Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 19 Feb 1897, p. 3

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11.1 lI' e-çs.ui Si.- BALL- HV#T^TIUN. M R RA IN THE5 ISTOUY 0F THE METROPOLa.41 O»mplt.tloetothe. New YorkCeiural'@ * Weu-Traek Draw-Dridgî 0,sf the Harlem Ineyer. «sud e1t te *1000,000 MatelViaduel. --Ikelgel.e sgiueerlng sPet of tbeIMost reumare eausuof =euring on record le uearlig cumple- Ëoe adte passener entertusNev ide ovi n of uthtic randht ezamples cf eleel railvu,' consitruaclen poe acosilsi- *4 lu thii.agi ot marvelous renulte alutbaI Ootatsout at1 9b clape the tracts ai tbc Nev Yosk Cintrai baila 40 use gfdstJly, and eaI h uit treit the,'cross gie Harlem river ou the ucur foaj.lnack lat e rb it, oetquasgtrie a uRne, drdensd Tvequif-fti to Oue EKaudrel auj Tweuty-slxti street, uuder tii lelur- tract viaduct. ThilsImprnvemenul -lU b.e ofImmense value tu the entire Utate-alu tact, Ie ti weobobeouutry-au tie bridge, being c. higbuu.àhove tb. valer, vini neyer lave lu hi openeal, ixcept vien large teueg or veesivt mage auare jePmse lroU aIl tugs, canai hosto. barges, etc., vii ltavejmevlce roumi lu go undur the bridge vhillil ls closed. Tieilarledf river, bavlug bien deelare by Longresa a sblp canal, lb. Secretary or War bas. isqeeaordere liaI H ailtgs a" barges s611i-joint thhur pmuotua *"u deg Pol", tg ensie ie u, otepousa adir the brida wvile Itlalecloie& He bas kW. ordetred liaI lie bridge shah Do be cpi.. e& hilvicu, teboues of oe*manfid o'cioct lu the mlag. ansu r w uam-r lu te aitirioân, eegfor pelice, Il- er Goverumnet vissae, lie boumis nua E» vlsw cos e 2New Tora tlsu"wiv lu xsrt*Iccdssv- r" ovei tcmeiru 11,mSe 19Mbsircq Gealr 21v V it. Jb lmtstrucature dtilu ths votd eieu dravbrldge, et au lovation ot 24 felt aove ilgitidi.1 SThis massive structure la emantable le béulg tic trot four-Itilkdese-brialge ever coustructeal, andalale liangeil btldge oet e ddlnuhe world. li la400 feet long aid velpis 2,500 tons. Tue drav- brdge is 58 ftelt 43Incites wide, tnum carieal un thrie very leavyItrot*e". Be- tvcez th central *DO «eCht otfte tiu cide lnscees na iar @pare of 261 teet, Wh"cipermîls tic Passage outlaro sets ut double tracts. Thete bot lu corrugratid. land tic ral. are boltail te Il onustelii ie plaies.Ti trussis utfte dcae-bidge m« &"b«fel bigi lu lie cunter sud 25i aet g Ieteaci end, At tbe igbest eanoftietruse. le itunle,] tLe en- vil bo e, t khcotaus te-n o.ciliallng double-eplinder nne wi trth draw, andl cas be vorteallegetiier or sep- roverng thegriat business lieU la' and ouIut lte cil, ,the Imporant tlirougli trains asneU llas tb. principal subunlsa trains arrIvlng and diportlng dnrlnLgthaie boire.This vill avoid dèia,'s, eh"làive ben, at limes, vir n,'auFist, and q1rSlt of macbhauter service titan couldb-ave been mailunilnadir te olal arrange. mints; and, as spee a o ne ut the prin- cipal factors lu trae') li tus ags% 1his testure ailI prove an important oui. Quite a number ut the get Inprove- meulte wiicit iave recinti,' bird madhs titi notheru part of the City enu e ma trom the trains as tiey pi" oves te nMv