Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 19 Mar 1897, p. 4

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"alÂ, Ug3<=1%,1897. im a WOdiM*. u' »iMs.saeMaaad-ola.a Matar. AoiUTIUM m*a V O NVOIT Ala.. CAON. Offeilga of batteu ou Uhi lgià board ilondmY vote U11< 5.M ,70Ibn.g V5tt .01a M 1. The prIe.a yen mgo1 Stucs the 71111.18CompoemtUi Bouseoh b oomcotoled by o- Vhlisclmlmgmaoitiesi, Iice la faYot 0 Uiercpnblli»Md 1.10. la fâffl 0f lise deoMMtl.Thse ropubiOmU Ma-1 joruty oves mau la the prca«- ýHua. t caly ai, a .Malnadorty tUiam Ili the Houm 1 D0f1atehf@Uc Ou«rOc oedtng Congiense..%moder*êe alaad majorty ta togatdedéeeaiete,0 hiMàd by Uic party eadera Uta- a vcsy1 large one. 3Therc làa mrnclhmg voy emly aliti1 tom big ic heImerlOr DO-4 partment, i hi VsCis Und Co-m-a ioner Lamorcux laivoved Ou mà- coutolmd.on uho made lu fayot o! clamonli b valuablo tend on Uie 1a.8e front of Chictago, vhlch ha. boam ut samide isp Bcrlry BIa, mmd i which - ex-ecCtOltyCaIltib, Vio t b.hinvolved, Tise vhoie « t10 be -ba.rd, and nms. lteteeting thinte arc ezpcoflto ho b.brouglt ont. Fou, il my, of the memsbers of lise new Rouao roccivod & artuer por-mi veleome Ihsa dtd Jerry BlmPOM. Ho ciremac confience. Uit the popultata ViU l .101th. meil Preademanmd uns oumentun i.ovu poneoy lu thepremeul Coutega.: Iforithe preent VOe' < ot te let Uic republicam.sunalise affatra af ths cation, and hauîmfot glvtmg Uic. the ic ope they vant. letI-6ou write and poum my sort of tarriff bAil l tey cisoome. Itlal.m1 isot tlght 10oh- stict Uiem l Ince mt lu their effort& 10 rsdeem Uic lavis promise of con- tmg peo.perlty Mmdc lu thse laut cmm- Aiougis practlcafly known for nome lIme, il Vu a luy deoid e t Uielut mueeting of Uic Cabiet Ualtise Caban poUcy o! Uhil admnitration Vould b. one of non-tntervention .o longsa tise prseent statua 0f Uic combtant la Cuba la maitatmled. About theo only dtffrenoe bevosu Uic Ceveland mud MicKinley policy toVads Cuba, latbtia Preaicunt McKnley ViII b. mots poal- tiv. idemanda relmto the0Uic înty rîgista of A.merioa iCuba. Tis itI- femoe. em oma bave ldy boom reltzed by tise panlais oofLeals taCube Viso are teporteto10b.ho ttng Amettcana is more oom.ldeatlom.1 tisan tbey Vre Bahot titmc&go. A ev gentlemen, in md out of Con- gros., are prof emimg 10 b. greally sur- prtemstlise rsteo e! huty imposed by Uic ev taritr ill, mal competel by tise republiemu memipra of the vaym and main.commitlco. but tisete t. in realtty no occasion for aurprise. Tise bill in &bout vlst Il migit bave been expooled to b and mmp b. faltly de- arilac as tise Mciley bil changol lu incet changel conditions. It in trtll a proteolive bil, and Dis trams- e.ammv Ibat It ViII *lac prove ho b. a goal revenue bill bp furutmiing tise additolialmouoy ucedmd 10tenel Ithe defil t un1te Goverument recepta.i wiii probaby b. pascIsep