Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 19 Mar 1897, p. 2

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WKINLEY GETTINO AFF TO SIIAPE. Etc etle Dealies Boula flore uo.tity-Hateue te Preas, Have DoaPria' Proueduel, Laye Doua Wsshlugluu correepondent@ hbuines ee gls 0onumore a t. Whilê [oust. Thte maili mouus sud tht clericl fonce lu sedl teep ap titthe rush,j a uytent about tht procetilut IStes te transaction ut a gr, business lu a short time. F. th. pesseiterelotore unkuot, Wite cHouse. iave beau provi( retary Porter. A commuotioui eotufortable seele have been pl lobity utfteecreary's officuE favorable postion thal lite r, thoin places are reoierveti are oset for titemeelves ail te Pr.u Iora andtaluta It lte. sire, anllthere lu a entrai air -lante place. Tht President tilg dotu 10 a prudent seltc bts otu iealtanti comtorb. hounre be la a bard venter, bui lteWhit< louse la te ha close calle-p aI 4 o'chock, analeaI ti Présidenlt oril reire tront hi &fier a brief reut lu te pelvalt the Whte Bouse la campurn McKinley, ha te o out talite exercise. walakin: or riti Inu te elatote deati eveuinge te White flouse lo rial chracter and becmes n ter. Tht Presitieut 41 fondc aud sercely an eveuluz pase s doatu frieutis do nol ait di Preutieut's athe for aluner. DLOCKAI>E FOR GR] Ferela Admirais Ordertu the PrincipaliPurt Ail te admirais, excep te Italian commandera, have bet. immetiialely blocitude te prit ports, especinllythe Pieraeus Altena). Syra anal Voi. At tilt torttiit ha utdrtnsedt lh. admirais utfte forelgu proposai uofte otera taIt Italy occupy tae Island of C mîxeal force of 25,000 tutuh lined iy tht Govemmntus « countries mo iteescore 04 exi occupation ut Cet, therelons, tertaben by the torces o tae alîbougit Gen.any anal AusI. uomaiuaily te part lu thte order tu show tait they arej te rmeure. A allupsîcitftrot Islandl o! Crete, says Ihat co exees of thteliomulmaus have asitet th admiras tlu mneula ot marines ter.. GOVB]tNHEN'T CAN VR ZPension.'Must aitaes cureal by AIeoge Fr Thte Jualgment ufthIe Unît. euit court, el H. Louis, lu verdit eiiotlng te goveroi cever 1,847 tram Francis M Hannibal, Me., wiich, il la ch relvet by taudlent represe airmeal by titeiUnileti Stul Appeas. Tht goveroteat a] beau Induced to10payrIRhodtes a pension upon hie repremet contractetl catarritai opitbai testetiteetytsi, arile ena tien, ariile. lu tact. he tas et fore bc enteredth ie service. a privat lu Companuy K. ilegiment, Miesounri Voluate ELEPHANT CIIOKED T Tip StraustealhibyMoe@ oru Tacitte. Tlp. a meusIen el ppt ah aiotatirgtoul c$nti years past, tas put t6 deatit b lion ai Bridigeport, Conne brale's feelt ere citainedti - diven lato te inouni uet anal lactit dret a rupe tant al outil te tas ttati. Tht oi rompleteti lu titreen minute tevelopeal vicIons lentieuciet tiet tasdterinu poni he migitl have nu opportunit Imepere or peuple vleling tl hSie beau given poison, but wa cd effet. Pace for John Hi Tht Presialeul Tnesdaja Senate te names ut John District et Cotumba tor anm Iraordlnary anal pleipotun Unitedl HIales lu Great Britl oral Bonace Porter et Net led Staes ambaesodar lu Fr Iitte of Rhtode l&" vai n aeeretary outhliteembassy ao States lualGreat Brilsin. ,'Voer, the board uf maniagers cf Home et LcYaentrth, Kat ccal te l uinepel am es togtou, vint,.h. e"port t sioa conmtile., hirat gated the bone, till b. sel.d W. B.L hÔtitey, Iramet wortit itou@, bas tudercd hU sued ftinl" salalthe b.resigo A. J. Smit vIl l eunierai III peoS *y plu City. tovu eite Arbanu buildng, boIt a demSer at boutss sud dulg t.e ris. uf ablp nmm lu Mot Orleuan ss River Tbey baryorn a cets par itueil dgel g HKW ouv umles M Nouli 2.000 bmeles a -* p rev ae.ed tram ibeoio - rè fiaet HealeesArkansas àid er sllàMinjils, Tenu. aSm agels»r«eofuthbie1 au aboisamnal rodiatio Sla ilti.