Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 26 Feb 1897, p. 8

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Af Are the. rounsfor having jour lohe. TÂ"IW-ADB We £ive you the But af bath. Reat.Ettate, and nti'nng, goncy. Lii your propert7 i Umetu *vil là" Yeu.a oustomer at ArnO gnre'u hiebar- U"'wYuw Cty P>.tV. 80ci veii.dgtsambmdm md huit trem.chsa Pain m Poty. Fs'c~Oae fe 0i". or on temouble têms. lasiam cr erei faim snba" dl (Fêes For sle.'»Wbu«« ie Iéz.m ooCheap for Lake. Priam.per mme. prt eali. Lmaseu Mi. ous i he aitlor rate o interest. Choit Lots moe et ait ,oum u l ltm us lmproved tarm adjacent 10 Third sh Labo Ubral 008.. Ii. D.rby property-liros boume. lot and Lake. Ub I amuke & onainy Dvilon Bt for als, or lent. barns. geood huai., m souci lgrod ail- teru.uýamra tituber. Pries msper mm. part AIs<u LIf. Insurance and i2 ebf eab itmWmniôa Subscrlptlon News Agent Orove and rayelake four 5mileotii of Is« LIISftTyviUhWnIlmprovsd undot oaod Pbih -taue o!i ain.fatme land.etod -LOI(tew*rPRICES, .tok or do aresm.uneyer N«prnt and on 4il 1 diaeunt to a Wl.. entraid . .Sta tioni. at fyuw n oByo Mout ressonmbie terme.Ifyuwn oB r Four farmm i Ternon Township. Rent Lke orselLCounty Someri ciioe tare lu Avon TOvnsblP -Wf r S A neir Orayslake. Be Sure to Cail on, H. C. Paddock, Libert rII,-llnois. A FINE LUNE FURN'ITURE. Buste, Picture Frarnes Clock Suive., Bom oni ding WsJJ pocketm, Paints, Paper holders, Oila, Book eases, Varnise, Coiter tables, Glas., Extension tab's, Putty, Dining chaire, Brushes, Rockers, Mirror, Couche., mattresses, Louages, Cota, Springs, Cbamber suite. Etc., Etc. ..A T.. ISAAC HEATH & SONS *LibertyvlIle, IIfinoïIs. GILMER. Mabel HaUw u very alck Moniay. Main larMoewuvsilaLibrtyvîlle lai Manusy on business. Mr. aid Mi. J. J. Pasteoua visited at C. 0. ira&luImt Puday. Fred Thies sud vite vistodai Atlake Zurich on Moniay of lait week. A. 0. SBhovrasantecka busines trip ta Chicago liat eoday. A fev tur robe%, taclaie aut, veiy cheup, aI A. 0. UBevrMan & C'a. Mr%. John Aiuley in viiting ber cou, Dean Aimtey, nt Valpalmo, lad. hert imil mteuisi lb.esasquerade hall at Prairie VlentsIFridmy evea. iug. Mr. aui M»e. Maiou, of Gages La&ke, visited at Aumon Wbeeleim Imist vesk Mondai.1 Mi. and Mis. Fred Guaus vielteilih latter' parents ai Long Grove lait veeh Manday. John VllUnr, oui geulal choec» aud butter Walter, tah a bnuinsstrip go Chilcago nusday.' Mi«a L. D. Scbverasan mine trous Chicago lIt vwesk te usaks ber home9 villa-ber brother, Heuiy hovrman.1 Rd Nevihier, su aid time romdemt o! Ibisplaci, nOv 0f Mlwvaukee, bai bea VhtIUng relativso andfrisais bore- about. the put wvee. risfA. -r -litv- - Mi. ruai, LONG GROVE. sIys t gaing otak no.mre Young lady onI nldlng. but ihe did not Idlui Mary Wol la ont lelk 1Rot. ionmus in lite lady vas. Perisapo Ba4u-To Mr. aud Mri. Henry Fei-ho iebui lot Jet dccied.' Girls, bere la Mau a daugbteî. a painler. Weing talle arerisaig uin ble