Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 12 Feb 1897, p. 6

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000 MEADOEAR WORN SY THE GREAT £MANOIPATOR. rait muA fig Enomagilfer a Giant- metvel ae aEt*Oram Plaeinefoc 'NIe Papurs-Noc on ExhibtitnlaWaab- inglos, Abc-*'. assons Tle. Abrahamt Lincol'sa ilk tile wcns more remarkuble than a torieti urn, ton Abu's pbug- won about threu %tories blgh anti atcays fasu et joclar @tories front brin lu cron.. Tbg bai ibat ]Lincoln cas accustoueti te cea, seemeti te b. a fat hIgh, clth a briesaluimts 1bit uea Seutbernnsou- bosurs. ilcras a74% ame, a beavy, cuntb4r- messe ffalr. andi nover Sslgot beat. lu hls débate« citbIDouglas the -hot taily loosed i t. apace. The auallues of the stature et the Imter ln e l kae*n, anti chen Linaei stooti besîie hm wltb bie bat on the appearance tbey presenîti won that of a bey anti a glant standing together. Anti c*îioualy enough, cheu Lincoln cnntoe b inauturated i atWash- Ington, Douglas belti the high bal lu is own bandi, thai ne comicesa person îlgbt put bis fot lu It The reader cen readily Imagine the sp- pearance et Lâincoln when arraye inb is . favorite plug, if a tew wel-kowil facts are borne lu mmd. The Pruitient hati a Courir sud grotesque tramne, and tootisix faut four ineles in bis soilg teet. Hi. uireagth eqmalesl bis lenth. for Loecoulti lîfi a catit full ut beer anti drink ont ut the. buug bole., I ir aschbherculean tes as this that mate in l the hero Lo wcblaluthe eyes of lb, Clary Grove boys. Mr. Lincoins a atplayeti a rery Impon- tastipart lu bis cunuer when 6e cas pont- magi t tNec Salen. t, utcasbefor. the day. et tbérailmvaY mailt service on Bretea or truet cars. Thene cure no "sapecinl delivery" carriers ut ibat tinte. Bul Lin- -w TRg LITTLE mitANT IRICLa BIS BAT. coin cas equoi te tb. demanda ufthe a it- nation, anti beeanéu a peipatetie post- office. As sean as the leltens cene r- ceineti eacb day he coulti tit them lu is bat, andi atroi tbrougb lbe Iown. Hlm tall, gsmnt tors couli uaelly Lu deecnieti froint aIlqoarters, sud everyhetiy cas more or le-s conermd ntl the contents ut lte bat. Upon Lelng quesîlune nt le hat lb. mail lidbrougbt, Line-ohu coutine- more bis IlUe mut earetulîy look ove, 1the lot et letturs. In (his csy bc- net oniy b.- came nequaistei î-th i neigbbors, but bis unique and ti-setarlan bal became ai- tauet an objet et revurunce. Ir cas, »bocer,,on 1the nigbt t fbi eiection t0 lb. Prealiency that the noble tiI. em-edt10 bng about a football gagne, wMl4hfor genuine uxctemntutanti the preminence efth11e parties entageti, bas sauver be-e-n rpasseti. The neiv ad joat coule lu the olti bemestest iIn Illipois tisa t icu coi erteti. Rer. le tbe siory ase tuttiby un eyc ciiness: "A tuc ladies. bia nighbors, ceul orer anti hlped i Aia.Lincoîn prepare a ltile supper for triestis,wcoh beun inviteti lu le bear the elurns. Ernry hait houe or so ce conti pansa arounti coffee andt cakes. About 1 o'celoek in lb. mornlng r-ough hati beu, earieut luwarrant te SLemAT WA5 Rau ILE RAC. tisaI the 'MailIplttur' hmd beea I wÉf as chen ce huard ,eaNec Trork. Thea-tueaoai- Liacobea"sudais e lmbauds, if courne ar alyhugg.d hlm, uýmon. uçqs ut he thse bellanti WMpmfleste"iat ld dulSbat Wh"e ~êogan s at à msovelpe, -* , lmetbb.le My slnd, mmd il !