viadîîct. Among tiem are Gnant's Tomh, St. Lîite's Hdapital andl the buildings #of Barnard Collee aud Columbla Collegs, un Moruinga de-Heigi and ver,' soon te grand strurture .of lie Cathtedra] ot St. Job*sthe Divine viii be obseved Faitier norti, andl on te e-est aide ofthte nlu e vW .ofti ui four traek t A Sdraw-brtdge over lh. Hars. ibyi. aretel,', c. tiat If oui sitoulal breat due-n eI nuylrime theChoter can du thoe-ont, Fros Oue Huadroalanal Thirt,' elgitti etreet sot the four ne- tracts non ovin the steil viadluet tu On. Hudredandau Tul s#trict, and ltesace b,'tle atone via- dort 10 On. Hadredan sd Bu tdreit, wbvicie Iiire the hi!i of te presiai four-tract lie. T1se vert of building Ibis massive stIme- taire, ela sber. s gîrateal, began Sept. 1, 1803, aud bas eontlnued't,-itoutcessa- lion outil uDow, aud viii cait viten con- pielial considrabl,' mone Ibsu $3,000.- W10. Ti conaplollon ef tii uew vwont viii permit the openlagt of al cross streets un- der tite uiley @ud ab admît a pertecîl>' tree passage fer strict traMle, ouhneud an sd ITity-elghli trict, iviicit bas becomO & great tiorougbfalrP, viii hi entirel,'ftues, as the trains vieit hîrelotore crosed ltI at grade ailI pass ovev laI au elevellon Ibat vIli alloe- strict cars andal al tralle pirtiet tniedont, AI n Ou ndrid anal Tventy-itth treel, iTk. Ametmm "Frenoich tx.d,' "Iu the manufacture of caudy,' snid adiplomtahe o0fcer etf expmlemc, *bare la no doubt but tlsOt Ameue nov leada lifeworld. American enu- diese are about the. oui,' cnes madae ot augar liaI en b. bougft lu Paris, Trbougi thi French ievlloeIg led tite !Ïrlal li liAshUe, tiîfg*taully bsut sur« flmuged 10 Ustuva,' vlib Me useof engin la lbeiW4bUlldhs, ex- cept wiere lie,' iak»a tieudîor con- auzuplioa lu chier chbdied lai 1£1rioe lu a tcuwWVn people viii Dot bu,' a sjUiiWhcb aaIe et sugar ae%&U- TbI vont eousiilatiom napld, d~,*Mupon "I tilisi a1 am dcmi**'U1 leth agar-m&M e andyImMlO ,erav, ow 01 la Parle. 0f ,co % WMh 5 maeIf Il was bein I ePoulepueSer sous ,l TvO weelie belon CinIufl10-b t- lal Pua, ia" 1 bOl dbel eiM mmraufAtU05 bfoeTrfIre Mbu,' an,' nmr.ued. onâle. I oulal get bua. ofece epmblu*loma, bwearalmusl oaelaliosaml ttb4rtxlinein a 4aftay t la usuel lis &mre vaY,'- Mr.Utnbe- V" M »4'outhe iblsos Mia,' Kimbeci,'Peuple 'viiibave msptb.wolsAh*Iîqe'et Oai G. WM ft*6 te be l&m&et tibs isi. hlachas river, the novr famous spiidvsy lsu ndin construction andal pproacblng compeion; te magnificeut Higi Bridge, WVashington Bridge, McCombs Dams Bridge eud titi viaduct lcadlug ta Il. trou tde uortb, anre uns utart as wviiias ai gneut utllly. under e-bicit the trains pus, auj un titi right may ho sein te buildings ufth ai, nlverslty outhlie Cil, ty fNe- York, Webb's Salions Homo. and ban- dredhfif other nîv buildings ut les, Impor- tance, Northithlb.Hanremriver, on tii Ilarlem division, lu Broux P. -t, vilc inl ta contalu the gnit Bulanîcal Crdent and Zological Gandins t f rester Kew York nsd e-thIn a fovr yesrs thus portion ut the cil,' wWl offer attractions wbîch it ii ho unuurpauceal la thein ciaracter b,' an, cil,' lu lie torld. Grenier New