Theis lgkajs aid lensaof Mr. place ati vlciatty. - and Joaue gave theut a surprise John limas la ateniing achoot aI party Ba5nday êesulg. Boteahmeiss Valparalso Ibis vinten. voee erviaid the sveislDg spe nl Mr. lIses and !aaily have movdIn. lsâlylag caris md VUIlouaolismr gaine". to MUs. Leisket'e ouse. AUlproment cmmuss ta have a gond Mr. iPaoeli toketliutiptoloel.l-isns. Who vtU b. Us*-flit 10 bc lili5JhialTuesdmy ulght ballon i uavad na Blich a .vliltima relatives In eider te got a big rnison Webb'@ o M prenantl vuting. etarcla C. (0. sebvumA kCo. ofereit H. h a ticket vith OacI mpaig, gond fon a sm, at Ivsubae. , l0 Sane ~ ~ hr Ir nii fandilj, ai Cli dmdrvig, wvtb svii cndusted la the iei hotu reoutly. tairest sauner Poisible. llentSueruda Eruege, vho laaibeenu. agu theoMt éiuhitau tae Ms la MuchIs lpravoat. F11Tm =g16 .Jung ou lb.ove of ber arrIvediut tBe home ar veidinga. si Eisegrmeety. lise Wainlgton biithday eercises or, of H&Ockilei, wu ai the Ollusot maisool Maisdy vire lu bt vesk Fhuraday. Vary eâteotleing sud litrnactve. lbhi rocm vui t&matMliy iecasalo HyHOBaa MBVbdei rele- ith iglep sd tho peioitti Oelieh cigo thicSM et a! li eeb. 'Petot cf lmes oaunl," sMd very Bleluplo, of Bsalaa, Vi, e ioW bo10* part. TFi epteienltmia uts issue a tev or imt O tmiyto~II~fur lil la" itme »Me sUmdentock la Dmag an wis oaolam y Orne. i Wh"aiuzei"s visit villa leu %Inter,ia. TH ltgce oSilavtbMs », TH TSign ieit honore. Ut i Mna. Glass. TeIller, of DW *- Fhe champion ubs o f GiUci arc GeogeeaMd Afrud (ra.. Ta m»Y vstibrprnts Muoacinlg ot otber ftr emimmie, 49=4 nr. Fred s55h, lait SU.iay. * tioen tva Young nimiodo laveillIui (hUois. liys,, ot P tine. vas In hu leveir tva hundrl sibnabs, élitebis.a o *tiçlty lltvesk. lisrepremenlu M hviicis Uey bave mold las moris ian 7,00110é Renovattng Co., of UsmI place. j$1610. ait Sunimy tbdW adl ove Maruleti, as the homie 0fo ie th e ri moreof Skiarnge fur boulas- mi. Au <illaen, Mr. Louie Keler, or L ong ta a teIlot. îkTbelia 'obae a Sirufe la~isi aTicaiMu, ' of aquirroi tali, loiely Ualie ]Pea, i3. aide'Waie, morse amatoutrada ln &uulKuebkeî, of Ilu his vlcisy Miliing aolLtvta An thie lie carl viîch blie ilrame hb*g tfiie wveb' Ahuday at Sue day evening, FeIs. 27, eta09Sucelaidea brothot, Gueo 11h n rriing vita " et ir.i l4. ha0Lyouna un a coaffah. ad Muie Nue 0 aitea on. dys h etlth. 0 ,ome0f ail aaizaiea re quichi tdeam GéT 0 t IVIiLillIe Zmrly i."0a30810Ji114.Ma i 0050Teus= crMau ivu4 .,Libetville. ea ,on. votemL 1%0 hum p~ecuplegave F eta or mm" wbtw ptuo& @y Its Record aT"cres v, sue bave lise bos Jiea'g Nmuantil b. iaies ai ye sier,an veil -anf e lla en~ue~i~ithey My fietndi, for a tong lte Bai mmd k0~~'s PUYiS'0 î. m k wlmunsfor ailli In u me F zIp ait in u a" to amy on @Abe &.M. &MI AMS. PM .M .m y" lof a d do #0 #-u " : au TTtAO un yoarppuiiosi ym in or amslpMia upu... lu reglab-aIptleaeuadupes or poomee 510007 rgeot»Hm,vo fuisOmwcà, Imae puyabl. taJuimv à WooDIUX, dedutiuarnounât jui fer aucla asier. COuiupor»îaygWu.yuo: We aà Pdemirous ofsecuring oempoudets rin eey Ytown I inteeculunty. if y-urvliwty linfbot reprosented wmite f-i tprm, or mminme frisai ta do mo. dtv£WOO»MAN. Around the County. cO, JMATIONAL Chu udaT o. Meeting ednMosaievenLina. T. P. .0. fIOutmireeCeamo its:IL . & llhrC. * rnth. D. 0( mu. V 0. I. . .No. il. mreet mmomd mnd fu a. B. fumes. sci. .C ST 0. 