*te tiseulz&.As neue #»;lme I a thon ietise aveul 1% tom,5 LINZCOLN"S GE'TYSBUIRG ADDRESS. Four score end nee yers mgo our fathers brougbt forth on tbis cpnMinent a new nation, gonceigedln liberty, andi dedicateti to the pioosimtlon that aul men are createti qual. Now we are augalledi a <eSwt civil war, togtlug wbeter that aatlom mw any notion, nu-eoumfeved a"nu &. d&irted eau torw endute, Wu am nmt- on a great battlellelti ut that war. W. have cota. tu dedîcaste a portion of that fiold, as a fiuai r.stlmg place for tbose who here gave thelr lires that, the nation miht live. hI. lemlfgther fittlng and proper that .w. hould do Mbi. But, ln s ur ger ens, w. cnnut dedcate-we cau- flot conecrate-we connut ballo* Ibis grounti. The brave men, living and dead, wbo truggled hure have consecrateil , far above our power to dd or detract. The world wlll little note, mor long remnember, what we sar hure, but it cou noyer torget wht tbey diti bere. Il ie for ne, the living, rather to bc dedlcated ber. ta the unfiniaheti work whlcb tbey who fouillt here bave thue for 9o uubly dvanced. It la rather for uns tu b. ere dedu- cated tu tbe great tenir remanung betore us-that fron t Iese honoreti dead w. takr lu. reased derotion to îLot veuze for whlcb they gave ilb. lent ful menoure of devtion-thot wc ber. hlghly resolve tbat thuge deuil shal]flot have died lb valn -that Ibis nation, under God, shali have a new birth ut'freedom-and that xov. eruxuent of the people, by the people, for the people, shah flot perlmh front the earth. conte-njoinet i luthe- fun, andi ce playetl football with ibat bai unlil it iras au un- recognizable maso. We ce-re sîntply bc- yonti controi. W'iLt a iîielous ase-eit coniti have beun lu une looking lu citb- out kuosing chat promuptedi i!'" Llncol'à bat cas tLe most indispensa- ble part ut ia wbolc outfiL , il cas, lu tact, a sort ef fie yack. Hure cure al lb. breflet b is varions loir cases. Cari- ousîy enougb. hc carnieti the secouais In Lia heuti, anti that is cby he ls ntumch money. ilati bu reverzeti the procuse anti kept hlm secouais in his bat andt he cases la hie beati, 6e coolt bai-e buen betier off. Bis bai senvei ton hie satebel un a Journey, andi ail that cas peet besidus Iis cure issatitle baga anti bis horau. Surveyed cith a Goapevine. Miythe hegia te custer abosi ener7 great man evun betor. bis dets. Âiruatiy It la bard tae itilgulahbetwleen tact anti fan- cy iunsntme ofte tales toltiofutLnoolu. Ou, le the t. or ltai chen h. Birgi began engineering Le aurvuyed wltb a grapevine. Accortilng 10 the tradition poeety bspt it trom buylng a chain, mnd withbhis knocletigu t outicdrafttbue eutlyselect- ed a graperîne thul %vas properiy shapeti, sinipputi h ciean, anti eut notches for is tilmensions. Aithough the tr, linulo guneraiti eretiltet, ouI smrveyore cho re- member the poo ue 1ai11!et chala In hat day andti ~r lnaccnracy, 67 ruaen et wearlng ant i engýbening, pay thÉe Lin- coin anecdote ha a basis of probablliy. SAVID LINCOLN8 LIFE. AustIn Goliahor Mened the Falure Vresldentftien.Drewula.. ilocévr poer tise Lincoln home mnmy1 Lave buen, il mffcieij tbe nec cbilitibut litie, @says MClnre'Magaine. He cas robuat anti active, ati lite le fait et inter- est lu the ehilti happy euough te b. hotu lu thebo untry. uHeaoti several empa- Ions. There cas bis doter Nancy, et Sarab-boîh Dames are glven ber-tee Yeara bie senior; there cas a coudia ef bis mîothers ten years outier, Iennls Hauba, man active anti lugentone leader Iu sPorte anti misehi.,andt here wre,the beys. Ou.efthlb latter, Anu- lin (Jllaher, ealll leîswith pleaspt h be 11e huteti ceeus andtian the wcoudadit Young Lincoln anti once enen savei bie lite- "ýYes," said Mr. Colaber, "the story tha1 Ionce savet Liucol's lite is true, but t l nt correct a. genurally relate&i "Abrahamt Lincoln ant i b h em gong lu sebool togetitur for a year or moe anti bad butoînumareatly îlsheti te «ehcb . er. Thun acheol dîsautisti ounmecoant et gs e teeeholars, anti ce tilt net sue uach oiber for a long tise. Ons Sunday nty motiser vietedth 1e Limucins Mnd 1 as taken long. Ab &ad 1played aronati mli day. Flnally co couclu&i4 te crosé tise crek te haut for sonne part- rligus young Lincoln bad meun the day be- fore. Tise creeh cas ivcoliep by a remet; rata, a" nti u roàdg aoe fnt.t log Ah. feU Ül.Neitié of.De..l sciai. 