éAt M Miv, la - w~ ~L GUNT a ý I.HieIa 0 e m> . dvA. 0*M W 14308 ~ b*st 14 witha I Thé raswaïgiron by hie titi andl Investigaton dlacloscal latlmacy boteao h. mardered mano FAIRS IN. pire aud Genrgils, attitets, an oyter 'drealger, living a to mles away. Bn- boaelda nte brai, et th unrdered itaIt wu àa srap of npwappo, vieton bdtten a te R0 Pu neols wadisg far.hl.nd. sud lu Mat-w ckI ablu tas roud the umuf~pep la ip»rm» rait iwhch it bbatu leva. HM mmcl :lttea f@r a&a thtot lire. Enia foilloed. hA ver- > rideîr id ut1morder ta thb. fret dogrcc tancde - enrcd Aglaient litthcvs. nc thenoladeo Rns, a confession impicatingts.m Irwin neauan9 say ttai .esot>' The. toam ocaresa change unuh t ofvenulu ltimooe, but thona lwlas il lattre olhl ,utpot ou trialMattitrere retpms te t«dst lt s r o,-agalut bo. ie bolaiudit qufeo Pl teavily lao- atthor a u val yto .1hU o rotnemp. sd lt. laa o eqi"baIfol- ( sat ecl lucd.mattheve tas rcmovcd te Bati-a real deal of mure for mate kcepiug. H.enaintaineda o 'cilitita fer tolel demeanor tlutlite nd,,sud @tend- p Or" et te tastly retumeallte feruer inipilcte the l ideti by Sec- tuoman. le table uni ldlailute- PEEBIDENTS' SONS WANT 3JOB& r lu stîcita- t'portera for Gant, Arttiur, Hares, stl sod n e enabled lu Loren ecUsitPacos. ulideu'@ via- A Wamblqg*on aipatcli ays. Tht sou if they de- et Presideut Arthuar le a candidate for of trelcome screlary t legollion, France preterred.d aleo la et- CuL Fred Grant. assîtes une utfte En. t of voet for rupean istona. He began titit Berin, lu<tcbt ile *willing lt a teonemetiug les&u. t iereafler On.ut lie sons ut Preident Hayes aud udt ffca ne 0uthlitsane ut President Garfieloi haveD tout0 boetelaotthe Presîdent haut thal lbey are till- aI Lot, tiand i teluAccept .oueéthag. ! Aiau A. Lugan terion of udn opeuiy a candidat, for inîter ta uton- e oto ftrio.lire. Logan, hie mother. lu dolug ywth ' Mn. ail tit.@ho eau for hlm. Young -Logan fdocte anti boldo an appoltiuenl ou Gov. Bnehueli'e linc, accord- staff. hoe wesre a ceptai' unitort. antih ier. lu0 litedspîsys tllou ite breant o!il te srray ses ils ofit ut mandiecoferred upun iisdistingnlshed 1social ce-O. atiter. Robert T. Lincolu, sounutf red- of cotumionY dent Lncoln, tas minter ta Great Brit- ies tathait &in under Preeldeul Harrison. 1H6 le nul Iowa nt the seeklug snything trom tia administra- lIon. s RECE- 13AWAIIS ED POPULATION. t .d lu Close IDoetnuasShows 100020 Inhsfr -. tats-Mami Chiaseend Jape. Frencht andl Bille Mlles, United lStte consul generai ,n ortiered t0a etHonolulu, h arnîsieit t StheasDe- j telpal Gretit Partmeut wtlthlitareaulta ot a cenussjust (the port of teken lu Hatail, phuwing a total pultula-a nulimaum lion ut 109,020. Tht Hawaliaus hbond lier tu Greece t.y lsIt It 31,010; Jalonnes»neil, ulit 24.- lte Tie407; Chittese third, tit 21,616. andl th France anti Portuguese tourlt, wth 15,101. Thobse rete witI. a part Hawaiien, numiter 8,485; Amei as ieen de- cana, 30816; Britisit, 2,250; Gerto»us, I.-t ot thons to 4U, andl thremaluder ls divideti amoug 1 ýpense. The hait a dozen uslionallîlea.a e six towUs Slte Fel.a le& rix wil nl Titi Topeka Capital pablilites an elait- «tpstiou ln oral*etatement uf the redutiu lu mrt- agreeable ta gage lndcbtaeeu lu Kansas durlug h. apoakl n, st sevett yesr, esoitulg a detoreses ut o ealite 4 pe cent. or uver $105,M%0000, mince tm 0 Jan. 1, 1800. Tite cumpariaun lu drt 1te cosultt httweeu te figur«e t tih. oderaI conus andi detucit- of 18900anal reportasluelthe Capital trons te reglsîrara utfalcias oft lblty-clgitt RCOVEIs cunnîlea, shutîng thé racordeal mortgage lndeitedutas on Jan. 1, '180. lua1I90 09,847 tiits.coneslia a moasgage ludebteal- 'rond. tsut03158;,1asd lu 180, ou th 4 Sltes Cir- smme bhuie, 034.02.1M or a net redue- lb: lua the neveu yesre out M43- tomnt a r-holdo goua furthlie enia. State.vhlci thlie kt. hode ofCaptal@ liures siowtaluho trac, te total lamed, iho re- reaaction lu Kansas ftntret uyears elion. ttli amounote ta$105,0(18,20& Tiis redeclion tes Coutrlof le very machgrenter If setîlumeuts by Ileged Il ito ealnsd toreclosure lu tht westera tbird1 thiisnomin tof te Huile be cousidercal. Capetul tati- ition tatfite mates cf te saine figures show taI oulY alila, a dis- W4.01,bMIM of Kausae mortgage deit lal ied as a sol- heid hy persoa oulside te Stale. 