0. T. moei Tliuusday eveninga aosaim veek. LAuBA Doois.i. C. T. JU G.RAGAN Pont G. A. R. ssci sat rdhy âiht on or blstrfull1 monu. J. A. MauOx. Cosmdr. 0 2 CauneluL. Adit. ma1US tis.- O6. .s.9:22 P. iM. Ssuie Dorth................ 10:0 ILM.. *iOveriaMd by mtage arrive@ aIoe a. M. depaits at il &a. s ROCKEFELLER. George Bossley speut Bunim'y at home villi hie iay. lire M. B-Breliireturneti Priday train ler vieilla the ity. John Ruagla i.vWinlg hii lister, MmD.Riemme, ah Zinkezat. HummisKalg -dmi tmily. 01Chi- =goams@peu=ia fev dajl i liei patin te. Mr. Henry Venhoru, of Oak Park, foim]ry ai this place, wva tavu Tueamy. A godily aumber Of Our 1. O. 0. T. people vIited Llbertyville Loige Mon. day eveuicoc. Mi" Zou Louckshm baben eslertml. lue ber fblond, Miss Lizzie Ihofo Chiciga, tise pet vesk. Luai Tbursday eveaileuton»sW membersera voi utflI nt tise I. 0. 0. T. lodge. Relrmimenta ver. evebd at a labo haur, aud a royal good glise l repoited. iMev. John Evans, formeri pastor hoers, mmindfa"slyipett mverml daye iecoDtly , «llbsg ou frisais; aI80 accupledth le Pulpit Suuday eveulug aid puonhel a very interesllng mermon &0 a large aid mttentive audience. One Minute la al the lime neceamary b l decide fions permoilexpoilence tIsaI One Minute Cougit Cure doce vbat lie Dame iMpiles. Sali by F. iB. LoviLL, Llibertyville, nai0. C. Roi%- riva, Wscnda. PRAIRIE VIEW. W. P. Dickinson opent Suuday nt Oakvood.1 Fred Grovener vas A Chfil ago visllai satuiday. C. M. Goibm vas seen on Oui attese oMonday. Mim. J. B. Gridley ieceîstly apent a feuv iaya vlaltlng relatives la Den Pili nd mChicago. MM lsHse ,Nichole, of Paltine. ai- tendii ber mathero parly lent v.ek, 1ielamning boue te aîrday Bl. A. Saith ansd J. i. Orldloy mt. tendentthBe Sanf & Nevgmss maie offaut hare lnChicagao ltvwe. X. P. Giiey, vhm baben visitlng frisas nd As 0pai vsek, mayaseh and his brother, B. IF., bave gons lato huilai.Mtsiis aseth Wiir stiSet, vbee th"ey IIIlai pîeoio ase. liseir frîmmia. Mr. ad i Mn. Buaddle satertained M«y 01 tliutfiou"alentitPiiy. Fiseaflerue sud voeni W» Mosmat enicymbly $pont 66 cardeandm a maotel timo la gênerai. Chlaes reirealimenle voesserve&. 1 oiéttag, lia ic aley skis siDy.