Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 26 Feb 1897, p. 1

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Charles Gallowa. i.o iptgI. bs- WIJON A C, ok,oai LibsrAyville, and TheectmU Ithe bseoudd« 0 te i.S.PerdtMApo a dvs I *Over Lovi's*Pugtore mms.Lally A. Eavley, c1 lirrinsie., country boive.. the Ume ti Amans bis téa Marola.O Il ava.îvaWznares. & vre ua4wedlwussrilg04abiai nomn flrtmguqwioaad biot Pnidemt- Miss Jsnne,. WuihlgbA Io vile - Iliol um. *lbrury 13,Sl»7,etthbe rmised McKiey teslM ta le vtvldly OU40bêt rt f 4 asis-ck ville._llinois douces ofMr. sad iae. M. W. Towneud, peiramyed lnanartsicleby SispbflU »- a-. S D mmouid, ci Chi Dr J L AY OR aMoigton, 1KIL Tbe ebou vasVisike fo Abs Mas bLadies Mes. vldâsi tu &i bis Plae perfrme by oi.à».M. Wmt«, 0 jou»#.Intetasof-WbeaLinau loha Wells bml nove on the: ovrrr« &r .L A L R efeud ,Ev a.M hse Jouau. y eiiute "he Lnolu'ilefs iM ih ove Trggs£ TylO'..AbsM. B. Chantât Mails, Ili, aho la sa FIsA luaagnraed" Mr. Fiaks WîîîisPo . it ng b. -HO Sa. et Absgroom. Allai tic graPbialilydewcilbOO Mr. LIu-eol8aut.Mal r. ad,%. W. E. Pc,.r a Brêdva oposit Par taual oaslnaiona Ahe g<nts re. Journey tir. sSpringfield, fil., ta Walsh. .Vnuiéimvebtp Lleryvll, îlnos. Pastrd t h. dieleg rilons vhoie a iagtami, sud th. inci«d 9the IsAsus- Y. Blou'. bpmoAn tacieri Libetyvile. llinis. bouffli IreposA aitwu Joyed by&Iasilluation sud attendant tsIviàiles. ai., sdud *. C. X. Werden Unir. Tovausai proved ta bc a oharu. Tbure vere grave lem th" îinai u olailf ins ieh.sirivd a al Dr. E. H. 8MITHO tsIultas sud cuibutedsd cito Wtaold bo se.. d an-ha trodae lu th.e.£-A.-GOldl*g tuilb5Od dcua tNIT bs pleasare sud delillst of Aboaspies- inauguralproetationta tle eapitffl,sMd themaisurore hul atPalali**DrugStore ok en.Ateurtbonis eul enjoymeui every posible pimeauUAle5 ahm hvas a yota(7ladj aho cau ll wves sent nt thToweaendboule aller toirbis mloAy. Mr. rVlsks oil seanuinebocf 1Mr. sud ira. B. lIber iSOVuw i a. a &ýsd 1ite& . @ a. A.. b b e bapy ocupilatoi Ab toithe mie guarda pladitaround Abs sAisi et a bei. Ube»rtyvIlle, IlinIois. futurbhome ta Lîbortyvîlle, wbsrO a Preaideni. Speloe i-sOaudeet. ThO outertolamenî gitven1 w- osi tfrîsad sooorded âabs. s royal jeus lin i us loibsa siree m ~atoola Oreood hall Moudaj welomse. ThO INDEVEIDRUNT jOing 0innmer nsn he 1d U We aiaocas@ Ee H. P. E ING M. D vloînule.usD yera ~,illî.~ad i naibra aengAh.erCya Aat l..beirvs >Mad r-ed. Ji. P EWIG M.D. wabinthem any eareof tn&11)yeded the sîdevalkas, and mhrpabeolsip The. W. R . .ave abskto Rockefeller. III.. ' biln. m>cuped positions of vasileil cm Abshe. A. B. linlent Thui'sda and 96."224 oor*«th01 P 0.boumtapa, etc.. along Abs route of lag. 'W. E. 1 41 01aaas" ase -mS U. l lcrsuI UP* oodTemplare Convenurse. . mltryesT c b he recoilpt. Vers &bout $10. 