0f t aifficteit le- tis, $15,0,000 lanitelalby Insurance con- Rhiodies nue panie@ doiug business ln Kasas, aud, Forty-eecouil therefore, but $25.000.000 by indvidunl e,' Infautry. froreucredîtore, as compartd niit $85,- 000,000 lu 180. lu 1890 te totl mort- 0o DEATHf. gage dcl of te Hîte ou farina andl lots Won ud r eitortetiby te cenns lube 27 Per r alok adcent ofthlie aclual value ut al l axetl real tohrh ba embate. To day il dota nt exceeti 15 per lutia euce" t. Tite stale ment siowse Ibt Kansase try fr mauy bas ben tiligently aud succtasfuliy pay- bY trangula- lng tout, sud snt-day proitabiy freer cf Whiie Il debt tan auy otite, Western Slate. Il staktez firmyml~cuidlpuy lUa preseut foreigu oblîation of n i tI h' îcat$25000.,000 trom te pruceetis of a singIt bout lus neck t rop. ____ peratlon 1t15 Ctlte Tbrewn Iluth-te @es. tes. Tip hati @, anti ha Tht Beaver flue steamer Lakte Winni- lu entier titat peg, CapI. Taylor, lweuty-ive days ot ty ta tilî hlm fron t. John, N. B., ibas arriveal la Liv- he show. He erpool. Capt. Taylor reports haitvng had liotmr-a terrible voyage, duriug titicit the veesi vitoutmar-tati sacita large quatitiy o! wter llte englne room itaIte passengere bita ha fer. calleti upon 1a asist in clearng anal rigitt- ment ta te lugte cargo, whit itad shiteal durlng1 Hay of te th.ieavy teatiter. Tht firea utfte Lakte banteador ei- Winnipeg wee oual for more tita a fort- ilaryofai te ulgit, aud 307 of caIlle, lwenly-lwo tain anal leu- itorssud aeventy-toan *hecto had lu ha York for TUai- trutuoveritoard. owing luate ecarlly rance. Heury ut drlnklug waaer anal te labillty ut tht oualerd for enginecra lu work te coudeuelng apparu- fo thteUitedti ue Plaues, lu Detit. 'ans. A nuhaer ut peuple vere plungedta l lte Slders deat srir Wedaeeday moronln ou ne ut ., have iteen h. toret railvey accidents taI bam ever Ion at Wasit- uccarreal la the State cf Indiana. The t e congres- englue anal to cars utfite Nahvile lion- nl investi- Iteoi on te. Chitlcgu andiEastern Illnois d opu. liai. rend piugseallite Whitet river et a or teéLcavett- pointnar Hasleton. The ron' bniago la resîignation, uver the slream ital given way lu the nation ut Go,. weigitoth ie train. The tenle.,' anal d. Rreman anal the paasseuges lute smok- ing car sud day coacht lunt their livia. iselnds. e Quakier Sk @i,.. ru aival Oage John F. Fiera, chiet accomnan ad mue hrveor e atier ut the Readins RIlrad Oom- fthe river wîîî pauy s ibusiaesset thlie Port Illnmaud on te Antan- cool tharvea, PhllaelphIa, Inud msanud Ltrous to 12 06,000Intrete a loehmtlupar te scm- ten pr l pores a tlaullthe cumpanys MatsneiM« bgvc te elaployes itceu pid. Tbee Inaures ecipts. rues. The inaugural commitles etimate te ni itaît-alrveal total recel ttIfot as ito &bout 0M VICTORIA W*TUa TO OIT ANü AVRCA ORTuDNEî, A4V.rtuaUter %fçsqn ftQuk. Oua IN -si Worm.,- Snbject-Dloeinaleet elunPoela IsOrdoed-Fpalta la Desperate 81,-alto. Victeria Wa.te s Fortune. The foloiotng alvertisement viicit. was pninlcd lu pupeetslNew Vort, la the Tnt fmuny efforts artîci have teen made by Qaseen Victoria oft Bugianal,ltrugi ber agente, ftoen tuy res or more luaet- guire possession outhlie étate ut un olti cation trader, long desd, anal ttii, anale,' a tqrlous *ad ancient lut, belons t ber: 'Tit stoctitraters anal othere-Infonua- lion wanîtti asi tepurchsea utrailway or alliter stock or sallres lu American coue- panîeou boitalt ut John RobertTaune,. of Chantey, Lancashire, Euglunal, cacier (tornsome lime résident lunlte Unitedl Huiles>, wbo allea la England lu 1873; date ot supposed puechases unerlain. Aity person affording information titicit tili leat! lu dlscovery o! mach (nrealiseal) Iu- vesîments vîll ha sailaily retordeti. Ad- ilvesa Mesrs.Hockmeyer, 127 Green street, Net Yor."~ John Robernt Turner, titu tas barn u inte openiug year of lthe century, le sappesed lut have died pou- sestal cf Âmericaunsecurities valueti at fronm $150,000 l ta 0( 0,boltltiefor- lune mysteriousIy tiappeareul aIetbis death anal no trace ut il tas even heen fount, ltongthateone iltasonlearniea taut tht sovereigu biatlte finI dl .aIm tpo Il, ailiers tito halievedth iemeeives heirs made a titoreugit starcit. WANTS WEILBR'IB MElN. apalu NasaleTrooueta Supprealte Philippine Rébellion. Havana diepalcit: Tht nets of Span- lait reverses iu the Philippiun, andtihie repulse of Polavieja bofore Cavitea nti bis resigntion lu front ofthlie eueuly, atided, If ltaI vere possible.talte g<out anal depreesion thal prevuils lu -officiaI circîte lu Havana. Now Ille inudereloct wby lieu. Wen-ler receiveti telegrsî.iic lu- structions ounte