th ilit U l ~ biwU.semsn bave bient exc.ptoually fluber- eMI Wnders of gset 44»sd myeTa i M a% CSmuaulDbli t 5 la iiummdvel oeu, especilly laser the nsotheautern lythat thfreare uany Inecta thatfur ow uesed»Ogy Iigii 55IeILThe. tu- .eztremity of Newfoundiand. Incomlag nlich a fur superlor lighet to our own venter, M. Demauge, of CoblDiAet. veuuls aet St. Johns, N. P., report pans- iapyris or Ilrelly, calied Illhidrmn X7 MS1 t e 1rBue, docdares tint iiy bis plant theIng Icebergs contlnuionsty. Une field of "liglltnlng bug." The great langera Igl Word sdmto cyclia unayride t a aeed 0ffrom _______tee paseti wastour miles wide and 21 0fetae au supply a ligit- whlch tg e. vtlt twelve ta Oteen tmiles mn bheur wtb 1no Winteet baekiiene mal b. broktenbut tmles long, and as many as 125 ice- quite strong enough te read by. Ilu tus trein theblond; every sràve. muscle, 1W exertion et all, except that vequtredl ti l a ,alunit ure co ibiont cf the boitltbergs wcre sighted et one lime rom one Instance, the llght emanate. f rom the. boue, orgon and tissu. depends on the. gnldîng the. machine. again blltsr. pring.-Baitlmor. Lit.. point. Several very lofty masses of tce head, lnstend of f reimthe lower body, blaud for lis quaMly and condition. OATS. The centrlt-ance la lu terni a sort et No oni wil object t théald*, n as. are alise rfported, one bcbng 600t>feet ai lu the fircfly. *Theuîtore pure ioe Se Pu Amn. a urbie arrngemnt, ometlug Iki[ne for more tmonel. It ia their hbitltoet igt and more ttban 400(1 tdlong, whie lu the Antilles the coleoptera, the Ore Sp# bodaabluy a gourd helioewed ont, cut lu "1gores,11 taking Ila Oit la de unpoplar-tJbChvago apeitter enormous mous, thtugt eaîl- bug ofthtat region, la of great use, being ~nosayt Ib and the "goreW" turuied a littie on their News. er, wss 4W0 <cet tîgh and « fet et long. empfleyed lu place of lampa b>' the pooer- ni living and himltby M MNaxes. Ths turbine la placed ou duel tlaI probabiy a gem! thing thlet pistole, Icebergs et more titan 1,00) <cet ubovoerpoieluCbit1tccatm fbdn. 's lI jti.gmi rode, verticup>' attacelta te itorwsrd munguhots, cuib*ansd lie r,barred the aen surface have not lufrequenti>' women toIenlose these lucrt, lu glace blbod purifier and the best Sprlng Med- wheet of the bicycle. A bar projeets under the roi", et debate of the. Kalieibien réerted lu thce sutliern oceem, cages, wherc they catit llght enougb te teine. Thèrefor. il;tla the greait cure fAL Y ront. te ceter et tieibanale bars eut- Legteature.-Savannmh Notes. 1500 fort being the gréatent helght rî*- iork b>-. ward. sud te tts le attaciiec tiie top et Tii. United States, n o tduei8saeorebtabr iS ethg uth rvlr inas.we al for serotula, sait niienn, humera, sou.,' 1 la llige plitr ;;Meorde, bu a beg (M eet bgh li the raveprs tere alieenheuatiswtuhecatnsi rbat etc.;tc.t he grllai _FM the turbine. 000,000 chairs annuali>', astilI l in, uc- .4eMtb Atlantic ia exceptional. When througt te wed b>- uight, affix a lire The turbine revoir., on litsaise ande«cary' te bang on te strEpe, whie goig e I remembired that Icebergs nre sub- t'cte tae cciof their feet. by wbieb nervine, mlz.nth buile-, appetii. rem ue etcate nugh wlnd te gîve the. ver- hom at ulsbt.