Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 26 Feb 1897, p. 3

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CRÀPTER XIV.-(Contlnual.) *lNe Mle" alke,ald toc leurs; bLot-mut Ipitr yeu, aldbeciosa I bove yon," Brel 1 am *Mmun, ervently, id thai b eu s.spe the s rnth frein hie conascience, ln this par 'ielair ai lt-ami: tht- conscience that ht !fgrl neasly a ber lest question eIta ive r yoouno other anti no bettie Mes u, oriel. If yen thluk lu a ge» eatnqresrt-mc,lt-ar," Erieceontinu stooplng dota mil h ia lips on her chasl 'M"me happy, Mortel, by stylesgyy, carnecaough fer me te matr: me." "D you really lvr ei' the &Oka a, -ruptly, and ber tace pales tith noea an dam ft-iretof obl and perpiiti. strange enoagb lu go Young a girl, mous tmaderli tira mani lbe Ere l Lwelya "Am. yen sent thtrtla ne ont jeu moul fllbohtter than mer, flt e*trange question. andilLI-eelyz' ftainUnandmolpale,ald hlm relce fa tes, au h.anamers feradir. "That'sla no one- ou ertb 1 oul ai ite bul foui-self, Mortel. Wl de yen doubt sme, Itarest' * w 1 haIwout Ioubt yeus! e mya, =smy, mth cbarimluggirllah Iu pulsa, "only it seemel arrange, you kbue ,seMe itsotme," andt h. otlyrsathi --- p bar Innecet arnme &roundhi e tck. "Kism me, litie wutc," Lt saja, aIl h barf's dItpiba atrel mitItth. glaies thtetsderness ho feela fq htr; mnl Mi vieI iehl M itlh tmil rapare mdlit m eterai fenandulonor mLle-h la loti moyeu itlîLbtr ort for hlm, A"l thon ha takes btr lntc btr brol ns@rnetonc, more, mol por Miles' we t-imslowrs mîit ag er ok ot Pies %tisaile st-eu the tire corne lu togetb, wtb Murlel'a hanl mtin lirica at-me "W. are ecmIug te gire yeu a piece information, bMile," Et-lt- ay. 'l fhlîk 1 bow lil efoebeanil." Mil pays faintly. but *mili lesbirlbli ant @pot of b-t-It-erd traggllinto iaftc «I do'l thhttb yen de," Et-ic says, gi-ay i @" sni£i, "for 1 mam't aune oft il utyt outil a tei minutes ago. Mut-l- aid ar e ging teLe narie-" *"WetI i kowtihat," Mut-a suturera.] breatli cumins fast and tht- îuneîn t-r glitterig lie stars, -anti 1 ami 5 glu Marrie. dat-n!" ftebly caressing is t terCs trap dr, stky tuds as a croat-hes dlutin luber ltle thaie by t bedilluandilaiys ebt-etailonute pillo "y'eunmlii hâve aome onto-hte 1 ami go; Yeu wilinet lit letfialeluinîte toi and-Ion't put it off for a lung imie, dei est ot a mars ceremeuiai lutta." "But me are net- soins te put li off agi aurm lest teloi," Et-eay, gay! t' u ara going tosgit narriel tirait t aursis you mttt-tard: are me nt, I '*Tes," Marit] @&stlmldly, net Inde tomdetandlag bs reaisin atht ltatt. "Tu., thaf a tue ckite botter may,"' -' t sE i re pleusatly sud lsa amatte-ý fat-it voles. "Madeaibas made np1 oùn" te bu a herohneandmulet mari wtthont aàbap oetnatmdresmie, aricb «-a gsu lu Loméeon ha a mt-uk sul coil st hrela a mout, 8h. aud1Ihb Mma p Our mims," hoe aysentiu, Il 'tiasa p su that b. caoboock lto1 t- apas, %1 go tver te Derrylossmro E d"y moralug, tbe dur atter te-moit an-b. maried." 8h. bas beasa up with the fiit daiti tht mil, alny Noremht-c ni ig. girtls Morel-m urile-facl,ad'ej bride, lu 'the lark, simple deesa mbici * te b. ber uediiug resa-tremuici buzy and alous lu attediug bto ili evury rsquineut-pSslmî'i ga litie« et chocolat.,as uu4l,aildt-rtn coin 4tsck wm br bonnet in on to givo tha talsponlfai et brandy anti bcd mic stucs uho it alienevtry hait hotte Standieg in tht-Lain, loohlng fair ai white idyl a bar maim. rkcIt ut-I il of luth crimion pîl m ad cashmere, vw a bonuet aid muRf te atie ai Erierct-urs bowu the siairs. ibat facu la grave anti ,eny paie, andt heri a aetlhock lui i eyes. "Ae yo entdy. my darlini?" Le'as aldbis voe la eyen a lttie oarsea eaction "Tht-n me Lad botter go ald exclt-rnttiluLa tout-. O'Doneghas mwil b. ualti," bc t splotinlmg, a thîs gentle-man, mn 1'~ friad ofbtr fatisr'a, andl a distinct r tire au mil, la t0 eresent Miles et charch, ald btht solitany gaetae t quiet edlng- Net twenty mnuotes aller tht bridei 46giegroeta hava letfiCuri-gbdt-ue, Mi irbe bat btenu iyins lu a dost- apparet suilswabes, and tarte np lu a tdmg posure, lookini urldij about hlms 'Munlffi Mureil where l i s i te hoanaks 'hnnri-ely, lua a trauge, choi vels, ald Haunah, tht- ouI nurse -ai op ber baudesI l u galloferror'%a bare lt "Fut-h her-lbilug btrbi btmWtylburyr' b. guamin in thet afira dng vole; an thteut-t moment, linon about it fee la15 elogel uithbli AndI hea there it the bon>', sud ler suI betlermeut fhattheauslen t-ou et tht attul augsi bringm la fhe lieusel tonesi. dreli Pi-onstc. e$R~; amol on. mesoeter ruahes