th it. no(to10enibarit ou the 101h. P'rimo de Itirern, taio awas 1a have sîteceeded i hm in te hopelea. tnkitof uubduing Cuite, l e ignalaut fur lte supreme commanti lu the Philippines. Six thoussuti troupe lthaIt ere 1taitave alleti frotu Cadis £or [lavaunatitis areek tilI ha sent lu Maniu, and Generul Vey- Ter tas been astreta sentil as mauy broopa as hie eau spare 10 HSpain. Thege 0,000 rtcroits avere raiaed iy ogers utfitouuly, us [n lte present «tale of pubtlic opinion lue Spain ilt was001tdeemeti tae 1 eercist lte drafl. lienerai Weyler itan satet tintlite <-an onty spart 10,000 men, anti ltes. tîli sitortly be erniarkeal for te penlueula lul teguise 'cf invalidesuant men titome lime bas expired. WDOESAIIGROCERS BUFFER. Job, A. Tutus, Compay utChicago Areve md O0. Fire deslnoyed lte lve-story brick btuilding at Laite tnd Micign avenue. Chticago, occutîied b>'tite Johnu A. Tolmatî Company. ariolesait grocere, Firiay nigitt, causiug a total loseo! ovar 040,- 000. Spectatore avio ltrouget lte narroar etatets lul tevicinlly fro. 1:43 le 10 o'clocetwevetlrealed t0a afusillade ut stual explosion@, due ta lte iureting ut Ihosaude of <-ns of prtaerved fruet. Thé lasses by tire are approxiuunlcly an follows: John A. Toiman Cotmpany, titoiesale grocere, $300,000: chase & Barbona, coffees, Boston, lIssa., stock alamageti $W,(»), by %vaten; McCormicit estale. ibuildintg, 050,1511; Jo- sepht A. Koitu. building, $5,000. AIl fully iusuneti. Pullman Company t.eses. Tht Court ot Civ-il Apptiulent Gaia-- ton, Tex., lias affirîte th ie tiectiiu cf lthe lune,' mortluhi te cane outh lt uhîtîan Palace Car Complany v-enmseThomas W. Cain. a nar minieten, nito purchameti a firmt-t-aas% ticket trom-'St. Louis to Gai- veston bitltas contpelto ride in n .,uegro' t-ar. Tht Aluîteilate Coutrt itetu ltaI n-heatlicket la solti for a separate coach., luke a Pulitnau, a negro as enlitteti lu Passage in titat kintiofut a 'lr lte eoutpanty ta liaitê lor dawages. - Endl ut tht trike. At n meeting of lte 'Minera' Union at Le-atville. Colo., il wn decideti by a vote ot st.proximalely MO tai0200 tt-tIalre îhe sinike off. Thtis lunlthe direct resul of a raceut vigorotus effort ou lthe part cf E. v,. Debs anti Mine Manager Tiugiley S. WVood. Thte trike woa declareti June 191, 1896, antIlitns lated onaer elgit mins, Tt hue cost lthe camp fuily $4,000.000. Chicago@ moyorlty Fight. Au indepepdent convention t Ciicagro, compoaadl of men o! al poilîcai beliefa, mnny of te. heelofore promntin l polilical waon, nominateti Waà;ilgtoît Heelug, pregent posîmaster, for tht Ma>- eralty o!fte city. A full ticket wn cnmed, anal il til go un te tallot undar te eaptlon. "BusieltCsAdmiitration ut Municpal Affaire." Te en pprecss Fales. Tite Brazilian lioterament has turteti1 10000 tutu lu Bahia sud viii sendtinltre Mg emselefour qîicit-gre batteries anti 'a ehl ie,'comspantes cf vlunleer troupe againel te tanatics. Il la note praveti that5&idl inte for. utfntoey sud armes has iteu extended luate fanulies by te monarciste lu Brszil. Enite le Crsmb G0etees Il la cfflclahty anuneal aItRome taI lte resul cf te con! trente outhlie poaers Hnnday la a delulito agreement amtalur.- ply luate (Ireet note, bal teIm e. eders ta lte toreigu admirais h. etabtiet an, fimmediate iiciate cd Cretan pors. Titis wt h. vet cf Ramis aItte oulsel. ocusas i Attovda pou DIsMesel. AI Lo« Angeles, Cal.. Allen W. Altord, sun cf Gen. Aiford, ut Teaas, tas brou couviettlet oftergery -snd seteced alu tc ymerla Som Qautin. Young Alturd ilaccd tlubit i asit lu tite IraI National Bout a forgeal draft tor $1,000, tean a Philadelphie, Baut. Uteeody Pla uite Crimes. A dimpit receîved et Perlntram Yalta, lu the Crimses, reportsetat a mau- gulnsry cucoanter bas taken placec titre helvoe.. Ruaclanud Turte. laay tops Vers dentollUeal. A namber uft1he venaea men baveboaut arrettet, Atauka Taott, Repore&e Thte Ifecasl. Ceamille.on Foeign Re- lations bua agase a eplorItteAlakaa bhondul trssly ulth Groct Bntala wtl- ont aemaust ochbage Thte tet ut.Proile7m= s esa maut roe ib tise tentty shotu tit sabJect outhelb ondary cnîtrapeeVs trealeal at g»« t en$it, as ieitteIls@li- portauce. Fut eue tblng, Il wvas usd tcs iu htIVesuesaketofficelly snuit. u uthlie arr4noueents made