Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 26 Feb 1897, p. 7

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la ho Whtt. auto M 07«_______WakOe 4004000 ocaed. 1Wh .Mo et aleHctmo ave Lent the. éieyelauats, A reb or rouy ui ftl&smlo .~ ~M,'K*,LEY8 OFFICIAL ADVI8ERSA8 t the White Housa. the Premeident mal N OLO 4SOLDIER'8 HOT FIONTr The total number or theologcal min- ~li*dus~ unbitsets "lve fh assistants are packaint their trunka. FOR LIFE ANÎD HEALTH. dents lu tîtia country' la 7,658..0,d .al thata et. with tiy d isevl. aEA.COE. Large boires are fild with hooks sud _ 5ommU IL0flarv mtasod e»wsudP u alveso.m ua utre.t»t ýnut reuaistsamdeIînwsdPeprs whlch are the Preidet'a or Mrm Whiels.. i ý _Oum OIems 19 eu no mlaIa, kidue. . ile.5 J . Gary end J. J.MelcCok .~.Clevelaudg private property. Tho, wll Bi BoosViasldafPrt.w ande ci isaetse Io~s ou n. Jetr fCseet.oo~oian. aum nbematrde aiments.. 1te05 lOs' Oz UI-se fle aFO e4Mshu"'uSaai MbMWIS Cent Siectlna-Latsc t Rat ieh sent to Princeton. When the morning Du.HlOsleeîhd,,,î0 C45Oa.Mut O etw u en su'esa fte l B d. " t@ lc n - -te e a ' a- ot Mal 4 cores 4ere ii reouainouly Aokedfdrth., N iu f . tii. Piliiathl 'i n sa i s > "Tes," spake they or the on. Who tertor-lir. Gary, a Slaryiandoela a tew trunks, end thes. tell] accompinî Physîcîsa states The, Were]Dr.Wlit Mue.l oioepwl bad goD, "ho ws utter Send hete».-er eeraL Mr. (levelsud, then $gain an ex-Preal- jeunetPink Pill, for Paie iPeope- MIsMse. T atri t vrCw 17 all Ha wckduea aigt aveMalte Mode usa. home. lMr. Cleveland, by the way, bas Frlotothe New, 1 ittrto S. b.d SlsJ C balnforgiven hatl It boen accompminied With the acceptance r h Portamaster neyer seeu the propariy ut Princeton Sol. Yeweil, of 9q; Hill avenue, ludian-'làathCue o I A bYayrdelgtat u i alg»ami yM. ayo ayadadwhich ln ta, be hie future residence. Mm. ,&polie, lad1., who il well known t'uIn- Mat. Cur-O aone. He couldn't even tell a fuDnnY of tii. Bcretaryship of the Interiur hi Cleveand aeiecled lit, and the Presidant dramatie protfemnion. 'ehan a bar of h,11 qtor."-idiaapoîu Jui-ui. oL J J. eCok ofNewYoroutein- liehwas perfcxtly coutent tu trust te yenris oid Cuiited(l ompany lI 131 u I l Oeoeu, ide.soothea, hoa%, curea I. lris cabinet la now complete. Following her Judgrment. ans Voiunutat,- lfantry. te iaie tilrei I00011%zZ IM Nuchaîs Outs, 173 Batbsia Marley la the authentic ist uf the cabinet as IL The 'ridlent'o enfmear homne In the , cars régimeant lima mlacch,-d t the frouZ 1roru the Hoo,,ier State. in the fait of -- I LMLther, ast Troy Pa.,,gcew bas been finally docided upon: euhurbs of Wamhingtou viii ie offerod for lrS2 hle was honorutty di,, harurd, Le-- SÇ lushelà Butzer& Silver Mine Oot, .a ......... sale, and no doubt a good prcco ilii h cause Of disabiitkal, contrartald in the Car- 'Ma John Brelder, Mlsbbicott-Wl,.