Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 19 Mar 1897, p. 8

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rercoats. SANBORN & Ca., TA SLOWS i CENTS PuiJAPEISHRS, Kaiser Biack, Libertyville. Illinois. ~i cati Âttentiôn to the Fe thatwI UNSYSTI CL SoU to t he hijjhestbiddr, ut Public Auctionta WarehuseLiberyile n the near future, I thingtho Farmer or others 'ma need, ha have, nd there wili be counties Spo)t Caýsb Bains. A Large L ot of Rub6Or andwLe -orh oots Shoos, Io a nOW addition and a n igfor-"I rnuch?"-and it wIlIrly syyU to Attend Thls Sale. Bring your Wife ahd Chtidrenn, nd If they can corne, measure thei r féet and W. can fit them. W. wil atso seil piows, cultivators, HarrowÈ, Hand-made Fe Harness, Wagons ind Trucks, Single and Dou Carniages, Etc. Look- out for Posters and remember the. datel I Mean Business, - Te Vu 8Iocw A FINE, LINEI FURNIYURE. Emiela, Pioiure Prames Clock Sholves, Boom mouldimg Wall pookes, Paiuhs, Psper holdera, Oul, Book asues, Varnishes, Couler tables, Mlle, Extension tab's, Putty, Diningechaire, Brahles, Rockers, Mirors, Couches, Mattresmes, làounges, Cota, Springs Chamber suite. Etc., Etc. .,T.. ISAAC HEATH & SONS Libertyville.Ililinol.' nis aofâneo BaOI~, Lobe sud Cash .a speclally. I hure tabou ai iiunonm feociu1r seryeai ie Siabr 1mat bave soncle 1ai.bird. amI alill bavere o 1e 0mil$1.00 ta $8. aelah. Egga foi btibiimgiU for PLO eleer. Liberiytfllie. III. 12 Yeare Etperlenoe. Bince. nakiug my 151impaee on sY iQ4Lact iuvbel :tvindi:.=m biet a common id veil, 100 fael ci leau.lam 20 f%, se conts pe a7 1 mo 6 t,756ceaiw nez$ 20 f. 150. erapeun*e. lb2oorso.meio dlgnde. .For cteming cut sud »Pet ant lud voIla, 60 ceai, per heur, MIrhhn y ova beip, almo bot,. angmu1lmd belp on amny lob nem Sasa.Tbo h o vb ani oi b. bsIp, ii:gry U5ceontie aper foot Ztm le Ifi. mi the diftereuce an se onIm or lems,haording ta * Puise fer aeeriDÉ Ma tiing Voo u4amloraa oeber Job da oradalaa andi .- DEERFIELD. Go. Buyder spmi Banday villa bis parenté. W. 8. Bib, of Righiland Park, vau lu 10v, Monday. T. H. Meyer la on Jury service lu Waukegam tht. vek. UminSimpsoni spent Belurday mmd aunday aitlier borne in Bouton. Mis. G. Stevens, of Shermervilie, calsiou fIonda bore Ihia vook. "Jlmmie De Popý" blama onou0f tow, foi a 1ev daya vliiing hrienda. Aller canon. foi ihst mora feeling lae Tiflaclesous Liniment. 25ocasbotin. Try IL. Mine Daimy Fisher liai îtuined boue aller a lougtby riait vitx friend. ln Highland Park. Mms. W. R. Kulet ail obildren, cf Mayvood, yialid ber motber, Mms Todi, and returned born mautSuuday. A lev goci cheoker players are vanted aI Evoeli, IBI. Nou. but ex- perle uood apply. fiieady poiion villa good puy gumaueed., Mis David Pritwhl diod 1ai Bundey morui g ed 70 yeara. Dcae lebena sufferor for nome lime trois a cancer. vbiec aadlber de"l. ouneraI servie« voeebell Wedne.