PICKED UP HERE AND THERE. j Local Items of Interest to Libertyville Readers. g 44-6"j Jo1 We guarantee our flour ta be Superior to alL1. The place for good Goods and Low Prices is Defective Eyesight 1s greatly benefited by properly adjusted lenses. 1 have a complete outfit of Optical lenses and instru-. monts for test ing the eyes.' and especially invite those who have had trouble with their eyeglasses to cali. Mr. C. Vuille, an old experienced optician, now in my employ, 19 canvassing the coun- ty, and to porions who cannot visit us at - our place of business I recommend his services as a competent opticlan. ~.Mr. Vuille la ln Lîbertyvîlle Tuesdays and Wednes- dayýs only. -ietvle C. R. Sherman I 00 OTO LOVELL'S DRUC STORE FOR <'Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, >P BruesTruase, Supporters, Shouldor Braces, Fmncy and iii Tolt Articles, Book&anmd Btaticiary, DyeStufse, Glass, Puty,Il 10 PAINTSS OILSI VARNISHES. PATENTMEDICINES. 'J' empounded ai i&iheurs. eZo~ode CrefuIIy !ýeIected. OnIy the Besat. C. M. à ST P. R. M. Tout TABLE. TO CHICAGO. &.1Û. ea. . ..jI,. P.fl. WadAworth i &. 6:06P Wurns Ail 6:17?4:11 liondoàut 1: &W 11:16I 5:01:8 AU 1 M68:44 6A1 glaerville ais 7Z iiites 4 * au <Jtagoîarrlvel lie60 46 lem :45 Viau 43 ABOI C'HICAGO. Lv. a... s. i.m. P.m. P.i. s.. UVW »n :30 :04 &201:w gt Lv. lasAs11 t A »hame Imav. te 1mis4:644:11 lr2tU 9:1 lia5>.d A :04 :5111:27 1IM 8:48 ait US 112 *=07:40 1:8 M5UTYILL r145 AU 7:40*44 Vamatn *14 a*e t us(i arrive) *15 &4 Me ~~otàdaly.9sdenotes UBoddy onir, ss.=iPenn atrains w. &ati oz. upt Seu.lsy. SUDiDAY TEAINL4S Lv.Uàbertyville. 4:0p.m. Ar. Rendont 0p, No. 30 rune ilua; nly u. goiong. cti. vili 1:46 p. a. Train Nu. u"lias Iwn latlyiputon rola bueeiold ta Chiaaju. lmavea kted1:10 a. m. lhenrerl .2éL; Couvsa tblegat? 0. a.N~o. 5U P.e5< .9z.tS . arriyes eAer,evle95 m a.De--fi 12:10 aO.f lu.a Pre.ldeut ..................... C. M. Avirili Clerk...................... W. C. ISaiborn Trpasurer .................... W. C. Trimsa Po" nliatrat .............. W. I. Davis àarahal1. .................M3. Fesismai LIB19YVILELODOX. No. 492P. & accardars of emamtâiolt. ViatAna buMmm~ ordjI[velemed. B. W. Bu LaL. W. A UMECAMP 'No.176 M. W.of A.. rM-ta foret andi tilrd'gmunrday .f -hismoîsU .t W,lanena* Hall ovsr Y ..' hardwar qtor... Vlii.langhls.wa ava îs v elusîne. C. B. ahhEMAl. V. C. Cu As. lAisa.Cleri. Min Mary Magon @pent laut veek witi ber brother Oso., at Letston. Mia. Ama Treptos, 01 Chkcaga, vlatted bier parents over ilunday.. Mir. and lira. Chisltian, of Elgin, are vlisting ber Miller, SamAi Trigg. Mi" blaete Wright, Who bai beeu very ill the psut week, te rapidly Arn. provlng. Thse announcements of aprlng candi- dates appear on the majoaîty of aur ex- changea. uge Riei, nf en<,Sha, @peut isun- dey vus bAs fanlly, vWho are visitAssE at Hlenry William". Thse Lakeàlde Cemetery Assoiaton 1 wul meet vush lire. Thon. Corleit, Fr1- day p. mn. March 19tb. Boehmn Bras. psy the village of LAS- ortyville 14.79 pet dey for the privliege of condactlng tbeJr saloon. Foax SALE-A quantity of clova.r set periectly f ree trous foui seed. L. H. BRANT,,IVaDhoe, 111. lirs. John Cater