1 gel a long pou. andi bld i eut tu Abe, cho gnabbeti it. Then i pullet i hm assone. He cas aimop tiestianti1vcas b.dly scareti. 1 rolleti anti poundet i hm La goo« earnest. Then I gut i hm 6 the arma and @ook hi, the caler neachile POnnlaï onut fhie mouth. By ibis meaas I1sue- ceetietilu hinging ia. lu, anti ho cas seau aili ight. "Thon a new tifficlty confruntui ne. If our methene diseovereti oun cet clothe. tbey coulti whip os. This we reatiet from expenlence anti tetermîneti te avelti. It cas Jone, îhe sun .cas veyen aritanmd ce seau dieti env clothiug 67 sprestilng the n th ie rocks about us. We prom- lse etimuer lu tell th e ry,,anti 1 noee muntionuti thisncident leany oe eoutil atter Lincoln's iraic uend. "Abraham Lineolnuledati asister. HRa nome cu a lle, anti ahc as a ver, pret- tY girl Bbc cent te achuol wchun a coulti, whic as mt very often. . XYes, If yen muai kaow, Bailleiacol cas my sceetiseani $h, cas dLhout Miy âge. 1 leveti ber, antid caimét ber, ans beys do,.. 1 apposee hat cas eue reasea et my caru regard fer Abe. Whatise Liucoln famUlY movedt teIndilana 1 cas preveuteti 67 cîrcumeatauces treta blddln. goeti-by toe cuber cf the chiltren, anti 1 ue-rfr ncmibua. agaln"- LINCOLN'S LOVE-MAKINO. Eneomateu-ed Hie Potîticai Riva& WhUe Addreinu Mise. TeIL In 1839 lis Mary Totit, et Kentucky, arnred InluSpringfiehdt luvisit a marrieti @ister, Mmra.Eticants. Ai the instance et hie trienti Speuti, cho cas aIse a Ken- tueblan, Lincoln becente a visIteir aI the Eticardi', anti butor. long il cas appar- ent 10 tLe observsnt among thonselu hlm captive. Engagements at Ibat lime, anti lu titat' neigbborhuati, cure not au- nonnier-jas soon as tbey ce-ru matie, anti It s .noet ai al Impossible that UmssTotit anti Mr. Lincoln cure betroiseti ma-ü-- mntnlhs before any thr titan Mia. Bd- cardeandatiMn. Speuti knec ut it, crites John (Juter Speeti la îhe Ladies'Hota. Journal. -At1 i i ie, as cas the case tilI Lincoln cas eleltedthe b.pretiency, bis une mspeeilirirai in Illinois cas $te- phen A. Douglas. %In. Douglas bal mure efth1e social grueus than Mrn. Lincoln, anti It appearudto ihm that notisiug cenîtibc mure lnteretlng than loeuct ont bis po- liil lrival la the affectionm ufthebmen- tertalning ant i llcy MilasTotiti enti me h. peli'ber court. A spirlteti Y0ung lady front Kentucky at that tînts in Illlnols coulti have been almeet leus than. humes if ts. hati refusai!t le cepi the attentions ofet tise bade.insg mes et the le esy. Theretore, UmssTcdd belug quvit. has.L chai newadays coultl have bseau a Munttion.,This cremmot ation, l spurIda aiou onI bmsdevotien, bat hlm bue ardeut, a"tiha comecierfI tnwu dissl-worrimont. labrek OR * gagment, eblcis hoedi, tbf Interview tiservce.a ----lltis i a renecal et ti0 eammeu ee o. Wu oie.Lest i oaiie mestrebu &.mlomd the foueinta utaudlag committaes fere that body: çeeie oLs, ales *. Bolt.autgbegtyL*rp oLtts satimis-..mrdoek. Cahte; lby, R«I lvn teBhuberiAni1NoIÎe, Glde. Dlv, r. A., Bue, Word. KXilemme., Slews. Berliner, Shamahan. Meaner. Far. rel, ifovmk. Siasen jotaaor etWblteblde. Darns.sWallach, licuIis, OShem, Vaq' ltlod.