miatiogsis for the- lecter. nother gsttes san DstrybosuryChu-ct fatml:ttht poor de bride aid ber ueuriy welld.abi and ruethey bave tokais.ou t-top o jeui-ney etflft- togethar, bri-ng the tisa et ltatb over their petit. It la a dreary morniug ter a bridai, sueti; a gusty, wilîl, tmet day i netotsb quie to'enty minutes te r Drryiosay, auI thter uam et o gph fmet Iagi-ulshbelle, ald li n et happlausila btr t-:as-Th frnient lagq Inalapor Mil«. plat-e ha mail .h=g and lrpafulb '~mnt boi i* àm Is lergyman la 1Waditluêathe e hau laI bsen pa .uAW; ase thers lenome l=-1#.thé mm bu os bagins S ntaoà INé &Mstfacts Marhi*«asitse ce tgi fhe eacdi, l-ang on ber sa' tla fIs CVvIrsqhi in por Mît-kKirwan, wh-ite sud breathlaus ma wth axihet after the tie-mlle gallup t ta tilrisible ja uvery Uniaiure. Mortel panses anddualy and tottersasa If ablour br ai bt-en lt-ait her, and hbeface la aa nerwite as th orange itooma lun tha lit- Ir tle bouquet os rbrartinât. mtelegamps Out s, «Ys "Xmms, h.'uey bal. Hurry home 4s as tatas yeb oma, ari" hemaamlàare- à. ily f0Major kLituellyn. Andu utr is ou rath hta ids, "Ilit-agqint', sie," mth a 1-chokel sob, aod teaps Into hlm sadîle and Sgsllops ia!, and Brie lewellyn, hocb- t-I ant iaitat tuluel au tht auldenuens f- e the net., loobs about bhlm laaedly te M.findIbIat Molleti hu rutael sar:fr ld hlm sdtin l alrtaly lu the cardiage; aud as Le Lutries alter btr and abts tht-m botb t'nl, ha e att-thst ah dratte away ahui- mi ltrung tfron bsalnandcrou-headomera u tht opposite corner, pressing ber bauds Jk orer htr face. "yHt se dylog orbadl!" aellemaya, barah- ya n enaclngly. "Anti throagb you 1 ba bave ben amia frein hlm, and Mllq*lj n- 111 ithot me! My ,brother bans. et M m ithout me. MUis basasamel foc me, nut le -anl-Loartus! ltt me oui-lt me out! 1 conlrua faiter ibaîttht-sebhresare la tabing me! Yen are makingt heni go *1 aWlul on putpose! Ltt me out, ne 1 I li g throw myelf ILonîL the uindour!" te Andl tht-girl in ber treuzy scicaiIy temps e- apt, andl tries te mceuch thet ber open; andiErent- eizes hte with a granit libe a b-h vise. thongb htllteurgglem, andl rages, ail etrkem at i hm itb ber fet-ble, byateinc etsrengtb, aud hulaohtr dbm bitmain er tort-eaoutlthe fceusy gives a floodl Leofttars. Ste emetp. on, ahrnkn bat-k lit of thtbcerner ef tht carjageocte mire, uil tht-y reaeb Curcaghdiet. ht-a AndibeLt- etLr behavîrtîriotubes poor 1 aEric- Lltuw'tlIyu afrtsb. Scerceir ioucltius hl.MOIinl t-viug tht- oarriagt-, abe phistes re-. hlm alide as.,bLeaîîa'mpts tu tiraitbtr baud wîf wo-hm lis an, rushes itut)tht- ioîîae atît np thottairaie ht-er beolîers tuotu. She Las obor bt-oltnnet tilf., au( ht-t ia bridai bloasomsand laces o tlî t, iatnd rt-a fluug iLeni al oun te grîutud. atutidi si.eroutching Int ber tlti llace tlite ieduulde- ber Ltr t-d ptessed atainsi the pillait- hrt, ,tLe tht- iyng ueshiruadiresta, -rt-turLus- tht batnd etait-thîe routau, sud tht- fîint ligtu ,w glimmtera lu tht- uylttg t-es tht iretogutizu he". hilai, lbon iles i idpna t-t pi. la' 'id. i hltalutot. satit atrugîrliir forr t-b ear, I rt-il liecatit. îlebata ruggli-Ite bshoid en lite minute Ly minuitbe, otly t toa e bis little miiter onc-e more; fuc it iy; lanii tell minunte-s ter irben, as tht- and the net mule Itabatiland il ie-setani u-, lucre bY tise bt-ile. tinlesmsuds*lent. te quiet ait-tp la dtnrbeil by a tevr le long, audtring breatha, andl ibsutIL freed spirit aels litlghi on tht- tconite nance cf the earthly tellnt-uecrirtici a-it tam emepel lto lie te-ramI! --of- htr CHAPTER XV1. 'led M ajor Liemelyn is sitlng oitL is Les elle leaoluig ou his baud; the uniasbeu tant-b Dre ton limhbe tfore hlm, anti, in tLe gloij ir- llght cf tht ios-rinsgsky adpouring rain ber hh loukavery sliiat-y it-t-dinluthç tilt Pri atint-rn, m th Mile' empty chair ai iLht-ad of the table as uoua. ro, Mortel cannei Lut perceivo tLe tart aui tht quit-b lobk utglas? surpise aiî o-icl h. ecs hec euber,a alentite. pathelit looint- rounu figure, In the black gowr etO whîch lint-s Insaunuber. unailorut-lfuldi Pfur te ber gielab otiles, altogh hoe coua jouI posea ia exresa ilstantlirtutugravea, aI us calta, sud rites sileuly ail places a chaii sly fr htr. il' I caime tics-i ihoughtlt iwoas no t-iP bled to-to-t-aut- on sione," she maya lui fatterlut- anti coltritu t inidîy. "lie.idet hItî thete are tingÉ taciebu' tiendedtah, andî fe-musnet tInulgc in trit- ef liahî." r. "Aftor yen have Ladit&omne luncheon w- la 'In dinesut nattes." Le tns, s rait-I rt-st sud getlj, but uery ffemalîr atul, an( euhb