Yort. vhlci Ia ulueteen miles avIde b>' tblrty-five miles long. cet- taill,'offers, lu te lourisl aud seekt alter tnoe-ledg, or pleasun, mone buduce. teutsetas an,' otien American cil,,asd tew cilles lu Europe cas equal il. tolal b, Irvin Cobb lnthie Paducai News, thungit It viiiseunfimucI lits A pipe dream t10thie unaitlated, *'AÂ bouc.efi,' vont off vitt e pair o ct es sors aietawlIea a fév vicie agu, This scundstrang e peealy vben ItlaI adaleal ht ithe fi,'as Sustaecom- mon, everyda,' specimen cf <b*î de- oetle pest. In tn eepect, bovever, lte fy i,'ffered trou ese aersTii octusors eye. mug the vonderful minute tboltendl for lhe Champ- tens vortiastit made b,' 0. G. von Ichoeler thie engraver. Atieuglisc. susal tiat tudr enUlhn.conhd net bc dlatniuglbed b,'thie ootr~iiay cethie, vo,.-perfsaI lu a"ia"sud usceiuau, behu Posible te cet ibeatbalu ouiý eabWebe wvil lui' tg",'*"u"aie It.loksaveal days of Mr. ion Se..> ;ses, tiAe te m#ce hieustoc "To' M- l b'ou thiecarascle vort-t*bW .Tie fi,' tartel seris lt table. and b. 1toutfilgiat.Tiitesu veresuc. lgit liat. tle neat mcv, ave,' 'elt hiehcse befcuc Mr. von Sciceler ebull neccu.Ide. pecions 111 tle prise. The fi, bas not beucmm Onuce. Nelther have thi edmtleor. Pi forusst ovuer ot tic -seisore yubis - i,' la aetjiome curduS eut a nw pair et flgt tretîserfor snusme~ Leu ic usul berna ie em uThe "nul u-q. bt 1th- vues, be Ut 8 p ieiêUl CUEEK CIIRWSIANUATTACK THlE 1 ILJNKI Gu,'rleOm Pute nuelee ste Vllgbt Afte Both Sidas Augfer Hev7Loue -]Prince sBarovitel ch ek@Mfety let Shot sudAboeiExchange&. Tiiere habaheen bot fighting la Crete. More Greit troope have embrtcd nt Piraeus for the rebellilons Island. Gretk forces,.eidu the conimand of Prince Nicolas, have started for Tbuusaly, and a Granit war chip bas fired on a Turt- lait transport couevylg soldiers eft th sultan te tie Candias éboge«. Marnoeri, 'the toreletu consuls bave beea emPielled te abandon Cases sud te ta". refuge on the. croiser@ iu the harber. This, 1» a few ivords, records the hlip- pentings ot one of tic agent seusational sondays la thc blstory of modem Europe. The.mueot startllug dovelopment of tic hugly sensational dar vas the abandon- ment of Crois hy its Goveruor. Prince flerovite, ulhhout astlug thaïconsent of the Sultan, ahandoned Cane early lu lb. morniug, aud be lu reported te bave taken au AustrIan Uoyd steamer for Trieste. Wbule tiere are come excuses for lii startlint sel of the. Prince, lit muet bc @nid Ibat it sbows a cowardly lacli 'f courage at the time wben a directlnt baud was mont needed lu tite Sutan'a turbu- lent province. Titere are norne who ha- Ieve that Austria bas bâti a baud lu the affair and tint thei Vienna governmeal Prompted tbe depabrture of Berovitcb. lu tih. meautime Tuntîy nov bas no direct- lnt baud lu Crele, and entcchy, chaos ani rehellion rd nul uthi sinal Foreignconseuls fPesl Refuge. The. deyopëu4 ist omousiy iawzgt wthb a bombardmniuofutCane& by the Chtris- dians. Front lthe beigbts surronding titi tos yanuon éhot sud cunister were pour- id int the auted city, crealîtinte wld- est excilement and alea. rbî forcigu