- day fras th. Bethlehem cburcli. Thoy a .am osui ihhe b.mont seai. sitive peona tekbattorm, ilauy are e. edfectle I"athe mant obetinse mma of catat ioa, headmohe and torpid tirer jiold to thon. Thot la vby De- ViWllaUe Barly linen ai kuovu an th. famoni 11111e pille. V. B. Lovuiz., Lilieryville, al G. C. Bonnara, Wu- oue. Wo vauld HUte 10 knov vla Borne of thonse«oarkua cigara ver. mode cf. Tour oorrempondent reoeived sevoel, and trom lb. quaiily vo vould judge liai nmn ue bai as pdge aainai ide mnd viatrying lq bave nl ome tu th. other world. Bui ve are bore 10 atay, aid ln the future vheu jobsn Sicha aoffrs m Y of bis .ao-led cigara ve yul dentine vita thauks. Thora ara othora ta vbiola the farego. 'Dg viII apply. ' WelI, oikua" day blae cme, mmd «Oukua"day bas gene, and it'a mid e. = &m ab Sryker laomevmd veadd :,eitWmlibey dii cork u&« The day -fal anmd s large tua ont vwu »i'uol. That nccu. politiim 1 i~the Vire. vghieclaul ou Shah r Ilwr topective cha@r" vwu thoru a emuouaebm oa0. Boc.rbeo Mse . hirsm Md Jase.Tuiuey vas master et the Pen. Josephi Adossau choses ms cani- date Wc amUes; JaMsTmsey vu ihe oubl, ma tâté lbe OeIlfor lova dcirt anie vumunsnlouiy clatoe ta Mii twme.Tberewvano Op, 1oohiof~~~jo.0f1onileto,. Mdi limal uamaamgOee ver tthreeme !1%te 0~ . Guider, 3, Vis i B* .F.Pli . Thon vu a bord f*i ai fIorul vlaioh is tu a vioio l for Gala. oer. III a hoivy wveh, Mmd jý ibouga a al gsme h. vu ountw e1 oui on lbthe conud hmll0, -as vuas isR. y. PlOM.. Ose. sBlkbo vwa. delesMed lu hlm rua for a 'Veta c Jugmbe, Mmd Jup. Prileeliwu mcml.1 nai54 lu bis mf.d. 0. W4 Pell* vu tb. ciher mm- chose, for 11111e ai Sh Pe .AgUam <ras mi opaio%, l.1 panPeé mmsei lesc>u ;Cable. lHe aie à DesmiRle ip»* vhieh àbroNgAl fouril de.*eflug é> plainefioa hi.mmmy miresm uiiecel ais p e.s. ik4 Ifou ail aide. s Yeur'@canon vwu a bowinm aceesf. Tosiuilag, itolialn' saley cb n aUpg 610me.buu«mie da e" m sit [Caca aM4 p= 7 ;= »bui~lht wamcMalav~bm~s Bleu lep es . ac 40 te W» a l enil aue&ua Tu du m la id i t 9 1 d T AGo an youi papes lulleale. lte 0 o soulecription expies, la reaeviuqsulrpiomamedexpem or pouàccoe mcmey osIer vamuc To uism Qprcu, -Made payable ta Joar & WOOnaax, ded"Ung &Mount pmid for .uch aider. CauurmoxtarsWà3v»: Wa are demioiaa of .ecuimg corempondeixla ln eyery tova ¶4leuunl.I yonur yrioluty le nlapremeontd vitle for terma, or at otefblend ta do .. Jvia hWOO»jUX. Around the County. GNRBICNL LaVta Bumdq :%s m.Smd im. >alis.PaW Meulas Vedmediar evoulaga. Y. P. ILn.o.. meeOunar.relns a s:a.Junior C.&E DIAMON» o"P No. ai1.%a.M. . 1:mar rMan md third Saurdaevnian sof emc mcMkh. D. Omr~. yV . 0. 0. P. No. ni. meet aseoud and lourth H.O. Osi. N C a.. LBuanîcx. Ueoy. 0T* etTbiiisdMeean of eab J OHN 0t. IIAGA Post G. A. IL meut Saturday ni on or beom fuit moon. J.A. Ha os.Cm«dr. 0 a CacarL.. Adit. Mal oinasaoutb ......:0& a. tm. 9:1 P. n. masi bins .................. 10:08a. am. MUnd oS iad by @Unasearives amIo10a. in. defila t Il i. ROCKEFELLER. Jumtinl, a nov lUne 01 irunks, aI lie lurnioreaioie. J. b. Clark, of lbertZvhie, vu a pleaunt ctie in lova Batuday. bimmk Brovn and lkmity anc ai prenantl vMsilig relave. la Wankeçm. lm in Au ie nfe teu Monder for Oak Park,-vlaere ahe limasoeured os.