Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 19 Mar 1897, p. 5

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PlCKED Up HERE AND TI4ERE. Local of interest to Lib*rtyvllle Readers. q 1 b "44Q4**4If4 4«444444& Superior to, ail. 9 lbs Oat Meal .................S$ ë Bars Soap................... 9 IboNavly Beans ............. 4 Canest eas................... 4. Corn ..................... 3 ~ ' Tomatoes ............. Libertyville, Ili. I1 have the famous ESTEY & CAMP Pianos and Organs in stock. Cail and-examine these 'Instruments. Great Barvains in Pianos or Organs during the next 30 days. %cesonof 1Wbee ste 1Rear! I have six new Models for 1897 Çrescents. VW averIeys. Imperials. GO TO LOVELL'S DRIJO STOREFOR ,.rugs, Medicines, Chemicals, 1 1 E FlJMERY. SOAPS come, Urusb«s, Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Bracea, Fancy a.nd toiet Articles, Bookus ad ttionery, Dy* Stufs, lau, Puty, PAINTSs OILS, VARNISHES. p PATENTM-EDICINES. IParily Xudicine and Physiciaus' Prescriptions CAr.full .compounded st ail houru. Goode Carefully Selected. Only the Besj S-prtng Su Ail Th eLatest Styl I Over a Thouand'Sampi Ito select f rom _____ Get My Prices. FRý D-CROKE Over Bank, ERTY VILLE, --- E. OFFER FOR A SHORT TIN THE CHICAGO IMIIWR OCÊANJ LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT 11US$ tm rentmra6l igré vben -"elnlhbedl"or itd In,...... TuOuOIiIAGO. .m. arL I. ... M. p.m. et Wadavrtii8:0 @:m tsi WrI.Lon .14 W ,, Pl dot 5:41:526 M st 512&M l&W .evt 84 71659M 21:4 4:44 I0:5 jh Lerl d M 7." imoi1 ira tel0:m 6:64 MIa r.4 MIS 6:1& UIca S Faon CRICÂGO. h &.m o. L i. .. P.MI. SI. I Lv.i 4:~i . 0 9 kW alenl4:1: 4 *BU :2 B.UC 8:42 "m &OS om8:12 0:4M lut S1S0 BU612 0:81ê r us e a rie > 08 :46 . 1:0 =40ptSo M 681 . euItl dUa. 0:0 an es 505 LU iri Lv9Ws:0 iII. Ar. Ubetivli0 à L. LV: dmcsg. . .Ar.pàboeftyVliO :pm. No. leruas Sau qy. oin.otl.v S.m. Wadsworth 10:1; Ourmes 18:1; t, = nc 1,;Raon 05 Evrtin 4Usida La p. Xm. t Tai 0.4 asbeen "latei nlonIOUI Dm r0:i toCbesg. Lavs 7of :5 L.6Domivil ::arvschicago 0l1 B~~~~~~~~j .N. .avsOleotSp. . tOarrve UeM. rli usa .sfsu Pivsd,,îl............C. H. AvenUR Clerk ........ '«*.......... W. C. tanhoru Treamrer...-....... ...... ..W. C. Trlgg l'eý Mgstat...............W. Y- Davis mamras> .................... M. Freiman I IBEETVILLE LOIXéE. No. 492 P. & A. M. llegularC;omuiIlSOns la & 4 lrdaro of eaelsmonth. VisdiOns brothern aordali alcoUied. B.W. BULELBT. W.M. AUE CAMPF, No. 174. M. W. of A.. M"tte IlrsI and thirld haturda et.aebmonte et Wofdmens liaIt over Esri ardwre tore. VIgtlnug nilbosal V.,leome. Cus. Kàotag. Crk. N in% Mabie Aceeh as a Chicago via- Bo<r acterai days lent vek. lins. Fletcher Clark ln coniued lu lier lied vllb the grip. Harrison tBrowu viiled iin aon Henry in Chilcago lent veek. We hear iBarry Caer sî.ggestei at a possible caindidate for conislabie. Don% forge thie Bazsar Thureday Bnd Friday afternoioui and évenings, Mardi 25 snd 26. Mr&. Frank Hall, of (i limer, la visit li Libertyvllie frieuda 1the preseul veek. lirS. E. Faruiiam returned Tneanday alter a tro wtecks visit vîll Chilcago friends. Miea Nora lutterfield la conllued to the bouse vltb iollammatory rIen. matiori. Bill Miler plulîed his failli ou Fila. asumonsaud Bill i<s hppy acvordingly. Hfe@s good guesser. M. Paddock ih atllivorking on hisi proposed Academy and hopes b sne- 1complis hie object tlissspring. Matîle Wrght lua aovley improving allfer a mont severe illness, and iier re. oovery la nov ou a mater of lime. 1 The Modern Woodmen carpmea i heir hall the preseu veeci, vhlcl 1adds greatîr 10 1the appeareue o1 tle 1room. A pleamait supri@e Partyvw" heid ai the home of Robt. Grummilnt alfr1 4ay evening, Warren beiug the Jo,, Krey.eni.D.Huyr l n Bnn stytee- luea eres o! dcourson Tlie een SermonaOn TesfMiours«H. u »The SenoenSudahe oni 18 Crsuets Dotrine of Beaedaeoas. ' llirba