consuls for'int lnecessary t eeoathe citY. Represeutatîves of Greece, Roulse, Austria and France deemed it uic. to abandon thelr consulates aud toeetk shel- tir lu the, war chipanoft lir respective na- tions. Meane-bile tite batteries of the Turkisit tontresa repiied witii vigur te the valîcys ot the Cli»ltlans. Sitriekiag stel sud wbistiing bullet ansivered iach other wîtb venomous rspidity, but lbe uncovered po- sition of lb, Christisu flublers ieft titea easy victime te the marksmsusbip of the proteeîed Turts. Titi Cretaus vere fiuai- ly dialodged, alter a stuhbor andi tierce reatstaace, and te forces of Abd!ul Hamld occupied the Alkrutiri His. Dispatebes faîled to give lhe mortality on eltiter side, but it ln believeal thit the eomgbatauîc sufered severely. Il in evi- dent lhe military couduct ut affairs, at Cane& a snut saîîsfaetory te the Porte, as the uilitary governor there bas bien ne- uaoved front bis post. There là coucider- able anxlrty regarding bis ucesser, ne the cletion by the sultan viii to a cer- tain citent givo au indication ut bis future policy. At Heratîlun the situation la mt ceci- oua. Tie Citristians, tearur a massacre et the bande ut the inrugid Turka, are1 seing chelter ou tiie war chips, and i sononnoue but Mubau>medasaw-ii hoc left lu tiat tue-n. At Halepa te conditions are just as dltreslug. Tiere e-as fight- Lut thir. ail dny, the victimesouthtierm- agi struggle auxuberng scores. Goeets aI thue Bitishs<o.ulste, Wien the. Greet consul ieft Canes wiîh bie staff b. hearded thte Gree bruan-i clad, Hydra, alter llactur te refugees. et the consult, under tite protection oft the British cuassul. wht toid thi'm lu boardi te (reek wur chilis. ta th ie lresent1 finie, bowever, tite refug4-es remamn at: the British ceonsuiete. Thete lcsing of the i (Iceet consular office sectms tu iuîicate a% deflulte rupture utfte relations itetwecn1 Greece nnd Tonkey. The lunsian andl French admirais liave received identicai lIstructions enjoiuing upon tetu te adoption ut energetic messures. This la proitably iu si-crdauce nwititthe Englieit propostais %hich te auîhsnaodors et Consjtanitilope ugreed upon. uamely, tie joint naval ocruîîatlon of Canen, Ite- lmo snd lieraklion. te remou!ofuthelit (Jreek leet sud te prohitbition otfte dis- patcnugouthtie Turkish re-enfoncementa to te Ilalnd of Crete. O'MALLEY IS FREED. jury Acquits the Chicao Aderssn off the M.trder uf Gu.t&ý C.nlissnder. AldernianuTitomas J. O'Malley, otf(Chi- rage, vit John Sautry, avas acquitted Saturday night of the charge ut beig concerne,] lu the umurderof uGlustuv CujIl entierun eetindey. The acquittai ut OMballei furniaitos te ocquâI luoune of 2ucsa J. OSIALLETr. the Moslnt eartabie criminel prucied- luge on record la tiacoeutry. Tue ver- dict vas recelvoal viti cheiresud O'Msl- IV, sud sAntr, vire fithaeal il cou- alatidudbbThé Aldemufn .neacson as thiiWegeb'nél guihl'" vire i.ard, tlrew ilussf on tbe noct of W. 8. Furst, bie levier, andltieal im, anal seversi of lhe jurors shoot bauds vitit te freid Neys aubas eecevea ut Puinesvilli. r,'.. cf titi drowtlaigt of Aadrev Wilodèl: ?restan Hall