8TBA IRUMOR 0F A ROUTE SY STEAM- 8l41P TO VEMEZUELA. cenIvai la £emilatlug a 11400M. tableget. taThalut Ce.utry-OMeaus Mae uai. StaêltL.. Ta.1h.t O. Venemneisu CeamuiliHeruars Mluhard là auttoiti fat the -statemeut thet te Illinois Cenisqi joa&I, bronghitslse- tendl teight ao*4 buget a#ent, Geurgse I.L ary, jla elaidineu.the cataebOlMent ofaà mtemaah# 4e e itwea Mcm Orlean and Venezut*n gotim.Thét. po"aet lt muniS tenu ïo port oethIe regutirtuIllinois Central gsma. Cunsul Meirîbard sud Mig. LU>' bave accurunialed a mass otf fg- ane .lu reterence holite project_ BugFui Isteresaansd ollie lr sge-eoucernoi ln the ilàslsippi vailey aressaiS lo belunteted la the projet. P1'nieslit Fish ufthleq Ilinois Central ay-s Ibat be tas beard inothing et such a plan belur een talkcd .1. oOue canet telli itibse yvpors etort,'o aîd the rsiiroad presideul. "But t<àmars ie th. prement oeeare likel>' te erçP eut ovmna teou location. I[t ap- praxis te tho tetile fane>' thal me couid 101tepln gond shape mith Mexican roado b>' lie unseof et s ecin IÏIDIANSb ARE QUIS?,. Motets Bte ,:MaOU, Beirove, Neti' X»4t 7 o ~a . ev.. néesa" à aitîe man ilil . aS mon lua àquarnel Ibere ins lu ot an InSisa raidl upon unprotected whbite selera lu the vi- eliit ftii. place mien. lte mîlmdr irrI dose, a fiiag. adoe miles train Ver- magtou, New. Tire ulliîisrueuo-cru or. tereil te ta la readlnets to assemble Ut tie armiorie@ wibm surmeoned. A specel train, mt lb. locomotives fired up, mas keptin luvtiag l nlgit. It lassniitai Uic Indian police nt tLe regervatiun grev-1 adImirpoent lte reitiain tui Suai>'bleit-1 rem troru goiag ounte waiptt.SituaIS1 lic situation Le feuni serions b>' Adt.1 aluaha t@ famills o e it ulers la tic valle>' iilILehasent tlte .teivus et Vrlur- ton sud Waituska for protection. Tituro * la ne mre Letmecu Yeriugton sud Wa- tusa, mhlci la thirteen mles froru the latter point, and Il la tourteen miles f rom ticre tlte b.ian camp lu tic Muntains bor-deng Maou valle>', mailng s round trip ut Oft>-four miies te Le covered on horeobaci b>' coudrn. Ttc numiter et Inditas lu tbm tate, accordiug te a core- podent, is stimated t betireen 15,000 a@WS 5000-4,000 Pintes sud 1,000 or mors Washoes. Ths number ou Pyramiuilaie sud Walker river resenvation la picecd at 2,500. Norelh tiers anc about 150) Plaites le Masosvmley, aud mili those aIlbthe rvaqon Uie tiLaould musten a formidable, vell-mrmed forcelu case et bosillitiem, The. white popuation et Ms- @en vsiley, ontaideofe the town's et Yen- tgon sud Wabbtia, ln eutimaled ai 300), sud dîspotcea ns eceived etated their livra sud propent>' are lu jeopard>'. Tbe Ne-1 vmds guard Comprises %Tevo apanica ot letanti>' ad oaa atter>' et ilier>. Theg Rleno gusnd ila quipped mtb s gatling tua, but th ariSler>' Company han oui>' Ime antiquated mamool-bore gens ot lgh- toen poun ralilLer. Inauan eregncy 500q voeunteers et the rirbl ratertal te taie1 thc fielS coulil Le raseS on ttc Corstoci lu a few heure. Mini ut thera anc old Inilan fjgters anS stili telS a gruilge' agfalast the Pintes for sirocities Cerumit-1 ted lu 1800 durlur îLe onu lu Huruboldt Count>'. A message f romruGCe. Sadier ameta that thte Indians are n-ow quiet. CLAIMS Bit WAS BWINDLED. De#ver Bicycle Mon Causus Arret Foen iperte. Jack Davis, J. W. Flynn. ChiarIes Biey- muids, ('harles Stewart, .J. C. liames andî F1rank Plison tare Leen irrestedin laDen- ver andl at Colorado Springs, on cierges ut ceuppirne>'and gratiS laicen>'. TLe roruplairiant ta Geoile . Ilinunan, a oeil- iuoon bicycle denier, lie bei $10,000 miL i'iereou titBerti eitaruka erui de- feautPaul iielein e llm-lile bicycle race. lames o-ns stsireiolder anS Divis, Flynnsd IReynolds assilalc lu arnangiuug tht match. Juil betone îLe tour for te race Banksa vies arre-IeS eut n uumpeu-up charge. Rieie iouleoverte course>alonc aud Hamus turneS oîen $200W stuces te Indiesn Wonsan \Vînhs a Divorce, At Cuthie, 0I. T., %Initie A. Stew-art, a hait-breS sage Irniean, bas Ced a mait tor divorce lu tht Uruiktd States Court égaînut James Stewnart, an nt6r. 