1~ISA .f1 iP ~dtS.W The Lie Conu <bong'TemPisia id,,t Mt vlm bs.vty amati W&» iseA vill bc repre bai ivo lneaseions at Wankeffsa rSMy t p pc.y met y hosileliton 111( oDt wLleb0- r.H. 0. B. YOUNG. sai<may vî ie aadsucem nt eseb demonsatios, sud Abteasvere day svenl ofet hi. veek. D, P*sM&lclan and Surgeon. sualon. About Aeiy-lve delegates kepA a distance trounAUs Preald eta bilA. JIMMIOsuad kee p n e La.outabldsofet tii.Waukogai représene-a- riage-~sin, fr tag Aey coutilot lion. ~usa cccrr IAUA ROU~~ ion tvie prenaIt. Thtoratorteal <cou- diauimlbM1r. Lincoln Irems1Mr. lon. A masquemde on rollier sia Clam.,---------lll~a. saivasgirn U. oauau, bo odebesde lm.Thebu giron le Oaklaud hall Friday Ourea- -- -Ilinis WA insAve ohnnwoektr a sbaDla * r deUbasde bils. helus, March 2. AUlare lnvhled. At woocor ter ws bbie"poile *r a. e t reti]Golding bau a tui lieso!r de O. F. Butterfleld M. . C. ans. Profi 6 t. 7 tomlber vas orno . ia< gopprobrlcus Aresi The WaDeoeda braut baud Wittl V 1tEUAAa uT SiIOKON AU» ouua. ervait. AtI8 I ock &hors vasa publie àagali r. Lincoln, or alAmrilg di> ange * .. ~ umAhig opesd by a piano'solo by loyal seetiments. The tension vums Fred Wyckoop tort tLe fBrt ______________________ suee Juiflmatoloym by . <saianiAbs bol ooutr vu fer Bige, vhere le hma MienJeate Jnagentatoaitby e- gestandthé ills cuntr vos eployaient le a bicycle tasoî, Dr. . V HAR EY, fmark* 1,qH.B. i. 1,tf til<boed. lu a stag etfauppromadexcitassent. Waykoep«aI bc giealy mit Mr .V A V Y is. tepheus. Ornaid Supt. oet- --- _ Ibis plue., as le vu be leade DENTIST. fause oik, msde asaddrliteeon Notice ta Osrman Lutherana. Waaeeuda baud &Bd AbsCaptaiu (». .. 8,1do sdPose..ts; a llpeelatr. t IsA dspsra he AschoirOfet A b e Th arni= uLubi »lna" W5Ueelldsbase bal club. - 011105 HOURS - iMediab BaptISA chureh randered AearcdLlyfr ktmli ,1Thura wOl Lea cdîme social 1,tc tiA.I inm. lssd? tar.»M sanctons.,u e. amufolwdoss dLbtvURceelr alUaheas cl 1r. sud Mra. lIa Bo. aUan!oloedDay sud adjacent lavas are requemtési Saurdat, qreeiug, Fmbs. 27, 1 rayslake - lflnols. wth an address on tLe evilc of lu.e tedteGr»Ltersasr 9j a"cu ___________________tsnîpsraucs. 8. A. Hatiioru responded vices tabu bel4 la AbsUnies chr 5, ~bU<&**nt nî bcur r' ue n Aca AVS. yu appropriatte rennarése on the sae Ubeulyviie, Buuday, peb. 30h, ai . lefor OU d"dîna ~~~tapie. FOllOalng Alia bere vas n a c ukumeue.M.M ase,&liiitay ugAha b ig @roa"qfàqw40 Cntevaft 0'elckla lL -rih v"YaM.B& , u dde* .ml=eouAta Ah" : . : siîe, of the Iodgs aud two candidatesa p"ost cf t « <Jerat ersa olaieh blane vhiejip ated la orne -amiu «- ee Itutti* et Waukega, viii somet sarvicse l oeq*, ciY. <Jant.