anal Har,' Brovn: lu PI» Vouut,. Th*ten hd benoen aspee fer mvenel daya anal lad sîatd geme, Big Baud,' river on thet.e iciontheln beesse R«v. William Prali, D. D., pester ef Bi, Xo"s's. the Ieadlné plucopal cv et Detroit. e-s amiea 10UmseHelen g,~LîbroeOaubter et Georgpe V. N. ta UsiaTiihe es- annal -vie prteemd-b,' Biab"ey"avs. WOMEN ARE GAIN ING. lucreace lu Proportion ot Waoieu lu Wrklng Classes. Thue levenlt aunual report outheicde- partaientiof laiton, treunattted tu Cou- gress b>' Cîmmisioner Wright, relates entirely lu te aork sud vagis ut men, tiomen aud ciildreu. Il siotustl the proportion utfivumen ltte wbhlewortiug ilas haini-nessing, e-hile ltaIt fcitilacea i. decressing. The Cepont e-as ptepared lu puranance of a joint resolutlon ut Cou- grisa. Tue delliie purpuses ufthle lu- vestigationu ivre lu ditermine 10 e-bel ex- tout, iftgauy,.weoaen vire sopirsding min: lu show the cunjugsl condition ut lthe e-omen e-howete employeti; lu COto- pare the relative efficiency tif Men abd avomen, aud fiually 10 show te relative rates utfe-ages received biy i-ti-lt ex lu ecdIlndustry. Te agente ofthti,- .l'îarl- nient secureal Information froîn 117e- taliaitmente of vsnious kinde. localcd la tliirty difféeneu Stateusud em;tliyiut 10. 3M6 pissona, a number lange e-îoîîalî l. mesure ltaIlte data collectei uit tîor ougitly'represeutalivi. Te rontlctc dats uoughl for, itoavver, mus ottaineai front uni>' 931 establishmtents. Titi-a 1Ml1establishmenlts empînycal 64,- rd,0 Itersons Ion yt-srs ugo andi 108,t'-l inlu 8115-6loft tiis nanîher ili te liret peiht d w7ea-re mules ot 18 >ear.. of age or oui-r, us againts 43.195 in te sec- oîîd; and 4,1-o5 males under 18 yi-srs ut sgt, us ugainat 7,341)lu the second, la lté final peniod 27,163ni-rtealea 181 yeana ut age or oîer, and .-443 fi-utles undçr 18 yeanu ut agi-, as uguunwa,512 and 12751, nespeclivel>', lu tfflPiresent period. Frnth iese figures itlalaceeu titalue emtployez 18 yesrs ut sgt or ovce'? lucrrasoî lut te prteeut pentoul oço lte former ii-- rhud 63.1 pe-r cent, w-ile feusule etutlIoyes ot te saune sge inere-ut,] <W.3 pec cent. Munle emplouyez unden 18 years ut ageini- cnes se 80.f3 pic cent, w hile teniale cnt- ployes unîler 1.8 >ears ut aceinicreuscd 30.1 per cent. Ae collateral informtion an Inlerculing ehowing la madieutfte figures utflte lasI Ibe e rususea cocecruing lte emplo>'- meut utfivoten. Te proportion ut te- mules 10 years'of age and over empioyed lu al occuptions in te Unitet States rosein luie relation ltalite aviole nunther emplureai front 14.618 per cent lu 1870 tu 17.22 pen cent in 18W), e-hile mules de- creaseul in proportion front 85.32 per cent lu 1870 lu 82,78 pen cent in 1890. The repon t Ire considerable adali- thoua I iluit aps tbo'ut-diacusid ques- tion ane lu muilil vmen lu Induetriel pueili.