Paint?, -I lu, iui. Entered at tisa peu-caaUbSitywlbp. Binis 55Isoi&4h auoe. auIaTIWMMG sayss vAPIR mean 4"&&PLf buttar on tise Elgin Boardlof Triae MondaY wvas ua 4B21cent. A Ysear ago lit vas quotanlo %t 8. IteRraulta ocrUns bas lurodu.., aI a rasoaitintupre«rilng for a olus. tatianal amaudment> exending tisa ltrinof reisaaià veé ta four yesrs. Tliere a*e plauty aofumolu Oongrems viso vould lever tisq propoeal arned. ment, but àti t aprobable iRak tise peopl vtu siveap th.aprlvlaýa af exprumng Mear opinion of (Congres&e1 louailegilation every swo year by Iheir Votes. Sir Richsard J. Cartwright, Canadian1 Minuter of Trlsdeansd Commerce, and1 Mr. D. B. Devis&, Mineter of Marina snd Fimiseres, ane ilu Wasingtou for4 tise purpoee 01 trylug 10 get nmre cou- cession tu beisaif of Canadie.n prallis J lis e usv lariff bll. But thiairos-1 pecte nara not brlgist,'aslie couitcea has already dacided upon su lucreada lu tise dnty upon a numnisr of agrilul. tarai produais sud upon liva stock. 81111 the anadlsus vili beobeard. Cougrése bat beau asSaI ta do somn quaer tisinga, but ev of tiosahiave beau qneerer tissuthisblD l is bus beeu introduced by Seuator Mlilan, aIt tise raquntel ab.Dmugitei t th1e Arercan lavolniiou, dec 4ln tbat tise «Star Bpauglad Bannee shall Se 1the National song of tis a taId Stated. As weU migisi Congres bej asked 10 declara lista eon ou0f tisa nurnerous histories of lise United States tisai bave beau publlsisd, sisal! b. a -"natiouar istori. AÀrnld sort of a sensation vas creat- ed by the announcement th&$ lapra- senlalive Murray, tise cloied rapubll. can fron Souths Carolina, propoaad ta "lter a proest &gai"it ounllng lise voles of tisat mae, vien tieSaoBnate sud Bouse Ibis veek amerblad lu session t'O coulâtlise eetoii voes sud offically delaratisa vola of lise prealdeutial ectlon, but sas tisapro. test will uot appmretly be backed by1 the republlcea leadars thors in no at- pealation tisat it vil! imoiunt 10 more thsu a passlng incident. Everybody bsas oseanstise clovns in the ciron&a vise &isaa et protaune o1 vorklugvltisout doing misaisoaf auj tiing tisat le useful. Wltis due apolo- gl10 tise digui tisaIth"auguet body, the Ban alea aviola dqs u s&e visatishons clown% do. Clîcumnaces ratiser tissu individuels are ta blagua fort1111. Tisadivisoncf partilutise Banate nakas il impossible t'O put Ilirougis legisiatian lisat la oppgead b, elîhar of tise ibrea partie,&Bd &bout avary imuporant measexon tise Bou. ala calauder, aide froutisaeappro- priation bills, cames lun1111e caegory. Wiselier it vas tisa rumor that prasi- dent Cleveland vould vato tiseimmi- gration bill bacause of the lausea viic vould sepuase linband Pd vile, if oua couid Irea"&bd tise otisarcould not, or tisa mrong opposition t'O Ibat clause lis e Banaée, lisat cauaed 1tae conter- es'se report 10 be reJeoted sud tise bil furliser suiendel by 1the enala no as 10 meat tise objections 1c tisai claue, as But-Mtela. Tbere in no question tisaI1the bill as amnendad le more hou- mnaeth issuilva. viilile b ha t Dno f tise sdventages o! ils restric- tion futlures. Tise Nicaragua