'The plaintiff allures titat tic detenîlant la nom ou the stage ln Chicago ands thue liv- ing ies. Sire funîber slleigem Ihat te marrieS ber miii> omt a wmUScat tiets- icai corupani anS chrated ber ont et $4,-q 000. Thc plaintif ositti a divorceaSd Sm00alimon>'. Millens for Nev ultiuggb New York arcitecesasd huilders have puardau nuila>' et over $125000,000 ton the constructien et buildings in that et>' duulng 190. Nemer bulteaIn the histen>ofothîe City' bas thc propomed expea- diltie fou nem buildings agaegated seo laffl auammuuul, ence the outionon o thillai mermen mas ucver briguter ibere.1 Ramon ta a Watut" Tic Chesapaie sud Oio mesl-bouud pasceger train encoantened a washont sgtl Portsmouth, Ohio, sudthie un- gaska, biliegansd express car, mail car ma" ans coch vere derailed. A. G. Stout, insperviser ot the Chesapeaie sud Ou., vs, ihici. The englacer, Oireman, mail cloch ansd expresa mrasènegci -uicail lu- jurci, but nul selousi>'. Ne AIOs aternlmuea Tiare, Tic Missouri Lwlsalure bas passeS s lai mhieh piohibaits an>' person trora soi oadaina surrisue Wiro us Dot a Cilleu et dUUMileS tates. No toreigu bibop or »elmiteas legahi>' perfenin the utarrlage eoey le Missouri auti h. ecorura n elaeet the Unitcd States. CuScied UKalgita Tentlar. Tlelceicoret Kabte Teaupiar cumman- dmSto*e United States bave organiseS plmii înandeny la St. Louis. De!. IP *fl êsevua districts vers present. gaI e e lIthr Sllomrero repuesented. smy-d.rlato »tZe r 4-aaa me umeals are ailnrislng*ani =b dot'; sensl utimi > mrtmnaie aear atIth Una logdedcdetr lg aI Pansama. Partcsh vas palS tac tie edigo, sud lhe balance. altbougb cabiai! ton, bail net arrlved mien the Uns mss loaded and ready teassil. Tiec aÉapteuQ tho pont nt Panama tbld Captain Hthns that If thc mener' duo masmnet poli immo,- diaici>' tic veael meuhldle siseS sud bo *pliOod lu JaIL. United Slalom Consul Gen- otal vlfqualis ujeegtp la>' igptain, aud, spcordlng le' O&tMps, Omil eu- oral Vlfqoaluadvient! bip te "elean eut." This counsel h.e obe>ed. Consul Géouerai Vitquain t s onvarded thc Uua'm 'regis- andr sud er doc=ieaâtat Washington. touscler wib hlm e port of the case, me Iht au>' daiime thi atler tilil test mitb.é 'cdeMal atbontlcs -sm ABSAVORe CI rCONOIRES.. Ahaasirs nezWante Tervitor>' te Be Orouffd One lHprbutativc. L. G.Kauffruan, a diector ot the Bousi- ness Mena Association otJuneau, Alaska, la lu Ssn Francisco asu te reprsentative et that organisation te urge thechnmber ot commerce te meaorllise Coagresa te grant'Aiaska oeereprsentative lu the légistive Led>'. Mi. Kauffruan says the commercial said minis, ntenestm of the geai4orthcra lerrilory src suffering turam tlk of etreprésentation lu Cengresae. lUc bam visitedS ieattle, Tacoma and Port- land sud the commercial bodies eft base eltiem have adepteS resciundons urging -Coure., le pssutbe biii nom, etore il gfv- img Alaska s représeutative, wieuigU tas been favorabl>' reporfed b>' lb. Coin- mlttec ouTerniolunes. Tht5fcer tlte San Francisco ciaruber et commerce boare given lin. Kntiltinn a ruemorial, ivhici, o111 le foro-ard tie uWitshingtorî nt oace. The cbaubor iili supplewet t is action et its Doiregular rmeeting. BIG PROIPITe OF hUEZ CANAI. Watermuy laNet Uned b>' Anertcua The business et the leur mast loseS mmm tii. mont reuueraiéeerrexperlenceil b>' ttc Situa canal, secoîdirra lu United Stages Consul Généiral 1'enllcld, nt Cuire. aud Uic traffic aigregaled éaienat $10,000- r000 lu mInue. Tbe numbur ut vesseis us- lug the 0ateros>' mss tweuly-seven less tita n lutitepreccding yenr, buIt teton- nageéo-as grenier and the canalrçpiptm mere enhanced b>' the transit outa rient nuraber et Italinu soiers goiug lu sud troîn tLe Abyssînian mai. Briish chips feul off lu nuruLen, but stîli made up lire- thîrds et the Igsaie, witeh erl. mnian shipping lu te canal Increaseil. Net a singlc hIp eariug the United States liau passeS Ibrougi thutscanal lest vent. Weyter Loir. s Point la Bis Came - wlth Cgezc. Gem. Génie% advanced ou tho Moton tuocha lu thc casiera end uofte iionS mii 5,000 cavaîr>' and 10,000 iatauty at midigit, and mien hieaiw ha mas dimcev- ceS b>' 1h. Spaith, bo fired on hlm, lh. ordered the cavaîr>' ta