*For tb, pres erut oroa, ont cf au lgp.m, lot 79.M17 -oume, 0,921. on SPiier cent, vire sinaise;0?55, or R&5 par effl, manried; 2,011, or Z2,pur cent, diurei n 244, or 8-10 etfilet cet. unkbvs, 'The lest eecaiue g Mon Ibis pdi*aloosc. nalyseal, - 0f tic 14,fi71 Fs 10 yeare oftuae or ovci engage-I Paruls lu the usited States lu prcent vers cingleor titeir C«$Nw-ondtuon untuovi, 13.16 pou cni**vi Inrred, 11h10 per cent vire e-lktuSan# 1h par cent vire divorcial, ROUW&WEWAS'IEOF MON EV. Ci~5i5et ut te olaIs of Hit A oii 69iiNewY ork Worîd sayat Zr-hl.suser 5 bau a he lieneu pla'~âao-to m te ii i «be a p Jlliwtet public muni" a direct le- Wcis -UI bave le do thii fer their Wben tWe1 limae eomes «i,'l b able -rited. hs tdtd utlb.approprlsllona cf the ast, cesionviii, in ng lb. total aiout ot di- rect appropriations b,' lii. Cougreis te lie mormon saggvcgati utai atcest 8$1,- Mg. Decer,' cala that tis wuvasbd enoîgh itîseit, bal the people coulal nut realize lhe itole evil if Ibis niotons si- pinditatre utO loy bugn elalisetat therie eemsd te bi nu vay ut chectlng il. "W. nreally ncd an express provision li lite cules ltaI aoulal chargecorne oas ait ttieiluly ut protecllng lhe taîpsyeru. Tint migit t ho dne lu the House, but Il in itopelesa te thint ut correcting tuisai lu lthe Sînele. Senutorlul courtery voulal niteoltely forbid the Houai titeru mn, hoe avolunteer vito vili rpnsenl lu gouard tieti roasury and drive hack the plunderers" Mn, Docker,' en asste1givi fig- ures shoe-iug titi increase lanlthe cent of runnaing titi Guverument, said: "The avrange annuel actuel expendi- lunes for eacit fiscal year fromt 1875 l 1888, Inclusive, for titi ondinany expinses ufth b.Goyernmeul, nIetountitng pay- minIs ou thte puble debt sud paymeula out ut postal revenues, ave oly $W57,- SW3,714, The average for te saine pur- poses frent 1881) te 1816, Inclusive, vas ffl8,437,409. That ln, the average annuel linias, utf ependIturis in the lent elgbl yeere bac bien $90,573,785, or aunaggre- taeeincriase ut the stapeudousato cf $72-000.280 ln elght yeersaua compare avith h precediug foutein yeara.' Tieftcxpeudiîures, counthur lu the pos- tl ontliys andl lte equiremieuts cf lte pubîlic deht, cal for abount ualt a billion dollars enct esr-ne ofid thle vbul, volumetîoutour tune>' lu actuel circula. lion. tav , tbe vonsajî Mrs. MeKiniey aI tlara1 hall, CORN.SURNING STATISTIC8. P OMfciaI* ,éatisation le De Made bj, 4% Nolbssha 81*1 Board. The Nebrasta Stale Board et Trans- portation bas bien eugage for cevoral da,'i la collecting figures sbovlng lte nuaisr et fermer$eoutheb Stalevbo are nue- burnlng corn for fuel. The, cce- taries are sIc. mating su estimale cf lie quanlil,'et of al wbich hie, coru borners uvuuld une If lie,' couid gît itlalu xcbange for lte corai.These figures ans 10 ij use,] lu au effort lu gel e niduceal-rate for ont ehipmeutnte fcouadin al ipaents of coal fremthle ralîroade. Tic secretanis tIbluthle,' can ashow lu lb. railroads telt tie lucreaaid business uhi e-h Ubu brougil lu titis linos wyul psy tien bt maite a redction lunlb.hemise, As Il now -l1% ti. farmera cannot afford te eilp tisir coin, and cousequentli,'thoW,'hé%*c. mopq e-t vilcitlobe,' sa. ne var- suif. » for su the r«&daaim cfÈlessI liaI 1)iWe le c. baulaenmo r e éeul lie fermes IILE or PRESIDI -1 tmmediatt'ly atter titi resding ufthti journalinl the Sonate II4tsty a mes. Inge e-as recelve, f rontlthe