Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 19 Mar 1897, p. 1

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Va No. 23. .I~D.rt.vIII, -Illinois YDr. J. L.TAYLOR.' orme ove.' l'iggs & Taylor's. FI 1 te wU, Md L te ap. m. rInnIien ou Doadvay opposite Part Libertyville, Illinois. Dr. B. H. SMITH, OMfooovrL*vell'DrugStore Libertyville,Ililinois. ý l.P. EWLNO M.D. 0eaue..Md deorse0t9aiP. . Dr. H. 0. B. YOU4NG. Physicien and surgeon. curnee,-------lîos 0. F. Butterfleld M. O. C. VSUIART MUDOsON Ami) Dam"U. Y Dr. E. V. HARVEY. DENTIBT. OFFI11CE Mouilà Orayslake - Illinois. MMS M. AU03 DAVIS. vw U ILTUOI LUme AAMONY D.A. L TRAVI8. 1'3ooleer. - Illinois. PAUL MacOUFFIN, Aliorrnacy m oeaelor et LAv. NOTANY PUBLIC Speelal attention given Colflecions aiConveyancng. OuvCu WrffLtXB CoceTrs AN14 Libertyville, Illinois. W. H. MILLER. TuNSOBiAL ABTIOT, Wbn ou vent a dean aliave o good baheout«Ioen -"BW." enie ONOCE E or C CIGAiS. LAKEL CQUNTY BAN K..... Wright, Parkhuret & Co. L"bo4ymol, Minois. 0o- Issuqs Interest-Bearlng Certificat«. Payable on D.mand. or where b&ve you seen ouoh bains în Harnesas? Xe. à Single lMe»i 60 Lu- a ilugl.% ImItation Bubbar ÎImumed amens..0 5c.SHai1imnade, I Ita 1b. 414, IF fugIs, Ea&mad. Nckel ne~*U. 1P7ecale Mare.. 16.00 ft" 1arM surnom ii tu. t rac24.00 PraUA.g nt For Y t<Xoiu HN. 0 gTUUSnvAuEllCA, Nouru it"r- OoNgW aller good cempan ensd $1000 o~cv vittu nafo an aReConu, va ile9. at 10 ikfictk Sare," and et »IAe lot larer or uaer Pol- .ý*0U give lvent reapoubfle 459. oui nopllay $ e. _*4 more or reinni pnstmn ' 0" albter. vwI*oe aâNu. FITZSIMMONS WINS.- After Thirteon Purous Rounds H-e BooreX a Knookaout. weeeiay ntCason Ciy coulicl ua bave been a fine,- de a lA boeu maie tu order,a&" th. Corbet..Pltz. simmomw Prime ýght vws pnled on vilsnàlatta Ii. fi;vas a brion., but- lits belveen Ivo glanta tram start tu fS" sud it looked Corbett'd liglit uIM the fatal hockout blow. uhi, vas delver.d lis 1he fourteoulli rounîd, wbeu Pitt'loit baud ventamnahing lot Corbeta alutmach met below the licartand hiei riglit reacblng Corbeti on the point of Uie Jav. -hoin Cor- bel* meuh lu hIe knoes, holding on to the. repa for support, bis eyes ab»o- lutelp turned up until noue of thme pl wuvasvaable. Corbott vasq net cf 1h. word. He Vas nos unconscions, bulwi. pain veltlug from thlicblov osier thie. hart vas mo gr@" ne, te mmli.him oaa-oes. of anything euze. te tried soveral limies ta rie, but vas Ouilles 10do no and vus counted oui by lh. referee. Oui la oba of tveuty.tvo lgbmt Coilict lse on seventeen, ioei one. sriedf ought foor driva. Be vas de tsaibp Iily Wabi l lnP'6 u Ba Fraacapco, but four m<>the aletrble deiesed Welsi n one round. Beaides hie Oiglta lha bas blmtany exhibition apprring matches. Fitzslmmona bas tonit thrty-fouLr limes, 0f tise, catetabe basvon tblriy-nne, lied on. drav lad lait vo. Tho iraI de. fe«tvasathehands of Jim Hall at Sidney,Auslrahilll9. The other daenet vas lent Dec.mber vhien lie knoclisi ont Sliarkey ln ihe eiglitl rond. ad Referm Wyatt Earp gave Mo. oulet 1 hak,, claimlug that ]Pils.lmau lied fouled. Ihvilii bo re- memlieed that colusion bewees Shsrkep ld the. referme vas aflrvard proven. Carbotvilil bc thirtp-one leus 01 age o it Septembor and la six test o» n chi tell. fitaimmons vii le thlr$Y-âOve rsohlu laJune and ie live teteleven and ihroee-ourlhs facm 1to.1. RepublianCaucue. A et