Canal Bih, viicis ba rOaliY beau duiavoir sucs Mini"la Itodriguez praseuled thse proleut of lise govarrneul Of Nicarguaasgainet ils Passage, bas nov beau abandoued no far as thea prenaut session of CongoeajeI1 concerned, by @il 0o! lis advoetem.1 Tisa attampt of lesfriands 10 Sep thee bill bbafone tieSo Bnale leut vai cana- ed a nunuber 0f9vrugeleamd made il Mlusat it vould require a continuel and bitter figisI te force lise bill t0 a vote. Altisougis sevaral senators bava receally cbasaged, tisera l ia nodaubt tisa lit vonld pasa tige SBne eif bronght 10 a vola, but ig vas becanes 0f1tise iiaPosibiltYof gettlug lise bill tisiaugis tise Bouse tuitit Iluvs"ab». donsa4. Ti i paeslility vas plaluly nha'ovte 0 Sauariàl friands 0f this ll1 atI&aOcnorance vits Speaker lleeadu otisar leaders of tise Bouse majority» A ev oatiss ago. Mr. Byron Eve, o c?~c.MIcà., vas. lied lag trm s«O4 m Ob* ti a LU Ial 4,= 1tiiiy lsbel'Pain IWO .Tiesa Oraw homella i is ep.<î hiAeffonl aion. nI ie seond foa.le. r a IF p. B. Lavell, s risatyviieJ. 19. Brser, oursna. Tus<s o yerpearuicea" . 1 ROLLINS. Fa~ rnsjtqrnMte a aParty lu reissSt Cnaw0fSandlLake, speut aololin.. 108a Giist, aofGQgesCoruers, svent Suulmy vitis Loo Drury. Eimer Stekies sd Roy Edvsrda vasa Vilumatviatorç Mondai. ,, MUn. 0. Book et Autioch ia lited at, Mrs. Wu. DSMoiitlmtisa Aret of tise veek. 11 Mimses Mandl llva an sd 1Lait Cramn wevasaoSeulLaka visilors Bâtur- dasy aud Snlay. .Mm. O. W. asilton visses 1 o. Issu lise nmuînelgisiors and friands visao 00 kladie outibuted talee for tise Poor l in bicao. Tisa friands andalgihors af Mr. and -ire.Oliver Boolkasseablal at thiaishornaleât rnasdy eveulng, sud gava tbem ra ulsek. Tisa veulug Tise ladies of tisa Avon Carnetary So- ciety MMaieaIthea hoae of Mm sscmar Drury at Tisurslmy atrnon sud lveulug. Th isemngig by A. Douglas, Mr. s&d Mms L. Burgeansd son lmer, sud »«eJarnan rui! vauvery uuch ajoiad by ail pausent. DEERtIELD. J. B. Woo941 vas a visilor tou lova las iriday. W. D. 111, of Hilghland Park, vas lu tovu Monday. k. P. Todd bas beau on tisa slaS liaI but te nov luproving. Mr. . Aitea la @pndng a lev dais vils relatinluChleago. Mark iaranof Ever"tl, vonkad ai tise depolulet Bunday nigist.. Mn. W. J. Bueleer &peut several days vitis berinotiser, Ms. Todd. Mir. Mitchell and family bavaernoved itea vacant isouse belonging to Dr. Euask. Work 1Ilsip'm Brldk yard lia beau resuaued vItis the prospect tisatiti viii rua for a long lime. 1lira. John Otvisana been serions- ly lU vils pueurnonia, in nov recover- Ingand le out 0f ail danger. C. W. Pallisansd iarnlly atieuded thse fumerai services of hie noliser ai Bar. rftgton Tuesday.lira.Paeiesvas vis- ltiug relatives t Jefferson visereabais diad frorn degeneratlon of the heart. obsan a6B îaarsof ga. On accounu of111e pravaleisce of dipis. thalasaciool bua been clomed for tve veeke sud uo services vere isld In tise Preehylerian cisrcis Buuay. Tisera ara severai cases of tisis disease lua1the familles of A. Winters, Jamnes aud John Fritschs. Up to tisepraent vrting ona deatis lbasoacurred. lirs. John Pritali diad Wedueeday