Doclarii e flal Chria t escle ltetrdviioi e ht ChriWastt,' - Wor ices adingSoieyp. Weitm.Wr slip," - Nartiage," f>rayer, - etc. lSe. C1. A. Appleya cole ahepard dog touk lirat prise tat weekaet theChicago dog show. Ur. J. L. Lncoln, o! Chii- cago, vho owus an lutereat lun1the dog, refned $00forhlm laestet, cou- tendlug lew vold bring 1,00)0. Mr. Appley brouglit the dog back to Lih- ertyville ailter the Ahlo and much ln- tereat- vas taien in this expenalve cole by Libertyvillians, au bce as led about th1e etreeta. literature 10 seud 10 institutions vhere Il vili be ppreclated. Ait those de- string 10 assiat lin1111. good vorkvlU confer a favor upon the committee by leaviug perindlical&-papers, maga- zines, or booka--at th1e Preabyterian churcli or viti C. P. Wright t 1the Be . ornes "You" When You speak it. That Verbal Transformation. isn't any more Remarkable than the transformation of Small Sums of Cash, INTO Big Packages of Groceries. AT COLBY'S. Fou Eau?-Slz room bouse on Lake treet. Ba.amsu acre of ground. levenroom bouseon Churcb street. larD, ~ ~ 'a% Bei itrec i. E C. The social glven sBth1e Folletachool icuas iat Vrday eveulflg vas quite awmaql -The. achool bas ptrehamed and paid for auorgan ibis term, and hav2e à balane l the.treaaury. A bicycle rack bas been piaced ln C.. shermans store aud 1the vheels uned up in B manDer là maie the best posle sh aow. Those 197 machines are miodela of beauty and atrength. Dont forget th1e entertainmeut Bt the PresluylerIaII ourclk briday even- tmg, Marb 26. A gond program la beiug propared. Admission, Adulte, M., chidren, 10 cents. Corne one, ome aIL The Epvorth League of 1the M. E. churcit viii altoanl 075er supper Bt tho ciau rI rday nlgbt, UMaxcb 19. A musiCal andI lterary program in ii be a feature of th.e vening. Admission 25 Ceuta. Everybody lnvilled. The Epworth League la planning to divîde the. district inowua lhe Norh Chicago district imb seversi aub-dla- griois. When tbis W~ doue Laie County wiii b. a distriet by itseif. Plias are being made to bold a grand rally gnoon. Nmes. Fuller and Mhuard are bons maimg ecavationsa for the pols o!1the ElictrIe Llght companî and as th1e vire for --alrînging' the same lbas ar- rived lir. Loring hopen to have th1e atreet syslem li f ull operatloii by June I. Neit SatnrdaY 1the Lake County Go"d Tempiars viilbold their regu- jar montbli session ati Rockefeller. The oralorical content for the fi11h mutver modalviii taie place aI tb. open meeting lun1the eveuing. A goud progas la antlclpated. Everybody cordéliy invited. Denuba Llmberry's modeaty, and that &joue, keeps hlm frolfl declarlng himseil a candidate for re-eleetion 10 th1e ofbe of conatahle. 'Denny " maies a good ofilcer, and vlien th1e lime cornes you im jilat put it dowu, 11e v anta th. nomination. Wesmert tlisi entlrelj of our ovn accord, hecause 'Denny -in over modest lun1the malter. 1 lb Prunes 5c 1 8 lbs Prunes 25c 1 Other Prunes lb 6 and 7c 1 New Dress Prînts yd. 31c 1 Can Sugar Corn lb Dried Apples lb Fine Dried Peas Challenge Wrlnger. ail lateat improvents $1.45 me Bu col,6y & Co., Dealers in Everything. Carp4ý For one week uc will have over 200 differ. ent eamples of Carpets. If you are going to huy Carpet thiB Spring, cali this week. 3-ply Carpets 50SC to 85c Tapestry Brussels 55c to 85c" Body Brussels -9 5cto $1.2 5 Velvet arpet *-8 21cto 1. 50" Moquettes' - 80c to 1.20" Ortler tiia Week as the amples wilI ho sent back to Manufacturera on Ilonday Marçh 29. Al Carvets. soldhy us ,sw week will b. seWed Frec of Charge. Select from samples this weol, and get Carpet at anytime hereafter. Mis Ida Mmaci, vio boas een spend. laie Couty Bank. Thia seeamai lug a fev days viIh lier fnlend, Mslm aan malter, yet it mema many a 1 -r t Chicsgo Mondai. vho are not provided vitit good rea<i- W I ap e CA. Appley sold four beef cova for lin. IL .