Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 12 Mar 1897, p. 2

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«ESTERN FIRE UNION CON- VENES 1H ST. LOUIS. Pianste AmIebly Aaut lferenCe rit; Non-Union epaltaAme clatio evoiaeatibm hIqe Narebal syseham or feultmgaea19t.]Piron Unit. h.aiaeitBille.. Tii. Western lire lemrnece Unien, eompc.ed et preuldents and mages o f largeInsurtacce compacles. u4 a leWn- &nmai coeveullen le St. Loismfer o tour dai' sesion. The on mcluportant quai. lIce dîscuseoil as the, relative et lb. union te non-unionecompoclos. Tien'. are aient eîghly-Bivéuioc compats and neveehi-Bve non-union. The rival"i b.- tvae eu eban eft.m lai te bitter figit, spromdleg cvcr a large terrltemi. Allie Sneemeelln a plan vmm adoptai te soeur. au amicoble aijeetisect et ditferone.. Thc questioencf lefflsbation mim reeirci cealioerable attention, le a nuieof e stateuIs have bee lentrodeced hostile le Immrace, compacie, ville ln othera bilesecouragieg the busnessaare hein£ c ldered. The conuits, cn lelnatic airmece i hlm an meargument for thé ai- liane. of &Il inurane .cempejoniomn unidcon-union. Tii. re murhal myteu va, aime condered b> lth.econvetion. Tis lesyte In ic'vegslelasoVeral Banlere BwaeeandmaumenuMW e fort tvan me" ile Mimmuil togetaleurvfor hie p- >eliitlàMlt ofa lia mmuiand deputese, vieo m li t .ItI seali b.atu lae.tlgfatm, ar ery Breholing me lequot le due tortu, wvîhia jury and wvîltses nmd mnkleg me -Omelinreêpcrt. The Imureece rompant.. are leuti-o ft ho Hea, nmelici bbpe Il wold gremly preel bIceediarnlum sed cercle« fins. MXILLION SINGESO ON A WORD. Important nîttlu Wbleb n Chicago CompayIn lat.ronted. Ticevweorip cf $1,000000 verti cf land le Ciliterela depecia npoe lic legal construction cf lia word "broegit." 'lia. nct of Congres@ approrci Marci 8, 1801, prvideutliot ce suit @hal b. "brougit" hi lie United Statu te vent.cmrenui mcy paotente opublic l lauo isl heoe tiie date metleced vîii Brau em r mc lie paasgop of liea ct. Thin "perici et limitation," as lie lavyeru style l, oxpîr. ed Mreb , 100. oceseqeectly Il ai. pcurs liaI mii patent e opublie, land@ la- aned beore Mmci 3 1801, baeau, abso. 1mb mand IMroreebcmaici3, 1805. ecleem prerioualy alhacebaiiit breugit as lie 1mw requires..Thea canle theiplinat 'han houe ralsesiIslaitote i Uitei statu &alam thle Amonlcmn Lamber Coempany cf Chicago and the cntral TrustCOQmpamy cf NevwXciii. Tie Gev- erumentsmes t avle ar. ecled, upee lh. grumef tfranilend ceaaplrae, Morw than.oce. bedreil and sixtiifférent pat. acta le ralreai imier lanin lelaier- a, alluetIsinleHumbioldt aid Meilcclee Ceenlias. Tic AmercnLuicuer n- xamy boloatic pateneato'lie.. lan, rbîie ambraco 21,000 ace,. and lhi valinnubiencatmiteil l etite celi- 1boriceil et $1»0.000& Tic Cantral Truct Company eanmumrlsnge bonda ce lie ecuril> 0t Ihm land@e tu lie&Munet et 8M),000. TUlilbl etfcmplat wààa led ontehlicCircuit courtIl enBacFraec Fii. 8, 1M&0.Tot nvusta a mccliho- fore th. taluteri perliot oflimitation ex- piaid, ater vicihie Goreruietcoui mt institutsuiat. Tii.quemtion lc b. de- ciii la, W.. tho suit brougit vie ho bil vanBlied? The dedisloc vililinau atarid mc important preeolcet for bath courts and leuryers. PrLAMBa LICKS&D UP MILLIONIS. Vecrd «fer tintUnited taten end Canada fealre N4aahia. TiihevwcYork eornal cf Comiece and Commercial Bulletin maya: The. Bn lom oet hie UnitedlIlatu. and Cnadafer tbhe ot fiserari, acompilai froie Oui dm11> rêeu cys a Iltotal fet 8- 78,750. Tii. lm fer January ami lob- rmary comparse vith hligBeson thle me meethaet 1885M and1800 an follewm: 188m. lm0. 