dippediasddofil luA sucb a masner ai to spralu ber wriat sud ankle qui te bsdly Tnday. Kev. Mouver bas no far recovered troum his recent illnesaai ta be able tu ocpy tise iresbyterien pulit lant Sndiay. GIME.FOX LA KE. liuuday nsorssAug subject at tisea J. Dcci And son àAuiur to a a bai oanapai odoi l aS<. llk maic ~.Preeibyterlan chureis. . Triumpb Over et ireasesiboge ta Ciicago zmarktt act borne t a tLoiel eylttuidrauces."Eveung eubjoct, ."Jeans veek. Mini Amanda Tweed viaiteci friand. Outr Baprerne Teacier.' A feit lne f ail palpper asdoi vdov ai Dîitann&itTisursday. Tise Star and rescent social CliLi aSies ov v bud i AG. chvi'- Frank sSbervood, of Lake Vli&, nAIlviil gi ve sa grand hall atie Tovn Hall mm & Cas. attend sellool at Vaiparaioo. B.'sre'iee.lul î rf MiesLou Ans vranu i eo elat. Tisos. R. (raine, ,f tChicago, vingtaid litaitisa Chicago Orchestra. e~tithe mtore of lier braither, A. 0. Foi Lake frietide lait;trldsy. Dwrmn. Dain u iao a i e l.CommurnaIsu moveailuto tise Dy onder of tise village boar il~vy g seatc ant of F bank As *aiîat Btnr.ay Isus atitiy vucsteiisy (Ueo. Wiener. Ilag atones eght ta ten iacises tiAn asSuuiay. ,Tise letifg people ai Edwin llrownai are ta hbc placed on ail dovu tavîs sigporviion D. Hnuingin lti for v-se tise victls aof a surprise party street crossinga. A god iea. Wakouisga onday ta attenad tihe londay evening. o A Idra. Protîlue As atien I.g tise Sprlssg1 balpervisors' meetinîg. Master Lisle Huaghses, o aeVi Delss nse tot atnpta idegoentertsained tise Fox Lake acLola s penlng ut maillinry liis teek ani 15.5 SAmna ta etrp oehcao vitis bAis<nonaj.rls iss.-t Frday alter- vAîl aisilnail roturn vitis a nov lineofai BStch CoIlAe pupe for tise doitasaow. uan od o iecma cs Willie Steffernibaulefts e More of lTiesaocial i a . IL. Jainiou's lat lMr. andMlrai. James Davis and Mlr. Ab.. s Hhwermass & Gai, sud State to Fi Iaiay leveîing fur tise bossent of FLakebe n Ai AlAs oury vont on a faérîsafor Fred Smitis. Villa M. E. eciscis vasl ssuceass, Fe rbeadUmLliuCury Fis ppîs f ui cioo ae liilnjncaly. ai Ivaisloe, ationisi tise Preggbyterian Th ppis f UrWho] ae Il TheoFox Lk scis lse : teurcis iere lest Suuday evelug. Isaiipy nov tisai tise »nimnal ex- riday for thse ping vacation MiasS Fouxîn-A atilotg aot prayer beais, Se- ségligation las v. r. Ail pasaed vA h itenvîn, of Waucasnda, la engageai o flve tise Catisoile cisuuicisand d<eput. .cTh pilàito the isoptiseo, isoltmeumr eî. Ovuor msy Lave mme byml loigaet the teiis apum Ilsftiercssibsoai Misa Tise donation aupper ai LoîiuiINDrapxsssAyr alleeiudpsyAiti.otbA Mâten b. mbisehortceapporaidWasb-Lusi's, gven for tise bcefit a! tiseBotte. Asatus irtsda vAS ajsrsprateFort HillIgi mînter. van s plexa'antnti exorcIses. ~~~pr.slllalsle affaîr, over i115 î.eîng Tsr lih etataca tts Mr. Fraut Tissuas sud Xi, Juison nlxci.1 Faleit seai tFrilsuy evealnuig. Came Amas gaveA vaery plea*usi Party lai Wrlsy veuss<tes tisir fîteastaiuami Severai irons hiAs place ûttenled iIl e boys 1ritig your boni girl, and traie aslissas i s- baisse o!ftira. Anes, mgueraI a iliie it tu hs ouse atîse, ellov At YOU se$thtie 2'sp .s nli ntth~ e Ankcrin lit ayti se o r ug b sket. tb4D",I$rs Ane, lus tu.rday. prTbsy 5remzatils va-eeinterrnA Asutise Fort AMenera.Austin aaîal sity arîlveti la piaaeai tua oeîeîrate tis elsona uta - l11111ceuuelary. ILîîinî.ylvillue Int i iisraalayglist itis getier. .eiuy reeIns,,t-u cre We vere lie&-&.d ta toie,, !i itis i lisaasl.1 cottie liaugis u tise vicl- sorvedliand lîiivqilug v..aapesive Autfioch Newrs the haaaueseîi'lsl~iy of Russe!,,, ila. 