betwee Hcrelory Oiney andl Sir Jalian Paunc- fol. for te aabmluiou utft.e boundany question le arbitrallon nuit[lte, hole malter hsd heen <led SP. Il la evilee ttal litsVenesuelain presîdeul aid nutlkIt th[Is mebbod ut rvsugug te sgnire ut bie country vîitoal consultation tlt Mm, for bIà méessage shows taI h. vwonulo mtogethpr dlspoed lu heetthlie arrange- meutH [luever, lu teterence ta lte kinal- ily intereal sitownuby te Unitedal Blau Ibis malter, h. ludorseal te reaty anal preceeal Il pon te attentionouthlie Vcn- taucisu congres, tu lie exclusion et &U other hominems ]INIIIANIS KILL A WITCH. Olahtoma Red@ Deal Uumutrlyi tl d lh. Wonsau.i lli te vlluit o lunetall, Chîctamat Nation. Ihera hoa lta'Place a umunt Pa-' cuHlar Incident for these elvilîseal lImes.1 MEm. Mary Gilcrest, a dougbler ut Jualge1 Collins, dital a fter eets agu. Il Vms citargeal lietIber dealt tesonscal by1 wvitcnstat, Lucy Factor, a woman ufthlie ueigitboritood, halug sPoken utfaselte ortb wtiose umagie spelte a ittdoueste fcdl. M. (iirest. te iuastotfte deal toman, and a trienti vent lu te hotu. ut Lucy Factor anti@ht berite1 deatit. Alil parties are Indiana. Olîcreal ang Ile cominan tre arrestd 43y.tse tribal autitoritie, bttî tre %non reIeaaad, nol aven beiug bonnui nver for triai. more and IooSo:th wetera ltaihn as ue1.000 umen nt tort repalrlung ils tract. It bais resametitroutittrain service between L.ouisville anti Cineinnaîl and Kt. Louis. Tite titrotîgi trains h.- teen Cincinnati attd St. Louis iilnet b non by thte nuy ot Louisville, leaviug Cincinnati ounte Baltimore anti Ohio Southitero trueki. enternig Loiisfvtlle by w.ay of te Big Fouri,,'itne. ieavlng for te n'est 0,r thte St. Ltules Air Line, and tieînlig ilis Ownuracks nIFairglid, If'. Thte Monon lans fîliy retoreti ils ser- vire andth l 'enit.yieaî'la lae aito maklugt sehodale Itiot-. l>ninth1e floodi al titese rondl se, lte tract of te 1BigFour ln and out of Louisville. Tht daimage 10 lite raiîroatie doue by the lootiele estimated et $3.00,qf), sud tte tdamage to ludi- vituittlsl inte floodeuI district le tatimaâti te ha $3,000,(0)more. AI Memphtis, Tenu., te iisigeaîtpi river regîsters 34.2 t, anud te datngerl hue la 33 feet. Thc *mlot serions tentitre of tht present ris. o! te river s inte î.ogebility ot ite cttini out a net beti for iîseif titrongit Cnt- tenden Connta-, A rianene. sud leavinu Memphisteiigit nti dlry. or. aI leuet. leavlug ber oit a shtllun laite. Fuar Trust Sufer.. Itepublican uemiters of tht Ways andi Means Com)mitet bave tiecidtd Ihat sugar tilties lunte net tarif billshahastîop- clie lusteat o! adi valorem. Tite bigi protective dty ounstngor le til relsineti, but a difference n-te made reducing tte trust'@ profits tront one-tirti of a cent a pounutalu ce-tigitti. Boxer XKilledhy a HaIt- Arm on oli A fatal spurring mtnchtoccurred i a Cheyenne. Wyo. Thte principal% ter. l'rlvaten OShay anti Gollie, ofthlie Elgitti Utited Sites lttanlry. lu te iret round OShay strucit Gollie a italf-ulu hock beltïuw te ari. killi.ughi. loalantiy. OSiay tul bctrie.] for mortier. Western »IllLeane. Tht schedffle c,,nîttittee of ltae Western Basebai Association tue iolahet iîle tort. Thte senaun ai open April e1 wiith theEastern alois in uhe Wetlauj clopte Sept. 21! titI. n seri,'. ot gaines ha- twcen Enttalrn anti Western cluts. A total ut 1260 <mmes nili ibc îlayed. Collie it ilaa Suu PIo-. A Nortitern PacificeItasacuger Irain coi- lidedw'iith a rotnnY Pion' lia-eumiles wnSt ot Latuonra. N. 1). lloadu.aster Ieila-i geralti was killeti sud ltre olthere tare1 more or )cos itittreti. Emiartes* o,'Chimnuarést. Tht ruor cireuitledti lII ltae Etprs ut China lhaut tonterati sud (0lilia-esadt hecu luit te îîllerly ,llacr-diled l'y Cuita- dlion Pacifie ltatlwuY officiais ut Vaucon-i ver. Crusheti by s Wall. Ny lte cohlaitie Of part ut tht 0id Walts ot lte ltwn utFez,. Morocco, 180 nonk- men have been killeti. MIARKET <JUOTATIONJL Chicagu--Cuttle, coinna10primet, $%3.51)te $5.50; itogu, eitippiug gradea, $3.00 t0 04.00; uheep, fuir lu chitoce, 02-00 ta $4.50:;titeat, No. 2 red, 7hle t 73c; crnm, No. 2, 23e ta 24c-; uat@. Nc. 2, 16oe 10 lde; ryt, No. 2, 32e lu 33c-; butter, choiecreamery, 17e talu 11e:egge, trust, 10t te lle; potatoes, per hustel, 20e lu 30; brouma corn, rmmen groartitalechoie. grenhrtn, Mtlu$80per tun. ladininpolie--Catile, eipping, $3.00 ta $5.25; bugs, ecicelilgit, 93.00 lu 04.00; steep, commun lu chitle., 03.00 ta 04.00; wvieat, Nu. 2,Hiclu ta3e; corn, Nu. 2 thite, 22a lu 23c; culs No. 2 vite, 20e ta 22c. nt l»uls-Catle, 03.00ta $01.30; linge, 0300 lu 04.00; sitep, 03.0 lua 4."; vbea, Ne 2. e taMe;cornhla. 