& rcivad for il. notivithstanding the doit vice. Afier a short li ailent nt knome ~U5ti Olvr ig aie erareyai et ae - imes ln Washington ceai estate. This hae welittaoNe<w York and entered col- r., ONWMRMAN etProPerty lieunoacrer the cetython Red lege. lie ia$ s hright .ruuug fellew, a Fodder plants as rape, teoisinte, Isetacy ai thé Teusuy- Top, In whicb lic. Clevelan.d livedl dur- diligent minaien t î.ul n reat future speen vethaprry cov~rs gaseset.,in LYMLAN J. GAGE, it cf UWues. ng the latter port of hlirai tacern, end edoPening bafore bhnm. Buliewaru hlaeaid veaiaurcccrga« t. nthe bugles and ithétire, of pal.-,otism tire > eidiu t.retîs,~îttoe u 8150 Sccear of Wr- vhich lha@nsdt u a syndiente at a profit et gain aglow iu hi, bosom. lie euiisted rel Ba 1àiies, utaa ae reto bIM à RU 4BELL A. ALGIER, et Michgn. aboutII100,000. The syndical(,iost mono as a cecrit nilluComuleny I or thet2,1 Hot- berel. gÂmerlcs geae t eed tbg- et.,,on thé venutre, uery ifa%*of tis lota hait- ris Light Cavnlry. 1<ilpari,km romans Soigne and 12 farm a mples ar sent Jli .L N .o asc uet ng be n so d. o d re itent.a , od sa tisn a gin ai the Atterer Gnserit- r. Cleveand now clairo threo homes., front. 'rherawnos a great allemand tor "IL hi John A. Salzer BSed o, L A ttre iu Washifigtuu une antiPrinceton and cavatry iu Virginita, and the active on Oross. Win., open receîpt of 10 cent@ ,<>SE'l MKENNA, fi. «iO one et Buamards Bay. The total of hie trootper ruoîid pia ly ort lcting uni and «AfPIpeWorth $10 te get a taî-t. 5.oetarîeof thelageeor- weslth ilemetimated i.y those Who know .ario a _r,.rudontt%'alle oralu] in là,, sesssUt.i.Jies C. N. V . J. MICOOIC o9 New Yock. s omething ahout it nt $1,000,000. When 1864 hr le attraeted the notice of the dilshl- V*Gu M 5carnetemeaie*4 Death las blrth. And as lu this lite w. Poutmatter Gemna he corne ta0 Ingo , n za ot worth ing and doutatlesa ('Iouler, anud wilsselec- emma« .KtU Oft ~UnLu.oeEeitgimu mi. loigsins e eia etr e ceý tArclue-Clevelaud bas coule lut., considerahle which lha served until the,:o f the Iwar. woke mb conry, anusthe r ludthe armeb ot for- AitetI h, wnar I. 'e alagouto a ie L hope our nezt wakiug will bc boeom* prpON t es tnýerlta sd vthlreeut bsba o-kuioiu,, an a skilled tic epr writer, andi"Use thie IVears and Heaven W iII Give b»' hatEtcuii Loe wichj tnat luhielusatmuo« correspon.dent.,soi le ovs later lu de- bytu tra oewihprovlded **.*~.**e*O * Durlng the ight yenr, of presidency Pra,d i a theatritat turrrier and prpte's.4 tii shelter for us bere. The. natt thot lic. lcCook andMr lic.ha hs drnwn ")40,1(9 from the Govaru. agi-ut. a profession in whiih ha achiaved Yo.u LtCe B e sn . e e e l The pacte lu the <case. cabinet and liaito,-capted n-as rerelcat!, ue-hait, pêrI.nps more. Itahas nul pent Il slit e a thelecn on the tlel,]d n the A cacaful parusai of the jmap of Win e Wfuhilgton corresonodent enys. Ly Sen- as mach money during the second admîn- cain , i.d - fe at te.