IPiu'as eaet îunks. i1-e, Ho sàdeeply hart aud offended i OlbLer b'hua hthlub, at-t-et-ti; and suaeahe olcys hi t la tver! retqnst aud t-ts sud drinkbaansIl wicbes ber te de,.ail fentesblui mort- at Las%, mort- ench minute as thtlout-het, onule wtub toau eol andthîe servanttlteairaw i ai Aud thon Mijr lteuolya sirs the fir( itet piaces anut-asy chair for htent an itu- rt. repctful distauce feom himat-if, at) dIa ccugbs, Bmu persans do when tht-y iuten cl las al preinda ta a lisagreoabie aiteet- rit- as ha @et» hinstîf fît-mg her. the "Wbat ailhyou more asuea soul tb he aaIt-I edtor't ho luquirea, verbos and "About--about tht- fneral,." ehle msyi flies hhyrlug, "I muat..iraisknout." atly, *,Tht perses teom tht- aoîcctablng fie ait- mnl h belle erly t-mrroir moruin& 9. jeu tan gira ie rba t-te, yenplease. Mi tr?" riet lie h.says, geuly; "sudl tLe Iresi bing maber fromt Dublin miliiset a persan ti lnge morrowmienso mth evet-ytitIag etquituli e e h have tabeu ou myselftot do se mat tell- witdhut froabliug jeu." 1irat- "Yen are rery goo," Muriimatt-i ,lb. talnily, feeling huniliel uaudlsent-y, ai ,fd. mort atrail ot hlm the ioder audmni iror, patient ,lue appears. "It i vteybâit ulng yeu; 1 shoul nt have bt-en able fu thi, bll o e terythlug lu tute-- I rhite 4h. cafnateget soiy turther jusi uuv pet-I an Brielc uaiba is!te tht- ildowrni ty tue ii the recovers hersait lu a tew iinute br lit- *il won't cry agalu If 1 tan hoip t," st jant, *sys, au ho retarna; andl tht-te la a liii i tht- more hardusansd colines& lu ber volt loir ot ubat te tiLlka sn hlmImpatiencetoil ber gri-et-. *"Yc have beu very bled1 ot a nie, sud h urll tire nu more trouble tha dot-a I1tau elp. le Ihere anlyibing yo ists -at-h te atrangre iih ner' mb. a»w." mnui otr.emblIng mad taylnt te b. buaiolaeelikt."te "Il iliM 60 »M es possible. You undurstand an about i: thet bave risen rery mach, Miles told me, and 1 walt the- mont-Y, 70u hnow. tu vay every ooce-" "Muriel," le gays %ternir. "Ye," Muriel gays' gruwing red and whte b!ftuts t big tone. "Do you frget that 1 marrled you thi. moruitîtia "-o0," Monlel replie-, affrlghtedly. "Tht-n why do you talin lutt manner mlbout mouy' demandeierl, harshly, relieveil tu Late soute jai cause for re- proaching ber. "When 1 gaye You mY mre, 1 presumne 1 gave you mY Purte, too! You need flot fear 1 %bsls encroach a bale- breàdth tun auy dstanc.e Yon choome tu a»t between us," le goes on, wih r"ol eo.npoaed itternesa, "but et rest I dlaim ta b. allowed- #0 bol the relation 1 bave ctere Into of jour [t-gai guarian sud nearest relative," and Ere pots t a ber bond a litile velvet pures full of soyer- ..Al ibis mont-y!" Mourtel exclalm$, la toutes or uneoutrollable amazemnent, peep- lot lto the hit ebag t gtld wth awre- etrcken eyea, mailng Llewcllyn laugh lu spîte of hîmuif. "Are yon-are yo-5o rlch'ale tesa, andi lewellyu connutunu- dertanil the hurulng fBnsh that ries f0 htr temples, andl the tears tat set nlto ber brillient, ilaek t-et-a flush aod teara of dpeep humilation. -140urrih as te give My wtt. fifty poulst" ,lesalles, "many i. treul think teey lightly of iliat muni, M oriel. No, Inileoi, dear, 1 am n ot rich; but 1 bnve enccgh te keep ycu lu the- position of a gentieivoman. I hope." "Fifty pounds sect-ma a grent nom of moety to me," ahe maya, delibee ately. *"I et-r-rbadl twenty iounils of my own lin my poesession t once-never! Wte baye ai- usys bt-eu se poor-Miles nd IL" Site throvs lber ht-ai!back," and looks at hlm almot delautly as the spenka. "We baya sUrIFâa bteu yery itoc. ail there are dl-ts, not large dcliii, bot ones I wlib te psy off tuyself. unît-h !liawould wtsh me to îpay, and tut i8 ehy It'snted my otrO foiey, mirt >oîr%." "Well, tittt lat our ou n mont-y," Erie aya curtli'. gettion veit-i. MulinIoviag softly lichind bis chair, isses is brouitil -chk, îhich dflaea et thre carets almosi aozileeply as ber own. "la that hy uay of iutoreut ou the mouey (hat trouie you soe ach" ho questions, sarcustleally, trylng to-begin wrting a letter cuit iitglîng filgera. **No tita IyLvway of Payaient," Ma- rel o lîlaîters, flumniiij;gmidi deeper,ountil r bier face îta ie hue oft a piîîk wild robe, K as le kî.n ]i pa u i -i. a Anid thte Erie fiiirît sueculs.and Lut-, and cat1tlghtly ie bis arme, hidi a br'fac-e o ithh is ownu.a-id tîither r of tht-ut nî,r lit-sing airtibng out enrth but ,. ,tlra » sandl the' bet-t ine otf tac i oitliiîr" , t., -DIon't go asiarfroin ime.' lie tmurmure. holiding 1lit -i nu e t..,amto 0leave him. *'Stti y cih tniieu. e.Q t tbeur te