2yel- 18e; ryt, Ne. 2,33Melua8Me. Clncîunati--Cablle. 1&503010$5.00; bege. 03.00 te $4»0; uheep,.30 lute 1475; theet, No. 2, Sae lu 90e, cors, 'No. 2 mîxeal. 2Uc tu26;c.oa, 'No. 2 mîxtal. Me to 17c; re, Nu. 2, a8hta lue7. Deëtruli-Catho. $230 lu 85M3; toge, C30 l c08 hep. 02.00tau84M2; wieah il ra, 6e187e: cors, Nu. 2 yellov, 22e 10?Ac; olis, No. 2 w.hite, 19e 10 21c; rye, 84c lu 80c. Tolcdu-WbestNo. 2 rail, Me ta 90e; cru, No. 2 ntixe&, 2e lu24e; oes, Ne. 2 twhite, 17c t10e. ryre, No. 2,. Me lu Me; eovoealW,5.051ta05. liHtoatec-Wbeat. No. 2 apring, 71< lu 72e;courn, No. 3. 19e lu 20c; cois, No. 2 white, 18e ta 20e, hurler. Nu. Z 28e ta M2e; ee No. 1. 83c te M5e; pont, mess, l8.06 te $8.M0 Daedo-Caltbe.commun lu- prime ahip- put" t 115m hileg, mincumta te est, II& teO4i2; abeep, comuntaluprime cat've, 8a.064O.31; Iambs, tale ta NouwTetb--OstUe, 03.06te. 03* tore, 03.30 tea0."; sbcsom 011M ta04.75; altest, No a dfOM te 81g eeuMn. e. % 28e te 80e: ostA. !N& 2 thlte, 21o te 2111. butter, ercmuoev10 l nUe; mie% Ws.t- «%. 100 tea12<. PEOPLR ARE TAKEN"PriOM THE litlonst Sufsvlsg ouè" Le.. Certain te relow-'Ule Yalla lu Torrents - Admirais éiese oreelsa Purte. Victime et ta Flood. lionday datual dent ana l oomy for lhebesnts Inhabtuels ut the floodi- striciten alltrieta lulte tlanbony nean bfempiti, Tenu. Raie bettsa tailg shunt- iy atten?7 n'dock anal et noua vos comiug tuvru ln torrents, addlpg lu the minery aud aufferlng aiready causal îy te overlow- ing of mreama. The restulug ut people sud stock continues, andl le iteiug conduel- id sytematlLal. A citizen&' relief com- mIllee hma been organisea, bots citarter- talant tamisralata y te.mesus hun- treds ut bad utstock and alums as mauy menu, touou sud ebLIdren have itetu e.- çual tram boas. sud treelopi lli teove,'- fluwed district anal brought ta lite clty ity barbon iowbosls, tit barges sttuu-jed. The. gangs showeda srie utone totin lwenty-toun ihours, andt inituienit 1 point towrd a tarter rs@. Netscuft- ut te partial itreating ofthli t. Franu levee, slaly miles &bute Memphis, ut a point uta, tht sonlt end ofthlie leva,-. JusItitbat damage tilt resait caltuol bc forelolal, but steamer captuins asy grant adiloual suffernugatîti)osen ilI reauli. Retporte matie hy te eatiter bureau Ittil- caamietaItht Mississippi euh Missouri river# above St. Louis are aItlreset l dt- er etationary or faiing wighlîy. Tite Cumberlandi river itas been vteadiy rie- luin sudW. Jcontinue lu rime.. tunday nîgitî fotx 'l eet w.-and h.tin- ger )huit hein« torty tret. Tite toilowing 'changeszllte river* (lu Iéteelatît teui) have occurreti. iletu-NiLsiville. 2.1; Memphtis, 0.3: Vicksbturg, 0.6;: Atguata. 13. They are sitove te danger. fite atnd -rmna nta.tive, 0.0; Naetv.ilie. 1.11; li-- phii, 3.3. Titey are aitove tht duanger linte andI failiug et Louisville, OM; Cliatafl.- ga, 4.9. Tht river sa I -b-iurt Wl0.7, itelot te datnger Une uand nielug: ai Mt-ui pitie il le 0.7 ah.ovî te iigitebtIrecord for uny prcviouti yCr. DEEtD 18 I-CLCIU Agala Citaeu peaker or 1he.Uisose of itepreeabvee. Thetw etialsession ut Ceungretu ieuan Mouday et Wasinmgton. Tîte t.rgauiza- lion utflthe ]louse tue effieu-tI br it're- election, ut Speaker Itied llthe titoice ot lthe sonne old i ilt ut gë-utal officcre. a i. the Stuate gut ibself lu worting ortier tithout au> trouble nitateven. Tht <au' erel beliet la lthaI lte Iluse committe n iii bc napftt a-ery îiowly. anti onuyaslthe Speaker futîs itimnetî obligeti to do su b.y lthe pressure for lthe enaclinent of legisia- lion. As leq usually the case aItlite open- log ut a Congresa, the gaîleries ofut ti Hou.. and Senale a-are crowdted te ltheir almeut capscity, anti tatresasdthon' santis wito neglectet 1 tîovide lthernselves w-Ith tickete or tere uuabfetla score oue ut lthe coveled pasteboards ver. burned aay by lte doonkeepere. tite inelrnc- dtons vert