$46 aplece, tvo being but lvii r od, A gol number iistened W Mlrs. Over 400 Styles to select f rom, and at Ibis week. The county frriareth Hld oat odîî r nddug-Prices that wil suit everybody.. ___ rgbt klnd of stock. ter& t the M. B. church Tundsy afler- Ernest lirovus res.ldence waa tbe noon, vbich proved Mne..Hilton 10 be F.<'C . S M IT HUM &A SflI acon@ of a very pleant parly Mondai a cliarming snd entertalniiig speaker, w.u UI W eveniel, ln honor of i MI Lottle'a and aIl dociaredlber diacourme 10 have Butler BIdg. Libertyvilie, Illinois. les. f oeenth irthdy be:n arare treat. Ber lecture ln the afennoons abd eveninga. liardh 25 aud a number o!f1th. terner e, vbo ver. ani gA en y es 26 promisles 10 lieau ovant of nnuaml given some stroufng blu eta 0heuDoIi*or éI ~'* ruvA vn~ ltrs.Dntmies il. duties as hlinilun1the maklng of UReal5 @sate, andaa.~s *~ : Even smali boys vere tling prise lie ideal home. lira. BIllon -4saa figt vednesd*i. Tihe average amail glfted spaker and boing a apeciails List your property with me and 1 vil mid you a cuatomor at boy pîcia up information o! tâta na -lun tisinueo! of n be r entertalning roasouable rates. turein rearkblemaner. talks are making her popular witb tise lun lua emaishe anur. molliers and daughters vith7hom *ho0 Amoug nuinerous choice bar- LIbertyviIIeCiCty Proporty. Doc. Oalovai's office lis respiendelit cornes lu coact .Hi* a!me lot viti elghîrmots modem.boumge lu nev vall payer and ireali pint, .ga5i»1 ha uvOe efollowiuig: gool yuelsntmshmland fruit Iae.hoap vlieisgivea 1hl% cos aparmeuta Ta san.Farm IPiop.arty. For sale lote*a". raon resacasle tbrms. lunuch lmpsoved appearance. Th aies f lb . ncurbvl es acre improved faim on banks of Gages ,vrme o ndmM ua« o A bs iad ! yîîg popThm ladieBs of theifrsB. esudrc isy Laie. PriSen pmer acre. parIteaMM. balance ah AJbusul sudofis Mineopl --sr- ons aza u aîna Mandrch2dyoulime ai loy rate o! interest. CiiolceLote $Ulm feot ai fro, Nlm10t prs' M hmester ofto1t I t &resiinproved farlu adjacent l Tih oarci, pori-fl om o n 1TRyp-c ttierloesotho O ulluthemstoreromureceutY vàe&td Lake. Liberal terma. ib eb rprylrobue o n ast,-.b .C mt o nteNlh uMlakerd om m bauonDiison et for asis or nmt. mU~, li-l Wene aaeneung. A gond lime h .C ml &Io utaKugi u 5 UMuvue od bue ag _________ v.. the resuit. bînet. Arttlea bolli useful sud orpa- 15511. goo.l fences. 2 'ood voUse. good cia- menalvii e orsae I or 1v er. aacres "br., P Ssuperacre,.part Also Lîfe Insurance and ILLINOIS. auMU ltgtreasSnell Mni atilnge, landscapes tm &roeshall f a? bebveen Warrnuon Subscrlptlon News Agent -- ~ ' ~iU S anddflowers lu <il, daylles, tjdiea, Orove mandGrayule four mile:s<orti ofPubilshers RC S rO 1"t a( Mots ofeuivaion. nv aste land. g" LOW EST RC S r ae bi a ssm ahss sa.aprons. rcoinforla. e1 lés. beadresaastock or dair? faimi. msven failles %prieg and plos, wsea tuob me utlgsUom U an sd otiger atil J iOnuumeious 10 Sovine salln. Terms libera. on ail Perlodicils. eured by Bads rt riM& du 65*ir vols ention. Cakte and ldii'ace oream leit.vd T. Ch oiesBargal. tsrs ___________ vîli 1e aerved; aloulhome made caady.dset15W. srlB.Saio. If you want to Buy or M E O N L Y unie h. ige reaidoiiabantenais.u UIE NLY Orcflre y h ie .olu sd Glhs o urnoelsmogTov*ilp. Rent Lake or sei Couitty AND vJrceil tuattnad .enn g von m lriaoe s lar~~ me t n TnshpREAL ESTATE. mai1 sa ~sansd bolp a good caulae. Ladies maik- Be Sure to Cail on, rondered 1gtber DMs m511BtillePm lngarticles for lIe ilasar yl tindir .. ....... 7o re t a & e jDà04 iW k no v llcd 10 stte u rd o q :j m go i. e o C . P a d d o c k , L îbertyville, - Ililinois @ ...............i.N e ~A~» Are You interested in Tea? If so try Ours, ITSeemns wonderful that we seil GT oods s0 cheap as the ones named below. guarantee our Flou r to be .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 4 Taylor's th ie le

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