let t olitgo!' rLe zi)m, ait:îla.harncd cf the *nîaness tlit a ilki'alino eding t,, bier r311t1 loy ili. bt-ail'li 1cr lIîsomi. *'MurIi I lti itle fttiiilusr? ay w ith tue!' 1, '%*i, -o'Mutriel fiLiv, in a hiait- y atuua-d,' mitliiig lott, ..I 'am oniy golul it,,s', îtin, llonnah iatatmne for a - itile trIile." d"Veey gocîl; sou wilîl r lie ack preeently,' t- Erie sa> t. releasing lt'r. L HIia gaze follî,wa ber out ef the routa. Le and secs tIre dotîr bide ber fromn bis e yei >wtb a sentKe cf seltaratiou. -1 tronder 'h whbaîlias corne over me!" hie gays, lu- ivartl>, ait ashauteil and lfitgloryiug in tht- discovery; 'I have falicu in love agalgt I atleuînly believe"' LtBut t-yen o ile lie sits there, mnsitig- t bis Ltart trrîibiiîg. lis cool brain anu L" sieaiy pulse ail atire wivih love andl Lope n-uad secret bappîitesa, antd the- glamour a I, bier st'ert resenfe aud lier caresses are It wiL h bm tili. and i'e iytelds lhait unwil ingly tb the- fascination that Lt. tallen id oter buit-e sees Sylvester pering freti 'h the second doiî.rvay cf the itting rouai. C-bis fat-e 1talid wtb wrath and cowardi. .n veiigi5t1'e. la .',e itsia Wordi te tay to yoti!" gays ft Lte boy nialignîiiily. ini a soîtpresscdtlone. 't You ttink you're t'irylioiy, I sîiplLo, ir andt îLt ah,'s everybody? Ah! I1touid Lttell yeh sotuethitt ycb do»ti kiow!" hi u suecrs. -'ttre bittîght on' solil. me fine ~*febboit, leYe r Bumort ta yih t ink y'arel ~.Ah! ah! mobre nor 1.11' knuios il, tf jeh I oi*tbt-ie, e nie! Y.u'vc bt-entrupped ni, marryilg lier!" r' (T' lo ,t intiiii l.) Maînifit'et Spectacle. Thre aîtuunmi thiey offluhe Hang- chou' Bort- Is orlhoit't titlot iagalfi- cent oltcultatf t lie uuurld. This bore ta a tulai wuvu ru ' utr-rat tort-e sud ht-ltt, fortin-ut ut th, muctîlofethîe Yag-hse-Khuting. o-ut-ie, oIng teo o- strutitona tuy tint',auti thec orut eoftIre chanuiel. the îuhuIt- cfrthet f lerater bering sýluîlueil, et-ttalit eue.mail tiru cf watt-r sud coitit-n ionth t-etatural curetoth Iis trt-at Cbhuucese river. .On the 27t1 of Seittetituen lasi a httîs compute! et Auirleus jointhe et-- pecteit mutitude cf natives about iL. HiageLow tea-urnl, This eîarkabla fgalelci s lîseift-tnty-tlre fot biglî sud thîrty thilcb, titI a tbelf to-et! foot wiitt, et selîi maseny, UPOn whilch jnbba comng in on bit-h tilt mny rtst aud anèhor, and ac escape tue irai culaugLi cf the- fondi. Ai a ittlfe pat aceu tht murmar of the bore uraht-at-I teD uIt-a auutaY, anti agunu s tesna pproiehlng, ns tiret a durIt. movînt- lot, tht-O a teetl)ab1li o e ttthlng watte peai-ng ver Itacît SM SI adv'inced utb satoe like Niagaa. Striklug the cut-r mahi Il etboualedt lu a ware f oetr teet bIt-b, ridlng on tht- back but llngonslty at-osailb. [nan wave; resalilg lu a single tfrt ht -nl cfofturinswutner Pluagîog ouîuth lathescribabseth-lel. Affor n tew setculds tLe o-ave pissaI, to e Irauceeled Ly saeut-h et watt-r lîlvitui aIent- wth ulmiesi lipetueshtY, ugainst o-lit-b uthiug bunttht e -malt t-euh bouts, sut-bea hiuit s mle freun the- bore, mut-oi-cl uu'III.Luge ut'tlgits butled lu tht- amui, ut-' rat-r d feo' mles at fol, tpt-a ap[tifour-lu-ch abIes atee outllaq âapped lkeUituîn-. Btfore sncb toeS ot nature mtu boira c slent me.- Yoth's Compnion. Net utlthe presettlisa. bas a taon. don thetr es' Lto med af ter S"àW~ GOBER OR STARTLINO. FAITIl- FULLY RECORDED. Albiert W. Landnesîotel for H. Work lu abmlslfo uthe lluinne Fo. Clty, Dia. - leat ut asbleun trous Lampy jaw, Contrarboil frein CatIle Datnb truteu tome a Frt-nI, Albe'rt W. LIneihiiîuuluirt 104 hlutin. 1(128 Pcriirie- avenueîî. t'c'tr-t . lii trtlny aller a pcclouugeu l iiîîuc. lie îîitua5,71 ytars o egt.anudlutl u lisii(lit agit s"ice 14ge. , oitlite t'itlîci ilu hîit stay in Miitiiteota, lie nu rtitucil t-erutt tes itrade in eîely Ift'. nuitl tîtîtuairnvines lu Chic-ago lagaît Ituinitt cith al sfrilî'îul1 undethîe firmninse of tiiiht& Kncff. Late Le iiwsax smti,. tud uit 1. M. Haunes in tilie puuîIlicauî uicoftuf l l i Alvîsser. Tht- liee sot-lut ai',ity uasies etrI, but Le asoit t- ihlil us lîa-f. end continuel ii Itiaitout .fuir tîatis nara. Mr, . aaion wa ita> oa frtil c!ofihue duis auluals, anil -wa t urk tîr thînu bt-torethîeIlîlinoiss Ilimancni itiY owa formsel. Alfte huit ci i-t 1le iî' xî' u-' retary et thte 'ieiy, andlaiu-iili iit ibe ciice for uîsîuy yt-trs iiucî'iîiuîg the HumnseJnurnalu. Ilb wa argt'iy tiruugh is eft-rs tiulsîusto'k brîîîghît tiithe-L Iliion Sit'k lartis listur1hiyx wOit' -n itfoodî ant inkîubouSutuittàys. ttvt'luitIs at-c Mr. Lanilon