-P. A. Suas.. Charuas;SBeaum, Powell eofI.'oquols, Kleurse. Shantno. Wuiduaiez, Dooth. Cave»a.1b WeUiffg, as- vel. Nohe. Thomtas. Nuai oa tarh. Heugh- ton. Morris, toakopf Irarrel ,Stewart 2to .11aliorfPis, tercis. e, vik mm Wareboua.a-levelL Chaîrimaci Thiemiama, Don ~hertz, Miredge. Ir. A. BsseLa Moe,. lter oire. Qoanstro uer. Blg adalle, Eartllog, unabiiaukin, Mora, At- châsse sud llven. canll mdRivr improvemeat and Con* moier~-Wlit@, Chaîrman; Payas, NerrlU Koinstedt1 . Idel*. Murway of Stark, DI- ben hte, amid, Andrus. King, Dicksoa, rianalgan. iNcLLmul, Jarvis, Battis. Id- cFooz.,eoiuil Ilo f Cco. NcDombugh. riuane-Tbomas, Chairuan; eigtoen Uau"nal, Lyen. Nillur, Andres. tIrbemaun Nellng, Powell et Cook, Shephtrdl. Bryant. OSbse. Alechuler. *Bd Nuiray etf(Jlalon. Mises and d ldng-Trowbridgt Obtirmen. Steme. Murray et Shafou. Beby. Ealî, Dewoodî, Shaivock, Thomas, Johnson ef Ful- ton, Mrgi. Wood, Wîlu. McLaugln La. Wbb.eKalaBristol. Boitas, Jr VêsaaadSaLiriea-lade, Chatimo S ooth. Soji, Fulier. Perrottet. NuhÈe. Wat, ieaueî. StewartOhea. Lovett. Allen of Ilandolpu. sud Trousdalu Pinel sud Retormotory Inisltntonba-Guf- unt. Cbairman; Nedies. Anderson. Nollflg. St@.0DLrow3u. errgl. yon. Avery. Hougg- ton. Lathrop. Avry ofut Cark, Powell of Cook, Laub. Large. Montgom.ery. Rhodes, l",mesairy sud BristoLo Uio. ue Nunblellel Coroporatiote--hnbert. ChalIr- mantflhrmu.asEvait. Cvaalg. Parot- t%-Jobe N-1-.Kleourse. H.Ugblen. I. C.b085s Quantron. Baller. Wmtlelr. Weld- mater. 1'arrel. Johnson ofut lealds. iBar- rilklow,; cbwab. MrrIe, Dragnadello. Eae t1ing, croigsud mNrain. Education-Mrra7 uf angs.non. Chair- mau; Bryso.Mrriau.. Schubert, Haumer1, TIsdel. rente., 1½rlsh. Wsthler. Trow. bridge, Joyr, icksun. Berilcklow. .Johnson, of Whlte*ee.O'Donneill.Galn.% AUahuler. Trouadalu. Hall of Coût. and iltle. Btate Institutious - Brown, (Jhatrmn; Deugberty. Payne. Wylle. Anderson, Kohl. stedt. Nothoagie. Marqulss. Joy, Kiug, Large. Lovett, Hall uorMeu. EdltelU. Allen ef llandolpb:. Englieh sud Beer. Publie Chrtles-herrill, Charnan; Funk, F. A. Bosme Dneru. Le lr..p. Klleourse, Dlebson. Wlliasa. Juy, Klug. Mrry. Horn. McGuire. 1Ilusau. McLaughlln. Perry sud Hart. Publie IBuildingusud tlround&-Dsugherly, ChairmasuCavanaugh. [Inlinker. lluugblou. Olade. Laub. Torrc.nce. Maerquse. Baller. M'ettaIt' Atchloun. Haruaberger. Coulue. Me. _lry ud Mqttguar r.n ýmn hn Revenue-iel ,,( hîai :Crrn ln aan. Cuodin. - errla.. eelrn. Schubert, Illvey. Ine.. >ueghrrty. Hluier, Scruglu, Nîchu.ller cryuan, Sayler, Noyast. Crala. lignadellu, ktol.opt. Wallec,. Edelstelu, Bloud. %ltchrll, uIll.asd Stewart. lisait. snd Ilanklui -loyd.('hlrman; Funk, Lyon. 3Mrrlauw. NeiGeladie. Mut- d.uýk. linarl. PIowtell ufIrououis. Wilson. Mecaît. Laub. Lâtlrup. Dehwab. Ilares. Odttle. 14hepberd. Horn, Muntgom.ery. Trous- dm1. mol I.d..steln. Cou..ty aoi Towusblp Orgsnzsllon-Per- rolte. . Charusu; Andrua. i(harrok.Shans. ban. Kinlcheloe. Powell ut Coouk, lrryman, tiewoody. Leob. White. Willilams. IlulYman. br sol. Lovrit. lancIa. Mitchell. Atchîson.. ta Inmos aud Hunaruan. Agrieulte,--Fiiler. Chairma; hîlmnn. Wilson.,llovpy. Murroy ut Stark. Penrotlet. 4inderson. Serogîn, White, Willas.sMer- quis&,ie rryuan, Iulîl. lewoudy, Diebson. Brane, Huffmnu Hart. Husamnan. MeGulre. Bristol, Alebison. Ithodes. Allen eof Ran- dolpha and Prie.. liv; éleck sud Dslrylng--Pwell et Iro- que1s, CIaînumu; Olmen, Thiemann. Schu- bert. Mdillet. P. A. Busse. l'erroll.t, Andrua, shabehan. NoUas. Cv""aug. Koislet. Broya. neutIe,. foosof et lesde. Bir- >s.Hres erreil. Darlllng5Butle, Ide- Ofaja Amui Glligea. Porte sud lBoulevrds-ayler, Charua»; Sehubert. Brysu. Deughert. Tîstiet, Bo.. Dola.ILC. Dunse. Ievsil. Cvaomogh. WeId- bumler. Kicourse. qoanstruma. Massuer, Watb- ler. Laub. iteirhle, SoUllirs, O(Imilîru.Wl- teck. Ncthen.ugh. Butler. Mitchel *l. cOl.