Mcflb UepbIuauVoea 1h. tuvn uoflli.rtyviie la bereby ca)ed $0 moet at the Town Hal, Lbortyville, on Satua-day t. he Mdey of Match, 1897, Mli2cleli p. m., for the purpose o! placlag SunDomination candidates for the tllovlng o0fce,, lu ho vofed for et the. annueta tovu meeting Aprîl 6i: Tovwn('ierk, Àasieaor. (oliectoir. one Miglivay Commnuialoer, one Trou- te, of Scliooia, Ivo Justices of lte P'eson, ivo Contables and Pond Masj- ter, and for the transaction or sucb other business as rnay properly corne belore the caucua. 0. E. CoraBCEILL, l'nos. COULETr, J. E. HOncoMs. Demooratlo Caucua. A canons o! the Democratic votets of the tavu of Liberiyvillle ta ereby calMai tu meet ath1e Town Hall, Luertyville. on Baurday ashernoon, 1@97, et 3S oIoock, for the purpos. of plming lu nomination candidates for tbe fllovlng offices, lubc voted for et the annuel luvu meeting, Aprîl 6, 1119: Town Clark, Aasesar, Coloctor, one liiajiay Commissionor, one lichool Trustee, tv< Justices of tlie Poueo..tvaConstables aud Pound- Ousater, sud fer the transaction o! aucli Other buuiness as may properly come betore th. canons. COMMITTLEa. Annual Town Meetlngand BEletion. Notice la hereby given 10 tii, legal votera, residants ai tbe Township of Liberlyvile,. Connty of Lake and let.teofhIlinois, that th. AunuiaTown- ehip Meting sud lectlon of Offleors of Mai Tovnahipi vUI take place Tues- day. th Oh day of Aprl, prozio., belnq the ral Tuesday lna ald mout. The eleetion viii begin eith1e bour of 7 a. m. and clos eat 4 p. m. litilhe eTovu Mal. The oMeiers tlbc lereted sc one Township Clerk, ouaeA"esor, Due Collector, on. Comml.aioner of Ilghvas, tva J natices of the Peàco, tvo Congtables sud ue Scioqi Trustee. Tii. Town Meeting viliiopen Slate TownU Hall thebheor ut 2 p. m. sud, aft«ehouing a Hoderator vîli pro- eSd 90 heur sud conider reports of oMM, 10 apprepriate moucy ta de- lump thi e comry expenses of 1h, townships, and todeliberate aud decie, on sugh measmres ai may, la purenanco of lav, came ie teb meetnrg. 04y« unndcr mp haàd thus 1710day 0f Mardi, A. D. IM7. WLIMC. Tmaos Tovnship lerli. Pr.vstIoo .18 betterta" carM good~asJyprsa by. ieuig od'lsmpalHi iý MIKI>a h . h Who$* Whoa? A Washingfon dispatch toaàChilcago paper the liri of the veelisoas: -"One of the lait caler$sai the Whte lIon.. Tueaday afteirnoon vau Con. gremman Fouit, eho vas acoompanied by Constituent Murray, uho vanta 10 b. postmanter at Waukegan. There boat no& been much pressure broufflt go boear pon thie Preiiiiiemn &fier tbe adlourumerA of 1h. Cabinet meet- ing. and th, coumequence vauahlVr. posa lid asu the lin,.lh. watei 10 tout over 1h. situation and put lu anme gaod lc licki heai!of 1Mr. Murray. When th Ivo gentlemen cm@n ont o! the Preuidents offiehetr faces vPe wreathed willi smile,' and tiiy dia not heaitatet b uay ltaI IbheirInterview lied been 'emlneutly atisfactory'.' This looka !avoyabl, for Murray, and ltlbheopinion,-of nmre Ieding lib.rtyville polîticlans liai W. If. ileet ll nU àptnre the Lbertyvllle postllfice ahould Mlurray get the ap-. pointment at Waukogsn, and ln the evant ofILR. J. Douglau ecuriug the Waukfglu ofice Ibe Mme vis. ones coneede tht -E. W. PfaA'lurt Wvtt',b potmaster ai Liliertyvble. fi àSas question of vlili faction lias the pul» villi Congreaamau Pasa. Calilfor suffrage Convention. Ail frlenda ni justie and equal rigis iu Làke County are urgentiy lnvited