tas (i'uutiiIIi'il to iitr,-tr4i tut at-ire tut-b. s tiis cii. gi r,- ru î'ca untiiidusîh inituruenu'd. lI ' uau un a î%%Ir- n bot ne chilirs'iî. Luntaror Pt-',nuesFatal, Pter 1L. Crtey.50> yu'sa uI. î', li tt with lis o ife sîalifailirtl"'ah nt 109 'luitî court, Chiucaîgo. uie'î nit tue 'Ilttitshu piaI, afler Iuttutg îuîttîrguîîuî an oîîerahioîu for abat De. J.,G. Roîbertson, cf iluat Instittionc, diazt--ia-tnas iuipyjî. This la tht firut ensi' tuf lut dîsurut ere ftele t tiîe .1'Oak Couiit> uopiaîîtu, atnd Dr. Ituaeflascu ktotf u titi> tuti' rt lur cane lui-h a huumisîu Innui- u no a[- ficteil. Gacit liai1 t-silet tht- iitia ince [D-c".3,but i le Itaî hît-itsufferiot- front tIre taIigiiittuh lsitise fur morie tIno a jeor.le i îîîa'liiito hni toittOt t- el it ohile îuorkiîug ais;ttur-attils- ntthîe stock >yardls.%ire thaut lýar c ito Gar. ver Lau atuth e.iautt rier ia Iu'tt jaw, anîd t isthe- tutiitti hetlt ii> tlansa ai the htiî,îitab ttîta umrtuothoIî disasse hbetiuie loug,,l inu ti'e.î:i t>'y n t Ing thLe ifi outntf tet ii'trei' tfi suit et tht- tati' tfilt.1juit ti(iurî t> tittilre hot litie lotin. lîct tt lthoe'hadtules.u-uu it a a piirtitcitof thue l i rou l in cht',k. andî e ait-thithîe athsttimîîcily tht'timit wax sinale ttt t ii, uti tnt ilt li si came tein'p-ir t, fti1tltun, ft tuttI%îî tilt t eu sut rnt. îu Ai s lt it., ut ut;- fort. anfth t ktAiUn ti ii tilti ptit 't laslicttettu!uu tc'uu. hb le'ii tt - i ttiCar-i> taîlui te rail> zuf iedtîtirt la Sîste eurt1'.li-et, Oflina V . 'VItt .ire fe u .terilu ardl J.0gi'.I utiet ut I liir, uti-il 77. Bbc unas a notit' of Ktttii k>. itaticatît,' te Ileustir o ith ht-r brother. tx--r lu'. Ogleahuy, iu is SLe wosa co:îtuu e;-l nivii prominus-t familiet o!frt-ttralilhitnuis. Tht case aXastaGtret-n 1'. Crahirep. iiu_ lited toc mansîsughier t Cairn, for the' killiog et Dr. Isaac- N. Coffee leai JutIy, duns! and iras giron te tht- jury. i re- turnel a setditiof at-quittai sud ('rsbtru'e mus dWaheu. Cttfft't- as killiobty Ceabire in astireti igLiresultiîîg frot au olîl lustsut sfonil. Coffer îîarcsi- lent cf thte ltat- -Board cf Pharuua'ey. Quiney Rouman ('alhuuuhlt5asecagitatle" over thebil ul i uîroulureul lutht- LeginIatiie- priuiidiîîg fuiefrPe- cholt l b"k". ndeitii tLe roquetatof ttc State Lent-tue cfCi-r- mai Roman ('aiholits liavet- ileil iii pre-art- à protitsiaguitîsbt The t- iîma CaiLoIiî's capectt-IeîLe utlîetirna te julis tht-m. Tht-yîle not cuniue lu' foie or jut that tht-put-enta if cliillreîu %%ho atte'nd parut-LiaI a'ituo oaluuîl- bavet uribits books furiehtir cicitiaetututulien'tulure tut xu't for bocks Io Le furuuîil 1dillic school citdrtiufrne. Tht- Hoeiilutt tu ahi lsiei anelher to lit lon iýtiaotf lit-s 8anyutii tis i . Six motibéia)r-t, ir Florhydl Wouthl sonoitDr.tln. Il."W'uts hti lle pîayins; ut-tîh aa r-ta it u'eul ut e pinu abouit but n antia a lluItîltea ling. uuuu iueîtally nil lou',d i natiII ltlut-fotsuto luucale'iipueid uniiiiiiig titil lrc 'haurii' ams,tt ulit- fesause of surgeey lunti'e('bicagît Ilottiti tîstilie Coîbuge, cui'd tht- akinîraiphuatu witît a paie cf ftrcelut ru-îuoîî'i le suit striiutioe fetiuitht' left Ititig nuit-chue st- enti rib. l'tht-lai ut 1I irt-ou n. sisty yrare ut-tathi' u'ulîny tf Eitatee Bottielrs wo efîuîîîîulî'l -tlul uotf('onco-urd.I DI)îuu'es. igit h i utt tuflotiiîuîuughuae ergnu il ds i fahti lt cii tci. ',liit iîr bthe portioni of IliiuoiR. "lite liîuvtricrY t. bIs la t iii u auuî-lctrntt-i il n s iiirgans Lectught îogplhîr a geint muuuy focrmeur rti- Idet-hutof I,t san('ttiirt>', sciure cf %i lin came feeni fot- distaînt Stat-s, I1' H Vencet-tolul tt-e tor>' if tht' fuuuiniug oftufei It-hurt-h. EIgbt forer pasiorsofithîe cou- igregation urneuprssent. A 1pubiec upilu' n'was sîreal lu tLe twhîîbaIl, aller ohiei tht-rt- tisa elght set-vite. wtlh Au addles Ly the 1ev, George W. 'reisu of Chicago. Thet- ilma utAit-is are pîuzlint- tht-h Imiaqorer thtunuparalleicil coduci cfa wdlI'to-d tmr-nanicti Greo. uvio ret esnily et to a hut-ber lu tht- villagt- ai] med hlm irbat kmbas esaini'd in goi Miordila s a ro hat mas turnei st-versl Veffl ago. 'ht- bisa uas figure]lîspand s 4"n pretIt-ila o-muet aud pail iL- 1 sWfl fjpntatlug hbatieLt-mi tLe mait- !ne>a fer tbe lir. He t -aeu-tt to 5.