- uts andi Coruody. Biaie and Ceumlî l'atrs-.Wltsun. Chair- mes; Hamomers, Shermnan. Thiemaun. Mur- dock, Murriayet Sougenonu. Wilams. Wood. Garver. Harabenger. Large, lirOulre. Bai- ssIi. lRhode*a miPlis.. 1Horleullure-(larver. Charaan, Meriy, Jey, Fuiler. Noitng. Koblaledt. Dianees. Melemît. Drkon. Meaury. Johuson ut Ful- ton. Fissulgan. Kiug. Jarytis, Hart. Hors, Allen ot lt udolpb. iluffmn. Hall ut Pîke. Rhodes and Husauo. Labur and lodustnlal Altairs Steen. Chair- man; Oladu.litaliey, Murray outBonasu, Woard, Bovey.,Ohm-n. T'om El e. Dewoody, Meleughtlib. lîlldes. Allen ut tr uonLarge. Sultanessand àianufàtelr-Bovey. Charuttu; Cavan- augb. OuMn, .Ely. Thiewasn. MsueL Mqo te. Qnantotmr. Sayler. Kobloldt. ýNo- va . Hall o.ooCamuuy. llood andi MaIn. Building, loan and Humntaeat Afoeiç- tioos-Nuillog, Chairman; Lyon, Noîluaget. Mudee lrdoch, Murrsy uf Daugamnun, *owe. Nîchols. Trowbrldgr. Avry7, Tans, La Monte. Gorver. Barricklow, Shupherd. Mor- ral ut Clun. ol,0)ouuell, Mngomery,.Bey- mt. Atlblon sd Stewart. Stabulory Iteluo-Tindel. Obsîrtnan: Mil- W~. Willlams. Murray ut auptuon. Beyd, Balley, Torieuee. ldredge. F lenulgso, Ai- acheter, Organ. Murrasyut Cllqteu. MeC.. nom and Cuopton. Senltery 'Affaire-Muaney, Chiarman; 01-' senu. ierelîl. Quatron.. Nthuagel. Steen. Dineen. Powell ot Cook. Morey. Mtchell. Deug, Blerchie. 'UeDonoutb. Carmudy andi Bristol.. $laiesud Muutcipal ludebtednpms"ohn. sou utflFulton, Cairuan- Kohîstedt. Punk. Kîleoursn. Csvauaugb. Alusell, La Mont. MarqIes., Jar. Brignadele. LovetI. Contes, Buter. Hll ot Pke sud Allen of Raudotph. Insuemce-Nobe, Chairman; Fullen, La Moule, Houler. Scbubert. Bavr. ,Klcoar».. Johnson o Fet on.,l'arrish. Weldmumler, Glatie. Laub. 0ODonnell. Boribes, Norak,. Iltoekopt,Bdaring, Crais. cbwab. lIrDen. 0 là sud Barnett. Cederal BelattoueFlanalgms, Chmlr.uan; Sharrocb Wiisoa. Monter. Parrteh. Noth- nagel, Wiltlimus. »audition, Dtdned4ge, Dîos kopf, Salmamus, Webb. ODonuel .Kugtlau sud Hall09tCoeok. Ciamu.-Klacheloe. ChaîrmnanFunk Mer. rUt, Uty Serman. Brown.,ilVatberi Mur: raÏ et Àaamaon. 'Diases ebwsb, Blood, O.lkasz Atchîos, Brignamielto and Nîîhuti. Mlfltarf AOWflieune. Chairmnan; Dri- san, ckiau. Nchai% Paga., Klng. Rows, Perreltet, Tiodel. Walte. Farreti. Mcgugh. Iln, lullîvan. liGOnte, Morn, Prile.mmd Comptes. Rtrsnchnfu-t-LYîen Chairinan:Dàe. . Guena " Ba a.e Ward. IMarulms mifeL'avaitad ér ery, delsm d m dquelue-.Latltrop, Obstuau. ; 14, mgiTrowhwldgs, Klmche. las.eNst41111hz iaeMarquiseMus .b0lRuGainoa.MuDnI. CeEusse.And Rlm eaî, ~~Lls mid ITseITeaan ~Iruas. 1111, Svs Paoit.<Isu. Wa o ~so~lt . I.W fery Salisses t a, WîBe, Broya, and >bDonegb Tolsit Posi andi Retetustoq¶ Inutile- tleua-lootb. Cttlrusn; Paeri - Lyon, Wood, Osrier. King. gMsrnberger,bliGe. anti Blond. To Viai E»ducalionail ttiîltons-Wsgd Chaîram; Atleu et Vermillon. Poweli ;1 Cook. Teirreace..- eyacrotiln, Alschùleet Idngemuen sund MAmon& ToVnst Stle Chauttble lastiltuns- Berrymon, Chairmuo Merrismo. Funk, Pow- ell et IretibeIa3 Mettait. Malien. Meure. Compton andti <YOe.. SoeiesH oue sud Uldtera' Onjblma.O Itua-Mit M oir Caiemnt enk yn Nichois. Anderso. ing. Jôy. W;eod. (Imver. Ndetoe.. Prkce. tYpeuell snd 111er. Vauers: s-mn.,Chaî:rman-BWM. Andins, Jebnelon etfVulleu ltOe»Wyss% Tbosus, Dlukàlon. Wblte, gerogaa. Trous- date. Marl.