gr t. MeOes~W efl asandve um W»&, au.I bai 'basa inoa iaemteMll m* u& - A adesno set laIrt lboi cmibat"Abgahinqt bututotusaallag. it cas réie U M su9 d 10, mibas thoe eererpil- ~TA vu"aabut toce gn eai e a <nIs, oxlte jeba P. Atgmliwcuslias bt rka-Pr"o- deut ai <at tnt, u'.bt b.e alguemi.FPr ha ltai v resteIl lib ai a isel efflzborlai le. pauilagtblqgiitwo Poaues 8097 mly bavalling 09 th@ lIme daclas latuepjn-thé t O ameunte wieh itassa femai <hbull t ti. dp»U& sThe. boat hua «cViatc et *000, wiitch la b laItue ratio oet ureeaitba lus the Wmt a"S the balane lu the»Ai. Uni.? ras. liitheleva ettheii.Sate tho tocibaldomare i Iite le teea aittoa aneiquaitot <jt- fana lmvalu, ai the stock bah la <hein ,aid a gipamTuea peachuialymaies a gcir- , 'fti musil fond e$*1000. providai 1< cou eruboe eae<ed ftram ho tockboiers.ha eggiaI.Auitar t-a irodet exantrnatlom ai ai e he buleafaDire ordeimi au assemmuemi et < a 0 Par est aon<ha atockboliaem. lmor- b -- dhe!«ta raies a uplua, ani notics af thia ___ aamet com at eon <0i. 1h of Mitei. Thlm beeoe.lg nown. aàrnaca 'te twceta ami udhae sudhstenai. Thm i kk o$mat ta tb. Audtor abacai 0313., I1cm vla;eg mWUi12tO m ilvîrduai depoalta. s. oe- ~ mupaiuM eeeilsed anaton, lbut abaira &be . corsMW bac m gydepoatarsamaran 'thi&$ as- »14haii o bai mie deposta imt ho. naeaid-' fare*nu n naturdai. part ai MLie AoAxte it ORarTitzoRtDR ,a planas ecs-tan la Vver et VoutaE Clos-e- Iaaa te otmmiuu AWasitmgtaadlapitch cay: queadai CAVE. ýdttana liglt la thown an the. attitude oi tha adinimstration an the facetni rcaerva- uri» lionda question he<a teogapic repait ,. Ofth<e confirofaitha nadt.emai foreatil itmu caemmtom <11h Secetari BIlesMou- econmei day. Chaleman Sargent ai ibe mewc omn r at<ly. mmie" and Gem, Abhott cane particulacly ml sur- aube l tai su action ho taken pendtrns uttai athlb. omiatmoiie report, ta h. aubulta. extends a la" B etary ilan1.paprassai hil 1a @,MIe"Ut ourse, It la impol leh lm.are macw Iai con a a lmaIo t t 'nt i atPeoape..-'nbmieople m mu t tb, s ,,Mm» au rclopaon the eli aos<atu nthecnmo - ief in remad tu e vrli svialaIndlu. tdca isCave le et,» Caet Put-m.- ut -osbcave, whleb jo a aan a geener 1h C0ava. at myer tut ec *Mao iNite hàb deit trou liesa deetitut ~oittu peevent flag thlemie bêe 1 the dtam I ta el tor Md m shu leul, m àa 9 ani wa ma 0 hers, ana) pidaéle w ib a ils #&m8045 out 1 fpa. 1"vam MM4 bum balS the *ffi, He ce. la " aàimn," <bei WM &Ui pIemmted Tb*.bu t a- msi tii. two qulai w«tee paléicama ait maie qlci a apture' et tii la »0 Wi injur obut, 3Bdi. Puei0 1 eVIem Prsfl. man au ab"rbuteroth V&a ar& n sait Wte r t aminmal eimet te bu' ta jrialaikado ne à 8,00SaeShtactla mui #se"& l.1evonsi en il ee$ hbe *<, el ~. 1 Rèav1 the anbw s M rîIb uooa b *%s tbe- bo rus.. uSeQuine mi suý»ed I 4 bon itai iaburm son. eE tthei et rime. a aal ian9 r ri l- trite.Tiiey a»Outa couelder tout îqey are wltidrawn tram ait <hr einohmm.If aorthini cau ho don, ta relleve thern by the liammea af aprocamation it mhald, Fie ho doe., Tey meeratier a. mr"ou. dlaim uopen us, which la hacaid up h weilgty Influence, and se wmuSaimaitthe aecemaary ta do eomthlm.' ClommIs' iii mioner Barzan nid that If ti. apectal bus agetat fthi.d.paetmient could ot patral rep .am paOtet ti. eerasatlama prperythetiauo tarce.corudho Increamai. or the. War De»-lun partamot could h cale on ta detall Cl, troatpeta en< them o CONSULS WAI4T Talc 310 FEUES. at Aak ]eve etof levaiaiamm romut aof Cansldrable pressanre la belng bronght pro ie bear upan the. Présient theue!9 aré agit peal or camelar régutatioms prommtgated ro by uecreta ine1 ai at Octabar, whieh tin ln affect targei cuitait tihigit e..which -1 have belen recelve by smre enular arn- N. carm, The. arpractical i di way ciiiti el tii. requrenivt la at eaem ai aiu outilita 1 i»vaim le. ian exporter. Tii.reut: wam ai <at Maurnseimmls Who wîre la the. habit et dteidlng fat tees witb Bitih con- flamlomers empoceemin aaiminlati9mac oithil louet tiiemoretuhn. New lthe apçl-i.l centi fortheii.colouai, place. haveadils- ovarai <at a large peeatage t -tho ratura ofetbtiir proapeetive loma Mt et ,iiy Sertary Onte's aidai, ani e the. place. ara@te. dsirable. At Pu ou grItiah, port the Consul tout year me' curai Mouriry *,900lma uces, wblcbetn CARL<5LU' FAT LAW PRACTICE. Friandas ier 00M va Aae rn- MOI wth MmI.. t Prose wbat ex-ecrear, Carlata's àtrierndm ay, *10300ftlio area a cminos tiing wtii hlm mac. Tber relata Most aatmmg eales aaot tho tent ot hilm 1ea 00mlana egagamelta, ai ay.that a bey cUl brIn ina in laIt eat *100,00thé promaet year. Bie la said te bave aceepi- ed a targe fte.troin 3. P*ipot Morgn, awth wbom ho agtated t 0 bond ceu- - S tact eayrueaga. and illlook a ter ail rh lo tgal businesaseoftii. boule of SIteega -& Co. la tbe Southeru Statua,.HOho&b A made anegmau t ciii tiie Sautheran te Iail ay Company te mre.1lia almtl& a a L aciydai ua titoniaay tbat b.ie11wi o w c= Zgete tseptai Baveraiasitants aud . malinala oce.. bth il ashmington and o New Yori.t Lutter free. jamese 1. luI. Jane. J. Bil, pemal<et et the. Gret id Nrtiiem Itlld, and *ho aima la Inter- 1. emWadlargelyilatraa.oetatlan ta the. t Orent b«, wrimlam a lutter te a Western ut Semaer la wblcb b. pointa ont the o paa- au biitie. et rade lu ChInaaid Japan ani msoliagesoi abat tarte étile.h »me ajmt Lo aimmne .provemI ariceut off <ride ct theh ». conneie - n.atha Pacifie. n. moys oreM àba Aiie rade la of tle gluaient I.-1 ot pmmetaea t<la eaunty and 1lrtcularly te machportionm0 e Isaiare laterue tut rjoiti ciel,"and contin«: -àA Fuir a itona wiiat at od tar tram 18 ta Me fid- ente par basket la th Paloe mntairy, la »Bath et Bpaame raill. amd ibIs yeur te ho m halSWtee flou s 6te 70 cente. Aboutj t- tua. syaa*s ago 1 mat an sagut 4 ChIna me amd Jan ta iuvamîlat. tiio robwiat ad tege corudho talme, ta teadue tha gem- n " Bami et cheat fgeur la <hoe coutit US os s4almt tbei 0cm rtc.andmieani that te was lampli a watt.! 0t pele. 1<b" too up th. cammdeiattem af buling lais. @beseafo titat traie, demigma ta caiii e- carga 0t goue oe grain at lowrates. au- Alter ho .wai citi China tha JapMnem hW Pprpieatai à larga amouni ar hie la var lndemt for a subsldy te thei mer- Sed chant marinsa amic, mtr @me preiraci- ia id amidilficuit mmgtatlamcconctdm a le commet ciii <bau for a lie etsteamers betweem Chiase.and JaammmPortm mnd soutll, on emniltimu tilt.1b elii car- ry foRsfieo Pualt Soi'tathe Astte rrai os a top, aasamut ris*7 te friateS farinéili eh&= ritBru et 10l cause ports tm the United tatea. TuÉé me joi mWr«Wutod ta carric net about lis 2~00 hluabalm of whaal or lea equlv- W4 duetla Ç$qie, It h.tlit are. Thu pou wMe. d»'bare beau able, te fini 'km sulothe -v" ?A ar* neyer batoeamimd u'$4te' boe*t ote tii.eateCoes au h a <I e 4q c..sered wt<i m, à" t lm tS ata buo , ami l - etaIf§" laarlida" tte ~t~ a taut 60ePaifie emI tro uaa ui-. ipa c-s Ziso- tidingi a Samu ciblle 1 a rosit poInta pone ding n deacri cammt euttib Fing a 0fri outhe tone Il ton ct in 0, itn t lianta Gitant r lin reili h.atir lubeie hocsg t Ilpoint, bos vae urlea petams 5< caa anaa m awpl, taeli ~ 'ne. cho bad iomlt eaught- mff or the miateriamimne rlas aamImtaid <at tb. alcabi cmms Mty; that il matad i cIh imible hevlui bou aiem c itbia an heur ai a400 ilie apait; <bai the erait id uehlbthtsa ni-hueasaià ,str cindoc; amidcorne obmeiver@ lbei cith nhbetemesa thbiefatlée e xetien. But <haesystaryimar-amui- bis rant aif<h.aky <ai iiapelle ry cegt <hem h came cîthîn range i strenomeem teleope et Evanm- IL, and cia prmptlî Identifici ai ai Alpha Oltonia. of tlb.Constella- of Orben. Tii.peeullabhu e ta * miftlng calais aif<hahet«enli