- ttaauj buts.anmaisnli e saaaled st once Md4 ItiMptiy bumld by DeVIt.' Witeà uantl Sel, ,tSe lieut bovu cure tasrNallu. P. B. LovimtLUbeity- vllq, and . C. Eaituai, Watuana. LONG LAKE. miss Anna Oiebam h la stnlxalchi MEr. T. J. Grale. viitaiMcfleary tuinsa*lait u y. .1 J. B. B"iP. J. Graba"aeded the llne.oob shoot et osmyalake lia" 1Moera Toms Mitldo Mi Mchael Lasklm veîî cmliilng se friiada lust lii. sud Mis, Jamesn mfi eve ula qulte si"ck llbut *68i"tvitAg bath are impsovlmg -ima Sst eDVi #ceot Blli, spent a fev bye bouuueeiuly viaittg ýbo t Sncer,*e. liev. F"w t et - oSKelemi> 1.6* les i'O" te aj"yla sia ,= à ià le" 6" ilwset**$bu, ski amou la ' ImOêsivius c i ameedue. MW . . . Kesa sud Mo"ld i on lent wee d e thgv bêti autlau l m =ies . cw . ay ilugrel atives tua ma vom.Pape, aof 0MaO, Silavlitne besud mriuglg buiiuiab blis tari for tise yos. Aplee prjvuslvath* brea mko t#u'à,Im Mon. .wnodo4muboall m. Wou ab- tenisi louit Mom&w. ullkt, oamierlug: "'e ruda, d a ine tmo repoted. Martin molo'y spent Sauiay lu the 1 Mi m nae YOMeWho lam bien very luI vilb tbe mumpi, la mble ta be in - aal a.d A Miieiethe Infantmm af i. ami Atmr. . MGibbons vbo lamsbenu ima- geromlY icb fer the boit week, he r.- poftfd ly lUr. Pramoete b. ont o! Mlma Eaimaetb OKRouake, af Oua- tonné,IMma.,Wvo hma bien pendimg the vites ill Ur. sudiMma.Martini Melody, loftSforlibehouse Moaday ovsang baving ejoyei the vinter ex. ceodlngy. The 1-iiW Bo"ialCireis ci t. ?ml. sloW's pertli .gve apr«rmeve cuchue paryaet Mmrso»oi Seki inlg 4"~ lii tlu, viels wus rgely as- miaeMdibotSSa social and linancil Patrick'm pertahla viv e the clostag c0Pat f lth esan at Hmieya Xunl Jnday evsniag, March lit, viteu gol aeWIsvU> l a vmded thse lady and gsntiemsa vag vab wn lbe great- est number of gamies during the amwan,a suer vhthe evealng viii b. coucludid viti a grand beal snd reception. Tiobets SOcle. Tboagel of deti entened tbe borne of Ur. aid Mm Miles Convay lait Weineeiay aiglat, claimlng for bis [ovu thieidmrlng littio daughttor, Florence, e"ton. monthe. she vmm mn unuanUely iveot and interestiag chili. The hesrt-hrokîn pante bave the ayiPspatby ai a large cir<l.of flne a luheuir orrov aidbereave. ment. "Bnufr Ile cuilirea te corne uto meaid faibi thent nt, for of amcl la the kiagioutof Hoaven." FORT SHERIDAN. Ur. H. S. Oeil aid mon are bavlng gond ase... la maming . earliilan Meurs. Vinteis and Gall ttended Che0 district loige 1. 0. 0. T. heli ln Chsicago lia veek. Thseiace giveuataitUe posl mou hall se the evessing ofi Veebinglon'a birîli. "aY vwuveli metomisti. Of lhe tventy-Oive or tblrty regular moldiers buristi lu tise post comstery, anly O i aol ix dlei a utural deati. The buiess oatIL 0. SMalyrts, nai- hIe deaber sit tie place for the pat ivemly.ewgityeart, viii bc couducted enier the liruasame ot Balyarde à Bonn &fier April lut. Por au oveulng of pleminie di,îlg thse spring and laminer eveninas bitais op JoDi bout epen of horns, vIili oui pont andi ho"arthe concert@ 10 bc given evory olter evening. To lis rendors of nevmpmper.i, mllov me tu ami thmt Lîherlyville lealatuateti ID Use central part or our eouty, aid itlh naturel liaI a nevapeper pub. llahe in the onater of a couatJ in more Dovey han tlimpubliss a.n lte outakînts, and go proveorny Bae- lion, givo tise IEEPRNDENT Joui nase for a Jeari esubscrilpllon, and compare thse nova vils Othons. By orieî a! Col. Hll, comanider of 'bis. ponl, lhe pont surgeons was lu- atructei ta lumpee tieseables, foed, cana, raU% aud the covi beloDglug 10 thse dmiryan fUtuiuulg milk lJuside o! lis overnusnt reiervatlon. Atter s ilorougl Inlvestigation Mr. Lances- Iqi vms Infoîniai by Lient. A.