-Coe@ etarmabuere, Barneti, *laudaclek andi Galtan. Judicil Apportlous.ent--Cebrms. . Chair- man, Belley. Boyd& MerrfilI Nurdork. IL, C. Susse. Delvymn. Lalbroe. JA MoblIe. Toe- resue. Williamns. B505.11. Vtanultàu. ta.- bu p t. Atchîson. Alselulen, cnratg. Ceulsu. (laIns, Ongan sud IBerues. WOLVES IN YELLOWSTON4E PARK Preserve selti te me Fui et Thom andi i bey Prey on 11k ad Doe. The National Park la said te be la- feteiti wth largenmbers ut colves anti coyotea, chlch pr.y unhiudel.d upon tIme gante anulaluntihe part. go uumnerulIs bave ihey becoeu andi so bol ulth 16cattacka that .1k anti deen lu large bande bave aeugbit refuge front 16cm b, leaving the great gante pue- serve andi rutdeavouslng lun te vIdW- Itp of Cilaîbar.- O.sriuter an&i. Rom, their aturaiel tltiuy toward man be- lng overe-ome by their abject fear of tbelr ' carnivorous enenilea, chose tnlghtf ni buels reanuitbnhough thd park lu one continuai chorus front the settlug lu ut eae-b nlght unîilithe break- lng ofth1e daco. Theoculvea anti coyotes *111 nut yen- ton. Tory closeme lumuntnhabitation, but deer anti .1k, eviltlîy cbooslîg brîcreu two evIls, appear ta pretur takluig ibeir chancesa ut tmlllng victlime te tebutier railler tItan lu busn-t .p- on by a hue-k utfnolvc-s anti tom ntin durdureti alive. Thetie pe-sts are lu- eaelng raplily cach ymrand uti Ithis tnie are ci-in le-vlîg th. seeurity ut- tordemi IbeinuIn the îîrk andi tollowlng au closely afttr tIteir prt-y 0as heir sucnklug Instinîcts and te-n,-outmeno rlil aUucw. TheIil tle pays a bouuty on. ibetu ut $3 alie-ad, anti colt Iutlng lias bec-ore quit. a pr-ofitable business along- lbe park border. But lb.! are su nuîerous thaI te trutiln uf a tec bundreti due-snul mnlerlally ne- dume te r- nunîter. The bounty tond tiluppears. iliatttrucetunougb, but the money is palti ouI for nolhlug. ton by another senson the Increlise clîl be lunch graler titanlte'unubr kîliet fur the bounty. Sali a gentleman whu came down troam the park the otIter day, dlscesming hoe beslta get id ut thenît "A sysîematlc chulemule iunt conîml mte ube the uuly cmy lu go aboutfit, but the Park noie. appear tu standi lu th. way ut thîs, wolves anti coyotes ne- cWlrng thu same protectioun as ay other animal, If the peuple ufthîe ni- per Telluwstone cer. ailtwedi the privilege 1hycol lle buonly tbu glati lu organize andi extertuinae te tbpeî. While thie tnlght Le alluceti bya n s- penalua of the part: cules, yct letore sncb a course couid nleet wlth faone fron th1e park goardians nmente ifeens coutil have ta bu foundt tuguarunte the snfcîy ut uit gamu suimtaIlu laUtc preserve'. If Ilîcre- ls nny way te ne- coiplill. iaisetcî Ilbc suggt-teilu Captalu Andenson, ltati le, If iî meutp withfilhs favor, nîay inuke a proc-lama- lion ibat a grand huînt wlilu beglu on a certain day, ln whIch ail pprse-na cbo coule ilaluthe restrictos andtiéu- lations deemnet neceaîary wclii e ln- vitedte lupurtîcîpute." n. Wautmt i tane. "I oitaiued a pecollar ortie-r rs-u.uî a Kentucky sturekeepet-," saiti a cigar astesînan. "I lut thlie ralîroadtet wîork antme Interior towue andi Iloppe- t tthe- cc*;try tonrm en route. At oîne or iheeî place. 1I tauntia man whoa filie commîercial agencie gave-c il goot- î ligandti hu acteti ns Poqustaitcer s iveillas etorekeeper. 1 ha uded i lî uîy eantiantibu sali: "'Tifr aln't bot une thig yo kîn e-lu me.' ': Wht leal? t 1iInquir-tI. ."lu* kmmgel mu 'bout $110 wirlo, slawàlîa, envéhupesaun' poîulal kynrîls: 'Wby, Yuou angel lItentfron thel goveruntent'1 "No, I bai'. Yo' au. îLe-y culî credit me. I ber te- seil st!llh)?it.llIn' plît 'euh on people's billim. but tà' lor erutent îvun't let muelbeyIlotinlio tu seudin' th' moey. 