charge. Tbcy swooped doîvu ou tbe tort sud captureS It, sud tbe irtole army ment thiougb thé Irocha. Ail of thc aima aud ammuaition of lb. tort ver. captureS. Ne Bad Beau Loig: IîL lien. Afred Pleusoutun, une et Uic mont diitinjuisied cavair>' commandera et the latc o-ar, died ai hlm spartments lu the dreacon Honse lu Wamhlagtou Wedncs- day. Alfred Preasouten mmm heu-n ln Washington, D. C., lu 1824, graduated ai lie UnitedSthîtes Mililarj Acsderuy lu 1844, served ln tha Mexican mai, diS froutier duit agalust tbe Indiana untîl the, civil o-ar egan, and ile 101 egan tLe mont billiant portion ofet i litai-y cureer lu liai grat steugge. Ho receir- ei the brevet et lieutenant-colonel et An- tielain lu 1802, mas prurunled ruajon-gen- erai ef vulunleers lu Jue, 18ti, vus coin- mnuer-In-chief et Féderal cavait>' aI (lett>'abung sud mas breveled colo nell Jul>', 180 Trauafernad te MiOOM' ln 1864,lite cereS tt lale et rebut tiopse, and lu Match, 1805, mas revetied itaga- dier-génreisietfte United States armr ,for services luntat campaigu and majer-gen- utai tur services lbneugboui the van. Cen. Picasonlon resigacd trom Uic atm>' ln l» an sd mas United States roliector et Internai revenue forernré ear». Sub- 1-cqueuti>'lie mas président et thc Terre Haute andl CincinnamilBRail s'ermpany. lu May' 8, &ha mss placS on tic retiraiS liat i vthoetank af coonei. Unitd lstesu armny. lien. 1leasontou fer the puti seven yrese ied ived an aiment hanit,» lits le Washington, net meiviug ot et Meisaport- mentitaid ieuylng biaisait le min poinsg mive a tof etbisrmont loenuta»tloda H. feit thai ho hbdot t bean WM ltntc b>' the Governuet atter île dlis Uasd services l inte mas, sud ibis, togslber with i-heslt, preyed épabis amginsd ruade bum ratier eccentnIe. lm oWi>'aI-, tendsnte mer. big private seeîstay, M. Murphy, sud ficurictia Iteane, a taîtful coloreil nurse, irho mere i i hiben Le peausaisva. Diepej,-tb.eset eto ir11141und 111age Md Uic grib, causei te end. Oyat 100 Caban Prlatces,»est, A baud ot Spanimi guertillas le Pinar del itio province, la repotisi le bave cap- tured Uthe igbtsetfMontevant,- north et Ppalita de fwito, puttlng oser100 urbisu-to ah. @*eue tP *6 Ui priasersa p la lin*e; 4=1mallattmcpo mieltiberu dowm Ln eliblond, and iben put le deati thl.ebhlidren, tcserviug th. momen sud girls. mon* (or Bancs. Itla ldelunitel> settili t 4M. A, Hagnas viii nt go laIe Major MeKinîcysa cabinet. Mi. Himits sunéeuiedbai bhobideoer. minei te ramais la Ohio.,fne lii cotaie lne I.L@chMlýQre not mînter torte tull ternuinlb.theUnitedBttes Sonate. lu tact. Bannas supporters have already orgaulaci ils campoigu. Klîg Geais. at thc ]leu& A dippiètietu wAtitens gare lat Ring George h leo taie oommsud lu ersnor e Uic nortienuargot, ddiag Ibatlihols re- porteS te Lave saiS h. Prelerred te die le battie than te Le an exlied king, viic, accunding ta te dlspstcb, veuid le hbis tpite lu tic eveut tiat h lie i net taie-lb. eadinte cpréenMeaciis. AT DUErOI. sei-$siW7rt macce4à bres- e D.bi utt h. Uarriso-Powes'. Vre bu the. Gr..km. Itlin said that Mie@ fluideDueutrgi'. off nt.Luis; rtet ai i. Aiur Pues- trow, wbo wua hanged et Union, Mo., for the murder of bis olte sud cbild, eud ole beir te the Duestroir millons, wili bur>' herseit lu a Roman Catholtu con- vent. It bas tbeet: urrently belleed that ebc would marry Louis Trent, a TOnal sehool tencher et Trenton.,ID.. Wbo ls the nepheir ot Mine Sauter, lbrutannt, but.she sud Miss Sauter both auphaticali>' deny Ibis. Byi theterme of thea vili Un- da's annuity UIl L e $»,000i but sbeuid slle dia mithout Iasue the fortune là te Le devotud te certain eliaritiesn arurd b>' the eider Duestrew. Suie la net s Romann Catholle bY educatioti or heritage. Wbeu tbe beromes a nun ber annuuity ii go to tbe cbnrcb. AinDpou0HIutTUHiK. Foreign Wsrshlps Cuerce the. Insur- gÊenit, on the. slsnd et Cret.. Causa dispatcb: A fusillakde baviug con- tlnued sdure inoruing, despite the 'vain- lngsetfthe foreignasdmirait, the unllr'.l uquadrons bombarded the insurgent cnamp outslde ut Canes. At 4:30 o'clock $un- dey' atternoon I. M. 0i. Dryad, IL . . Harrier