Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 29 Jan 1897, p. 3

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haaret b tergthon he in the away, and after a whte died. Ia the last emie tatmemn Choe efr @ s ye t tte la Preeldent M*Eiebes4 negt ealm haveas god eysight andmomet that won and wasted littl eone OE. R. TALMAGE SAYS WE as good capacity? What did Cbrist mean lifted hsr hande, ewhile her face lNgIlted NEES NGADNTRUTV SDHALL KNOW EACH OTHER. In i coversao, bhMy b andesh rp t the gory of thext w d anLdSN rime agrain?" It was auslunch au to Bay: did not see her mother? She did. go In EeTaesth Teny u o te Do'tcr.Don't wear yourselves ,out man I se e* What deyuthink 13 Reilectionq, of an Elevating Charactes IReaMs of F peculation, and Carries aganin. Thy brothe5S hall rie again." heard la Bnighât? I was in theroom where -Wholesome Food for Thought-* lit Into, the megion utf Positive Cer. The Bible descrlUes heaven as a gereone fm egbr a yn.H a uyn h citrlLso n Ignintyuhmcicl. Wlothat would ble safgood man, and he said he heard the au- tlietyadPotby ery Queer home circle where the mel- gels of od sining bfore te throe. I herl did not know each Orther. The Bible , bofudsign bf tettonst-1 A GMortelne Fatth• describes death as a sleep. If we know haven It much poetry about me, but1aid I esn o an Dr. Tatlmage preached Sunday at Wash- each aother before we go to leep, salltwe ened and 1Ifheardt hem, to. weae1tobe1GLe ex.-"Threa. i.oete ingon.uonth sbjct "eaeny ent know eache other after we wake up? tae no te heaven at last lby ministering -»nMe under heaven given among men ognition," and his text was fromtIH. Sam- Oh,. yes. We will know each other a Ort.Whobretheyto be? Solo that whereby we must be saved."-Acts 4: 12. ce, Ii., 23i "I oball go to him." gtreat deat better then thaïenanow, "For siis a nico e sPtrsoet h uttdrfr There ia very sick child in thle abodte of now," sayx the apostl, "wve aseethrough wente up frontMadras, oor uioed kinr e-Ptedrg nhs addesstnteonlyitouJeus bts David the king. Disease, which talks up a-gflassdarkly," but then face to face. It rimalent O, no; ourngofed sl dto tngIheiesurrei toenuly t actedu mthe dstinbn o t ed oorla pthe iwill be my purined, enthroned and glori- arugong oloop aro en-the attention of those who considered emotheng andonflipmnnstri lac te fed body gazing on your purinied, en- . .Aen de ta of ae. atsuMocheteaching lheretical and dangerous, Stanesand waedalo motsthe palw lace throned and glorified body. a v oen is not ear stately, & TM'the study of the lesson should inlude in. stair andbendignovrfthepillw blos asig somyetimpe her t eribpoeandery15-31. .. Into the face of.a younig prince rthe fronts Nw.,1temaondforle ti ee o ef.lriidtyof spetmndowher pe opl tnd1."The captain of the temple"': an ofi- et pain and death. Tears wine to the Nowe, fintdem ad, tif o 'believe *telo cld fv ormaitiesandgodaround abou cerwho hair·S number of Levites undier, king of terror. Alsfor David the king. titre rhagiton heutfthe ry of withleavy t BIo myes of hea en hi»command, and vwas charged with' pu- He con neither sleep noer eut and lien pros- hto n urieIt h eiino o- ead. No, tÛeRk hi-Ye e duty in the temple.-- The B8ad- trate on his face meeping and walling un-uatoan mienothrg nf My ides f heeven ins'ore ducees": who would be especially displea@- til the palace ring§ with the Outcry of lwoe. ging: "ehopiutisndsomIrhave an iday it our wn hoe faily thdetro na-ed by the teaching about the r;esurrection, Whaermtesar couertedantorvicto dr in inu. I guensseInisno." Be able to say, lp aceOf them there. While yos ar e set- .mince they denied the possibility of a rem- enhearcmeor otnque povncyesner with all the concentrated energy of body, c alking and enjoying the eveing hour urrection. They