go meet lu mas, convention lu Wauke- «anu ethie Cougrogationai ehurcli, Honday and Tnosday, M4ardi 22 aud 23, IMU7. Time convention viilho lieid kin<er the joint auspices of the National Areican Womu Suffrage Asociation, and the Illnois Equai Stuffrage Association. Able speakers viliiho preseut and an entertalng, instructive program viliiho provided. Pour states, Wyomilng, Colorado, Uieah and Idaho, have already grantedl full suffrage b vomen, vhie tventp. six additA,,ual states bave admltted the justice o! Ibe claim by extendiug par- tiai suffrage. The states vhich bave lied fuail opportunlty to observe the co- operatian a ofwrmnsuffrage, the t«stmony that t bas proved bons. licisl in every direction. Il lias in no vsp Injured men, vornen or the. stage. lustesi,unuder ls influence. voaen lieve become more intelligent and self- reUnt"good men have been encour. agcd by the mora aid of vomen and have aouglit tic purification of politica vhicli they ver, unabie 10 acoompîlali aliue, vhile tlb.oagie hme gained a ne* dlgnlty by tbe Introduction of tIbI moral force. Important but4iness concrniug methods of work bhîcattied lu hasten the 'esiabllshme,îi of voman suffrage lu Illinois, lu offdr tht the tate may galai ascousequeni good efecta, vill bo cousidered n tbe convention. The friends of suffrage are lnvl.ed lu aid la the formation of ltese plans; thlinlu different are iuvited lu attend the sessions, that Ihey me, be couverted; sud the oppoaed are invited to par- ticipate Sa the discussion, preeentiug their aide of thie question. Every one la nvlted. Corne fne! CorneaI FUN AND PROFIT. A won ev aamwUk s.aeeanfWanu«Dàiya lir. C. EL Moyeu aof Elmira, N. Y.. the. Weil knavn breeder of ingle coule Brava Legliorns and Bell Wyandottes, làa foncier from pure love ofthehuiS- nus, but ha mokas it psy neverthelees. Il lias bean reportei therwime-hat ev- ery dollar ho gel. fron pouitrycocets hum tva-but this lasau error. Be heepe au mato f every penny ho apenie even tu a p~stgetamp> snd .1,1ks a trial balance once overy year. Rit vearly net profi buneyer been lm 9hm fPOO &M runs Dp unuafly to$W oOr $85, depeai- axsoIC coin uavwIONOEN Nau. bug aasîcbasupcm boy ma7y hi piosi hrda by&uPe.Fr«i 8100 fSr 10e four. bt vlantbesmoment ot socw k m shnthosa li.els mave- toli 0 I4 th bainaltheb.invai- tory prmofemy vbphri ou heopla a m ne 16 pert cet of f plan9fcripgs- olalbon, pruclieulpte make ltb. plant par for OSainlmsoen yesuad even tMhé soemlinelw 88S3% 'Par cent lmi sa . m ies of "tol Md he biug suabsout *8400Wa psam asu te relus.evoey ring amifàluup'eues h59maeewmL m .*1 délslhcm WAUCONDA. L. B. Todi ,la on th. lek liai. Wm. Tilden spent a fev day@ ln the 3tp remanlp. B. Golding wau lu Chicago on buaI. nom Tueadap. E. A. Goldiuggvwu a clIp vlesior th. tire of lte veek. Ulm 19. C. WIit»Isa pending a fev days lu Chilcago. Born, 10 tir. and tirs. W. H. Lam- plier, a dangliier. Mir. Snov, of Chicago, vas lier. the fit of the veek. L. 3. Hughes, D. D. B., of Dizon, vas liere the.tiret of tb. veek. Attend the meetings of tbe Wau- couda Lltemsy snd Debaug iSociety. Gilbert Fitch i noved luto the licol- um homne the tiret of the veeli. lira. Jas. Murray retîîrud Mouday froni à short vinil viii, relatives lu the Ciy. Mir*. C. S. Burton, o1(Chicago, ia vlaitlug lier parents, Mr. and lira. J. M. Clark. J. limély la taklng preparatiôns ln myre l- o. tran 'teonaln lu