-Ltvo knew tha s fl ri l iUel eei ilviiconvince you that thh IViscon- aturs sud menaer, ut Ctaugrmsvitla itrution ta.lha did during ténlb . .AÂil i gaial end ter-oatitt Sol. Yevv-tl had BOY MaCnta he r .nigfrn .Ciag ' xpes onsofsatisfaction. big tcrah'--~s-- -lditi e -4 ra ut suriner rt- to LàMlakel . .,j 3fffflopolia, James A. Gary le lite tecognïx ilader pensivesort. I . r ng the wor. Sot-, l wilcsr na the A uhisnd, IH nrley. iconO-ott, e ssm er f the Itapublicsu part y inu M ayla d. taCav io d O n ,ere c i v b o t h u - aett - ,r e. r,t notit," sud IDuluth tom h a grenier numubar of ia a businless maliof veath. a manufae- $200,00 aud beaide., thei a- anlia m ,sblptttrrl,,, i i i .1i,mie t- ttgiit, fo im portn t rt,., thon any lina ru nu ng turer, nd lha ha s uev,-r h aitatad t aUlgve C lea nd 0w n) abouit $ » )<, ( » wn- rth of y3 ir . A s qif t1t1( tr-ror.1 nutl ît: i t'h r, ,,reiu.Etcgantliy etippat! effort antI munax ta the coautofpurhy. He ceai chiate. fi I, t; t( a--n h traina, leniatint cvnvau,.-nt hours. Rnke bas been a leli-gate hoa ,'ry national con- Tha Preeldent van l ire ia Princaton Mrhlrt.rt ~gie cî Ilre a - tbaue cit e asy utaccelia. Auy ticket vetion outs tary, ointe 1872, sud trom dnring the winhcr noud et Buzzarda BeBy liai,i, 1- g. ,,ip i c -ýTii., a tt -Ii agant tan give )yuu tai informoationu and 18.8telu 10tfbotnsreprementutd Maryland Ila samnîeb. licva il practit e tam, inNew m,s, i, - . î.îî:tît jai 1tiy rt., tro)u. ticket you là,,:gt. Jas. C. Ponid, ten. itPOIî the iteirublicnnational conumittéea.YorkCtlanesadiar,,ruu,,lHie nult bc-t eta-l, I *uiz hait na<o,c Pa. Agent. -hihînuka, %Vi. Inluthe couini-is ut hie lirty lhaspeaka goiug 1ona tour rurod the mnocld. nnc e, a.h nq in N ,-nhler out h.,t vith ouihority and Lis tullerunces are ycttr ijhiat,, etlert , gta Up work Goed Excuse fer Eacaplnog Service. Lesaid ,ith Iantr,-. u 55 lir. Gary PHTHISIS NOT CONTAGIOUS. and caile i. ti, the uIlaîrte. recîuin A Loudon coroner the othaer .1-y ex- sesmarrie.] 0tui&&Latins IV. Cordie, Dcot, uaeum heAtinofl. ui t ,, 't r-urt, tc l.sihe. tr euaed a jtirimau who sald ai n-aa OtoNt Ç. X.-k the AtiofnHoflthe anrilr,,, ISfr .-, ,-ri,, t tal. TMy e,t ralsysranad bat beau on duly The action ut the New York Bourd jfo iliiétIr-cmo g.rna., r gtfiatthie sur-' &à l uigt. Heaath in dlcecf'ug taatt11caes outo c ,es ttcre., , h, lare t,. cv Yg-d t td, a _ __fum a .re eampeiled h tu dmt thcy ,uil do Speotal itat to Wash.ington. umtion Le regiftcredad t treatad bike uothing for me. My't.,oaitor at,aia t dihthcio menitandcontagions dis- tua, ahhttvted nith vterligo Raid 1t t lia- 8175 Chcag luWaaingou ntice-esses, ha, nrouxerj thé' indignation of New Ile te fait t auRoittnexpected moment. ftrn, via Mtiuon, C.. Il. & lx, B. & 0. York pbyai<ians g, necnlly. Thay art ai- The surgeoun% havi'ng nothing chin lu mor IL W. and Bl . steapeci throagh amunt a unit lit their cricminatiou ot the rccomcended that la mt reooure-ft change without change. Ticket» guud golng action and the opinionuut one in pcacically oft eliata. ISu lunMay, 1, c,4 I nent h Miarch 1.2and! 3, rtumniug barch 4 tu8. li .ht o &l.Boton