1807. Jin $11.805000$11.00.000 $12,049,700 Fcb. 12,86%200 ,730,100 8676,750 Tot. *24.255,800 20.770,100 *20,0450 The Oir. loga fer 1897, so fer, I wii b. notitea, la vary clone te lie figurea toi ltceaaMe perliodetf180.M mmci mbasop- eneil up rery e"elcan ici l aje t unlikely-liat lie record for lie Bruet quar- ter wli exceoil liaI fer the Btitlire. CâRAP GA§ IN BELFAST. î - ConeuConsumers Oly SIxly Ceta Par 1,000 leed. Th ii. clyof Belat ,Ireluci. iam b,.. waoking a largo profit on lie gis venba coctrelleil iiy Il.Lant yicars profit van £07,11. Il bas iicon iccideil le lever lb. coel ho consmeers,.althhugh lbe pres- euI price. in rhdlc0ualy loy, uecrdiig te Amecricazeaacards licreatter ga m i beaomed for 00 tene par 1,000 foot, bali et 08Ucentsanmd lire viii b. o disceunt et trou 5 per cehtt 20 par cent, depamil- et epon the ameonte ocauci; ail lil tee, vili c e *3.00par tee. Weim a uUSesio. The seondmiilemfalconvention cf thW Boveralge Camp, Wedenof thie Wcrld.ý van cafleIn torner ln Bt.Loisel, wtth about If h delegtos preet tron entr Wvcy'lIaI.> lb.e union. Iceep Cu. lam Bact. a»voualguscnsl commeander m-i scunder et the orner. vau le the chair. BekIicim aou Ney. COumpeeler MBekis arefusai te e, rapt tbm appolmîmeel as eiecetary cae",e te Uropmmd vWi cme o ut hi$tate esa CompbeUfiia m evcueailiii'Prealsent m agewu Tran a Wreck. à A pelal truienbcuig a French opera itap,.etf II0 peeple, boum! fer Bin Iran. rime,wvan rceercomCas&ande, tev mmml. at.hie ~ivvsk-t tii 0.. 'o>DetctvuaAtlr ecïïtW'aed Mot, nana Of th. cetral station. Corwne.'a Bemt vth the. Uoverument were die. revered le b. short tire deal. o.Ho wun et tioned et Newport. L. IMe drew dr.v p0mlure cf the.Govraenet moW >gave $6of et Itte bis vif. end lied. h. bied2.900 lu isipocketa vii.. h. vas eaeff nt thé. police sationc. Thee aioint et CorvieVuisstae la »Id te b., about #»G,ÔM J He eonfepwdao4 t. Vidt et -PaeseBadeboeeann uetr Vite-1 $aitnl& at ha. beaioncthe soin of e5-1 000, but said the. cher porticnetfthe. di- ee inl bis semoue la due te the 1 soir vosmade. tint »weace iip4bonu ai- »eeswliauger01enet me«oa ebig WBàk06 bhoag ,ho boeame meteur de- naciatho tt o r tthe dlgrace tuata otn ehlm and ha dreur %,000 mcadk utart.d te Crippi.Creeb, Cotc. He vasà a.hs a > thsr-or dand c&muistcpped le Chicemfer a fiv beurs rent. ho "i,t vii.. thi etei..cangiit bleu. CLOUDBUDES? in02106 I Great DBarae Alreoiy IUoprted fhem t A heavy thumdomtomwlth rate eadi vimd i. slhckla tth.viity cof 1I Renea er. loin ne plate glna vledcv. nmaniid end a fraie. ciurcii meder cma- litreton va d.atroyud. Oce beu» van bleve dove and the. vreckag. borne&i Blght permeen veo Ie jured end ose cf the. loitav a. hllid mcd lii. bcd>beroui leulthe reln., Ne duhr livc. vé edi t. The wlcd reaeh.i a veccity cf ftrou s fty- six te. oi >m" os ae hra.Greatlame lmn bae aua" h.aii.h eB abeeit Olmaticrouthi.e vérievtein neal astruuma. Sncb a leuubumut au liat wieii ecurigi Thiemnay bas fryIbet se., and lieeffucts are b.lgbteeed b> lthe contnue! dowepour. Aroadi grat daim- mgo basm bun dem.. Big msy Dcimaudad. Campbiell P. Berry, assistent tresrert cf tho United filuten eatllaei la Sact Franciume. ba mtrlod cut ce a queset fer1 J9.005,210.06. Ucior Instruction frce the. Becreary cf the. Treamury. Assitet Treiueurer Berry vIa lestrueteil te do- maed of Iaaac iL %qua, premidentet cfthe Central Pacifie Rllivay Compmny, ani etftth. trenanrr of that compupon th. e. ienoed le eider that tiihevo«remee came mlght net b. prejudicedIn tle .futufé b> tallue.te icrual> demnd thé exact sntmiclaimeil tc b. duec frcie lh.raliva ccmpaey. The. Geveraeet iilnet ex- port the. demand tcb.ho me nvaun et1 dimppclneod. Wtbln a fev dors tbe rail-. va> ccmpaey, thrcegh Is renat ater- ce>, vii mak. a dtalleil repli, te thé Gcvernmest, ettleg ferth the. efferts and 1 cocaer-clale w h iIt vWitb.ceutededi mr lime balane athe. amenet etftth. de-1 mamd. It viii b. mittsm.d, on bebaif et1 the. rond. tht Il hm anyn>Jedgcets t vieb affet every departiceet cf the. Ger.1 aernet 'md thinthle ggregata cf the».. elaimesmoe. li m cetenbalacce. lthe de-. Ieacd o e ii. Yetd ftate«. Tii. deiman i lae i.reaît cf the.nidernlen at mcetb ef a blccii t .tveaty mortias bouda ct the. ralivay empany hb.d by lie Gen- met aun aseriti for subsidy bpede. Au &eettfCou, -e.paeadinl 187presecriu trceder. viiega tihe eda va.andd b> ls terme Implesta tnt @p.ufic demand le rmolette ha the Ueverammet'n rola of "acg.l te