and I. M. 8. Itevenge, togetber witb une Italien, une Germen aud one Rua&" iuhl. opeud ire on the- Cretait Position obere th. Ure fBag wes bolet- ed somne dayasigo, snd mimcd tbe bouse heid b>' the Cretmns. Tbe ldag oas soion iowered and the ordeq, "cesse lire" sound- ed liter ton minugïi.Thereupun the1 flag m'as rehoiwted. Thetrrt-Ls aroni ocre crowied olit('retsos., The Turks, eticoniraged b>'te leet, oîîened a livrely fusillade wible the ('retons ocre reniovlng the îvouuded. Tihe Cretans Lad mnt re- plied during the obole performance. Il tvas a somuewbat nielancholy sud degrad-1 Jng gpectaclIe.'Tite fori-igo adrirals have 'struled Col. Vass, the commander of the Greek terces ounte Island of Crete, eftIheir Intention lu atlack bis troopa xvth four Men etof wr nchored off his camp, Axhiol Theodoroi, Rhould le ntempt le adrauce tate Iterior oethie Island. STEIL IIILLà TO IiOOIL Over one million Tousef Raills Bave liem Ordered. Tbe Iron Trirde Itevieir says: "The steel1 rail war mas briet end tierce, sud tLe eroCUtien 0'85 quite ailiIbat eeuld bc de- sired. Il laseft lesa>' ibat nearly $20,- MO00000Wortb et rail business le on tUic books of the. members et the laie pool, nesuly ail et il taken in Ove dys. It wc conut 875,000 tons of Pittabnrg sales, ln addition la 100,000 tous et tordeliders aud 100,000lonuet rails optioned te home Irade, and tate sdd 9510,000 ton@ Ishen b>' Illinois and 2000 tu 230%00tomts sold bi, £&sterm milles, m sha" have a total eof1,015,000 tons." netter Trade Pree»ecte. IL G. Dun & Ce.s Weely Revlem ef Trade sais. "A large increane lu the lron and steel business on accouai et saiu evering lght te tircive mentis' produe- tien et thee urgeni morks, a better de- msud for woolen goods audasitgbtiy better for cotions, a gain mbieb mai prove lest. ing lunbote amiaboes, sligbtiy belter prices for irbeat, cotten, wool sud Iean, and a moue>' markiet meilisdapted taeneu- courage Parebasaagninsitfuture Improve- meut la business, bave readured the last week more bepeful thau au>' other since carlin laNovember" M4ciley's Advisers. A Washiagton dispalcb aya that Preui- deut IîdKiley's cabinet oi Le e rganized as follos: Secretar>' et State, John liber- Maa et Ohio; Secretar>' et the Treasur>', LymnuJ. Gage ef Illinois; Becretary ofet War, Russell A. Alger et Michigan; Sec- retary oef the Navy, John D. Long et Mas- sachusetta; Atterney' Ceaurai, Jesepbh Ig- I<ennaa etCalifoea; tiecretar>' et the Interior, 3. J. McCook et New Yerk; Pont- master General, James A. Gary ot Mary-v land; Secretary et Â$ri'-ulture, James1 Wilson et Iowa. Bance Aeks for a million. Admirai Ronce bas sent te the Nayy De- Partinent a report for narlals million dollars' worth et k on hie ships. He c rives a detail tl idtoetdamages on board1 tbe sLips oethiesiquadron mrougbt b>' tbe stormi en route te Charleston, sud recommends changes lu almest ever>'oe et bis veasels. Elx-Pacanident a Pps. Thé auxionsi>' awaited advent et an belr ei Uic reaideuce et e-President Harrison et Indianapolis, Ia., took place et 5M3 'clock Bunday Meraiug, irbea Mrs. Bar. rison pretented ber dlstiluishbuabaad witb a daughter, a plump uitile cberub, iveighlng eigbt sud tbrce-quarters pounds. __,_ lp0491e4msDida't Teaipt Uer. 1i Ilotqmv ber conneciion witi lie Cat olltvent ot thc Sacred Heurt In et. Joseph, Mo., In ibict h. la s novice, Miss Carnle Jewmpl wi virelluquishl ber rigbt teu$25,000lait ler b>' er unele, Prodereck Taylor, the Newr York bunker, Wh irbo41a s eirdays age.. 1éî?t.6iatm8lamn or iMois sportsmn matàhlà Obicago te Protest aga eattIe Isse eofth cbill betore the. Wisoonst.Legiqature, mnich propgeste tax sn-resIent p* bead Tis blch ,b Evntziett sehool building laapai mre quichy i> ihb1 fev minutes thinltliee on titeir va> te Bartley in short ohies e- counits tte e t tr_ a- -bermsnas Uni abS. Ç~* ~ vu oonvylgabillot ndci- n nlt tesned hi the Transvaal as a te- suit Of. the Jarueson raid. Thc bille,h added, in dinidedsta tire beada.The fret &ski for tb. payment etf£977.iîa (au adin a açiteriai chbargie,Bi s cdeir the second Lcad the Transavaalenmis ton î,0OSOOOfor *'moral *su d itletud damage." Mn. Chamberlain tombter addis ltaI tbe demande doonot In)dihe cleziti.