ironcladti 10admOit oulY lthose titu were entltied bu senle. MKSSOURi I'ACIFIC WIRUCK. Passager Tain Rus lut* s rovset Hersas-Tuo eresas lhled. Tht -Missouri racific pasatnger trsin, nort trectedt IWolf Cre-, Kdn,, ont and One-italf mlles pont of Ilsa- aaha, at miduigit Bandar, lty runung intoalunait t iorees. Tht tagineer and fireman vert kilieti, express mesenger, bsggagemau umjti outinclor hadiy luJurral anti tiree passeugera burt. onofut lient sea-erely. Thetrmain toualateti of engit, baggsge ant wo chtair cars anti ont sieep- er, anal carniati a ligitt loati. Ail exc-t-ItI tb. eleeper tare overlurneal. Tite tuglît lurueti uver on Engincer Nye anal Firtutan Connor anti cruaithe i t teabt. Tite paesengere mauagetti10escape n ithecom- parative ease, ibut t iwnaaSosm@ lime bce fore aid fron Iiinaltha tas recela-ca for lthe ajitreti. Engineer NYttas ou.-oflthe oltiest tugluters ln lte service, baviug huron on the rond ton fourteen yena. BUTLER WILL SUIRItMNDIR. Australiean iitqrarer DecIdes Net la Oppose Extradition. Frank Buler, alias Ashe, aliae Net- nua, lte accoseal mulderer of (Cjtlain Le Wetler, Arthtur Preston anti Ciaties Brgeas, baï detidel lu give up biluilgt againsl the efforts of Austràlian police t10 eecore itaextradkiIon fromnttiseouulry. Ha gires sis arestonsfor lthis action that ite hae no hoPe ltaIlte Unîlti Hîn les Supreme Court tîll reverse District Jutige Morrot, antihatermenut stand lthe cccl of carrying lte matter tu tht court of tait te- aurt. Boler maya thal ultlmately ite ailI have lu go ou trial for itie lite, anallte sucuer lte thlng is over lthe better il wItI te fur hlm. He tIlt go bacit and tact hie accusera sud tieptual upon tite boopioles ut lte Australien criminal lit for bis e-. cape trout the galIot. Trompe Wtec sTrain. A speclal fromi Clartaville, Tenu., maye: t-in reveuge for halug ejecîta f rut a train. trompa causedalàa recit un lte Louluville anal >ahIville BRsitt aaspîteal su-Se eenlling anal aemotiabing s trelgitt, rest- ju la heavy amages. Titjimpe baal rllaltal 10 te rct lte Chicago hiteti, bel nîlalookt1h. train. Ther bave been ,aptaneal." ____ Tites,. Peisesa Sernmea. At Duvet, Tenu..lte toanty lJait vas de- itlrayed hi du early liogday mornlng. Pu,'prisoners, uemwhite man anal three ne. "' ver. the only occupants out1h. î«iudg alt te tinte. Tte white veau os. capet, bat lte ltres nogroqç voe au tadby burucal thal thora la nu trace uft holr bodies. Thte tact bas mal bs.njsade public ai Flllsiturg lb&I the Houp Imon Association bas besuaco"veal. This tas canscal by lb. refusai ut Ivu leadlng furma lu con- linon lteOrganistion anti Il expîreal by limitation. Thes market lu nov anuopen IsestDBletfetWlut.r. Bepertà front aul $actione et inunesota, Soath Dlakota andl titoopper portions o! Michigan ara lu the effeet thallthe bila- nord vtltt began Thmeeutay bloctateal -an trsinsansd stéppeal business ire Fridsiu atteeoon destroyed the Chicage uteli, a 15-ceat loting boas. at Beffelo N. Y.; and eam"lg lbthesm t theco ltas.Tb* dead are: Paddy Den- au, saugfla; Ted=JeDDoune Mani- policmen Wilimsalle,', AaAlN apiecwÎWKe wô -K iOPJe Ceuassef190b te 1MeItil . ? eTnte- Opoift CeramealosAre Ceuipas- tiveiy Tsmc-maur Mew Facesaon lte Fler et Ibm Popula, Dmact. Rabs Seeclu ea eOpen@&. Congresnlu analulusession. Tht tr, gaulsaîlon ut te House vra effecteal lon- day by the re-elenllmof ut p.atcr Rendt anal lte ecitlce t teomaiteolal lie t'fgeu. @rat ofilce an sd te Heiate sotl isait lu working orale,' titoaut suy trouble. Vit- cver. Tht vote ton Speaker lunteBouse tus as folîowm: Baller (Demx.> of Teins-----------..114 Bell(pop.) ut Celorae............-21. Nevianals lSilvenlle> of Nevadae-.. i The cicetlon ot kir. item telubic oIt peol- lIon tas s tormaîllitaI etoeaplot lesu titan tait an beurt lueiag tll ouba- tion ant i he speech ot actuowi.dgmcut et the itonor. Titera awas uolhlng stritlnghy pielaneaque or suggestive lu th. ramants o! lieu. Grosvenor pnltlug Ur. Rend lu nominati!on pr lun thé Speaker'@ anceptance. Tite latter merely suidt iaIt e wonld en- deavor 10 discitarge the dmbles of hie office Impartillandsut teil; ltaI t bccoutîti un bop@ e 0pieuse alniteutîera lu ail tiiog ut ai l imies, bol litIbc topxlado lte best bi* coulti anti toltiendeavor 1e adululuter lte dttes in a spirit cf absohute taînnees. Olleieie Crouical. As lm unually te case nt te openiug ot a otr eatu gelieries cf botit Bouse and Senate W4l1e croiedte lutir almout cepaciiy, ant ibutidredes and tittumaude vitu ueglecled lu pravîie tttmuelves wtl 11<-tate or %vPesunaleteît ecure one of lte coveteti pasîboarda teere turned awey ity te toorkt-iwera. abuseInstruction% nPPAhaRn IExt% were ironclad to adutit caly tbou.wbo were ecttled b s"nt#. YFot an bout ha- fore Clerk %IeL)owel eslled the Hotoe.. 