th ii. ay corporation. Whou mld the. railivy bonde dld nat the. amuet of tiheeada lesed b> thie rare- ment. The. dsect le theémeuet fer wvieb lthe donacd le quesition van made. Tii. sum clammd by the. Geveretiet ludo. iteront mneoy, and JI:tas nid tint the. rail. vay compani vili bausele remltacce Io the demdeni he slie cfacaeiue o. ultlng the relations cf tii. (Jverement acd the. railway apil prevldlm tistnoc Interest shall ha deoicci te liedee ectil tii. entire ledeblenulindetermined acd adjusted. if7pnmead lhe Baak Pre.ideut, Cambler Kamimerer cf the Mllenphy Bonk, St. Louis, viilci faileil Bahurday for ceerl> $1,000,000, oxplmîca tint the luncf *80,00 made hi Preidemt Rett- mac te the.i ,.Teracer Liqeer 0Ci. pan> va. proeered tircegtiithehypnotic Influence cf Teuschor ever Retima:.. Wi'en esked If b, serlcusly manet nneh a satemeet Kamemerer replileil "Yeu; it le m tnt Re Bttmnid. tie statemot te me tuat b, boiieveil Teusciier wu* a Meter cf the crt orscience, et iipmethum. acd liat bc muet bave employud that se- fret poer on tiie prouldet cf tiie hank viehe cgg me mcii cc>on lthe ne- curity bc put Up." Wiie .pekem te on tiie aubject Teusciier ramlle<l ndomleally and laid: "It mnalbhot 1au a bypeet- lut, but I de't thlek tiiat la the. explaca- lien as t..hcv Rcttimn ceame te tecd me lie lump Au. etf$80.000."1 Strycbmtne lu aclle.. Walter Retam. ileaili atBoulder, Col., cbarged wtb mmdri.bit allegei viellen beieg liie 13-motheld chili etflthe Hale. famill, i.vti viomi .hortedat La. fayotte. Beau porciiaed m@ornestrych. aine, t.llleg lb. dregglat tuet h b.dr te poisoene..m cela. It Id lloged lit hpet thlisoneinche b ote. Aizoena Wiliatarinltact. At a meeting efthli e Mat exacetive rese- milIce Il wa. dterile.tiiot meumi"vO> able. report b. mad ou thé. pa.pealmln ta cade part of Arizona te Utahi. The. Utahi eoiemluleera ccv ask tiiat the.pertioen et Arizona mcngit iy tii.. b. afordeil botter protction frontlb.the eperde.. liaI mcv tleot il. He Wàs a Charitaibe ?bl.f "Bis Bdr Turner, et V%qhold, N. 3., viio Brt rcuhod a Dman vela .atap- tegrapii cda a ir et eut bbo*N maI t- 1; te nzi mometiir a bg hasb*tt pourils. Wh" m et gave te lb dcv ieh cmmneis oretsmt, onb..s etuicad te primes te1 By*erienr.- Thi eoteyeoth et Oaxam, Mabixtan cotins.te b. gretIr ditrbod b éeuh. qeakes, sci the. peuple te smeor ett. amumler mosachstn village, ara gresli> siaes". Tii. .mrtiiquke uboeehaare toit ereri iieur er Ive. dey a" cegt. * Ileçid e gam t a.ô Tii. Houaiemnnelmiauly"Wot tntM. a Stok et Georgia, w" esnt va& cou. tntsIci b>Thomas I. Watson, the lots t.Pep.landmidats for Vle..Pre.ldet, le . ti ttthe soet. Umt4se Four àe cfau~e t Geltias Ver>F Obmtuepea.ems vemiltueloy'Pelîci Tovarà Cmail. Washington cerreepeedencel e .Ci- eage Tlm..Ilermid soyas "Ont et thé. lma officiai acta ef Prealdeel Clevelanditrès lhe laane o fun eider lirosgi lie Mavy Departieset- vbic sent tia gumboal MontgoimeryIn te&cmrou Mobile barber &ierthe Cebmn lbumter Lourda.Tisa van dome at lia nequeut ut lb. Upanimi ,inet.laleWashigton.Whee MeKie- tly van leangurahei lahe Mngomery vas ou lie ceenlea ei et 01tie Lamaa. if sie eeuli bava boe reacici hi a lea gram lia premont sdmieltradem veuli bore crierai ber hîbile oport Thora Ia a goni deat of e emosin effel ol rce orer lie absece e b.Montgomery on thlm mission. PienalMcKîiinlye. met baller. Il la a ipumPer tumetila oflis Unitedl Btates aimvite perse . Blbnslatafa emott engageil la carryles armeM mlii- munliteInCuba, If mi>' crime agaînst lie lavua of meetralîty le commîtteil hi mach shipinenle illaIs vie lthc aim mmre lailcdIneCuba.ntet ia licileavethe United B101.à er are le transit e, lia OH 10U WHIAT CiHOP. Mentb1îy]Report Ibevs Oulqconi- tioe tPraseat. The mucetily eiep report et the. 011l0 Blet., Hoard cf Agricultere aeym eat io- 8peu ceaI t t ai r a~ coi&d- 01n Qllxh uefavprmbleeiltiosa, vient va s ouavat rolarde inle tmrthïg lent taul, an« a greul demi va&nsovn etear lhia manal. This Nate cseve ial idm met promninse v eR an limt vici vam . ..r. . . Au.nae trout thei leaimfil. Moror lemm dam- mga hmm be.m sustalci hhougieeî tic Stato hy'the proeecuscf fraamng and tiiovlug, and empelelalylit k olemblo e the. Bat and poorly draleed lmedm. High voter mnd bdoodebore relccd mmly ifelds aloncatbe'ereek and river botteum. 