were the ruling class no- suh irumtncsWht oan pretmind and soul, "I knowuiteiseso!" therisj a knock t the door "a the dootr cially. te all splendid surrounding whben his child There are in addition to these Bible oere, nd there contes in ia brother thate- 2, "Being grieved": refers chiefly or en- in sick ? Seveni doa Lave pass.ed on. There argumlesaother reasons why 1 accept basnn n long absent, He'has been ab- tirely to the Sadduceee. "Grieved' hard- intht ret oty to yeis regetl.this theory. In thle firmt place, because @ct, for esars you have nt @seen himu, ly represents the thought; it was not @or- closed, two little hand* folded, two littlé th,- rejection of lt implies the entire ob- and no "alner do You make up your mind row but indignation that moved them.t feet quiet, one henrt still. The servanits literation of our memory. Can it he pos- that lt in certaily he rthan, you leap up),- 3. "In hl":that ià, of course, in prie- Come to beur the tidingsm to thé king, but s;Ible. that wve %hall forget forever those a . the question in who shall give himn on; lt was too late in the day-now prob. the cnnt ak upthirmilatotell sviirhose walk, look, manner iwe have thefirst embraceTrs»t la MY Ide* of ably abotsunset--to bring them before abbtieni t, and tde>r.wwhisit rhbe-rmur long famniliar? Will death come heaven-a &great borne circle where thley the Sanhedrim until the following iorn- them, and lie leooks upi and &aye to thltem, ail 1with al sharp, keen blade hew away are waiting for un.4."bunethsad:othen - "Ism the child dn<? l"ei e in iend." this faculty of memory? Abraham said] Now I bring you this-gloriouns cnso ber4."otosecoetdousnnth damb- Daidrose hmslfup wsh 0 im t ives, 'S, 4ltrüemmber. If the ex- tion of future recognition. If y7 could bter fthoewholeuber ofonvrts uto Delfputsonde»rv appar ne. ad s inlied and tellelost remtember, will not the get this theory into your heart" ,woul tie the c vnerf neteticte to food. %What wer huaLhed that tem- c enroh,,no, tmer- cotcftm greatmayhdw lta d.r logup of the resutts of the preaing' Pest? Ýhat a ghwas it thatr lifted \ e oni h teh minisestretching across I. When I wuaaadoftegpeupothtiefthte cip thantking, whom grief bhad dethroned? n-asmea ted ln hisiie came Inncifsed ogo out to the raßroâd track and ortheimopr t tek.tb'4t Oh, it was the thoughit that he wvouhll and said te himn, My dear, do you thini. put My ear down on the track, -ad1I5.Bref epr andseldsandscies:tht coe gan nt te osesio 3' ha ne will know Pealoter in heaven?' lHe could hear thé express train rumbling 5.s,'thes aneiTheandscrembly*cnsit gradedigger' spadedear, do Tou miles awayds omig o,fand&a edsof seventy men, twenty-four belit couild hide himi. The intry- blasts of thoannwe are here!"' mycorinutor down to the grave DOES AWAY WITH WAR. award made by lesis than the prescribed priests, twenty-four elders and twenty- death ld not put out thebriglit light. i. 1arp hsdwtiýe uu e oulordead tre a d a l femajority, the maward shall &als o beinal two scribes. lt was the highest tribunae There would 1»w a forge somewhere thât Agan eoghsdctiefftreo uoea n itn oan'd chrciots The Arbitration Treaty Between Vu'-unes@ either power, within three monthe of the Jewish nation; bene the heresy ithllsilver bammenir iwou:d wed the broken àrecognition because the world's expectan- distance the rumblingnofceBmndQ e V.atrthawdhsbeneptdr-ofPerndJnwulberprytid linik. In a city weethe hoofs of ithe.ey affirmit . In ailllande and ages this of resurrection victory, o hesCOndSweeknofthe newear atet thate as a eise roe , nrwichbfoet.adJh ol epoel r paie horse strike tell aemnthetheory in received. What forme of re- O heaven! sweet hbaen! You d o t- goe dowe son eof the msev eahnt ecse lithe wadeshal e rofnouluahi. In . na h ihpis" na a