~5tet-ur utf te barn, fouit the ~uqçzandl paîdth ltomsa lufui.. He t fAo'«W aup scer-at other cineru mIte b~ eala tg hart lefrsuult-d and lnà*4ý,éffl ramant-rating tht-ni, hila a lt Ont-en rretliy Jlie Ilbo ai smya thafholenasbeetu ut ery Wl*i ,MM au mania to malle reparui A4t Y ~ . hu opera ousse o-t qimwl d t t-snom cf Rocfori'î journ ,u.m1iwat alfar as mînstreis. The t 1 wui ms givoen ndiertht- aus UiyClub, mhicb mli tlt-t MOM t thlb.rttalera urbo batalle butoui, U»maof geoila Tht-y se:s they canaot coin poea ilth t'ebig sfores. aoI thaf anothe rensait la tht lt-assolafetretoi values *0 ut ng ithstrcts of the df r, nea.Henry Ceuni: grasl, jury laiataf Mai Charles Poter of Colotta for the tuarder ot ber huabanil by poismn. The r-rime ta salid te Lave bt-en committed lal Deteniber. o heu Mr». Poirter dotily yTtnt a solution ot Il> plietr l'ion in file C.ifea ot ler hib'înt, wio vas sîok wt at Lma. The ItocWtîtrd lolities tif 1.11l"lcv mui rallie a str-ctg effoîrt te,atcre Ille'lo- cat ion of thc lid ru IL%' boulîe îhich ltae orîlîr o ileâtislli litt hia Sraute. Rock- ford liatnsi, vr 7(x) Oddi %11>1 ss ' iare lteresltl. ,the allaitelr. T'f liih'r re- qîtîret s tract of toit lissaitaii it 4ai(res, lu a grootiloctiion. Duel'lo e t havtntit i ia at 1.4)(m) tiieipit. i 'rItleIhonie in entitblitieil. fle.rge W. Adamîts. ouie a pecaPeroits olîcra cr on lthe <iîî'g Iitrti ofit ratle, lantd fcr intilir !ars a resitieitnt o Chi- cagzo. ciniîittetltlivite. AîlreraitY came tlito bina i t i*lmold age sud lthe lîttden waise ort0litait lie t-ould Lest-. l"tdinc lîiîaîîlf aittîe VetJueday afît-rtaton lu tb, cllce cf lthe Nationtal l.iuseed Ou Ceom- pany, lia (»rond Coss5ing. Le lshot blm- ail! ii lthe lit-ad iih a revolver. Tîte îttiltor of pubtllic secouatsba la- siteil a (-ail for tIre stolemeut et the cou- iliition cf Stale batiks nathîe comntac- clieto f business the moroing ntof . 8 lrt-.07. lit- Lan alise iîet li lttune of or- gatîieotiou te eMadlison County Blitis Batik,tfEilîvrdaville. The organisera arc William Ml. Erorne. William F. L. Marley, Jothn iltoîze, Adlph, 1'. Wolf, Ut-orge ICî,lblieitch oud Ileîîry P'. ]Îots lr(,l Uffert, olgit unttrnianutaithb Abton Pai bing IHotîe &ladtItefrigt-rat-tr Vilitîienîy. liait an e'îps'rience Sîiiday nighi talitit itill tilwt' tisalllabtin aLiver te ce- ettil. About 2 c',-lîek tt'ht-urianoise la lte eoînîany'm office aîîd u-nIte oinvesti- gale. As Le onlkel iîtue nittked nmen etiired i b i b itis. made hill, lit Inuit ounlthe loor aîîd tecurely bount tLis bande îvith a coril. Tbey tht-a marcel liii tealthe olîl steragercomnulndlot-boA Lila lu. (bing back te the- obice tibeit onu- <'i a itole Ilufli er@aie fetilleil h urith ilynamtite, toitcheil tff tLe fuse aud a ire- inindons expliosion folloîtei, but thejluer ilînrs oftheit tatil, ivitilin i. iih there lias acterai Ibotitatti dollars, rt-maint-i ititti(t. 'TlieIrtrglars. becoming alarmeil, ratiliiîay. Lato the- nextit ttrnîni cul- plie.t e, geiîîg tue Le ehîate, toutili Uffert froneti tPtiff. In tht- atterno)n lie Waal sut& fitciilb.i tbaîiel ciiisutî îîîacous enottîb to tell the t- cy. He je iin a tery critical Tîte Mi-Kectt iSteel Working Comnpauy, la ilt lniliîalry promiaed antî'îvdars aego tier lollet. wosnmoite sunatured tlîing At R nieî'iîîg V'ediicsdtiy littuen W. Me- Ki'ota ia nit otllier r.'pi-aettativt- ot the ilttliiît 1 as a îllhoeilntlvt-ly Au- t i.unîtti i tutht- ntîîîriratfor an $ffl,(Ml -biîhldinîg hbtlla-era clt-tlias I'ilttltlpliia t ouiî. The t- ruture 1% ho lie complet' -c. il. !tltiy. "T- ittjt. îy iie-aishas or- tiders (tili lait(]intunin ii.' t-nil> iork for ai t int ii',xiiîiiiliii. tîîl î%%il] sturt o tt afc'rt e if o '-trlle)t uien. Tit' linrîiue oi 1 t lii itditii'. is t hi'rt-ut-ilitiz f ifl satee rialimii .r a9îrîttesa iivittedsite]Pst- i ii lly Wilc Mii i t l la serret triis.t'ut irasut htallras tutu ulil à leîîeîît ratet iniisoutte îtf thle 'hi'"tg n n ,d iI', iuike'rîîlliîî tuztili'. >li rails, wî vh Ili r,'îîfitrt'have, bien ili.irtlcîlas nacleai, (,tl ipte rrîllî'l anid luni,eas gootian t- l'y thuat-tvlî'ocas Tht- Llghaay ct-nm Iiii.aitiitra ai a spceialmeinig grantit- thIre t-vcomptaril t-rlai truck privileges, 1- ('lutngertl iercliauta met In the Shertiiaiii lionneo Tburaday afternoon tl terait au organimation te fight the dltpari nient stores. Scatteetd lnver the city art abiott ettty tot-jcatîcîts motrelailer., mný Ytht- abject et tht meeting won a tecombinu 1%ail tht-se in cite tuiti For that put-pott e'nviaîof tht-ti twan akeiltt endl tiri le gati-s, snd the leailers iu îLe niovemei ilascrili'nta tht-te di'ltgat-o repreaet-ut 01 tc10 ni)erctzs ati pttîerity owneril i liteeches matde nt prelimlnuary oictling. in tdiathîe retailert plu their ftîta 1a lit-t-tse aystcîu for deîîsrtmient aMores la Andit in plattaeil to rmille an ttePons Ila blll rougit tht- Legialature. Soutere ettallera are lu favor cf tht- Scltual, bll A Otîtîrs vat a nmoiiation. W~est Sîlet yfavor a syttttintu iah etferce a Il dceneeotr $1011 for a singit' tieparîmuent jl$200i for lteo deptiet, $44) foîr ti dcîîartîîîîntl uin o ncilî'ntinunusly. 