SiteHomme- bofore Apri ba. hWIsa vlIbppen 10 Il beforo il paaeeahtisoBnate la a. uu- certain as iov long Uihe oae VII zosiderIL. Tise viso viiiremember thatacsnsevisere l is e setgibotiood o! F10 mendmoul. Vers adIel 10 the McKnley 'bi l na republican Seual., and tisisInely . sa ay veto ddel tu the Wison bal insa lensocratte Ss- ate, are a 1111e dubioum about trying ho pralict vbata Sonate mot controfle4 Sp amy party wIII do tu tise proect Tise Flt-fi.ftisCongre«m vicis met iextra asualon st oon Monday makes an early .ltt; wusaI sort of au oudlug it VIII mate olp tins. cau tell. Tise Houa. arganîzel by recletig Bpeak- or Bced and ailUiheolier offiens o! 18e lat Comgt0am; the lonocrt. coûil iefr votes for Beprosetative Belloy of Texas, for Spcakermml b. le nov r.- garffd a Uic rogularly eo»iltuted lesder the ibm oorsa laluthe.Houme. Th.e a ftiesacmbimatlon of the ail- ver eset ate iutb.Benaet 10reorgauséa -- tse ocouastte.. 01 8801 body ha. hean flma erhe Mb.lme, and 18e tu.- preu l ntathelu.republiceawiU b. alloci 1 tu eltahelbCbirmasuhlpe thbe hve, at' haiurt g lb.theextra MOÏM, M 1h01 8e vamelm luàlthe egMitIso. vlb. 51.1 dby mutual, Ngso u ammg $8.meipru.. la .Ui.~ oboly seama 1t881s IWh~p temeaappet te 10hue ,»Wm br' b. Iovemowra 0f lLisuuk, in heM MA Orego bave $54 ramoéei tb WO» fmis.sgagel»ubtlba uwdte okýgewwm l amlb r 0,10 ele aorUm vo à»gr. e .1000 à *wn-»tie Ee~im1 m émod abt, 1 dut vbiewci . m Iobmc l lean-hav dentlu ic dolte.1- An item la a Taussfe..paose rooel: 'IIioock Piolad1.e 1I nWbt,oW-du thit lopar for ton yen.' .lactptoi It la repostel 1h01 liemil jua, butorse ho poggd. ouIt1th" lis, foukaulhe vu ilo.liug pvatd. Ne oub0181of il. CtoeM Sud go$ no lova wnthal h. bal 1u mille ipuard 10 gel 1010 perdition.- la Misasouri Uiey bave Iicoverel o vay to outils mil double a. 60 theC aqmty or lasalty of a oonvictel mur- dorer. TIsey bang Um àMd tl88m hll aubom $ 0 doamin. lut Vb" 1 bi. mental condition iva..Tht. vil b. regarde hy -anpersous -aii gas$ impovement ou rempile, pardo, or sentence 10 ansa.yluml. Tise report "tish ie Gettysbutg Pont et. b'al, vis- as.,mude lise Chinone mnig&l, LI'HUsgChmg, mmnisoorary mmerof aithe potllanot truc. Tise pontt Iabel hlm by letter fort hie.- urmteny idepo.lttig vrosast 1th. "0b of Gemral Grat, admelicIter of lias M d mgteettig Va.approvol by Uiecoommndt lu chiot. Tise Mate 0f1itiigan nmie yen.s mgo abolisol Uice grand jury ustmlc Ad hl gpszmd mulot a wtsIpt âlta a* >maglmhfte Moors yhom a ptlaloner le arraguol, elUier 10 di.