wou1ldllip his lost trensýure. lie wilitu ligion planted it? No form of religion, for spell heaven as Youu medto wen u ign thsory snof thent e tscig sesuh a case, or bcwhe no members sal . nothig heta his tpiet";hna"so awamyethe teairsfromn hi» eye., ami hle it in received under agi forma of re:lgion. h--a-v-e-n, henven. But now w e de etaliing the greatest stride of the century be equally divided, thlera shall bie no re- in-lwCiaa poone a-a 1,Icar. the chokLing grlief mIhi.ithroat Then, 1 argue, a sentiment, a feeling, an want to spell thiat word, You Place shointh irctonowte rorssofciilbousetohstlemesre o aydecrp.phs. ccrdnCt te eis cstm ande etams " siilgo im" ntiipaâtion. universally planttedm'lst by side the faces of the love tIain ytetrayo rirto in ni h eito foeor more howev'er,'Aun asrettined the title. "John i he icavnty l braar. have been God implanted and if God lm- aegn, en nthairradiation of it lwhtich ecretr fate f Richard Ontey iendmly poers has ben oineitediyoo nd.Aexaner".uNthing wishknown o Wa alight or w1rog? If welærtplaned i is ight ullyimplntedha-rnd lve ad beaty ad jo road ale. adaSibJulin Pancefte, mbasadorbothof thlhig conractng prtie..thse me; thy weenprs imamyrhghet on earthI, wil we net agalia lin the next tes writes: "Who would not part wit aI out a« never before, in siongs and à eo Great Britain and Ireland to the Unit- Territorial claimes inlude alloother authrt wol? W o"sy. som one, "*that gercet demi to purchase a meeting with Or- luiahs. Oh, ye whose hearts are dwn *d States, placed their signature, war- crims involving questions of syvitude seems to b-u mosi IUty Haven in pheus and Ilomner? if it be true that this lunder the sD ot e cemnetery, chiee p arbtwnthscuryndekg-rigt oPavgtonad ces fihee, -. •In the midsot": It issaid thkat th el large ia pi,..e e ver could tind our 'moh h osqeneo etIcud ttetogto hi eno!Ohwdom rover which Queen Victoria holds and allrigts and interest necessary te ahdi a naseierladta k<rd 1re Goingi into momne City, even be ablIe to i otn much you will have ta tell them wen sway in made virtually' impossible. Au the control and enjoyment' of the terri- persona who were heard before them atOc wmithoult having poitda time and beiCesrw Teianln blieves it.Te .nin ne oHefethe! oe.event of so happy a nature ahoutid be tory claimed by eitherof the parties of the thm deuteu.--Bywheaut powii pla,.fi yo tilttemade be lvi e it. The reladrkstwlieve Hant. Bef oe ae t nthot md he oThroone.publ- - oline t- fth doenotmean "bywhloge avethoty erlr, ,r t]fr tnn n TheiSwiandelievei.Te-uk eev otuh o aebentr roughout the lnd andIn Greatr ritain. IfI any case the nomninated bodies frtataohrsodsoudhe twrhanl)ofor yeairx, nuisiuve e e it. T'nm!r very sky, by every river, in atince you saw thleu laset. On the s in While tietreaty has nothing to do designated to decide upon questions which used. The nreaning in,'by what frtee, ,ather. andlerm i.s v>CIr tan a,,l earth- ever zone, th, theory is adoted, and so ing shore you will tallk it all over. Te with the settfement of the boundary dis- do not involve territorial dispute@ hal by whaet means." ly cii to hr. Ad ho areyou oing imesay a principlaed.niv nersay ilanted hartache, teleiness the sleepoaesopute between Great Britain and Vegezue- fail taoagres opon any umpire au provided 8 ildwt h oySii to find your depbarted frienld in that cotinusTe gmentedand encbe.argtngttewepn ni o a ola, it ili really a result of the conferences in the treaty the uempire salltbe appoint- ett says, •1. e., fille anew. Peter wam try? It is so Vast a renhla. John wnup eif.Teagment aslreisibe more power te weep, because the heur whichi were heldi by the membiera of'«the ed by the King of Norway and Sweden. thus elevated above allhumntfiear, ant qei one mjountain of isiratýin, and