'Taln't riglît, â' case, fer l'in gooti, ibey enrter icnoc thut.- But I al't fgtai a ulmp norna kYard lu th' office an' nu way ter gîl *uem. l'Il bey lu buy 'é u ntewit*aru4.' "'Aftcn becumlng con'I-iîe-d outhelî man'@saofvèucy, 1 moIt itt flu11e of stamps, san'iutea velopep suit postal carda, ta hea shpputi wlt! a il utci. gais,"-- Washington star. A ChIase Tolegu-n.. Chines.late . uly lauguage that cano, bu telegrapheti. Bo a ciphel- sys- tom bas beun laveuleti, by webmne.- Sages can be sent. The sentier ot the messmage neeti nul bottIer bimseIt about the meaung. H. ma i elugrliph ail d"Y cîthoul the aliehtaiIdesaoft1he Information hola sendlng, for 6e tranatuits 01117iunter- It la very dîffrent itlb the reculver, boeer. Re >as a etie dictionary ai hie elbow, an t tr mecb me.s4e ia rieelveti ho taat trmm tefit, wrlttng euch itemry chamcetrlautisa placeoe tise nuaneml ibhàat stasiaforfil. Oaly about au elibtho e l. ctis la tie wrltten language appeur in ti e.s", ed luth lb. esate WOdaei. meageis a recelveti trou fI' mppoletlnt te the hoard of wmrehous oiusteymGee ler, OGeepvllle; Charlu eea N aavîlle, snd 3oeeph N ILd34wIP . cage, te aucceedWilliam IL ton; Thoms(Julien, Cblam otad W. Fithieu, Newton; Whoss t 1- y**, expîruti. AItounas hiet grain lua et Chicsgo. Edinl J. Noble, ta Dwight Wi. Andrews, chu..inteu pînuti: asesoas emtmnlsslutîen ut tse Odu er.lloul. Pmsitcntiary et Cbesté. Th W. Scot, 1'tirinhlulltelu uceeed 'Nd l'4 (0. Cramer, iiiîilelîl, reoligueti; joep B. Meleic, Masilor. Louis, 1tesu Campbel S.Iliean. tQ.îlnry., svbae e bas exioireti, and janiîeu 10. Jobie, Hare) horgi le suceeed Williaum V. (jtoyser, Hlarrisburg, neelgmte<t. -Téappointaient& andtie tboe lthe buard uof'West Chicts Park Cooînîlasloorwesie.coLiid. bill provldlng for aun uîî,noîmrnl lou eof?, 000 for the ordîtmiry andi cootînge-ut CX. penses outheb.State &goserutuetit no* ua- provided for, sud thebell for the appie-, priatton out *X.M1 fifer 'prtirci-pationol. the TeuLiesse-. cetletmniliand iierIIation- ai expoultioti, cuti(- mrendI thethird tinte and passud. The limiue posed by a vote ut 114 yents te S umys Mn. (rairs 6 bill s- tbcmlnlng the C(l u r0tauappoint s reel- dIent trustee.outhIle.Eastern lilisils Matle normual sebool at Charleston. The noe ait the ltpprese.ittlv.m 1.11 cwu% gnatl-ted the. Emîtîanl i sflrage tub lfor Monorercmm lîîg. A lait Imacu tuembema premete peîlti,os «dçuming equmî suffrage. Mr.~ Kînctieine lotroimmeti n resîloîlua wh1ch waos adoltgd ly n rloing vole lu respect te ot Adn is (î.uity. a imi-mm<q.outthe Tw«. Iy-titl .en <rmcruai ocmihy lnîtheîle enotu Tbîmrm.îty the bihltins-_ý duer-ly Brteor Pltzi-atrkk i'Iu. 7,"à> prnplaîlmg 31,010 or the uunotiee of. turiiing omnt carimîi fur iuctortal bal~ lu thibeliclc brary ,I.mldtîmg lun<chien» isan ret,-rd te tIei(eji .m;nttee ou iWl tnry Affa.ira. Mlin l.llMmIig.r illinl- Irodue a bill lu ti. entIe prorldiug aaitisat tbhe adolmeraîlon o u ta-Iandi deuga atnd tbe mnfatuetrcnd saleofeteh. f-1I or dlogs trout impent.etlytievlopeol or daman,-ire s rticles. Anothes-blI te b.e lntbx'itil m.-ii i eMtor iPalaas povide.a ît h. hesalnionf t ite's Attorney eut- aide ofut Coluuty $hallnout exceedi 85- laC). The olnry la tele bupnd ont outitb. limes lùim,aettln culleeijd. The bill fur- IlIc-r lîrovis athut uh,-n an asastanî se ne.-, san> îlot mthe uuty Board tif Se- tiers sors gIl -lti-t $in assistan nt 1a salary iii.,tob eeti $l1,NIO le-rannota. In h. Iliou a large nun.bur ut bil»cure S;iaL.