« 1^t u The ImezA Couaty Convention vin bu *chal«@& g dgsud la dmar«oafins vu cmy b t ,is i 4VINgoIPtWIE Mèsnew OY sdaiEcktleofatra, !seeuring a large silsmisace mday, vus laii almm ei ou c. , iLs he28th. The uu= O$ s<veu1 Obtuarv. .t .wauac diltbs Dr. A. L. TRAVIS. The lateMiàs. John Murphy died TI cele. __ *i meithebu ~e A»g 7 »*.E tT s a Ps. a. lebruosFry 10, 1897, at 1h. home ef be heladies t o LbuqtvilIs Labu hi Tc iled *le mtahu ou idta Ahe daughtsr, mmi.a. .Davis. CeDltsry Asociation te i. qm< o~ ru<. oumuskon cubaiW Htte bei EeUMU. MI lotimaimibsycud Abs afloed a iiUlbelf0 A raePIL LS il 99!uMhave asit Tm lW~ol. paa. Hep vua pilgriluiaeesi<ve thesak 01c Ilaum - -- - ftour amore yeus asud fom., lier miusimaT- I fI 0 iBlobe b&&$a"i>l -. P-AtLDains vas$Mary Dunn. Blue vasbora lght. Plb. 27. It viii slso bu repose. MgnY 01 crou, Yen 0"s PPM4 't PcOUFFIN, le Coauiy Mumigh&n n he AsorAL o ed i h. nuittein Lbertlvlillo. Pal"40o a t fl01 "'i5ehe Awq.ilbaio I a. itabîî !~ous a IUSCongh Curs renlae en o&C@»mlr MLaw frinat, bing(ý!Scoch xtrctin, he'large audieiieea lIai ataays 'jrack îîlgp aosne aquiebi asnl16,F NOTARY PUBLI Mdl lu "ssirlie bomme a s umber, thlI Isomat'Uai Is mirtb pievekîng Isugi. May hse aisAlcai the protestant Epéiacopaî <hurt-h. lin cOmedy attis ls. menwOrt a M "iea -4D thbti I.'. U. L *spasial teamtm glivseaCollection& emp wih berLuaad elecoleprod<ue.'* ;;70; ,sud 0.G. <L>hsrte, WTa sàd Cnveyanclng. to merslu 18M<. lFor ten Jeara rebto cirne OvrszTiilLas CannT BAUX, chiicago vwas ber home, lu 1546 tala PohbtonCnerne * brtWvllb.. Illiils. active, ergetile acuan sud lier hum- A Prohibition Couuiy Confoiencu baud a oalludstrous asa, ride~ ss cidin Abs court Hlous aiWau. W. H., MILLIER.* Lomesfor theniven in(<itllier, ilis kgaltMna.Tesai is TT?4Olil.AL ARTIRT, couaiy. Wth the exception t three oui men sud vomen trouail parts 01 Whi«ayoit vauttss unbave. or aàvîieru apemi la Libertyville yuL hber the conaty, vho are lttsrested luue . <ged bar eut oeil on .-110V, dangbiter, GUllier vas ber home for ovemnoni vich Last as lia Oljot Abse CuolC3 BAa14Da OF CIOARS. bal a century. lAbo Isavea Itrie.abolition«o aitlàlquor trille. Tfiey lieu deeir v. C. Trise Siue stooe daughtersandsunesliou ta norl AlirbâiLadntseLenth uaas., sud the speech- una Ro oosifa -"r), ilssgm.lots. The day bef.ire aile dîed lu re. su mil e rsfull oft ire asuIdotermelu- ____________________ply ta the ciuextIon, -Are yuîl airaid tlon. Mornuo, aftsioon aud evoli to dieo' abe repled, -No, 1 an net leir maios voie weon aAouded by en- LAKE 441§4afrald go dis. Whiou GoIf ci£ nid 1hui&stie audiencesa, vbo listens-b ai- tlCOUNTY iarnvIlliegtogo' Thfnralermont<nti vey intheticrouslngspeh. IBANK . . . ...,&lut As tàtdisl echute,,, iDausiond MILLBU RN. & Lake oemetery ail tatla mnoria telo ls nosl A d=&ago B uuday olie Wrght, Parkhurst &Co. ber resta, outil theo uriiig ofthe he Zlu Chioru da ourftu e Uietvm.Ilinois. r»surrection. Mettea. E0 T. Taylor sud E. A. Llb5l7YilaMartin speat Mondsby la Chicago. 0 Mr. sud Mr&. Elmer Cannn e et te FOX LAKE. Wusodtock MIaurday, reguraing Mou- issues Interest-Bearing The Svlft C. Lave fluished fllilng clair. Certificate« Payable Utisar largeiles bonaneautiDeep Lae. ira. 1). 