oi.1* - eui' mlomno Ticket ollice, 232 ('tarit Street. Depot, thtit al.the Colutmbia lhentcr Ibert ou pres Deorbon 8âtin, hicgo.Dr. Rtobert Huntar. n-ho bas mode a trriter, as I tua, dehrmiuad ta do smre- A eroutUnsCiau paciatty ut treating ptiinonary tiases Ihinar. I ramainct i ler@ a tosoaOns.Fo xLg2 yu m ha * PssG«f Ci- ueroas Fiirati Rload. forfilfty yeacs, and werbolaob hahorn dtriu. *lyrtaimegeanay s i conued o ---=- --r--- --sce go ry a The Oira American coiroad walit ed or ubserred tf.( @nta,.,sit!: "I cen itia egetv.1cnutdnmnd h at4dA mad t" na gSr m n la 81. Ilvathree mutes long, n ot fmd n-ocds miti. nhirh ta express My ber ot eminent pi.yaiians lu Boston a andgwllou ugalr tiin h stre than we could wftthau tiis granite quncrias ot Qulncy, Mau, indignation at the Buard ut Hetllb for heama a patient ai thte Harvard Collage o tisasr uhi n Bennett Street. The surgeuns te the Nepouset River. *ti uia cin -ibui on udthex-o appenrcd luadtsicare aemcbu . w.a ~ ~ - a r __________and mur, arr ha Sabeu e oaan couteau- nme as -a patie-nt sai1 tti os tvtiing.u Oua ' g AVAJ l lUUld , kMeliO '. 1896. t C.glingLeau g (Jneuupîou.JAMS A OAY.piate. Ta begrin wilt. consomption isnuLantday a dodu,- there ac box ut pill a communic-able digecas. Histury shows Ttheterapper eut! ail idantlfyiug mark$ KPmp*e Bsan i it ep the rungh ut danginter ut James Curri., eund lethe ftu- thia. Thera net.,- nas a cane that was ara gouea. but the continu of the pis ence. (Io te îouc dcnggimt tu-dey and gel er ut one son aud savon daaughtars. Hia cuntrmcted hy contact nt anther case. vas ot c Plut colo,-. Io ig i a d e o a MPs a aie tte ia Soldinlu25 eud 50 @a, . ptnley Gary, il no-w junior part- The gccm in flot giten off Ly tha peran '1 o bt ad scrccay nset the box hefure, g 1 a d e o gh. eent bottiez. (Go et once, delsys 5an uer'lu the oit! 6cm ut James8. Gaa-y & suffering ftram the diacase. ILtilain the cmotor tax uiavsé leasn iangte.Othe -Sv o tewang oreay with tPerie. dagcos io.M. ayis13 er u g. isecond box the vartiotô antiraiy dîsappear- o h ahn aywt erie Th Ii. amsiaranthîne fower on CoL John J. UtcCok, Net. Yorkalcm IL tuset! ta ha believat! thnt the diaease et!, my paralysie or locomtor ataxie t.Oa ,Sak b l;rne haisils er lvirn;teol atntiet-ber utflMcKinley'@ cabinet, In the young- wos hcccditncy. 'Vrnk ttong tisane rune goent!n I homean ta have my oIt! tima, o ; bi is -ta sa there oe art t a .v -u h o l a ug t- a- est of the temous "Fightn g 3ifroCouk ut lu familles, an iln persa n w tbwea l ng s confidene in mys if. Ye , Il these ait- to it. T he clothes are Cleaner and - Dr atubOhio, a famtty whickh rnsbd afaterofcourseavsîii st.