Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 12 Mar 1897, p. 1

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~No. 22. Libertyville. Lake County, Illinois, Friday. March 12, 1897. $1.60. in Advance tAriées Gallowayý. a. lié veirsb6rugto. ;Ville. - illinols O.J. L. TAYLOR. *ver Trimes & 1royIore. Dr. 9. H. SMITH, SENTISr. Offloov*r LovoiesDruistore PbestyviII.. Illinois. 'H.4 P. EWING M. Rockefeller. Ill.. SiMykil P. à. MUer6 1P. m. ..B. YOUNG. 0'hy*1olan and surgeon. oumne.-------Illinois. O. F. Butterfleld M. D. C Dr. E. V. HARVEY, - y e NTk-Illiois ) GlULIM. ne tdtosPW Or. A. L. TRAVIS. miaatof ChromA.m buasam. efefler, - Ilinois. PAUL MacGUFFIN. Attemy md Courailort AwTa . ;', NOTARY PUULIC IeMAmletiom glven Collections sdCouvyaefug B. ÜMMes VITE LAIE (JouNtT BANK, TONSOMIL ARTIST, Wb yen 0 vu wantàleu abae or a gond har eut oeil on "BII.' CR0108 BRANDs or <rOAE. IstoeoW. C. Trigm lIn. liors ...t iOM ......vryd Wright. Parkhurst & Ço. labertyvilhe, Minjois. Winter Biankats, Fur Lap Robes, H.avy Fur Coats asm.* Obpbrsi by ilw e s uuy,, ollo Mai ,A Pment forYvoul 1 * Amas for thea Boogiu, MX- sem, a n Ac, Noumu Du- ~wll1*~ piymrttMu by me for Comibgmvin cive Il. os $lt s "ick tore,' sud aS p~Stm1t for-Ver or suetspol- -Wn cgve. iomeal riepouble deyoaS mBou poltcj et ex- ai U en or refend powuur aciolheL Wrfte ormmli. ' J.LonÈaWa4Èh Ormysiake finnois. 1 NO SALOON. ftoiîfeller ' on't Want Thes opposition moyemtent W .thei egfablialâmeut of asitonu lii toe lellsr bas aored' a vIctory. Tiad-re viii liDslomon lun tai viclnlly. Ferrnmre lime ltere basrlicou a abmog movrement ou foot lu tisevicini- ty of tb. village oU tokefeller lowurd te establlahîmemi of sa saon tllw,c snd lately a peitlon limaboom ci ren. Isési for tse signature Of thome lu lia fayort 10 lpreaonid go the board of sUpovl.eor s, t te presrt meeting. Thoms sUtaonMistheIbmprolect vers, wsl.bfnl, bowever, sud upon deflulie knowbige SirtIlt.e scieme vas 10 bc symmg, liev, lImseCookman, Wrn. L. Bergisoru, John B. Cronkhllc, Chtam. IL Gorbaju, Walter L. Morse sud E. G Paynsestlulai ou& Thuraday morulug wittb sremoustasca, 1tuviicit their vigorous saouvia.gailioreti a gst m«s7 etIe. Ths vbote .Uhttr watt plass lun-té handitoft Mt. Psyne 10 sms It lbrough 10 Ut.bitter sud. lMr. Pasne veut 10 Vankegan preparedt 1 Masy s veeli, sud vîsu tbm matier 0«a e fora tseboard of supervisors be Iti tatsaafction of maiuiaimlug tbm wismeofutasmajort of ith. village rastideut telumting 10 kuock lb. av. 100. project "bigiter titan Gideroja bil.." lunte village of Rockefeller Mb. sentiment Maalsitaeablait- ment 0of asloou vast about 3 10 1, sud ihe citiseus viii lupartleutarly pierrot! s, th. unicorne outhUtscontent. Republipan Caucus. A camcus of t.é epublican votera of thtovu of Litetyrtioeebycsltsd to ameei t ate Town Bail, Liberlyville, om iiaturdey tse Itbday of Mari, lfl7. ai S o'clock p. m;., for the purpose of plselug lunDomination candidates for Ibm folovlmg officest, 10 lu voted fer 51 tse auumaLtovumeeting April 6: Town Clert, Amessr, Coilecot. one Blglivay Conumislouer, one Trs.. tae o! meboolst, ivo Justice oftse Penos, tivo Consitland Pond Mas. t, sud for tsetrasactionouf sncb otite, burinuma sumay properly corne iteors the canmus. .0. LCRuEuallL, Taon. Coumrv, J. E. IlaLdOti. Dano it raita Vlw. i. L. Toidvisiteti relatives s, Liber. "The Joli! Fou" viii give s grand titille titis me.k. baie aS iBerman Iteyers aHll, Prairie Angusi Liandau suiendmd Su busaud View, St Patricka nigli, Marcit 17, lu Chec-go Tuenday. 