via. ar. exptlaieh y th. caît-inacu acterti e ft tismmmii.!ofi'the afamibr, wblcb changea îlecaons ebasaiaam likefacililti ami chiIo Y , a t mIs 0mt h o g h a p p a * n n g t a .aPl= Ilgbt, <hl pticat Itluin b- caseai y ii tanurIylng lac on <ha an af tha eaitbami chsngmg itc t fvlec au tha tercutrial planet ne- eton lte axis. CAPITOL NEE80 A C RIO Crpetsaluthe Hall oet bc nomsa of SEop,-eeuattvea Aie Dflii. fie axtra getion ori Comgcass preventa tue usuel aprna bouma ciajlng at ha Caplîni. A Washington carespondent gays <aitie hall ni lie Hamac Oi Repro- tentatives ls nilu im maciOniIl. ficegi .t aven ,memhr ai the Boume chees ta- bacco. hec. are go nanu cia do tuatthle mrgeant-st-amandemilh mcsary ta pro- tide aven oier Min on tiie fonan itii i 'decnittai cuapiOr," ami theu aiterarmtt citii tiem$&ta. Oeccaiomllîy he»e artI- e, niofcougremalionnalbrIe-a-brancame lu contactdi h t n ai0 fa bou, and the effet on lhe earpet la more permanent <fan pleamimg ta lthe ye. Then, the pagea are tufficlemly carelesa t a lac mmci Oi lhe inkI ntenei ton. Iniceils cm tic des te pour ou the carpet. Beiceen tohacco andiloitiare artmmi ummigitt s$Pot& about liaI htupreca vimtors more han <ha tatemen ibemselves. 1< cas anc iii lent ceei them1t a a etu nf touritis ico Boeon cant intu ha Housc mter tiie vote Ms <la tarIa bIn. white walklmins&ond r : tw, a attbe Young coman .crm"aithe open @Pace lu fromntictheSpeaker'@ place ltfting ber miita just as ahe <cli have dame on a pIndd' Pavement Or a <et croaa- tmg. 1 j DEATE AND DEVAIITATI0OE. 'toc" la lte bweet Cli Maur VIctîMa. EForty lives at Icemi have hean lbat ln e floada ln South Dakota, Iowa ani Ne-a all. Twa personma lre knocwn ta have bu ean lait un the. Floyd. thrce have been U epartai drowned on the. Big Sioux, twno <k ha Missouri and twn on the Coo, aIl ' % 0@ imimediate vicinîti of Sioux City- < la..s ot a smilan character are balmg ne- iu ortil every day tromi pointa fartiien cay, and a sharp catch lm helng kept iiy trbonttlcsinl river tawmm for floaters in t e Misuri. ManY people ire mimaimg. 1chose icatti their trlemdm haven la .1<1v. Information. Most of <bain have obably bean carriai iowm tic Mismouri, L id theu bodies probably w<tIIneyer ha caverai. The. bodies of t«o mare vtc- », îmm were, brought into Sioux Ciy Friday th -Dantord Mage. ut Wbltmg amd Harry* ,J Favi-cho cere ironed <hile at- tmpltmng o fard the Etkhorm river ln Ne- braka. There bam bean a gencral fatln il streama Ana the locatt, VOONHEES 18 OEA». a I"naee avoe "a ouPamataAcai * Daniel Waey Voauhaem, "the tatilcyca- t more aft ha Wabamh," in i..d. Tii. for- 0a mar UnitediStates Samator trou, lndisima pemaed acai aturday mornimg nt 5 M 'dcock in biehome, 105 Maryland are- nue mortheamt, Washingtan. For scverai yoars Mr. Voean aild han in pane lm Leaatti, and tor at' leamtt «oyeorm tank na part lu the proc.aiigm ln tiie Sanate. He a a uterai emtantly ft r hauma- tiau af the huart, amd ihle Mnmebai! urine ta, expect hla desth at amy tîne. L*t. reporet, howaver, <are in the affect thatle ha ad chown wmoiaguof i ninr.h,#- mnandamithe.cmi, wle mot antîrely un- espactei, cam maverthlem a mhock. à Ds-ecnOi bi the.lood. Wben thielve. braie at Meumd Land- lag, UMa, a tamtîy, coulsting of a moth- ci ;am i mx eîiren. wmm avertakan hy the watar, eud bhoteya comld reach a place oi ateti tour oft<he citldrem were esmnght by thei.ntg curaent ami washed away. The raitruai bridgea acrosa the main mtreame ln the. country are goli gtact. Bluffato 1.110w. Detroiît Mayor Jecett oi Buffala, N. Y.. plana ta bave 500 aRe. f aimnd tuier cultive- tlan iiy th. poor at the clty for tha culture at potatocsanmiotiier vegetabtea tbsua a. Tii. Colorado Lagislature ham paamed a law cwhich pravîdea that la thc future <h. Colonado National Guari mai hac omnpos- ai oi bath men and <amen. affocaisi