- om m lim ue luimiturefo t apriig tritde. lrmm e VilU@ca, of BobfOrd. lsai paut cf bmai eek vmating ber parente sud fnernla boe. Mfr. sud MNi.. lieley and dauglaler spout Satrday msui Buday villa- rela lireî at Trevor, Win. Lmnun BR"a IvAx Wu. bora July U, 188, and paaaed avay Maur" 9, 1897, mged neveu yeàrs, "avon menthe a mlfourteen dey. Dril is short l1«e he greatiy eu- derdbiàa.lf 1bcmi vho bmev is. g. vu 0ne of emt' ribaorgtsà igem. sud vhiee *vucoonael S eh boume, hl ac vuàaivmychecrful mmd patient. He leu.. a mother, 6hz.. brothera sud mmmy Monda 10 aon their tais. The remsua e.lindet ioal libmthéiemont cenier oonetery. Dartia Lester. thon uat 11un. VerYoungs lbcrovircviao; And th »na caaeaurny murmar Paieor. jamy t» vin tbe doue. The borsved famiy ialaista exiaud ihoir ilianka o 11 atihoae vlao e kiaidy Ibem duriug lasroceni'Ulueua au .d dmmth. irasadii crspnla. Louis Litibful tamoviug bis stock of godsa miibouauhold lInuiture lute tb. adjOling buildimg. Noxt Sanda ler W"vill ho service. a. usanst,lie pulpit lo be illedby a "atu. ier seausa mli4alefor lhbmple. B. G. Payne à»ba wuaed frotu Wou- kega, hmviuig liaposel. of 6h. aloon questionuilu4aânonner mlaacayta tbe mmjoeiy of Un okfeiiis T. Moide in gIving btshadwae storesa fn.b comatpein on the lualde a"I v*ie&IapaSlit oM ie minis and ceam up geuerally belcile 6h. apring rinla begb&s Dr. Travis bas itougU thle bouse sud Ivo loti vhes.1lUre. 5.1lhcnov re aidée.. - Tk&splma*M-iii latilreyrémo. buili la 1h. sud futaie il Voeu amnthat tims. umi ho thé genWillandilrd 2béékp b'u3 oay i* bestiooilur*dis Rov. Coabmusumd famlaly'teIêloe OibuanTuuday. Mr. Cookma Mgol.'mstacr luOhlab Mmd nutayie Vilaeti racibyLt mdmTmmi mhis o0"5e lim off. hi. eý.i a alm-lm Jo griaty on. diessi hes eiftaOur popte, -a devery lau.e Tmytir i ehrla bl e. Rheumatlam Quélhu, Cur.d. Aller having lienmeani& ta lMW: borm la elo4a.ysMd parlitgont iMi 0, dauber1 -m o1o~e ma wi o eay are on mm aHioae"as reurned hem xber aouherv slp. Da, te Mr. .Md mmlira TOUBC. TheLiessy ecet va rgmnled ri da l a s ig . . la vi mting Bersan JPrhefs« Akeb.Zurich, vma ûs relm» lSemoay. j. W. lThuis t uierdaadmcousin ls.Wul>hy dhobmla enllain. bug &blondfroM.MI asi.1ppi. Imm Alla bookeitin nadg a 1ev Aigled tBing mmd limr, a O>ieg Mm .. b Tmn stestaiwal ber brother fies abroffd thisweeb. Mms. ImA.beameler vilà go tb Iving Pa6 Me oi ftue. j4m.see a~g pemtIdhe Vocation et home v*1 M .paiess ble v.k. Mma.Dr. Wadhm&. of Clhicago. vialled fInala uPàtae 1ai VrIday. vMa.Olrway. of lwivrile, vwaed beamsalr, Mra. MfIlma Reynolds,Il. is Miaule Voyer lima gone frqâi Mra. W. Johamons home 10 cr. for ber &iot mother. W. C. Evanson and vile, of West MoBmury, voie gueule ohflKra. lhek. o*er sumday. The liepubUamm caucus. 10 nomicate candidat«e for the lova eleton.viii1 ho helu Marola 22". ..1 John Jolinacai', son Joy ha.m ou lie p=oerylau milppi and viii r.- ide la *]Wab. Ini. NgiasCIe lshats ha. ecovered tros bher recent Ilimes. and reatumed ber acheta dqUiea. 0. W. Jonuso, o1 Barrlnglon, viitel his deughter.Mis. C. D. Tsy- lor, lest Wedueaday. The Abletie Club euteîlalned thés ladea Wedne.1y ev.ning. A good lime vau th. romait, asla auai on thebeuecasioma The revival meetings ai the M. g. churcl. conduoled by Brother Bmtke, are progiue.imgencouragingly. despits the lad vimiher. Mia. Coi. essen aua sasser. una. W.1 ComIort, aftemded the china v.ddimg1 0f thiuacoau. Mma.T. Otlov, at Evanaton, Thuimday, Naicla Il.9 Robert, theaiii veekie oid aon of1 -Mr. andUMis. Hemry Bergma.died Weduesday atteimoon, mter aufering a lev day. vith spinal trouble. 