1. Taylor la viaig ber li- on Demand. Ma» Brown vas Nemmahing for Ue graed daughlsr. MlsthJaumiou ltu ________________________Mra. Louis LoLde111. o! Wudmsî, 1lut Chicago. veel. Mm.. Herbert Watkina vas callsd'tu Mnning, Ieva Monday by th deuits M..Mi. Stras«g, ef Mlîaîr ason Oui o ia,. Cha$. Vaupatens USAIsboy. MM elado " tracts on day tast vs-k pniehaslug 1fr. Colomn, cf UL. Forest, ropre. five aeck. eaUte b.Aierisu BlemSociety, Winter Blankets, Quit. a number frinlbore lulound ta o cpied Abs plpîl beim Suaday. lac. FurLapRobs, attend Abs uiuqusrade bal ai AntiîceL ioniser w v aed Preldent, Darrel FurL pRobs, moaday -vnsag. Mînto V. P., sud Min. D. B. Taylor A. Krwia made two tripis t l iBI ec. and Trou. Heavy Pur Coat e tacok sud purebased two nev vals The conce iveulysilethe ehurch WeItalah acelll vni f b .son m.e bqesfor bisgoi.ameiy. la"A Thnrsay vas oue oi h. ment 00qu~ fgNsA. jeu hoâ uld o ailEn snssud Anule Olgot visaitd lrt-ols ntets: meia fol houa., sntasukdlsplsyed b relatives sdot riends neai Woodeck andi eveiyoe more tatastisiai. _____ let A vek Thadsy and Frday. The smouui realMi vason 3.35. CH4ARLES KAISER. M. e. Wiener se Mr..-AMie ae Everyunfloshould @s. ba voadarfel »sese rrr ilaMestsli. ratiy éclémovng ta LiberAyvUle. W. are mery mngîcacOPe eps6iaietblLi hventci, eâb&IAasdl. tLîuitbhsia M ftîosetisd. tfologe. Abs.,but testlassurai Abai oui1Mr. A.9. set Tankaçn rcse la Libertyvies gaIn. _______Bcc. ________________________ lie. Knoll vas ealled ln ElgIsi luti uu SAE RISUS -- . -- -Tuesdayby Aie acioui;ilhasas o! Ler ivuca Wv Ao a nn u. Sb , ard Tirnes If jot' buY a %ou CLaiIsy.:lti la'K e ttd tua Jciii sotlusnaud w tePatrk.icjainan ggodYtrm in'Centml Wisconsin ber %-îni,Joo and <George,. iii Cbinge Cisrian w il. ~.a$,$0or S15 pert ore. '",he isvr tura. a I'teany a ................iy'.. e lu 26 ltomeS@Il u2iWuWd...,.5 à#srod sol, vster' ronds, echoobs, )r adL Sîllu îelîca<.nlewelun 1 sàIlB oD "i !ou and jllnty of them. town. i., vas Aîubled yuL chetroule l Il ici Cirym add tu i1.iYItont Wl _s , fercir thrty jeas. le *ar,-lage. Llcéoitas.. el om ud Clark <ounties art not dia <rnStnty sîalefori a .'A Baiiàdy DeÈerý." . wil go uait îuînue atl i i uthiâtre cILl l,> iilsl t. i-. ...... ... tr<~lip to Coct hif R. B. fate, fbe voîld have Au ogiveo p. Me led iiuCnît.V.l.- biesa lre.diedl'y saime oi Ue.boutal ,,,hsrt.1liHinhilatîPark. 'flo tRuis u sle. country whis physir <sua là i Eîinpéundt Aineri-là ubut Alumut..C.I . fPrk ........ f~sr n ara makes part pay- g,& no vsumltnent relief. n<17îe<ta êlundur......5 on lnd i yot bu. ~ pi-kecit op a osvspaper sud chsnoed u -. .. ... .n qMtfor Lake Connty. CtI or ii Colle, Choieirait soi-ud lriom. _______ a emedy. lis gel s bo#lie cf Jil, lb. -Wf* 9mapu, tri, lime etc. ilrat tom. bellpmd hlm sud iliacou jepn LO sSr.paa4i bu over sud ( llnednue cared biais. Forie oe Slp've yIl C111s,1 enJ. Longabaugh -Aé. If P.