ln a mime. Seven men <oie ovareumo by amoleanld gai ett<ha Strickber tunnelarn <ho cisât mlopeofaiPhim'm Peakt. amDdIWO a ai.d. M ARSt IFJOTATIOIM5 Chlcaga--cattle, emaon ta prime. $»10 te $5.50; linge, mblpplmg grades, 110te 04M2; mbeep, fair ta choIe, *2.00 ta $5,50; cheai, No.2 iii, Oi ta fMe; corrm, Ne. 2, 22e te 24e; aatms, No. 2, 13e ta 17c; cya, Na. 2, 21be <a Sic; butter, ciiolee ramery, 17. ta 19e;agis, treuil, Oe ta 10e; potstoea, par husiial, 50e ta ,0M; broucoi cornu cungrowtb te chaie* grin huet, *8Mtau*50 par ion. Imiianapolls-Catle, mhipplrng, $3.00 te, ; $.25; bais, chile lgit, $3.00 ta $4.W:; rmbeep, oomo tu choie., 1&.00 ta 54.50; .cheat, No. Z2,7otetaMe; coin, No. 2 » wite, 25e tu 26c; outs, No. 2 elhite, 21c 1 te 1&0t .0 hte 13.&00 tu $4.25. mbeap, $3,00tae .25; . hoat, Ne. 2. 91c ta 90le; corn, No. 2 yat- , io , 2 0< tae2k-, at, S . 2 whit. Ille to, .-Mt ; Na,2.30e tu 82c. $300te5.25; a.aa'IM2M0ta M2,2 cbe.«t. Ne. Z OcMe inO8e; coru, Ne. 2 .,miai, 25o ta 26c; ut., Ne. 2 mixsi, Me ata 21lles, No. Z 87e ta 8Me. 9Datrolt-Cattk *3.6 tu $j&25; bage, à " t e-,$4,50; chenil, -*2M 0ta *5l. 1-wle% ,Ne. 2 rai, Me te Me. coin, No. 2 P: 900% 2Mc ta 2&- e s. No. 2 whita, 20e ate 22e; ?im 82e ta 84e. Tdo-Wiiet, Na. 2 rai, fie tu @Te. 1cocui, No. 2 mIxai, 23e ta 24c; outs, Ne. M 2 wite. 16e te Ille; nie, No. 2,834e ta USai. 0claver »0& 8 4M 5tau$4,18, 6 .lcankee-Wb. LNe. 2 mprlmg, oce à t 7fe; colea, Ne. S. 22e te 24e, ota, Ne. 1 %1whtte. 19e te 21c; balla er. .Z2,9ceA nec, rie, Ne. 2, aue le 84c; peck, naa augat~.,~at.. P! 80 e ..; boem,-I T'ne bati tlehip Inca la the. Qmen ni the American mmvy. By ber gi-md oiri WeimenaiainIm bacpeai trial ahse provai hermeit to h. tha muperlar ofthe Ia m- "a or Massachusetts. Incidentally shc earnei a premînuaof $20.OOOlor her miii... Wiliam Cramp & Bons, et Pbiladelphia, hî making an average of mat- eteen haotsanu ur avec tha regular Govennuemi courme off the Macmachusetts ouest La te four bourmd trial required iy the Governuent uni.! <ha contrset. nie Iowa met dil1, and <bat caa a&U. In tact anro anio ct hemargîn tti< aill teé rciomeeslbai ta cari-i eut tudr figures t h. tourtit decimat point in akr ta, mie the. upeed for tha <bote course average mavemisen imots au hour. Sgst majari t fthe. entarreare cual taciai hum, ami inring the truggle w<un rertPsà <heî hava beau loft antireli doatl- failocai b. irec a imite sudi mlctai ettra i cl ehaumpraliare toi work evanthfal ab.D pesy ebsr- t*or<haeanoda have mubaiai ifu us rprcy i e Tb. e»tirso Mlieppi Valley lu Arkansas talmai Gov. Johnson ot si. Louis. and ho. à àoisi amiBdcommunication wl 'man wth Col. lPai Dur, <iII maie a etubboifl ta toff l tm Mîimpoa 11ke o an cimta. the levees tuniouiala i b fight for <lie man's lIte. 1ut axcetianhavFe ed. but thec cter___________ rmnug m oa h.mtion thore la reportaie OYO Th AES liWng xtnumali aritical. S ___OF _HEWATRS flaSeah circuutncei the citisona af au. State. lonk ton theeoaeatleu and 10.000 Fqnmre Mlle. ileodd, and 200 rt h etta atiqual goveannat lm re- Liv.. Let. < u p i cases t destitution fr a4 lobi a oiiter, <Mi ar e h- Tan <boumani mquart, miles aifiBooiei of tocal efote.Tii. tioi-faim lanis, 200 Uve. lust, ami 9100,000,- 9lv iamematu <ahaate md not000 candi ni praperty ieatroiad. This la = =dtle i slataproide. ma tr ai pond- ha record oft htei. uge yel ac m n ter lcm ucaicet erlng inn ibetr 0cm citl <tbat collc its Icugt liktik ha lc apreai- :=n ut Lierltai r ieeau a e n ue gtentacte nifan ctopus trou, <ha frît- elhasotai a Ium a tragtlgat lm t eh - mbUne ta ithe Mexican guitlilte lé. mmde.uly5lW.O 1, cl hare,<irled record oft<ha lnnatiate Mîmalamppi. Ses-cm fur lmmei&ta use. t«ar algan rloigad Precajeata ara mat caniImg thai la mmciiSae r alm m alcn m eme.garelim isia ng aita ouininng b - tue mmdii torrent, sud -romp, gararesmi ltmiigortitalon el-thoneamia af people bave roeesailna movai tospaitursaieo rala. h t arine andiM h etifloodai ton- su.