a.; appropriatiiz tîoxo ri î un ose t he old cltimsnaof the lare.John ILoach ote une ot his sbipyarle and revlft«ltylng lb. ril-RY postal cervler. A rpsolution by Nfr. -Morgn wax agred tb requesttug tb. Prealilnt for ail correslm>î,.lence On the. Nilenraguas Carial mine ,Wt; aima avene- lutton hy Nîr. Allen asking the attorney terrerai for inîformation as tii tbe te' perted I'ucfic ilailroad settierrient Le- twcen the cire-cuive alhorllles and thie 'R'eorgâlittiuuî, Comînitîeeoftlire rond. The bill tO ri.'lasgity tLe railway postl clereand prourribe their salaries lizen the following cdanses@srd scierie,: Fire clames, sol exces'iing 8IlOî second l. Ç»0; tibrd clali, $10110: foutu iclan.ý 81.100; flltb la. . 00: litiiclasa, $1.. 300; serentli clans, 81.4m0; elght clan.ý 01.5W0; ninthi dean, 8,0;tesiliels,. o1,800.A bllIwn paased autiorlslag a raLilrond bridge-,asreslie Illinels River' et a point vithin lire smies &ae.G(eat- tes, MI. The lous, bll Ite probubit tb. sale cf intolicaliag drinks te Jadi,» wus Pssed. The bll Iexterida the.pressait lav. mailsa«It An offense le Bel Indlpis ajr Article wbzebrMAY baveasen ioxlcatlng effet In theRecnate Mondille M. Teue. ofe Indiana, charncteriaed Capti(en. Wey. ler es the "Herne] et Havane, lhe mun- derofet venAncd childneu," andse ses "indescribubly dliminutive reptile." Tin. bitter words werv ilcidEttlea M. Tut. pie', speech et two heurs on tlb. <Roam Cllban rPsolutiolis. Mur. Turpie trequent- ly tuîrsed asiide tropr 1il% argument te par a glowiîî9g trilite la lhe insurgent gev- ernment and il% leadrse. Atter 3 o-ciork lhe day was devoled te eulogle, on tir& tlIecx-Speaker Charles F. Cris. EurIy In tLe day inernorilîs 5.ere preseeled tros> tbe premidretial electî,rm ot Delirarenk. Ing for a cosgressional lsinestigation olm alleged traud and polilicAl irreui.ritie. in titI Itntc. Afler coosule ineamont the day ln dimpo*neg of Ilitict eto dem bis bunineeslthe IIiîue took np lbe indien apprepriation bill and Imacle fuir pnogresu wlth I t eorc lthe heurir ondjourninest s'as reaîLcd. The bli, rries8ê 2571 fPOfl.24 gvre Ilinu the eentrent lave A 824(;,2(15 tire Ilon tLe estirnstes. Twpe- ty 0' t'le sevelinîv lpages oetle bill ver. lisiposc.l of. A 1,1:1 M a- ipasad callleg or. the WVcr I)lparznetiîfor am ectlmale of the ("tt of a Fïater rute front (in, t~on. o te son Tex. lit. Joliuston evilP.> Of Indtignat tcîîk ulî anitag, te la Ititude îllOweî i l] dOlIt' tte rend a speeh le la-v ofetun arly nef tiens ot b litwg and curretv arvil.. Mr. Curtis (tRep.l er Kaonss oleril en aîendlnenî te In- lias bilIla laperemit storchlants 10 go toI the Kiknipoo reserssitts bn ianas te.. rollecl their nt',u ts.Ilwaxs explaine? tiat titis ycsr for lthé itrrt tien, merciante ted becsexcnîe front tibis re-serrallon. Tie auuoudîncen wiqndopted. lu te Resale Teesday Cubia, lie pro- tosed international mosetarY costerejace aed thc Nicaraigua csaialracitcaestinje for n silur, ot attentin. The. W«ecot ill for an international usonet&ry con_~ 'ereace a-as cosdered'fer lie fret lime. Ne fluai action Ott thillI$ astes. The 180ume ntesîlmeli t te Sentie bUteor 8 surveY et' a lterrouerons tb. mauta of lb, Jetties et (lalvrestos, Tex., to i eus- ton, etre agreed te sud tlb iB sll Passed. Tire leuse everroea anothýt.e Presîdeet Cleveiand'a peu"aloàvtees i 9 voie ot 137 te 52. The bll peulOM Jonathn Sett ofet i lth Iowa etvalry. »w living at Oswego, Itan., et tihe raté of Çô2 a menth. 1Mr. Clevelandi veteetili Ou the trouait liaet lbe dlaablmt which the bPnelhclary *as te bW penlosas rax nel coetraeted in the seice. reet et the dey vasi devoted toa &eýollinu atles efthe debate on lbe Indbrsu appr.- PrattesLbill. About twpnty-five pg» Of tie bill ver. cevered. A bilile talsity- apeenliar dlaIm was pammed on motion-et: Mir. Turner <Deui.) et Georgiat. Il v.. Lhe edaIm et John 8P. lcita, a depult' United Sitates mariba, for keeplui thirty. six African slaves, lInided by the* slp, Wanderer ci Savaunah, lýil 189,an. Il thcY culd Le siippeil bai-k te lit homtes, inacordance a-itb the pC*ovlslcug tf the lowrs for tii, suppreieslof t hm; slave traffie. Thei. atl4 van94(. ?oegvffaphcieevonl. Tiree different mections cf Teinûàt Perlenced their firet nnowstorm for Ibm.l years.

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