1 Mr. and Mma J. B.BOchierdiag adl dmuglaler Biamo, Dr. Bchelrding and uisier Aima autieie th eallenitaua- nivenremy of th. veddhagof their buotber-in-lav mmd mgluer,M1. a"iUria. Cmlov ai Ivamut-.china vedding. f bey report a gocd lime. If you #av*evei seemachild llate agouy oS1hroup. Fou oaa approciate lbe ode 0of moihers vho kuaov thal On lutCougla Cure nelevea their litS. u e ey an fi lale minma lired. Mmny=hasinluthia iy arn neyer vithoit . P.1. LovUi.; Liber- it'vlie, mnd G. et Bolierte, WawSoda. Morried. et the eieetaithebride'& molier la Chicago, Thrsay, Mmrcb l16h, Mies Florence Butcher 10 Mr. E. A. Picoetai ldal., 111., Bey. J. C.' Butcher, of Palatine, oMciaing. Mr, Proctor le brother te Mms Baicher and 94q bride lea iter 10 Bey. Buteber. Miamad Mma.Picotoi metelof Mr. and Mis. Buiclier etpriseent. Mi, Lensa Hm5anmn, dangheiof Mr. and Kra. HB. .Barhmanmd Mr. ied Grole vilaho marrled BMatdy even- Ing& Maicla 0, 10"? as th. Lauhra Beflhlbem oburcla, crner Pauumme and Molienoil areses, ChieMe. 1ev. A. flube viii odate. Um n imaitsil- uma ohPaitin, viiasalirai mMad ai boa.e bWride biii ie tirlai brocaded vbite lutin mmd 6h. salda 0f bonor lu bracal vwhie .11k, the dlovera, Lfitiemof thxe ymllay. GILMER. Wrn. Hall and Iamtly visitai uLake Preetlut ai Smay. H. C. S. Neyersanmd ilfe ritol Chicago oeeday 1lut veeli. There la tlk t fa baitiea.«ubago la. oaruie 11.buwg. Partionlara neui John Sumjuerield teck a laid of lreesed hops ta lDundee, Ill., liât emurday. 1farbla Morse aid C. G. 8mai! soli failed catll, lor the Cicago market Olea. Joues, vbo basbeaun sIsyig vlIbhi bisZouBd for a 1ev day., n. cumdthaim%" gu Elgin walutm aur. doy, via. IL J. & E. 1Thm .Bliaag soved hie persenal of-. leols )hie. ve.k bthb erge oPlace, neer OrayBime, vhiol e hemremtii boruie eombir Yser. JLa.- . bvensmu à Ca. are sgalu bnyljig ae, prie 160 per bu"ho. Thoy aime.have a lan lino 01 Paiata ad mii lotritalale., «ah"eluAndmrson, a lasser chaesse -Mr i vili bis M mi Jh t lsi Mr. Amiermis nV b hi.ebg et a »«w'ým11oiy Qet New Bedford, MI., 9Wireeiv s 60,0*ihe. aI milk IL IL 1urms, 0fci O pSÇe, Na., loi 1emyseré, lcb oipllt aurai laima "e" =m- aiwv u amaindiem. P.VB LOT- ar.,LlasIyvtle, ati G. C. 303a»1% 1 idenu e eJohn Eggera ~Ieet ngmaa-vAt thaefme- iîii. M tavr4 he. ~ n vS Sp"" l by ba Food ill. Us voli ide mioq 8Tus dsy, Tîtrda3l aWbV Vii B6eughe.nulelthe B.E lia.Mil. Nottinghamu rotuned t10 Waubegmm laBtarday evesing. miss Allen Recrache», of Evaulon, viilied Mi. Ai. Brauhers leat Buaiday. Clarlk Chandler ahipped airerai cai lIda.of bey ta Edgevmier luti Tues- dey. Tite enteffameuî given by Ibm Guruéee shool IM t Pldaeeaniag vwu agUMM $*cou&s Amort lie iellMs aheb. oodmen et the Bepubliews oemnen sit Saur. day, oves th. Domination for eoueetpr.. ther. laelng itre acaddat..augi àe"l.Robert eBumug reeived 6h. Tt le surprieing vWb"ta 've bit$ f thla '0»a mcosplilà. Bilok eteb ecsiatc. dyspepsie, MWouacmel Lo'Vait.,Ubaliyilti Mmd O. C. Bon. laiWt:veliC. M. Brovn, 0f the Bis ol Brcyaà SBimng, bouglaicg C.