1 ortie,' the flor on crowded wlth visitera. The wi,,.. mad daugiters of tht e "bore and enipecliy tevored visltors wtt. mas- cd lu the ulules and open spaces. Thet ueo ers[ pulic bati amali opî,urtuuhty t0 view the proceedinga. The most sbrlklnx fesinre ut(té eccue on the lkor won lthe numiter ni new faces. 0Wd familier figurtes. couspicunsn ulthe osototi f kntay a pnrllarentary battk'. heti dieni îýtn. and lu the uew lista em,. new antd untritd kuights. Tite citante lit lIhe persottuel wn svery <r. ut. Ny i1 Wclock the .reerî'ed galleries. n11wit te <z- cfption of th.," efi,r tite diplomatie corpis and lte cexeculî,'e, were nulle.!in. tier' ..n tier. lThe ight eostttueolf lthe ladite» gave 11<1.1er ctior tu lthe aî,iu.ated at-ene. As lthe bande of lthe rIýimti .ted tb 12. Major leDlotrell, the clerk of lthe Hotise, rai.ped thte Houme tu ortIer. lier. lMr. Coudlen. the ilEnd citapiainti.ten delivered thte jnvocati«n. apî,eeliug to thet Ilrone for (iodi biegsitg unlthe noritof lthe uew Congressand lthe uew administration. Thé. <lent of the Hotîse then rendI the ['teri- deutso prtclamationu convenlng Congres., ater niit ithe roll was»<-aile.. There wuas an abondance of flowere on lthe desit of Senators whiea. promptly et 12 o'clock, Vie-Prenideut Ilobart elled the Seuate tu order. Titere wn un ezeep- tlouaily full stlendaure of Iteustors. The publie galleries were pueked nuit the re- served .salWpiea irje.irell tilied. Tht citaplain's opputitg proyer invokWt divine grace und bleaiîtg on lthe Senstors andi membere nabout tuketop lte work nt ithe extraordittary teettion and on lthe Pregi- dent andi Vice-1'remident. The roli-cail discloied lte prestuce of siity-elghttlien. mtors. Stuator iloar and Senator Cocrk- reil were nmed a cotumitteeto10wuit on the ltresident and injforin hin. that Con- grenu wosInuesseion andl ready terecelve any communnication trou. bin.The Seu- ate then, ut 12:W0, bot a reeuntil 2 o!cloek. The t bue tid uothltg Tueaday, await- lng lthe action ofthlie Wayo and Menait Commîtteeon lthe tarif lthe Sen- ate to-day 438 bilis andi tight Joint reo. lloion& ere introuned. Theyr embt'aded nearly erery phtase of ppublie butines. Mr. Alleu'a bnleh of bill@ utbered about seveny-flre. They ineinded bille direct- ing the torecloenre of lthe goverameut lieu ou the Union Poeific rond; ta preveul proteselonal lobbylng; delining lthe pour- ors ofthlie Iudiciat7; for service pensions, ete. Mr. Lodge's bisaincitîdedth iose lu attendl the immigration lawe and for a Hawsiun câble. Bankrttptcy bille wern presenteal by Mfr. Nelson, ofMinnsota. and 1Mr. Lluy, of Kenucky. Mr. Mor- gan'reiutrodnced lte Nicaragua ennui bill betore lte let Congrese, aud &leu a joint remolutlon lu abrogate lthe Cîsylon-Bulwer treaty. A resosmîlun by MEr. Ftye, or lUsine, cailling for information as u teh opération ot civii-setric. nules lu river aud harbor tort wes agreeta ualter nome criticliutof elvil-service operatlons. MEr. Prye subdil taws a %tep totard aboi- ishlug ltes. raies su tar se they reisteti to common labor on engineering worttof. lte governmient. Tht Seuate atijourneal ulil Titureay, as did thé Honte. Fîre tvhich stareal Ithe building of lthe Elkius Hardware andl Furnlînre Coi.- vony, lu lthe tutu ot Hîkîns, lte home of Senator BUtine, burnedalmtost the entire business portion of lbe place. Bliine bas nu lire departinent, sud tht dames tere soon bcyond controat bsving moly trame buildings lu their lothway. The ltlthe mise i leher-tuotcar- rital ont tront Bey Citir, Mich.,oan the le. bave returned l itu, sud il leaboillveil 0~ bave. nut caffly lande&al.Only a fet boalred abanlis u&d non, uf th* sf10- Vua smved.

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