~hp~rn*vi4. 4 -'g Vol. V. No. 24. Dr. Charles Gallowray. Office ove,- LoveI'Drus8tore 80018 ION i O1i&AD £ TO 8 ;. I. * Lbertyville. - Illinois Dr. J. L.. TAYLOR'. Office over TrIqge & Tuylor's. 1 te MiA. 3" 2 to à aid . go s P. m. keelden«o n Bruadway oopote Park Libertyville, Illinois. Dr. E. H. SMITH, otNTiaST. officoov*rLoveill'sDigStore Libertyville. Ilinois. H. P EIN M D Rockefeller. I[I.. Nesi<iae "daMiM i ,d4o gi lof P. 0. Meure 0 AX. 1 ta 9 P. M. At M S. M Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG. Phyjilan and Surgeon.. aumiiime OPPori tLMINNNOTEL ULDO. Ournee-- - - -----inois O. F. Butterfleld M. D. C. VIENINART lORGNON AND) DENTIB?. Dr. E. V. HARVEY, DENTIST. - 0171Cs àouas - Girayslake - Illnois. MOIS U M.UCE D AIU. Y Dr. A. L. TRA VIS. V Rockefeller. - Illinois. PAUL MacCUFFIN, AttOrneY and Couuilor at 1,a. NOTrARY PU13LIC Speclîl attention given Collections and C.tîveyani5lig. OFFicR WnI LAxa Cormery BAýNI, Libertyville. Illinois. L. W. H. MILLER. r TONSORIAL ARTIST, When yon vaut a clean Abav,- or a gond air cutcMI on --ill." b CloirE ERAY<DS 0 OP;AI<H. N.-aî door En W. C. Triage 8h'.ý store On areue t.$hop , oýn e.rY dey ov lssndMndai mr nais. LAKE COUNTY BANK'.... Wright, Parkhurst & Co. Liboel7vife. Ilinois. Issues lnterest-Bearing Certlflcates Payable on Demandè rWhen or .where bave you sien snch * bargaine îu H1arness * No. 3 Single Harnei $6.00 So. 6 dingl à, Imitation Rabber Trinimed Uarneni8.00 No. 6 Rand-made, Imitation Rnt)> ber trImmed Sing[@Ha"~ess 10.00 No. 7 Single. Nînd.mtdoiickei Trimmed harnais 11.00 No. 10 Vsncy Single Haern«. 16.00 Sim arin me 1l Inch trace 18.00 Extra Paru Raînçsà Ji ln. trace 24.00) CHAS. KAISER, Libertyvîlle, - Illinois. A Present For Voul -1K gent for the APRDn, 1M1AN- CHUTUNS, Noir ICIICA, NONTiEBISiT ram isud M5NNII Inantance Coe., Aiocverni other gond campaniea, and for @&ehb$1000 polie., vitten by nme for anyoue ln Lake Connty, I wili give $1. tu trade at the ~Blrick Store," and ai the smre raie for larger or enialler pol- ~lIes. WiII give lovent responelble rate, and dte yoar neir paiicy et Pl. piralion of nid one or refend premu,îm I« Leieblp each other, Writî or cati. John J. Longabaugh, W,*orte. Oraysilke Illinois. ý 19 1 willianis. Village Electlon. Notice islienciy given, tht ou Ties, day, the aiti day af April nuit, ai the Village Hall in the Vilage af Liberty- ville, lu the (onaaiy ai Lake anal state (If illinoînâ, an EleCti0laa wlll hi-belli for thae fOiioviug Vil yc <)tlccme. riz: Oueilrnisd-nIof$e Village. tire Vllage l'mte&/nnc VIll age clerit. WhilcbeleCtIon vilie oaixred ict 7 'ciock lu thenoriiing . nd iaiii coau- tluaaa- naltil 5S n'llok Iliît taa feaia (f theime sa.dasy. Gleen alinder My ianaî,t L.iberty- ville. tI". 