'Con- mden e liaUtlamuaovole, th.eviiemt prospet le mcl se bail.and ulem furher airions damuage occuru, eught ho imreane ratier liau deciieo.9 MAT BAVK To LICK MxIxCO. Noelatieus fer Rature cf. iaiege Arames a Wrlk. Bepiril. Aimoat a varlike spirit in bolug roueil imemg tiie people cf Mexic hiMemnrs. Bruc.. Stone and Plieet fBonlou ah- t.mptlug toentuer 1mb megtiatlccm îit lie Mexieme (lcvereeect fer tha r.tern of lh. âae capturai b> the licilcme tropu durng the ver et 1847. Tiie cevapa-1 pars et lb. repeblie arn in&llgimg Le vory1 lnempetat. langeoge regaflug lh. rIait1 of theoe gentle.manand tii.> ara deecuse-9 leg AmerIe, ad Acsme. »leumotce ue-1 dnry laga, Wgclno me tr as te demeil of lia Uniedta tesalc, t thi.e enee' mcutb If neec.snrerture et miltha terrltcry laene trou Munies. Nov York EueExp" etatheb.Veut 1 et fIa Vetllm. Lat. Selerday elgil, vhiiieamnne Goldaele, a Nov York bitter, v.. ec1- twng lthe dcc o isothbome, ha vas tolai hbl va tront a acubag le tie bandaetfa meemanwosdeioli pracg fieom àibal- vay. Goldatele aieutedoi lhsudcilthe mcuiiagger ei. but vas emgIât hi Ive mecnvie oepasulng uni brougit bock.i Tiie men mnkeil Mr. (3odatenIf iho eeli idetlti the pnuoneor aîe ie eevieas.4 ssulted hlm. and be repled t luibe could 1 ont. guidelilia prldlcerb ecaie palli and smel dowu trou apparent illueaa.Be- fore medieal heu> coulai bc muicueod h. dicO. ____ l'ne Folvod the. Trampe Proble,..1 Wînehago Ceuti, Wl.., lbae sole h tramp>ecii, and le a large citent the. eril cf excessive official tees. The. reuedyinle a workiiouso. Fini Jli 1. 1808.te Mmci 1, l1800.thi.couchi pol *10,250.84 for cariais fer tlu vagranta. Ire. Jlii>1, 19W1, oheu lie vorkionse.vas epecci, lc 'Ma -ei.. 1897, the cont cf car* et vagrautu bas beec *227.30, e eaving lae cgiit mceo f $8,043.24, or &bout $1,M00a mocîh. The celuber oftroampe coiai lne mjoilisoethle ceunti trcu'Jmu. 1, 18M0. o Marcbl, 18W14, wos 8»W4.' lu Jenecary ici Fcbrummy ef 1807 Il vas ouly 149, a diferenceocf 2,8M3 le Ivo mcmli.. Autm iole Dieulu @&a. ruel*eo. Asa 1llak, a coledchO cineer et Bac Fraclaco, ied l hum>, ageil £0. 1mb camethbiti yommu ego trom EBouton, and egaged lu business au a mon.> lender. Hie ciargeil ilgi ateu ot luteret and fie- quetlli vhee i. ounedto reocronnercc on noeste ie terest vie tcucd te b. gneatyiynleeea.ofethle priecipal He ieavem a fortune valuedai aI *100.000. C. A Oppenheimer Kilti Blessait. C. A. Oppeheimer,, tenerly cf Wichil. la, Kan., ibi iluneif leultheMuuber aee leut Kansas City, Me., b> aveleg carball ci. lHidivoreci vite. Dlimie Le, b.d hi e malcfor liraaloeg te bib heu. Oppenhimeut a Tari. ____ moo ae eB.ava7. Washingtend ehtci:Jamet ILZ.U - élu. ;Cumpluollmu et, tiec utrece>>*111 peebably neh4sru te olem* tw~ e féroce an vh b law Joihohen heure cf Président 4eMUçes owu. mqeeaeo *agir*" aI eIdiug Thb l haS isu b9lbieiomtoet au, àrlk4soLeslmtc.x tasetaxa-, dm, oný i ;iz 'itil.mlm en0tià. T vex" os x inee a ornna tomai. and ta b. resterai ce vldaviboci Te broin a O BataUearfen, Arrangement@arénuer,etmail te dr&w cf lie voler ile mMerfer Oouety roear- vri, muaLima, Oble. lie tacgt as"l. ciielbail> of voter la thé. Ualteltates, cov.uleg a.eai20.000 ser% me i imelqp. leg Ilt li t011 te~ , su iltlalorumkidi leu lele. .I- u. a Iei. 4 t t, &Lwaule' Sena lot Mattahma aabaitiw i.