he Faut Feature. was withered and dried up. Storit o m ltmission which was appointed by Pre9- Either of the high contractingt parties assisted it the pagne time to makle suca tented off upon the mulitude, and hie Aan hn htoerao h evcn hi n mt rdead1eIdent Cleveland in that connection, with however, may give notice to theé other defense of the truth au the occasion re- aa •Touan ofthuad. Then ougtiletonecept this doctrine in because fhoe oly haltf vorn out, never to be worn promninent members of the British Gov- that, by reason of material change@ in quired. The Saviour had authorizedth -c ce ,nw.npà a greater altitude of inspir. wve never in this world have an opportull- agi, just the shaspe of the foot that meronmentItsinamsuexpreta.ostutnsaeitngtthdt t disciples to expect iuch aid under eir selon and looked off upon iit agrain, and hie nity to give thanks to those to whom we once presseit. LAnddem hnyuIt la the first treaty of the kind which the treaty It la of the opinion fltha u. @ostnehik-h peet.SeM esid, "Ten thousanid time" tenl thoUandI." are spiritually indebted. The joy of heav- thought that the departed hbadcome bockhie ever been made between th@ country stitute for his majesty shall be chosen. 13: 11;.Luke 21: 14, 15.* And then lhe came Itoa higher Mountoa eaetl, i ob nuuaedb gidteromeme rgh i adany other and In fact la the first of The ighecontracting parties sali t 9. "If we this day be examined": there Inspiration and looked off again, and he a review of life's work. These Christian their faces, and you, started up to grieet the kfnd In the history of the world. The once proceed to nominate a substitute for is a touch of marcasm in the form Of the said, "A hund.fred and forty and four men and women who have been toilmng them, and in the effort the drem brokre manner In which it will workL will be the King of Sweden and Norway; and tha sentence. Peter pretends to express a fihos!nundt lhousands of thouands.l" for Christ, have they noe the full result and you found! yournelf standinga&it watched with the greatest interesit by the old gooin the event that lw doubt whether he ls right in supposing And lhe came un a still grenter height off01th eir work? Oh. no. ronom in the midnight-alon. Ta knr .e cviliséed world. . Its Importance in the at any tiesdesires that a substitute eh"llthat th@escuse of arfestcan possibly bu insirtio, nd e ookd g aai an lI the church nt Somerille, N. J., John al over, and then, hand in hand, walk- linet of progres colant lbe overestimated. be appointedl. In.0,ems of the dath the deed of mercy performed. -exclaimed, "eA great multitude that no Vrdenbergh. preached for aàgeammany igagup and down in the*light.NO @Or- Thd treaty, which ls for a term of ive lsheileceor lin frtosermeof anY E 10. Here the boldnes of Peter, dits mnan can] numnber." year. 1ie felt that bis ministry was a row, no tears, no death.O oheavend years; provides for the arbitration of all btrator or Diopie another arbitrator or partly to h* natural courag, but chie"s Now,1Isaik, ho)w are you going to Aind fiure, although he wras a faithful minis- rtafl havn--e wer urqusIon ndiferecebetween the two uanpirsa"immediately be appintted into the HoilySpiit, i la eary shown yorfred i uc hrn 1aht ster preaching the gospel al dteíatie. He arei Heaven wherae 1irdàand contracting parties which have failed! of hisplace in the mmm Provided for the "'Whom ye crueiied": it seemts that PeLt mot tis ides we have been entertaining. died, and died amid! discouragements, and the east they take cgeo ndsoution by diplomatie negotiation. All original appointment. never addresses the Jews without hrNt efter all. a faloity? lm this doctrine of went ho»W to God, for no onte ever doubte- bring it to the tombt of the dead, and CteIa of a peconiary nature amounting lng this aawful charge agalast them. future recognition of friends in heaven a ed that John Vredenburgh waes a glood then they open the doour of the cage, #a to lemsfthan £100,000 ($600,00) &ad T HEY CALL IT A MURER. 