-Cieveisud leader. mergeti ftx-feventluetftheir ltelgit oU their vay tatfirly git. The. Creolea stom.cb tonte and ngulator. va'Ward wheei mu addcd lupetus. No mat. A legflittrî ueediiug machine te pluck WO 0 trt tgi above the w nIer sutrface are given te tthe practice et diftly jr- tir reit vit diectin ti. wud low iet about two-thirds ofettillbeI that tit ter__________dirctionth___________0_olut a neeueetthe nged- repremut a aui~s alait a mile bîgli. ruugiug hsi lnuuous Iusecte ia thel>- cd patente oftheii day.-Cbtesgo Record, haîr, wlîere tic>' produce a dnssllng ete 1h a ndrsoedtht hecapat e ti. Deu't 01ve W.y te ID e, fte ect superlor t e Jwcia. The aigre...qL Texlas uestond t te pltie.of thé Aitilouig Ien thare uffeeed groslongtitre Z C R .Txsbsofrdt et teObu freon t lariî. dympepsia. kkt . trouble, nt their national dauces scatter thetuK Suai pfhjysn-~squestion by graduailly destroylng th el- servanus or bllioicess Know ihat over Iheir airy garments. wtleu, fiu thelr -fillt~'U~ Z.cC i7U land witb a ceres et elltion&---Cbie55o Hotetera Stomaeti Ittters ha@ eured wore luminous movemrenta, theîr iodles as- 1gb 1 e ..~~4 cases than youmran sd la sixîtbheyo for Oè. Piqàm 08.sly 0. . Bod à0,, bhi. helted bout. héi r.. But ai- came tic appenraunce ofbcMngroteilu o' ;u. C Hondi Sud oeilBoudua. The nation wil have ltkon a teutg step vîyare îer ht Ioebtgro sytn. hé eon. flames. POTATOES. ~~~toivari permfiecut prosperity we v - t indagoerueInee bitta gftrd.i I.n .dPsekgiiueidesl cr7 municipalit>-, large .aammi, egarda Chéek idites- et th-c cot qt th i. a cui. Cla free bath uead sanitany deout bouses au pareile defenaive medîine. 1 neems ofsetlite, aud Insiesaupes bar--______ lue gtbemn.-Baftimore Amtericaut. NtS if 0 b lvrMin Susan, B. Aaihony veuld liii. te Misn Pritn-Who I§ tiat (ltngbt th-r. . -y ec a générul low compelling ever bus- ed-Iooking mani avec tiere? o t f n s * airgthi i nal iicen*5 îi Mes NPnîa lwTas i Mrtm ond te gîve huit hie curulne .toMalitvie. HrNpc it ~ugrI rial A great uanur ushands vbo bave bien b<ttig man. iilam cioi.rnev.t.acsouerssi., yde tbelr intranet te have thtlave eaced. "Tic>- say Plutager wou $20000 ves. _________________________________ Z? 5LLe019Og O USg voa CcIc Kx.x -Buiffale Courier. tc.rqay." e-l-t--n-tr--t- ______ -- <legel' tre.- Nunurci. "Dear, dc.rcit ucontie te n- tii. jnbtne catchies It, sud by attAçp- i- Ibralisu Liucl'ae»n'a father couid troduce iuur.,-CIeu-eland Plain Deaier. S ment with tte tub cf tie front wiei oulkow ot le -he iweuid @miie bis mmi tha~,r~uam% cemmunicates nome efthticftrce efthte enions-nulie sud theh put bis teet open all0ie, B a,. 100. wiud to te wneo. The turbine praeti. the. uautel and think.-Ncv York Worid. Tnc leader ( nstaer.,~r Ili btessteslt rhlu - 0111111 Ca il>neîutralssthc effect ut a bénin A delitierate and caretully platine earu tliat ha,, utl,cca ibm lr,el te ai Pl . n . mûemenent hai been itarted te legregate c-a«,. and îthat Lsataurrh. Hait', Cainrrh tCure .~.cclt, 4. lg. Theictingoflhe tliurbine lulits ro- Chirsgo's creme de la creme (ohould t8the nilI-itive cure knocun la tie madi,21 A6 gh vlgr cr.- nil> tari bl ttary motion worksu hie rodet tntt- bi oiee de lalée?) troutic na trt-eue, eiîr anumîiintnai lratneit. halil' DesMie Rgse.Catarrlt l ken itrat.a-lgdirectiy ta i t o raout hellite be-fldiu î,ua cMut -!o h cse. Bftd ~~~ ~ ~~~rotRoert T inacoln bnbe hsn so h i. tm LA CBO8E W18. nl-. Ttcae rods work up asdd <oN the dictator in Ciit agoe moet>'. One cae-- ansd "ntlI-pttntcgt ybItdlot1 O.NU. iketi,- istn tmis,, ii enîn neot hetp tut îc under whet decicion Rob- Ip.,utiî,a, 'ld'a.ttna ture mu leg 23 30 .113. n~ lu tint cea>'acceirate thc motion ln .yan orsoia.onrlta.r n ceut.. d èreLU~J onuow~~~- - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ pic u-or-oial eonra inluChicago.