î~,more ceaâiîy thoalients under wechdl bat! suffered wtre couegtsn oth no ry t hadsae ,tcar u rete eflet! hha e. 1h uat!about tour boxes uf whiter than in the old way; colored an Pgh sn t te tedieisp s heai lebrateslaflld hepille betare Ikuesu ttat tbey t*iere. b'- litlieh 52 yasasoIlu inMay. len-as a with thi,.gcm7s of tubrculotis. Itsbu tth loeu tctrauhi eao ts are; fnannels are softer Pi y Situant at Kani-on Cottage Ohio, w n-b six years milirete existente ot the gectin M 1 ttokkao ratota.going up loto the tha var broke uut. IlIeanliietet! cea pi-. nosdist-overr-d, tundnon- the Huart! ut White Ilountateta end iuto Northara Ver- adwo tshnk P U r i, f y W ~~~ vte Ilte MilitahOhloCarat-y. lie tuili Beaitti propoers ltabreak up iff.000 trnmi- mont. I allie-d my dact,-ant inistialdeyu erln ta socrifice profita trou. hie Im an îsiuensesaid lies and 1le to it u ,mlr ot individ.ti- ulataknownig thetDmnon-the twont!erftn 'fou biol. Woros cti-vutom ai tlin..tluenter the cabinet. Col. NItCotk Is dia- theycai ItlIomunta$000t$7,00ayr as ta i t,,,crit t io. abt e>o ca ismt bat sliesit, a ve hecîgvn gie.iuou o M pckg, n al.11cga h a rcmet!y adlildr 'lty t ii n g k il you'1Iget the best resuits. Don't veon. 1?iing the wuairtr moutheinlm- tiuçtively a aciront! attorney, sud wuvaient!ta iriate the nture angîroa rtoc ae eo r. Williams'-tht PinkwasesIi Purîties hava hotu accumu:ating In yûLur prominani in the reurmanizatitun ut thae cases uuly, haitt wbo ta ta rirte ,vlich "I sait!, 'lthink they are the heal mcdl- don't use ls -htol nrae orwork. Ueit aoe blond, on-lng ta dt!minisl.ed perspraton, Atchioun, Topieka and ente Fe Itoilcoat!. cases arc il:e more ar ittg'rrtim race,? Il cm.ine a ve,- tott. aitdI icanu ttrectiy traels-ha onynre esy rUe aon - eloso onfinemnent uidciller causea. Ttc,. Ha lu oua ut thtstees utflPrinceton la sirniy aolatri:ptut ny 2.10Slu- ta. thotu aI]te îtit i îat 1ave ce- no'lsoap with il nothing but Pearline. imepuaities imuetnoir ha axpeuleul. Non la e!an ider outhéteNetu Yrork Fitth Avé- du"triots, atttt.ttits laeti n oaecceivcd. 1Iplott ut-e ot ,it tiat Along a th I e ui. 1 nune Iresbjteriau Clturth. lie ut-echuanaibeandit ta ,.. uty nuiIt irso lir, t-t lu in ith y tcr tui l otub avis tlefe- ~ * J te contuct threpraoircution of Dr. B igsore t e eprrf rot i uaaiiy forr- ten ~ta e tirÎ.ieitdy fortatepion _________________ aïI D IL Ove-ar,-. Prut ttî,ttc ntitre - ivrutitiedtato1Icertaituiy bt-lit-,. tht-y airengtihen ont! Y u 3 l o dMOTHERS* CONGRESS. irtnaiu titi ji:n raîa:îrntlty usi tffer ce correct thelAtontuiutabtat organ." By taklng s course out lio,-!u Saraoarjaritmntn ltcou tri,- aeir. Xeivcil litstua Ita,-, fi-ot conezl- rnaka i-îth. nu WBh lhtIlreafter Stect lu Washington u!itao wortirei lutiçiIn t ,, î ntelt -ii, 2 ut ne pure, hl falttte m ignnbaddn otahlrst cflsat.;lttIe. i '1Nîr. tulue ti Thiimeticn oteluetc ach Aiteruole Yesr lteooîlun . si-teha..atatndtor.WlIot co lo hhiet log lhlvol. Il thoroutilyci-et!cala, tine Aftrer a ver> sule-esutut anti ailtiin'ait aPut-litr,,rkl--itle ',,,atca li,goVt luho a urtî," ictk u ýt'les dautger u (ro in-ri tumi inttetittut! mr-tiug ut tbcoe aystefrtmoin 2yearî oltI. Lndrtiih il liatmts' lint ta ladet! Ilitni, vra ie ; àeerani conus iita!t!> Iblry ohr i, Store? 