~ ~ l mass 'rii m tamt a aui.01er<a 1. vit P05> mc pprarat m In lu .ou logo, os rafta, oe <ha roafsc ni Mme ,Uicma aise a rlted tac ra- uibe ommes. Ou thea suI aol inolthat yct VIet lU. iimeilstab.s large gmse .aa<ailgitmal raqi Tbi . eIds' arelief commîltra af Mem- Mismiceppi. ami Lauisiama, lutile groupa Pblm, cale bbac tiken rompt actIo., "a aibaît-tared Inmcm re, gatuenad ith ra ronathés bande ist itit.iE t,, re heirfamlles amitai-m animais, waiting tII retfng lus <bat cetlu aizre sumbera oto'ho rascue <bat cornes no alaeli. imliy. supplies amidprotialena bavabeen Ami mtlithtide rimas andl accus ami osut; te tii. vartona ponta In Arkansas amd Id adsn i&lgso fdet mimpr.tibî emominit a. but th. mnt <iiw mimna eulneou i a W .ci nebythe» efforts la te part- sudmisiater thraugi the breken lavece, i 1PUCmit ha muet icote a orss t cfarmg. ami mtli tue mlx-fotoantrac ofn Minus', Reatlenbas yet bBa eamfrn b *0o i af<.Iha IataUVîteg-l < n? ot ami th. Dakatuaitukami pour thel? BREAK IN TitE LEVEE UELOW MEMPIIL e el b 01 a tf pi ia etuî onB le th cabeli until oMqte re ité th l' h. eulera iey are lie directS MWe Drale,<b. a Pm tice<ni.!. î 'bahd a meeing a bitai ta faninalate ke -ropenii. Ë1r a au m u af »aWmta MEbl .Thé etec ar PEI NTMKINLEY'S APPUU. (RAWM bL»zapr ha. Ma e ta sPi&sà laitEDD,- tori, f . . àf*Kme. a comploet es-f > mm e it ut e MS et echeelsek lo age 1&*a o * uemsofttiot oa.e JiaKIrbi a ne Aao iceageuse tetaS00» achaoamvle. Il, Maret a8 go ».cmati bat tii. atIes et Rttafamd laa hVmsi .bhuaslte theemploy et Juige ICtih t"Mattel tou sm o «A in, & for eao lima în, dambon tIng eau. bacii Il~ lý 111190M l Ap leto h cli ttueMut mensand amldeepetir Puilta. oser teaag hia preporty. Draper aaMiàb Essange faonthi. e eaucuat. hil mii uei bIt a posititon. fiai Presidai mcRlnleiappalei te con- cemi ta on rtoréthor ani trout ubait îm erie. Wesaaifor reliei for bautlthé <. touble hases. Drapar lalueil <bal 8"i saen.umami Comerema cas queciho bi mwucm litlgm ven bhinines. ta sspond. Homla theteztaofthe mss- only tuahorehilfei. Becoutddeoati 1 mag: uat aof oi peparlng papera ai Hastings <ai label <hem cii$ gl liic w< bihbas reccti eme te nua miBAtube thea ciit aiprpaclg1 n rain et roum et t- km I@Mmiet hem tate. and Tesm, m. car- The trouble culmna<ad <boa Draper1 nrus an =- s 0ltpressaiHastings ton a recman <lii ho <ai t eut Lad e tiaino bai n lrcmi ad uanscered <11h an eatb uarmautai pe tue onoda w"bie ave Metahslie cim thiInS mare ta do <1<1 <t,à * nu. aL taiaieion alabeutatti. hlm. An appoal te Judge Krby boi ne dora<o e t entitlarie l&t hava y effeet andi Draper reslgue m <a 0 MdX ttLei tha Mihwpt yixM h*gan hurlasefor hîmmeîf. lu aider ta gaI mis tebas machailetha. teu =,Ia t traugl i 1h bita car ihe bai ta have sor antit et lMemphis. ten Ortenvillea. NiasaceSm ta tue books hbelai belpai ta pie- e Siuaietetr mm <ban 25a miles by riterpae. e bii i5pt àa yIc thAe door, sole upetthro are unwet aI stc r ac a9m is vi«"cndurnietr. ai a te.-amid cidei ta mac if the CoMinlatioit on àm yetaiin rou ton miles sota ai be vamit door boi been tiamagsmiami offP~~l te M ulae a tii.ami tram fa@<o foundII1<liai ot. lIa cent tuer. nîglut saint w1ié, la inbmergei. 