- holý iarIu 1r uyrcethil tallata cure iieanomsU ~-lM gre-si degror. Pitnîg Tmes. Addreu. F. J.CHENEY & CO., Toleo, 0. Md »Mscles.Agi.m@mmUim Tht. invention lis a mrke] departune Then bhan fer a long limne bien an tuner i311 501d by Dcuulsbta. 75.__________________________________ 5 ~~~~~~~~~~frein tîjese designe totaCive motion ho (irceetfChicagons, compeof d et ig fet tSvr od o " "thThe' _r A ,a beydle vîttout thi rider@ aid. (;nse-- vie. ancestr. boad fetcd thora bilte. Tru cstu olieArtlcolea.nDo go fl 0W T h5 * ls5 % fine, electrtcil>' andi petroienuahave ailltcefire. It ln undcroleod timi tora la heen incorportetlunitie différeat idea nov a larger tut coictýniecicrci. ot ticsestcpylnefosetcithrae - -.. vbwlchthave taken atape aisbicyceilm- b.acoariedbtr i ~. bout an, toiiows: Fitteen dégréesen e in Nt es ?e adaptation o te aie dean hs heo alz:in ,b g'exclu- 10 dégréesbeiew, bracig;20 tiegrees W ise and U se central et a akiltul rider vie la aise a nutlyet iccen made cieui viat le tii. pro- degrees below, ver>' cola; 40) degreffl maser t tc rt t iuduuga sii.Ouces. et naturel, or artilSciai, selection, but tenseiy colai; 50 degrors below, bmasiernof sudearte ady. ic sali one tou aest eence rera ilcagto "iter. S < A .P O L fo1 :0f thOe Western prairie. viereth i ld rti trnefa vncosceChcgoint e aitugl frlie Mar tog n tayteml o hie-" sthe principal test-Des PreFae --xLabor Bureau. C bicycle bas bien utilized vith âneluen- Moines Leader. _î @@ari-* thbouads of un- ---------------- liliiii!oiloas$seel Crre«t Codeaatlooi. TttClkes jiltle Greece t tete t.pcv- mens fomne, as4.:-tiensto]longe place, RBASOINS FOR USING W.2~D IV iL S Ttechcrysuoprasec tas bien fouad Ilu 'Irse w te gel a more ou.-Detroit Free ban entatlished a hre. Labor Bureau, aud Norli Press..t, prepareui to furnisti men lu largnera aund 1 laU" g&Te (ircece vwe gîve our shilng lurade, otiiers lu ail parts vitheut WleVB k r&Vo ' s .. dIfereut place..GogsBonHrl. sbould s151. defiuitel>' as te Che klad cf uI*l5S t Bsud cf i51.9..ysuc. ,work, wagon a e bipaid, aud If ralliay' c<crsd nu p.~~~ (reen crocîdoiltilis fourn ad uNe. If the. povera had alittie cf Cres ee blt evuc. drs, ao .1 tc Met*piiustl. MIexico. pinck Lhe Eastern situation would ous c b. tBu e u, devnued.' Home, 2 uitraB rea Ou l a g.. sli. rssee-W Marble la aidtgtçmexist lu twcut>-four ietled.-Baltimert Ameican. Huepae uae i.TLHrîeuI. fleause Ill s absalutel>' pure. Ï_- W. ýr irniouuiwu, of et rStates. Wbeu Greîk moelle Tank thei. re2M 2. Beaus. Il is rat madle 'y tbe so-cailed Dulci Proces int 1. Detloie Bvrion.s. t na*olu tfun tu, a griat *whîcii ibumic2ls are used. 8 10 Our total pradact etfaziclu 1800wu m!ake.-New York Âdvertiner. Wy Tbey Olciect. -3 uax en ttc ielqal> r sd Qgà%FINE FLOW"5 The Sultan wiii noyer ceas. e, afiel tjuat Wt-d arprct bets 4. BSciane il is =ade l'y i melbod whîch preserves ualmpainid UNtL NU A)D wqact VaG(- Corel,wville ant rou, la found thexittG(reece has bien a rg, leiggardly viti Mr- LongctOP? ojcat ii hr--tie esquisite natural haver and edor oethliceNas. nu FRIEN rieVA 1118 .. Floride coul. ber ultLLatuu.