11. For the quotation aee Pu. 118: 22, oguesa, a myth. i whim, or le it a gronilic Christian minister. A little while after the birds, Ilying out, sing. And I would which do not involve the determination of . Matt. 21, 42, Loe 20: 17. The menue of Inoundation upono which the seul pierced of his death there came a great awakening to-day bring a cage of Christian consolb territorial claims are to be submitted to Indigna Fermers in a Frray Ovnir the proverb as applied to the pressent e- al aesma nid goios opIn. nSmrile n n abah20luu int h raeo orloe ns n an arbitration commission of three mens- Brtal A cte of Gamekeepers. ' eaion, ccording te Hackett, la this: fense question! Every heart lat this audi- stood up at the Christian altar esptousing I would open the door and let them Eili burt, one of them appointedl by each of the IAke County Indiens, han been geatly "The Jewish rater,, according to thre enœp throbis right into it. There là in the cause of Christ, amtong them my own all the air with the Imuic of their voices. parties te the treaty and the third to bcetirred by the shlooting of four farmerm proper idler. of their ofice, were the buil- ev.ery soul here the tomb of at least one'fathler and mother. And what was pe- oh, how they botund in, these spirit» elected by the twou thus appointed, or, If by the gamekeepers of the Tolleston Gun ers of God's spiritul house, and au such dead. Tremendous question! le makes collar in regard to nearly al of thos 200 before the thronel Bomne shout with glad- they cansnottagree, In a manner provided. Club. In Hammond, Whitin. Tolleston shouldt have been the tiret to acknowledge theli qivrandth cee.BshanXsul ws tatthyoatd tei rliios nss Smebrakoorh ntncclnrolaleThmawrdofa-ajritno schcomte ad r Pnooinnte areregahefdotemessahan eer thmslvs orth the entire nature thrill. Shall twe knowim lpressions fromn the ministry of John weeping for joy. Somne stand speechlesssåshl e nladtret er tnlhrel a e Mesiabetand ext tesiovof hig -racholther there? 1 getljetters aimost Vredenburgh. Wi11 that good Christian in their-shock of delight. Theychi. all ee fnarclischhal. x-agnsthetm en woeuOl renerned indeeahm. tanhichteyhnsodo ngod every Inonth asking mie to discnusthismnbfr!hhoeofGdnvrme hyqierwt xesv ldes eeed £100,000 ($500,000) and all other the shooting, but against the property of hadt now accomplisedi in spite of their. tiubject. I get a letter lin a bold, scholarly those souls brought to Christ through his They gaze In the temple, on the pal- matters In'difference in respect to which the grun club as well. Thrileats of orga- aeglect and opposition. He had raised h and, on il1t edged paper.. asiking Ele tu intstrument*lity ? Oh. of course hie will aces, on the waters, on each other. They either of the high contracting parties shaillaiingr to "clean out" the gamekeepers, mekut essfo hpdaad hsen <tiscuss this question, ami, say, "Ah,. knlow them. eebroeSbahat weave their joy into garlands, they 1rmed hig laim to the Mesiahsip; hie tht s h wnt aenprnoon, borne down with the senne of my spring jt into triumphal arches, they . . ad shown himn to be the true author of 6rhins qusion solvet.d!" utie anoatherInn and knowing not God. I took up Doi·-strike on timbrels, and then allthe loved ,savtotomnthcrertnte letter. It id lwritten wtith a trembling drgea lie andProgrs. n ,Iredwthea oneofgathe inatgra t rcle irndte onlysure foundation on which they can liand and oitn wht seesft be a torn-out adr feno t aa&e hrn fGdftesmtes rt-rest their hopes of eternal life." leaf of a