'l'ie voeefour pleàutly. Alil nmqiu*elltin esoutSmariage of one 0ai uol id Fs.xLake esfn h od ta éqo Mn... Amen natasl day uahered scisool touchsers, Albert il. T rreîi,duîautsrusi in anW ta dainitber nsany happsy re. ilow a residaut of Chtcags a111 isia. ingrss ,!thetday. tonna-y ai Iav. Al iappinent Dajigrsofu'~ n p. DîvuD-At tise homse of litslanitonyo The groitit-es aanger froe.'X.a G.lipe lins. Dighian nzgcn, latlsrday eveuj-hOgbI rs4 lo< i, ani la et lis îaulting s la sustîIf..Ur"ng, arcb 6, 18917, Mr. Hirams Foi. ~eorosudse amt a si. e "eSA raon sie caverole usai, iscaever, sud HPe vag -tuae Of tishe l attLAMI f TaiLse amnmaI5Y05 2el are avilag obud s Cisus on nda Oiub ioasdytaken, eT'fllty, boig aven iity.tvo Years o ngr viii beavoiied. Amamg tise of!&ate, Ho 1. avec four cisuitren, tini lm « o! ttumadu vîso bave usmasitfisA.sais,, nlitto iiughsterns, suai 05h00' .sit for lauripp, w v ae yet ti<relatives tu motîru ibeir lac. Tie issssoiaiighcsehalugneelteLnfue-rn' ae.vlcos voie heu ult ti», pv.kmounls, viesisahowa aoualuiveelynaeo 1bonnue near bis lote home Mes- - gn$tUenmoiaey a certan pireven loay artiurnoafl,. EIder T. J. Holiomm " sil11515 ls î ot* of 6W itdr«od dimesas. It vili a-lect clficlsting. Tise igisteeonw u iieis waaUiêU,5h57 »o~u1ourAla tînte suamy ho vaa ssu vas teewoby the lM Ji ~Wa "ui, ; = g, hSet.Tis 2 sa i 64cet n M50?o m tisata taledo phWOtheuhD", Ni0 if Lv a. LfbOe$>ý laéouai i îbiw aofroesci ta ,i;. 1iSR a ~ tU a. B. Dîseil, of Franks, Ili., a lo"mer resident if tiAs eoutty, Look second p'ise on butter ebitiled attbislnute Mlise lairymiens Aasoeitionfield at DeiLalb. Ill., job. 24asd 2. A lisse gati %&&eh vas the prise awarded. T. V.Stloc,.aive iises unan scl.n .a4e u boeuoerubber gouda, ploya, cutterd, harrycus, baduinmde lar. baane.s, wagons sud traekm, sangle aaldouble carrlages, etc., tu occur lu theerieur future An Libserty ville. Traggs & Taylor's boit O9 RcuîKoble R[CS0I For endesvoriug te diapaseor goiti. Ustas ly, thée resoons la ussci a oasê are of these tereotypeal order. lue.e are are nec sud original. We waut t,, msii becaume We want Bread and Butter Tisa Wb, isWaut to malle s living, aîîi vo eattdis At. dont yciîknov, vish- ont usaking salesa. Tba-ss ve aut ta Bave a littla- anal 199 eut19 (Ctîm Wben It coutes tt $-,v. Wae aan srtv wate.- fur Lise ea-i-hsu.st lite Ste sîse t., do, maid s det'icistsum 1 i ider thse tout MiMeo If not ta sol gooda aud mais.thse variai happlor Tise tilbmsnger traies for soli - tiais rossons. Withnb usiosa As i ml1t il CIi,01. Tise more eustons vogai, tise more business vo da. Tisa la jour Invitation to imiate tise gond cuitons cf jour neigisber and traie vush Libertyville, II. Iteai the prooeedlngm of tise ait- jourusalsession 0f tise. vilage board liouday night, lananatiser cilitasu. Thse enuatraci betwoeu thse village aud LiisertyvUle Biectie Llgbt andi Power Comanay, ai accepted, As publiwaisc lan full. Thse ladies of tIeeIM. E. chuarec i i gAve a Hausear harelh 25 anal 26, botté atternauba and eveniugo. Munsie botb eventago liy tise Maudolîniti 4iultar Orthestra. Cab& and lAId's lce craaim nerveel, aIea homse. made (eassdy. Every alise vOcosue. 