- oedn j*,= by te iet St. BtLeula lth ' '.i et biling aa »W diyhbo. vlle, ter b '101 e uanar alin a eea, a0tlcu ufl upsenp of= "«'ml *raitlt esil. 1ehfte v ï a- aki 7oumo bot viciab*li- d crus fer'bob vorm'. Lant siec a mimpe vac drleu te thie cni arklumand the. mine. agie omenred t.e rde eai. Oven eue iincdred mon,hate theu cegra... er. eeeplcyed. About 42P e'eicek a maillai! reer .tartIed tiie peuple. A cluien of mmcii.and debuIs *bet ap trou tb. airniatt. le a few minutie ai- ter lie exploeion lb. men commeceil t10 apper. Seul ver. ne tbrerme élt il,% vill etiere ppaam i vth the smia etaci-1 las op le bfltonecheu tfacs and ibane,9 ci beuglasg le ribiioca. Dferet thies 3o are mivaced fer tii. canne cf lhe .zpleà mden. Beperlteedent Vaiiimiey h.bu b-m levs thgt a kele cf pevder vas axplada iii eoreleeaeem uitt1h. geneffl epnioec eimoeg the.cahierm appente te blietaI t vas-ceaed iii "viedi m&bot" bries thie gei and pcvdor amcke. Minera ni ti. mie. yen vomi dry and dusty, mnd tust the. fer-i ac, vansoimettrocg euugtalecreste a1 melceet draft te carry lbe dosteut oethle1 reemsanmd ectries,. Pavera a* Pblp casse A canacamy hbeit leb, eocvereiet te maire navigabe coenection boee lthe Mississippi river acd Lako Michigan. It le pi!cpomod te utîiie tii. Chicago dralne camai tic. Lockpcrt te the lako. Beero- tari Lament settle the lent Ceegreu aum imprtant report frini Major W. L. Mer- shall, (icvenient englnecr ai Chiîcago, reom.einlg lie construction ef mcii a vatervai. Thie recommendatice la in- domeil y hiie Bccretary mud b> tb. chiet eueear cf the imy. lgeadgr te Oear Wide. Oscar Wilde wiilbe velccmed beacklbite lbheeoincf ietanily ntthle approacii- lug termlcatîce et hic prison setence. Tiie membersefthticfaomlly ire nccv ai- aboie vili them there open hie releane. ()neofe the prison offleers.unuder viiose observation Wilde cumen dally, aya be la lne benebocf beîlth and spris. H. le employed au lbremueof Itheprison bock bedery, mcd han becom. ce expert aithlb Irad. _ __ Awardet 03,000 Demasez. la lb. United Staes Court ai Sprnte- feld, Ill.. lh, jury lla te *20,000dmage suit et Hamilton . Ballaetlne of Pilla. deiplile, Pa.. agalat the Bit Fqnî Rail- wmy UCmpany, breugit ln a verdict ealat the defecimet, fiilge i.darnage. et 85,00(). Plintif vmas vimiiîlg relative. et Alîc nindvas serioumlyi njured l n tha Wmee disaster of scierai years age. CoeaOrme the DestnhoetAgairre. Havane diupelci: Mmmcc bina, tie sec, rotary et Castille. the Inurgent leader. viic Su a priaccer et SMile Baochide, maye tintthelInsurgent leader Aguiri. and lie Marquis et Santa Lucie, proaldent of tie Cuane repebie, bti ddeceonly of siek. Deanancd tint Quntin Bandera, ou.e o lie butI kueve et the Insurgent leaders, dled receetly oet venda 1 Bruaea ln n a Has.. A ig sonntice Aa prug len lheKan- eu &soe Beate viiec Ive membora of libei>od. Uecmlorm lites@and Jumper. ainmeue >sai tiey badileii bee ctered *1.000 te support n certai ceaur. ces. eerulng tho Kauns City stock ymrdm Tii. vonlil-bo bibers vere mmmsi.edndoeetc thuie, Abrt Toucio, placeti under or- rest Dneb fer 'train Rebberz. JudedaWfcrd, et lie crminml court at Kansas Cty, decided lnl a leegtby opinion tiio the er fi xcg the doti penaty for latin lobbingsvas$cumllîetional. The deelaien valn tie case ofthtie Bine Cnt traie robiioru. Kennedy, Boeonmd Filonu. vie bled a deinurrer le lie icdlctiemtu. Plue Tre Cuimiu..DctreyeiL.- The Pne TreeOulhieuse, a veil-keove nommer reacit cond octet] hy P. E. Water- hum>, ws u% umetSolonIiiSpmiip.e.WiVs. Tii, truiesbuilding wam dealroyedin lehalt an heur. Losm. 1*3.50; co leurince. Tho place wam patrocizeil by Banhermen front mac> cil ies. Mine Oneor. HoId Ont. Tbe Colorado Legiltume unaulmousl> adepteil tiireport of lthe commintto. on iu- vestigation eoftthe Leidville atrhke,wvilci ececuuended erbitralion. Tii. mine eveers have ncet scigieil Ibir vilîlugem le cîbitrate. (leu. Omîlsîren Vend. (jeu. Gutiervez. who we. e candidate for the. prealdeiacy of lbe republic of Costa 111cm for tho ternu cf 18U19102, le demi. MARKET IJUOTATIONs. Chicage-Cette, common ho prime. f.1.50 le $5.50; hbe. ehipplus grade@, $3.010 te $4.00; sheci>, teir tc cie, *2.00 te 450; wbeat, No. 2 red, 75e 10toc76; core. Ne. 2, 231e te 24c; oesm Ne. 2, 15e t0 17c; r>., No. 2, 33e te 35c: butter, choice crmejery, 17e to 19e; ess, troh, 10e ho Ille; pclatocs, 'per busiiel, 20e te M0e; brocci corn, coimieu greti te choesc groomen. l2c e loiOcper lh. Iedieapols-Cattie, suipplcg, *3.00te $5.00; boss, ciielilgt, *3.00 ho $4.00; siieep. good ta chiese.