book. and there and here in the haters nk1 endt praynd1 rs msers w.OI'nf s, @nead d hand rsa b 2."Siaton: etr afrom phy- tnart; of a tear, and 1 say, h hti t tsee Philip 1Doddridige. A glorious h hoe--h iclhn oaad o ical healing to spiritul healing. He is 1rokTn heurt, and it wvunt to be rom- old book he wrote! It is Out Of fashion to joy, jubilee to jubilee, victory to vi- actually preaching to his judges. hoeojcr fthssro'i otk no. · tory,~"until the day break and the shad. Teachieg H8nts. this theory out of the regilon of murmise There isaothler before the throne of dowsfeawyTumybledan Contrast the Peter of the passion week an seclaio itoth rgin f os- od. You say her joy is full. Ia it? You be hâke a roe or a young hart upon the evith the Pe ter wehbave here. What made rive certai &ty. People uay: "It wvould ,,ay there can be no augmentation of it. mountains of Bether.hfim baildi? The Holy Spirit; to be sure; be very pleasant if that doctrine were Cannot: there be? Her son was a -van- Oh, how, different lt Io on earth fromt but not the Holy Spirit merely as an ar- true.c.1hurpe it May be true. l'erhaps it derer and a vagabond on the earth when the way it is in h* n when a Chrie. tinicial addition, fron outide to his speak- in true. I wiâh it were true." HBut , be- thatt good mother died. He brokte her old tian dieu! We Bay, lose is eyes." In-_ ing powers. Iti reta ee n livetht cubrilra cuuainheart. She died leaving imn m the wilder~ heaven they say, "Give himn a palm." John received a special accession of iee ha Ica rnganacumlaio nssof sin. Shte in before the throne of on earth we say, "Let himn down in the - trenigth on this occasion, s Jeass ad of argum rn t erdlontine fmuta Goi nw.rYerspasand gthalson re- ground." in heaven they say, '"Haistergised; but they did not, no to speak, reogiio a lanl s ha hee spente of is crimes and gives bitsheart imn on a throne.' On earth it i, "Fare- appeartoebewhat hey wereyr- an havnatal, :d ha tekis fto God and becomnes a useful Christian well, farewell." And so I see a Chrà son of a temporary siuat hywr maibeve e al,-nitIler-tandn o .dies and entera the gastes of heaven. tien mou coming downe to the river of M tready spirit-filed Men. reuni n nt the yi ki ia et r o tie u You tell mefi that mothers oy ano death, and he steps iato the river, and John's courage la classed by the writer eeh ah lgkuth ort he s ugmented? e il,'cofr. e ,, the water comlesl up to the ankile. He of the narrative along with Peter's, sepuicer.FetfoPro other, the son and thle morther. Oh," saye,-"Lord Jesus, in this death?" "No," though no words of isare recorded, ei- Wht ao c ytextorply o "Ishaleglle says to the angels of God, 4rejoice says Christ, "this isnot death." And heorhr ri h eln ftelsemn tohaim MyWhat onlt Ionwoul iobewith me! The deui a oliea ineverdwadies till deeper down itoethe watere John simply stood his groend, eady to to Dav:d Wto gooihlif hu e wouldthe ledtthi ori lost oe comh1 e ackl"until the flood come* to the knee, and heaorbrt ee' wrsi edb.W not nowvid mou i ld iavi ae w be xenT ate itnsrent oe ebornkinmaya, -"Lord Jeass tell me, tell me, in this May Often when In the presence of afiuent motllowboiecouthiDantidabepaon Tor BbdeWhenahinae to Gddarwilitdeath?"l'And Christsay, "No, no; thislàs@Advocate of Christiani teel thatiwe Can the inspection of al ages If it were a Dot k ow Dr.. Abeel? When India comtes, not death. And he wades stilt farther do nothing wh iete ind, since heu groudles aniciatio? W rea inthewillit ot kow r. Jhn enddr? hendown until the wave comtes to the girdfe em od l ha sncsay n crsbko f le atBibl e Arahad iethe idiaifns cment r o d will hentadthe soulsaYB., Lord Jesus, eI athere we makie our mistake. Brefdbwas gathe Bbe aa id thtohi popl.dacb n aicaenerd, il? ntdeath ?" "No,"saye