t-tveruor, ast- ing titat hebbo sthorizeil to barrue-lte muni ut $2750O,wit iitt wieiltalu uPt tite citrr,-n c XpeTiM"ý of the 'l:aee. lunlt. i-oure î,f a cuillroi-ors>' coverung the :tliý; nt:tt-tit oft î-lrk, Seoîi ,tien. '-itriio f the l'îîittittc utîîîî Public t rouIxttî' anditBuldings. taîd *rThe îpub- l. bitldiighave tntt eti cliei-kttd tii tur ithe pa. t tii'i yh e -aru. 1 haieiti- niti t is frin tii ~iny q tart rma t atht-ce art- a lot if îli-k'thieves %tatre Iplay- utg ipouuntte reve-tiîs utlii the tti-attd i nuii giig tiistoip il if 1 ,ati. Iinut ast tifoir a (ivk,- but I1Muîu ual, fir att ex- î.î't ii-ýiiutittlit t<,i e-u n, ii,'thle bttoks uf tc lit' rg xi-rIState iuttituttint." 'lThe ne- quii, et î a îrante. VThe joint lreitluotion ilTirt'îlly Seutitor Sîtcha askint;Con- gi-listii revouiiz, thti'belligcîucry ut <'ina as tîdo1tel. Inite Ilouse saîmes- sange front Uov. Tanner m-as rcceived ask- ing for authority lu lirrow $2.50,(0)te l panlially ut-elt te exiating tleficitttîy in t'te Sîste reventue. Mr. Stoskopt's resaîji- tien tsvorinc te passage by Cougresuf lte bill increanin te lis, ut ruiliway mail cerks wts. dopled. VTe Seuate bill tp- ptnipriallug $52,OOO lu detray the cexptues of te Seçretnry ot Stale's office and te office outhlie (,overaor uutii .uly 1 vas îîasmed. w-itlte emcergiuucy clause. ITe tiovernur transmitled luelIte St-ual- 'hrmdtrtay a maîesuage roîîtuiîîiîg lte fol- lîwittg netdineuts for te Illinois anl .li-iigan cuitaI rontuissleîuers: C. E. .;tiisty tif ' succeed J. M. WNalutit, retigiîod; 1V M. Bryou of Stlreatiir, i u,---elkIt (erilem; llîîîvîrd 0. ilton il lti, kfiird. tii uv-eed 'rhontas Il. ('tit tiiît. Seaatîrir l'tplctou's bill autiiorîz- tîz te ioveritur lInltirroîv $250d,000 %ras f aioraîly e-portiutlb> te Apîpropriation Cliuittee. îî tii the amuendient luit the motiîoy bho rrJÎweil for nul longer thn tiio yî-ars. The bll! ias renat a secoînd lime and advauecd te lte orden uft tiîn rî'adiuig. The joint commitîce on u cui preuented ilIsrepiort, fixinîg tite nues ot tho sesiuln the scame on tiosc tuti-h governeil the Thirly-oiuth Assenîhty. The report waw aadopttud. Ilute inuce lte Senato jinjtî ri'týîtion prouiding for ndjourn- meut tîntil 5io'(loi-k Muîiday uflennoon, un necutnt ut Lin<'oln's birtitday. e-sa cou- curred idi. Severul bits@avere Introduceal. Tte Sonate met Mondsy ettirnoon nt . o'clork without a quorum prisent. Be- fore lte neading ot the journal uts con- eludcd an adjouraiment vas Itea. Titi Houmîe met ut 5 o'elock, but remalned lu session ouly a fetv minutie. Bileere iîîtrodnced as tniiows: To enable park t-onlmimssîoera taoeiil lande nu longer neoded for iark pifrposes; smeuding te Ola s,- by striting nul aH parts outhlb set liotining te country schuol bouses anid providlng ltaIt teglag shall hi un- foi-led uîer tite buildings mentiuaed lu te lav oui>' un national itolldays; te pre- vent coal mine eluployes trom bilur yul- fully and traudulently depriveal ut vagis carnet] b> ltent:providiag lt atjustice@ ut te pence shial bave original juriadlc- lion lu aIl cases ut mlademeanS w en tbe psîîlshmeut ia hy