11.. ruutit,îrie-orthettstreet lPilla hove nnotie a>otitg utan orf tim, gren i i8tdls nork fnaî,l .tturne.I cars o r g., to hu. .Thy uiighttmat asa ty bave rcsttr-uatminias-iattLe bide mut!. up sadt! etaisail the organs by lu meat next3enir Riau ihonahingtotn. ncinott trou rti-tgfo ig arh c uu er !tsties .t feelinglthem Rimitpure, rloh bioAt. Thao t-lllte the generat heotiquarteai welor. tey.,tr skt uein ir from rt-n- fai tete ttematior aofu 'uto l,î pat- of the nav organiL-Ithun andthttcmeeting Dot îLave a rtîig.u,, rî.st r ,ur rv.1 tIng an-rdtarthoéuarcerir, "s 1 havea n everyautier year uilifltaaietpaca thora.Ie lt eit . egra . htea -i ffet ho go tu Boston anti taka up my aid In-hIle luthe ernty crr. il u t iih toît i aiseverynt,.,ýr-lut ttc air nl astab- Dr. hWiliamas' Pink Piiu contain ailtlbthe I I o o d 'S » c 2 Y o ese cinosen bytlin t. ý kiitis st ut roo eeenaneegry ta give ntu irie ad tt chns hebodaltd restîtra Lotr- Sarseaa ill ,wI*ý.,,d .tes eou-wn rdsnedlag wülcryotî et!nervres. 'fue arc for sai- lty alt!ruîg- - tons 1h. mottera indorso fhaen-ork outhlb.tosanîttet ctruatltMdicine.C.,ott un tht N. 81 ebest bIseft. thie OnesTruool rifiater. UnîversaciPence Union.,satd second uthe Rhe citiu nti rerattt w t .ho ir-try taY., fr50 cenîts , oc i bxsfor r 5raIl'eugetoll henierhItuto nau ucontact lniti, cttuiitiveare la, lia- Wfaaie'n Tîuîguo maitaable. S iind'si= ILsem uh ciiens ut AmeilantIbt essuns t of taebilIt th iaense os are nurses lu toa- ------- muet hliefrat Iansutî by hnrmotîy at tho iaafrc-sipie.Atn folla ate andfo - -1 - - - -S- - eartis; approve he founding outaa . itra "udcreicoiutpttres A z.,n, tlongut o a Secu aled r Po 1 EN& tional training echaultfoc motîere tiat te ikeam uallîox. antideraepiug mesms Tl'ere Ilmore ctairt Inttin asection outhlie . uniîstMtaaosoeea worn ofutAma-a my Le touillâtthe ooling ta the itntriuontueut o! thus,e t- cotryt bthon ail ottrer tisëa-,a.platt togaîer, taesa ls mthot! toc making hygienic homes cnt! fihtet! uitb it ln peut bonns, the Newn Otithe Olmâa- tl3auruttam stppoeariteinl-a Phu td .c.ia-$ ». for hecoming intelligent fmoiliers; promise YakHadu at nouaa u oai.Eeaget >satotc1c X1ril.. vu.L0... il. to uns.Influence tu encourage légilaato oeemînatioiulanint0ouu np- remllea. soterrula an arre n-toir leuu.uee. s tiha varientsBltre amut!terrltoriestON-feetobsllroesnal c on ti a iite a cueitîna ds Ji-irDia. rsasksistarandeurtan lulb en. balagaint cnumptive, and coocl tatne.Puutet1ticrbe eae p cisalus.ýS-Mi I tîucntoi;dolr to ter Mite the cmiatfar-raacliins invasiun uttatest! tecefora retires ronuitîlttunni treal. W«"ui bc . stesa et.,. u Puapolexho];elu re mLtai hue the p-mronol liberhY anar atamptet! hy any mn.HlCatarrtCre.itnta unfactuatel y F. A"- 9 plt. -h 0100 -aval pou e-ethedèflorlîut!r h ho«m(dbnineganzatCo.