nigist ties rd Int al- tar a short hUmais.SBsa vasburied tise folovlng day lu tisa Prairie Cerner tery. OBsa avai a isansud and fou- cblidren. _______ Mr. Ward L. Bultis. of Fredericise. tova, No., vas troubled vls cbrouic diarroms for over liirty years. He bal beoue f ulIy sallsSad lisat it vasý cui a quesitiona Ofashort lma utal hoavox d bve ta give up. ne 11.1 beau lreatad by nme oi tise best pisYsiciane lu Europe and Amrarîa but go& no perment relief. One day hoe Piaked up a navsfpan sd cisanced la rend su advartisarneu of Cisamnher- lai' Colla, Choiera. sud Darrisoea Bamady. He gol a bottie of it, lise fia$ dos e hlped hlm and Its con- tluued use curad hii. For sale by P. B. Loveli, Llbertyviile, J. a. Bracher, Gurnea. Rut at utr. Tisaes001asan u urvad vien e onn. lieds etfaMeu the crop et beeto6 turulys, e " e ttI biguetoheedaut wil_sh maud fur thea set" by laisori.. 0-b- tU& àraoa mlauoh bougist tSisa dil.o genlvS , but tise neebimu eecmma nasd lutises. ut"ead u. tou %Isl sil d vil, ' e Wanlfoleise nal la a refl m aets ae adtha humieilie, r en uvs iI tofudaimon> vbasoriusoa byal>lackal istsnpae0sel Tm," osveisda m teauIs 5 tege ovt ideots arge tiar llvaysmor racla. Go over theise su til tisey ard 1 have gîvpu Cisemberlajus Congis lemedy'a fair tastsud oouldert Oua «f Isev bout raredies for croup ti bva. evar found. ouadosa lie always becau suUinll, altisois n tfrea ny uicol mY ciildian 4 ods vary readiy lae1111e mo eu. 1I-eacousaieuliau amume lfor croup snd colds lu e1idad s. . Woff, Cleout othle Circuit Co rt.iranllna, VPa. Ba'd .y .B Lovait, Libeilîville, -J. a. W. ". APP LEY, .* eAUCTIONEE-R ...1 7 Iho Cuae ....................... $î.ooi 5 Ibs Tea....................... 1 lb Package CoLae ............... 2 lb Package Oatmeui............ 1 Package Starch ......... 1 lb Baking Powder ............... 1 Cati Cîserries................... 1 lb Battle Axe Tobacco ........... Boys' Suit of Cloth ............... 1.00 .09 .04 .20 Boys' Overcouts ................... 2.25 Méeî's WooIl 'ants................. 1.25 Duck Conta ....................... .90 Ladiei' Ovensilîoes................. .40 75e Silks at ................ .. F.- H. Kuebker, Brick.Store. GRAYSLAKE,0 ILLINOIS- A Complete LUNE 0F Watches, andi Jeweiry, Can always be found at the store of ail, GRAYSLAKE9 ILLINOIS.1 K~SWHIER BRIEÂDï Than any othë'r Flou'r. If you are flot aIready., usin«eIt. a trial witi surely convince you. a. ou or 9 en mon.i hie lot nt tise corner B. by n. ManIs. 89.MB, tobea oaoug &D. OTusdar aven' stare for tisesale of Publts. cils, i Mes. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r LI.Wv;Be.Bssa.~ 'p~ etc._ Mr Wasisinm 41t I~1ASLAE Cmp ssuN'W.A. us$ Nex Sadow eveuing oiP Evuaevr NAVUILu Y. C.Serviceo efeut Lincoln la ab1* zsag<r , O ougregatiouiai Chutais. J318 renia itz AI vA v o r "i. Thlas vill bc folIoved by adâreas Mas.Sumasu. e..Lincoln. E1'erybody Invlled. Coîu~ALoNx. huris uai MaRinensd Medame(Mo. Tisau soI u MSud an r a ver COURT o O 0 011masfini and third attend a b"oen pie social gitan Theram~y5 aof eeh muntl. . tise ladies A1 sooiMty mah taêpl -B uuà