$88.00 d *$4.00; viieat, Ne. 2, '82e te B84c; coin, Ne. 2 vile. 221e te 28c; cots, Ne. 2 vile, 20e te 22. Bt. Leni-Cattie. *11.001 te 06.50; hoe. *8.00 ta *400; shseg 113A»te *4.00; vhe.hj No. ZUtet f; corn, No. 2 l- loy, RMe te le: oses, Ne. 2 yhite, 17c te lie; r>., NO. 2% Me te Me.-, 11emnh-Ocattle. $250 te 85m'; booem. 0&.00 te *4l.0; eep, Pm e *4.0 vieil, Na. 2% Mete 91c; corn. No. 2 mlxilieteSic mtae. No. 2 mixai, Ic Detmit--Cattl. O= 80te 85.25; h- *3.0*ta*4#LOOabeap,.' M0 te Xriant, Ne. 9tai, $le tu e. ;coi, No. 2 *11w nalve te 2ie; cate, No. 2 vitla, me te Sic; ,rye, MelteS880. Tel.db-Whet, 'Ne. 2 ted, Uce te Oic; 'ern, No. f2 mixai. 22e le 24c; cala, Ne. 2 white, 17e ta ille; rye, Nc..2, Ode te 87e; dorer oci, fI5 te 84.75. Mllvankee-Wbent. Ne. 2 sprig, 74o te 70e; corn, Ne. 8, 18c te 20e; cota, Ne. 3 white, 17e te 19r; bail,>, Ne. 2 28e ta M2e; ryej No. 1. Me te 35c; vol, mena, *800 te 48.0 Buffalo-cattlc, commenete prime ahI>- plaig, 02.W tea*".5;ose, meiuemite tient. 48.00 ta *4.5 brepi, commun te pim. sativea. 118»00te *4.3; lambo. fair t.ta XU4 0 te 85,40. Whblch Mada uta.Tripe le Cabs. Caua.ylag Arma asi Ammuaiitlea- Ceavied Umoit Cents Arc laild. Xe&" a Lexa mprlsemoml. Captale Join D. Hart, vho vas i .1mî ly convkIctcet Utbutedesmg nguet theb.9 Bpacli e oemactlu aconetien vihi i htW staerILaUirda, cf vici be ls lie 1 auront, vas retuser! a ccv trial by Juilge Buller ln lie United Italec District (Ceurt ah Piadelpia, &Bd eenlenced lealite Yemru' leprtmememl. a fie cf *00, and te pay the eeginetthe presaeullon.lIfe la u sand e omueitheil untl thicBasud caol arapaaL Tu.enathelcprosceution vii amouel he, neanly, if Bat qulte, $5,000. Captole Hnit vas laben te prison lumedi- Ately *flirliaesentence van proncuecel. Captai% Hart'. vifo aci tva chier te- mlerelativesondimoni busines mm of Dalavare aveeue, wlh vicieMr. Hart- bau beoasscloleilfer a cumber et ycmru, ver. le court vien the sentenceoan- ceuccel. The wcmn broire love and Worrm l.i rtram hq race weeplng. lHia 1 baaieen ennaociatones rovielaientthle 1 = lerino ha v an lodintee cdepuhy 1 andi eterel lieïrsympa-9 li... Cuptale Hart la @haut 40 icara of9 &irc And bas boon n e fruit imporitin1 buninene for ianly Iveehi >0cm. Bhcit- Ir atter the. CuinLu-Specni vwer breke euth i. lomuci tv et i s smoru, lie U- rada and Bermuda, le lie Cen fer th. truesportetice et amims, amiumi- lice and me onubeL., Boreof lic lars. ont expedltious tiat toucie lhe omiiqof Cuba ver. ipped oe. lie ,oemedsi thii departume von due lu a grent centa nire, lae i &niu icilpulatloc ot the etesmre b> OspîaneHart. capteic Hert's fnmillîconsisetuetfaàvite anai Ive daugiher, Laura andl Ada, afler wicie lie 1Lacrala ile caed. ORRUAT BDINK BILL PENDINO. Xercisml. Hoe.Coactiese 1111 Ap* prove lbe Bank ia cboai. Manufacturera le tue country armarmei Ileroobtel in a bill1 nov, pecaiing la Con grecs ta estihlish i-bah novi las the. International Ameilran Bank. Europe meainrealamonl mli ofth. Muh Amenen liai.e u#e utifbesnku and store e@ lte vrions partsuo etlatImter country. Tie i.elIaoftan iiàteruntil,ul battit originatedlalc 18141. lring tie uen. $loc cf lie Pmn-Ameck-n eongresu. Mny cf tieuMost Iinueaial n'e u li te East are icleresîci luthe plan, amBd hep@.t le e Cocgrees a utho bill spcdily. Tbé fBrut empitli illbeb. 5,00,000, acd Ibis aunn i yul i. sueimlbablmmediatlylîthe billla i posol. Pull> DLY Ammour et Cieago la one of the eomiuesoemBaarmdltoeer snbaerptious and perfect the organisation et tche bn, viicb vîll hav ro biola mil et lb. republicn on thm contient. TRAIN MILLS TWO CIIILDititRR LItla0Orne Kueeka troue a Bridge et Terremnt. At Terre Hante, Iad., four chillrem and lhie u crse vaîked out o e is Fu ouar1 Baolemltreseo l ookaI ie vrecb caus- ai b> lb. recoul rmina. Thc fant Knicker- beeke paseegei train. tram Bt. Loulu lu Nov York. iaibel mmmcd lb.cur-ve and benoceil Ivo cf lie cillree off Icbo lie valer. inistmntly kllling licem. Tic voman amiel tic ohier two cilareu. Oreece le the P.werib 'u The reply etf<îreecc te enoates cf tie poeei, insintine upon th ithdliravul et tie blrVeb lroopm tien Creto andIof the, Greeb tireh troin Creban wmterin lceamne- letîzed by four point.ln tla fliirul plac.