1897. Goond munie rell lutuatisudauca MaintsmDuffy la lesanng ti mliluer sud s royal gouil lime la anti cipated businesal Chicago. Admission ticketa 50 cenit. Mn. C. aoyi retuned taçt veek ________fron t li ut relatives lu Chicago WAUCO DA. asd vlciaIty. wà%uc:ON)A.Jos eWoodmn, vho la mahlug ber WeiliGodiug li ou thee elek liâi. itomm ai Highland Park, spens 1mai Geo. Wragg returued tu Cjilcago Iact Thuradsy bers. Saturday. W@ underalsud taï;Peter Du"y, Rra. G. C. Rtierts returned asut veek vito for Ibm pasi year lias efftiatlty trou ber tiail lu Wiaconsin.asrvod sas ulght clerk aititurîdoul, lias Mn.. (leske sud Mns. C. Hapkc am been gvsu tse day"trick' viaiing relatives a Lenia, 111. AIl membets o!fte M. W. of A. are ofô Freye, o! Nuda, seut the i. fl e.speclly lue pressat ai oftseveek vitnîcuieda bee. Ihe Doit regular meeting, as bulea Ontbarer lio ctanetiliada erof gres iImportance la W l be . uup. 4, Z. A. Golding itsvlng sôllionul oB. : Sbfe uotasaryt Bierus.n raslu Lbo enluhis posaession, undilbe vould hâte h. have thm orner corne sud take lte B. A. Golding w nsueZrihaintai, As liedevours more *welniese Mioud4y fotrltepurpose of urganizing Ilia& thiffpl- lisysne. 5fliree"rl eut. W. peto tturet B ie ciiîsî oBeMole la spendlng s fer <aye W. Sence retrne to he ctyrln t it is parents itere. Ben reportesa moralug ater malng hi& gond business lu bi@ lIns duriusg tbe parents *-.b4rt viil. pasl yeuansd te nIl oua depart for Misa LunBilt, of Chicago, ln %pend- Cansda, lu vimv of openiug A braucit lng a-fow days mtber grandpareuls. of ltse firm of vhlcbh lainnov a Mr. sud Mra. M. 8. 5111. member. Florence BuggIes teturusi froini thm Lylug Ail oklng a"Ise, tespectacle city, star iavlug purcitaed ber of "Bi » Jake aaiiiug downte tond mprng stock of mlllimeny. luitin4 s u nruly toan4 t, eétoa, brealt.- Quit. a number 01 our younig people tee., one boot off viit a serte. of Com- Attendait! s party et ibe home o! lmuemanche yêh, va. funniert tian thm L is 0AnsetsDismoni Lukè ent as~ ni Inian Shoam. 25 celutes abotie. 7 1%07 Oeutnag. Try et. Dol forg» t Dume Social aI lbe Wbu gel. ths poulnâte? Weil, It'a bomne a O.-W. Hlubitard Match 13. A dIffiult 10 my. Raverai are sfitert. Un ltemsy sud "mical hm .SOMAs my lt.y have etinl teir tent beau prpseai, AiU sre.otbiaily lu- pooksDo , but 'nit." Veal pocksls vtleta 1 #MdAnsd gond s&rmu"jplau. voni t oli oui posoieec. VWon, o! one sat oentog. tbimgve areoermtalu-me voni hava bc FIohing masU a1 lu lte rage nov sait for Moliily 10 reluru trorn a Mud Sonis Smo apocirns have beauduot bootUag expedilion blore bc esiturs. lSuaday su leven paludi onasia Ib tis malgitt!question. ptokrlMau ouigbt, Moay, a làlb -Nel Ssiurdsy la Coikus" day, sud plekerel sud Tnesay os Ibs mogiea shot lime ta sipeotet. Most of lie ove, 4 Idto.offiew are ogil liy ivo or mots poll- Tito Inugural Festival given by lte Sinisais, sud eilaisdiffiunitgo0 itoemtl 111qsl Nun osluate M. w. A. bal vho is 10 lumucosful. Jas..iB. Fritscht Thbr*My ovenlng, Mar. 4, wmssonets,-ts a andidtslefor the. ollice of Justice Ieuduioonslderlug ltselied rouleansd 0f1lb.ePaius, sud Uif cseaiSu seceed ventiter. An excelent progrint itai Ueo. *tryker. Ibero le Do doulit lit beauPrepurs udl vas rendesi la a hb emiliserv, la dlspmuiug justice ýw suaceesul maner. Al ,pressS t tti » tsfaction. Jas. Furaey osiojaiUtauseve.mot piastly Li protli bl&elet 0u te ot- Mdi Vesmil slii m lt ithte even- liée of Clrk, nas bus ork dnnngtse