- charge isl.t pon thee vtdecocpre- mulcd or hoaO ta 10 Uic crimninal court for tala I lat clalmedthat tht. plan bui Votked Wvol md ham .11.01. a great avngn orpen.. At lait Uic people of Arkanas bave tonal ont tisat Gomral Jmckson te realIy de". BuItfnt oa. 10 JeU Devis, for l"m fait'$ leton returus .boucd Uiat eghtp-alx votes vote eàMa1 for no leu. a persouige te, b. a met- beroftéo!Ui eleclorloal collegte. Thoro vter. no vole. dlacovorolfor AdroV Jackon, Ils. Dv havtmg bea gor. ially circulael tisaI ho wu ddnd. A gentleman Wvs . coeutly Iravel- ing tistougis Uic eomUastwy»a. 00w pellol 10 stop ovot nigit ab aprivate houa. md on maktmg hi. 10"etlu the motaing ho umol vhah b. uppool 10 lac 1001h povlor, VilleSho f*smd tum UtIle 11.5 on tbe mmmli. and apolo- '~ l ori dbing s.0 MsUicebreeL"fi table.But vis e is.lmlbd t1014 Suil tvauctemains of Auty Who 1 w-reee.I l su4 md beac remaled" Wi limaluel hi. deporlure sud ha. gaceO. 1h0 hm. b"a afeeling lu hlm monlis akia 10 ghooly. Robert Burdette, tise rosoome hQmottal oexpounda thc Kouros doc. l tize a. folloua: 1It imply md ex- pUictlp dolmtea tuâaIno toreign nation ahail cons ovcrsrcemd aile dowu ont cllar loor; t$511 Englandh France émill ol samg ou mur frontb galcte, do Iheir coutingr, tisaI tliy cant brImg over thicr ovu aymup pots sud elles aponteanmd make sumluA our smapi. grove; that Gruan an md Anatéria cm't spot no bo ta Our voodu; &btalItly ca't cut tir. vood ouI of oui' isegerova; tisa Bumala, cm't our nelgihor' ohildrpu vilb ont butter puddle. Thec Monroe doctrine stmpymma s arc tise bull o! theo Voode bétues Ivwo comcas, mud hal the mmnvWho jois larme VIi us ou etthe isd le iaibolter uet nove tise bouudty fonce ummliho tlika 10lus ébout it, mmldUaho ecau't sabjet. a -Pach on -muyisodp uti ve are mailimel .$heteasint viii nake a god nelgisbor for u. TismI tm ail Ihore la 0 l." C¶~TOAkOýtprove lise greal et samperlla. IodmSarmpêrllas e ecaume l maoPiiU" ORRAI CURES. Dangers of the rp. Tise grealet daagst from LA Grippe la ! Iareuiin s pueumonia. If 'el ua mraumel, Iovevet, and Chamnierlanda Oomg e el! 1.8e.. li qlane IIb. avodel. Aiongthe te" of ltheummi. Who llve miel th rmmcdy for ltPpvo bave yrot1M usenavtag remuleli pueumoaia,lVhie0 h aoow ulveiy Ibtht. sremel i. a certaIn 1sreveu- tive of tisaI eddualia.eac. It Win doet a potuanont cuve in leus lme Ume amp oUmotraMsmmt. Tise 2S and80acent mise fur amiebyP. B. Lovaz..Liberty- ville, and J, -3. lAcunE,,Guru.. REAL lITAiS 'IRANSPRUS. PIoN *aUNUSAN mv.» John Ga&"iOtto a oeiGmlibI vIoet ...............s 0' diage Uenecre. AsIe . Eno.- ennCn mden* lus. a..OM W. tinq Etaier Omoaca Daooa. , *m 0 Sahudeei Té , M m CamNoaME A.mue n et Wbd"?. T>e.ilUbl,..aver M~ItH vo eus mon hac.rovel for laoecmso lmislo Teen la o.l1Pts UEOPHONOESeaM . r Ot«m-de thlr4 eor amg e Ome auT ereaM eev C~rhunddey Md B" daj Ocosisisc. Lbreni26 E.n V.. H.svu; B. iladt'. D« - a @L Tproaaur r. i ý t lr uri. c j9a her POilasPNagi.trste ts .0. t nohreorgeaGraesIoe1c Glrk jlk Vil Drge Mer Ualy. ra. Torton'%a aoat ...... rti l .......... . C.ger he. .... of1...... ....a 1 ,-wm................j . um, iselrmvalfr.IMOimm 7% n' serat. i Te a vils hmi. Unal. b XllI1. M Veeli.i.aiuited orne mil ue S 0 f e4Ms P. KoMoli&lm fltéci&ai~v@ ot nlccly 0., la the loWu of Avon. là*@OU1~ netIn la Ibair moiquartera, vuts a For pawlloular., et&.. cmS U orl- nie mev Stok.