1Hurir " ae et refctivtesitai c &tieait l t te theabahtrattcet tgeter are cludei la the ani- diti..H. <ai auapectei ami cas ahai- magateteeIn.luthia ectllona ftOocai by a detective ton aven a monti. but tuoe.are tram 8%000 to e 000 .00 I. < h hedff nmmiiithb. eteôtite cent off pro"Ipetbac beau iactroyei au w i t. um a a Sbairen mpened. Grocînna crapm duti ani a day an ico mter maieeihie beau ruIned. tiioi ai ofcttehave tact riait te the ofile.. Hatings unox- Ir.dracmed. an the inhabitants cf car- tata &m iac reilanai cliii atrvatlin. As petely atrei ami Draper misaia- BATTLESHIP IOWA 1 TitE QUEEN F AMERICAN WAR VESSELS. Hie/imSSippi VALi.IY aeaia et lmuseamiles et 1 rmen Suhrnarge-i-llle ate Cijiltai taba-Aglthtmtl Dpas.t-Oaî d@ ont DaistetaFlod PVis- AppalitUpaeaGis-eu. re Oaci conittions La tie South are llmgU. h. iuhmlpi vmlteY la !en amcmi hyondiIntelligent rOmpre- on. To gIve an hdemaifthea igiiful Uem tie iclngai havé wnoilght fron . Ii.. aouhid, Iis sel-ei<Plaia- taile la appeniai: SIUBEIOND LIANDS. or ailes la MîiaIppi---------..71011 ar mles iAla.n-ans .............4501 r.e mlles In Tennessee..--------.l1.20 i. mles lu <,onlana----------.. 4W notal .... ...... ...- *...... .....1.11(lo0 IiIaKR oVrPARUMS tINttt W#TKR. Elmaissppl-----------------.... 114lais Lbsuna,---------------1010 imo.e------------ .000 'niai-------------------- 11)I. PARU CEA~UDER WATÇI. roved i l--------2.OlAI aprovod 1ai-------------1.".,.100e.000 Total ...... .... ........ ...---- 000.011) VA j.ilt F OF t <iNlii<t0ED tLA NS. Ulmaîsmppl------------- ooo Arkanas.......-- .--------:1.00S.»D Missuri .............-* --- .oooo TotaI .........iï i .51lt.001).000 PITAL INV98TEDIN1.4ltltUiTIRIC liicie.lppi--------------4.000.000) Arkansas------------ Missouri--------- 90.000o Tennessee------------- IDuc t TE ijEiN LART YVEAP. Total----------- ii20< alusipp-----------------------Itl. Total------------------------....a i. attetitant mal eam compliediran Ilimulca gatiarai by the Depantimant 0a nicultir. 1I.basai UPon a hart pr ai u nden <he direction ai tii. chiai o1 ec.ather buras ming lia autant 0o afooci. To hua chaît<he dopaniment rapplici he rrop clatîstica ai 189. ai pcegeutimi mare clomt <an any Othe' raIable data <heaseagsud mivaine 0o ýcrops ofI 897noc in jvapariu. Tii <ies ni populaton, ai tiie nuMbel l acreage oi farineanmioaithe value on mis sud Tarin imptemn te, lanc <home 0c ceteonms, and <ho staticticc Ofiva stuci 7eith dipartmnt's 0c lgots focr.Jan 1897. tl la siguifiraiiltinht tus repart la finif i the aouth,-rudistricts uaallufood Inian. No ratimato hl$ hein propari( 1<ha damaira donc lu the Northcasi. Tii, akola, Nebraska, Minnemota. Iowa. Il nia aud ocher scions are ,tilli focaed ut no fgures have tue-n comPilIel <o min' ,bat haro,, the <oraents have <rought. No mention is imite ofthelnlas ut liif hile tew pu-rana have beau drownuc iI Dy one loratit, il is roncodid tual th 'al i gure la venu hlgh. but theen slr î7y ai hani<o mialla avenun mntilce. a imoat casasthe people dcowntnd bar een awsy icom aml coulinas oftraie o iniunicalioii. Dataila of the Dinsmio. The total aria naer Caler April <i c -8W1 suoare tmiles. of u-hicb 7.1900 mquai nuecma cin limimip. i4,5(x) wa Uc.~~ ~ WnA im a. . sa e t iles i ismauri. 1,2W0ia Temnesee sud 4501 Tmilcîginu cmilui in 189.fmtaDni whi ludefinite bonnidary linea of it lini. a populalltionutf370fl, oi ciii [86.48, or aout uni-hait. wesinil gsippi, 100.= 5in Aransiasami he Y nainier. alami aqually diviie<t betwed Missouri and Tennesee. Tiie foodiddistricta ConaiSn. Illa imo atai, 38,5W0 farine.oai hh18,50W n ýnMiaalaalipl. nacly 10.000 In Arkauca an a lii. number about equallu dlvii becian Mismouri sud Tennessee. The farin rantaîn a total iraof 3.900,0 tram, ami-haIt ni chich ta lu Miaimmilp ani rathan n'irone-iourth in Ariana ta. Mimsouri and Tomut tam haine about thceanmss sa lteCa of tic neuhar oi farina. Tha total val oths ti-etrine, wlth <heîr Improtain farta Implamoenta. etc.. sin(11165.0S,000, iere ma <iitheproportions lu tii. diffeai Stales are about the camne oas&bove notq Pestilence M,.î Came. The people of liie United States s Lever reallue Ithe eetent a1t<ha grent iOc ani can iarily apprait-lateh suiferi which il bringa tun sevral h,îndrei thi ami humun haines. Not nly are <il9 fond suffanra c autiug for tha meceai: of lite, for toond u sieller. 