fâne nut ezceedlug $20 ar iniprisument not exceeding osi yosr la the count> julil, sud sito lu cases of es- unitt sud batlery sud affiays ia whici thte peuple are planîiffs. By a resolullun off ered ity Mr. Morris tie Speater vas au- horiseal lu matre additions ta the. .loe-lng eoremittees as lndlcated: Judiclar>', 1. rail- roada, il; municipal corporations, 3; @du- ration, 13; parksaud boulevards, 2; reve- nue, 2; drainage sud e-alere-aya, Z A message e-as transmltteal te the. Sin- ate Tuesday by titi Goveruor conlalulna lte tuilowlua appoiatmeuts ut trustees for lte itospital for te insane et Auna: James Mitchell, of Marigu, lu succecal John Juitusquire, resigued; Samuel Hast- inge, ut Cuiro, lu cucceed Thomas W. Ganuon. îvffose lerni haexplred; LU Kra- goff, ut Nasetville, lu uucceed SeuIl Mat- Ibm-se, vio does nnt posaess the tinal uf aiity needeal for lte discharge outheii dulies nequired ut hlm, Tie appoint- monts weire coallrmed. Senator De-yer's garbage bille-as liassealBuis vire, lu- troduceed lu affect îievuled rallnoad ser- vice; restrict sale ut cigarettes; lu deflue trusta; lu place primary elections nuder centrol uf eleclioti commissioners; tu pro- hiiit ulicera ufthtie several Stati institu- lions trot entî'rtaiîîlng lteir guesta ut tîte expense outhlie Stule; lu coutrol tele- pîhone charges, and matiug lte Chicago rate $54 per yeux. lI the .Huos, then $24,UJO lnuat billtuas deitlea. Ainend- mieula were rejecte,], atd lte bilad- vtineed toetird reading. Mn. Sharroct'i btill itroviding tuaI "nu persan shah hhalo te ofice of Courilj Judge et brlitelîgîble titireIn e-ho shah îlot et thtetLtm, ut his eleclitîn ho a lue-yen holding a licous. regîîlarly obteitie, trot the Justicea of lte Suieene Court uft tiis Stat, more tîtantiiio yeurs priur te hic election," fitilei]ltu jipas. tesolutions reupectlug lte deattitoutConratd Wilkenlng. a tomber ut tIti Thirty-eigitlh Aaamhbly, ivere of- fi-ne,d hy Mr. K-9u und adopted b, a ris- iîîg vole. On mutionaut Mn. Morris lte lioiîee, ont ut respect lu the mentor>' ut the deretseal menuier, adjonrned ta 10 u'luct Wednesdaty mornlng. Bis New@. Ex-Governon McCreary of Kentucty nov lla the tiua. uoflepromtnlelvee. recenlly made.u an eet effort ta carry out a enlemau promise ho had made lu s ynung correspondent repreeentlug e Kentucty papier. The corepondent (says lte Sun) complaied tlita ,vas nut procurlug tront Mr. licCrear,' r.8 inuci nevra 9e4buottunghit ho cught lu have, sud tbld hlm c.. "Vin,' veli,*' lte Cougresaman la oaid ta ibave ne- marted "lte next time you mnit me, 1 vIll ivte yen aomething you ec entiou lu youç papen." Tite,' iet a iîw dayo bler andllte Congresmnu sald te hlmu: 'Yon cau telegnapit yeux puper titat ex- Govennor MdcCrd.ry to-day lied a loua9 and earneul consultation vîit the duc- retary ut lte Treatur,'. Huya,' rotl hlm just as b. vas comlug out of lte Sienultarys office. -lie declne ta le tala the. nature outhlie consultation, but ad- mîttedl Il as pertuctly uatlsfactOry botlutlte Secetoary and blmseit," Velvel le maiutactured b,' picng lu

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