25911 daY of Marhi . AD. 1597. W. C. Sescoa1t,. Village C1ark. An EffIilent carpe. WC viali to compimnt Onn excellent c-irpc of corroapoudeutsi for thieir titî. fulaîs ln getting newc iItemsie ibm udr respective ineactis-, whia-el,y ve ire enabiei talaublîishfroini leek ta vCek, a large amount of -County ucys." Oc- cailanally oue or tvoaire c littie laite and onu or tva saretimes fatli ns en- tirely. Vi aplîneclat,. eleemy8 promnpt- nesa anti regularity. To aîan countmy correnPOndcntd 1 le iilu a lange mens. tire the succese o! the INDEPENOENT, vlilch rna fioremmutmiacîanty uaper. OPPOse the Prîze Flaht Show. The W. C. T. U». liai n;o t a bg crusAde to '(own the kinetoacope. Tlmangli thoin Precîdent, Frances E. Wîllard, au apîreailiai bien for- vîrduti ta Preident McKinley anti Govenn of the vatrions tates anti territris delaring the enime moral atiospliere o! the nation la thloteued by île lie-like pîcturereproduclîag the llglit nt Carson City, Nev. They aak tbm Pnustient to a li upoh cangruan ta prohibIt ieDietriet of Columbia anti thnaughout the vatriant termîtanies, îhe reproduction, by meues ai the kinutoncope, or kindred instrumente, of the Corbett-Fitzalmmous' fight, or ai &DY lîke exhibition a ay fautnre tume. - ASronàg Recommandation.X Tila ta certify tht ion yeatpuit 1 bave bien a sufenir from ose(ono euargeMent of thei iailsiq i athe klthdà about the' ueck, êil dlu spîte andte île iu erhnvii va eusei by aI p af th urnionupon My tiot e be. I con- mnttimve ret pîyaîcians anti tioctareit coailaily for yeari vith- aut relief. FinaIiy It vii$0 lsnme tht I v-nidtie hiUgetigta:a tu Chicago nti salniuta Oa sungical operation. TIen I cîageti tinctormcllngDr. O. B. Nove, vho lu i Tony fev veeke by tic une af Medicie. vhicli vire agreithle anid plaiant ta taie, cureti nie ooaaPIotiY. This faut Marne ut a interept ta oglion via May le alhhîctea) vlth ourofuli aid tumron, hence 1 am viliteg tIti the above i înllahieti. ReSPoCtinllY, HENRY LuNaoi. Go00ta tMe INDuWasi)asT for. artistlc jol Wjaltn. In Memory of Neweil lHunt. itle lswth eorrow vi are caied MUpo to clironicie the death of one of our mont eateeined and valuable ctlins. Peath, îhe grimni onater, In aillése tr- rare bui appvared again nt the home and rpmoved the liunband and ter of a once happy family, thun evîring the fond tien andi breaklng up the happy homne. Mr. Newal Hunt, tihe deeessd, lite reaided in aur mideg about twelve yearsn u hli Urnie le lie lia occupied a position of tr-uitand by bis honty and Integrity bai proved himnelf tn be an hont and exîrnpiary man. lu al lbie deailgi lie vo8s trictiy houesttand fair, a gaad aelglbor, vliom t vouid hi vue ta eniniate andi profit by he exemple. At home lie vis a kinti hubanst and fatiier, where lie viii be greaitly mmeet. He ieavei a vife and threî chidrîn. The f uneral eervice@ yene hîld uat8he DimnutiLake churcli, omduitetiby Rif. Mr. i3<ui. mour. ut Sockefier. The toit ai takeu frain thle 4th cliapter, ilth verse af the book of Amn, Prîpare ta lieu Thy God." TJ& sermon.viva odd- fully delivered andti vii long be re- membereti by thaee vhobo ard it. The remalue vere laid to rest i the Diamouti Lake cemetery, by the nid, Of hie littIe twin boy vho vii buried there about a Ysearaga. on account of the gveat disitance, aie, the sIck. Deia01 of nMe 0fbis people, but fev were able to attend the f unemai. " i>eceased vaboru atliîvîey, Frank- lin C,, Mais., tui the- year 1843, dieti Mareh 12, 1897, aged 53 years, 5 mnnlie, Il dayn. TWO CAUCUSES. tes»ubiaane and Demoortte Namil- nate Tawnship Offlae,-s. 0. E. Churchill called the Repnbicel enucus te order Saturday ln the tovu hall, A. W. WUI41o heing male