W. C. eare sMd aM«erthe socal they wu I.V.Llvr;.. eulertaiuad by Nt. sud MUs. Jo story, proprialSof tis. iotlieaI Orayalakéb Village Officers. Pl-ce Presideut..................U. 00 TO ul Tise '-Povery Bmbai" tisaI vinI Trgiven lu tihe eburois rilday earas f0. ltlubarson. C. ii. Harver. Pe'b. la.bas beau poetponad un Treamurer NvIlis Friday evaulng Pab. 19. This Poucelatrue ni............. ..C. Morne doii iaoammodale tise voikers .labl...............A. MN<îlu tiseNormal Bible Ialula vWhoW geaup thUday sud evenig w 13»dy rlol- MIj W. H. Willint, o! Derlleld, va lu Bate Bundai a5011001 orkser, VIIoc tovn lalentrlday. duOl Ulemetiligi mistl by-Maïs lugane l)eVoe loai thorne frorn col- GriuIM, Burkioder. Audteeis, lage for a fev dais' riait. bargai aMd Othe»r. Tisera VilI bc forenoonsession bedinan tla, Mr. Blineaber, of Chicago, viatted tt«uonSu aou ninjg et P. I" Mr. 1Bacisus dashi <laq$ lutait saveang se" bea iang *804yt. 7 el, iitd 1eIip. m.. ,Evarybody leakirlyltarit brother, J. J. Losigabaugis, part oftis1e Ts rylk sliarvi Pffa Wtwettéun«uy. SiA A. J.Leonard, of Mayfair, forrnsrly of lMilvauka.; W. G. Budd, Aý Grayalake, vas ber. Touesdsy and Wed. Bhiaton, Ueo, . W turtevant i sieaday. JOB. P. Stanton, Jas. B. Johnuson, Tisa Ladies Aid met wlth lire. B Colline, D.- J. Jeieen, A.-J.- tul Thempson. A lauge number ver, lu P11lsd"pliaPs.; T. 8. Healy, Aurc altendanos. (0. W,,Wiil"ade, Preapoit; sim Meurs. iieury and LouIs Alardt, of Stoffel, ffeuri MaLs,., Mcllaury;1 Chtcago, spent Sunday vitis ýei J Wuter, Burvard; T. P. Wifllia aiséer, Ui. E. B. iShermian. Rs uichmo udWCam.amsdano N Tise Camp, Royal Nelghbors of N.- Coasua, Greet Band, Kman;a. Amortea have purcissed a fin ev Lea, Elgin; 1. Boue, Ligoutea, Inl orgau 10 bc placed lu tiseir camp T. M. Scnai ar Iedlova; room. W. Brooks and Chas. Garland, Wt J. J. Longabasîgh solil hie lot b.- cou e . J. Smilth, Austin.;BE tweetheownhal andMr.Flay'sDodga. Miliburn; W . -Branstat tveue ov.u ehl nd of rFaoys Auîie; B.Coseran, Vola; ,W. hanse 10Whor. il boru, o! FrlantheSaubore, W. A. Le@, Arhur BuIsI CetL hr vi bid uitl 11 Paul MacGuftu, Libertyvillls; W. spnng.Wifimot, l>eerdield aud Jowett Baîrotl Mir. and lira. Tisayer vere called to Waukegaii Wankegan la Suuday on account of thse mrlous ilinesa af their nou Cha. Tisayer of tisaI place. At st reporte A torpld liver meaus abâd compi ls esomevisat irnproved. Ion, bed breatis, Indigestion sud1 quant isedacise. To avold muaiscc Mr. sud Mrs Wn. Edwrdi are panions t55e De Witt»* Little Early relololng over the arrivai of anotiser ors, tisa fauious little plUs. Sold littie Miss mbtisteir isouseholl lest P. B. LOVuLL, Libertyvile andG Tuesday mrnrulg. e correspondent RonmUv'a Wauoonda. What money savers we list below. Ibn lb.8ak m ma BbIof 48ao.ks 4 Cash'OnIyp F. D. BATTERSHALLe Grayalake - Illinc Nie-. ________ De. 0. B. Hôwe Treaa i centigly sMd sueSsfstlly by tise latest appnoved sualioda au l ebronie DISKAiS oethlie langs, iseant, Ibroal, nose, siornacis, liver, kidueji, bowelst vomian sd sexuai organe, BKSrie iMEAnneSeczerna. shiogies, Baltrienr, scald