-Giv. liseam a a. jdi... 'WuasaA. Gmxsm,(raym. Tise Avon Ceater OmemuAçmo laithe autel, OrmySIOIL TU. tien met vitlm Mà. .A.Iurgelent 1 Tdutmday, mmd mmmy laim ee l t i F rom Cripplo Creek. After the bigglire ti CtlIplc Crack, 1 O*ar milu, Rra. gtddcil vent ttoolt avryp evere 00)4 and ttted mmny the ciy 1him veeh10ge ista lgremedies vitisout help, tUicold, oauj atle in bar lmeun uue = - okbecomJng mor. 101Usd. Aftwor uflmg for ber ad la t514 pagiot Inter. thre. bottin cof Cliambrain'. Couigi lAdMoay oeurred the. demIS o!tBcinedy. both tise cough and oitd lofi unr. Almae. 0f SouthCuilcago, ulster M nsmd l h U iais 1gb alti a tu lie. AUti,.,Of.,Gtmymîalt. Intet- mertorqm ongi emedy te do musy mmnt tok lime. la Oskwood oemnelcry good.-G. Il.= noaxao, editor of Uie Wae.d, atsnuoou. Jlira. . HDaUSr Adiertier. Pot sale by F. IB. AnanMmd daughter Cors mtendel. LOVELL, Llberlyvtlle, and J. R. BnÂcn- The Grayalmk. ohuteb Aid focioty 1. Guruce. met as x». Whoeloob'm 1ai Wedno-4 day. A. bus lbad of ladies from Graya- Wb"l a1. e » WM ha btm la8., andd sny allera, i*teiided, s Whml 14 tarama rmfly memd.ymau betng th. ycalj m.et1ng.Thistevly ocagé proection fur tiscir safl elealel and re.efled oct otena followa: lita. Cora Lonard, Pie..; ll=kchEvetY breederahoul h. hileomi- ba. gelen Wiseobook, Vic Pieg: lim .ad li la pmotte. Webave teduosd 1h. C. C. Naja., sec.; unr. Cmttte Rugbey, ozpre run *0 s, imlers, lmas n Trts. Mnomtucmenattentlin lbthe.@ppri- Lut mildmy morulmg oocurtcd tis e t <b cslo t 81ev.for tise .Mau dessâ of lMt. moret KaPâa a god fau'- Lt M bea- lm @bouit 1* but tesldent of Gumyakei an on BumdaY. aOl Pence.f0wl -4"d lie mOMaa tvdfl Matoh is 14 ocrede ifmalumi, ch en ytOdoImpin ood Mammreabout 1va. mllended by a large numbcr of énpaumwiumW n mbetjuodleaa. rolaUircanmd fricuds, ahowbuthe hUic Vison. M a« namd capable cg blit rnépeoh rM Visich h wh. .1lu la ma vutise niaump ebloke.iim Uhit ooumunity.- Mr.-<appel wu. vbç infeatDu o.t eludtatrlei.qsreai- h ora la redlomia, ObaumusquaCo., lgterj«,vSuev.rllsep go ma md rhli. s S. Y Bop. 14, 1611, baing Ms, lheime rmh pove bi of hi. d.aths YI y.ari8menthe mMd la it <ut arie tamaptug8.1 day. al. ne urn e 0Illinolu uaking amy adtmaS lu paelry 18em.-la 1843 ieha.umarrite 0 nma.. I~1 ouEver Stop to Think That Money Saved is Money Earnedl And here's how we help you out 1 Bock Flour ... ................$1.10 2 biesSoap ..................... -06 Brick Chsose .................. .09 MUàed Cmisdy.............. ... .08 Cmii Grson Gage P1umw .......... .9 3 Bar.Buttevxalk Boap .......9 3 Bars Ostraeal Bop- .......5 Pair Overall .............6 $1.00 pair of Corseta........A Mon'a 11.00 and 11.28 Olcsvem.... 