chair- man and Panl MoGullin ieeretary. Thi Qali, se publinhed tihe tIi nDp iF5DziT vas read anti the caucue pro<eeded te aîominate the foiiawing candidate.. Town Clerk, WC, Trlggis; Asmeeior, E. W. l'arkhnrnt; Cailecur, Danit Lee; Rigiaway Commnaoner, Rd Buntter- fild; Sebool Tînitee, C. J. Keirn; Juiticeaof tI Peace, W. H. l(nigge and 0. E. Clinrehuli; Constable, Henryj liurdickand HarryCiter; Poundt Ma&i ter,,Rrai Luik. CI.airman named Thomas Corlett, George Wrightai nd Wm Kniggî am tovn comiitte anal on1 motion uMidicommittee wu&a uthorizîdi taO diti&Dy vacancie on the ticket.1 Considerabie amuxemeçt vwu occas- loned by the nomination i1 .'U Piddock, Jaeieller andi Fred Crokeri -for pounti mater. Their dîclinations vanr tond andi vigorane. Democrîtia Caucus. lunedtiy foiiownig thie RebnbUi- cmn mauent, Henry <ater cilod the Denaocratirecaue sta eder, and via midi permanent chairmntn, and Ernest Birovn Sacretamy. Nomtnaioni vire by acclamation and Chalrman Catir dusponeti of amre luaone, two, three arder, i hcanna sbeing ln ension Jesn ýhan fiteen minutes. TIhe tovn cou. mittee, couaitiug of R.i J. Citer, E. H. Wellus ad Jak Bradley, van retmînàed auother yeml. It wliii Ie noteti but one Juetice of the Peice vi a orainaied on ti ticket andi a btank Une viii indicate the ornialieion on the ticket. Nomination ere as fniiows: Tovn Cierk, W. C. Triggni; Au£-neor, W. E. Ilaveil; Collector, Lcw Schanck; RIgli. vmy ('onariusiioner, John Austin, Jr.; Truteof itchoolu, Bernard heckman; Justice oh the Peuc". J. W. Butler; Constabiei Dennis Limberry and E. M. Lynch; Poundi Mater, James oaod Templîre' ConventIon. Deejitc tic terrible condition of tic ronde, a large eomanuofyaiLke connty Goati Tenillarn gatliercîl utitRocke- feller bit Saàturday. Delegates trom Libert3 ville. Uighwuod maatd Atiodli1 yen u rinent. Lotige vas calied te> order at 2 o'ciock p. nm., Mr. Brown, of ligîvoca, P. G. C. T. of Idahio, pre- siding, lu tie abshnuce of Coaanîty (bief Tempiar Gale. Rteports of lodgee; ehow canembrehip of ncariy lIre,, launtinci(;ooei Templare lu the coaluty. P. C. T. Wintere, delegage ta gth. Diti- trict Lotige, reporteti that the annuasl camp meeting vîli re ficeld nt Laie bluff thinscummier. Coninitteoan tueé Extensiou and Organization of Lodgee vere unalîle ta report any nîv lotiges,1 owlng ta thc nutavorabie condition o'f tic ronds, hait exî>ect ta outglne a plan aud commence vonk soou. C. T.f Birown caiaductid tic initiatory cere- mony anddritlîl, abiy aaisteti by the1 Couuty Marshal, J. E. Clark, and ti tert allicin. Mr. Brown madi a few ne- marks rigard.lng Gond Templier vork li general andi gond progranis ln par.c ticular. Tii aiternoons progan con. saitio! a meduey sang by Mii Carie, of Rtockefeller; eatation, Mise Jouas,k Rtockefeller; agcordion selction, Chia. Lyon, Libertyville; ncilation, Miia GeRinge,,Libintyville; solo, Mn. Vin-r tire, Higlivoat. Tle session closeild at 5 oclock, vhîn &a tournîdt t t diniug hllI, vhîre a bountital auppîr vie ervîti by île lRockefeller Lotige. The chanci va ile-hIn thi evcniugi woon ifltir thi doorn vire openîd. At numbîr rmuLIbentyville anti id. lacent tavna huiug prisent. The ex. ertiien began ai 7.30. Mn. Brove pne- siedtanti delîvrit the openlng ati- timon. Fallovlug in thi prograin: 8>NG ................Rkfll-r <uaretl,* 113a11a. CiOsiflYTX AND) asanaC-, lncia eARLE AND H glinCHURîsaîzL ICECITATIt>N................Mise JONss SOLO ...is...o.... HONG) ANI) ErlE.hr,~rl. uyat $PEECH................. M .W INTERs SolI.