heid, botera. panlaus capItta. poorinass sycou. (barbae' Itch) ringvormi, herpes sosier. aud aIl forma af cntanotus erupiion, blotohea, black headis, etc., cuied tna eaernontil. ANsiI) WPEFULOIsuMARI renovad vitkut p my e lect dyala Cure san-UI- DIsmamia OF TUE SaUVOU r TRX Nennlstisenia, locornotor ataxia, pro- gressive paralysie, headacise, neuraigia. ncilica Insoinnie, apîtepsy, cured by Germen anthod and electroials. XEEEumArist seue, articuler, tainien- Ian, inBiainratory sud niseurnaic gout, posllively cured by a uev sud succeas fui pracesa:' Cure guaranbead. J. H. Hollister, M. D., Prof. of Clisical Medicine, Chicago Medi- cal College, Chicago, for the patt 34 years, conhulting uhysician to Mercy Hloapîtal, Cîicago, for tit Past 24 years, office, suite 50-2 Venitian Buildisng, Chicago, aya, under the dut. o! Feb. 27, 18w;: -To Waom 1!MAY CO%<cusie: I take ple sure in stajagta in former y rs 1Il >often met Drn. 0. B. Ho ' medical con- sultations and have fouiîd hie methode of treatinent judicious, and his succesa in a large practîce equal to that of any of our bast physiciens. I tbink I1lihaethua knovu him for sone 18 years and have known mucb o! hie practice, having rasided in Chieago over 40 years, and constantly meeting unedical mena in and out of our colleges I fecI prepared to strong7y vouch for tihe standing of Dr. llowe. 'ory Ile8peetfully, DR. J. H. IIOLLI5TEii." X-RAY APPARATUS. *Dm. Bove lbas a couaplete clectrîcal oullit iuciudiug lihe celetÉated Meyrovilx Roetgen Rtay Aliparatun for Radiographand Fluorostcopie Dernon- striltlon. By sicaunso! those voderfl contrivaueces the docton loi euabloil 10 explore lte inserusos reccs af tht busuan ungaasm autI se vil lise nsaturai oye wiaat belmre rensined liddeu or obscur.. TOPLois S1TATIIJ MA(fHEi Ot.,.Ie ANDi OALVA NeZ.trttta AU alkinda ef diagnostic ad. 0 operative Iwtru- mnet ast Il1 1 l rli 1 s correct diagnosis 5! ny r1dvase1sud Iheîr tsuccesslsltr infunst lat mnedicil and surgical. M( CuVa FRET strnlgbtfcstcci by surgical openation (Teni)tomny.) BisuOiwOEsisu (piles)> concis vitîtout piu!ul OPerationlu i mont caes, or delay froni business. VARICOcELE permanently cnred byea uov rnethod. BYDROCELE AND BERaNIA CUred WvLt1 Olit Operation or delay from business. MALIGNANT renoMISansd AI] aLnonMai grovtiss, forelgn bodies, saeecsl boule, etc.,' resnovod by surgies] Operstion. Disroeui MTconneetais sud birtis mnarks remofved by eolectrolymis. COssrL'rATsOitFahEE ANDi <ONup. DENTIAL. AIl nedidnLea furuished patients. 0. B. HOWE. -M. D., Office at Hiotel Woodnstock, Woodetock, Illinois Suite'28 and 29. Haura: 10 to 12 a. ; 1 to 3 snd a to B P. M. W,11 make Pr.fes- sional'vis iIn country ait ,sCea- saU ioa mil, aiker q«a4ijed ph*îi- amas and sUrgeons. -BRANCH OFFICES:- Llbertyville, Tnlgg & Tuyltsn llgg.. tiaurs Sunday only 12 t0 3 p. M. Waiuconda Reut Cottage: Plours Saturjat' and Sunday aven- #nuge. from 7 ta a p. m. fHe was bonit ln Lndonn Ird W. Emerson, of Concrsnfrh 5h Wuldo Emerson, hb co 5poet for l'hi Oleta. KappadYu ~d, Doit Juite. seioical tuted tisa?4ngoL j orà ttresty of teneral rir«oq France