tbe near future, % The Infant daug lter of lMr. ad ira. M. J. CUrich i ded1tat veek. The lu- terment was lu the Cîlhlie cemetery. Fouer à Wentvorth'a t"Mrrau âaa Bturday evening and brouglit up againat k B. Todda voven vire fonce. tira. John Novili, of Terra Cotte, la spendlng a ew dua vîi hrelatives ad f rianda lu Wsuconduanad villnty. Tbe mlii bas beon closed dovu fur à 1ev deys. A nev anioke staek vws piaced lu position the tirst o! the veek ad 1,i anov wruunulng lu good shape. Another telophone UlI.expected go bc bot i rouglh.vsetern part 01 Lae county. Wauconda Witt thon bave a teleplione fine direct to Chi- effo. A union teuiperonce service viii ho l ini the Baptlat ehurcli neat Sun- day evenlng. Au nterestlug program wilU b. iendored by th, young people of the L. T. L., sien short addrosse by the, patora. Alit are cordlalip iuvited. A CARD OF THANN». W. vial 10 Uank our tnany f rienda Who gave &id and couaoatlou during our reefft hour of bereavemeui. MIL AND lMa. M. J. ULLEICK. EVERETT. mi$ aami Bedmoni vas seen Ilit Our loir$ one day lait veek. Uia.Zerver and m"lise Vore speutli~t. Patti]L'a day Su Chicago. Bomne af aur young people sitmeie the dasce aI Libertyvhlie Tuanaa laIgbt and reportsa gond lime. James OConnor vas drawn as jury- mnufrom Ibis luvu sud bas heen speuding bis lime ai Waukog.îm tbe peat wveek. Irwia b%%lilans, vho bas beon speud- log s0Omedlie viibng bIs fater et f. EllevortlCs, depua-ed for hl& homne Auguat Zhemen sud daugliter Mamie expecitl aies a trip la Nortlieru %Vis- cousin 10 vit his broilior the lest of this veek. Dan'l allow pour longs lu ho impair- ed by the continuona irritation d! a congli. It ha casier to preveul consnm- thon than lu cureI. ono minute CougliCure taiou oa-hlwl vaa-d off auy fatllungtrouble. F. B. LoTIELL, Lhbertyvflie, sud G. C. ROBBBLB, Wan- couda. Sinco ve vroto lait voi, the dliecker players have been at vork, butcannot dacide vlio Sa champiou. Tliey play mot. diavgameetisu guy- thing l"e. Oneof Our player. la tnp- lug 10 get a Came v510 Mr. Staa-k- veather, o! Wadavorth. via playeà lbe champion of the United States, tva drav gaines. 1 arn going lu slart a brandi ornie. o! one o!flthe launiriea of Racine, sud vant ahhteho hbave lauudry vork doue 10 patioulze lhame huduatry Thero in no reamon vlip vocannai ho up ta ithe limes. The. beket vilI leave once overp vei, any vay, sud oflouer If patronage varrantaSit. Gîve mesa trial. i expect lu shp the tiret basket next lionas. L. R. FiNa. MILLBU RN. John Thain Sa on theo@eli lt. lirs. J. L. lin vlahled lu Chicago Ibis veek. R. J. Taylor, o! Wilmot. la baviug a Vacation Ilite vek. Bon, 10 lMr. andlirs. (leu. Duncan, Hardi 12, a mun. lira. J. M. Ilrang lias lai a severe attack of nourslgia. lit. Elale Lavaeuce, bas gone tu Wauiegan fur son,,uie. Itra. Wm. Thiorn sud Jeannie are aufferiug trou sevara colis. The Rochieter students are spend- lng Iheir vacation et thoiz respective homes. W. Mitchell bas mmaly reeovered frornan nur aeceived wvitîe drlvlag a colt lust veek. Litthe Plamae i. luaker lits nearly rocovered Iranthtii Sphlod lever sud ln able la ho aronnd lhe bouse. Ray Toniliugli sud vîllie Itom vers the victima otSa aurprise party bMouday eveniugf. Al reporta jnlly lIme. Ui. D. 9. Talnr bai the mîmortune 10 breai ber riglit arm ]&Pi Frldey. At preast ah@lta as comfrtallua col b. ezpccted. Plorenec Marris gnes tanByron, Ill.. tiM voek viire aie yl vieiltlors te* dapu viti nid frîcuda. a"i on lionday am expcte tO la e ll as Oregn, $1.50. in Advance. Wynn's Closing, Sale Ladies' Fleeced Ribbed Underwa We have 70 Garmnents lefI b o se -at17 Former Price aà sud .38'C~ Men's natural Grey Undcerwear Reguiar Price 35e Cloeing Price .........