50 $1.168 iten................90 Boyr. Sutloo! dotes,, I5-18 pi. old 3.00 Onur80e Mittena ............. .38 Crochet S11k................... .07 Lemon Extract.................04 F. H. Kuebker, Brick Store. YLK. ILLINOIS. The ime isneare ail' inyou wiIIse the Merry Wheelmen spinnIng throug«h the cou ntry. ~rj~r~Are you goug tobuY? ft Call n me and iet my ices. GRAYSLAKER .B.SeraILLINOIS.l 1- ne 2 2 lb* Oran'ylated Stgar8$100 4 lbs.l Knçsh« Crficers 25 MWb-Cèiorni PUtnes2 W.ebb't Stàrclh pr packaae 06 Dark SYruP Per gallon - 07 Cholce Mlxed- CandY per lb 06 OUr immense stock of Window. Shades, and WattIl-aper is now ready for yur-inspectign. --Prices The Lowest, - FD. BATTER$HALL. OGrayslake - - - - Illinois. axis piamN cose .4b.hem l irng worm. soter. Mmd a2lfora. 0f1umee 004los hlbemhlekim, dom., uell inscmomonth. liomua imm starPulU" Mi removol vithoat pain by 01-at v.SlIm cure guarateci. DuSamàus or TEE xvous vul &%%.a vu paralyi, beadmbw, mse .alallca imomnia. eptlcpy. Our"Ib oerman melisol and ekeolrolpt. RUHT'MATIHM meUte,ariUCWuFaiUMuicu jat, tnflammnaory mmd riseumatie u"- pomlilvely ourel Sp a&»V Mmd .0. fui proem.. <jrs guarateel X-RAY APPARATUS. Dr. Nove lia aComplet. cieclrlal oullit incdiag Uitehe latel bieyrovltz Itoctgen Ia&Y Appaflus for ltadiogapisY and FluOrOacoplo DaMOs. DR. O. B. H0W E, c N acs h o t laeOWOsd t _____ explore the lnserixff renom. of thc SPECIALIST IN CHRONIC Susmu orgaisium nd md e vih te DISEASES. aturai oye gisml belore remmumai - bidden or oiiwire. A Pommtrent Practîtioner In Chicago TopLon TATic MAcHIsNE vomm»îe For Twenty Veut@. Now Locted ANI) OALVA NIc BATIXELEUand ail hindi At Woodaetooc. 111. of diagnostic and oporative imait.u -talentst ualast hlm luamrlviug as ia What Weil-known Physiclana coerrect di&gntioal ny ulemeu d Say af Hlm. ltar imeuftcl Irentmn m ath emi sud surgicai. CEHICAUo. F EBUARS .lme. CLUB a ratraligitenod IIy To WUoM 1 fi (,NCoaesum:opermtioas(Tenoloiay.> lIaske pkeasu. in atwug that la former HE yeas i bave imet Dr.slOWPlu melleail cou. moUOib<l>ciired m)ouflVitut sil.lonan sd have f.uud hl tol* oi peintal Operahlon lusmu"aCueo., or tretieut îitl,cs, unitl Iit.,s ~l àdolmy troi usianess. lrce atirn. 1 tnk tisathuIsu otosbint VAEscoozLz permutmently cured by a lor somiiisa eam.. mud hmye kuown is ! ofvow ciOd. hils pratîce. baiing renalded la Chw4go for Rmnaomzua ANl»NMUA cured 'w1Ui. ou-r 4ie rs.,sud constantly roastlng uedil-ou Ssi rdt"fuebdm ma ln ansd out of Our m-ol1el liîre. otoomlno ea ru .lee toitoitî' ,,ehl'~iestanding of MA.aoAàNv montsandm&i mi>mm r. ove. Tory Wltese llv grovthe, foroigu bafltes, nsores Lir J i. HLLaTE.boue, etc., removed by autgicml Prof. Cialdd~ Cnicat SIc.