alnd tise Unite ttt - ,mmneed about a irvbu suiFnesue=d v a vs a at~ ~ èa tie ngaAhmia WWInt*l It *nalude1«4. Tise undersgne4ppcl auetion an tish.o u>a hli Malle vast ofvaosl eàst of Wauconda, nasP. commenalng l1it lie S. 5 iitis cslve by tiseir ildes Iremismiliters or spmlagarm. bellers, fula i 11b4dsvca bell Fiaunciscoachs humaa, 4ad 9 70iW veigisl 1300> lUnsescs;Sy a teain, w 1 shoaedraftriWe, 019 15é51: 3 year nid Harniletumlm a nu polanit Chienbraad moue, TimOn 1 yaar old, lmmai wagon, I2RsWWej vide tire Wagon, pieu, 4.haSmpavr ien., %coder. Flylug Dntiehna alS plov, vaîkîna plo., selS> onllvalar 2-borse cultivalorý, boae vse, MUlV- er drags. i2 tscke cor tam M 1 sisocksicomnlaufileld, U26105 bay lu Ibarn, 5 tOuls uplaudbial sck ,af strsv. lIN> bubeles ts lMN) buabielscornulucrib1, lu mut1 I eprng vago..u TRams OF MALS-AIl suna ahi atmder cash. Alsmsae i of one jean viii bée giva n goal" e* able notes torngBeinbawieO.Ipt cent discounut for :a49 on sasm va No properly removad nutil »Sthld Oe D. Toues & Bon. Prope. B. agir, Aucîlonear. - liaviug sold rny f mp 1 wIu n #àliaI Public Auctiosu tie», ismteuO Corners and Grayaleise, n, Th 5s~ Pcb. IN. 1827, commaei.". &4 w cae a. M., tIha foiloving penau ioW 18 cous, m"Sors sud "degshT~~ nId vork mare veigitilOme re Ing 9 eare old veigst 1,am seq~ borne«., top butgy- seOs ligle"'A cutter, 3j in. tire«beZ .1 va g o n , n e u viss as ; r a m i s uït ,,2 _ v1 bau nous, horne oaut i gs plovW, sulky ploi7. iscI kaaS .C cultîvalor. lleesing bluiderp 5. M0 bu. King Plilip acru,.ý nover. foramcut; lots ufofse@u bans, 4M10bu. deain bleak 11te6114e413? sead cornu, 110 rock, nome su mciie, ecoop sisove ,baruaai forks, Iran bar, apode, sisvei,g corn, biaifork. fta MU&, l me slave vaod.min begslots or pati. toe, Oaor p. indgae, .ou stoave and uteumile, humaaid ferit sud disas. croes cnt eau sd Ra&, eau, many oliser artIcles 1ton umudi" t0 miention. Tanna nr Bai: Ahl MuMa0f 10. and under cash. AU muns ove, 1C a credit ni ona yesr ulil bu<ias gond bankable:unola enltes sal. ai B Par .nst. 2 per cens dieamnt ft cahso ana ve 8011.Napoiape to lbc rasuovesi ustil lise larmie ta arq"iosplied vith. A. E. WOOLr.u, Prap. WALTP.R Wsîsîn. Auciliuee. Being about ta quit farmuig f1vii oei et public audtio, OU tia GUM t'rmnner place, i a'lie eOf. Dia mon, Laite andti 21miles southi-v o f Libetyville, Prisiay, Pais , S, ia stering'at iO o'clock, lise eiv lng pn..prty, 1-il: 13 cie eo uIb B uev muilkens, 2 vilsca lves y hr aides, lance apringersasd glvlug milS; h3cchoiea Young bule S m m_4 oi. 3nia Young isoras Ià Y«»rs 14 21J lice saoouta, Rond broal 1sus 'Il pig, 25 tous -gond Tlmotisyisype saeder, self-blnder, sulky ul*vaqo Dismonsi tGool oultivalcm, barVs& bar lorS, rope sud pullsys, *Imma sg. 9y, sud au-votisan articlesbeaue,«~ One t0 mention. Trama or Bans: Ail ens i, ASsRl nuder cash. Ait masa"r 0..e jt ofoua yean Witibuivaeo u ae able ntestaiaalng 4flpar en suM st,- No sroperty t10lha renovad uàaIS$nt. ue o . RO n39s ia z r a, P ;î>.-ý'6 W. H.APPLEI, ARC$ Mai-lle Sud Mil uànm làî of MVEIIY DEscRIî~itÏw .W., wiII seli for one weeko