Ja; pet.Ysr mbaslisit tevy aalufaory. la;Mc Ad&=l andiNichas VYore atrelte WVARRE1NTON GROVE.,- er aiiae for Asuieot, s~d yaraammla menîzousi Jus..Miller ICs building a n<w botu. for Vax Clleeo -utsot, boys, sud H. L.lBulcia»lnotueirnsd Monday telp tuaveuli te vole.. front bis trp mout. *Wrrx U Nez x WE..' Rugi Devins, of Chicago, esilsi on -______- relatives hmr. uuday. Rh*uMsiism QutokIy Cuis-d. " é.. Magounsud B. MBcing, of Wsu- kplsmaasted ibusiness lu ibis vil- Ater hatitg beau soafn.i 10 lite iaet-&ouuis. tous forslavon deys andI pMing out à = 09 Young peleurprised $U tu d octr illa ili besl, Mr. se.x aonFrîdoy evening,t li ank O by ofe liait Be 0< C her ing bsbrfltd5j. imu. Plm Daim cotie N onthmeru Jlobs Noyer, mWho foeUfront 4Efllrle'sbu A&olace lias»troübJo MiUtthal boru on vbicb iha-vu workig, anudse.- ompsint. For saia by F. JI. Lovsi., v«817-luurdbiis 109, la nov Able 1 Libsatyrhlie, sd J. B. DsucKuu, Gu- rosomo i ok Corrsae.Continu.d. Dieli8. Corr, ludieflsifor uiutdet, appeared lu court Tmeeay moenlug and i %Lualalsupou su Immediate trix]. Investigation alioved, hovever, th"t tbm came vas nul yel rosi y, sudsa cou- tinusuces vangramici. Juige lpBon appointai ChasrleWhituey su &"lot J. K. Uinil ts doence. The came viii probabib. continounuti l te next tarinof court. Tiheceau of l)elilIsitB. Jsyne, et ai, va Fred Ilmuon, su action of Irover, vas tried Tuesday mrnrulg. The jury brougil lu a verdict for the damages "étai, $3m. Wlit Corra sas continni. fIbis erez o! court milu overy commoupnee. Bo mauy ca"s have tison coutued. th" lte docket bas becu tbm lîghteal for yeàme _______ Annuel Township Cauous. Thte Atiocit Tovnablp Casai. m» otatoordar by H.B Dock.Calmsa of lte Toma Co~mit$*%&# M Town Mm7., ou lsturs sof>elst Qp H. Kennedy mas ume s birusu, sud «res. Bock, S.cetsry. Tite Chair sppolated W. 9. Vestake and il. D. Hughes sa Teflere. Il vas founut aecery 10 aijourn u luhem Opera flous. ovlug 10 the lacit of route lu t.e Tovn Hall. The csucus iraI pro- emedi Ibmtheuomlustlumof candidates for te varions to*nu oics vth ibm folloving reanit: For gprvWsr-Albert N. Tiffany. For Tovu Cierk-C. E. VsnPsltm. For Âsmseo-H. Bock. For Colectr-Johu Cunuinghtam. For Juties-F. L. Bouiveit sud TikomasaWlsou. liigitvay Commlelour-Dsvi Velcit. Cousalbe-W. Burke sud T. Gras. The nominations of C. E. VaPaten, E. Bock, Thon. Wilson, F. L. BoulveUl sud T. Graîx ver. made by scclasma. Uiou, shere belug no oppoaition te liten lu te csucus. The slection of s Towuship Com. mitec onsatug ofObsa. VauPatisu, A. H. Stormi sud John Wol llc e.d one of te largeat caemcumes ever baUd lu Auloci Tovueblp.-Autiock Neya. DEERFIELD. Foi Brue surgicaloperaticus ealuno Carli Bohu.n. LBD W-ynn s Closing Sale Ladies' Fleeced Ribbed UnderWear W. have 70 Garments left to close at For,.., Prim qsu" age 172'e tA SPRI-NG 5TYLES SUITSý QVERGA-TS PANTS...a àas FRED CROKER. Merchantt Tailor Call and Examine my Line of Samples. Prices and Suits wiII Fit You. OVER LAKE COUNTY BANKI LiaEtrTY VILLE, - ILLINOI*. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. LXUEII'iV.LE, ILL.., IIABR<H 0, 1M7. Villagle board met lu adjanrned box- siom Monday ulgl, wrut Presideut AlvenU lu chair sud fuit board preeu vith tseexception 0fni ai ny. On motion of Uoiby sud DaBoia tbe motlon tu droaft lit ea«reon irset wvtlbeunyvitie El«Srie Light andi Por ,Co. vas reonslderei. Colby sud Eger that cou- treet lu drafled 10rend tires e eu- méélei ve. Vol. lulug poliltt sd as folove;, Ayes-OColby, Eger. Noaa -Dubets, MoGregor sud Shterman. Moll edatr.d tom.. Movai liy Dallasuad Mearegni Ibat the commîite dtrait s contyset lu rosi "titras peurs, vltb privilege of lita," vote standIngf: Ayes--Du Bote, MoGregor sud Shemman. Nays Cothy sud F4ge. The contrait as reportpA I y cou- MIMes vsp approveti by the fotlorlng vrods «OUOo f DuBolesuad Me- OrqUMe mthcnl.uig lie acceptsuce sud ezoSe. Ayes-fiolby, Eger, Du. 30%X flkor sud Sherman. 