£i2%5c Ladies'. Girls' and Boys' McKay Waists25 Regular Priee 45c ta 75e Closing out Price any size .... J Ai Wool Fiannel.> In colonRe Bd, Blue, Whitean Price fo close per yard ..... 25e an 35e_ AT WYNN'S, Cor. (lenca.. and Washington Sta, WAUKEGAN. IVANHOE.ROLIS MIr. F. 8. Doiph roceutly porchased a C. J. Wlgblmau, (if Chicago, visibed new road vagon. baro lest veek. Fred tinaer mai, a busnestri nb re 1.ofWuea.sstig Wankegau lest vesk. FaI Waillof aStîchIes;stvi Oea. Boeing, o! Volo, clied ou C Wltie vrdls i hedigi fiaonds baro lent Sundsy. Cie E I hîaosde lalsparaimo, lnd UmssAile Smithi viated friend% twei e hcaoad aprisld lsyakeIat.Baturdap. Tingley Potter Is very 11 i letisi Ceriplakohome bere. Dr. Shaefter la atlendlug Heonry Kn.bker entertained a tee of bita. bisi friands Monae.pevening. Uma Ktc Oarrity, of MlIburu. vas Dean Welli s hbeon everely III for the uet o! -lira. Welter Stickies lust laverai dsys, but in nov botter. PiapadSaturday. Mr. H. C. Pakddock, of Libertyvilie, lir. and lire. Douglas Wait aud vuis eon on our atreeta lest SaturdaY. fsauily, of Volo, caiied on lira. C. W. The W. C. T. U. vîli hold te Doi HamiltonUSatuzday. meeting FrIday iafternoon villilUr. lMr. sud lira. Wayne Harvey sud the Hawkins. lalersa moter, Mr&. Edveards, vlaited Mfr. J. IL. Chamberlain aIated lant @4 Cash Donltielent sI eai veek on a trip ta Vermont ta viail hia Efforts are beîug made t10urgn-g a. parents. 1Snudiay suhiool at the achoal houa.. Where arem&U lh. yong men on Sats- We liapc the goo.l vork may prosper. day eveange titat they do net attend The Avon Cemetery Society viii churcli? hold Iheir next meetng aIithe home o! Thie pupila of the lvauhoe sebool are tira. F. Boutvell, Laie Villa, Aprîl lit. contemplaliug a vacation sud vil i tir. esudlire. John hristian ver, probutiby laie nexlvweek. caled M, t. ti. o, oe. t-thlu eters par- Ev. ifnphînm. o! Chicago, viii con-"" ts,, Mr. ul jlir.. iMaiway, viîo are duct the ser'ices lhoro next tnday lit uuorituug sud eveniug. The 1».nd o! Hope bai reorgauiz'd APTAKISIC. anîd conmencd vork under the leader- Autin Wolf lias roturned alter a tva shàip of Miss Fiop Bryant, 'rntb's vieIt srnug relatives lu Cim- James Bock, vIle sud dauglitr cîunaîîî. Obîo. Edilli, of (luruce, ceUed at Mr. F. M.1 Smitba ou day est eok.SyIlivester Trlpps bhorne baubeen Mi>ëPeal Smth salwly ecoer-gladdened by the arrivai oashjtioe girl. Mls 'erl Irit 55slvl reovr-Mother ud daugliter are dohug well. hJug trom a severe attack of blond ROI lehl, of Naperville, han moved poison. Dr. Ewing Is Ibe îlieutllig b ihoe!licildoo, Miss liste Docker lias cicssd lir Silh er oingtaJb isenov her school at Hineaville sud lMr. Miartin vil i uh !J izublr Docker bis eb Orapalake, oaci for a .Huried-flem-p Miler, of Sciiermer- short vacation,.ville, 1talii"aNeseHariman, aI Burling- ________________ ton, Iova, al; 1he home o! the bideas cousin, lira. W. Wacloisung, 11ev. Stark F-OX LAKE. of Long Grave, offclatin. Thteed- ding vas a quiet one, auly the neareat Mira. Sidney Carfiela la atIlilu pour relatives sud frhenda