1 se ligîtredtiIttlte Iaxn a stotreivitl tii îî','u îleîîartîuents vîoulliebî'$3.27llf> Il lhhutof'ourse, tîculd bcIro trhibitive. Ou lite titileilRock Islandîl tizena, bt-ai ý1cil b>'the- Mayor, lIn aieit l"ulton At 1 i 1-m. Ttemilsy moruint- andîi tte-iiptt-l1, -i gtain pressst-aiio f lthe eqiuit-et o f th ,) h.-aiLJaage cf lthe Muodernt Wtoîlîet, o- Attilerie'z. Tht- lire lit-il wvon hnatity eun ie andîielilenta cf Fltlon gatherei l it fore l-tii resîset tLe rîmîttal. Tht- lire deparînietn v-va o'as iei outand îLe boue tis ltente on tit)lite tliens. lRevolvers ct-r- îraw ,u anti club@ausesi. 4fveraI of tht- loi d.aIslauders hLad hatttettsud nmslle frîtitin r lfts toecti I lie Lisea-.i t ei kîtot-ki ndoii . Tht- police ivere poiverleste ri la stirt- orîler. Dîriug lthe uitlte -Mityt cs fîRot-k Islandîwax'assett-i. Editor El of ala cf tht- îlo-k IslanîdlGazaette' pent th olliglît in mil. lie I14eliarged i 'th havît lîsîbailîruts kituebLe.. eo lanoiroui ie ni $2110 bonds. The ootk Islandlmet-onue tývedin lu losîlng un lu tho hox cars lie qiiîtity cf the-office books, fuiruhture etc. IFulton clit-na telegrapbed tle t! etouuity sent, Pîorrîsoît. for mit Injîtîtfio ehtailraitaithe, aitacblng paefy front lies ,o lng off the gants. At Il o'clîîck lu t ;o. îceatnni Ie InJunectaeiteil, andIl Rlot-k Isisuileetreluctantly returet-Ilt g -ods.- Laier lu tht mornîng tht-y me a Lente. Tht- Suprome Court Las blal ne' ut-alet-a ute fartaitl tht- renerai. TLe cil at-seliaof ut l"tuseattntia tettpoemey i 7a jeut-tien lu tht- Circuit Court tour jes iugo agalut the remevai of the Modlet ilWoodlnen ofliea lu suother caiy.Lt Joueînt thîs injonction uwms set malde, la - Fulîton bob au appa tofthe Appelle te Court, This court osaanel te eitla t-e eftihe lower court, practlcally enaylng tIi t- tht offices umamt:go f to R lhal .TI -u feeling lu Modern Wodmtn cîfelea In de bt-inbitter, andl IFulton memberstrae la tleally oppoaet-th. renioval, I'tndingi ce 'pilentl te upreme Court Rot-k laIs wy memibers have been attemptm t te9g ra possession cf îLe office, and a etroah sua livas placeil arcound Il, tas At Peitersburg. Marie Wet-aheeby Te tcr, olgt-07, cummîtteil auicide hy ian A meaus ga satranamutteil to ft.e Bs.- att- WVcilucday treaiL.heGorernor by hW privat- aecretaey appoiuting Anien Peter- sou a ueituber ufthîe Chicago West Park Bocard ttu utcee-ilEmiA. tbrotefeud, se- igocil. Tht- iciat- immnediately irest untc t-ecutive session tîtid callemeil tLe aipiniitaienit. 8ectator Tt-mpleton'a bill .iithorizlng fle tovt-ruor lu Lorecu 23M ijll le nîcet rastial deirs snd toiture lu the- revenues, pastel uu'th te emeegenéey clause by a strict psrly vot-. ienitor Mtirrisptgi's iiinrig tht- aarcf juilgre of ectitîn int'ook ciiîtiy et $5 pt-r day w as t tortcît fatvirtitly and,î on usptu- ilo cf îLe rnue',, nîlauccil 10 ihird rend- ig. lit the Iloi.ets a large nunuber et pa- tîtîctîs ut-rt-îreslented. tuan o iletah-on flic stîîhjecf vor uîaun tîllrtge. lilt,e. eay list-t-t-uitilo ittiticu front tLe Quinter bar, favoring conîsolidatiotn cfte Supreme Court. Me. Piiller'a bibi peovhtliug for the establshmetnt ofbrunscb apptlatcourts iras reporledan ad adrauceil te secondi eeaditig. TitetComnilttee ou Eleetiona mtode a report rêeommeudiug tht- dianilsam ofthîe tcunt-si of Joseph Bacharmch ausinat lttpretentmtives Bottrand An- Ireva, 'The report watt adoplel. The Sen- aie Moue reselulicu, uegiug tht Illinois membm .of t'engress te use Iheir luinu- eu-e ald rotes ho secure the recogaillon et tht eillgerent rigbta of Cuba, a laid btforelthelonne. lu the- lienne Thnrailay. &fter àlong mil senîewhat tormy debate, Mr. Rt-rt-Ira Lilrept-llug the lihel luas otthé Stats lient dovtn te lettat. receling tour le" itou a niujorlly of lthniedl lo-tiLrde vtie. A nutmber ut bile were ltroilucel, tLe gnoat Important bt-lut on@tut probibit employintt atregular Ibor of nur cill utîder 14t itars fagt ansd otany illi- eaie chîlt betocen tht- ages of 14 andl 10. A Étoilar billo-as introduce lnl the Sen- nîte. The iovteaor irasmmutel 10 tht 't-lat- appointietuito1the- Beard of Coin- îîissioncrs outhîe Illinois litat-penilan- fAney ut J"lot, the Boardl et Commissien- ers cf [aber, sud tu the Boardl et Man- agers cf jopte1Ilints t Site eefoemnaiery