-r Crtie, l-nilmy. utinouneudthetb flouse citîîe.Atler lbe lIaI hatld ta-euni-adftic Hoise adjounneit ntil lîiî,cxlu utr p. n.i)oningasbrie! assaon île tý,iii.iujg iflis were luirouluceti lu the N-ît To lues.rpurate cotopanle tade tif,. ilsurarcp, e.t grant or dispose et mn- luiie,-î,,I.,l'. eîdowntent andti telu . busincso n ceery lueurmuie.pertalelug : te thei tiruîamwe et lires opon the ixed tîreinou mln. Aime authorhlagnsseau- ni-nI life lusunaincueebetet do bu». loas on titis pnun andt e contrat coulps- nies oft Iis state sud of othur States de- Itg business inItmllinuis. Anoiheut 61tg inecrpormîe lit, or accident loesquee compniee on tlb. sesmnt plan andl te eonttrl the "couaiesofet iis anti ether businessinIn llInoist. Theze billa curea tiratteti by lb. Undencnlters' Association ot Chicago. Cslving poiver te th1e city council lu cilles ut 100,000 lahabitants oui- mure 1tir-lare deimrtusest stores,às u- mince sud a detrmment tolbuenesand pruvliling for lbe abolishument et dapait- munt stores. hIakiug thse arresnî et bi- cycles a telony. The Otraote tises ait- joorned te Moner etafernilet a5Sp. u. The House mut t ai n'dck Mentiay aflermoon wilh lems tia, a quorum puss- @nt. The session coatlnud iouiy à feu inuoles. BIlh e e introdoed an foi- tirc: To legaline ite Judielod preeeti- loge outhîe Slav-h teru of 1806 anduti3 cf the - tay (omnty Circuit Court; te ie- à vent a permon about lu becSme Insoveit -m freun deignting s prefurreti cretitor; *tuo a billîîroviiling that 1; an stgack-, meut lîroceceing w ihere goudas eheare hiable te caste or detuioratton tise Court muy couse the onmete luie moItianti bol the pruceetis suljeet to tbe determimaîleu ofet sueit. ?hure was nu business trias: ecteti in tbecote-nt. Aumsuel ai ibe Moo- dur sessions t ber. oa nt a quorum pre- ent. Ex Itepresenlatlse W. H. Gr0 m etfboeut V e-non ivili appeer lu oppeoItion tu Dr. hbfiller'a billi, piîdlng ferrthb. con- solldatlon ut the Supremne Court et Sprhii- field. In the Ilousme Tuesday Min. Revell'a bill repealinig Ite libella1w rame op, The aullior mî,îed ta tay thebeillorer two weeks, Lut lthuotion tasleat. The bill cr111 on u li ird mailing. Mr. Reveil In- tr(odoce-u a remolation liat a coattittueý uf five le appoli te ainveatlgnte the Chi- cago drainage hoard. leerruti. A nm- ber ot eqîtal suffrage petitiosa were pie- setîtetiandtitreenuae.a shecer et buisi. A resoloitlon indopîog tise Spry bi., 4.0w petîdlng in Cougreas, reintlng te mail carriers anti requesfing thse IliNnois pies- bers of Counz e au m&Iailiorable - meaus te aucune the passage of the bil. was adopteti. A joint iseolution, cblt' was adopted, glrlng the nue of Camp Lin- coln, wih ueeesary tente anti equlp- munts, to the varions uuifenmued orgaml- sations ufth1e State. A regaitn wm adopteti by s ialng vote.'In respect te the - memory of lb. laIe Frank N. TIce, of Ogl* County, an5lîx-member. In the Senate. Brutor Crawford prentedti tre puti- tiens, one trus tb. jutiges . 0the Soperlor a Court et Cook County mmd one front a large number utfisthe mbeaueoetIhe bar ot Chicago, >skng for thse epeal et the mechnutica lien lavv, un tise tbeory that .tl la astue cométicatedti ;sd4kla (hot a more simple one h. enamrt4. -A joint nesoutlon, wu@ ndopted anblag <n1ça «vnumte consuder ai anu arly date thb. bill n0w peuding belortistat body wi*l provicles for the classiatioln ot pomieMfe. clenks. AMr. Cralgs bill utboriaug tise Govennor ta appoint a rualienl trutteat lh. Eastern illinoig NoraliScheel ai Charleston, castrend s third'tisoinantZ pngssed cltb the emergeacy clause. A at a nfrott-mnMake. A Ihexter telecintan, taklng the a». nuai Inventory, calloti at a certAin

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