22-1 Thes araet cssmîttee psrlussedi t tseilf aIthe vllage lait Weaisay 1,6«#1 lu.eoaI vre, suiDieast fur &ie en- tire atreet" aystbm of' llghte. 'at'g Fuller and W. Mliard have thse cuin- tract for aetting thse poila, wiie have iseen ordered anda ahlpped. Au error n tise village trossureira report lait veek oeurs lauthse Item of amsounit recelved from Boehms Bras. h sisouid have bocu 1360longâtouf $376.00, ai a deductAin mvasida ta cover a pejridaiftlree dana, User Iena expiriug on thse lts cf May gteA year, three day. leu tisan a fusl year. Moisis. Lavren. o sud Thonsas <ale, of lllghwood, attended thse party at E. Hl. Browus teint Wodueedyeveaing. C. B. Banford, of Woodatock, viso bai tisen engaged te tbe talloriasg busines ai tisa place for a cuancher cf jeara, la employed by W. C. Binions à Go. Mir. Sssfori vAill rensove bit ismlly tu tisi place noit week. Everyoue Atereated An chilaircu aud tise boume ame ordlalîylAvtei ta at- tend thse botieras Inatitute coder tise ausapice. of tise W. C. T. U» aitishe M. B. churcis Tucaday allernaqn, Mach 16, ai; 2:30. Thse meeting vili Se con- ducied by lirs. Jenie Brown Hiltoni, visa ta a forceful speaker and a apeclallsi sud expert An ber lUneorc work. No admission vii hoe hargol. Mepreentative George B. Lyon ibis week lavored lesveral cfcaur tovis i o., pIe vus a copy aithea anual report of tise Ilioi s raprs lanute for tise yesr 1895. TiAs report lastu book farci sud containe reporta of tise couuty insttutes for the lear IN Tise bok contains mucis ood resding usatter, sud abonuti you isre oune, write our member ofthtie 111h Generi Aasombîy, George IL Lytun. MAsoes Fiortne and Lottie Brown were tendereda -a surpniis,' by about tifty friends visa gathneivi i ttier bomne Wednesday evenlng. Marchs 3. A vaxin veicome vas accordatthee n- trudera. llefreslsmeuts ndmi anse vere plemsIst ares oi tise occasion. Ail deciarei tisey boit enjoyed theus. selves thorougisly, departing An tise wee su&a bouma. » 0. P Speiggs and vite lefi for Gti. en, 1lui., Tisursdayviser ha lmi bougisi au estab.ed ding boutones. Mr. Joseph S peekuer in a pantner ln tise eîterprise but vil Dot move ta 'Gosis. eu for nmre time. Lîbertyville cai,. lit atiffd tu l<oie and tiseir famIl- lien, but tisetieat violiez of a large . ir cle of friendsansd aequaintanceas bere. abouta attend tlsemu bAnieir new Iocs. ton. Tise Libertyville Eleetrie Ligis and Power Company agrees te bave ln operation by Jone luit GO-32 maie power 110 volt Incandescenst lampa, ta eover vlrtualiy manse tenritory as la niov incudeal An ibe ail lainp lghting systera, far vblch tlsey are lo recelve a remuneration of $41:6i7 per montis. Thse ligisa is i no doubt prove satis. utnto. i istet'a bc ped uotbing *HIluiterva-ne tu prevoîsi