'bot on ies coin mInce. tien<ha facea lieu are signat atagrrai he ii o, eiga that <ha savinga ni Yeara have hl wept aeay anidIliat ilciii <taie a dei or more oi toit sud privation ta ranch, condition <heu Ceca in bains-e the 0l came. Nor Inm <is the mont iatrea, foiture out<ha situation, fori heu gr dreii nowi i.hi mminent danger oiEr [lIeuce ciii.tle <store subaide. Fev aud plaines inter over the aubmergad ona anarendu <o mnatch <hein vieil The naging waters have deuit mercîti cliti human ltieca-prababu oi n <ian 200 haine drocuci thnnugh the tre volcu-itIt the pestilence viii not no saiiu$ f lovai nsamie ilitwill cs mufferine horrible lu Conteuplate. It la imposible, of course, <nta etît aveu approxiniatelY thedamiage ion. the fondis, but il aurîly lo-tii a Il toce 10),00(,000. More hn 150.(«X) 1 cons are homeles. mialtered umier aira c ota, in tenta. box cars ani arn . Y than t<ie ai nani are silîlliving in I haines. auncounici bu <star, andi celliersa itlc idri star. More ihan 000 fain imais bava beau ieatcoyei ths foaci ami mamu ni thLae that <re rnet tn places ni refnge have perlshcd. la a, aicienine mituation ami thea <ni mot yet. Thoiuia u niofperman@,r comen amd ciliren, are s!neli ar lu tha trac tops and cu the unsnima bllocis ai Arkmansas amiilli ara -11 ltgsag<a mu# ,-i oron bausahoan md are fei hi boa# miontfrinMempia Bd*cs ethen pointa.,- DAN VOORIIte . D , D. -$Tat i remo ofaet haWabbeei' et Lent Tattera and ttI Daniel W. Voorimea, ux-Ulttanu. tal Seatrfn tm imilma, dilai t &0IO i atur isi mormlg i hi* home lIm «A lugtan. D. C. HielUai beau la Pan! be&l< for mavanulicara, anffering troam ntiteU tilm nof the heurt. Hlm trtasie<baeut expectei to hear et bia death madd. At last reporte, however, ho <ai .oWtSb aigunefi mprotament. Bis iaa<h. tuaui' fore. whiti mat antinei unaxpetai eguw <11h a aboci. Mi. Variac s u@ 76eel oId. Prier ta hia ntîreme»tt rain publiae W* an Matchi 4 lant, ho had haen fer * yenrs os. ai the nast commPiitittm i690« in tii. semito. [He cambain <n Ohlo.AIN1 ta en by is parents n In a cy t a a 104110 eci home ln th. Wabasii valiey. ImditiaSa D&tÂNELW. VOOzaE5. with whlbco mdere ho mobriquet or't he fTait sycar o ofthle w&aaaii,"hm nmre has ince hean aioatai tbcauib- out a long sud honorable poîticil ce.,. Tii. immiediste cause oft math cisM attack of engins pectorla. Twp ceehe a"o hie nid nheumnatie troubla bacame am- gravated and threcadays belote ho ld became alarming. but Dlot outil a boit bout befora the final ummorn di amy ournsia- ize tbat deaah waa near. The reaile wee .token ta Terre Haute, lad., for la terment. WIL.L 00 TO CUBA. Jdate Williama9. Dear mea oBpmaaê comlmaimirfer United lStatea. Judge William R. Day, Who cli gt t cuba a a peclal commimaomanr for the United States tobehap-asent et the imeamîl- gationujuta tho cesth Of Dr. Itula, la o» of the. loamituecitizen@ of CRntoO. .o ,nany years the indge bas been a mer eigbhor and an lntiinate permonal fricai of Prenidenit McKlnley. H. in a on Of wbt* - bm f'nýý 4 --i ,ý iaft- 11 JIIDOM W. a.LliÂT. Lotien Day. cm m. as hbiei the Ohmo Suprema Court. sud tram bis birth irmathai tha atunapiiera oft<halac. inigo Day cam aincaitaiaii th. Unversity nifhMichigan. ince 1872. lu whicb yaar ho wai admitti to the ban, hoh ai lIra lu canton. He cas ealetad Jouge oftheb court na commun plae l n l«8. ao that Occasion cas the candidate ni <ha Be- publîcan and Dcmocratic îparties. Mis I)ay 1. à leader lu canton ocltY ami la oofn the"uWet unostantatioflacomen in t haworim. Mh la lie mother ai four nougg. A bout the Faut Of Wcr. Greace hmm a Population Oi 2-187,2MB No part of Greece a ifortY mile.tris the e. Gracce in a liltle urgec <hanune-hait ef Pennusylvaielf. Iltilfls i the usame hi chich the Greeka cuit <hein coutryi. The royal Palaceaia Atiien,,. ut iy rKing Otto, coat $2,flO00 Oeeaco ha. a longer cOÈnat h <ha ta of lqpain ami portugal togather. 