t ,'utt '.The Senate limeiiately wutu it, eet-tlie sessionansd coullentetithe R'eresentntlvt- Trowbriitge, for tLe rai- lt-jpt-opte, 1riday introtticeil a-bill amenil- tfleg tht- Chicago aanitary district at by *prcridiug fer the appoimeut .by tb. Goveenor ot a permuanent ccmbaissiou ef three inme ,' compost-iloft et-idenis of voler tutus, ho tee tibrithîe peotisiops of iso- %vigil, rferece te tht- rolumit eflatter iii tht- dtsitage ehaunel are enforcel, A :t reealîîtion for maiîniittug tu popular gofta tcontitotiolial amtendaien ut ahmtuiing d uitrictIcourts for the preseut mastir. e coturts in large ittes %vas matet- aspet-iai orcert for a future date. BIllgýe-enflura- Idot-el approptiaiing S205,0lO fur tht Na- itional (îurd; aperopriatlug $194,7g., for the Western Ilospitai for tht- Insane aad *$2)7000 fur ait nîldittonal firepeoot build- ting for fie sanie intstitution. Me. Nohe i flot lu a bilIl t)hîcent tht- itiegal use of fstrcî'ts by raircads tty giving aliutlug 4 prpetyoner-s tht- righh ho enjoin sut-h - ilegal lote. Tite bill for tht- consolidiioni ýt of tht- Suîlieie Coturt ut Springfie-tlu-on y moade o siëecial order for Tutaly, d Sutîîirtay t'as markb t he i, inteodluc- Il tion tif nusîîy renolitilout, snd discusion et of ricus niîuî'aît. Amoîîg ftlentauere rv fie bill lipiropriatitg $31,000 for the fur- n ulhlng oethîe mAoluleramnieriai hall lu tht-CLicaugo puilitbeaey building; appre- a.priattua $37,000 ter the puepose et tue- t- nlshingnit cartng for tLe uit-morfal halt alu the- public library building lu Chicago, Tht- reslulien luleuduced by Mr. Berry- m nan proviiing for tht apptaluttuet a id joint commiltet- ut seven te Refi lunt-on- le unletion th Itginiative coniltenta ren ae KansastnMuiIssent-I lu tht- inrestigation 1 t stock yardtst-arges: provldlnog forth. nt ïý@nX0ftion ofthîe Sopregni. Cout et a î Spîrigield; astotizi thîe l)overnor, Lw Auittr andi Tretisiteer tu bor-oit $250»0 te omtuthîe defitsitlnl tht-haie ret-rtunes: t, 'e'et- i bis pt-t-pared by tht- Chitagu OM D rai nge 'Trustee a:9 tîtuid a Joint reseitution th for a constitutlin 1 amni ent allo*ging tointui vole ntai al otlIens. so tht- lonnte Tîtt-day. lir tht- tloetvote i f lit;tu S). ',tht- ameuîled billloie'ing tht Il 4uptreme V ourt cf lte ltait-Rai ottes- iit-,ad tif Spiigfieldl, lit cite tht- rou- ýIbiîaliotî st-el it-ut-gis htoqigh, vati tias'ï t M li fter a shiirli battît', lit tht- hunai, th titi fîllîîîiîg ibillu. atîîuîîug thees, uitre ttr riilii'lI; 'rî-aîlîg a boani cf i'tiuty '.smat-atre. tt aa's'sail prpertn.rly t-t rfi, l btticr îaisu Ity tht- ltat- Boatrid tf t ltrizatitiu. lit Cok ('iuty tht-lisuses- a- suràs tiltl ru'îî'ilt alitry cf $ ait(unî 10 te ilurk $ltJpt-r uatttiit1ettilio.'tr t-e th Jui Itgiext tf thet- i'ttrCur ftîitof Cook f I 'oitit>' to heiur.-and dile iuiîtt-, innt 19, [ntoutton us toapptîoint recis t-i-r ce idtriouibe a Illtîrîbers u b) un i 't-ty If ut rît ff-et ui>'ilttet lrevi ttîîty ett-til; 'il applropbriatuitg 11U,766 ifor liiiut-eiets nu titi] rîla it-s (t ite exetitit-t- mansio;lni k riiietuit i litipiiitiou tif a jecacti urb il ctý i,.î'uni uiu' iilc f muirier and bei-unit- 'i cîî iumeitft fic j ntttnieiii Ly tîevitling fiLst t'- tht' (,ovt'rîutur gealut a reclietet until hls or' ituiy t-no Ie inivestigibteilby îLe Cotîtt. lie Awake for Nluety Hours. neg Proîf. Patbnli'k and Dr. 'Gllbert, ef the o ~ Uiveraity cf louve, bave rect-utly frIt-J flet e tinitneui. uu'liehlu ladescrbtd Itu fli tu syctioîogicaî Rlevît-t, of becplng :lie tltro- otaiîuermaa-ab for ulnety con- on ae'uttvP houris.T'he otuervers did noct r- siit-en, ailuotugblogs dît- if bt-pt swako 1e four or ÉlIe thuya. Tht- physîcal andt Le mental eondîli on of the observons ut-re t-e ut noteil durlng nuit alter flete t-afce-lnl- sotat in, .nuit te neallts are of t-aet î.st-letille auil prarilal lut-rt-st cu- e, A Hitnalayau SeaeauL eru Rupeba, a district on tIhe norts alopu t of the filat asi, 15,000 teet aber.esma cutl lt-t- ail stinounileilby mouatoilua ut frutti,3,00 to 5,1>00fitt ltler, bas a Ila jiermat-ant popaulation etf35W permoita, 'ho mit litre la Suit-halr tenta ait the yeur asu round. "%Voter f rets f t-eru ayury, un- Dlgbt, but Do staom fallit iatceont ef au te drynesa oftfile air. Tht people mare nil shojlierds, andil tin upajamat andi a île long t-ob. mearn-uiau adîlîbunail eal eti lauutatally coltI meathor. a Teo liAnetut Hgypt. op- il setmmveey cdd te, Lave uncarthati the tht- phsytblngs asoel asnete tableta

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