ý taste ririvatec daims urblcb mu bIe ad, vanc#d. The telegraw trousthiiltli agent aisma ya that the indemniti la te ie pald b>'te British Goveruinent, or caua- cd te Le paid b>' Il, appareutl>' suggestlugi titthlie Gorerum nt coumpel thé Eritisit Chattered South Africa Company' te Pair Il, or, la detoult. Ibat th. Utiesremmst mua ontot 4l italI. GO. W. ADIAMI Dix@. @ad EiauîofetasLits Filid wth etrsugse Contraste, George W. Adami, et Chicago, la dead b> bis ou-n hand. tic iv soeaur'rieurs ago su ulteralur on thte Board of TisSe, aduil îîrecenîl>' a bookkecper lu tbe eu- plo>'o utihe National Lluseed OliiComupany'. lie w-asttliti ex-9lderman, a descendant et John Quine>' Adanis, sud a maunirbo Ai une limte lS a vonîandiug liositiou lu ffeot>' tît isortuue ovetook hlm. do- nîr'tic troubles utarred big lite, sud, et iegt, îî-eu hie lont bis position. theres sweeted litile ciao for hlm te lire for,.fHe teck ia lite lunte office mee, uill ne- centi>-, lie oWts emltloyed. Tite ashtl muet hie tned lmbihua iglitt rfud lodranent lu h* basin, andti le ueri regained eon- Mrslrins . lt.Adamius o -s. > >'eara od Iand njul Leen wmuàthal e o n- itait>fer abtout ulîrve à cars. [t wssui>' teentl>'. wluen flice oeus alit dowu, ubat bue iis disclimrepl. DrunienR td4kias' Deed. The badl>' mulilaîrd bîdxies ut Mr. and Mi.tt.hidiigiter. Mis. William Ieouse. oit lier I-,-ttrr-ld twistboys,, 'sd te ned MS ia. lrroib, lte other oftheit post motrutlrr cf iVt,,îa N. D., mere dis- coveretl setcîlrti lîttIhe ranch. The al>p(-,irauîný o51oiitte rinch iindIunadi- lien ut tlhe bodies bave eIteute suspi- cio hut iIthe nmonrti tis commit led hi liolis. Theth ie bous n@ ere ternibi>' routilated i ,tir axes and clubs, iviieh tact is lîkpelntaileapt irarliili>'corroborai@ the sîrsî,icion utflte Ininnmurdereis. The Standuing Rock Indion resienvetion la net fea tî>' iy n-heu te Indiana trous titere get n>'y front sait and manage ta get itol of otmre whiuiky there la sure ta bc trouble. Lehm.n's Iite.eieat <>ffer. Emannel Lebnîan, ot NewYork. cl. ListeS hieseventit irthila>' b>'offering the board of trustee fthebmHebreir le- nevoleul and Ciplusu AsylumruSocety. et wib i e laci.presideut, 9100," fl or thc endomment ut au iudustrial sud provident ftaS etothenef t et graduates Naseus Cilty Overcremdmd. At Kantien City', io., ucar4l> 2,000 men, uai uetthierudram thers troin othen cilles b>' te knomledge that lhe Missouri and Kansas Teiepbone Company' manIai 800 miente dir trenches for ls çeuduits, bave been lamorlag for a chance tu voi. mn etCoamere. Met. Au Iterstlug convention ot the Na- tional Traumprlation Association mas bcld lu thc Chicago Board et Trsde build- ing. Mac>' delegatra troru ail sections ot the country mere present te dîscusa the subjects lu band. Georgia Colon>' Founded. A number et nortbern colonics h ave secoreil a trnct et 11,000 acres of land uear Canton, Ona. It is for Ihm purpome et establlstring a colon>', iti a ist et 100 familles wbo bave made applications. To Banah BItiîboands. Uusil blliiboards, iviicit make riles ot Chicngo's atreetm rescolàtoi ab illed for a icous, bave ceca their lait daya. if an ordînane drafted b>' Frank F. Huîmes passes thc Council. Witc-Mutrdoer îHartik. Daniel McCs-lb>', mIt, lu a drunken nage, on Ma>' 12.189(3, killeds m wie Ade. lins, smus hanged et thte couni>' jeu lu Chf- cage Fnida>' rorning. Dealli resulted freru strangulation. Nevada unube Woarcn, The woemsn suffrage amendient mas lat lu tLe Nevada AssembI> b>' a vote et 15 teS5. _______ NâABA?<JOATms Chicago-Cattie, commun te prime, $350 tu $5.510; bogs, sblppIng grades, $300 te $3.75; ohcep, tair te choIce, $MW0 ta $450; irbeat, No. 2 red, 74o te 76c; corn, No. 2, 22c tu 24c; cats, No. 2, 1Me In, 16c; rye, No. 2, 33e tu 84c; butter, choice creamery, 10e te 21c; eçgs, froids. 15e te 18c; poentoes, per busitel, 20e te 80e,.torsoons corn, commun short ta chelce dwdvt, $85ta $10 per tont. Indissapolla-OCattle, sbipping, $&.0W1ta S5.5; bogs, cbolc llght, $800 te M875; shuepi good taechoIce, $3"10te "4.1; wbetNo. Z n8e te 8Me; coinNo. 