-. Il la èonchiliabory ln boue, fully iceogciuiiig the hîlgb oins oftheiilî.aWfrs Memnaly, l offeru le wltilnaw tlirek ickB.df rm ('retan waters. Tiairdly, whule poliing eut tiet itl la mnpoaaeiibe 10 wthudraw tie (irecia troolîs frouate lie eanalof Crele. il offem le place liiemnduer lie t-ontroi ot tho poerca e mtome oraler. Fially lbh- rcply cuceta teaie ntemectm about lie 'me- lace rcclly preferning allonoiy hy geelicg tuhi. the'rebmiî. ho aliowel Io choose Iheir owu gevermentu. KillidlIn a inovsllde. At 10 ocvlockBuMna.a>e ruy noxvoide cttihd tront lie noîinta pemk a-euh of lie Morgan mine nt 1'cmk City. U'tah,and, *truck on. cf tie l mi une bttiîîbiues, wsichvas siemeal lite mioms. N'ine mou vere sleepingir n lie haeln ah le lIme. Flu-. vere roes-uel clive abocut me heur aflerwarl. Tir... men are knov.î ta baei-obeen killeandcîa cfeairti le mle- las. It la aimont certain liaI iis bdlied-n lu ticdbie. Otibrko la Chicago. Cicago plaulerere mml hilarriema le th. comber cf 1»00left their teolu eihbome Mcmiii and thiengel lie bhrdqarmeru et lie Building Truies Cetincîl te vnteh lb. progren ofthe mhrike vilihvan deelirci Maturday avecleg. Thîce conlracting Bfime Imediaely surrendered te lit etritnlabluoorem, hoever, amnuse aremuit work cia> sooc emeieoeryvicie. Rota efotmineuus 0ta Laie a le. The Oie Coni TiaH A., ltine 'M iun Cleveland meetg ysdibtld tbe enat îeWs mseol.etofcanrrl miraen trou lie mines le Labe Erie porta. Tii.. ratog are, 86 ffiows: Immthe Oioisatrict, W% efceeta a len; tremslie Pllhnburgdi. trlet 90 cemt@ a te., and fiee lb. West Virginie, dhint, *1.05 a ton. Ne Gaok Latter NMeetla.. The Seuti CArelimocanerai AmnemilF' bu. paueeil aè,1mw fbrbihdieg lhe exitene et sur Graoiit lttercu ee ion icollage.a *hici rSel, Ilte au. Colorade Produce.Manih Old. Tho Cippla Creii, Coloe., district wau euedilltt a production of *10.00,00 luglfmt rer and lie StAte vih&bout *10,00,00. uilstfront the vaine et tbm orseicleoln le iet rutoementi. cf IM0, lta is ar's eutput vill reîci tueI Deluoit'a PaOUIMO Agent. Tie in lais bac comimed Oscar A. Jane. ta b.Pension agent at Detroit, Mici. Mm. Jame.s lh ietshappoeheie aUneai me eAt te aUpu-AuitMp The National Boo. The. 8«» eTiaady. bhi a vot W te8? S. vweee erata eftii. Irm gu. tbos bil 'Tb* eeterencm repot it nlih* = 06 Uc.appropriatl iiovsll on ca te. hio l.figit on thoeraal but v.i in- Mce. the. prie, et aurorplate ie the matteraht lune. The. Sonate as=~ meulete torednce lie prie. rtram 0t. $»0 sudl ta buiN i tred lerpeil buste u"a a practice boat; *cre agreel ta. The la.- dine bll. District cf Columbia appoe. lica bill. endithei. sdry clvii wul= teoeptei lia afa i hyetu rmcoeeane lie-&enàfe'e vork vas couliaci te clos- luit busie.enmd the menur" cemilderai hi theRoues vcro lieccir oed'nlubaid. AUiJ et thi..-Umet toe .Pnesident âa. the Bonemeoneepitbom lothi Ueataand HouoftedJoueui vh.- lut ils> Thurada. Ili te Bacal, ee- meut vmns anelmom le rebattionsas- > presing the ppmeciallon oethe $oasisfor V the ahi. undimIcpartial iiecirgaeofthe lubie, etf proidings cilicer hi SMi. steren- Ao. end by Sir. Fryo. prealilent pro beut., Si. inem anaeecl ia e ememute. of Cuns bhail valteil cs lia Preaidape and tist ho Sudl nakeal Ibem tcore> hie comgrutltion ceh CInse cf liu nieora. Tiior. 'i-mA mrlous mwalling fer the mncuneement liaI lie Prmidonl bail mianoil lie remalang mppropriatloa bIle But Il iilnosicong. Gradumll> lie lise- lIly- thelb Sem&a.gras moged Lubilelii. mu ube*lm n ltre, e .luaugunae '- crron>, sud tlb. sOne1icama tea ia. ;t' alient furi ber legigla tîre buuleoa.1h.