().... .. ...........ies LA WJ",, t DEacLAMATaN .............ise CAI..u1 SRU. INTERN SONO0.... ...... .... (t.efi îan-t ILLUITATION .............. Mise Dîcxi SON ...> ............... ....... JA.iBROWN f l'hÂTER ........... .....M. WINTîca SONO........ ....... ........ NeiaArTN Tiuere vere oniy Ivai aspiranteso tii ilvu -r mcdii, Mica CarIe, of Rocke- feller, andi Mr. WInters, of lghwaoal. I The laiges alision beiîag lu fav<îr of the forimer. TIe noit coaînty coanven- tion vîibe lkddat Lubeonuyvi. satian. day, Apil 24, vhen the vînners of tic mlver medala vii compete ion a' golti medii. M~r w. ~ lia ,asJ v~ ri<~ an. -I I _________________ WAUKEGAN'S WANTS. De Wolf. Whitney. Murray and Ilauglas Seek Plume. À Washington Dispateli to a (hi- cago piper. under date of Mardi 22, baya: Mayor De Wolf, of Wakegau, hau an ide& tht be voaad id1k,-ta Ut United iStatensMai alfor lthe Nortlerai District 0fIlilinoiandi lai corne to Wahington te make a perannal cau- vase ln bie ovn behli. He vas utthie Capital tatiay buzzirig tic niembcrs of the Illinois tiniegation andi particn- ially tlione from Chicago via are ln the Cty. vith a viev to gütting their Intiorsemént for tiue place Anatiier otizin of Wankegan le aieoaua aspirant fora big Federal appointueut andi thin :8 the United ittateti District At- tarneyihip t Chicago voniti luit about nuit hlm. Chjarles Whitney le the aspirant vho waiîts go tep fnta -Gin. lileki ahoee andi one of the etrongeet arguments hi le bringina te bear in support of hie candidacy Je tti ha 'vii tlie lirai McKinley delegati doa in lullinoiduring Ithe lait Prail- dentiaioepagn. Wankegan la ver mSrhl n evfdei lers at preaint, for la addition ta vauting the Attorney. slip and URtitiState irsal there are a couple of cîtizene of that settle- ment, C. A. Murray and R. J. Dougas, ,ither of vhom vouiti hi gatilled at bi:Ing Pdaitnster. Both are strongly l1doree=, ad the matter la nov nlr ativiiemeut, vitli gond prospects for an eariy setulement.- Dangers af the CrIe. The grestest danger tram 1La Grippe' luaO aiti reagulting in pneumonia. If reitonabla cil-e la nied, however, andi Chineberliantis Couglih enaedy taken, &Ul danger wiii beavoideti. Amongihe tin@ af tiionsanda vho have ueed tglu remedy for lagripp, we have yet ta ear. bi a ingle case laving reauitet In pneumonie, vhlch shows concinitvely thit this remeti leà certain preven- tive of that dremd dixâie. It vJIi eftînt a permanent curmin legse time thu any other treitmeut. Tire 25ant 50 cent aie for aie by F. B. LOVELL, Liberty. ville, andi J. R. BEAcuNEN, Gurnee. WA UCON DA. Jas. Gainer vas a Nuaida "isitor Mou- day. prof. Ring speut tait Siturday lu the cty. blrs. C. B. Wecils te vlitIug nativen lu the City. Henry Selp, ai Laie YZrcn vii on »»p f6tcs at vomi. G. mtendier, of Chlcago, le vimitiaig inienda i m isplace. Our mmlii alentertained ane ai Fne- Mn. F. Grabbe, vlîo laxac-ai <JIaite ilI, ae