à. Lcvent, Libertyvlll, J. 9 UMd- LIE O"Sdý rayslak Ilîlinois. lsoboft, <Grne. leAoOn aler I TYVILLE.' $1.50. in Advance DURING ro Chi.Wynn's losing Sale iHarden i par.w part of T. future. TIieir(iroeery Dep't is iloing bti sineîsa ut owest pricos. »by girl. Iiis a Shamrock Four persack................... i.10 ttn etShamrock Flour per Bbl .................... 4.25 teago bh Evaporated Apples per lb....................05s iman. li California Prunes per lb ..................... .05 by the Carolina Rico per lb ......................... .05 I& evn 3 lb. can Club House Tomatoes.............. .10o Elyar-35c Japan Tea per lb ............... .25 -wi 'a 12k lb sack Pure Buckwheat ..............-*.25 &eUo nv .' Best Dairy Butter per lb.............. ........ .1 8 Yoïst Foamn 2 packages for. ................ ffl IoBr'-Ah-Oviner Gooaîs-'iquaIIy asLow. sltumes. ýl urnisté Cor. (Jene-gee and Washington Sts., iof the WAUKEGAN. oecured 3ry. Mr. --i l'a QUENTINS CORNERS. GAGES LAKE. inoftb oLe Oi ter achool closes iiweek. The Ladies' AdSeoymeegsa yuL Mfr. E. Quentin, 01 Fairfield, made a M--. Olà-Umo =Terd iheid at buainesseiaU i the cornera recently. MIma A&da iseeer visited et home [Immoed 1Mr. D. Litchtiold and danghier mnade (rY5 Bâtuirday and BSndy. for the a pleasantmoel atthesCornera Sunday. M lu Miaule sud Normal (10mb.,ni h. lu- urihd The latenuitbetwsen Fritz Fisher and Chieffo, are vaigai tMm ia.Wlma. XtlhdCha Ul. vas decîdsd IDLytîestavor. Eum Me N atinad enaGu1- lieC. Bora, ta Wn. Wlebarteansd vils, a more, of Chicago. vWfld Air parents a)hsto a soit and dangbier. Ail are doing vaîl. Bunday. '0 of tee 1Mr. Hlenry liesse, of Barrîegton la Mm u ape loLsbe ,ahouas. maklaganezlended visît atJuo. WittIs. via agire dale, wbas eu bU tAhe The Ela Bras Band mnsaquerade wuvas r ho» la 1eva.1 Le hoi not a <reesincesn. onaceouai oi bad NmAIle Sayder wtgvas a r bYA.roa.prisa gtet iryen saur.i b< the Mim AusaquentinbLasbeau aufter. b t.g er eighiee liUlidy. Itemby Ing troux a »"»er attack of eciema Lut Mfr. Lyle Hughes, of Lake Villa, twl eua lav- te DoS btte.<iv. au ntertamuuiteul Asebroh siectioiia. Mr.Oe. Baker, fgr., torm srly o! ALleaturditdy evmung, Faot. 27, for the isers hi- pluce noir of Premons, la q uIt. lteebte bernateof the Epworth Loans. Ad- li MT mots inpiogent vrîuug mission SMe (Jaidren l60. c Tbsy arc miams'lt tthr-% 111)1soa M(any Cameof -.rippe" bave lately me ai sem kIent, tblhsl ame BDbe e oud by 0. mine CongésCui». iow I&M1 ciconitpetion, basdsoh ud tari d adaplta l.thecure cf ibS <U as@ . It is e Ahir ,O,,er jiek i t tii... Thaila why e- asesqulekî1Y 'bus Prevemln "reinu 117 ie lt a-n innlute spIllç. P. B. LI)VELL, tis dîmeaste olleikloueste Lsumim L~Lbr- Libertyvllle, nnul G. C. RoarniraWaàu- F. B. LoycLL. Libeilyvîlle,aae.. autooida. couda. RBERTS, WaUoUdàk. FRED CROKER. -Mèrchant Tailor 1Ihaveafine line of Pant Patterns rheyv are Beauties. Fit Guaranteed. OVER LAKE COUNTrY BANK, - - - -ILLINOIS. - . ..- a V. No.'O. Libertyville, Lake County, IllInols. Fsfay, February 28, 1897.

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