- tomerai.l cenr-y bill talleil leucoafr- sue. and tic agriculture, @Oudry -clvil eci Indien -appropriation bills fulleilc exernlire approal.The.floeuse vias.1111 en the ê'gialeive dey et Tueulmi vis Il adjoummel viieul dcy. The cloollmg botire voeeneeettl. Thei, %mlaeis bmi vrend bard ail cighl 1 oletihémue- dr> civil, Iniean d agricultural billa le tie président. ccli te baeose "pockrt reoeal," vbile tho geeîmi defielene> bill- falici cf pasageieecuo lihe Heu». i.- tueaigo sutimeribe lu bihe*300,000 et Bowmuin daine wvb th le @coelumist- el upon. hMr. Mhlcile et Teuceaaee. ami a few appmopiali mcaikn, ofued a mesoluiiîiof etIhanks tte pecker for bis Impaenilîy mu s preeillcg olficer, tui vas nlmirocalî miephed hi a i. t lag vote. Asmlipeaii.r lied tmouhai lia reatrme .meailers rosemend cbeer.d rnlaaly. l e mkeowvloagel tia varie receplionand ben delîrered is lepating asimoa. With a a cof et i gael at 11:30o belen deed eltha flouseail- leuned i viiul ils>and Ithe. nemi... borrlel cior le lithe snnIe le particlpasa lne c cemumlee. The Somate vent lotocierutîre uesslogg promptll upotstii. rerelpt oethe Cmbinet nominatioenmd amt8»Oe amIbheeaneoc ment wan meadaeoftheb.appointment et Bealer Sherman, *ho@@noemheailen lie li, ieowom combrmeil. Itlu laep0@ md et r &HiDontio*tlcst eml betlt Iwva lie deoir. et M. Ub«saiso triends te signalisa tiei regard for hlm b> Immeieoachleu. Tiers 'omo e. tern thon meslttyin lie mefereece et tic- cther nominations le eemmit,,e. Net cee efthe cocmulmit*sbeli e te imeceting. ~ they belag pelleil on tlin eroet he San- ate lu ove,> einstace. Ne objection vas mde lncouimitti o cenfirmation. Wh". Jb, Menaei.amulholesglashve oeionathe ah'ceuialot li. lleansmet entor frocs, 0iIlo. te sueceel Mr. Sherman. vore pro- seneol b>IMr. l'nraier andl io vas .vera lu iiî Vice-Preslîent Hobat. Mr. Dark. wu% ale igmalel acting cbarmnn et lic Commilbee cn Foreisn Relation. le enaceed Mr. Miemtnau. Beye.d tie am noîtlcation le hi, ProBilent. eotbieg fer- lier 'mas doua. Mout oethe mev Besiloru voee.nIbm Boom vice Vice Preuilent iHobart caileil the Mecale te eider et Doon Mondai. The. other Meneloru veme net me prompt le neklng Ibeir mppearace. The gallerlen savo luI monserveil for the diplomatier crpu, vere lirongel wllb Curiona viiera. A. soon ns tic blind cinPialq land de- llvred i. Invocation, Ur. Prudes. lthe i're,ldeat's dxeazuliro ei, appearel vîi the, comination of 0Oncar A. Jamen, ef Micigan, as pension agent ai Dettoit wieii vmuiflerwami confimea. Th* lent communicetion cf cx-&eetery laicet hrmnsmltting certain-ppyraicoli fer iî a iosolutloi efInqulir, van laid buter., the Miecele. Tic Vice Prealdeel subicit- lai nome reaulutlona et tie New York Chaîher of Commerce pmayleg fer the nily ratlication andl passage of lb. or- blîration tîealty. Ah 12:12 P. m., on mc- lien of Mr. Burieus (Be>et ofMîcugan. lihe Bonite ventlotoeecentre mession. Tu. remmîndi ofetheliesioanlwonamde- voIci lu o eulîe bunimnssmad ah 105 m. . the $cnteaijeunel Outil Weipae. Teh4 lu a 10w Lia. The Cort cf Appeale cf Meetroal ha. malntelned the. riait et hrails unionulise le clubikkgtflirInas te w kfor rotso le diseberge cen-union metm. Benjamie R. BacoMn, me urucca agent, 'mie, a tev icore mgo, van oce.fet li vemitiot n mies proceul imuisees mec lu Kanne City, Mo.. eommltted mi-. eude. Donpocdemcy tollewieg buale e.e verse, la suppomeiltule he eaus.eif1!alui- cide. The. lier Bpre. reggehed heu plun la 13e' boise aftoa meihvoyage. Beto..reaib i lu the. Naedlam si.ram icI. a dese bue mmd bail te aëleo. The .«As peamlwbi iie, .tvleg a lea te iocès, tome juif ont.a asection ofrail end lifletib ells. on dama. The Calîtorela ileep maler imiliorcou. - mission han eimlmtted liu report .eta C . B.eretmuy cf War. T'l'h ommimaic e- eldcu ba tavotrf9Sa. Pedr. q tl1.liMm la e. vici the (Gueaset apufflml m&liub.ocxpmcid. OoMaImmtoan orgsm donm cet aigu lie report. Paul Rbert William Maaein, a eMM OS »agneabiac et 24 yeara, mpeitIng Mitet et m Borincpapan, sui hle*fanace*, la-e Margaret Hlec Paubrat, a pst' browe-irel troclae. ie leo ensue«e - ie. junior, elope eil10Amcrca. Mins P&.- I»own -. - - agi" 0 t-U 1-t 1. li

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