reitarte e cnivaliaeccnt. lIre. H. C. Ketntnrned Maaîday fromr a few viekt§ vieil in the city. O rtan Il îillari toak tie clvii vcr- vile -xtîittatian in Chivuga tjact satiar- day. Mre. j lcusher and danglater are epenlantg a few tinys wilti relatives ut Joliet. An intertainet yl lic given lu Oaklandi hall, Satnrday evening, Aprîl 3. F. L. Coa)n attendeti T. V. Sacum sa tanction cales ut Mciienmy lait Satur- dlay anti Monduy. D. L. Siipper drappcd laitota glu place Nonday vitI a 8stoai frt. csmeoap. IPutronîzeuim. Nov le the timi ta gît yonr furniture repuhmcd. Uphblterlîag neatiy (donc aI tii Wanoo)ndi Fumnituriestore. A very iuleenting temapérance pro. grmm as given in tle Baptist chîîrch lait Bnnday eveaaing by tIe L. T. L. MIse Lul RIHilriturnitetaber home lu thi city gaturday, after cpending a few dive vith relatives ifa tus place. Gui Morton, vbo lai been vorking for J. W. Gilbert the punt 'vlnter, iM taiking of ntuniiug a tin mbap in glun place. On account aift-cleuther titi meet- ing of tle Litenury anti Debatiug Sa- ciety vas not vîry weil utteutiîd lait Fniday e'inlaog. îhe ladies o! thei M. E. cîurch viii gîve a social ai tIhainoe of Mme. Ueo. GlyncI Satur'iay îvîning oaiîta ei. Ail are inviteti. J. Thul, vho livîsneai Fon, River. la repa-rtedti tabavi clainet i&lmhas dovu andi moveti ont. The river Là thi higieîi It lai bien ,for yeare. The lic broie lbau Montiay morn. ing. B. A. Golding@ boat houai le in ruina île boat@e vin taken ont luit lu time ta nave ilium. The lai le e higleit lu bai biennui '81. TIei99foovlg candidates vere noal- nateti at the Republcan cancue lait Saturtiiy: E. A. Golding, Town Clerk; J. W. Acier, Rad Cou.; E. V. Brooks, Aeaensar; R. L. Brooks, Collectai, C. E. Jenks, Constable; K. V. Veru, Jnstlce ai Peuce. lThieélection vii uoi be very ixclting. The Waucoaa4a correspondent for the liarringlon lItview wrlteisenatoi- Iows: "Tle latent relpant le thst our railmoad i li cooiabu i reality. l'ie track las bien huilt aîcanly ta Wheel. lug anti as Moou as that place ln reactietiIt vil pieso tirongli lire or Libirtyvlli. liiiireportwvi ncelveti f rom a persan viaa ebontiy returneti froni Wheellng." We lira afnaid that persn n adi mistakîn audJ a the Win- cousin Centra)l lietèati ai tIf Eotric riIroad. Dount try to ncari tis that lvay &ain. 8 Shoe Sale. ICI 1- 2, n x Ir e e t F r r a.1 f CILMER. (;ce. Jonces,of Elgin, vi@iteti bis son Eti lent Nonday. W. R. Morse grappied with tIc grip oni day liai veek. Henry Gehrke hie left W. F. Haln, anothîr min taking hù place. bFred Riene anti John Orou e re laid np) with aivere caide lait veek. Wmn. Brackenberry vii callei ta Clii. cago lait Nontiay by a telegrane. Weaore gIate repat that Mrs. A. Wheiler la able te i 'biond aitir a shiortiDîneis. Scoit Sell and Eti Jones taok a trip 1ta Elgin lait veek Wetinimtiy andi n- turnetheti nit day. Frank UlIricl, Henry Gîhmke anti A. G. Sebverman, &Ui la compauy, viaititi Chicagaol"aiTueady. The huaiea hango e vipoke of iai vu onat yet conunnmate& .It may in the end prove a fiale. Sidney Fry, vIo a bben worklng for (lo. Miaou, le nov eiaylng ut c. G. Smillas. He viilbigin work for John Ayuniiy the tiret oi April. Jake Hein wae laid np the liret