- peotlou. col College, Chialeg a. D.»oatxuum conreefl mi mmi bus cBle£o, MBGX l, lm a-- a remoied Sy eloectolyWia CNiÂeo laac 50 ~ CouMBUxrmvon az A ». coi- Bavi. a beo elsVw)fl&l aialfted sud -uEL.Ail mollcimea ftuni.i.d frequetît ocneenmllod à %. o. B. No.,eDR A durmirmao'ent, yol=r elu thlcgo dur- patenta. whieh Uns, Our 0 vW. lu thse ame _______ hulldlathsoul.e eu, m~O B.H W M by I. B. NoveaLleBe o! l@Ms oaaes su lvsaotitud telousOfficeat Hotel Woodetock. den> Ust.somcrou m .oatk dstock, Illinois Suite 28 Ia lani ymtc.and 29. Prof. fhraao ieNro. gluHoura 1Io 10 12 a Mi.. 1 toa Jnd lu le;p. i.Wii malle pro«Ne- Ruas Me<*eai Colielle, Chiagco.- aîomtellin ouîr ol 0a .- To Wnow Iu MAT covuaau 12?1U5. att io Iolker qisua"Adphya<- 1 take pleaum llns eatlbgthsi 1 haveknovu ci... aeýeoae. Dr. U. . H owe for thse ist se yeerm; have 1-ea ofte ug> in du.ou.uliatlon vite lm B hicFIE8-ý and have linovis much of htesork aud -BA O F IE : stuiedurcg Ieeocr,, atneue hlrLlotville. Trtggm&*ayorSlgg.; won verte thorouals lu i ltuse pnaniH~ras unday only I 0 a . i Dr.ov a hld ak~afh bot .i wauconda -RestI Cot M. motel uoo,».efulliraelîloner.s tUhiago. Ni,-HaursSaturarand Snimy even- !Lts cnaelcntlousand vert, ou cesfvlphy- Inga. f rom 7 bU 8r»..m et n sd urgic. Corr..îoudenS erbymail promptlsy anaveoted. ltcepoctfuil. Prof. Therapesteica and àMcleriouscdtca C'hicago Medical Colieut, Chicago., EL.UM. ILL.. PIB. 27. 5515. Tii. ,uuy fcertIf y tient i have for scierai veue oknown Dr. <0. B. Nowe mes suoceanful sudi rellable lshs'alen ns a aa frieqitts' met hlm luncosultanuns f î.repared it u sythai hI i% thod f te mont ïmn, juliolous. ,eieutilli,,asd ¶mlOuUy conducteil . L. D Profearous'L>a'ee.OfWos a" De-as of ihe Ferullg, Bennett Veeical VI Colleve, LChiago. suecoo. Frs. 2.19 Da. t>. 0.Bu. W WOOssrocî.ILL.: 1) iADEn Duvru I su. uleased lu liera ou are praetleleg eueoaeful lu [OCr p ro- ent lclIn i trust thst y olut 1i continite te, have a largfe moeuer. f eea. I hjivo kuova you more ories" inUmatels' for savais- %snte.. rnsd vheu yu r.f- quetl ceutîs ma ue* vill a oom 111 uriis tlite Urne Vote wor. in a laresu su(mealul uratffe sud 1 arn suife onfitteal thent roc viii attelas s large maur.flsse - __...... ________________ ces. ve re uare novwor=Du«7 th betve M no zaiSc. i have bisn lmi 1.itteatthat s'on ver.e Cm eLkl Mailor Maiblo laomdonal ndîa mtjot. si ht i aedbuse ras 1Cisimego on-es onm ua elle a1.3ia 010ve. lu ise aGreanitel or 5etaa -o.17 ttittrett. i foi! fr1 .s r.o end hlm tuail vho ay bond th., i vIet o!a firt-ýlsanedIosi mac. UneCM TR esnked amortirthe best In the cts'. l Iio c' CEMTE la Csor'a eI s adieine. 1.WORK Ps'ofkaecor of Harges'y for twe*ltyearitt etloaerU Nodiet Coeuge, 6'Aeago. o _________EVE1iY Dr. 0. B. Howe DESCRIPTION Treat.a clemtlillallp mmd mseeM«fm]ll by Uic lateal appravei methoda licrmpna" Cistoule ,suitil Diansmof tise lump, hé rt, Ibroat , noealmal, lvrkdmeyis. bosele OM"ma.. bs vomis, anmmlselorgaeu. WlEaN l

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