@IceToelfotC. & C..uTl laltOho 13file y con-u os eil as. taesth ioes i hitjido nul educate or inspire tei faisrauznin ino- tttiouai cane un thé martrai. Il nI- galplnt. il s eed -W.. -to lat et;prle pntion ot the art ut madicina." tlInbit4saetou. Ti.tu-a _______otis__ --dftrlny ieeu 4etam mar ta e otfii. ~A ihm !ga.eo =J- ai, 6 s 6 iaBMU tseant itpictucesandot! dlaiys wn-bl etnd te Odjîtie f 081.1. Levitstelore. ~adcet ntc iet ic u. wham boyîng tecaauasi!cnfaresodeuo d g r a d e m e n a n t i o m e n o r c o r c p t o r T h e t l b e r c u l o s i a l a - k a , b e a ue S us p e n d - c r ua_ u f e l i o t l . d t e n lsidopa-ave the mnde ut the youug, and! ail et! lu Connacticut. ..CHNYI.TosOwA M A mm - advertlsemanls n-hclct oentdateent»'; pe- A bil tan been Introdut-et!iunte Min-. St ,Dusae t.~* u o ~ Lillis onugaess e lurasa.tle geof *pro-nasta Hase utRepresetativeq makiug There lea aPresbytérien litearnes- m U w RfAS T AUE terionforgirs l hh Ditrit o Com-th. Governur ant! the Guveruor-oleci elI- cltie.' union lu Loudon, ulth tili-iFora nelihoar wvtolivet! out hy hbin nthecounutrytI!hî v tc bla sund tarritucles to 18 icars aIi el; gihie for luttion tu the Uniito iafn uilîao t oi n!amc-ai trmc Ins ahsm baIo mce! ut!cay,n o r r a l r ndm other o l ae vi n ith S n te tur ng lb, term , fo c vitl h tey hoa- ip t three bou u and. an ti dyspepselafro n a l n g bar ttack t'n soir hll> I have uffe e t i lc a u r u r f u at o n t i n t o r he l t ! , n n - u a . hvt tuoffi c eh.l e . O x c t v e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rO a m b u s e a n d n dB a ! e t ! a l m n ts . A s o u u t m i n e t o t l m e , n h i e o r e o u ie rueat!DiadIfuilan@our tchideu mao mce Lu e'0fauoîipMedicine s vil oser a yaar ago, te gel Ssime Ripans a uuesa asut brt. 1 16 e v, ".ho xrougtappéiatio nfr 0 te - ctt Thece ia non- lu the handa of c commît- MWove. lbebowels each do»'. In or- dî!, at! lu a cry short limie I wa. benegtet!.1Ihavte etîhetler, aie as ceptlon accordedte th o tccngresb .r.tee.out1h. IndianastBle.Légisature a hder te lhe hoaltiay ibis ia necssry. mare eat! rsllshat IL hbter tian si aay liq* "d * aedam!s.doiag Clevelnd, "tvhosaout!, uclu:the, coun- biIlu tecompol ail Proprlelaryinediclue Acte genti»' on the liver and! kit!ne .mort work Dw nas a val expechedte 4lu hý i tei you they are the trjr as lbhegMalon@ eut! honutitul leai coucerne ding husiness lu the State lu OUres ack headecte. Price. 25 and <IREATEST MEDICINE FOR A Z 5STOMACIH ot mthehuo!."Tbo ea tht se bPlace uapon ench package a label Sivlug frq«iajitela luorlt!-Jeffersou Co t IIlitber lite has exemplifiet! the principîas for the formula usat! lu the preperation of 1he A colun»' ut Beirien Coîînly <MidI.) aav su.We e.iwsLavaetem nt ho% uds 1 ialva>-arecomnut a-t bargains; viii beur 1 Luai îu ijtti oge.sodcontents, farmeru will emilgrale lu Texas lia thetLllhem vIen s eilo*,çooeplains about i, e lpm atf istn .'l Wu112ne OrcsReaiBa aI, Om n-y - tiscnre tad.The aiouagssue Clfri eeltmla pret>artng 5Pi'lng. _________ __________________________________ ! Veron, 1. )Ire.. lateBsnt h heosophtal aiv luodIuvrst rmlx ortl natîdn ed ma t svîs I.TVT AJI&.ouCR

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