-Wasiington Star. Editi-Mitana bet t ilshr-5 ecause il is lice most eonomical, ceîîîug leslieu one cenut sbM g e M s.d licalu 0ur total coplper production lu ISO'> Litleo (nece cnt eue ofthOe big "Pcv- comtags aud papa te bisalongsan-S. a ccp. Ava enabeet w#115,» 19tons. rs,' bt eleshit. a ut et inger that -New Orieans Times-Democrat. du" inr a i l sot elb.gen..lsm article me" by WALTER la PUs Garen ad trr t Ttc tyîîlitlîla oued lin MaIxie aud esOrfteiam-NvorP-c. Coughlug Leada te consuomption. aKR*C.L. ncetr ms maIs. 1 2 ftgz. Select FIthe aierne regons. The Tîirkcy egg tas tien boadfer a long ____________________________$top___the___________nt nu. SI D Ulimne. (Grcece vilS do a gorld cf tend ift..e.uGosta oulscim ivist oticadCegta -vo--l'inLe lakuowoexist ila hait a dozen esic milsthe otic .b-Cbi Ite ~ re etmudrlte-aadgr dif ret Wlites.Océn. age a sataple boutle grée. Soid ith 25 aud 50 P TERHOL.LE BACH dferetlclle.Oeîu cent totties. Go at once; délaya arc Twc-thirds et tie golîl now lnuntie lni 1h oksasiIf Che revers badnt even tic daugerau,. thDMA ie world vu@ discovrct vithilu Ce courage la let litile Grepee ump ln auj TeWywthRltos IlaS Wers."I ssepttrffl. Cti<AGO ILI- pant ift>' ycns. do 0cm roivn figititug for them-CicngoTc svloRatn. The parent et ail Che rarleiescofut.1p-Record. Pi--Hlave >ou many ponrlatlousli Il li-Noue thaI 1 kxiow. -A AIABSTN AT? Picsla sort ot vlId crut, anti lis home ~Wars and umer% nsdyfi e bt'y mitgin culd ente. Tu-cnt> mtilion *dollars' worth of les jo e tu ie insurget.-St. Lents Fi SALE 57 FAINT DEALCRS EIFYEI715 ,bauik uotes gélive ttc Bauk etfExglaud Peut-Dispalci. cr400.000 efrcFit cints.--Im ,A Trr'(.dlce dsthiti, <lau>; n-hile sxty folle volumes or vr40o ei. hl'LetN,,Ba a' Aaiesce R isi Roc mcaIresIl in thc expérience of bluter>' tint vars regutitor ru-Ione i,.ori de ifrtoliace .7 ns s ceecule h lIctgerg arec tIlleul nlItwritlig lu keep- de net pa>, whter lie".are bilveen na- bacc, M'LiY.tak. icetil aicciMin nlod. cur, AAIAATIIUECO.. ol-No m m ca ig te uccuuils ofa i n gle da.1>. tions, railroada or busebaîl mangers.- guâruoued. tee uud $1..1l1 uruzlIctu 'Ausct 'iao. The Argentine Gavcrnxiîcxt viii BatImorôe Aucnictia. Thc gi-ctest Etîglictu noxelt aus aliarti>' orter tite constructionî of six If there lis mn>- estîte tramt ver eïitc- Dlckctis. HIc geilua teck ognizance at ucw terpetiebotsenta dxc Ilkewisc ment or time hangs hctvy on their bande, ait conditioins of làiitîatî lite andxiti îih i ~~ jîrojecs ordcrig two ne.. cruleera. Tii * tic Englisi can alwîys give a dianer te- e uc ttalcos ettiee vsces l eaîmne.îAniassador Bayard.-Cicaugo Journal, justice rirtra, cd tiechcarncterlatlc ~. ~~ ut - t otn nto merci,>' t, lb.a pictunc C hutpuses of ecrh. t IAJdgn eue wyteîîldb. ustibiet ae eml or limèer.Wolo. B. A. Buck, a renldint etfWiuerbury, luaesum igthat lewulc st aneous ita e hie tiol cuitci>.nue n sîu ONs 0..ApB5'~s.A Conn., ocesmade a perfect sténoIxesti vespon oethlc(n eder lobis i&poitiddetie bc ehealthy tCislsai ucesar>'. ~ ~ gîne tintwvas8seamall Clint ticetguie, ho.