2 mhite. 21c te 28u; eat, No. 2 mhits, 200 ta Pe. IL Louis-Cattie,$Î100 it $55; huile, $&W0 te 815; bem I$800tea$4"0 irmmot No. 9, Me te M0; ern, No. 2 iul- lots, 19o ta 2à.cois, No. 2 mite, 16e te lle; iraNo. 9.8Mg ta 82o. Ocimb t-Caettls, $M80te $P0; bons $8.011te $&76;e me U2» 1te ".8; mhagt, No , Zleh te Pic; corn, No. 2 sabxed, 23e te 2te; cota, NO. 2 nf.d. Ille te 20e; rys, No. 2,8SU tal8e. Dotzot-Oaetthe, $350te *MO; hegm te, $815: m $tghe &eK wua1Ne. 2red, 87ata e. eorn, li.2i yellv, $lei ta 28e; entta, N&. 2 white, 19a ta 210; rrae, W8Sto a&-0 -Taodo-Wbet% Ne. 2 rai, 87ota Uc; Ne.2 msoi, 2t 28 le; ete, No 2Wii te lac; rec, Ne 2,84eioO chover sed, 84,6 t. $&70. 'I Milwaukee-WhemtNa. 2 pring, 7Ue te 7&; coteNo. S, lac te Ille;auoisNo. 2 whtce.otel19c. borte, N. 26ej Si; rys No. 1, lNe te 80e; parwk, le EBâtab-Cattlei coumon ta prinesbe> Pic& O3.50th. $800I; bots, medium te but fflo 0 ".$4,0;tbecomrmun te an. iess, MOt. $4.511; I? ambe, tala QUIT IélVIL SERV, Et Zn the Opnion ai Ga.. ,Ovmvoer fiat Clemmîn'. Order May, Be ftw- pemiaS or tve a-hit-ic i B- eis Drevua-1lair fer Ui.tre, GocdiNecvp fer OUceCsku%. A Wahiut n coriempedenl myeaista Pesldent McKinley' ta Iikely teasuspend et neeoke lb.osiveepng civil service ardar et Presidcut Cievêland, irbereb>' acari>' ail lte noces lualb.e eecutive itrauci et the, governmeut are laien a to the civil service lia. lie. lrouvenor oetOil, mho in oeeoe McKiliey'@ closcst frienis, and mitehbls bceneune oethbis înuchest sud mont caliabia politiemi supporters, -saiS: "I bele. tiat Puesident McKinley mill ravokae e suspend the svrcplug eider ibic toail e ofthlie ofices mb tte civil service classfication. 1 have Leen Investi- gating the malter Iburougidy sud une et the abiral lsmyeis lu tiIsentîne country' bas giron me an opinion eovernug the case. Hoie ay at mn execulîve cau revoie bis owu deeds, lest as a legielatîve boS>' eau recoasiden au set. If be bould cboose te do se Pcaideat Ceveland rigbt te-mer- touv revoie ile order.IThe executive mal' change Lia mind. lie nia>' rde>' the atm>' te Mexico, anuS te ra>' tîdet te atm>' l couter-marci, ohen te -hangres lis miii. and te rua>' sendi tLe ni-ait,,Louer(Cal- forais, on whenever Le hleaseis. Itlm nuit probabtle ltat Cleveland woUi change hle mllai on the civil %eivice orSi-r, but il le within bie pow-eu te numuke hlm orvu aet. Ile s uccrasor o-il nul Le banniti byCleve- ani's action. bMeKinley olîl 1te I'rpai- sa'.'vIadrululster the xcuuive brauch of the grîverrumieat luniis on o-ny. liecn eauîote thal t lci. snd 1I eliet-, that he wlli duoum." IDADO TAILUX E N LUCIC. suapiosod iortituens Miltns tucjr Bli .9 01*09i,060. A mel kuon l'utlaud l,iisinerrs mas mal Lbaci frui s trip luin lahovoticliis fui the ltrut Ib tis story -o-f jtiertrtenai- Il' good lui-k. About tw.o e ek-h ag.t a miner offered Mu-nis Veuzel, a nnso Mdatle, biler, a handtrîl utfiiiinu stot-ks fer a suit et clotra. Yen"ri refuie-i tial sort ot curienc>' lu payaienttfor lla iner and gooda on îtehe rtnS tiaI he lid ne Ipei ln stocks. lic reniarkedtlhat flvt- lear@ mgo a miner gave hlra5,tMtJ sallres et stock, Iben stîpposed tle b oith 1 cent a aluie, tor a suit ot elothing. lHe neyer reaiized nîbing on îLe stock. Tbe miner jocoftel> aiS that if iut b e-n lecul stock ilwmunIS have maie Limr ici. The taller mas staried anS replieS tecn-a, qut, certain that tai mas the name ut Uic stock.le coîrlilnol nemerubci rbat ho Sd i iilu, sn Le neyer expeclcd Il te sruerint lenytig. A feir dey@ later Yenzel ment te the nuspeuded Momzçow Na- tional Bank for su insurane polity andi nmorueecipapers Seposited them, amena mhich b. tounil tLe mising 5,.0Walluars ut Lerol stock. nom quoted ai $8 per sallre, mt accrueS divldeuds. Ttc Lerol mine evueis bave becu neguliatiug uith su Eugllsh syndicate fer ttc aie outhlie lfroerty, but thc latter declined te accept ttc mine wlîbout the trauster ut ever>' ara.etfstock me tai ismued. Tiilot et 5,000 shares mas long ailvertisedl for. but nov there miii Le ne obstat-le tealte "le efthle propeit> Ifthlie otneis camne te