o! the week. 8everial ipplicatlioa of kero ceuie. anîd tie skilil nunrlof ai hi vif,, brouglit uni arount ail riglit agai i. Bomn-To Mr. and Mr@. A. 0. Schirnîan lent Satnrdty, a baby girl. liother andi chulti are doiug nicely, and Papa Schvermin-yau liuit ongît ta aie filn Brmule. Rinl by ail menus île hepent min in tavu. Everyonî lu tlia neighborhood has etîer bien mUnuchlng candy or smoking cigare ai a reeult. The foilowing is tIe average stand. ing of pupis of the Gilmer achool, who took the nemi-annnti examplnation: Grade even-Aifred Groin, 90; Oeo. Groais, 81.; Edwvin Groeii, 89; VUille Thien, 88; Geo. Thien, 87; Bennie Ullirich, 87; 1'hllp Norme, 85. Grade Fivi-Johu (irone, 8W; Fred Riene, 87. Frank Ul'iricl, 87; MayBSian, 77. Grade Four-BiertSeil, 75. Grade Three-Carri Thîea, 93 Nora Grois, 93; Grace Sinan, 87; Lia Ullrich, 84. IVANHOE. HaiTy Payne vielted Antioc I lat Fniday. Mr. Fankett vam a Chicago visitor lent yack. Horace WîlIN spent lait Babbatî vigl isicfainily. Frank Daiph midi a huaincia trip ta WaîEkegan lait veek. Mr. Maynard le vleitlug numerouti friendaIn uLibertyvile. 11ev. Spanglir ixchanged >nipite vigli Ny. Hopkins, of Cbiciga, lait Sunday. The Miionary Soclety vilI meet viii Mys. Ravkins niai Batumdmy afternaan. Mie Thirea Simpson ntante for Mantana lu a 1ev ve for the bine. niTh e neialti.ar u frte i Aniherlvaion re wout gfor . ani Mus. James Davis.ý Mn. ant iran. F. M. Smith dtimîe to extenti thein thanke ta thehr uîlgh- boni vho no klntiiy aiditi theni turing île lUieaitheir dangîtun, Pearl:- If you have evmn meep a cildinl the agony ai croup, youémn appreciate the gratitude ai mothers Who kiov that One Minute (augh Cure rellevem hibm litie ane as qulckly au 18 leatidmiete. tened. Many homse tn tls clty are neyer withnt lil. FBS. Lovxxa.; Liber- tyville, nti1G. C RobinsVînconda A T- h uIt 0o r"fL i C t n , î tl7 Mardi + el A. '0ai An M-Yeh Wonderful arm îhe cures by Rond', nid Court-meta the saôve naMe defen? but, relennahleon thelirg du f thi tenu Saa-aaparilla and yct hin isoniy blima of thae lrait Court of Lakat UilEty. 10 hi an; the one true biaod iiunller, ut maies hel utathiaiCourt fBouse lu V ni lu laid pure, nici, bîaiy, uîfe-gîvlng îiood. :4rb 4U.rÙ. kWrqiO n Hood'm Pillafo taihehiver and IosI1NOh boesmi eilyet pramptly, 26ç. oa& PA LATIN E. Mr. Torgler la viry ili at preiini vritlng. The Bard r'imes Ball Frliday nighl vasa saicciai. Mr@. L. Peck le riecovcnlng froni a neige of LaGrippe. Mrs. Wm. Tank, oi Chicago, vistteti fionda hers receutiy. Mme. 81happe and non Henry ire etih undîr the tiacior'seuae. Mme. Fulir, ai Chicago, l is lting her mathîr. Mns. Nichoin. Mr&. Tam Ovlck, of Dundee, viaititi relatives here avur Snnday. lin. R. R. Lytii'i mather lia gone ta Shlidan ta viait frieutin. George Wilson andi vfie vielteti frienda lu Chicago thua veek. Ch"e. LytIe bua cipteti R. Parse former poaition at Chirley Pattuls. Rollo Lincoln hadis bandi iadiy hurt recently, but lnaon the gain nov. Mn. and Mns. Catilovand con, of Evariston, viitid fionda lien Satur- day. Mn.-andi MrA. uovleg vire gucate of Mr. and Mln. HastingesaBàturdiy niglit. Mrs. Iïn. Tank blei-t Palatinc ta visît ber sinter, lIre. H. pnclim, ttis ROY Gibbs viii open dental pariars lu Al-lingion Helghtâin uthe neam future. lira. Bolton and dîngliter Mary viOititi at J. H. Sehierdingis Monday eventag. 