atlcnding. Th. hlth. brid, vas beautifuliy dressaid lu white A. NiSa-in laid in s car losd o!fos essaimera sud lac, sud brides mais lait veek. w ere sien becomingly dreeeinluwhite. Arthur Kervin made a ilying trip lu Sent viahes for a hsppy future. Chicago leet veek._______ lira. Win. Nelson ha ou theiteck 1liaG GEi.KE La Grippe is reaponaible.GA E LA . A cracher frotu lir, altended tme Tam lRay liasthe messies. cansuusai raplsie Baurday. MtISesMary Patteu la on lb.ealikliai. lirafil. Cillvar Sa vW'iitingher daugli-!lirs. Witbarn le viaithng friends Au ter. lira. Harrison <Gilbert, ai Fort Chicago Hill. Witt Sherman lias returned from hie The ilshiug lndusiry acems u lu ho1trip ta Washington. very iiitereatillg lu Fax Lake and Edvard Boand la very 111, vSth littie those engageai report extra gaod tuai. hope of bisa rocover3'. A uev Iuber yard ha hoiug atsted Baipli Chard sud vîfe, o! Chicago, in Lake Villa under lte superinten- pn. udywt r.Mnu dance of W. B. Strang and Charles aetludyvlilr.Hsn Hlarbaugh. lirs. B.nsen, vimo han bean vory Tirttapaflernàoonlime farmememet ssriasly lii. ha aoiuobat improved. Su the Woodman Bal at Lake VIlla la 11ev. Mir. ltualiby occnpied the. pulpi dîscuma the problem o!fiaviug s butter ls alalil ieaeec !Ii factory e ataIplaa. reularpastor, lir. Blothover. Mir. Jsy Cri bssureturned Irorn bias liayesano!1 .Grippe" bave ileîy tbreabing tour lnubmise ourccompan- beou curad by Ou, lunule Cougli Cure. led hy bis cousin, Oven ualigçr, a son Thîstapreparation aea espechalr o! W. H. Gaiger, vbo resudes near adapl.d te lte cure o! tiîs diea". . 1 CleaptraHiasuri.acte qulckiy thua preveuting aerions ___________Missouri.complications and bad affecté In vliicli tI(Issiusi.Olten luaves lh. patient, Remolutlons of Congratulations. V. B. LovaiL., Libertyviiie, sud G. C. At areg a metia o th Lharv RomanRe, Wauconda. ville Lodgo, No. 801, 1. O. G. T., hl Handay eveniug, Miatch h, iMn. the !ollovlng preable and reaoluiîoua ver, uunmously adobted- WXEznnAn, The citizeias oi Rocke- feiler bave slucceedeil lu preveutiug he eatabihng of a saaloon Su tcïr village, therelaro hofil Rasoleed, Titat v. exlend ta tliom oua- iesrty congratulathona lu Ihol vhctory overth1e maou; aud b. it 19eoived, That ve exleud ta the Board of Supervisons of LAe o Conty ont mIncèrtenka b,' their action tu regard 10 nat granllng a lîcense for the mnte, sud b. l fua-her Boesoleed, That a aopy of thes, rs.oisions be apreai upo. the records or Ibis Loige. and a orf tIlireof hie 'puluisla th1e LàXî cOUrN YINDE. A etrong Reoommenciation. This toi1te, ertify lIai for pears pas i have been asaufferor fromat! ou enlatgement of the tonall anad ather glands &bout the neek, sud lat apite of ait traesment the deiornlty sud tbe aufferiug vbieh vas cauued by the Preasure ol9lthe tumor upon My thrcat homame nabearalle. 1 cou- saîlted aeveral diflereal physîcians and doctormie nlnalp tesa-a«%vitb- out relief. Fhnilly Il vas S10h me ltaIt 1 vanli ho oblîgea ze gu W Chlcago and onulait la aa uVea perailan. Then 1 chsaged doctori, calling Dr.-O. B. Boire, vha lu a very 1v e weka by the noseof. medîcine, vhichvers agreeablc sud tptennant, curai me comploeély. TUaMt amaple -U iuterest1at hers wvia my be @aSich viti scrotuam i unio m 1 'Mt o villili" 1 8"9 b gVe b. putts~. Libertyville. Lake County, Illinois. Friday. March 19. 1897.

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