-Cbicsgo Pent. At etyo h ie xdkdea ttler, goeorors and pumpe ait tood csgn; othiie adkdes gl dm 0Thot Trust lizamînelon. Curus sick lîcudacie. Pr-ic 25 sud flue. - .Lrt. ISon as anlui> ituhtau ci WIîeî Mi. Legov uiedcs lu hie buasinerssgu oe- x îor> a' _________ ...s...,mau te uditerf audInh ls thau even-in" a somebody te assiat blu lu littiar go cf cnneyer tbc duon ltout making a tecuis e au cci igi.The ug uuraRetiuer Seale-Nev York Ad- eggre ieunvtedc hatd 148 distinct parts, field togetber b>' vertWsé. b _____ofteman ________Il ifty-lve sents. Tii diameter et the t ~burIns te look ver>' mach as If sou.s Tu male the bau nov à a turel colon, ])Tu.e ase tPh.selC cy lnuer vas bat 1-26 cf anIuch, and etfthie trusesvobid taire tiiunisves eut etof noent taidupes sud keep the scalp "Yeusae,.te tortvitb." ssld a Cleveland Oho, comoueller, myvowu s.,.IcCRCUATIS the. viole affaîr, net lncladîug Cthe base tOe va>'if Oc>' are cul>' ivea -Popi iealth , all'sunir Renceercais bavent- --Ibat of seting type allihe ca,e-al lours lttle chance tor exercice. - ~,.1047 plate, weigiid but thM'cegrains. enougi.-Bostoa Herald.d.. ubspo-ditctseeiu.and Ia tee coafiaing for myiodyolyae l n theeledst subject te indges. BLdt Senator [ccxcv pver euilïder ths One rnbon wîy Cie veiti gains lieu or dystiephim limt bas biens my trouble for y.srs, and 1I ntlni teaulbüllty et puttIar is trus ixauilna- knovietigce o nvi>' lathat ever>' cîîîd -uts Oie riuctoesble Imianvumunt inam>' pbyscal ceadles nte hs lion on assa are.-coedy or amueat fiud eut for tzelf liat tire la hot. e*cq iocal ulm e9 rut"lu burleoqne>--Cbicuge Timeu-Her- nid. Plue's Cure for Consomption sn he test A NS Tia t& , There la somethior reali>' pitiabie about et aittroui cues.--eorgc W. Lots, Fa- P il C o h s heignorance cf a cliver trust repre«eta-bchr L. AR i2,185 good p» ua. good cat. Ie oeaîtire viien he la brougit biltea legila- Tii. Nichera ltu tie public actool.e fI1firs m ofetthune hreubatei.e a e huboeag nu TuegS 'M ago - h polCo tîve nvestgalur committee.-Chucago Francee umnber 186,800. "trustoeeda>- cUit-id mea TaWla'nd mnid i. usild usa. sut.. tWo purpoadi; iii proytiota the vu e n- Record. va__liisnS___ luàes rt cnde, 0it te sate l i eur.1 teck Itmaudurptiaent.but wvs uptmd abling it to aetainau i ts zemedialvaee.and it The. Maternai Conru.. Umitb&im cc5na61Slac, =avith the revoit. It vwu grnttebut effective.and ain I 1have dausoth atfothpaet.sinpnThe. congres. cof mthers et Weahing- rdually noedmau ctir. change in the worbing of ml systos. and diaguae~ 1. toue to lb. ulabe Borton e eemed tc kuav vit Ita Ogl fr ».asmsu. v.fetr clireardink liaI Ripais Tlades ar te c est remed oloi lvur a"don"ae coae pre t100 hua-s'; thev vii Dot disslve i bte than tic 00er on.-Boston Tran- ~troubles Ibisaitetf mybene. The>' are reali>' ta lu>'cas a subti- th.orinach. an ed th pillather woo - euscript. tutufer physleai uercs.,' throgh b. sutin ashariseaau bned Aconventionuocf ther. left et home tae C 5dbugh s 1 mmnd tli aiesmatteâtgiv.î.mo luiIde <a, aFRiE poetI.Ohr code ame 10 light. aMd peti»it 1hO epinionsabaoutl heC conres. ef motitur.- fe hislu cui cmuda cSII 1-6 CMaoslae *~YUUIJ apeedy' ditinioratian of the p!I».Aftt 30 yeara huar Iispaci. sa é sf î;ouri Âeru ugr oaedPilahae eraThe national cogiet»ofmiltire lune m Ésmcl tiit50d _____________a _ o z o g -9 A e r a u g r o a e d P i s a v b l e liW s h n g t o n m u s C n t b . o n t e u u d e d i t h me t ai * o a l e , b e r la tism m~f ! . s found as efective as if Juat freeh trom th. labOi%. tie national cougrBet fgraudmthr. ln iMdthe pporpndities tiera fo {o u.YU. 1Ii~a wih ccl bh euie i O m, itvouns sien B"targe rslte 1.9ýAHX &