1 Contraot. n o, or Aauuurm d. aair~i ibi sut frt - h. .D »M befreu eST. L-'.- of bi ambe nag0 f Ibetyrli !' PfS md ffy f he tirAt part for f. boire nil sine, for anâ lu UeveaOsaofs îSt e lirsaneKel I d f uru mC-theii, uum0 etteet pWsa oaafit cointia1 Porer, iii voIt t=sdeeeent lapa fltted rItfà, eia U a Ithrellectors, for <lie terni cfretars.Ballapa W lie lin, nos wà »w ftet sucetliecnter ste atrel ounitouires etcans f rom foIes. ao th" =1 spa &bitl, ren lin Mratiou. bw #Iy sbove lte Buter of sd stress TL. -ftu-as. rt atfurtiter agrees tolethékserreut ou slt electrialiaIs &Ys- do uaiesa Bhteni i . n. l Ilb Re of t ee<". a psi[ sttt rom 0 t l o.bourau ma'y d U Party aet tie rom 0 -= lfty Obats ($LOO) for ne y f & Pa a",io mai.- tasl se hve ta oal on rune a tir t »bond part. utsift tse pau"lslereto tsmarle said Il la ertiie du Mr ssIrartome 50 furalsit sala eàsa pa tiai mIna tél nunq iaotem t la. la tbn l owleu .U Mllusukos Aven.. fSprng Aeuend thi. *eu. 05 uy r n. a etot o eue- 1 Men's natural Grey Underwear' Regular Priee 85eC (losing Price ........ 2 %9c Ladies', Girls'anti Boys' McKay Waists Regular Price 45e to 75e Closinst out Prie any Bite ....2 e Ail WooI Flannels lnpo4ors Bed, Blue, White Plaids and Checks Worth 50ce and Price fo close per yard........ AT WYNN'S, Cor. Ocnese and Washlngton Ste., WAUKEGAN. sruetoud n d ola.4000 e ili oa y eigrmm br ueramse fr ap etesin o 5. le.Ug taIste cM.îte se. Isbos material Foramdlueouidrasonof icmovmalà for eloctrle llghts be purehassi. Car- o0 thie sd tiret part, ste esld second parti'ried. sgrseat tua' issd tihret ettte mo;I n o yM rsd Sheran mideatslomm ajd lu«moghimatleonto sio ucmuns sjda"11 urstso atoum re. for Carrled. nit -. 14 ed01 1that I Il.the*@Mdl A<M oeib BOsdlg, Uat Party shoald eist o fait to perform hl'ie , yD n grta effovenante 40 0 for ï,et<>i of te àmeeting adjoura. Carrled. done. ect luseofre. nolefroM %y. C. SAXIBON,village Clerk. votd at the pluVMsdm aodpa Wltmea ti. hs~I.desIaof ilt al jtethlstlidaOt f 7l~,A s. CUBA. <CMAL)> . à nUZ..Vatet. V. I. Davlln vas a Lake Zurich via- Atteat W. C. 5»s.Vle lrk. ur Monday. Moveti by DuDolsansd MçGreo ibis Proseut snd Clark esaiit Mrs. lioit Iynoldeon va. a Chicago ta aigu comiract sud &MizIthe village 'îsîlur recentiy. amil. Carrled. The tollovlng reatoa-, Ray Gulfoy, of Chicago, la vîsillugas siou W"a ubmittad sud ou motion Of the home ot F. Glvsu. Damois and MeGregor wuas pproved: lteeoired, Thot tse nmuo30000 Prof. iodge l. a lmg a vacsiom. uow lu the bande oftht rou rr, Hill 105011001 losei Frldaj'. rhmrebiy appropristei1taIbheate l amp jtellaGrâsccat ber sehool lu fîlmi. b' Duothsde Begr nlsnett district Tusmday. Moved yDBosadIiGeo that Uila village luve"atu elecirle igit Jimumie Courtney purchaaed s nuom. vire sud lampa for cme, lu s aum nut ber of eova u In h avlclnily reeesUy. sa, exceed 3560.Ayos.-Colby. Du- Agn.îs MUnr.y, ruto las ibee vorklug Bols, Moot.gur sud Sherman; usys- th ChIrâgo for the past Sour, in honme Ege.r.un a shurt vacation.

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