À. Appley. .1 the PorPerm, four eovs 0f tb. Devon bieed, veighlng 5,115 poumida. Thoit ver. m beautiful cat- île es oceana wW"vonl va »a e, and .akivolumsaof piaisa for ti. Appley m. manager of lb. faim. The Guru.. achool entertalaimeut Maich'il vwe asuceeui limd&cia n md tb. numbera on the prograns van vithant mlepton, velI renderek. Deepitebaid ronds ithe ohurola wua MI, ad, nomelhtag ever 10 ag'xitd Thore le nmre maotattslatIMveto0.. pemlng 6he enlersalaimeul a ngmme1 11lluith. neai future. WARREN. ClurkCbmdler le oùheh. ick tinl. Mia. Fra"k LEd ainquite ick villa pleurisy., J. J. Stafford, of Waukegau, la visit-. ing villa toc. liragden. Mr. and Mra. Adolpb Cliard, of Clii. cago, amre rlitng relativesa be. mintaronet mmd Lester toiby ared upeudiug pari of ihei rvacation lu Chi.1 cage.1 Min Agnesanmd Arthur Blapeota, cf Bantou, apont Sunday viih Warren frîsada. Ira Raris asmabeau li Chicago ser. oral lay%, callid ihere by ibe Illue.. of hia mether. Mia. Caine, 0f Long Lake, linvilla bar aisese, Mis. Evareli Meuah, vbo le movly improving, aller a long Illun.. The many friand. of! lie, W.. Mmiii vJll regret 10 lesi= of-1h. deatb of one of hi& eigbl montaa ooh lvin masa. Oaa Minait. ls ait thetlime ueeui 10 decide from peisonal experlmec "ha One Minute Caazgb Cure do.. [vbat lie umme implie. sol by P. B. Lorsi., Libertyville, and G. C. Boui- amm, Vaucoada 0GO li@ IBDNDuiunry lor mtintie job pimting. W:r maxty years, and cuaUUU p1taician tth b.eeby"iedan î 1411, hicgoofflesie *I Dî State sud Waalûg"lou8l4i4' (èhie&go, write.uodei date of Fol, "*To Waoa Iv )4Y coi«".u i iavre, kovu Dr.. 0.5W6fOé tii. pustile yeà, bav. e. imi have hawumuoh 99bà.eu uad stedjet durng blé eoumnlp-D rbesi aud mit alenfu nu thô Mheao. S a&oc*- *unntiuasudveryeeâuiphy. aidaan sd aymo. WR. DviaM. D.11 Wants, For'Sale Etc. ,FOR BAUR-A TdJ~u iM éieor J. 13"voaIose ltoi sBAL:-.4 ion houswad lotirc BoboolSI aul. aA . C. 5.6h irwa smore, IdlaeStyvhuw --- Fou BAMU-tre.hbard-acold 4* A& Eaul Day MW mlil. W. D. ,u l'top.. _ _ _ _ _ _ -~~~0 PÉBL-5cmoçesamd lot eb w*jmit~.. oeuti I l vainbern« a", m tva l e~neboa& pub- *ilig vallMmd leaumpn i 1j le Taooa, Libaetyviw. lbe.6 lau EmaMy double acre>ilm C. llwme Av*. mmd Ch=n t lIcl modern lmp&ovema b roli mmd 60 Ildep. Adjloimg ia ms4Oe. J Aila Tmiooa, Liberipiffeý. lue, Fou BALE-to, 90. 0,76 or 117 mesm of good impfoved,iad, orne ;,f »Vumont Ceaier. bl'otusé. paztiuladdrea. or Sl ou .llU UNION HOTEL. kriRèl cL.Ass HOTEL. '... Half-uay 14o é. . . seiveen Chimao Mmd 6t.tLabmm Cycliste Headquarters. qoed £ maadeeu Ai id«sw. John Bohm --- Po. z(» p in . e Prairie City Beoders. Keystone Disc Pulverlzers. The Humhmer,,Sulky Piow. The X-Rays Su ' 1y Plows. David Br«dlIeY Piowm. John Deer Piows. Keystone Corn Plant.,çs. Bradley Corn Pli»tÏers.. Steel Lever fiarrows.« Staver and Abbot's Carriages -and Buggies. Fish Bro's., Watgons and Trubcks., Timiothy, Ciover and other FleJd Seeds. GHShanck&,So, .LIB9FERTYVeLLE, ILUM ARE YQU TIIINKINQ w T OU Am tON'T PAIL - TO CALL UN' For their estinates. Close figures 51v- en and extra fine -luter.W, have a fln.Iy asuorted stock-of Iumber on hand and can supply you rwants at any Urne VAcarry'a fuilIne of bulider's haëd- wiare. Our stock of riîti s th botes- sorted and ch.a.p- - 1 .1- 1 11 77 1 7'

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