îrevm tismttIls ailk deliveret by Lins vas very pute ud dean sud ho vas ln. structet 10 uraihmlh tor thse emtre toit. LEITHTON. Um Matie LiI wns lu Chicago lust Monday. Mr. Jua. Eruchunan madie a fiysng business trip tb Barînglon lait'Thura. day. Owiuag to theannlvcîsmiy o!flise birth of Ueo. Wsaliugtu there wan no mebool lait Mondmy. Mia. Carrne Bristol, of Wankegmn, vuO theguat 0f Mri. Chia. lintterleld a fev dors"ait eeb. Cana big boy vbam you escpel trous ichool evor aiiaoed la UltaI inuer lu acqiring an eduaio? Pay day on the Central and Beil tnes b empiao mt u viicla giý ii ed thae l esnoiith place. ' PAilvmg mailo la aur IU111 burg la la fullbiaisé. Thé Maent and au An- ipectagere kept qite bnéy. k auer of Oii.Pelova tram bore aid su*womuaigatoded Icige mt Rockefeller laitThurid" Wniat. Ths aippli e ax lk t Skie station he droppingc:efa CU@ldeise exteul oviug tl e paon price peud by lithe Chicago rnilkmen* Durnond Lakuehlaen the varpalh ff:l 1hle okfeller miiewalba Uli Um. Cona i Jaumaîf. Pravi. denseamh"yurprayur. They .111 havi no udevmhke. .Nil." bainD-A pair of goli spetaclea an the çonutalbrobahon.melf umilei mts of bute. Ovacr may bave mmi by pruviiag frpryMdmi y fota1h18 Loir-A ladys Rld lci*et viti thse (liIsa M. L) et th.eiMée la titi rev -u Hallal LibeStffile ounlth.e vefi- jageof eis. IL Fluba iii*UR e e pou fgal.a CîSîr-OgWhite Oak remeo. sieaaed. 'Mr@. Amelli 5la?7l~~ bs fot let procure JobaiLormtam ae eured trouali YfflSin Pq.wçmoke Win. ~IU em~ olae muitebe lia lb. « t et vide a e osusm ous pople ta mume oD oe se P.J. Do u ,Ijlaj64MSI. imdibai bis hb i Uvesel UOanium. emi 10 Clalego iuliag tSe P" Sve. Tboe. DeBie ieiaut sifb elark eI thse dp ',Vuala Culeegebi uniay. Mimes mgglemmd Ete Try e Evreti, vltuifrisain auhibuil«l monday. Pick Bunell and Witt Attridgo voie saliers ou th ii.mmaen Marnailmi Uuaimy eveslug. Tlaie VIII b. a grand bella Liberty. .ville Vola. 20, lveby the Blar mand Crous oilClub. Ciiarley Croie bai he au the miek tiré tas mavermi days. Wamithe vei. ding 0 taoc ots ryau Ciisrley? j. a. Sor banmre glue tut rgeeho vouldle dispose fas ho lmgol»g itt the gauu"ee.bibhuuluesi. Jaohn Brmdley vili s da mev iveli. lag On Fiee Silver A ve. lp thse nemi tfu- posae fIlal for the Dcviy mmi- rieti couple. OU.eof aur boysi moupaulsd by a coupis 0i ladiesn t Out ior a btagg ride th. other oveulug. Bvliently Usey h"aàiailaP aun ey voie monu iiietly vendlng thoir vmy homevard fat. The. vediljagni 5zulievamibma MuiseCraie, ob place Tharmday, Pela. le, easix p. ms. A ver plongent lise vu erjoye<t by ail prenaut. nome of "sileo ys" kep$ riglit on enylug th. event for lirfee dyn.. Thers vili b. a dance M F. Lutiburgis Ben yeveuing, gîven under tise = 21pie 0aiAudY Young, end J"Ik Souet, btter- huovu Smi "obby tise For vocal leseanm appi! to George POU BAL-10. 