1ev. and UMn. Butcher entertaineti thelr parents and brother, of Faladihi, recently. NiaFlamenco Harrison, aofilarrlng- ton, vas a guiet ai Matt Ilichmond'ii Tlhnntay. 0. W. Miller bai opened i boot andi shai store ln île rooma formirly accu. pied by J. Dey. Mr. and Mns. Henry htiipand E. W. KohI, ai Lakeb ZUrich, vire Palatine viiors Wednenstay, Ny,. Richmond andi daughter Jes8e viledt ber brother.ln.lîw, J. E. Hine, et Birringion Batnrtiay. M». Stroker andi danguer EniMa4 Of Palatine, vire guisie of Aug. F. Miller at Barrîngton Thursday. Dr. anti Ny,. E. W. Woaod have me- tumnid irani the îouth ant i viiibh fount iat their home In Palaietu 8he future. The mecital given by prof. Sean mand claiset the renidence of Mr. Enoheft. hat Satnrday eveuing, vas a duoideti auceu. The Muses Dileknace, ai Palatine, anti Mr. Renry Orop, af Laies Zuich, vire gueste of Mr. lHenry Bicinace in Pînni Grave Nondmy. îlot. NliMiUO bai ritumnedtu t Pahatine sait neurnti&is titeeau section baom, piovleg there are voai plaeétien Pâatine Iïa Ilve lu aiter aul. Niai Suina bi le liPalatine for CilagoWedesdy. ueeabe hie ncopte a itutio agavemnees. lier affy frienda lier. regret her de- parture. The P&aatie tovnship $untiy echool Convention wvga lId ait M N. E. cdurci Wedneediyaiternoon anti eveuing. Oftoiceavirsemlected for the The Junior Leagne vili glve a con. cert la thtiM. B. cinycinext hur&- "aY evening, follaveti by -a social. Admission 10 andi 15c, vhli vwlIlui- Mi" Jeoste Gulimit, formeriy or Aberdeen, Niai., lbiesold lienpro- penty Shen.and ecame nortî anti la nov itoppins viti ber aid time mid, &[ru. M.S. Jolanio. E. E. Turner, af Compton, Mjo., vritea mi th"i i~eusufteming frai pliefar Sevstehi uai, e completely cured, tien by as-ingureboles of DeWittia VilbEaul Boive. Il cires o0iu.M andi miTera ik» t i3«e»seP. 8 Y. .v kM-1, Lometyviile. andti.G. O Maaam Wauoolda. Libertyville, Lake County, Ilinais. Friday. March 26.'1897. 1 ivi-ous in Fiavance- ý"àý ýý 1 "ligiElu No ITIcTI. . ~T.r, J., n, l<a h;' E lvea ail. Mhii,.r.a adm. alufl e Way; Th--)I -i 4t lhrouagh wlutrî louas Th,- oung or tE>.a. ýy 1-TIr-- i,,f0 .ath; a,aia-'efoni liaitO'-r tii. a&rlh cil Elnt traE, li, 1.-ar,, *,ar lo, t lailiOng ear. AU-E tla'n e.-M-il tiai.. deud. .. W Pes.v.'a .ar heurts &aI d.tmani.-. H,- Elu,.ka, arfia-tlwrc Tran,.î.ant.'d juto bli". ti<.- now A-lorn lmaarta l aw.-re. A FILîsNr,. I deetre ta thtnk the inlenlde anti ighbanma Who hindI7 aiuiated turing aur gret Miîction, alie ve i vista re- turu tianks ta tie friandsi wilo kildily funaaîeiaed floyers for the occasion. 11104. NFWEE.E.11-NT Am!) FÀia. sisn_ in Boys' Strong Every-day Shoes .......$s 90 Boys' Opera Toe, Soilid Shoes..........I100 Boys' Needie Toe, Caif Shoe ...........I125 Men's Buckle, work shoes .............I100 Men's Grain, work shoes .............. 125 Men's Caif, work Shoes.................I150 Men's Fine Shoe, Cain Toe ........... 300 W, Bald Everyvhere for 35.00 Lad jes' Fine Shoes from .'LO ta 0 &Dy style tiyu in AT WYNN'S, Cor. Genesee and Washington Sts., WAUIKEGAN. ti Il