tiesetreot Iightlng aystisss Seng is Operatian by tIsai date. Mas. OG». Vowier Entertalie. At ber apeoiosi'staouce aou Spiague st âtreMi. o Vuwler eutentained meihoracd ut.eLadies' Aid BSlety of tise là. B.Churali Taoaday früm 2 0'0 p.m n.Tho ecplnvsa fosa une gta nsàml.aer4,Itise aorgansautio.n at visicis Ms. Vavir i. premdent. Dinty rêfesseiie a-e autilutise mont approvdatàle, sud lire. Vowler de- clari a muielhiseteit. Tisomepros. ont voste: mi 1 Auis M. B. coli' T. 9'orlut Edvin Goek Wan. Ellis lmPik M. T. Othonu J. Moradlet A. Lewls DanI whe". r L.. B. M o.w D'l Lee J. B. Amaisson Barv. hleMfi. William 'iu. Caer Bl. Look Y..Lisais J. <anir y. etoker J. (Irar B43Mt J. B, Ayera' u. eOre" a 0T. Leois 0. B. obunuhi ]niss AIe.Devin. The Sales (tt Hooals Sansaparilia are lise langeai ln tIse vonkidbsea thie cunem by Hlooda arisapalhla amo wcnaierful, perfect, permsanent. Hood'e Puilearm tise best iszuily eathantic and1,cIr medicime. 2bc. 1 Tise Young Peopils Couinaîl tif tise Prataityterlan cisurcis% ALl Rive a lIter- aujy asoiaituical entrailistt i fa- chuîra-b Frlday eveang, Amari nliwà 147. Admlnissioni, Adulte, Ise:,btI a~t a, 2049 D.uti'tsllow jotir Iangis t.) lme impi. est ly tise Continuns irritation i.f a lion tissu t.) Curei. l>ue XAiiulte Ceuugi(,'tire laiton pasn iyl ari ,aaf any fatal luuug troubla-. P. IL. Lii-rua., Lbrty ville, and (J. C. Boasaxes, Was S TATEOUFiLNOhIS. CMNTY OP LA NE, 1 fat C Jtl5ouof 0Utnfi. Ttt Lie IrhIs A. v. lUi. AUA maAulrp.li.r Vif. ".gut%.Uei-s.r. i an,00,ry )Nt. Nee leboe br iven to this ai Ai ut 80 ài r len ti isoenyidCulaluani C,,tim n the tlîe C sanraietsraa. mi4 our 44wàgqthe steveaMéneuldeled- -l'lasuit s à Etna « M, B« CoIby & Co., Dealers ln Everythlng. Ulben 12ou ticant Insurance DON'T FORGET THAT.WE'RE STILL WRTNG W rHO0LICI ES At Rate which Defy Competition. Ses Us befoie You have Your Insurance Written, as We Can and.Will Save You Money. F. -C. SMITH 4 SON, Butler Bidg. Libertyville, Illinois. WARREN. Fred (ISard issscommennsi vont for . J. Unu~. Ohma. Tacker hm irosi Tisn. fIlai- hans for tis sos. F. W. dCv aablpped s cannai aof stock ta Cisicio luit vest. Walter Duni *p. visa baibeen on tise sicî liàt in mssch Amprovod. Be suie s8" attend tise Onnnee scisoal enteatsaime"(tisis> Faiakwy ulgis. lir. M. Ntilu rrhum vs.. a aueet or ia. C. Wîtbur evenal clay@lissi veet. Arnang tise Chiîgo vw-tone thsîs veek vere W. S. Price andi A. L. Wli. Soer. E. J. GrMlu bi purcisaao Wtisre-- bre tnota. paver uaid foui cutter cf 0. W. Sisaüsier. Tise menailon bave saumeaiat alitatesi ibougis tisy haave a.Witeal nuuriy eVéry hon ans %sbis lacaliiy. ins. Jais e cutr onteriaineil tise W. C. A. lait Vos1nssiay. Tba.-y meet vîtis Mr@. John Waelley tiareS 17. From Crpois Creet. Allen tise big tire a- u rîpple Crookp 1 took s vary tsevere clsMd irisaimany ipmeuseis isanuthep. tis ecoi Oniyt booomlng mors settIel. After naing threo boutles of Chaigibeiiaits'a Cougif Re.nsdy, " hc~ ie ceagis Mdcould i sue, sd ud n bis higis altiude t tasesa movîitoilous cauges wonsdy ltndoamy zood-O. . esiUsoM oditor ai tise battuAdwrg . Foaie isj W. E. ILovui.., Llttyvii mi d4.1.làa lui, Guru. . III 'Il 41