20, 40, 76 orlii11 ti Wobtmeu. lapmau; le la. d u cise. <ofgood linproved ean nemile woo mholara on lhe piano. We notice lie of iremolit Conter. For Sm m look the hint and lhatitsie uriy lochs aritioniare ddrme ior ma. Cn . Lefi. trinuned. in. E. E. Turner, of cornpton, MO., rte. FoiuAL-ilataanous Duamai us tuai aller ufering iroa pilIes for Lake, veil lrnpra'ved. Gond huis mveteen yeans, lie cornpletely cnîed tros, fins viii of prng vite, mi thons by using titree boxes of Dewitg'e timber. Buldings a ing ohm odai Wltch ifa"ilsalve. It OM cure ra lion. <lootirensomsfor melllmg.Apl andi severe skia tiem. F. B. Loy. ta Paul MacOumi, Liboetyville. [4 EL!., Llboîtyville. and (j. c. IIonzI,EES Wmucuda -*'XL ureiER UNION HOTEL. À 1ew monthe mgo. Mr. Byr'on £varv Of Woodatock, Miels., v i; i FIRST CLASS HOTEL.. alllltei vils rhoumallsm. Da ight 109 wu meolleasem1.11 leugtlà, ..HaIf-way. Houe... caning imgreat uerlng. lHe via~ en ieomiSi[ = to d btry Cbamberlmlnm pain Bt'0 hef "tOLd Baim. The iri botte of Il lslped Ccît him conmdoaly andth le eCud CCIt edUr»* huttle uffeotiti Oute. Tise 21 mmd 60 eeom.eios1e leei ceut migs .ars for M4e by y. B. 'ooLccmveliorfr"lis Libertyvhie, j. . ILBraher, GarLn onBh sp SSpring Trade. Prairie CîtY Seeders. Keystone Disc Puiverizers. IThe Hummer Sulky Piow. The X-Rays Sulky Plows. David Bradley Pio ws. John Deer Plows.' Keystone Corn Planters. Bradley Corn Planters. j Steel Lever Harrows. ,Staver and à4bbot's Carriages and Buggies. Fish Bro's.., Wagons and Trucks. a Timothy, Clover and other Field Seeda. IG.ii.Sc hanck & Son,. SLIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. on su* -. on iu At"k«etbo.* i u lUUhMIS "djy asmtlai bm e umi aostelma S«ylits o ", BOaUM»arss., ieT YIowo mm mu.a Purs. ~us eeCash Prism pal S i hie-9 0 twjrg»by c..Smp, Bae eyoug muctlîsum MW bifli siedsi et Use liNsmsumaur cie. Parm fer Sla. The 8.B. il»lVan fatm, Il7à i, rout bouse, 2 gondA berna, pium «' vaIte?.4mOOe W" ofai Luhotyil, If miles noîlla of Ivmulae. laquur ai, Houaiy Grablas, lvanlaae, II. 1&.4t FAx Colle~@ 'mNotice. LO Li dleh vin ho- deN*-*, Liesthora foIr the tavn a L.e1 ville. Foed Mli. Wo vili das ouata,, gndia8 1w. days, Ti issieJi astiurdaym. w,@ bave a large neV cram adCel Mini tbat giudi ve a t. , (r, j,, 1(1 ARE YOU f,~Ii~< IF YOII ARE DONT FAIL To CALL ON SWRIIG#4Tr& SON - For their estimates.* Close f iguresglv- on and extra fine lumber. - We have a finely assorted stockVf lumber on >hind and can supply your wants at any tImej;ý We carry a full Une 'of builder's bard- -- ware. -Our stock cf nails le the beat as- sorted and cheap. (L L i s i ( ý & ( ý ý ( ý ý ( ýl ý ( ý ý ý ý, ý z ý 4

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