Yecuacis tenus.le demandas $20 a g*bar@. or $100.000 for ticemitole, and mili prote abi>' gel IL.i THlBRTTYIIVE DAILORS DEOWNZD Bnttre Cce ftheb.Germen Tanit Blemmer Diamant Goes Doma. Ibo German tank steamer Diamant, boon! froru Bremerhaven for New voVon and Piladelpii, tas foundered etaIme, aud iter erem oft hirt>' ilvu men are dromu- ed. The mtcamern tlileo arriveS ln Bos- ton six deysm iste, andl brought thc neirs that tLe steamer bad gone te the bottoru. Captala Booth reports îîlckiug up lte Dia- mant heipicas lu mid-ocean ou FeL. 10, sud temlng beur000 miles, oniltle btr In a hurrica ne, la wihellse stoonon show et surviviug. Ttc Diamuant liai tout ber propeller, andl tsd been itelplens toi- er- cmal deys miten pieked rip b>' tte Gaileo. Atter seven days' effor tat malle Halifax barber miit a disableil stueamer, a sînri spruug up, Uiheitawnrst apped, aidtic mYeeainsoon icat leslghl. Tht talile buvercd about for eighteen touis, Lut ber officeis did net se. tice1Diamant agein. aud ibene ls ne duubt lu. liuminis ltaI %hom teundered. Bad Blow for Raieke. Mi. oi. Pitliekuru, Dolores Con- t>' (Coin.) sulterntendent ot ichools,ia retused a teschers certificate te Prof. Vicier C. MeGlur, principal ut the Rice publie scicol, because te amuiles. Muas. X6kaum tairas tbe ground liai a person mho amokes lindiqualified te teac i n the public suhools becouse tesebers lu Colo- rade are required hi lair te Iustraaet th* ehiidreu againsi tht useetftubaeeo. Plai Tint for Oieousargrlu. Ttc Judsmeut ofthbe lover court la tht ea. et Uic Stata vs. BilaMeyer@ ban hto» affinmed hi tb. West Vînginla Su- prom. Court Aceuding te Ulis decisiou hi! oimemaigana.sulS la West Vlgia mtntreeatter Le colorai pâli. This la 19 Ucctiance ih a Stait IBm, pasacil mlx yars sgo, vbicb tas beenunuder fr. le tb. courts ever slace. Crmsbed [nie a Bez Car. The mail trsanou Uic Cramplon branch et thé Pennsylvanie Ralird ebud itta box car noms Ebeasiurg, Psa, and vas itodi>' racioed. Vive pensons mers sar- ousdy hart and a aumberoe teos sue- lainai aigh i IJuries. Murane la Umdsrmold. The report liat the Cauegfle Steel Coru- peuil hadcontractaiS mli flreigu con- corna te turnlab neari>'. 100,000 tous pf steal rails ai prises iomeu ttan the Bure- paun mariol quotatieus mas admitîciS 51 Uic Pittuig offices oethebe umpanr. Chut' Pla>' Camm. Dontb, IUbchidren ot John Cain, a fermer- iving near Pere>', 0. T., set Ors le tht grise. le thoin dooryaud. Tite êlolbing et Nous, agti 4, and et a boy, aged 2, mugit are .. o a ie Lunncd -.Ate.datb, te Ulthev Brassais .tcs mant tellih.s Cotry est 1%0 Zle*gls& loueli" The lexsate ad»iirnsd et lCM Bight, alter standj ing hare fi tiv, session devoted te the et the nomination et C. P. Amie district jadue et North Digiotis, the AagWoAmrecn arbirstle. Mr. Viles bas seurcd l.the aubt legato o e Beaf. bift *taetq une ofthie mil service."- Il provMe nsing àaIraient posiai erd sd e wmb coupous atabeîl. Tho P Genersl lea utbortiseil te suspend h tenIf Il proires unatistactery ou0e Tiie louns@, Lia vole etof t'W l ad Uic In»dlng et a majetit>'et hgle tiens conmlîe end di e b elq cd electien icase ut N.T.Hplem ., M. Kendall train the tentb Keutu' i trict la fsvr ofethîe l.epmiemlstmgt. tut. Elevea Itepulilcaurs sud t rec Pt,.' nlisevotés] liii it. heDeiocrita utI unéeaîins KeudaILi The. euste sdJourned nt B.15 eje Tid>' nigbt, afler baring spent aithat cight bouts ln eatiunoLsexecutive ora- Wien ou tbe srhitrsîion treil>. No Motait was acompllshed hcyond refetgdo" lb, motion made by Iciater esut peaponc turi ber coaaideratiola et h treai>'. A ver>'spiritei d Sala«--taf genera subje te i.payaiuent rla t=ndIole duaainst tibm Cjalîs mas lndqiged i l >tl.he nsue dleur*lae coualderatlen etfî14 gen"e ' ei Prupristion iil. hMr. Itiebidmon ladt calied attention téte .ppancMt cenglsteucy of un Item te poiy t4g costa defendiar pils; sud tLefotact thetb cuulnîuied lie Item lupa> lte Judgct' Mr* %lion (t'a), chairuian ofuthîeWÈ -('luiras C.mtr;îcroade thm sîstuentl I that lhe Borsme tradtbecu frlghteaed b>' a "bogie man," anud the mat caims sgalas the (leverusment. hantent! et