'Abut une-hlaIt ha populatimof e Greece arc hpherdm and agrltuilata Tii. prisent King of Greece. George I., came <o the <icone iu 1863, at the age ai Thi, Creeki119glian white crogss Onaàbise grouni. <ha Bavarian colora and the tireai cros.. King George of Gre a i a brother et F<he Princesa oi WalesanamiOutthe mother ufth <aCzar of tlaia S Tic standing ami aton rce.consistm et 16,2W infantry. 3.120 cavairy. 3,842 ar- rtitlery, 1,0M0 agîneerandi3,400 oilcees. b The !îgiglative power ot Cracra la vat- ë d lu a single body, calied the Boule. Tii. memubera are eleclii hy the peuple evary fou tU ypiars. It The prisent boundary limtita ai Gro". an cira determinid by un arrangement 'hi- iGriot Britaiu. France, itusmîn ami Tai-. cg kîy. luly 21, 1832. à.110« <o l'rlte Cari Partîce, ir Throurbout thecounutry pri-le chlal,- eleire, Pedro aoi tier cari partloÉhAW-I W berome %fry POPular, but if tiie déectpe> id wblichwon receuli randcred bY a àiî bill, Misa., judga lea uetatuei that a* . ot social amusement ban rec.ivei a »Oýe in rions bloc. A 1lernue ci gOuM w omanu ceother iii recoivedana a pi mous latter warning her ngainmt oa~ - prises for wciat. The letter cwu bdh i« to .Justice Carter, ai the. poile. euriÇ, no deeflcithat <hit ftoisilaca .jg r- gamblilm and that ho <antd islaai of rante if eamplalii<a e!. MI.~h cuit ina a compt eto tppl ôt. n- parties n Htvcritl. la <a1r Ie boa conditiom bua aready beouvai volume loto thea araadi umprecedent-, SOU&. and havitful d eurrent. Levees frou St. Leula ta the. rliencttt V rnksbur ambiaken aid ietrayi. Cre- ecta t6ei.bave Mrentmtlyontei Tovssmes arneveryciiere. 'iwentythomiani mac~abIII i trtier c wa ctu <bIs 4t0" men have tought nîght ami dey. and are Mi~ tamraumlii iirelietf ti tuitli figbtlmg the roaring waters. îIn th tu$.hie rau. aee m eusi ta . bt<ha baciicodu amdi"Ioati loclarnia ai Ar- rar nt= tla<haepeole O m b O ~kama &adiMisissiappi thaumando ai pon eé,co ti.% matai. am tL mtterm bave beau iciuged ami arc eut m a vo emuumaai beion troue comuication or retenu. flou- va boc: ni Ml. tM f fare arluata have heen iracu- ig thrnnee i. cri ai thelocal autb é&- d.Colvert»anamibridges bave beanu if- tlU inte -stama u'Od. ad acui ami rallroai traffe impeisi. Be-. WILLIAM EKIXLEUT Mtin aslew amdiniaequate, ami the cmi A rosolutonea <a.t once paioi bye flqei.apprapelatlm< $50.000 for tue asut-la btnt l. ltreauai,. Sonate glvlmg 1< apeedy m a ion t he a ram lutlo i c a i ca nniedt e t h e 'A N W hite )o me. iel. <hoPrsiiern id F ', signi IL fSffarera tram floade along te 1w River ai tue Narth are lneluiei ln the ire d moi M eeayAguracei cit couodmi tor distribution ai relmef tar5Sufeic. S tu y offeflr . ______ mt Mqapie, And.m,diy~iing the RIsW EHuymor ai- cmautoet a tue nedibet the peope. Âme4bcr dtait n,ïa f h laeo af olierm cli ollo<,iatrtutingrta- tiens la aceoriamea cth th reportme ofJ. I. Allen Es-mec poutmaater ai Fuir- the» sars, acain la iiacmon7 <11th tue haves, Vt., ftcelving tho firet poetmamtwe' local t"net coâinutee. Memphis cM comum"oalumlnoi hi Prsaiemt McKin- ha teadquatolu fer tie Percba-eof sup- ley. pliéeamd isietbuioni. 7ia six ditrett Prederlci Sauniers, ofthte Amiar Li- ltota hi*iithUWg[Wmasppi <tii be Sluldei brry, la tue aideailvilgtbrca. . for pepmof inlvestigattinamdi iltri- vriamamtu i t placeiby ilnte bedo am aa t boilc: PVeauMemnpbis Irving. dowu ta Heina;- troua Hélemadown. ta Ex-Poomtrnmr GenralWilaon la ta ii gfetll.; tram OreenviSe B «> Iaugusi dpesident ai Waashington amd Viehabus; trueVicksburgs te. Nec Or- LUlm verDWOMZ lenio, Vi4,,on Tues- léa fma;truMemph ub ettear; tram olin iay, Sept. 14. lp. -_ _ _- - The klg of Bam lutuait nec- cimMs~n em. ,talsla uaamuair in bus 2600-ton mIesa , taIl- 9%6-1.4 -"i. -<se maz