Christ,'this inot' PRIuCIPALS IN THIE GREAT TREA T. The apostle did not waste opportuitle k ~ Ae and w ~gathert i ed o hple Jco enuDai rn And deeper in w,&de@ the @oul til the pil-Here was en Ideal chance for bringing the dieddgon nd m ar-gathered t hi s - %e.FOUI odenty. joow stlrkes the lipe, and the departing ont have rights"aaistthe other, provided the property and blow up the dam of the claims of the new religion te themet o What peoplea Whyatheir f ie seu .a soulentering heaven at lastcries, "Lord Jesfu, 1s tiseath ?"," that ageh matter"d o nov ert.gncu eentifeunt noeterlgoelaeao h ain ne Ver comad ee ttheiroldcomanins. Ofwith covered face at the idlea that it has saYB Christ, "this .la not." But when sialclaim, chan be dealt with and de- point the farmers were agreed, and that cientantancez much mmr favorable than thi uteans&.thati t dcnotmns.Ofdone no little for Christ And feeling borne christ bhad lifted this seul on a throne 0of Md dby a ecommissions of 1ve membara, was that if there was ta be any more an the day of Pentecot. The he&lum cours i eurt*0finthe -nnuthenn down withe unwtorthines, and it saya to glory, and ai the pomp and joy of heauen lwoof whom &hall lbe appointedà by each of shooting about the gun clulfs gronde tood 6efore them,&"intatWasan are- anyth ib ll .orn time es at taennforitself, "I have no right to be here. A came surging to its feet, then Christ solid, t h e ontracting parties and the ßfth they would not be the nonlyones Who were ment that e04 them nothing to sa.> gm et t e d . iT e hor lie s iN ew e ta e n i s o oi ta iay c u 1 1 M a s ,Y u l t ."T h i, O tr a nsp or ted gsou l, th is l d ea th l" l a t h e a m e spa n ner a n tn th e co m m e "on ca rr ie fro m th e b a ttle eld to th e o n - T h e C h rist W þ M th e ap o stlese re àch ed en arbor over which thi doct-rine creps Christ! 1 was, one of them." And anlother The Home.--The home la the prime.à t wemwich salli involve the Poaching on the club grondeshad gifba A « n for eidren: We can alwaye tikre a luxuriant vine full ef the purple voice say@: "You forget that pour mank to val novitiate. Its benenenÙt agency is8datastniation of the territorial elaims itfs caretakters amèch trouble of lat, and be bold when e are oD Go's ide, clusters of consolation. Jamtes, John whom yon gaveala fbedadtl the most far-reaching and enduring of @M be ubmitted to a tribunal consat- sgeven gamekeepers, well.armed'wth sho- and.Peter followed Christ Into the munie- of the heaved bereadl. I wasthat man" all schools. The parental ireside Was W ilesix members, thrueeof lwhomshall us Gn ISl, Nwere on duty when the Giv tain. A light faillis om beaven On that And adiotheras: Yu ogt ht lkthe only seminary wic'hepar- o fth upem out fthforte yun en4mmer:f hef2-NetLesn-Trean11l. i mouentain Ba lifte It into the glories of one &o whom you gave medicine for the arche, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, fre- attso ugso the Cirentillet of neighboring farmera, invaded aig.-cs:82:1. thlecelestial. Christ's garments glow and] body and the soul. 1 was that one." And quntedl and ln whieh they received j .t e amedby thePreident of duck swamp and prepared for a day's Wr esr flvn oelrui bis face shineg like the anon. The doour then christ, fromn a tigrone ovrertopping qe ,itdi the@ h United Sta elaf three et them sport. The watchmen bore down on the Weeesreolvngfrerpe of eavn sing opn.Twospiitscom al te rstwil sy, 'Inaomuch au ye and tranemlte, l urn, tdheo heBiis krèeCur f osinabdywn hlig hmfrma h arheemn igt"prA dtbowandswngsdhton .Thateonprtin. Te diditooe fthe ilesastoftesyo.idad o.hpofJhoa . Tepl. d_ dicar_,orbm_ ber of henJdic-l cosideabled-sance, orderethemil of. te rtue. emw ffaât the eveet

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