aggregatlag ltuadreils ot millions, airasonfrequeuti>' stsîed. could lie disebttrged ,vith $ioff,oo 000O. The c.n.ittralinof ethIe bill wss ot cuiaîîieled. lTe bill verries S8,441,- 01-7.C tîLbouses W'îrkrd bard Itatrda>', - frelling mensiures liis hape for fiual actio. Appropriation buill»sud cou<crencs re- ports were betore the Lieues tor el4 'Tirera ln evidenut an intention te 8arc7a7 propriations doivu te the last note., eV consternation reirus auîuug members *40- havé pet measures, sU'-tifag lteir partWe ular districts. mici thîel boprd te pet tlirough. lieuster ubursu sanounead hie purpose notW nain abring up th. arbM- traîlen trenst>' ôr sdr-bale so long s the apropriation bis are pressing for oe- sideration, but If there hould Le a mIsU la Ibis mork ho rua>' resieibieeffots te enccore ratification. Thie Sensté joint reu. olution fer an international mOnetai->%É' c> tereace looking te the adoption et letae"Mm, tflou]blumtelil*î wsu&uasimously re.- ported lueicthe use. The Seste £pent lils frst lieurs Monday' inalistening le Washington'@ tarewell ad -l dras, read b>' Mr. Dardai (Vs.), and ticus remed coasideration ut the jadisn'%p.1 preî,riatlon ibil toriasfiime. Tii. LosiS 1-cnt pestai billet"uie lu for some sharp enilicinui trum Mr. intier, lMr.hIlewat sud cthers.'TeIleuse passei l e 1:: Pes deta lune>'appîrropriation bill aud ho. gais lte couésiderallun uf the lest outheb uicoe>' bills, finilîroviding for flic naval A e.tljlinibnfnt. A long dclAmte ocr-urreil uverr the lrolniely oftheIlie tplrcpriatlun et $1,310,00)lfo thé iii4>lulherssl'urific Haill rend rutiler tire juîlgwent uftlite Court et Clairois, but the Ilouie .by a vote ut 1(r2 lu 138, rrfused l ficîrute il oul. The mcm- beris %vite favorr'd the aplineprilaîln for the relîsyment tu mcn-bi.<s outhlie 1a ('engrems ut cali-y n tlliield tromistem on tenetoulf a"utccarried the file., int lte Homme. but ocre beaten 92 ÀteM 122. Sixteen ofthlie forty -rigLI [pages ot tLe ntaval i ll ore cümîletcýd. The' lionese tit e naval tIl, flite lest of lte aî.proîîiatlàtbile, lu he sente Tucielit>. Il uns pansed wactit-riliî o-th- en uenoirnrenl. VT etrofotthe dair ase a Itlitical rît-bate m uit-h necurred lste lu lte aflernoolà on thé cobjert et civil à servit-e retirnt. Il dci lopelduning lbh" conisidcratiofnia bâti .wblcb wos Arl>'t pacd, lu permit the Gorernors et tb. leririouri»s te appoint certain oflicers et the leîeitoriis in c-tse of racaticies wit- eut the 'onscol ofthett i.isiaive corsa- cils, ivhicli la noir requiretl b>-tari. Tii.e Senale nmade slow prtgreaa ou the appros- 4 priation tille. disî',rerg of unI>' une Itein '4 et lte Indiais bill, il lit,-ing flinat directingA the openlng ot the lUnenmipahgre Indie reservation lu Utah.Ilivoednuac - witl te execoltive branci, whieh bas sltitlily retiisted ropening thée lands, en te grounil thai Le>' coulaiticd vainable -' mimerai deposîts. Mr. Vilua endeavored te bave a royalyreteri-ed le the <loera.- muent. bat o-na deteated la Ibis audI the clatiuwns agi-ced teatter an ail-dey de- -u hlte. Durinir tbe day sa resolution b>' Mr. Mîlîs, ut Texas, wons adopted, ashinc the I'resident toi information as te tiec Sentit et Dr. Ruiz atGunanabecos, Cuba,. Mot.. off Carrent Events. Mis. Itooth-Tucker. wife et Commander Boelh-Tueker et lb. Salvation Anny, he- came me 1h1 lu Brooklyn Ibat te badl t rive up but work there, and mas taken te ber home la New, York. [t là rumored finit Dr. John 'B. Haml-. Ion. virae as forrusu>' pears prumlnutly Meunti îes ird 't îe UnitedStaites Ma"rin. Corps, la te le-.ruade lic snperintenden* * ofet lbc sane asyluru ut Elin. A resolutiuonsu&ntroducedllb.theMis. mourtifouse Calllng riponuicheSpeaker te appoint i speulal cemmittee et ave te go te Nevada and oltues. tLe C'erbett-8'lts-- sissrmous f ght no es te Iraru mbethcr lit mould lie meli fer Missouri te folloir Ne vada'a exemuple lu iegalizing pugillist si couisters. Capt. J. M. Briaken. woe bas Leacule New Yoen toi #orue limie boemlng the proposed Pan-American exposition tee bu , beld lu 1000, han anueunced tiret Uie ex- position wmuniS Leheid lu thc ne4ghborbood3